Sloka & Translation


[While crossing the river Rama asks "What is this tumultuous sound gushing from the Ganga?"--Viswamitra gives the reply--The trio enter the forest -- Viswamitra narrates the story of Tataka.]

तत: प्रभाते विमले कृताह्निकमरिन्दमौ।

विश्वामित्रं पुरस्कृत्य नद्यास्तीरमुपागतौ।।1.24.1।।

तत: thereafter, अरिन्दमौ two destroyers of enemies, विमले on a pure, प्रभाते daybreak, कृताह्निकम् by observing daily oblations, विश्वामित्रम् Viswamitra, पुरस्कृत्य ahead of them नद्या: river's, तीरम् bank, उपागतौ arrived.

Thereafter the destroyers of foes, Rama and Lakshmana offering their morning oblations on that bright dawn arrived at the bank of the river (Ganga) with Viswamitra ahead of them.
ते च सर्वे महात्मानो मुनयस्संश्रितव्रता:।

उपस्थाप्य शुभां नावं विश्वामित्रमथाब्रुवन्।।1.24.2।।

महात्मान: highminded, संश्रितव्रता: strict observers of vows, ते सर्वे all those, मुनय: ascetics, शुभाम् auspicious, नावम् boat, उपस्थाप्य kept ready, अथ there after, विश्वामित्रम् addressed Visvamitra, अब्रुवन् saying.

All the highminded ascetics and strict followers of vows secured an auspicious boat for them and addressed Viswamitra, saying:
आरोहतु भवान्नावं राजपुत्रपुरस्कृत:।

अरिष्टं गच्छ पन्थानं मा भूत्कालविपर्यय:।।1.24.3।।

भवान् O Great rishi, राजपुत्रपुरस्कृत: with the princes ahead of you, नावम् boat, आरोहतु you may board it, अरिष्टम् devoid of evils, पन्थानम् path, गच्छ go, कालविपर्यय: loss of time, माभूत् let not take place.

With the princes ahead of you, board the boat. Tread the safe path. Let there be no loss of time.
विश्वामित्रस्तथेत्युक्तवा तानृषीनभिपूज्य च।

ततार सहितस्ताभ्यां सरितं सागरङ्गमाम्।।1.24.4।।

विश्वामित्र: Visvamitra, तथेति 'so be it', उक्त्वा having said, तान् ऋषीन् all those sages, अभिपूज्य having worshipped, ताभ्याम् by Rama and Lakshmana, सहित: accompanied by, सागरङ्गमाम् flowing towards the sea, सरितम् river Ganga, ततार crossed.

"Be it so", said Viswamitra and paid respect to all those sages. And accompanied by them (Rama and Lakshmana), crossed the river flowing towards the sea.
ततश्शुश्राव वै शब्दमतिसंरम्भवर्धितम्।

मध्यमागम्य तोयस्य सह राम:कनीयसा।।1.24.5।।

तत: then, राम: Rama, तोयस्य of the water, मध्यम् midst, आगम्य having come, अतिसंरम्भवर्धितम् greatly augmented by the speed, शब्दम् thunderous noise, कनीयसा सह with his younger brother, शुश्राव heard.

As they reached the midstream, Rama and his younger brother heard a sound greatly augmented by the speed (of the river).
अथ रामस्सरिन्मध्ये पप्रच्छ मुनिपुङ्गवम्।

वारिणो भिद्यमानस्य किमयं तुमुलो ध्वनि:।।1.24.6।।

अथ thereafter, राम: Rama, सरिन्मध्ये in the midst of river, मुनिपुङ्गवम् best of the sages, प्रपच्छ enquired of, भिद्यमानस्य bursting, वारिण: waters, तुमुल: tumultuous, अयं ध्वनि: this sound, किम् what?

Rama enquired of Viswamitra, the best of sages, "What is this tumultuous sound bursting out of the waters?"
राघवस्य वचश्श्रुत्वा कौतूहलसमन्वित:।

कथयामास धर्मात्मा तस्य शब्दस्य निश्चयम्।।1.24.7।।

कौतूहलसमन्वितः filled with curiosity, राघवस्य वच: Rama's words, श्रुत्वा having heard, धर्मात्मा righteous minded one, तस्य of that, शब्दस्य relating to that sound, निश्चयम् nature, कथयामास narrated.

At the words of Rama filled with curiosity, the righteous (Viswamitra) narrated the true nature of that sound.
कैलासपर्वते राम मनसा निर्मितं सर:।

ब्रह्मणा नरशार्दूल तेनेदं मानसं सर:।।1.24.8।।

नरशार्दूल O Best among men, राम Rama, कैलासपर्वते on the mount Kailasa, ब्रह्मणा by Brahma, सर: lake, मनसा by his thought, निर्मितम् created, तेन for that reason, इदं सर: this lake, मानसम् is called Manasa.

"O tiger among men, Rama. Brahma created out of his mind a lake on mount Kailas and so that lake is called Manasa (Sarovara).
तस्मात्सुस्राव सरसस्सायोध्यामुपगूहते ।

सर प्रवृत्ता सरयू: पुण्या ब्रह्मसरश्च्युता।।1.24.9।।

तस्मात् सरस: from that Manasa lake, सुस्राव flowed, सा that river, अयोध्याम् Ayodhya, उपगूहते surrounds, सर प्रवृत्ता because it flows from that lake, सरयू: is known as Sarayu, ब्रह्मसरश्च्युता released from the lake of Brahma, पुण्या sacred.

This river which flows from Manasa Sarovara is, therefore, known as 'Sarayu'. It
surrounds Ayodhya. This sacred river flows from that lake of Brahma.
तस्यायमतुलश्शब्दो जाह्नवीमभिवर्तते।

वारिसङ्क्षोभजो राम प्रणामं नियत:कुरु।।1.24.10।।

जाह्नवीम् river Ganga, अभिवर्तते approaches, अयम् this, अतुल: great, शब्द: sound, तस्या: that river's, वारिसङ्क्षोभज: produced when the waters are clashed at their confluence, राम Rama, नियत: with a concentrated mind, प्रणामम् respectful salutations, कुरु do.

When Ganga approaches this river (Sarayu), there is a clash of waters and this great noise is produced. Rama, offer respectful salutations here, with a calm mind".
ताभ्यां तु तावुभौ कृत्वा प्रणाममतिधार्मिकौ।

तीरं दक्षिणमासाद्य जग्मतुर्लघुविक्रमौ।।1.24.11।।

अतिधार्मिकौ both who were exceedingly righteous, तौ उभौ both of them, ताभ्याम् to the two rivers, प्रणामम् obeisance, कृत्वा having made, दक्षिणं तीरम् southern bank, आसाद्य having reached, लघुविक्रमौ with quick steps, जग्मतु: proceeded.

Deeply religious (in nature) they both made obeisance to the two rivers and reached the southern bank and advanced with quick steps.
स वनं घोरसङ्काशं दृष्ट्वा नृपवरात्मज:।

अविप्रहतमैक्ष्वाक: पप्रच्छ मुनिपुङ्गवम्।।1.24.12।।

ऐक्ष्वाक: descendent of Ikshvaku, नृपवरात्मज: son of best of kings, स: he, घोरसङ्काशम् dreadful, अविप्रहतम् untrodden, वनम् forest, दृष्ट्वा having seen, मुनिपुङ्गवम् foremost of ascetics, पप्रच्छ asked.

He who was a descendent of Ikshvaku and son of the best of kings, (Dasaratha) having seen that untrodden and dreadful forest asked the foremost of the ascetics:
अहो वनमिदं दुर्गं झिल्लिकागणनादितम्।

भैरवैश्शपदै: पूर्णं शकुन्तैर्दारुणारुतै:।।1.24.13।।

झिल्लिकागणनादितम् having ceaseless sounds of crickets, भैरवै: by the frightful, श्वापदै: ferocious beasts, दारुणारुतै: creating fearful cries, शकुन्तै: by birds, पूर्णम् filled, इदम् this, वनम् forest, दुर्गम् inaccessible, अहो what a wonder.

"What a wonder This inaccessible forest echoes with the (shrill) chirpings of crickets It is filled with ferocious beasts and birds producing fearful sounds.
नानाप्रकारैश्शकुनै र्वाश्यद्भिर्भैरवस्वनै:।

सिंहव्याघ्रवराहैश्च वारणैश्चोपशोभितम्।।1.24.14।।

वाश्यद्भि: shrieking, भैरवस्वनै: frightful sounds, नानाप्रकारै: by various kinds of, शकुनै: birds, सिंहव्याघ्रवराहै: च lions, tigers, boars, वारणै: च by elephants, उपशोभितम् shining.

"It resounds with the frightful shricks of various kinds of birds. Lions, tigers, boars and elephants prowl about.

सङ्कीर्णं बदरीभिश्च किन्न्वेतद्दारुणं वनम्।।1.24.15।।

धवाश्वकर्णककुभै: with Dhava, Ashvakarna, Kakubha, बिल्वतिन्दुकपाटलै: with Bilva,Tinduka, Patala, बदरीभिश्च with Badaris, सङ्कीर्णम् thronged, एतत् दारुणम् this frightening, वनम् forest, किं नु what indeed could this be?

This forest jampacked with dhava, ashvakarna, kakubha, bilva, tinduka, patala and badari trees, how frightening this forest could be"
तमुवाच महातेजा विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।

श्रूयतां वत्स काकुत्स्थ यस्यैतद्दारुणं वनम्।।1.24.16।।

महातेजा: highly powerful, महामुनि: great sage, विश्वामित्र: Viswamitra, तम् addressing him, उवाच spoke, वत्स O Child, काकुत्स्थ Kakusthsa, एतत् दारुणं वनम् this dreadful forest, यस्य whose, श्रूयताम् let it be heard.

Viswamitra, the great sage radiating energy addressing Rama said, "O child of kakusthsa dynasty I shall tell you whose dreadful forest this is. Listen"
एतौ जनपदौ स्फीतौ पूर्वमास्तां नरोत्तम।

मलदाश्च करूशाश्च देवनिर्माणनिर्मितौ।।1.24.17।।

नरोत्तम O Best among men, पूर्वम् formerly, देवनिर्माणनिर्मितौ built by celestial architects, मलदाश्च Malada, करूशा: च and also Karusha, स्फीतौ large and prosperous, एतौ जनपदौ these two cities, आस्ताम् existed.

O best among men, formerly these two large and prosperous cities called Malada and Karusha built by celestial architects existed.
पुरा वृत्रवधे राम मलेन समभिप्लुतम्।

क्षुधा चैव सहस्राक्षं ब्रह्महत्या समाविशत्।।1.24.18।।

राम O Rama, पुरा in ancient times, वृत्रवधे at the time of destruction of Vritrasura, मलेन by impurity, क्षुधा चैव by hunger also, समभिप्लुतम् overpowered, सहस्राक्षम् Indra, ब्रह्महत्या sin arising out of slaying Brahmin, समाविशत् attacked.

O Rama, in ancient times after killing Vritrasura, Indra was overpowered by the sin of slaying a brahmin and was affected by impurity and hunger.
तमिन्द्रं स्नापयन् देवा ऋषयश्च तपोधना:।

कलशैस्स्नापयामासुर्मलं चास्य प्रमोचयन्।।1.24.19।।

तम् इन्द्रम् Indra, देवा: devatas, स्नापयन् while bathing him, तपोधना: sages possessing asceticism as wealth, ऋषयश्च rishis, कलशै: with waterpitchers, स्नापयामासु: bathed him, अस्य मलम् his impurities, प्रमोचयन् liberated.

Devas and rishis endowed with the wealth of asceticism bathed Indra with the (consecrated) waters (brought from all rivers) from the pitchers and got him cleansed of impurities.
इह भूम्यां मलं दत्वा दत्वा कारूशमेव च।

शरीरजं महेन्द्रस्य ततो हर्षं प्रपेदिरे।।1.24.20।।

महेन्द्रस्य Mahendra's, शरीरजम् born from the body, मलम् taint and impurity, इह here, भूम्याम् at this place, दत्त्वा having left, कारूशमेव च hunger also, दत्त्वा having left, तत: there after, हर्षम् joy, प्रपेदिरे obtained.

With the hunger and the taint and impurity from the body of Mahendra removed at this place, the devas rejoiced.
निर्मलो निष्करूशश्च शुचिरिंन्द्रो यदाभवत्।

ददौ देशस्य सुप्रीतो वरं प्रभुरनुत्तमम्।।1.24.21।।

इन्द्र: Indra, यदा when, निर्मल: removed of his impurities, निष्करूशश्च unaffected by hunger, शुचि: अभवत् became pure, प्रभु: all powerful lord, सुप्रीत: highly pleased, देशस्य for that region, अनुत्तमम् excellent, वरम् boon, ददौ gave.

Cleansed of his impurities and his hunger gone, Indra once again became pure. Allpowerful Indra highly pleased gave an excellent boon to that region.
इमौ जनपदौ स्फीतौ ख्यातिं लोके गमिष्यत:।

मलदाश्च करूशाश्च ममाङ्गमलधारिणौ।।1.24.22।।

मम my, अङ्गमलधारिणौ bearing impurities of my body, इमौ these, जनपदौ places, स्फीतौ becoming prosperous, मलदाश्च Malada, करूशाश्च and Karusha, लोके in this world, ख्यातिम् fame, गमिष्यत: will attain.

Indra blessed the place saying, 'Having absorbed impurities of my body, let these places be extremely fertile and prosperous and let this be renowned throughout this world as Malada and Karusha'.
साधु साध्विति तं देवा: पाकशासनमब्रुवन्।

देशस्य पूजां तां दृष्ट्वा कृतां शक्रेण धीमता।।1.24.23।।

धीमता by the wise, शक्रेण by Indra, कृताम् performed, ताम् देशस्य of that land, पूजाम् honour, दृट्वा having seen, देवा: gods, साधु साधु इति 'Well, Well', तं पाकशासनम् adddressing Indra, अब्रुवन् said.

Having seen the honour bestowed on that land by the wise Indra, the gods said to him, 'Well done, Well done'.
एतौ जनपदौ स्फीतौ दीर्घकालमरिन्दम।

मलदाश्च करूशाश्च मुदितौ धनधान्यत:।।1.24.24।।

अरिन्दम O Destroyer of enemies, मलदाश्च Malada, करूशाश्च and Karusha, स्फीतौ prosperous, एतौ these, जनपदौ townships, दीर्घकालम् for a long time, धनधान्यत: with the harvest of corn and wealth, मुदितौ rejoiced.

O Destroyers of enemies these prosperous townships, Malada and Karusha looked cheerful with (bumper) crops and wealth for a long time.
कस्यचित्त्वथ कालस्य यक्षी वै कामरूपिणी।

बलं नागसहस्रस्य धारयन्ती तदा ह्यभूत्।।1.24.25।।

ताटका नाम भद्रं ते भार्या सुन्दस्य धीमत:। 2

मारीचो राक्षस: पुत्रो यस्याश्शक्रपराक्रम:।।1.24.26।।

अथ thereafter, कस्यचित्कालस्य after a lapse of some time, कामरूपिणी capable of assuming forms at will, नागसहस्रस्य of a thousand elephants, बलम् strength of, धारयन्ती possessing, ताटका नाम यक्षी yakshi known as Tataka, धीमत: of the intelligent, सुन्दस्य Sunda's, भार्या wife, शक्रपराक्रम: possessed of the power of Indra, मारीच: rakshasa known as Maricha, यस्या: whose, पुत्र: son, अभूत् became known, भद्रं ते May prosperity greet you.

Then, after a lapse of several years, O gentle one a terrible yakshini by name Tataka,
wife of intelligent Sunda, capable of assuming different forms at will, possessed of the strength of a thousand elephants and mother of a rakshasa known as Maricha armed with the power of Indra took possession of this place.
वृत्तबाहुर्महावीर्यो विपुलास्य तनुर्महान्।

राक्षसो भैरवाकारो नित्यं त्रासयते प्रजा:।।1.24.27।।

वृत्तबाहु: one who has round arms, महावीर्य: a highly energetic, विपुलास्यतनु: having large face and huge body, महान् gigantic, भैरवाकार: having dreadful form, राक्षस: rakshasa, नित्यम् always, प्रजा: inhabitants, त्रासयते frightens.

The arms (of Maricha) are round and strong. He is highly energetic. He has a large face and a huge body. In appearance, he is gigantic and possesses a dreadful form. That rakshasa always threatened the inhabitants.
इमौ जनपदौ नित्यं विनाशयति राघव।

मलदांश्च करूशांश्च ताटका दुष्टचारिणी।।1.24.28।।

राघव O Rama, दुष्टचारिणी a woman with wicked deeds, ताटका Tataka, मलदांश्च Malada, करूशांश्च Karusha, इमौ जनपदौ these two townships, नित्यम् always, विनाशयति destroys .

"O Rama that wicked than Tataka carried on her depredations at regular intervals in these locations, Malada and Karusha.
सेयं पन्थानमावृत्य वसत्यध्यर्धयोजने।

अत एव न गन्तव्यं ताटकाया वनं यत:।।1.24.29।।

सा such, इयम् thisTataka, पन्थानम् the path, आवृत्य obstructing, अध्यर्धयोजने at one and half yojanas distance, वसति living, यत: for which reason, ताटकाया: Tataka, वनम् forest, अत एव for that reason, न गन्तव्यम् one should not traverse.

Tataka lives at a distance of one and a half yojanas from here obstructing the path.
Since Tataka dwells in this forest, no one comes here (because of fears).
स्वबाहुबलमाश्रित्य जहीमां दुष्टचारिणीम्।

मन्नियोगादिमं देशं कुरु निष्कण्टकं पुन:।।1.24.30।।

स्वबाहुबलम् strength of your own arms, आश्रित्य employing, दुष्टचारिणीम् this one of wicked deeds, इमाम् her, जहि slay,मन्नियोगात् by my order, इमं देशम् this country, पुन: again, निष्कण्टकम् devoid of that thorn, कुरु do it (make it habitable).

"By the strength of your arms slay this one of wicked deeds. Comply with my orders and make this country safe (and habitable).
न हि कश्चिदिमं देशं शक्नोत्यागन्तुमीदृशम्।

यक्षिण्या घोरया राम उत्सादितमसह्यया।।1.24.31।।

राम O Rama, घोरया by the dreadful, असह्यया by the intolerable, यक्षिण्या yakshini, उत्सादितम् destroyed, ईदृशम् such, इमम् देशम् this country, आगन्तुम् to approach, कश्चित् any one, न शक्नोति is not capable.

O Rama none dare approach this country ravaged by such dreadful, intolerable yakshini.
एतत्ते सर्वमाख्यातं यथैतद्दारुणं वनम्।

यक्ष्या चोत्सादितं सर्वमद्यापि न निवर्तते।।1.24.32।।

एतत् वनम् this forest, सर्वम् entirely, दारुणम् cruel, यक्ष्या by the yakshi, यथा in such a manner, उत्सादितम् ruined, अद्यापि even now, यथा in a manner, न निवर्तते does not go back, एतत् सर्वम् all this, ते to you, आख्यातम् has been told.

You have been told the manner in which this fierce forest is entirely ruined by that cruel yakshini. Tell now she has not left this place".
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे चतुर्विंशतिस्सर्ग:।।
Thus ends the twentyfourth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.