Sloka & Translation


[Sumantra gives further details of the story narrated by Sanatkumara--on the advice of Sumantra, king Dasaratha goes to Romapada - requests Rsyasringa's help to conduct aswamedha yaga- Rsyasringa comes to Ayodhya.]

bhūya ēva hi rājēndra! śṛṇu mē vacanaṅ hitam.

yathā sa dēvapravara: kathāyāmēvamabravīt৷৷1.11.1৷৷

rājēndra O! Great king, sa: that Sanatkumara, dēvapravara: great among celestial beings, yathā in what so ever manner, kathāyām in the story, abravīt narrated, ēvam in this way, mē my, hitam beneficial, vacanam words, bhūya: ēva again, śṛṇu listen.

"Great king, I shall tell you the way Sanatkumara, great among the celestials further narrated the story. Listen to my words which may prove useful to you (said Sumantra)".
ikṣvākūṇāṅ kulē jātō bhaviṣyati sudhārmika:.

rājā daśarathō nāmnā śrīmānsatyapratiśrava:৷৷1.11.2৷৷

śrīmān auspicious one, satyapratiśrava: true to his promise, rājā king, daśarathō nāmnā named Dasaratha, sudhārmika: highly righteous, ikṣvākūṇām of Ikshvaku kings', kulē in the race, jāta: bhaviṣyati will be born indeed.

aṅgarājēna sakhyaṅ ca tasya rājñō bhaviṣyati.

kanyā cāsya mahābhāgā śāntā nāma bhaviṣyati৷৷1.11.3৷৷

tasya rājña: to that king (Dasaratha), aṅgarājēna with the king of Anga, sakhyaṅ ca friendship, bhaviṣyati will develop, asya for that king of Anga, mahābhāgā highly virtuous, śāntā nāma named Shanta, kanyā daughter, bhaviṣyati will be born.

That king (Dasaratha) will develop friendship with the king of Anga. A highly virtuous daughter named Santa will be born to king of Anga.
putrastu sō.ṅgarājasya rōmapāda iti śruta:.

taṅ sa rājā daśarathō gamiṣyati mahāyaśā:৷৷1.11.4৷৷

sa:aṅgarājyasya putrastu that Anga king's son, rōmapāda iti Romapada by name, śruta:will be well-known, mahāyaśā: very famous, sa: that, rājā king (Dasaratha), tam him, gamiṣyati will approach.

The famous king Dasaratha will approach the son of the king of Anga known as Romapada.
anapatyō.smi dharmātman! śāntābhartā mama kratum.

āharēta tvayājñaptassantānārthaṅ kulasya ca৷৷1.11.5৷৷

dharmātman O! Follower of righteousness, anapatya: asmi I am without children, śāntābhartā husband of Shanta, tvayā by you, ājñapta: ordered, mama my, kulasya of race, santānārtham for the sake of children (for perpetuation of my race), kratum sacrifice, āharēta he may perform.

O righteous king! I am issueless. Let Rsyasringa, husband of Santa be ordered to perform the a sacrificial ceremony so that I shall be blessed with I son for the perpetuaion of my race.
śrutvā rājñō.tha tadvākyaṅ manasā sa vicintya ca.

pradāsyatē putravantaṅ śāntābhartāramātmavān৷৷1.11.6৷৷

ātmavān prudent and wise, rājña: king's, tadvākyam that statement, śrutvā having heard, atha thereafter, sa: he, manasā vicintya ca after thinking over deeply in the mind, putravantam him who has sons, śāntābhartāram husband of Shanta, pradāsyatē will offer.

On hearing his words and deeply thinking over the matter, the prudent Romapada agreed to send, Santa's husband (Rsyasringa), capable of blessing him with a son.
pratigṛhya ca taṅ vipraṅ sa rājā vigatajvara:.

āhariṣyati taṅ yajñaṅ prahṛṣṭēnāntarātmanā৷৷1.11.7৷৷

sa: rājā that king, taṅ vipram that brahmin, pratigṛhya ca having received (along with him), vigatajvara: relieved of his mental suffering, prahṛṣṭēna with highly delighted, antarātmanā heart, taṅ yajñam that sacrifice, āhariṣyati will perform.

The king relieved of his suffering, was highly delighted. He would take the brahmin with him and perform the sacrificial ritual.
taṅ ca rājā daśarathō yaṣṭukāma: kṛtāñjali:.

ṛśyaśṛṅgaṅ dvijaśrēṣṭhaṅ varayiṣyati dharmavit৷৷ 1.11.8৷৷

yajñārthaṅ prasavārthaṅ ca svargārthaṅ ca narēśvara:.

labhatē ca sa taṅ kāmaṅ dvijamukhyādviśāṅpati:৷৷1.11.9৷৷

yaṣṭukāma: desirous of performing sacrifice, dharmavit knower of dharma, narēśvara: lord of the people, daśaratha:rājā king Dasaratha, kṛtāñjali: with folded palms, dvijaśrēṣṭham best among brahmins, ṛṣyaśṛṅgam Rsyasringa, yajñārtham for the sake of sacrifice, prasavārthaṅ ca in order to obtain children, svargārthaṅ ca to attain heaven, varayiṣyati will choose him, sa: viśāṅpati: lord of the people, dvijamukhyāt from that prominent brahmin, taṅ kāmam those desires, labhatē ca will get.

King Dasaratha, lord of the people, and knower of dharma and truth, desirous of performing the sacrifice would ask Rsyasringa, with folded palms for granting a boon to perform a sacrifice in order to obtain children and to attain heaven. The king will get those desires fulfilled through that chief brahmin.
putrāścāsya bhaviṣyanti catvārō.mitavikramā:.

vaṅśapratiṣṭhānakarāssarvalōkēṣu viśrutā:৷৷1.11.10৷৷

asya to him, amitavikramā: men of immense prowess, vaṅśapratiṣṭhānakarā: bringing glory and fame to their dynasty, sarvalōkēṣu in all the worlds, viśrutā: renowned, catvāra: four, putrā: sons, bhaviṣyanti will be born.

Four sons of immense prowess would be born to him bringing glory and fame to their dynasty. They would be renowned in all the worlds.
ēvaṅ sa dēvapravara: pūrvaṅ kathitavānkathām.

sanatkumārō bhagavānpurā dēvayugē prabhu:৷৷1.11.11৷৷

dēvapravara: great among devatas, bhagavān holy, prabhu: competent, sa: that, sanatkumāra: Sanat kumara, purā in the early period of, dēvayugē in Krita yuga, kathām this story, ēvam in this way, kathitavān narrated.

In early times of Kritayuga, this story was narrated by the holy and competent Sanatkumara, the great one among the devatas".
sa tvaṅ puruṣaśārdūla! tamānaya susatkṛtam.

svayamēva mahārāja! gatvā sabalavāhana:৷৷1.11.12৷৷

puruṣaśārdūla greatest among men, mahārāja! O! King, sa: tvam such a man you are, sabalavāhana: along with his foreces and vehicles, svayamēva personally, gatvā having gone, susatkṛtam well-honoured, tam him, ānaya bring.

"Greatest among men, O king, along with vehicles and retinue, you may go and bring him (Rsyasringa) personally with due respect".
anumānya vasiṣṭhaṅ ca sūtavākyaṅ niśamya ca.

sānta:purassahāmātya: prayayau yatra sa dvija:৷৷1.11.13৷৷

sūtavākyam the charioteer's (Sumantra's) words, niśamya having heard, vasiṣṭhaṅ ca anumānya obtaining the consent of Vasishta, sānta:pura: accompanied by queens, sahāmātya: along with courtiers, sa:dvija: that brahmin, yatra to the place where he resided, prayayau departed.

Having heard the charioteer's words and having obtained the consent of Vasishta, he along with his queens and courtiers departed to the place where the brahmin (Rsyasringa) resided.
vanāni saritaścaiva vyatikramya śanaiśśanai:.

abhicakrāma taṅ dēśaṅ yatra vai munipuṅgava:৷৷1.11.14৷৷

śanai: śanai: slowly and slowly, vanāni forests, saritaścaiva rivers, vyatikramya crossing, munipuṅgava: foremost of ascetics, yatra where he was, taṅ dēśam that place, abhicakrāma reached.

Crossing forests and rivers slowly, the king reached the place where that foremost of
ascetics lived.
āsādya taṅ dvijaśrēṣṭhaṅ rōmapādasamīpagam.

ṛṣiputraṅ dadarśādau dīpyamānamivānalam৷৷1.11.15৷৷

āsādya having reached, rōmapādasamīpagam seated beside king Romapada, dīpyamānam glowing, analamiva like fire, dvijaśrēṣṭham best of brahmins, taṅ ṛṣiputram that son of sage, ādau in the begining, dadarśa beheld.

He reached the spot and saw the son of the ascetic, the best of brahmins glowing like fire seated next to Romapada.
tatō rājā yathānyāyaṅ pūjāṅ cakrē viśēṣata:.

sakhitvāttasya vai rājña: prahṛṣṭēnāntarātmanā৷৷1.11.16৷৷

tata: then, rājā king Romapada, prahṛṣṭēna with delight, antarātmanā in the heart, yathānyāyam as per tradition, sakhitvāt due to friendship, viśēṣata: specially, tasya of that, rājña: king Dasaratha, pūjām respectful salutations, cakrē offered.

Then the king (Romapada), delighted at heart out of friendship with the king (Dasaratha), offered special hospitality with respectful salutations in accordance with propriety.
rōmapādēna cākhyātamṛṣiputrāya dhīmatē.

sakhyaṅ sambandhakaṅ caiva tadā taṅ pratyapūjayat৷৷1.11.17৷৷

rōmapādēna by Romapada, sakhyam friendship, sambandhakaṅ caiva relationship, dhīmatē to the intellectual, ṛṣiputrāya son of the sage, ākhyātam narrated, tadā then, tam him (Romapada), pratyapūjayat in return felicitatetd.

Romapada explained his friendship and relationship with him (Dasaratha). Rsyasringa of great intellect in return felicitated Dasaratha.
ēvaṅ susatkṛtastēna sahōṣitvā nararṣabha:.

saptāṣṭadivasānrājā rājānamidamabravīt৷৷1.11.18৷৷

ēvam in this manner, susatkṛta: well-honoured, nararṣabha: the great among men, rājā king Dasaratha, tēna saha along with him, saptāṣṭa seven or eight, divasān days, uṣitvā having dwelt, rājānam addressing Romapada, idam these words, abravīt spoke.

In this manner, the great among men, the king well-honoured by Romapada, spent seven or eight days there.And then spoke this to Romapada:
śāntā tava sutā rājan! saha bhartrā viśāṅpatē.

madīyanagaraṅ yātu kāryaṅ hi mahadudyatam৷৷1.11.19৷৷

viśāṅpatē O! Lord of people, rājan king, tava sutā your daughter, śāntā Shanta, saha bhartrā along with her husband, madīyanagaram to my city, yātu let her go, mahat important, kāryam religious rite, udyatam is planned.

O lord of people, O king, It has been decided to commence an important sacrificial rite. You may send your daughter Santa along with her husband to my city.
tathēti rājā saṅśrutya gamanaṅ tasya dhīmata:.

uvāca vacanaṅ vipraṅ gaccha tvaṅ saha bhāryayā৷৷1.11.20৷৷

rājā king, tathā iti be it so, dhīmata: of the wise man, tasya gamanam for his departure, saṅśrutya having agreed, tvam you, bhāryayā saha along with your wife, gaccha please go, vipram brahmin, vacanam words, uvāca spoke.

Having agreed to the departure of the sage Romapada said, 'Be pleased to go (to Ayodhya) together with your wife'.
ṛṣiputra: pratiśrutya tathētyāha nṛpaṅ tadā.

sa nṛpēṇābhyanujñāta: prayayau saha bhāryayā৷৷1.11.21৷৷

tadā then, ṛṣiputra: son of sage, pratiśrutya having assented, nṛpam the king, tathā iti so it shall be done, āha said, nṛpēṇa by king, abhyanujñāta: having been permitted, bhāryayā saha along with his wife, prayayau departed.

The son of the sage assented to the king's command saying 'So be it'. And permitted by him, departed along with wife (for Ayodhya).
tāvanyōnyāñjaliṅ kṛtvā snēhātsaṅśliṣya cōrasā.

nanandaturdaśarathō rōmapādaśca vīryavān৷৷1.11.22৷৷

tau both, daśaratha: Dasaratha, vīryavān valiant, rōmapādaśca and Romapada, anyōnyāñjalim each other wishing with folded palms, kṛtvā having done, snēhāt with friendship, urasā heart to heart, saṅśliṣya embracing each other, nanandatu: were pleased.

Dasaratha and Romapada, pleased with this, wished each other with folded palms and hugged each other with love.
tatassuhṛdamāpṛcchya prasthitō raghunandana:.

paurēbhya: prēṣayāmāsa dūtānvai śīghragāmina:৷৷1.11.23৷৷

tata: then, raghunandana: Dasaratha, suhṛdam friend, āpṛcchya having taken leave, prasthita: set out, śīghragāmina: swiftly going, dūtān messengers, paurēbhya: to the citizens, prēṣayāmāsa despatched.

Then king Dasaratha, took leave of his friend and set out. He despatched swift-footed messengers to the citizens with the command.
kriyatāṅ nagaraṅ sarvaṅ kṣipramēva svalaṅkṛtam.

dhūpitaṅ siktasammṛṣṭaṅ patākābhiralaṅkṛtam৷৷1.11.24৷৷

sarvam the entire, nagaram city, kṣipramēva immediately, svalaṅkṛtam well decorated, dhūpitam perfumed, siktasammṛṣṭam sprinkled with water and cleaned, patākābhi: with flags, alaṅkṛtam decorated, kriyatām let it be done.

"Let the entire city be well-decorated, perfumed, sprinkled with water and cleaned with flags hoisted."
tata: prahṛṣṭā: paurāstē śrutvā rājānamāgatam.

tathā pracakrustatsarvaṅ rājñā yatprēṣitaṅ tadā ৷৷1.11.25৷৷

tata: then, tē paurā: the people of Ayodhya, rājānam the king, āgatam arrival, śrutvā having heard, prahṛṣṭā: overjoyed, rājñā by king, yat yathā as per, prēṣitam sent, tat sarvam all that, tathā in the same manner, pracakru: fulfilled.

The people of the city having heard the king's arrival were overjoyed. They did
everything as by the king.
tatassvalaṅkṛtaṅ rājā nagaraṅ pravivēśa ha.

śaṅkhadundubhinirghōṣai: puraskṛtya dvijarṣabham৷৷1.11.26৷৷

tata: then, rājā king, dvijarṣabham foremost of brahmins, puraskṛtya keeping in the forefront, svalaṅkṛtam well-decorated, tat that, nagaram city, śaṅkhadundubhinirghōṣai: with conches blowing and drums beating, pravivēśa ha entered.

Then the king entered that well-decorated city amidst blares of conches and the beating of drums, with the best of the brahmins (Rsyasringa) in the forefront.
tata: pramuditāssarvē dṛṣṭvā taṅ nāgarā dvijam.

pravēśyamānaṅ satkṛtya narēndrēṇēndrakarmaṇā৷৷1.11.27৷৷

tata: then, sarvē nāgarā: all citizens, indrakarmaṇāṅ equivalent to Indra in valiant, narēndrēṇa by that king, satkṛtya having been honoured, pravēśyamānam entering, tam that, dvijam brahmin, dṛṣṭvā after seeing, pramuditā: were delighted.

The citizens were delighted to behold that brahmin entering the city duly honoured by the king who was equivalent to Indra in valiance৷৷
anta:puraṅ pravēśyainaṅ pūjāṅ kṛtvā ca śāstrata:.

kṛtakṛtyaṅ tadātmānaṅ mēnē tasyōpavāhanāt৷৷1.11.28৷৷

ēnam Rsyasringa, anta:puraṅ pravēśya having taken him to the inner apartment, śāstrata: traditionally as enjoined by the scriptures, pūjāṅ welcome, kṛtvā having made, tadā then, tasya upavāhanāt for bringing him here, ātmānam himself, kṛtakṛtyam has accomplished his object, mēnē thought.

He (king Dasaratha) took him in to the inner apartment and extended welcome. He thought that he has as enjoined by the sastras accomplished his objective by bringing him (Rsyasringa).
anta:purastriyassarvāśśāntāṅ dṛṣṭvā tathāgatām.

saha bhartrā viśālākṣīṅ prītyānandamupāgaman৷৷1.11.29৷৷

anta:pura striya: royal ladies, sarvā: all, tathā in that manner, bhartrā saha along with her husband, āgatām arrived, viśālākṣīm wide-eyed lady, śāntām Shanta, dṛṣṭvā having seen, prītyā affectionately, ānandam delight, upāgaman experienced.

All the royal ladies, experienced immense delight when they saw the large-eyed Shanta arriving along with her husband in that manner.
pūjyamānā ca tābhissā rājñā caiva viśēṣata:.

uvāsa tatra sukhitā kañcitkālaṅ sahartvijā৷৷1.11.30৷৷

sā she, tābhi: with them, viśēṣata: especially, rājñā caiva with the king, pūjyamānā honoured and worshipped, sukhitā comforted, ṛtvijā saha along with sage Rsyasringa, kañcit kālam for some time, tatra there, uvāsa dwelt.

Honoured and worshipped by royal ladies, especially by king Dasaratha, Santa dwelt there for some time comfortably with the sage.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē bālakāṇḍē ēkādaśassarga:৷৷
Thus ends the eleventh sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.