Sloka & Translation


[Dasaratha sends Rsyasringa and the kings and to their respective places -- returns to Ayodhya with his wives--birth of Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Satrughna -- purificatory and naming rites -- description of their virtues and characteritics -- Viswamitra comes to meet Dasaratha]

nirvṛttē tu kratau tasminhayamēdhē mahātmana:.

pratigṛhya surā bhāgānpratijagmuryathāgatam৷৷1.18.1৷৷

mahātmana: magnanimous king Dasaratha's, tasmin hayamēdhē when Aswamedha, kratau sacrifice, nirvṛttē sati had been completed, surā: devatas, bhāgān their share of Havis, pratigṛhya having received, yathāgatam from wherever they came, pratijagmu: returned.

Completed by the magnanimous king (Dasaratha). The aswamedha and putreshti sacrifices, the devatas received their share of havis and returned to their respective abodes.
samāptadīkṣāniyama: patnīgaṇasamanvita:.

pravivēśa purīṅ rājā sabhṛtyabalavāhana:৷৷1.18.2৷৷

patnīgaṇasamanvita: together with his queens, rājā king Dasaratha, samāptadīkṣāniyama: having observed the rules of initiation, sabhṛtyabalavāhana: along with his servants, army chariots, purīm city of Ayodhya, pravivēśa entered.

Having completed the prescribed vows (in respect of aswamedha), king Dasaratha together with his queens returned to the city of Ayodhya accompanied by his attendants, army and chariots.
yathārhaṅ pūjitāstēna rājñā vai pṛthivīśvarā:.

muditā: prayayurdēśānpraṇamya munipuṅgavam৷৷1.18.3৷৷

pṛthivīśvarā: lords of the earth, kings,tēna rājñā by that king (Dasaratha), yathārham in a fitting manner, pūjitā: having been honoured, muditā: pleased, munipuṅgavam best of sages, Vasistha, praṇamya having made obeisance, dēśān to their own countries, prayayu: returned.

Having been honoured by the king (Dasaratha) in a be fitting manner, the highly pleased lords of the earth (kings) made obeisance to the best of sages (Vasishta) and returned to their own countries.
śrīmatāṅ gacchatāṅ tēṣāṅ svapurāṇi purāttata:.

balāni rājñāṅ śubhrāṇi prahṛṣṭāni cakāśirē৷৷1.18.4৷৷

tata: purāt from that town, svapurāṇi to their own town, gacchatām set out for, śrīmatām dignified, tēṣām rājñām those kings', śubhrāṇi bright, prahṛṣṭāni delighted, balāni forces, cakāśirē shone.

When the army of the kings left the city (Ayodhya) for their own, the armed forces shone bright and cheerfl.
gatēṣu pṛthivīśēṣu rājā daśarathastadā.

pravivēśa purīṅ śrīmān puraskṛtya dvijōttamān৷৷1.18.5৷৷

pṛthivīśēṣu when kings, gatēṣu (satsu) departed, tadā then, śrīmān the exalted, rājā daśaratha: king Dasaratha, dvijōttamān foremost of brahmins, puraskṛtya preceded by them, purīm pravivēśa entered the capital city.

After the departure of the rulers, the exalted king Dasaratha preceded by the foremost of brahmins entered the city (of Ayodhya).
śāntayā prayayau sārdhamṛśyaśṛṅgassupūjita:.

anvīyamānō rājñā.tha sānuyātrēṇa dhīmatā৷৷1.18.6৷৷

atha after that, ṛśyaśṛṅga: sage Rsyasringa, supūjita: having been duly honoured, sānuyātrēṇa along his followers, dhīmatā by the intellectual, rājñā king Romapada, anvīyamāna: was being accompanied, śāntayā sārdham with Santa, prayayau set out.

Having been duly honoured by king Dasaratha, sage Rsyasringa with his wife Santa accompanied by the wise king Romapada and his followers set out for his country.
ēvaṅ visṛjya tānsarvānrājā sampūrṇamānasa:.

uvāsa sukhitastatra putrōtpattiṅ vicintayan৷৷1.18.7৷৷

rājā king Dasaratha, ēvam in this manner, tān sarvān all of them, visṛjya having sent them, sampūrṇamānasa: with composed mind, putrōtpattim about begetting sons, vicintayan thinking, tatra there, sukhita: uvāsa lived happily.

When they (guests) all departed in this manner, Dasaratha with his desire fulfilled, his thought centred on begetting sons lived happily.
tatō yajñē samāptē tu ṛtūnāṅ ṣaṭsamatyayu:.

tataśca dvādaśē māsē caitrē nāvamikē tithau৷৷1.18.8৷৷

nakṣatrē.ditidaivatyē svōccasaṅsthēṣu pañcasu.

grahēṣu karkaṭē lagnē vākpatāvindunā saha৷৷1.18.9৷৷

prōdyamānē jagannāthaṅ sarvalōkanamaskṛtam.

kausalyā.janayadrāmaṅ sarvalakṣaṇasaṅyutam৷৷1.18.10৷৷

viṣṇōrardhaṅ mahābhāgaṅ putramaikṣvākuvardhanam.

tata: then, yajñē when sacrifice, samāptē was completed, ṛtūnām of seasons, ṣaṭ six, samatyayu: were spent, tata: then, dvādaśē māsē in twelfth month, caitrē in Chaitra month, nāvamikē tithau on the nineth day of the rising Moon, aditidaivatyē presided by Aditi as devata, nakṣatrē when the star (Punarvasu)was in ascendent, pañcasu grahēṣu and the five planets (Sun, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Venus), svōccasaṅsthēṣu in their own exalted houses, karkaṭē lagnē in Karkata Lagna, vākpatau when Brihaspati, indunā saha along with Moon, prōdyamānē was rising, kausalyā Kausalya, jagannātham lord of the entire universe, sarvalōkanamaskṛtam bowed to by all the worlds, sarvalakṣaṇasaṅyutam adorned with all the characteristics, viṣṇō: Vishnu's, ardham facet, mahābhāgam highly fortunate, aikṣvākuvardhanam perpetuating the Ikshvaku race, rāmam Rama, putram as his son, ajanayat gave birth .

Six seasons (one year) passed after the completion of the sacrifice. In the twelfth month of Chaitra on the ninth day (of the bright fortnight), with Aditi as presiding deity when the star Punarvasu was in the ascendent and the five planets Sun, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Venus, were exalted in their own house in karkata lagna, when Brihaspati was in conjunction with the Moon, Kausalya gave birth to a son: a facet of Visnu, Lord of the entire universe who received obeisance from all the worlds and was adorned with all auspicious signs, the venerable one to perpetuate the Ikshvaku race.
kausalyā śuśubhē tēna putrēṇāmitatējasā৷৷1.18.11৷৷

yathā varēṇa dēvānāmaditirvajrapāṇinā.

kausalyā Kausalya, amitatējasā by one with immeasurable lustre, tēna putrēṇa by that son, dēvānām among devatas, by the foremost,vajrapāṇinā by the wielder of Thunder-bolt, Indra, aditi: yathā like Aditi, śuśubhē looked resplendent.

Kausalya glowed with the undiminished lustre of her son, just as Aditi with her son Indra, the foremost among the gods and the wielder of thunder.
bharatō nāma kaikēyyāṅ jajñē satyaparākrama:৷৷1.18.12৷৷

sākṣādviṣṇōścaturbhāgassarvaissamuditō guṇai:.

satyaparākrama: having truthful prowess, sākṣāt manifestly, viṣṇō: Visnu's, caturbhāga: fourth part, sarvai: guṇai: with every kind of virtue, samudita: united with, bharatō nāma named Bharata, kaikēyyām of Kaikeyi, jajñē was born.

As an incarnation of the fourth part of Visnu, imbued with all virtues, and armed with truth Bharata was born to Kaikeyi.
atha lakṣmaṇaśatrughnau sumitrā.janayatsutau৷৷1.18.13৷৷

vīrau sarvāstrakuśalau viṣṇōrardhasamanvitau.

atha then, sumitrā Sumitra, vīrau heroic, sarvāstrakuśalau skilled in the use of all weapons, viṣṇō: Visnu's, ardhasamanvitau having facets of Visnu, lakṣmaṇaśatrughnau Lakshmana and Satrughna, sutau sons, ajanayat gave birth.

Sumitra gave birth to Lakshmana and Satrughna who were heroic, skilled in the use of all weapons and endowed with the facets of Visnu.
puṣyē jātastu bharatō mīnalagnē prasannadhī:৷৷1.18.14৷৷

sārpē jātau ca saumitrī kulīrē.bhyuditē ravau.

prasannadhī: of pure intellect, bharata: Bharata, puṣyē when the Pushya star was in ascendant, mīnalagnē in Meena lagna, jāta: was born, saumitrī sons of Sumitra, sārpē in Aslesha star, kulīrē in the Karkata lagna, ravau when Sun, abhyuditē is rising, jātau were born.

Bharata endowed with pure intellect was born in meena lagna when pushya was in the ascendant. Lakshmana and Satrughna were born in karkata lagna with the star aslesha .
rājña: putrā mahātmānaścatvārō jajñirē pṛthak৷৷1.18.15৷৷

guṇavantō.nurūpāśca rucyā prōṣṭhapadōpamā:.

guṇavanta: endowed with every good quality, anurūpā: worthy, rucyā in brightness, prōṣṭhapadōpamā: resembling Purva Bhaadra, Uttara Bhaadra stars, mahātmāna: highly noble, rājña: King's, catvāra: four, putrā: sons, pṛthak successively, jajñirē were born In this manner.

Four worthy sons were successively born to the noble king (Dasaratha), endowed with all virtuous, resembling purvabhadra and uttarabhadra stars in brightness.
jagu: kalaṅ ca gandharvā nanṛtuścāpsarōgaṇā:৷৷1.18.16৷৷

dēvadundubhayō nēdu: puṣpavṛṣṭiśca khāccyutā.

utsavaśca mahānāsīdayōdhyāyāṅ janākula:৷৷1.18.17৷৷

gandharvā: gandharvas, kalam melodiously, jaguḥ sang, apsarōgaṇā: groups of apsaras, nanṛtu: danced, dēvadundubhaya: celestial kettle drums, nēdu: sounded, khāt from the sky, puṣpavṛṣṭiśca showers of flowers, cyutā was released, ayōdhyāyām in the city of Ayodhya, janākula: tumult of men, mahān great, utsavaśca āsīt festivities took place.

The gandharvas sang melodiously. Groups of apsaras danced. Celestial kettledrums were sounded. Flowers were showered from the sky. Men througed to Ayodhya to witness the festivities.
rathyāśca janasambādhā naṭanartakasaṅkulā: .

gāyanaiśca virāviṇyō vādanaiśca tathā.parai:৷৷1.18.18৷৷

rathyā: highways, janasambādhā: thickly populated by men, naṭanartakasaṅkulā: thronged by actors and dancers, gāyanaiśca by singers, vādanai: by performers on different instruments, tathā and, aparai: by other euologists and genealogists, virāviṇya: were resounding with noise.

The highways were crowded with men, thronged by actors and dancers. The voices of singers, performers on different instruments, eulogists and genealogists reverberated.
pradēyāṅśca dadau rājā sūtamāgadhavandinām.

brāhmaṇēbhyō dadau vittaṅ gōdhanāni sahasraśa:৷৷1.18.19৷৷

rājā king, sūtamāgadhavandinām for bards, euologists and genealogists, pradēyān ca gifts fit to be bestowed, dadau gave, brāhmaṇēbhya: for brahmins, vittam wealth, sahasraśa: in thousands, gōdhanāni kine, dadau gave.

The king distributed deserving gifts to priests, euologists and genealogists. He gave
brahmins in charity thousands of cows and other valuables.
atītyaikādaśāhaṅ tu nāmakarma tathā.karōt.

jyēṣṭhaṅ rāmaṅ mahātmānaṅ bharataṅ kaikayīsutam৷৷1.18.20৷৷

saumitriṅ lakṣmaṇamiti śatrughnamaparaṅ tathā.

vasiṣṭha: paramaprītō nāmāni kṛtavān tadā ৷৷1.18.21৷৷

tathā and, ēkādaśāham eleven days, atītya having completed, nāmakarma naming ceremony, akarōt he (Vasishta) performed, mahātmānam illustrious one, jyēṣṭham eldest son, rāmam as Rama, kaikayīsutam the son of Kaikeyi, bharatam as Bharata, saumitrim a son of Sumitra, lakṣmaṇamiti as Lakshmana, aparam the other son, śatrughnam as Satrughna, paramaprīta: highly delighted, vasiṣṭha: Vasishta, tadā then, nāmāni kṛtavān gave names.

After a lapse of eleven days, the naming ceremony was performed. Highly delighted preceptor Vasishta named Kausalya's son Rama, Kaikeyi's son Bharata, one son of Sumitra, Lakshmana and the other Satrughna.
brāhmaṇānbhōjayāmāsa paurāñjānapadānapi.

adadādbrahmaṇānāṅ ca ratnaughamamitaṅ bahu৷৷1.18.22৷৷

tēṣāṅ janmakriyādīni sarvakarmāṇyakārayat.

brāhmaṇān brahmins, paurān inhabitants of the city, jānapadānapi also rural folk, bhōjayāmāsa were offered, brāhmaṇānām for Brahmins, amitam unlimited, bahu abundant, ratnaugham heaps of jewels, adadāt bestowed, tēṣām for them, janmakriyādīni rites to be performed at the time of birth, sarvakarmāṇi and all other rites, akārayat were made to be performed.

Brahmins as well as inhabitants of the city and rural areas were feasted. (Dasaratha) bestowed on brahmins unlimited and abundant jewels in charity. The rites at the time of birth and all other rites (associated with the new-born) were duly performed.
tēṣāṅ kēturiva jyēṣṭhō rāmō ratikara: pitu:৷৷1.18.23৷৷

babhūva bhūyō bhūtānāṅ svayambhūriva sammata:.

tēṣām amongst all of them, jyēṣṭha: eldest, rāma: Rama, kēturiva like flag, pitu: for his father bhūya: exceedingly, ratikara: causing pleasure, svayambhūriva like Brahma, bhūtānām for all living beings, sammata:babhūva became highly respectable .

Among them, Rama like the exalted flag, became dear to his father like Brahma he was highly respected by all living beings.
sarvē vēdavidaśśūrāssarvē lōkahitē ratā:৷৷1.18.24৷৷

sarvē jñānōpasampannāssarvē samuditā guṇai:.

sarvē all of them, vēdavida: well-versed in vedas, śūrā: were heroic, sarvē all, lōkahitē in the welfare of people, ratā: devoted, sarvē all, jñānōpasampannā: endowed with knowledge, sarvē all, guṇai: with virtues, samuditā: were furnished with.

All the sons (of Dasaratha) became well-versed in the Vedas. They were heroic, endowed with knowledge and virtues and were devoted to the welfare of the people.
tēṣāmapi mahātējā rāmassatyaparākrama:৷৷1.18.25৷৷

iṣṭassarvasya lōkasya śaśāṅka iva nirmala:.

tēṣāmapi among all of them also, mahātējā: highly lustrous, satyaparākrama: truly mighty, rāma: Rama, nirmala: free from moral taints, śaśāṅka:iva like moon, sarvasya lōkasya iṣṭa: was dear to the entire world.

Among them the highly lustrous and truly mighty Rama was stainless (in character).
He was auspicious to the entire world like the Moon.
gajaskandhē.śvapṛṣṭhē ca rathacaryāsu sammata:৷৷1.18.26৷৷

dhanurvēdē ca nirata: pitṛśuśrūṣaṇē rata:.

gajaskandhē on mounting elephants, aśvapṛṣṭhē ca while riding on the back of horse, rathacaryāsu going about in chariots, sammata: has been accepted as skilled, dhanurvēdē ca in archery also, nirata: always engaged, pitṛśśuśrūṣaṇē in service of his parents, rata: was devoted.

Accepted as skilled in mounting elephants, riding horses, driving chariots and also in archery, he was always emgaged in the service of his parents.
bālyātprabhṛti susnigdhō lakṣmaṇō lakṣmivardhana:৷৷1.18.27৷৷

rāmasya lōkarāmasya bhrāturjyēṣṭhasya nityaśa:.

lakṣmivardhana: causing prosperity to grow, lakṣmaṇa: Lakshmana, bālyāt prabhṛti from his childhood, lōkarāmasya for a man of delight of the world, jyēṣṭhasya of the eldest, bhrātu: of the brother, rāmasya in the matter of Rama, nityaśa: always, susnigdha: remained very friendly .

Right from his very childhood Lakshmana, an enhancer of fortune, always remained very attached to his eldest brother Rama, the delight of the world.
sarvapriyakarastasya rāmasyāpi śarīrata:৷৷1.18.28৷৷

lakṣmaṇō lakṣmisampannō bahi:prāṇa ivāpara:.

lakṣmisampanna: possessed of auspiciousness, lakṣmaṇa: Lakshmana, śarīrata: api even by offering his body, sarvapriyakara: doing every thing dear to him, tasya rāmasya for that Rama, apara: another, bahi: prāṇa iva like life moving outside (his body).

Lakshmana, possessed of fortune, was the dearest to his brother than his own body. As though he was his life without.
na ca tēna vinā nidrāṅ labhatē puruṣōttama:৷৷1.18.29৷৷

mṛṣṭamannamupānītamaśnāti na hi taṅ vinā.

puruṣōttamaḥ greatest among men( Rama), tēna vinā without Lakshmana, nidrām sleep, na labhatē did not obtain, upānītam having been presented, mṛṣṭam best cooked, annaṅ ca food, taṅ vinā without him, na hi aśnāti would not partake the same.

Rama, the greatest among men would not sleep without Lakshmana's company. He would not partake even the choicest food minus to him.
yadā hi hayamārūḍhō mṛgayāṅ yāti rāghava:৷৷1.18.30৷৷

tadainaṅ pṛṣṭhatō.nvēti sadhanu: paripālayan.

rāghava: Raghava, hayam horse back, ārūḍha: mounting on, yadā whenever, mṛgayām for hunting, yāti goes, tadā then, sa: Lakshmana, dhanu: paripālayan holding bow in his hand, ēnam him (Rama), pṛṣṭhata: behind, anvēti followed.

Whenever Raghava (Rama) went hunting into the forest, riding the horse, Lakshmana used to follow him holding bow and arrows (in his hand).
bharatasyāpi śatrughnō lakṣmaṇāvarajō hi sa:৷৷1.18.31৷৷

prāṇai: priyatarō nityaṅ tasya cāsīttathā priya:.

lakṣmaṇāvaraja: younger brother of Lakshmana, sa: śatrughna: that Satrughna, bharatasyāpi for Bharata also, nityam always, prāṇai: (more than his) life, priyatara: was dearer, tasya ca āsīt for Satrughna also, tathā in that manner, priya: became dear( to Bharata).

In a similar manner Satrughna, younger brother of Lakshmana, became dearer than his own life to Bharata. Similarly, Bharata also was dear to Satrughna.
sa caturbhirmahābhāgai:putrairdaśaratha: priyai:৷৷1.18.32৷৷

babhūva paramaprītō dēvairiva pitāmaha:.

sa: daśaratha: Dasaratha, mahābhāgai: by the very fortunate ones, caturbhi: four, putrai: by sons, pitāmaha: Brahma, dēvai: iva like devatas, paramaprīta: babhūva was highly pleased.

With his very fortunate sons, Dasaratha was highly pleased like Brahma was with the gods.
tē yadā jñānasampannāssarvaissamuditā guṇai:৷৷1.18.33৷৷

hrīmanta: kīrtimantaśca sarvajñā dīrghadarśina:.

tēṣāmēvaṅ prabhāvānāṅ sarvēṣāṅ dīptatējasām৷৷1.18.34৷৷

pitā daśarathō hṛṣṭō brahmā lōkādhipō yathā.

tē they, yadā when, jñānasampannā: were enriched with knowledge, sarvaiḥ guṇai: by all virtues, samuditā: united, hrīmanta: modest, kīrtimantaśca renowned, sarvajñā: knower of all things, dīrghadarśina: farsighted, ēvaṅ in this manner, prabhāvānām having such faculties, dīptatējasām of the men of shining glory, tēṣāṅ sarvēṣām in their matter, pitā daśaratha: father Dasaratha, lōkādhipa: lord of the worlds, brahmā yathā like Brahma, hṛṣṭa: rejoiced.

All his sons were enriched with knowledge and endowed with all virtues. They were modest, renowned, omniscient and far-sighted. Dasaratha rejoiced at the sight of those glorious sons with such faculties and looked like Brahma, Lord of the worlds.
tē cāpi manujavyāghrā vaidikādhyayanē ratā:৷৷1.18.35৷৷

pitṛśuśrūṣaṇaratā dhanurvēdē ca niṣṭhitā:.

tē they, manujavyāghrā api also tigers among men, vaidikādhyayanē in the study of vedas, ratā: were engaged, pitṛśuśrūṣaṇaratā: intent on doing service to their parents, dhanurvēdē in the archery also, niṣṭhitā: were proficient.

They (like) tigers among men, were fond of the study of the Vedas and were always
engaged in the service of their parents. They were also proficient in the science of archery.
atha rājā daśarathastēṣāṅ dārakriyāṅ prati৷৷1.18.36৷৷

cintayāmāsa dharmātmā sōpādhyāyassabāndhava:.

atha thereafter, dharmātmā the virtuous, rājā daśaratha: king Dasaratha, sōpādhyāya: along with priests, sabāndhava: along with relatives, tēṣām their, dārakriyāṅ prati marriage, cintayāmāsa was engaged in the thought .

Then the virtuous king Dasaratha deliberated with his priests and kinsmen about the marriage of his sons.
tasya cintayamānasya mantrimadhyē mahātmana:৷৷1.18.37৷৷

abhyagacchanmahātējā viśvāmitrō mahāmuni:.

mahātmana: of the noble minded, tasya king Dasaratha, mantrimadhyē in the midst of counsellors, cintayamānasya while he was thinking, mahātējā: highly illustrious king, viśvāmitra: mahāmuni: ascetic Viswamitra, abhyagacchat arrived.

While the noble-minded king was thus deliberating in the midst of his counsellors, there arrived the effulgent ascetic Viswamitra.
sa rājñō darśanākāṅkṣī dvārādhyakṣānuvāca ha৷৷1.18.38৷৷

śīghramākhyāta māṅ prāptaṅ kauśikaṅ gādhinassutam.

sa: he, rājña: king's, darśanākāṅkṣī desirous of seeing, dvārādhyakṣān door keepers, uvāca ha addressed saying, "gādhina: Gadhi's, sutam son, kauśikam born in the line of Kusika, mām me, prāptam having arrived, śīghram speedily, ākhyāta declare".

Desirous of seeing the king (Dasaratha) he accosted the door-keepers, saying "Inform the king quickly about the arrival of Viswamitra, the son of Gadhi born in the line of
tacchrutvā vacanaṅ trāsādrājñō vēśma pradudruvu:৷৷1.18.39৷৷

sambhrāntamanasassarvē tēna vākyēna cōditā:.

tat vacanam those words, śrutvā having heard, sarvē all of them, sambhrāntamanasa: with excited minds, tēna vākyēna by that statement, cōditā: prompted, rājña: king's, vēśma apartment, trāsāt due to fear, pradudruvuḥ hastened.

On hearing those words (of Viswamitra) all of them prompted by fear because of left for the royal apartment with excited minds and hurried steps.
tē gatvā rājabhavanaṅ viśvāmitramṛṣiṅ tadā৷৷1.18.40৷৷

prāptamāvēdayāmāsurnṛpāyaikṣvākavē tadā.

tadā then, tē they, rājabhavanam towards royal palace, gatvā having gone, tadā then, viśvāmitram ṛṣim maharshi Viswamitra, prāptam having come, aikṣvākavē to the king belonging to Ikshvaku race, nṛpāya to king Dasaratha, āvēdayāmāsu: communicated.

Having reached the royal hall, they reported to the king (Dasaratha), descendant of the Ikshvakus about the arrival of sage Viswamitra.
tēṣāṅ tadvacanaṅ śrutvā sapurōdhāssamāhita:৷৷1.18.41৷৷

pratyujjagāma taṅ hṛṣṭō brahmāṇamiva vāsava:.

tēṣām theirs, tat vacanam those words, śrutvā having heard, hṛṣṭa: immensely pleased, sapurōdhā: together with his preceptors, samāhita: with absorbed mind, tam him, vāsava: Indra, brahmāṇamiva like Brahma, pratyujjagāma went forth to receive him.

Having heard their words, Dasaratha in great joy went forth together with his preceptors to receive him like Indra receiving Brahma.
taṅ dṛṣṭvā jvalitaṅ dīptyā tāpasaṅ saṅśitavratam৷৷1.18.42৷৷

prahṛṣṭavadanō rājā tatō.rghyamupahārayat.

tata: then, rājā king, jvalitam shining, dīptyā with radiance, tāpasaṅ ascetic, saṅśitavratam who had fulfilled his vows, tam him, dṛṣṭvā having seen, prahṛṣṭavadana: with cheerful countenance, arghyam respectable offerings, upahārayat offered.

Seeing Viswamitra, shining with the power of his penance fulfilled the king with a cheerful countenance made offerings with due respect.
sa rājña: pratigṛhyārghyaṅ śāstradṛṣṭēna karmaṇā৷৷1.18.43৷৷

kuśalaṅ cāvyayaṅ caiva paryapṛcchannarādhipam.2

sa: he, śāstradṛṣṭēna as shown in the scriptures, karmaṇā by religious rites, rājña: of the king, arghyam offerings, pratigṛhya having received, narādhipam king, kuśalaṅ ca welfare of the kingdom, avyayaṅ prosperity, paryapṛcchat enquired.

Viswamitra received the offerings as ordained in the scriptures and enquired from the king about the welfare and prosperity of his kingdom.
purē kōśē janapadē bāndhavēṣu suhṛtsu ca ৷৷1.18.44৷৷

kuśalaṅ kauśikō rājña: paryapṛcchatsudhārmika:.

sudhārmika: exceedingly virtuous, kauśika: Viswamitra, rājña: King's, purē in the cities, kōśē in treasury, janapadē in the villages, bāndhavēṣu among relatives, suhṛtsu ca among friends, kuśalam welfare, paryapṛcchat enquired.

The exceedingly virtuous sage Viswamitra enquired from the king about the treasury welfare of his subjects living in cities and villages, and the well being of his friends and relatives.
api tē sannatāssarvē sāmantā ripavō jitā:৷৷1.18.45৷৷

daivaṅ ca mānuṣaṅ cāpi karma tē sādhvanuṣṭhitam.

sāmantā: tributary kings, sarvē all, tē to you, api sannatā: are they submissive, ripava: enemies, jitā: are conquered, tē to you, daivataṅ karma rites for propitiating gods, mānuṣaṅ cāpi service to humanity, sādhu rightly, anuṣṭhitam performed.

Are the tributary kings submissive to you? Have you conquered your enemies? Are the rites for propitiating gods and the services to humanity performed rightly?
vasiṣṭhaṅ ca samāgamya kuśalaṅ munipuṅgava:৷৷1.18.46৷৷

ṛṣīṅśca tānyathānyāyaṅ mahābhāgānuvāca ha.

munipuṅgava: the foremost of ascetis,Viswamitra, vasiṣṭhaṅ ca Vasistha also, tān mahābhāgān all those distinguished men, ṛṣīṅśca sages also, yathānyāyam according to customary protocol, samāgamya having approached, kuśalam welfare, uvāca spoke (enquired).

The foremost of ascetis, Viswamitra approached Vasishta and all other distinguised sages following the protocal and enquired about their welfare.
tē sarvē hṛṣṭamanasastasya rājñō nivēśanam৷৷1.18.47৷৷

viviśu: pūjitāstatra niṣēduśca yathārhata:.

sarvē all of them, hṛṣṭamanasa: with gladdened hearts, tasya rājña: that king's, nivēśanam royal palace, viviśu: entered, tatra there, yathārhata: according to their status-merit, pūjitā: having been honoured, niṣēduśca sat down.

All of them with gladdened hearts entered the royal palace and sat down, in accordance with their position after having been duly honoured by the king.
atha hṛṣṭamanā rājā viśvāmitraṅ mahāmunim৷৷1.18.48৷৷

uvāca paramōdārō hṛṣṭastamabhipūjayan.

atha thereafter, paramōdāra: highly generous, rājā king Dasaratha, hṛṣṭamanā: well-pleased, tam mahāmunim that great sage, viśvāmitram Visvamitra, abhipūjayan while worshipping, hṛṣṭa: with joy, uvāca spoke৷৷

Then the munificent king, very much (at Viswamitra's arrival) pleased offered him a happy hospitality and spoke:
yathā.mṛtasya samprāptiryathāvarṣamanūdakē.

yathā sadṛśadārēṣu putrajanmā.prajasya ca ৷৷1.18.49৷৷

praṇaṣṭasya yathālābhō yathā harṣō mahōdayē.

tathaivāgamanaṅ manyē svāgataṅ tē mahāmunē৷৷1.18.50৷৷

mahāmunē O! Great sage, amṛtasya nectar's, samprāpti: obtaining, yathā like, anūdakē in a parched land varṣam rain, yathā like, aprajasya for a man without progeny, sadṛśadārēṣu through his worthy wife, putrajanma birth of sons, yathā like, praṇaṣṭasya for one who lost wealth, lābhaḥ recoveryof, yathā like, mahōdayē in a great achievement, harṣa: joy, yathā like, tē āgamanam your arrival, tathā ēva similar to that, manyē I am considering, svāgatam welcome to you,

"O great sage, welcome to you! Your arrival, to me, is like nectar (to a human being), rains to the parched land, birth of a son to the childless through his worthy wife, recovery of lost properity and festive joy in a great achievemnt.
pūrvaṅ rājarṣiśabdēna tapasā dyōtitaprabhaḥ.

brahmarṣitvamanuprāpta: pūjyō.si bahudhā mayā৷৷1.18.53৷৷

pūrvam formerly, rājarṣiśabdēna by the word of 'Rajarshi', dyōtitaprabha: indicating your shining (power), anu thereafter, tapasā by austerities, brahmarṣitvam status of Brahmarshi, prāpta: (you have) obtained, mayā by me, bahudhā in several ways, pūjya:asi you are worthy of worship.

Earlier you were rajarshi, a warrior sage. By your austerities you have obtained the brilliance that lends radiance even to the Sun and the Moon you have gained the status of a brahmrshi. In several ways you are worthy of my worship.
tadadbhutamidaṅ brahmanpavitraṅ paramaṅ mama.

śubhakṣētragataścāhaṅ tava sandarśanātprabhō৷৷1.18.54৷৷

brahman O! Brahman, tat therefore idam this l, adbhutam wonderful, mama to me, paramam great, pavitram pure, prabhō O! Lord, tava your, sandarśanāt by the presence, aham I, śubhakṣētragataśca have acquired merits of pilgrimage .

O Brahman! your arrival has caused surprise to me. It has conferred great purity on me. O Lord! by your very presence here, I feel I haved acquired the merits of a pilgrimage.
brūhi yatprārthitaṅ tubhyaṅ kāryamāgamanaṅ prati.

icchāmyanugṛhītō.haṅ tvadarthaparivṛddhayē৷৷1.18.55৷৷

āgamanaṅ prati in coming here, tubhyam to you, prārthitam desired, yat kāryam the purpose, brūhi tell me, aham I, anugṛhīta: am favoured, tvadarthaparivṛddhayē to achieve your object, icchāmi I am desirous.

Be pleased to tell me the purpose of your visit. I desire to be given the privilege of
doing service to achieve your object.
kāryasya na vimarśaṅ ca gantumarhasi kauśika.

kartā cāhamaśēṣēṇa daivataṅ hi bhavānmama৷৷1.18.56৷৷

kauśika O! Visvamitra, kāryasya of the work, vimarśam hesitation, gantum na arhasi you ought not get, aham I, viśēṣēṇa specially, kartā ca I shall accomplish that act, bhavān you, mama for me, daivataṅ hi are a god.

O Viswamitra! you need not hesitatate to tell me what ought to be performed. I shall accomplish that act in every possible special way. You are a god to me.
mama cāyamanuprāptō mahānabhyudayō dvija.

tavāgamanaja: kṛtsnō dharmaścānuttamō mama৷৷1.18.57৷৷

dvija O! Brahmin, mama for me, ayam this, mahān great, abhyudaya: prosperity, anuprāpta: has come, mama for me, tava āgamanaja: in consequence of your coming here, kṛtsna: entire, dharma: excellent merit, anuttama: great.

O Brahmin! I have attained this high foutune today. My great merit has been realised as a result of your arrival".
iti hṛdayasukhaṅ niśamya vākyaṅ

śrutisukhamātmavatā vinītamuktam.

prathitaguṇayaśā guṇairviśiṣṭa:

paramaṛṣi: paramaṅ jagāma harṣam৷৷1.18.58৷৷

ātmavatā by the wise and prudent, Dasaratha, iti in this manner, vinītam in a humble way, uktam spoken, hṛdayasukham comfortable to the mind, śrutisukham pleasant to the ears, vākyam words, niśamya having heard, prathitaguṇayaśā: with celebrated qualities and fame, guṇai: by virtues, rviśiṣṭa: distinguished, paramaṛṣi: excellent rishi, paramam great, harṣam jagāma experinced delight.

On hearing the words spoken in such an humble manner by the prudent king words pleasing to the mind and to the ears, the great rishi of celebrated virtues and fame, of sterling qualities experienced deep delight.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē bālakāṇḍē aṣṭādaśassarga:৷৷
Thus ends the eighteenth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.