Sloka & Translation


[Sumantra narrates the manner in which Rsyasringa was brought to Anga--Romapada sends courtesans to lure Rsyasringa and to get him to faminestricken Anga--rains follow ending famine Rsyasringa marries Santa, daughter of Romapada.]

सुमन्त्रश्चोदितो राज्ञा प्रोवाचेदं वचस्तदा।

यथर्श्यशृङ्गस्त्वानीत श्श्रुणु मे मन्त्रिभिस्सह।।1.10.1।।

राज्ञा by the king, चोदित: prompted, सुमन्त्र: Sumantra, तदा then, इदम् these words, प्रोवाच said, स:ऋश्यशृङ्ग: that Rsyasringa, मन्त्रिभि:सह with ministers, यथा in what manner, आनीत: was brought, मे to me, शृणु listen.

Thus prompted by king Dasaratha, Sumantra said, "I shall relate to you the manner in which Rsyasringa was brought to the court. Listen to me along with your ministers".
रोमपादमुवाचेदं सहामात्य: पुरोहित:।

उपायो निरपायोऽयमस्माभिरभिचिन्तित:।। 1.10.2।।

सहामात्य: along with ministers, पुरोहित: the priest, रोमपादम् to Romapada, इदम् these words, उवाच addressed, अस्माभि: by us, निरपाय: without danger, अयम् this, उपाय: plan, अभिचिन्तित: is thought over.

The priest accompanied by ministers said to Romapada, "We have thought over a plan which will never fail."
ऋश्यशृङ्गो वनचरस्तपस्स्वाध्ययने रत:।

अनभिज्ञस्स नारीणां विषयाणां सुखस्य च।1.10.3।।

ऋश्यशृङ्ग: Risyasringa, वनचर: residing in forests, तप: स्वाध्ययने रत: delighted in the study of vedas, स: he, नारीणाम् of women, विषयाणाम् of pleasures, सुखस्य च of worldly enjoyments, अनभिज्ञ: not acquainted with.

"Rsyasringa, residing in the forest, is engrossed in the study of the Vedas. He is not acquainted with women and sensual pleasures.
इन्द्रियार्थैरभिमतैर्नरचित्तप्रमाथिभि: ।

पुरमानाययिष्याम: क्षिप्रं चाध्यवसीयताम्।। 1.10.4।।

नरचित्तप्रमाथिभि: overpowering the minds of men, अभिमतै: dear, इन्द्रियार्थै: with sensual pleasures, पुरम् town, आनाययिष्याम: we will prompt him to come over, क्षिप्रम् quickly, अध्यवसीयताम् may it be determined.

By means of such things that can cause sensual pleasures and overpower the minds of men, we shall be able to bring him to the town. Let it be decided quickly (said the ministers)
गणिकास्तत्र गच्छन्तु रूपवत्यस्स्वलङ्कृता:।

प्रलोभ्य विविधोपायैरानेष्यन्तीह सत्कृता:।।1.10.5।।

रूपवत्य: beautiful, स्वलङ्कृता: wellattired, गणिका: courtesans, सत्कृता: welltreated by you, तत्र there, गच्छन्तु let them go, विविधोपायै: by various means, प्रलोभ्य alluring him, इह here, आनेष्यन्ति will bring him here.

Beautiful and welladorned courtesans, may be sent there. They will allure him by various means and honourably bring him here.
श्रुत्वा तथेति राजा च प्रत्युवाच पुरोहितम्।

पुरोहितो मन्त्रिणश्च तथा चक्रुश्च ते तदा।।1.10.6।।

राजा king, श्रुत्वा having listened, तथा इति let it be done in that way, पुरोहितम् priest, प्रत्युवाच replied, तदा then, पुरोहित: priest, ते those, मन्त्रिणश्च ministsers, तथा in the same way, चक्रु: acted.

The king, having listened to these words, conveyed his approval saying, 'Let it be done that way'. The priests and ministers acted accordingly.
वारमुख्याश्च तच्छ्रुत्वा वनं प्रविविशुर्महत्।

आश्रमस्याविदूरेऽस्मिन् यत्नं कुर्वन्ति दर्शने।।1.10.7।।

ऋषिपुत्रस्य धीरस्य नित्यमाश्रमवासिन:।

तत् श्रुत्वा having heard this, वारमुख्या: beautiful courtesans, महत् great, वनम् forest, प्रविविशु: entered, आश्रमस्य of the hermitage, अस्मिन् अविदूरे not at a distance, धीरस्य of that man having controlled senses, नित्यम् always, आश्रमवासिन: residing in the forest, ऋषिपुत्रस्य son of rishi, दर्शने sight of, यत्नम् effort, कुर्वन्ति made.

Having heard this, beautiful courtesans entered the great forest and remaining at a place not far from the hermitage made efforts to steal a sight of this son of a sage (Rsyasringa), this forest dweller, this controller of the senses.
पितुस्सनित्यसन्तुष्टो नातिचक्राम चाश्रमात्।।1.10.8।।

न तेन जन्मप्रभृति दृष्टपूर्वं तपस्विना।

स्त्री वा पुमान्वा यच्चान्यत्सर्वं नगरराष्ट्रजम्।। 1.10.9।।

नित्यसन्तुष्ट: always contended, स: Rsyasringa, पितु: father's, आश्रमात् from the hermitage, नातिचक्राम never stirred out, तपस्विना by the ascetics, तेन by him, जन्मप्रभृति from his birth, स्त्री वा neither a woman, पुमान्वा nor a man, नगरराष्ट्रजम् born in towns or cities, सर्वम् all, यत् अन्यत् other creatures, न दृष्टपूर्वम् did not see earlier.

He (Rsyasringa) was always content and never stirred out of his father's hermitage. Absorbed in penance he had never seen a woman or a man nor any of the creatures born in towns or cities right from his birth.
तत: कदाचित्तं देशमाजगाम यदृच्छया।

विभण्डकसुतस्तत्र ताश्चापश्यद्वराङ्गना:।।1.10.10।।

तत: thereafter, कदाचित् on one day, विभण्डकसुत: son of Vibhandaka, यदृच्छया accidentally, तं देशम् towards that place, आजगाम came, तत्र there, ता: those, वराङ्गना: beautiful women, अपश्यत् saw.

One day this son of Vibhandaka (Rsyasringa) accidentally came to the place where he saw the beautiful women.
ताश्चित्रवेषा: प्रमदा गायन्त्यो मधुरस्वरा:।

ऋषिपुत्रमुपागम्य सर्वा वचनमब्रुवन्।। 1.10.11।।

चित्रवेषा: beautifully attired, मधुरस्वरा: having sweet voices, गायन्त्य: singing, ता: those प्रमदा: women, सर्वा: all, ऋषिपुत्रम् Rsyasringa, उपागम्य having approached, अब्रुवन् said.

Those wonderfully attired women singing with sweet voices approached the son of the sage (Rsyasringa) and said:
कस्त्वं किं वर्तसे ब्रह्मन् ज्ञातुमिच्छामहे वयम्।

एकस्त्वं विजने घोरे वने चरसि शंस न:।। 1.10.12।।

ब्रह्मन् O Brahman, त्वं क: who are you? किं वर्तसे how are you subsisting? त्वम् you, एक: alone, विजने in a lonely, घोरे dreadful, वने in the forest, चरसि you are roaming, वयम् we, ज्ञातुम् to know, इच्छामहे desirous, न:शंस tell us.

'O brahman Who are you? How are you subsisting? We wish to know why you are roaming alone in this dreadful forest? Could you tell us.'
अदृष्टरूपास्तास्तेन काम्यरूपा वने स्त्रिय:।

हार्दात्तस्य मतिर्जाता व्याख्यातुं पितरं स्वकम्।।1.10.13।।

काम्यरूपा: women of charming appearance, ता: स्त्रिय: those women, तेन by him, वने in the forest, अदृष्टरूपा: whose forms were never seen before, हार्दात् due to affection, तस्य for him, स्वकं पितरम् about his father, व्याख्यातुम् narrating, मति: intention, जाता arose.

He had never seen such charming women in the forest. He developed affection towards them and a desire arose in him to speak about his father.
पिता विभण्डकोऽस्माकं तस्याहं सुत औरस:।

ऋश्यशृङ्ग इति ख्यातं नाम कर्म च मे भुवि।।1.10.14।।

विभण्डक: Vibhandaka, अस्माकम् our, पिता father, अहम् I, तस्य his, औरस: सुत: his own son, मे my, ऋश्यशृङ्ग Rsyasringa, इति thus, नाम name, कर्म च through result of an action (having one horn on his head), भुवि world over, ख्यातम् is known.

'My father is Vibhandaka. I am his own son. My name is Rsyasringa. I am known the world over by this name associated with my karma'.
इहाश्रमपदोऽस्माकं समीपे शुभदर्शना:।

करिष्ये वोऽत्र पूजां वै सर्वेषां विधिपूर्वकम्।।1.10.15।।

शुभदर्शना: O auspicious looking women, अस्माकम् our, आश्रमपद: hermitage, इह here, समीपे nearby, अत्र here, व: सर्वेषाम् to all of you, पूजाम् hospitable reception, विधिपूर्वकम् according to scriptural injunctions, करिष्ये I will extend.

'O auspiciouslooking women, our hermitage is nearby. I will extend to you due hospitality'.
ऋषिपुत्रवचश्श्रुत्वा सर्वासां मतिरास वै।

तदाश्रमपदं द्रष्टुं जग्मुस्सर्वाश्च तेन ता:।। 1.10.16।।

ऋषिपुत्रवच: words of the son of ascetic, Rishyashringa, श्रुत्वा having listened, सर्वासाम् for all those women, तत् आश्रमपदम् that hermitage, द्रष्टुम् to see, मति: desire, आस वै arose, सर्वा: all of them, तेन with him, जग्मु: च accompanied.

After listening to the words of the sage's son (Rsyasringa), all the beautiful women with a desire to see the hermitage accompanied him.
आगतानां तत: पूजामृषिपुत्रश्चकार ह।

इदमर्घ्यमिदं पाद्यमिदं मूलमिदं फलं च न:।।1.10.17।।

तत: thereafter, ऋषिपुत्र: son of ascetic, इदम् this one, न: our, अर्घ्यम् respectable offerings, इदम् this, पाद्यम् water for washing feet, इदम् this, मूलम् roots, फलं च fruits also, आगतानाम् for all those who have come, पूजाम् homage, चकार ह performed.

Thereafter the son of ascetic respectfully received the the strangers saying, "(Accept) our offerings, here is water for washing feet and here are roots and fruits".
प्रतिगृह्य च तां पूजां सर्वा एव समुत्सुका:।

ऋषेर्भीताश्च शीघ्रं ता गमनाय मतिं दधु:।।1.10.18।।

ता: सर्वा: all of them, समुत्सुका: anxious persons, तां पूजाम् those offerings, प्रतिगृह्य having received, ऋषे: of the ascetic, भीता: feared, शीघ्रम् immediately, गमनाय to return, मतिम् minds, दधु: decided.

The anxious courtesans received the offerings and afraid of the ascetic's return, made up their minds to withdraw immediately.
अस्माकमपि मुख्यानि फलानीमानि वै द्विज ।

गृहाण प्रति भद्रं ते भक्षयस्व च मा चिरम्।।1.10.19।।

द्विज O Brahmin, अस्माकम् our, मुख्यानि excellent, इमानि फलान्यपि these fruits also, प्रतिगृहाण you may accept, भद्रम् ते prosperity to you, भक्षयस्व you may eat, चिरम् मा do not delay.

'O brahmin, these are excellent fruits. May prosperity be to you. Accept them and eat them without delay.'
ततस्तास्तं समालिङ्ग्य सर्वा हर्षसमन्विता:।

मोदकान्प्रददुस्तस्मै भक्ष्यांश्च विविधान् बहून्।।1.10.20।।

तत: there upon, ता: सर्वा: all of them, तम् him, समालिङ्ग्य embracing, हर्षसमन्विता: they were filled with joy, तस्मै for him, बहून् plentiful, मोदकान् sweetmeats, विविधान् various, भक्ष्यांश्च other articles of food, प्रददु: gave.

Then, all the courtesans embracing him with joy, offered plentiful sweetmeats and various items of food.
तानि चास्वाद्य तेजस्वी फलानीति स्म मन्यते।

अनास्वादितपूर्वाणि वने नित्यनिवासिनाम्।।1.10.21।।

तेजस्वी Rsyasringa, possessing the lustre of Brahma, वने in the forest, नित्यनिवासिनाम् of those who are always residing in the forest, अनास्वादितपूर्वाणि which were not tasted earlier, तानि them, आस्वाद्य having tasted, फलानि इति as fruits, मन्यते स्म thought about them.

The lustrous (Rsyasringa) who had never tasted any food other than what was offered by the permanent forestdwellers mistook them for fruits.
आपृच्छ्य च तदा विप्रं व्रतचर्यां निवेद्य च।

गच्छन्ति स्मापदेशात्ता भीतास्तस्य पितुस्स्त्रिय:।।1.10.22।।

तदा then, ता: स्त्रिय: those women, विप्रम् Rsyasringa, आपृच्छ्य bidding farewell, व्रतचर्याम् observance of religious austerities, निवेद्य having made known, तस्य his, पितु: for his father, भीता: afraid of, अपदेशात् on that pretext, गच्छन्ति स्म went away.

The ladies apprehensive of (the arrival of) his father took leave of him on the pretext of observance of (evening) rites.
गतासु तासु सर्वासु काश्यपस्यात्मजो द्विज:।

अस्वस्थहृदयश्चासीद्दु:खं स्म परिवर्तते।।1.10.23।।

तासु सर्वासु when all of them, गतासु (सतीषु ) having departed, काश्यपस्य Kasyapa's, आत्मज: son, द्विज: brahmin, अस्वस्थहृदय: restless in mind, आसीत् remained, दु:खम् sorrow, परिवर्तते स्म moved him around.

When they all departed, Kasyapa's son, the brahmin roamed (Rsyasringa) with a restless mind charged with sorrow.
ततोऽपरेद्युस्तं देशमाजगाम स वीर्यवान्।

मनोज्ञा यत्र ता दृष्टा वारमुख्यास्स्वलङ्कृताः।।1.10.24।।

तत: afterwards, वीर्यवान् possessing the power of penance, स: he, अपरेद्यु: on the following day, मनोज्ञा: pleasing to the mind, वारमुख्या: courtesans, स्वलङ्कृता: welladorned, ता: the courtesans, यत्र at which place, दृष्टा: were seen, तं देशम् that place, आजगाम came.

On the following day, the sage armed with the power of penance, came to the place where he had seen those enticing, welladorned courtesans.
दृष्ट्वैव च तास्तदा विप्रमायान्तं हृष्टमानसा:।

उपसृत्य ततस्सर्वास्तास्तमूचुरिदं वच:।।1.10.25।।

तदा then, ता: they, आयान्तम् approaching, तं विप्रम् that brahmin, दृष्ट्वा एव after seeing him, हृष्टमानसा: rejoiced in mind, ता: सर्वा: all of them, तत: thereafter, उपसृत्य having approached, तम् addressing him, इदं वच: these words, ऊचु: uttered.

All of them were rejoiced on seeing the brahmin approaching them, came nearer to him and said:
एह्याश्रमपदं सौम्य ह्यस्माकमिति चाब्रुवन्।

तत्राप्येष विधिश्श्रीमान् विशेषेण भविष्यति।।1.10.26।।

हे सौम्य O Gentleman, अस्माकम् our, आश्रमपदम् hermitage, एहि you may come, तत्र there, श्रीमान् lovely, एष: विधि: this hospitable treatment, विशेषेण special, भविष्यति will be extended, इति च also, अब्रुवन् spoke.

'O handsome one, come to our hermitage. A special, sumptuous hospitality will be extended to you', they said.
श्रुत्वा तु वचनं तासां सर्वासां हृदयङ्गमम्।

गमनाय मतिं चक्रे तं च निन्युस्तदा स्त्रिय:।।1.10.27।।

तासां सर्वासाम् all theirs, हृदयङ्गमम् pleasing to the mind, वचनम् speech, श्रुत्वा having heard, गमनाय to go forth, मतिम् decison, चक्रे made, तदा then, स्त्रिय: those women, तं निन्यु: took him away.

Having heard their words pleasing to the mind, he agreed to go with them. And the women took him away.
तत्र चानीयमाने तु विप्रे तस्मिन्महात्मनि।

ववर्ष सहसा देवो जगत्प्रह्लादयंस्तदा।।1.10.28।।

महात्मनि when the illustrious, तस्मिन् विप्रे ascetic, आनीयमाने was being brought, तदा then, देव: Parjanya, Presiding deity for rains, जगत् earth, प्रह्लादयन् pleasing, सहसा at once, तत्र there, ववर्ष rained.

As the illustrious sage was being brought (to Anga) the god of rain (Parjanya) suddenly inundated the earth which looked cherful (with rain).
वर्षेणैवागतं विप्रं विषयं स्वं नराधिप:।

प्रत्युद्गम्य मुनिं प्रह्वश्शिरसा च महीं गत:।।1.10.29।।

नराधिपः king Romapada, वर्षेणैव along with rain, स्वम् his own, विषयम् country, आगतम् arrived, मुनिम् ascetic, विप्रम् brahmin, (Rsyasringa), प्रत्युद्गम्य gone out to welcome, प्रह्व: bowed down humbly, शिरसा with head, महीम् ground, गत: touched.

The king (Romapada) went out to welcome the ascetic, the brahmin who brought along with him rains to his country. He humbly bowed down his head and prostrated before him.
अर्घ्यं च प्रददौ तस्मै न्यायतस्सुसमाहित:।

वव्रे प्रसादं विप्रेन्द्रान्मा विप्रं मन्युराविशेत्।।1.10.30।।

सुसमाहित: concentrating his mind, तस्मै to him, अर्घ्यम् च offerings, न्यायत: righteously, प्रददौ gave, विप्रेन्द्रात् from the brahmin (Rsyasringa), प्रसादम् favour, वव्रे sought, विप्रम् sage Vibhandaka, मन्यु: anger, आविशेत् did not pervade.

He gave that Indra among the brahmins offerings righteously with unstinted devotion and asked for his favour that he should not incur the wrath of the sage (his father Vibhandaka for having brought him to Anga).
अन्त:पुरं प्रविश्यास्मै कन्यां दत्त्वा यथाविधि।

शान्तां शान्तेन मनसा राजा हर्षमवाप स:।।1.10.31।।

एवं स न्यवसत्तत्र सर्वकामैस्सुपूजित:।

स: राजा the king, अन्त:पुरम् inner apartment, प्रविश्य having entered, कन्याम् daughter, शान्ताम् Shanta, अस्मै for him, यथाविधि in accordance with rules, दत्वा united him in marriage, शान्तेन peaceful, मनसा mind, हर्षम् satisfaction, अवाप experienced.
स: Rsyasringa, एवम् in this way, सर्वकामै: all desires, सुपूजित: respectfully ministered, तत्र there, न्यवसत् lived.

The king entered the inner apartment, duly offered him his daughter Shanta in marriage and experienced peace and satisfaction.
Thus he (Rsyasringa) lived there, with all his desires fulfilled" (said Sumantra).
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे दशमस्सर्ग:।।
Thus ends the tenth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.