Conflict and compromise of Siva and Vishnu 1.75.15-19
Having understood the doubt prevailing in the minds of gods, Brahma created enmity between Siva and Vishnu. Although these three are but different forms of the same Supreme Being, which are seen as three separate entities through maya, the friction between them would be dissolved by itself. With this in mind he created enmity. At the time of the fight Visnu roared and Siva’s bow became ineffective. When the might of rajas takes over, the other gunas are defeated. So when Visnu was filled with rajo guna, the other gunas represented by Siva became paralyzed. Witnessing this, the gods’ doubts were cleared and they requested Siva and Visnu to stop fighting. What was decided? On seeing the bow of Siva becoming ineffectual by the roar of Visnu, the gods considered him more powerful of the two. But this should not be taken for granted because, after all, they are different names and forms of the same Supreme Being. Their relative strength depends entirely on which of the gunas is more prominent at a given time; as for example, when this duel was fought, the rajoguna was more prominent in Visnu's form. On the other hand, when Siva killed Tripura or when he destroyed the sacrifice of Daksa, the rajoguna was more prominent in him.
Conflict and compromise of Siva and Vishnu 1.75.15-19
Having understood the doubt prevailing in the minds of gods, Brahma created enmity between Siva and Vishnu. Although these three are but different forms of the same Supreme Being, which are seen as three separate entities through maya, the friction between them would be dissolved by itself. With this in mind he created enmity. At the time of the fight Visnu roared and Siva’s bow became ineffective. When the might of rajas takes over, the other gunas are defeated. So when Visnu was filled with rajo guna, the other gunas represented by Siva became paralyzed. Witnessing this, the gods’ doubts were cleared and they requested Siva and Visnu to stop fighting. What was decided? On seeing the bow of Siva becoming ineffectual by the roar of Visnu, the gods considered him more powerful of the two. But this should not be taken for granted because, after all, they are different names and forms of the same Supreme Being. Their relative strength depends entirely on which of the gunas is more prominent at a given time; as for example, when this duel was fought, the rajoguna was more prominent in Visnu's form. On the other hand, when Siva killed Tripura or when he destroyed the sacrifice of Daksa, the rajoguna was more prominent in him.