Sloka & Translation


[Viswamitra confers celestial weapons on Rama]

atha tāṅ rajanīmuṣya viśvāmitrō mahāyaśāḥ.

prahasya rāghavaṅ vākyamuvāca madhurākṣaram৷৷1.27.1৷৷

atha thereafter, mahāyaśāḥ illustrious, viśvāmitraḥ Visvamitra, tāṅ rajanīm that night, uṣya having stayed, prahasya smiling, rāghavam addresseing, madhurākṣaram with sweet accents, vākyam these words, uvāca spoke.

The night over, illustrious Viswamitra called Rama with a sweet smile.
parituṣṭō.smi bhadraṅ tē rājaputra! mahāyaśaḥ.

prītyā paramayā yuktō dadāmyastrāṇi sarvaśaḥ৷৷1.27.2৷৷

mahāyaśaḥ of great renown, rājaputra O! Prince, parituṣṭaḥ asmi I am extremely pleased, tē bhadram May you prosper, paramayā prītyā with great love and affection, yuktaḥ filled with, astrāṇi weapons, sarvaśaḥ from all over, dadāmi I shall give.

"O prince of great renown, I am extremely pleased. May you prosper! Out of great love and affection for you I shall make over all the weapons.
dēvāsuragaṇānvāpi sagandharvōragānapi.

yairamitrān prasahyājau vaśīkṛtya jayiṣyasi৷৷1.27.3৷৷

tāni divyāni bhadraṅ tē dadāmyastrāṇi sarvaśaḥ .

yaiḥ by means of which, dēvāsuragaṇānvāpi even multitude of devatas, asuras, sagandharvōragānapi nagas together with gandharvas, amitrān enemies, ājau in the battle, prasahya forcibly, vaśīkṛtya taking them captives, jayiṣyasi you will vanquish, tāni divyāni such celestial, astrāṇi weapons, sarvaśaḥ completely, dadāmi I shall give, tē bhadram May you prosper.

With the help of these celestial weapons, you will vanquish even gods and demons, serpents together with gandharvas if they challenge you to a battle as enemies and take them as captives. I shall confer on you all such weapons. May you prosper!
daṇḍacakraṅ mahaddivyaṅ tava dāsyāmi rāghava৷৷1.27.4৷৷

dharmacakraṅ tatō vīra! kālacakraṅ tathaiva ca.

viṣṇucakraṅ tathātyugramaindramastraṅ tathaiva ca৷৷1.27.5৷৷

vajramastraṅ naraśrēṣṭha śaivaṅ śūlavaraṅ tathā.

astraṅ brahmaśiraścaiva aiṣīkamapi rāghava৷৷1.27.6৷৷

dadāmi tē mahābāhō! brāhmamastramanuttamam.

rāghava Rama!, mahat great, divyam celestial, daṇḍacakram Danda chakra, tava to you, dāsyāmi I shall grant, naraśrēṣṭha O! Best among men, mahābāhō mighty armed one, vīra heroic, rāghava Rama, tataḥ thereafter, dharmacakram Dharma chakra tathaiva ca also, kālacakram Kala chakra, tathā also, viṣṇucakram Visnu chakra, tathaiva ca also, aindram astram Indra-Astra, vajram astram Vajra astra, tathā thereafter, śaivam relating to Shiva, śūlavaram superior spear, brahmaśira known as Brahma Shira, astram astra, aiṣīkamapi Ishika astra, anuttamam highly superior, brāhmam astram Brahma astra, tē to you, dadāmi I shall give.

Mighty armed, heroic Rama! I shall grant you the great celestial dandachakra. O best among men! I shall grant you dharmachakra, kalachakra, visnuchakra, indraastra, vajraastra and the great, trident of Siva, brahmashirastra, ishika astra and highly superior brahmaastra.
gadē dvē caiva kākutstha mōdakī śikharī ubhē৷৷1.27.7৷৷

pradīptē naraśārdūla prayacchāmi nṛpātmaja.

kākutstha born in the race of Kakutstha, naraśārdūla best among men, nṛpātmaja O! Prince, Rama, pradīptē shining, dvē two, mōdakī śikharī Modaki and Shikhari, gadē two Maces, ubhē both of them, prayacchāmi I shall give.

Born in the race of kakutstha and a tiger among men, O Rama! I shall also grant two shining maces known as modaki and shikhari.
dharmapāśamahaṅ rāma! kālapāśaṅ tathaiva ca৷৷1.27.8৷৷

pāśaṅ vāruṇamastraṅ ca dadāmyahamanuttamam.

rāma O! Rama, aham I, dharmapāśam Dharma Pasa, tathaiva ca and also, kālapāśam Kala Pasa, vāruṇam relating to Varuna, pāśam Pasa, astraṅ ca and also an astra, anuttamam ca highly superior, dadāmi I shall grant.

Rama, I shall grant dharmapasa, kalapasa, varuna pasa, too unique weapons.
aśanī dvē prayacchāmi śuṣkārdrē raghunandana৷৷1.27.9৷৷

dadāmi cāstraṅ painākamastraṅ nārāyaṇaṅ tathā.

raghunandana O! Descendent of Raghu, Rama, śuṣkārdrē Shuska and Ardra, (dry and wet), dvē two, aśanī thunderbolts, painākam astram Painaka astra, tathā and, nārāyaṇam astram Narayana astra, dadāmi I shall grant.

O descendant of Raghu! I shall grant you two thunderbolts named shuska and ardra (dry and wet), painaka astra and narayanaastra.
āgnēyamastraṅ dayitaṅ śikharaṅ nāma nāmataḥ৷৷1.27.10৷৷

vāyavyaṅ prathanaṅ nāma dadāmi ca tavānagha .

anagha O! Blemishless one, nāmataḥ by name, śikharaṅ nāma well-known as Sikhara, dayitam a dear one, āgnēyam astram Agneya astra, prathanaṅ nāma by name Prathana, vāyavyam Vayavya astra, tava to you, dadāmi shall grant.

O blemishless Rama! I shall grant you agneyaastra known as sikhara which is my
favour weapon and vayavyaastra known as prathana৷৷
astraṅ hayaśirō nāma krauñcamastraṅ tathaiva ca.

śaktidvayaṅ ca kākutstha! dadāmi tava rāghava৷৷1.27.11৷৷

kākutstha born in the Kakutstha race, rāghava Rama!, hayaśirō nāma named Hayasira, astram astra, tathaiva ca also, krauñcamastram Krauncha astra, śaktidvayaṅ ca two powers, tava to you, dadāmi I shall grant.

O Rama! bron in the Kakutstha race, I shall grant you two powers named hayasira (Horse head) and kraunchaastra.
kaṅkālaṅ musalaṅ ghōraṅ kāpālamatha kaṅkaṇam.

dhārayantyasurā yāni dadāmyētāni sarvaśaḥ৷৷1.27.12৷৷

ghōram dreadful, kaṅkālam Kankala, musalam pounding pestle, kāpālam Kapala, atha and, kaṅkaṇam Kankana, yāni all these, asurāḥ asuras, dhārayanti are holding, ētāni such weapons, sarvaśaḥ completely, dadāmi I shall grant.

I shall grant all these weapons, the dreadful kankala, pestle kapala and kankana used by asuras.
vaidyādharaṅ mahāstraṅ ca nandanaṅ nāma nāmataḥ.

asiratnaṅ mahābāhō dadāmi ca nṛpātmaja৷৷1.27.13৷৷

mahābāhō O! Mighty armed one, nṛpātmaja O! Prince, vaidyādharam pertaining to Vaidyadharas, mahāstraṅ ca maha astra, nāmataḥ by name, nandanaṅ nāma known as Nandana, asiratnam excellent scimitar, dadāmi I shall grant.

O mighty-armed prince, I shall grant mahaastra, vaidyadhara and and an excellent scimitar known as nandana.
gāndharvamastraṅ dayitaṅ mānavaṅ nāma nāmataḥ.

prasvāpanapraśamanē dadmi sauraṅ ca rāghava৷৷1.27.14৷৷

rāghava O! Rama, gāndharvam astram Gandharva astra, nāmataḥ by name, mānavaṅ nāma known as Manava, dayitam much favoured, prasvāpana praśamanē inducing and suppressing sleep, sauraṅ ca Saura astra, dadmi I shall grant.

Rama, I shall grant two much favoured weapons namely gandharvaastras, manava astra, which induce and suppress sleep and sauraastra as well.
darpaṇaṅ śōṣaṇaṅ caiva santāpanavilāpanē.

madanaṅ caiva durdharṣaṅ kandarpadayitaṅ tathā৷৷1.27.15৷৷

paiśācamastraṅ dayitaṅ mōhanaṅ nāma nāmataḥ.

pratīccha naraśārdūla! rājaputra! mahāyaśaḥ৷৷1.27.16৷৷

mahāyaśaḥ O! Highly renowned one, naraśārdūla O! Best among men, rājaputra O! Prince, darpaṇam darpana, śōṣaṇaṅ caiva soshana(the parching weapon), santāpanavilāpanē Santhapana, Vilapana (those which induce sorrow and wailing), tathā also, durdharṣam unassailable, kandarpadayitam favoured by Manmatha, madanaṅ ca Madana, nāmataḥ by name, mōhanaṅ nāma known as Mohana, dayitam favoured one, paiśācam astram Paisacha Astra, pratīccha you may receive.

O renowned prince, best among men, receive these astras known as darpana, soshana, santhapana, vilapana, madana astra, the unassailable one favoured by kamadeva and the paisacha astra known as mohana favoured by demons.
tāmasaṅ naraśārdūla! saumanaṅ ca mahābala.

saṅvardhaṅ caiva durdharṣaṅ mausalaṅ ca nṛpātmaja৷৷1.27.17৷৷

satyamastraṅ mahābāhō tathā māyādharaṅ param.

ghōraṅ tējaḥ prabhaṅ nāma paratējō.pakarṣaṇam৷৷1.27.18৷৷

saumyāstraṅ śiśiraṅ nāma tvaṣṭurastraṅ sudāmanam.

dāruṇaṅ ca bhagasyāpi śitēṣu matha mānavam৷৷1.27.19৷৷

naraśārdūla O! Best among men, mahābala highly strong, nṛpātmaja O! Prince, tāmasam Tamasa, saumanaṅ caiva Saumana, durdharṣam caiva also unassilable, saṅvardhaṅ Samavardha, mausalam Mausala, satyam astram Satya astra, param supreme, māyādharam Maya dhara astra, paratējōpakarṣaṇam removing the energy of the opponent, ghōram fearful, tējaḥ prabham nāma named Teja Prabha, śiśiraṅ nāma named Sisira, saumyāstram Saumya astra(a soft weapon), sudāmanam supremely formidable, tvaṣṭuḥ Twashtu's, astram astra, bhagasya Bhaga's, dāruṇam terrible, śitēṣum sharp-arrowed astra, atha and, mānavam Manava, pratīcchasva accept.

O tiger among men! mighty prince!, accept tamasa and saumanaastras, the unassailable, samavardha weapon, mausala, satyaastra, the supreme mayadhara astra, the terrible tejaprabhaastra capable of removing the energy of the opponent, a soft weapon called sisira, supremely formidable twashtus astra, Bhaga's terrible shiteshuastra (sharp arrowed one) and manava astra.
ētān rāma! mahābāhō! kāmarūpān mahābalān .

gṛhāṇa paramōdārān kṣipramēva nṛpātmaja৷৷1.27.20৷৷

mahābāhō O! Mighty armed one, nṛpātmaja O! Prince, rāma O! Rama, kāmarūpān capable of assuming any form at will, mahābalān mighty, paramōdārān highly exalted, ētān these astras, kṣipramēva immediately, gṛhāṇa you may receive.

O Rama! mighty-armed prince, receive these mighty and highly exalted astras capable of assuming at once any form at will".
sthitastu prāṅmukhō bhūtvā śucirmunivarastadā.

dadau rāmāya suprītō mantragrāmamanuttamam৷৷1.27.21৷৷

tadā thereafter, munivara he exalted one among ascetics, śuci having purified himself, praṅmukhaḥ turning his face towards east, sthitaḥ bhūtvā standing, suprītaḥ well-pleased, rāmāya for Rama, anuttamam pre-eminently best, mantragrāmam collection of mantras, dadau gave.

Viswamitra, the greatest ascetic after the purification ritual stood with his face turned east and happily, conferred on Rama collection of the unique mantras.
sarvasaṅgrahaṇaṅ yēṣāṅ daivatairapi durlabham.

tānyastrāṇi tadā viprō rāghavāya nyavēdayat৷৷1.27.22৷৷

yēṣām of those weapons', sarvasaṅgrahaṇam complete acquisition, daivatairapi even by the celestials, durlabham difficult to be attained, tāni such, astrāṇi astras, tadā then, vipraḥ Visvamitra, rāghavāya for Rama, nyavēdayat made known.

The sage offered Rama the complete collection of those weapons which even the celestials find it difficult to acquire.
japatastu munēstasya viśvāmitrasya dhīmataḥ.

upatasthurmahārhāṇi sarvāṇyastrāṇi rāghavam৷৷1.27.23৷৷

dhīmataḥ of the sagacious, tasya munēḥ ascetic Viswamitra, japataḥ while muttering in a subdued tone, mahārhāṇi venerable, astrāṇi astras, sarvāṇi all, rāghavam for Rama, upatasthuḥ (reached) served.

While the sagacious ascetic Viswamitra was muttering the mystic terms of these venerable astras (addressing their respective deities), all these weapons (with their mystic power) attended on Rama.
ūcuśca muditāssarvē rāmaṅ prāñjalayastadā.

imē sma paramōdārāḥ kiṅkarāstava rāghava৷৷1.27.24৷৷

paramōdārāḥ highly munificient, sarvē all presiding deities of the weapons, tadā then, prañjalayaḥ with folded palms, ūcuśca uttered, rāghava Rama, imē sma here we are, tava your, kiṅkarāḥ servants.

The munificient presiding deities of the weapons with folded palms addressed these words to Rama saying, "Here we are, at you disposal !".
pratigṛhya ca kākutsthaḥ samālabhya ca pāṇinā.

mānasā mē bhaviṣyadhvamiti tānabhyacōdayat৷৷1.27.25৷৷

kākutstha O! Rama, pratigṛhya haivng received them, pāṇinā with hand, samālabhya touching them, mē my, mānasāḥ bhaviṣyadhvam iti be recorded in my mind, saying so, tān them, abhyacōdayat ordered them.

Rama received the astras he felt with his hands and commanded them saying, "Live in my mind" (serve me whenever I remember you).
tataḥ prītamanā rāmō viśvāmitraṅ mahāmunim.

abhivādya mahātējā gamanāyōpacakramē৷৷1.27.26৷৷

tataḥ thereafter, mahātējāḥ highly splendorous, rāmaḥ Rama, prītamanāḥ with pleased mind , viśvāmitraṅ Visvamitra, mahāmunim mighty ascetic, abhivādya bowing with respect, gamanāya for his journey, upacakramē commenced.

Thereafter, the cheerful Rama, bowed to the mighty ascetic Viswamitra and commenced his journey.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē bālakāṇḍē saptaviṅśassargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the twentyseventh sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.