Sloka & Translation


[Dasaratha performs aswamedhayaga on the bank of Sarayu according to vedic rites]

atha saṅvatsarē pūrṇē tasminprāptē turaṅgamē.

sarayvāścōttarē tīrē rājñō yajñō.bhyavartata৷৷1.14.1৷৷

atha after that, saṅvatsarē when one year's time, pūrṇē (sati) was completed, tasmin when that, turaṅgamē sacrificial horse, prāptē (sati) had returned, sarayvā: of river Sarayu, uttarē tīrē on the northern bank, rājña: yajñaśca sacrifice by the king, abhyavartata commenced.

After completion of one year when the sacrificial horse had returned, the sacrifice by the king (Dasaratha) commenced on the northern bank of river Sarayu.
ṛśyaśṛṅgaṅ puraskṛtya karma cakrurdvijarṣabhā:.

aśvamēdhē mahāyajñē rājñō.sya sumahātmana:৷৷1.14.2৷৷

sumahātmana: of the exceedingly magnanimous, asya rājña: this king's, aśvamēdhē mahāyajñē Aswamedha sacrifice, dvijarṣabhā: best among brahmins, ṛṣyaśṛṅgam Rsyasringa, puraskṛtya led by, karma cakru: performed the rituals.

The best of brahmins led by Rsyasringa performed the rituals of aswamedha organised by the exceedingly magnanimous king.
karma kurvanti vidhivadyājakā vēdapāragā:.

yathāvidhi yathānyāyaṅ parikrāmanti śāstrata:৷৷1.14.3৷৷

vēdapāragā: scholars who mastered vedas fully, yājakā: chief priests, vidhivat in consonance with tradition and scriptures, karma tasks, kurvanti carried out, yathāvidhi in conformity with duties laid down in vedas, yathānyāyam according to law, śāstrata: as laid down in scriptures, parikrāmanti move about (officiated).

The chief priests, masters of the Vedas, conducted the rituals in consonance with traditions and scriptures. They officiated in conformity with duties laid down in the Vedas and according to law.
pravargyaṅ śāstrata: kṛtvā tathaivōpasadaṅ dvijā:

cakruśca vidhivatsarvamadhikaṅ karma śāstrata:৷৷1.14.4৷৷

dvijā: brahmins, pravargyam Pravargya (a particular part of the sacrifice), śāstrata: according to scriptures, kṛtvā having done, tathaiva and, upasadam Upasada (another part of the sacrifice), vidhivat as per tradition, adhikam still other, sarvaṅ karma ceremonies, śāstrata: according to ordinance, cakru: performed.

Brahmins performed pravargya and upasada and other ceremonies as per the scriptures and traditions.
abhipūjya tatō hṛṣṭāssarvē cakruryathāvidhi.

prātassavanapūrvāṇi karmāṇi munipuṅgavā:৷৷1.14.5৷৷

tata: thereafter, munipuṅgavā: eminent ascetics, hṛṣṭā: rejoiced in their hearts, abhipūjya worshipping those celestial beings, prātassavanapūrvāṇi starting with Pratah savanadi (morning ablutions etc), karmāṇi rituals, yathāvidhi as prescribed, cakru: performed.

Thereafter the eminent ascetics, rejoicing in their hearts performed the worship (of celestial beings) and conducted the prescribed rituals starting with morning ablutions etc.
aindraśca vidhivaddattō rājā cābhiṣutō.nagha:.

mādhyandinaṅ ca savanaṅ prāvartata yathākramam৷৷1.14.6৷৷

aindraśca Indra's portion of Havis (oblations of clarified butter), vidhivat according to tradition, datta: offered, anagha: faultless or pure, rājā ca Soma plant (acid juice of this plant mixed with clarified butter offered in libations to the gods), abhiṣuta: was pressed for extracting juice, mādhyandinam ablutions to be performed during mid-day, savanam Savanam, yathākramam according to the order, prāvartata took place.

Havis was duly offered to Indra daily. The juice was extracted in the morning by pressing the soma plant. Mid-day ablutions were performed. All in proper sequence.
tṛtīyasavanaṅ caiva rājñō.sya sumahātmana:.

cakrustēśāstratō dṛṣṭvā tathā brāhmaṇapuṅgavā:৷৷1.14.7৷৷

tathā in the same way, tē brāhmaṇapuṅgavā: those eminent brahmins, śāstrata: in conformity with Shastras, dṛṣṭvā having seen, sumahātmana: of the exceedingly noble, asya rājña: this king's, tṛtīyasavanaṅ caiva third pressing of the Soma in the evening, cakru: performed.

Those exceedingly noble and eminent brahmins performed third pressing of the soma, in conformity with the sastras.
na cāhutamabhūttatra skhalitaṅ vāpi kiñcana .

dṛśyatē brahmavatsarvaṅ kṣēmayuktaṅ hi cakrirē৷৷1.14.8৷৷

tatra in that sacrifice, āhutam omissions in the offerings, nābhūt did not take place, kiñcana any thing, skhalitam defects or mistakes, nābhūt did not take place, sarvam everything, brahmavat with mantras (prayers), dṛśyatē appeared, kṣēmayuktam in a safe manner, cakrirē hi performed.

There were no omissions in the offerings nor any lappes in the performance. Everything was done through recitation of mantras and in a wholesome way.
na tēṣvahassu śrāntō vā kṣudhitō vāpi dṛśyatē.

nāvidvānbrāhmaṇastatra nāśatānucarastathā৷৷1.14.9৷৷

tēṣu in those, ahassu days, śrānta: a tired man, kṣudhitō vāpi or hungry one, na dṛśyatē was not to be seen, tatra there, avidvān not learned, brāhmaṇa: brahmin, na dṛśyatē not to be seen, tathā similarly, aśatānucara: a man followed by less than hundred people, na dṛśyatē was not seen.

During the days (of sacrifice) none felt tired or hungry. There was no brahmin who was not learned or had less than a hundred followers (or disciples).
brāhmaṇā bhuñjatē nityaṅ nāthavantaśca bhuñjatē.

tāpasā bhuñjatē cāpi śramaṇā bhuñjatētathā৷৷1.14.10৷৷

nityam continually, brāhmaṇā: brahmanas, bhuñjatē are eating, nāthavantaśca those who have masters, bhuñjatē are eating, tāpasāścāpi ascetics, bhuñjatē are eating, tathā and, śramaṇā: monks, bhuñjatē are eating.

During that period brahmanas as well as those who have masters, (the sudras), ascetics and monks had enough to eat.
vṛddhāśca vyādhitāścaiva striyō bālāstathaiva ca .

aniśaṅ bhuñjamānānāṅ na tṛptirupalabhyatē৷৷1.14.11৷৷

vṛddhā: aged persons, vyādhitāścaiva sick people, striya: women, tathaiva ca and also, bālā: children, aniśam continually, bhuñjamānānām although feasting, tṛpti: full satisfaction, na upalabhyatē is not acheeved.

The aged, the sick, women and also children ate there and knew no limit to their enjoyment.
dīyatāṅ dīyatāmannaṅ vāsāṅsi vividhāni ca.

iti sañcōditāstatra tathā cakruranēkaśa:৷৷1.14.12৷৷

annam food, dīyatāṅ dīyatām may be given, may be given, vividhāni various kinds of, vāsāṅsi ca clothes also, iti in this manner, tatra in that sacrificial ground, sañcōditā: persuaded by, anēkaśa: profusely, tathā in the same manner, cakru: performed.

"Give food, give, various kinds of clothes" echoed the organisers. And they (in charge of distribution) did.
annakūṭāśca bahavō dṛśyantē parvatōpamā:.

divasē divasē tatra siddhasya vidhivattadā৷৷1.14.13৷৷

tatra there, tadā then, vidhivat in accordance with scriptures, siddhasya kept ready, annakūṭā: heaps of food, bahava: many, parvatōpamā: looking like mountains, divasē divasē every day, dṛśyantē were to be seen.

There, could be seen day after day heaps of nicely cooked food, looking like mountains.
nānādēśādanuprāptā: puruṣāsstrīgaṇāstathā.

annapānaissuvihitāstasminyajñē mahātmana:৷৷1.14.14৷৷

mahātmana: Illustrious king's, tasmin yajñē in that sacrifice, nānādēśāt from various countries, anuprāptā: arrived, puruṣā: men, tathā and, strīgaṇā: women in groups, annapānai: with food and drink, suvihitā were well entertained.

Men and women who had come from various countries to that sacrifice were entertained with food and drink by the magnanimous (king).
annaṅ hi vidhivatsādhu praśaṅsanti dvijarṣabhā:.

ahō tṛptā: sma bhadraṅ tē iti śuśrāva rāghava:৷৷1.14.15৷৷

dvijarṣabhā: the twice-borns, vidhivat cooked in prescribed manner, sādhu good (delicious), annam food, praśaṅsanti praised, rāghava: son of Raghu, Dasaratha, ahō Ah!, tṛptā: sma fully satisfied, tē to you, bhadram prosperity, iti such words, śuśrāva were heard.

Brahmins having tasted the delicious food cooked in prescribed manner, praised saying "Ah! We are fully satisfied. Prosperity to you". Such were the words heard by king Dasaratha.
svalaṅkṛtāśca puruṣā brāhmaṇānparyavēṣayan.

upāsatē ca tānanyē sumṛṣṭamaṇikuṇḍalā:৷৷1.14.16৷৷

svalaṅkṛtā: well dressed, puruṣā: men, brāhmaṇān brahmins, paryavēṣayan served with, sumṛṣṭamaṇikuṇḍalā: wearing pendents bedecked with shining jewels, anyē ca some others, tān them, upāsatē assisted.

While brahmins were being served with food by well-dressed men, some others wearing pendents studded with shining jewels assisted them.
karmāntarē tadā viprā hētuvādānbahūnapi.

prāhuśca vāgminō dhīrā: parasparajigīṣayā৷৷1.14.17৷৷

tadā then, vāgmina: eloquent, dhīrā: sagacious, viprā: brahmins, tadā then, karmāntarē in between ceremonies, parasparajigīṣayā mutually desirous of victory, bahūn various, hētuvādān disputations, prāhu: ca engaged.

In the interval between ceremonies, eloquent and sagacious brahmins were engaged in various disputations, desirous of victory.
divasē divasē tatra saṅstarē kuśalā dvijā:.

sarvakarmāṇi cakrustē yathāśāstraṅ pracōditā:৷৷1.14.18৷৷

saṅstarē in the sacrifice, kuśalā: skilful, dvijā: brahmins, divasē divasē every day, tatra there, pracōditā: persuaded by sage Vasistha, sarvakarmāṇi all their duties, yathāśāstram as per tradition, cakru: performed.

Every day in that sacrifice brahmins, skilful in rituals, persuaded (by sage Vasishta), performed all their duties as per tradition.
nāṣaḍaṅgavidatrāsīnnāvratō nābahuśruta:.

sadasyāstasya vai rājñō nāvādakuśalā dvijā:৷৷1.14.19৷৷

atra in this sacrificial pavillion, aṣaḍaṅgavit not versed in six vedangas, nāsīt not there, avrata: unfaithful to vowed observances, na not there, abahuśruta: not learned in many shastras, na not there, tasya rājña: that king's, sadasyā: assistants at a sacrifice, nāvādakuśalā: not skilful in disputations in shastras, na vai not there.

Here (in this sacrificial pavillion), there was none who was not versed in six Vedangas,
not true to vows, not learned in many sastras nor adept in discussions (on sastras).
prāptē yūpōcchrayē tasminṣaḍbailvā: khādirāstathā.

tāvantō bilvasahitā: parṇinaśca tathāparē৷৷1.14.20৷৷

ślēṣmātakamayastvēkō dēvadārumayastathā.

dvāvēva vihitau tatra bāhuvyastaparigrahau৷৷1.14.21৷৷

tasmin in that sacrifice, yūpōcchrayē inerecting sacrificial posts, prāptē (sati) when the time has come nearer, bailvā: Bilva wood, ṣaṭ six, tathā and, bilvasahitā: along with Bilva posts, tāvanta: as many, khādirā: Khadira, tathā and, parṇina: ca having Parnas leaves, aparē some more posts, ēka: one, ślēṣmātakamaya: made of Sleshmataka, tathā and, dēvadārumaya: made of trees of Devadaru, tatra there, dvau two, bāhuvyastaparigrahāvēva at a distance of two outstretched hands, vihitau were erected.

When the time came to erect sacrificial posts, six posts each made of bilva and khadira wood and many made of parni wood along, one of sleshmataka and two of devadaru wood, with a distance of two outstretched hands between them were erected.
kāritāssarva ēvaitē śāstrajñairyajñakōvidai:.

śōbhārthaṅ tasya yajñasya kāñcanālaṅkṛtā.bhavan৷৷1.14.22৷৷

śāstrajñai: by the knowers of shastras, yajñakōvidai: who well versed in performance of sacrifice, kāritā: were made, ētē sarvē ēva all these posts, tasya yajñasya of that sacrifice, śōbhārtham for elegance, kāñcanālaṅkṛtā: decorated with gold, abhavan became.

All these posts were prepared by knowers of sastras and by those well-versed in the performance of sacrifices. They were decorated with gold to add elegance to the sacrifice.
ēkaviṅśatiyūpāstē ēkaviṅśatyaratnaya:.

vāsōbhirēkaviṅśadbhirēkaikaṅ samalaṅkṛtā:৷৷1.14.23৷৷

ēkaviṅśatyaratnaya: measuring twenty one 'Aratni ' (distance from elbow to the tip of little finger), tē those, ēkaviṅśatiyūpā: twenty one posts, ēkaviṅśadbhi: by twenty one, vāsōbhi: pieces of cloth, ēkaikam one for each post, samalaṅkṛtā: well decorated.

These twentyone sacrificial posts, each measuring twentyone 'aratni' height, were well-decorated wrapped in a piece of cloth.
vinyastā vidhivatsarvē śilpibhissukṛtā dṛḍhā:.

aṣṭāśrayassarva ēva ślakṣṇarūpasamanvitā:৷৷1.14.24৷৷

sarvē all of them, śilpibhi: by the sculptors, sukṛtā: were well carved, dṛḍhā: strong, aṣṭāśraya: having eight sides, ślakṣṇarūpasamanvitā: had finely finished surfaces, sarvē all those, vidhivat as per tradition, vinyastā: were erected.

All those posts, strong with eight sides and finely finished surfaces, well-carved by sculptors were duly erected.
ācchāditāstē vāsōbhi: puṣpairgandhaiśca bhūṣitā:.

saptarṣayō dīptimantō virājantē yathā divi৷৷1.14.25৷৷

vāsōbhi: with cloths, ācchāditā: were covered, puṣpai: with flowers, gandhaiśca with sandalwood paste, bhūṣitā: decorated, tē those posts, dīptimanta: glowing, divi in the sky, saptarṣaya: seven sages, yathā in a similar manner, virājantē illuminated.

Decorated with flowers and sandal paste and covered with cloths, stood the bright sacrificial posts shining like seven sages in the sky.
iṣṭakāśca yathānyāyaṅ kāritāśca pramāṇata:.

citō.gnirbrāhmaṇaistatra kuśalaiśśulbakarmaṇi ৷৷1.14.26৷৷

tatra there, yathānyāyam as per shastras, pramāṇata: with standard measurement, iṣṭakā: bricks, kāritā were made, śulbakarmaṇi in the science of construction using a measuring rope, kuśalai: accomplished, brāhmaṇai: brahmins, agni: sacrificial fire place, cita: gathered and laid bricks were prepared as per standard measurment mentioned in shastras.

The sacrificial fire-place was constructed with bricks with standard measurement by brahmins who were experts in the art of measuring land with a string or single strand.
sacityō rājasiṅhasya sañcita: kuśalairdvijai:.

garuḍō rukmapakṣō vai triguṇō.ṣṭādaśātmaka:৷৷1.14.27৷৷

kuśalai: by the skilled, dvijai: brahmins, rukmapakṣa: golden winged, triguṇa: thrice, aṣṭādaśātmaka: eighteen in number, garuḍa: like eagle, rājasiṅhasya of Dasaratha who was lion among kings, sacitya: sacrificial altar, sañcita: was erected.

That sacrificial altar of the lion among kings, (Dasaratha), erected by well-trained brahmins was in the shape of the golden winged 'Garuda' it had three ranges and thrice as many fire-places i.e; eighteen in number.
niyuktāstatra paśavastattaduddiśya daivatam.

uragā: pakṣiṇaścaiva yathāśāstraṅ pracōditā:৷৷1.14.28৷৷

tatra there, yathāśāstram as per tradition, pracōditā: prompted, paśava: animals, uragā: serpants, pakṣiṇaścaiva birds also, tattat that respective, daivatam deity, uddiśya intended for, niyuktā: were fastened.

Animals, serpents and birds were kept ready after the sastras intended (for sacrifice) for those respective deities.
śāmitrē tu hayastatra tathā jalacarāśca yē.

ṛtvigbhissarvamēvaitanniyuktaṅ śāstratastadā৷৷1.14.29৷৷

tadā then, śāmitrē tu in the act of killing animals, tatra there, haya: horse, tathā and, yē other, jalacarā: aquatic animals, ētatsarvam all these, ṛtvigbhi: by chief priests, śāstrata: in accordance with tradition, niyuktam tied up.

When the time came to sacrifice the animals, the chief priests, in accordance with tradition, tied up the horse and all the aquatic animals to the sacrificial posts.
paśūnāṅ triśataṅ tatra yūpēṣu niyataṅ tadā.

aśvaratnōttamaṅ tasya rājñō daśarathasya ca ৷৷1.14.30৷৷

tadā then, tatra there, paśūnām of animals, triśatam three hundred, tasya rājña: that king's, aśvaratnōttamam the excellent of the horses from the stables, yūpēṣu to the sacrificial posts, niyatam was bound.

Three hundred animals and the jewel of the horses (from the stables) belonging to king Dasaratha were bound to the sacrificial posts.
kausalyā taṅ hayaṅ tatra paricarya samantata:.

kṛpāṇairviśaśāsainaṅ tribhi: paramayā mudā ৷৷1.14.31৷৷

tatra there, kauśalyā Kausalya, tam that, hayam horse, samantata: from all sides, paricarya having worshipped worship, paramayā with immense, mudā glee, tribhi: by three strokes of, kṛpāṇai: scimitar, ēnam this, viśaśāsa severed.

Kausalya, with immense glee having gone round and worshipped that horse, severed it with three strokes of scimitar.
patatriṇā tadā sārdhaṅ susthitēna ca cētasā.

avasadrajanīmēkāṅ kauśalyā dharmakāmyayā৷৷1.14.32৷৷

tadā then, kauśalyā Kausalya, susthitēna cētasā with a stable mind, dharmakāmyayā with devotion to duty, patatriṇā sārtham near that horse, ēkām one, rajanīm night, avasat spent.

Kausalya, in her devotion to duty and with a happy state of mind, passed one night near that horse.
hōtā.dhvaryustathōdgātā hastēna samayōjayan.

mahiṣyā parivṛttyā ca vāvātāṅ ca tathāparām৷৷1.14.33৷৷

hōtā Hota, adhvaryu: Adhvaryu, tathā and, udgātā Udgata, mahiṣyā with Mahishi (principal queen at the time of coronation), parivṛttyā ca (overlooked wife) Parivritti, vāvātām (a courtesan) Vavaata, aparām (attender on the king) other woman (known as Palakali), hastēna with hand, samayōjayan touched.

Hota, Adhvaryu and Udgata arranged Mahishi, Parivritti, Vavaata and another woman known as Palakali to touch (keep the company of) the sacrificial horse.
patatriṇastasya vapā muddhṛtya niyatēndriya:.

ṛtvikparamasampanna: śrapayāmāsa śāstrata:৷৷1.14.34৷৷

niyatēndriya: a man of restrained senses, paramasampanna: very rich in the knowledge of scriptures, ṛtvik official priest, tasya that, patatriṇa: horse's, vapām marrow, uddhṛtya having removed, śāstrata: according to tradition, śrapayāmāsa cooked.

The official priest, highly knowledgeable in scriptures and having restrained senses, removed the marrow from the horse and cooked it according to tradition.
dhūmagandhaṅ vapāyāstu jighrati sma narādhipa:.

yathākālaṅ yathānyāyaṅ nirṇudanpāpamātmana:৷৷1.14.35৷৷

narādhipa: king Dasaratha, yathākālam in an appropriate time, yathānyāyam in agreement with the scriptures, ātmana: his own, pāpam sins, nirṇudan while getting rid of, vapāyā: of the marrow, dhūmagandham good odour of the smoke, jighrati sma inhaled.

The king at appropriate time and in agreement with the scriptures inhaled the odour of the smoke (from the burnt marrow) and absolved himself of his sins.
hayasya yāni cāṅgāni tāni sarvāṇi brāhmaṇā:.

agnau prāsyanti vidhivatsamantrāṣṣōḍaśartvija:৷৷1.14.36৷৷

hayasya horse's, yāni aṅgāni those limbs, tāni sarvāṇi all of them, samantrā: with prayers, ṣōḍaśa ṛtvija: sixteen officiating priests, brāhmaṇā: brahmins, vidhivat as per the customs, agnau in the fire, prāsyanti offered.

The sixteen officiating priests (brahmins) offered all the horse's limbs with prayers as per the customs.
plakṣaśākhāsu yajñānāmanyēṣāṅ kriyatē havi:.

aśvamēdhasya yajñasya vaitasō bhāga iṣyatē৷৷1.14.37৷৷

anyēṣām of other, yajñānām sacrifices, havi: oblations, plakṣaśākhāsu in the brahches of Plaksha tree, kriyatē was offered, aśvamēdhasya yajñasya of Aswamedha sacrifice, bhāga: one portion of Havis, vaitasa: cane creeper, iṣyatē chosen.

In other sacrifices oblations are offered with branches of a plaksha tree but in Aswamedha a branch of cane creeper is chosen instead.
tryahō.śvamēdhassaṅkhyāta: kalpasūtrēṇa brāhmaṇai:. 37

catuṣṭōmamahastasya prathamaṅ parikalpitam৷৷1.14.38৷৷

brāhmaṇai: by brahmins, kalpasūtrēṇa according to Kalpa sutra, aśvamēdha: Aswamedha, tryaha: having three days duration, saṅkhyāta: is reckoned, tasya of that, prathamam first, aha: day, catuṣṭōma: chatushtoma, parikalpitam planned.

According to Kalpa sutra, aswamedha in conducted for three days. In the first day, chatushtoma is arranged.
ukthyaṅ dvitīyaṅ saṅkhyātamatirātraṅ tathōttaram.

kāritāstatra bahavō vihitāśśāstradarśanāt৷৷1.14.39৷৷

dvitīyam on the second day, ukthyam Ukthya, tathā and, uttaram on the following day, atirātram Atiraatra, saṅkhyātam is declared, tatra In that sacrifice, śāstradarśanāt according to scriptural knowledge, vihitā: imposed, bahava: many, kāritā: were performed.

On the second day Ukthya and on the third day Atiraatra were performed. Many sacrifices fixed according to the scriptures were also performed.
jyōtiṣṭōmāyuṣī caivamatirātrau vinirmitau.

abhijidviśvajiccaivamaptōryāmō mahākratu:৷৷1.14.40৷৷

jyōtiṣṭōmāyuṣī Jyotishtoma and Ayuryaga, ēvam and, atirātrau in Atiratri, vinirmitau were advised, abhijit Abhijit, viśvajit Viswajit, ēvam and, aptōryāma: Aptoryama, mahākratu: great sacrifice, were performed.

Jyotishtoma and Ayuryaga in Atiratra, Abhijit, Viswajit and Aptoryama ceremonies constituting the great sacrifice were performed in the prescribed manner.
prācīṅ hōtrē dadau rājā diśaṅ svakulavardhana:.

adhvaryavē pratīcīṅ tu brahmaṇē dakṣiṇāṅ diśam৷৷1.14.41৷৷

udgātrē ca tathōdīcīṅ dakṣiṇaiṣā vinirmitā.

hayamēdhē mahāyajñē svayaṅbhūvihitē purā৷৷1.14.42৷৷

svakulavardhana: promoter of his dynasty, rājā Dasaratha, hōtrē to Hotar, prācīṅ diśam easten region, dadau gave, adhvaryavē to Adhvaryu, pratīcīm western side, brahmaṇē to Brahma, dakṣiṇāṅ diśam southern region, tathā and, udgātrē to Udgata, udīcīm northern region, purā long ago, svayambhūvihitē prescribed by Brahma, hayamēdhē mahāyajñē in the mighty horse-sacrifice, ēṣā this, dakṣiṇā offering, vinirmitā is fixed.

In order to promote his dynasty, king Dasaratha gave away eastern region to Hotar, western region to Adhvaryu, southern region to Brahma and northern region to Udgata. These offerings were made in accordance with theprescriptions by Brahma long all.
kratuṅ samāpya tu tadā nyāyata: puruṣarṣabha: .

ṛtvigbhyō hi dadau rājā tāṅ dharāṅ kulavardhana:৷৷1.14.43৷৷

puruṣarṣabha: best among men, rājā king Dasaratha, kulavardhana: upholder of his dynasty, kratum samāpya having concluded the sacrifice, tadā then, nyāyata: according to law, tāṅ dharām that earth, ṛtvigbhya: for priests, dadau offered.

The king best among men and upholder of his dynasty, having concluded the sacrifice according to law, offered this entire earth as gift to priests.
ṛtvijastvabruvansarvē rājānaṅ gatakalmaṣam.

bhavānēva mahīṅ kṛtsnāmēkō rakṣitumarhati৷৷1.14.44৷৷

sarvē all, ṛtvijastu priests on their part, gatakalmaṣam purged of all sins, rājānam the king, abruvan said, bhavān you, ēka:ēva you alone, kṛtsnām entire, mahīm earth, rakṣitumarhati are worthy of protection.

But all the priests said to the king purged of his sins, "O Lord of men! you alone are capable of protecting this earth".
na bhūmyā kāryamasmākaṅ na hi śaktāssma pālanē.

ratāssvādhyāyakaraṇē vayaṅ nityaṅ hi bhūmipa৷৷1.14.45৷৷

niṣkrayaṅ kiñcidēvēha prayacchatu bhavāniti. 4

bhūmipa O! Ruler of the earth, bhūmyā with earth, asmākam for us, na kāryam have nothing to do, pālanē in ruling, na hi śaktā: we are not capable, vayam we, nityam constantly, svādhyāyakaraṇē in studying of vedas, ratā: hi are dedicated indeed, bhavān you, iha in the matter of this offering, kiñcit whatever, niṣkrayam in lieu value, prayacchatu may confer.

"O ruler of the earth! We are constantly engaged in the study of the Vedas. We are not capable of ruling the earth and we cannot do anything with its possession. Give some other charity in lieu of that.
maṇiratnaṅ suvarṇaṅ vā gāvō yadvā samudyatam.

tatprayaccha naraśrēṣṭha dharaṇyā na prayōjanam৷৷1.14.46৷৷

naraśrēṣṭha O! best of men, maṇiratnam a precious gem, suvarṇaṅ vā or gold, gāva: cows, yadvā or else, samudyatam is ready, tat that, prayaccha give, dharaṇyā with earth, prayōjanaṅ na no use.

O best of men! give us gems or gold or cows or whichever is readily available. We have no use with this earth".
ēvamuktō narapatirbrāhmaṇairvēdapāragai:৷৷1.14.47৷৷

gavāṅ śatasahasrāṇi daśa tēbhyō dadau nṛpa:. 4

śatakōṭīssuvarṇasya rajatasya caturguṇam ৷৷1.14.48৷৷

narapati: lord of men, nṛpa: king Dasaratha, vēdapāragai: by scholars who were well learned in vedas, brāhmaṇai: by brahmins, ēvam in this manner, ukta: having spoken, tēbhya: for them, gavāṅ daśa śatasahasrāṇi ten hundred thousands, suvarṇasya gold, śatakōṭī: hundred crores, rajatasya of silver, caturguṇam four times as much, dadau bestowed.

Lord of men, the king having been thus addressed by brahmins who were well-versed in the Vedas, bestowed on them ten hundred thousand cows, a hundred crore of gold coins and four times as much in silver coins.
ṛtvijaśca tatassarvē pradadussahitā vasu.

ṛśyaśṛṅgāya munayē vasiṣṭhāya ca dhīmatē৷৷1.14.49৷৷

tata: thereafter, ṛtvija: priests, sarvē all, sahitā: together, vasu wealth, ṛśyaśṛṅgāya munayē for sage Rsyasringa, dhīmatē to the man endowed with prudence, vasiṣṭhāya to vasistha, pradadu: gave.

All the priests collectively offered that wealth to sage Rsyasringa and Vasishta endowed with prudence.
tatastē nyāyata: kṛtvā pravibhāgaṅ dvijōttamā:.

suprītamanasassarvē pratyūcurmuditā bhṛśam৷৷1.14.50৷৷

tata: then, suprītamanasa: highly pleased, tē dvijōttamā: those brahmins, sarvē all, nyāyata: with equity, pravibhāgam share, kṛtvā having made, bhṛśam exceedingly, muditā: delighted, pratyūcu: replied.

Then those highly pleased brahmins, having distributed that wealth with equity, again said to the king.
tata: prasarpakaibhyastu hiraṇyaṅ susamāhita:.

jāmbūnadaṅ kōṭisaṅkhyaṅ brāhmaṇēbhyō dadau tadā৷৷1.14.51৷৷

tata: thereafter, tadā then, susamāhita: with earnestness, prasarpakaibhya: to those who have come to see the sacrifice, brāhmaṇēbhya: to brahmins, kōṭisaṅkhyam one crore of, jāmbūnadam gold, dadau bestowed.

Thereafter, with earnestness king Dasaratha bestowed a crore of gold coins to brahmins who had come to see the sacrifice.
daridrāya dvijāyātha hastābharaṇamuttamam.

kasmaicidyācamānāya dadau rāghavanandana:৷৷1.14.52৷৷

atha there after, rāghavanandana: Dasaratha, yācamānāya soliciting, kasmaicit one such, daridrāya poor, dvijāya brahmin, uttamam excellent, hastābharaṇam bracelet, dadau gave.

Dasaratha then gave his excellent bracelet to a poor brahmin who solicited alms.
tata: prītēṣu nṛpatirdvijēṣu dvijavatsala:.

praṇāmamakarōttēṣāṅ harṣaparyākulēkṣaṇa:৷৷1.14.53৷৷

tata: then, dvijavatsala: affectionate towards brahmins, nṛpati: king, dvijēṣu when brahmins, prītēṣu (satsu) were highly pleased, harṣaparyākulēkṣaṇa: with his eyes filled with delight, tēṣām for them, praṇāmam akarōt bowed low before them.

When the brahmins were pleased, king Dasaratha who was fond of brahmins bowed to them with his eyes filled with delight.
tasyāśiṣō.tha vidhivadbrāhmaṇaissamudīritā:.

udārasya nṛvīrasya dharaṇyāṅ praṇatasya ca ৷৷1.14.54৷৷

atha there after, udārasya of the generous, nṛvīrasya of him who was mighty among men, dharaṇyām on the earth, praṇatasya prostrated, tasya for him, brāhmaṇai: by brahmins, vidhivat according to procedure, āśiṣa: blessings, samudīritā: were uttered.

Brahmins uttered blessings upon the generous king when he prostrated before them
according to procedure.
tata: prītamanā rājā prāpya yajñamanuttamam.

pāpāpahaṅ svarnayanaṅ duṣkaraṅ pārthivarṣabhai:৷৷1.14.55৷৷

tata: there after, rājā king Dasaratha, pāpāpaham capable of removing sins, svarnayanam leading to heaven, pārthivarṣabhai: for monarchs, duṣkaram incapable of being done, anuttamam greatest, yajñam sacrifice, prāpya having performed, prītamanā: cheerful heart.

Sacrifice destroys sins. It leads to heaven. It is incapable of being done by other monarchs. King Dasaratha was very much pleased after performing this great sacrifice.
tatō.bravīdṛśyaśṛṅgaṅ rājā daśarathastadā.

kulasya vardhanaṅ tvaṅ tu kartumarhasi suvrata!৷৷1.14.56৷৷

tata: there after, daśaratha: rājā king Dasaratha, tadā then, ṛṣyaśṛṅgam addressing Rsyasringa, abravīt said, suvrata O! Adherent of vows, kulasya of the race, vardhanam continuity, tvam you,kartum to do, arhasi deserve.

King Dasaratha then addressing Rsyasringa said "O Adherent of vows! you can help the continuity of my race".
tathēti ca sa rājānamuvāca dvijasattama:.

bhaviṣyanti sutā rājaṅścatvārastē kulōdvahā:৷৷1.14.57৷৷

dvijasattama: best of brahmins, tathēti be it so, rājānam addressing king Dasaratha, uvāca said, rājan O! king, tē to you, kulōdvahā: perpetuating race, catvāra: four, sutā: sons, bhaviṣyanti will be born.

Rsyasringa, the best of brahmins, addressing the king said, "O King! Let it be. Four sons perpetuating your race will be born to you".
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē bālakāṇḍē caturdaśassarga:৷৷
Thus ends the fourteenth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.