Sloka & Translation


[Viswamitra relates the story of Siddhashrama. All the rishis in the hermitage worship him.]

atha tasyāpramēyasya tadvanaṅ paripṛcchata:.

viśvāmitrō mahātējā vyākhyātumupacakramē৷৷1.29.1৷৷

atha thereafter, tat vanam about that forest, paripṛcchata: while he was enquiring, apramēyasya of the man of immeasurable prowess, tasya of Rama, mahātējā highly lustrous, viśvāmitra: Visvamitra, vyākhyātum to explain, upacakramē commenced.

The highly lustrous Viswamitra heard the words of Rama of immeasurable prowess. On his (Rama's) query about the forest, Viswamitra explains.
iha rāma! mahābāhō! viṣṇurdēvavara: prabhu:.

varṣāṇi subahūnīha tathā yugaśatāni ca৷৷1.29.2৷৷

tapaścaraṇayōgārthamuvāsa sumahātapā:.

mahābāhō O! Mighty armed one, rāma Rama, iha here, dēvavara: the formost of gods, prabhu: highly competent, sumahātapā: great ascetic, viṣṇu: lord Vishnu, subahūni innumerable, varṣāṇi years, yugaśatāni hundreds of yugas, tapaścaraṇayōgārtham for carrying out yogic practices and penance, uvāsa lived.

"O mighty-armed Rama! Lord Visnu, the foremost among the gods, and master the great ascetic lived here carrying out yogic practices and penance for innumerable years constituting hundreds of yugas.
ēṣa pūrvāśramō rāma! vāmanasya mahātmana:৷৷1.29.3৷৷

siddhāśrama iti khyātassiddhō hyatra mahātapā:.

rāma O! Rama, ēṣa: this place, mahātmana: of the glorious, vāmanasya Vamana's, pūrvāśrama: formerly hermitage of, siddhāśrama: Siddhashrama, iti thus, khyāta: known, hi indeed, mahātapā: great ascetic, atra here, siddha: succeeded in his ascetic pratices.

"O Rama! this was the hermitage of glorious Vamana. The great sage her performed his ascetic pratices here, hence it is known as siddhashrama.
ētasminnēva kālē tu rājā vairōcanirbali:৷৷1.29.4৷৷

nirjitya daivatagaṇān sēndrāṅśca samarudgaṇān.

kārayāmāsa tadrājyaṅ triṣu lōkēṣu viśruta:৷৷1.29.5৷৷

ētasmin kālē ēva during this period itself, vairōcani: the son of Virochana, rājā king bali: Bali, sēndrān with Indra, samarudgaṇān together with host of Maruts, daivatagaṇān host of devatas, nirjitya having vanquished, triṣu in three, lōkēṣu worlds, viśruta: famed, tat rājyam that kingdom, kārayāmāsa ruled.

"During the period Visnu (in the incarnation of Vamana) was observing austerities at this hermitage, king Bali, son of Virochana, having vanquished Indra and maruts and devatas ruled this kingdom and became famous in all the three worlds (for his prowess and generosity.)
balēstu yajamānasya dēvāssāgnipurōgamā:.

samāgamya svayaṅ caiva viṣṇumūcurihāśramē৷৷1.29.6৷৷

balē: when emperor Bali, yajamānasya while he was performing the sacrifice, sāgnipurōgamā: with Agni in the forefront, dēvā: devas, iha in this, āśramē hermitage, viṣṇum lord Vishnu, svayam personally, samāgamya having got together, ūcu: uttered these words.

"While Bali was performing the sacrifice (to confirm his position as lord of the three worlds), the devas got together with Agni in the forefront and approached Lord Visnu
at this hermitage, saying:
balirvairōcanirviṣṇō yajatē yajñamuttamam.

asamāptē kratau tasmin svakāryamabhipadyatām৷৷1.29.7৷৷

viṣṇō O! Visnu, vairōcani: son of Virochana, bali: Bali, uttamam excellent, yajñam sacrifice, yajatē is performing, tasmin kratau in that sacrifice, asamāptē before being completed, svakāryam our purpose, abhipadyatām let it be achieved.

'O Visnu! son of Virochana is performing a great sacrifice. Before its completion, our purpose ought to be achieved'.
yē cainamabhivartantē yācitāra itastata:.

yacca yatra yathāvacca sarvaṅ tēbhya: prayacchati৷৷1.29.8৷৷

yē yācitāra: those seekers of favours, itastata: from here and there, ēnam him, abhivartantē approach, yacca whichever, yatra wherever, yathāvacca in whatever manner, sarvam all that, tēbhya: for them, prayacchati is granting.

'He is granting the seekers whatever, wherever and in whichever maner they, coming from here and there approach him for favour'.
sa tvaṅ surahitārthāya māyāyōgamupāgata:.

vāmanatvaṅ gatō viṣṇō! kuru kalyāṇamuttamam৷৷1.29.9৷৷

viṣṇō O! Visnu, sa: tvam such a god as you are, surahitārthāya for the welfare of devatas, māyāyōgam by act of illusion, upāgata: have assumed, vāmanatvam gata: assuming dwarfness, uttamam supreme, kalyāṇam auspicious act, kuru perform.

"O Visnu! perform this supreme, auspicious act assuming the form of a dwarf through, the power of illusion for the welfare of the devatas'.
ētasminnantarē rāma! kaśyapō.gnisamaprabha:.

adityā sahitō rāma! dīpyamāna ivaujasā৷৷1.29.10৷৷

dēvīsahāyō bhagavān divyaṅ varṣasahasrakam .

vrataṅ samāpya varadaṅ tuṣṭāva madhusūdanam৷৷1.29.11৷৷

rāma O! Rama, ētasmin antarē in the meantime, agnisamaprabha: resplendent as fire, ōjasā with supreme lustre, dīpyamāna iva as if radiating with, bhagavān worshipful, kāśyapa: Kashyapa, adityā sahita: in the company of Aditi, divyaṅ varṣasahasrakam a thousand divine years, vratam vow, samāpya having completed, varadam conferer of boons, madhusūdanam Madhusudana, tuṣṭāva extolled.

"O Rama! in the mean time revered Kasyapa resplendent like the god of fire radiating lustre with Aditi who had completed a thousand divine years of austerities pleased (with her penance) the conferer of boons, Lord Madhusudana" (Visnu) (And she said to Visnu):
tapōmayaṅ tapōrāśiṅ tapōmūrtiṅ tapātmakam.

tapasā tvāṅ sutaptēna paśyāmi puruṣōttamam৷৷1.29.12৷৷

tapōmayam endowed with extremely great ascetisism, tapōrāśim a mass of Tapas, tapōmūrtim embodiment of Tapas, tapātmakam made of great Tapas, puruṣōttamam O! Purushottama, tvām you, sutaptēna with well performed, tapasā with penance, paśyāmi I am beholding you.

"You are all ascetism, a mass of tapas, and an embodiment of tapas. Your soul is tapas. O Purushottama! I am beholding you after a rigorous penance.
śarīrē tava paśyāmi jagatsarvamidaṅ prabhō.

tvamanādiranirdēśyastvāmahaṅ śaraṇaṅ gata:৷৷1.29.13৷৷

prabhō O! Lord, tava your, śarīrē in the body, idam this, sarvaṅ jagat entire universe, paśyāmi I am beholding, tvam you, anādi beginingless, anirdēśyaḥ indescribable, aham I, tvām you, śaraṇaṅ gata: taking refuge.

"O Lord! I am beholding this entire universe in your body. You are beginningless and indescribable. I take refuge in you".
tamuvāca hari: prīta: kaśyapaṅ dhūtakalmaṣam.

varaṅ varaya bhadraṅ tē varārhō.si matō mama ৷৷1.29.14৷৷

hari: Visnu, prīta: is pleased, dhūtakalmaṣam with sins removed, taṅ kāśyapam addressing that Kashyapa, uvāca said, varam boon, varaya ask for, tē bhadram may you prosper!, varārha: worthy of receiving boon, mama for me, mata: asi dear to me.

Addressing Kasyapa whose sins had been washed clean, Lord Visnu pleased (with his penance) said: "Be prosperous you are dear to me. Worthy of a boon. Ask."
tacchrutvā vacanaṅ tasya mārīca: kaśyapō.bravīt.

adityā dēvatānāṅ ca mama caivānuyācata:৷৷1.29.15৷৷

varaṅ varada suprītō dātumarhasi suvrata.

tasya his, tat vacanam those words, śrutvā having heard, mārīca: son of Maricha, kāśyapa: Kashyapa, abravīt spoke, varada O! Bestower of boons, suvrata man of excellent vows, adityā: for Aditi, dēvatānāṅ ca for devatas also, anuyācata: following all of them soliciting, mama ca for me also, suprīta: well pleased, varam boon, dātum arhasi it behoves of you to grant.

Having heard those words of Vishnu, Kasyapa, son of Maricha, replied, "O bestower of boons, O great practitioner of austerities! Be pleased to grant a boon for Aditi, devatas and for myself.
putratvaṅ gaccha bhagavannadityā mama cānagha৷৷1.29.16৷৷

bhrātā bhava yavīyāṅstvaṅ śakrasyāsurasūdana .

śōkārtānāṅ tu dēvānāṅ sāhāyyaṅ kartumarhasi৷৷1.29.17৷৷

bhagavan O! Adorable one, anagha O! Blemishless one, adityā: for Aditi, mama ca and for me, putratvam become the son, gaccha obtain, asurasūdana O! Destroyer of asuras, tvam you, śakrasya Indra's, yavīyān younger, bhratā brother, bhava become, śōkārtānām for those stricken with
sorrow, dēvānām for devatas, sāhāyyam help, kartum arhasi you are fit to do.

"O Sinless Lord, Be born son to Aditi and to me, O Destroyer of asuras, be the younger brother to Indra. You can help these sorrow-stricken devatas.
ayaṅ siddhāśramō nāma prasādā ttē bhaviṣyati.

siddhē karmaṇi dēvēśa! uttiṣṭha bhagavannita:৷৷1.29.18৷৷

dēvēśa O! Lord of celestials, karmaṇi why my penance, siddhē is accomplished, ayam this one, tē your, prasādāt by graciousness, siddhāśramō nāma by the name of Siddha-ashrama, bhaviṣyati will become, bhagavan O! Worshipful one, ita: from here, uttiṣṭha arise.

O Lord of the celestials, with my penance accomplished (here) this place will be known as siddhaashrama by your grace. O Lord! arise from here".
atha viṣṇurmahātējā adityāṅ samajāyata.

vāmanaṅ rūpamāsthāya vairōcanimupāgamat৷৷1.29.19৷৷

atha then, mahātējā: highly resplendent one, viṣṇu: Vishnu, adityām from the womb of Aditi, samajāyata was born, vāmanaṅ rupam form of Vamana, āsthāya assuming, vairōcanim emperor Bali,the son of Virochana, upāgamat approached.

Then the resplendent Visnu, born from the womb of Aditi and assuming the form of Vamana, approached, the son of Virochana (Bali).
trīn kramānatha bhikṣitvā pratigṛhya ca mānada:.

ākramya lōkān lōkātmā sarvabhūtahitē rata:৷৷1.29.20৷৷

mahēndrāya puna: prādānniyamya balimōjasā.

trailōkyaṅ sa mahātējāścakrē śakravaśaṅ puna:৷৷1.29.21৷৷

atha thereafter, mānada: giver of self-respect, lōkātmā the soul of the universe, sarvabhūtahitē rata: engaged in the welfare of all living beings, trīn three, kramān footsteps, bhikṣitvā having solicited, pratigṛhya ca and having received, lōkān the worlds, ākramya having occupied, balim Bali, ōjasā with his energy, niyamya having restrained, mahēndrāya for Mahendra, puna: again, prādāt gave, mahātējā:sa: that highly lustrous Visnu, trailōkyam three worlds, puna: again, śakravaśam in the possession of Mahendra, cakrē made.

Thereafter, Visnu, soul of the universe who restores respect (for the righeous), and renders the welfare of all living beings, having begged from Bali, and been granted three places to put his footsteps on occupied the (three) worlds and by restraining Bali with his energy, gave (it) back to Mahendra. In this manner the highly lustrous Visnu, gave possession of the three worlds to Mahendra.
tēnaiṣa pūrvamākrānta āśramaśśramanāśana:.

mayāpi bhaktaya tasyaiṣa vāmanasyōpabhujyatē৷৷1.29.22৷৷

śramanāśana: extinguishing the fatigue, ēṣa:āśrama: this ashrama, tēna by Vamana, pūrvam formerly, ākrānta: occupied, tasya vāmanasya that Vamana's, bhaktaya with devotion, mayāpi by me also, ēṣa: this ashrama, upabhujyatē is enjoyed.

"This asrama, which relieves fatigue, previously under the possession of Vamana, has come under my occoupation for my devotion to him.
ētamāśramamāyānti rākṣasā vighnakāriṇa:.

atraiva puruṣavyāghra! hantavyā duṣṭacāriṇa:৷৷1.29.23৷৷

puruṣavyāghra O!Best among men, vighnakāriṇa: those causing obstacles, rakṣasā: rakshasas, ētam āśramam this ashrama, āyānti are coming, duṣṭacāriṇa: the wicked ones, atraiva here alone, hantavyā: are fit to be killed.

"O tiger among men, wicked rakshasas who prowl about the asram and cause
obstacles ought to be killed here only.
adya gacchāmahē rāma! siddhāśramamanuttamam.

tadāśramapadaṅ tāta! tavāpyētadyathā mama৷৷1.29.24৷৷

rāma O! Rama, adya now, anuttamam the excellent, siddhāśramam Siddha ashrama, gacchāmahē shall go tāta O! Child, tat that, ētat this same one, āśramapadam ahrama, mama to me, yathā as, tavāpi even for you, tathā in the same way.

"O Rama, now let's go to the unparalleled Siddhashrama. O child! this asrama is the same to you as it is to me (treat this as your own)".
praviśannāśramapadaṅ vyarōcata mahāmuni:.

śaśīva gatanīhāra: punarvasusamanvita:৷৷1.29.25৷৷

āśramapadam the hermitage, praviśan while entering, mahāmuni: the great ascetic, gatanīhāra: cleared of mist, punarvasusamanvita: in conjunction with Punarvasu star, śaśīva like moon, vyarōcata was shining.

While enetering the hermitage the great ascetic appeared resplendent (in the company of Rama and Lakshmana) like the moon in conjunction with Punarvasu star emerging out of the mist.
taṅ dṛṣṭvā munayassarvē siddhāśramanivāsina:.

utpattyōtpattya sahasā viśvāmitramapūjayan৷৷1.29.26৷৷

siddhāśramanivāsina: inhabitants of Siddha ashrama, munaya: ascetics, sarvē all, taṅ dṛṣṭvā having seen him, utpattya utpattya having jumped out, sahasā immediately, viśvāmitram Visvamitra, apūjayan worshipped.

At the sight of Viswamitra all the ascetics, inmates of Siddhashrama, jumped out instantly and offered him their worship.
yathārhaṅ cakrirē pūjāṅ viśvāmitrāya dhīmatē.

tathaiva rājaputrābhyāmakurvannatithikriyām৷৷1.29.27৷৷

dhīmatē to the sagacious, viśvāmitrāya Visvamitra, yathārham in a fitting manner, pūjām honours, cakrirē extended, tathaiva in the same manner, rājaputrābhyām for both the princes, atithikriyām hospitality, akurvan extended.

They extended hospitality to both the princes in the same way they offered their worship to the sagacious Viswamitra.
muhūrtamatha viśrāntau rājaputrāvarindamau.

prāñjalī muniśārdūlamūcatū raghunandanau৷৷1.29.28৷৷

atha thereafter, arindamau destroyers of enemies, rājaputrau two princes, raghunandanau Rama and Lakshmana bringing glory to Raghu's race, muhūrtam for a while, viśrāntau having taken rest, prāñjalī with folded palms, muniśārdūlam addressing best of asetics,Visvamitra, ūcatu: spoke.

The two princes of the lineage of Raghu, destroyers of foes rested a while and then said to Viswamitra, a tiger amon sages:
adyaiva dīkṣāṅ praviśa bhadraṅ tē munipuṅgava.

siddhāśramō.yaṅ siddhassyāt satyamastu vacastava৷৷1.29.29৷৷

munipuṅgava O! Foremost of ascetics, adyaiva today itself, dīkṣām initiation ceremony, praviśa enter, tē bhadram May you prosper!, ayaṅ siddhāśrama: this siddha ashrama, siddha:syāt may attain perfection, tava vaca: your words, satyam astu shall become truthful.

O foremost of ascetics! Get initialed today. You will prosper and this asram will attain its fulfilment. Your words shall come true.
ēvamuktō mahātējā viśvāmitrō mahān ṛṣi: .

pravivēśa tadā dīkṣāṅ niyatō niyatēndriya:৷৷1.29.30৷৷

ēvam in this manner, ukta:spoken, mahātējā: the highly lustrous, viśvāmitra: Visvamitra, mahān ṛṣi: great ascetic, tadā then, niyata: engaged in the religious observance, niyatēndriya: with restrained senses, dīkṣām initiation ceremony, pravivēśa entered.

Saying this, Viswamitra, the great saint effulgent and self trained engaged himself in the initiation ceremony.
kumārāvapi tāṅ rātrimuṣitvā susamāhitau.

prabhātakālē cōtthāya pūrvāṅ sandhyāmupāsya ca৷৷1.29.31৷৷

spṛṣṭōdakau śucī japyaṅ samāpya niyamēna ca .

hutāgnihōtramāsīnaṅ viśvāmitramavandatām ৷৷1.29.32৷৷

kumārau api the two princes also, tāṅ rātrim during that night, susamāhitau with well composed minds, uṣitvā having dwelt, prabhātakālē at day-break, utthāya having woken up, spṛṣṭōdakau having touched water, śucī cleansed themselves, pūrvāṅ sandhyām morning ablutions, upāsya having performed, niyamēna in accordance with prescribed rules, japyam reciting prayers, samāpya having completed, hutāgnihōtram one who has kindled sacrificial- fire, āsīnam seated, viśvāmitram Visvamitra, avandatām paid their homage.

The two princes spent the right comfortably and woke up at day-break. They performed morning in accordance with the prescribed rule, ablutions, said their prayers and paid their respects to Viswamitra seated at the kindled fire-sacrifice.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē bālakāṇḍē ēkōnatriṅśassarga:৷৷
Thus ends the twentyninth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.