Sloka & Translation


[Valmiki composes the great epic--names it Ramayana--visualises the past events in detail.]

śrutvā vastu samagraṅ taddharmātmā dharmasaṅhitam .

vyaktamanvēṣatē bhūyō yadvṛttaṅ tasya dhīmata: ৷৷1.3.1৷৷

dharmātmā the righteous one, dharmasaṅhitam is endowed with righteousness, samagram entire, tat vastu that story of Rama, śrutvā having heard from Narada, dhīmata: of the intellectual, tasya vṛttam history of Rama, yat which, vyaktam distinctly, bhūya: still more, anvēṣatē searched for.

Hearing the entire story of Rama from the intellecual Narada, the righteous (Valmiki) sought to know clearly more about the history of Rama endowed with wisdom.
upaspṛśyōdakaṅ samyagmunissthitvā kṛtāñjali: .

prācīnāgrēṣu darbhēṣu dharmēṇānvēṣatē gatim ৷৷1.3.2৷৷

muni: Valmiki, udakam water, upaspṛśya having performed achamana (sipping water in accordance with tradition to purify one-self), prācīnāgrēṣu with their ends facing the east side of, darbhēṣu kusha grass, sthitvā sitting, kṛtāñjali: with folded palms, dharmēṇa with the power of penance, gatim the course of past events in history of Rama, samyak completely, anvēṣatē searched for.

Having performed achamana, Valmiki seated on kusha grass with folded palms, searched for the course of past events in the history of Rama by his power of penance.
rāmalakṣmaṇasītābhī rājñā daśarathēna ca .

sabhāryēṇa sarāṣṭrēṇa yatprāptaṅ tatra tattvata: ৷৷1.3.3৷৷

hasitaṅ bhāṣitaṅ caiva gatiryā yacca cēṣṭitam .

tatsarvaṅ dharmavīryēṇa yathāvatsamprapaśyati ৷৷1.3.4৷৷

rāmalakṣmaṇasītābhi: by Rama, Lakshmana and Sita, rājñā daśarathēna ca by king Dasaratha also, sabhāryēṇa by his wives around him, sarāṣṭrēṇa along with his kingdom, yat whatever, prāptam was obtained, tatra in that matter, yā gati: whatever course of events, yat cēṣṭitam whatever were the endeavours made, hasitam their laughter, bhāṣitaṅ caiva their conversation, tatsarvam all that, tattvata: as in real life, yathāvat accurately, dharmavīryēṇa through the power of his penance, samprapaśyati visualised (clearly with his mind's eye).

By the power of his penance, the holy sage visualised clearly Rama, Lakshmana and Sita, king Dasaratha, his wives and his kingdom and all that they had observed,
experienced, endeavoured during the course of events. He also visualised clearly their laughter and conversation exactly as in real life.
strītṛtīyēna ca tadā yatprāptaṅ caratā vanē .

satyasandhēna rāmēṇa tatsarvaṅ cānvavēkṣitam ৷৷1.3.5৷৷

strītṛtīyēna with his wife as a third member, vanē caratā while moving in the (Dandakaranya) forest, satyasandhēna bound by truth, rāmēṇa by Rama, tadā then, yat prāptam which was acquired, tat sarvam all that, anvavēkṣitam was visualised.

All that was acquired by truthful Rama, Lakshmana and wife Sita as the third person when they were moving in the Dandakaranya forest, was visualised.
tata: paśyati dharmātmā tatsarvaṅ yōgamāsthita: .

purā yattatra nirvṛttaṅ pāṇāvāmalakaṅ yathā ৷৷1.3.6৷৷

tata: thereafter, dharmātmā righteous Valmiki, yōgam spiritual meditation (yoga), āsthita: having be taken himself, purā past, tatra there, yat all that, nirvṛttam happened, tat that, sarvam clearly, pāṇau in the palm of the hand, āmalakaṅ yathā like an amalaka fruit, paśyati saw.

With the power of yoga, the righteous (Valmiki) saw clearly, like an amalaka fruit in the
palm of the hand the entire course of events that happened in the past relating to Rama.
tatsarvaṅ tattvatō dṛṣṭvā dharmēṇa sa mahādyuti: .

abhirāmasya rāmasya caritaṅ kartumudyata: ৷৷1.3.7৷৷

kāmārthaguṇasaṅyuktaṅ dharmārthaguṇavistaram .

samudramiva ratnāḍhyaṅ sarvaśrutimanōharam ৷৷1.3.8৷৷

mahādyuti: highly resplendent, sa: that Valmiki, tat sarvam all that history, tattvata: truely, dharmēṇa with the power of righteousness, dṛṣṭvā having seen, kāmārthaguṇasaṅyuktam blended with merits of attainment of worldly prosperity and pleasures, dharmārthaguṇavistaram detailed description of the merit of righteousness (as an end and aim), ratnāḍhyam filled with gems, samudramiva like an ocean, sarvaśrutimanōharam captivating the ears and mind, abhirāmasya delightful, rāmasya of Rama, caritam history, kartum to compose, udyata: got ready.

Highly resplendent Valmiki, having visualised the story (of Rama), with his power of penance and blending the merits of attainment of worldly prosperity and pleasures together with the detailed description of the merit of righteousness as an end and aim, like an ocean filled with gems, got ready to compose the story of delightful Rama which regales everybody's ears.
sa yathā kathitaṅ pūrvaṅ nāradēna maharṣiṇā .

raghuvaṅśasya caritaṅ cakāra bhagavānṛṣiḥ ৷৷1.3.9৷৷

bhagavān divine sage , sa:ṛṣi: that sage, nāradēna maharṣiṇā by the illustrious sage Narada, pūrvam in the past, yathā in the form, kathitam as related, raghuvaṅśasya born in the race of Raghu, caritam history, cakāra composed.

The divine sage, composed the history of Rama born in the race of Raghu, just as it was related by the illustrious sage Narada in the past.
janma rāmasya sumahadvīryaṅ sarvānukūlatām .

lōkasya priyatāṅ kṣāntiṅ saumyatāṅ satyaśīlatām ৷৷1.3.10৷৷

rāmasya janma birth of Rama, sumahat very great, vīryam prowess, sarvānukūlatām benevolence to all, lōkasya to the world, priyatām being beloved, kṣāntim forbearance, saumyatām handsome looks, satyaśīlatām the truthful character.

(He described) the birth of Rama, his great prowess, benevolence, pleasant disposition, forbearance, handsome looks and his adherence to truth.
nānācitrakathāścānyā viśvāmitrasamāgamē .

jānakyāśca vivāhaṅ ca dhanuṣaśca vibhēdanam ৷৷1.3.11৷৷

viśvāmitrasamāgamē his association with Visvamitra, anyā: other, nānā citrakathā: several astonishing and varied stories, jānakyā: with Janaki, vivāhaṅ ca marriage, dhanuṣa: of great bow, vibhēdanam breaking of.

(He described) Rama's association with Viswamitra, a variety of wonderful stories, the breaking of the great bow and his (Rama's) marriage with Janaki.
rāmarāmavivādaṅ ca guṇāndāśarathēstathā .

tathā.bhiṣēkaṅ rāmasya kaikēyyā duṣṭabhāvatām ৷৷1.3.12৷৷

rāmarāmavivādaṅ ca altercation between Rama and Parasurama, tathā and, dāśarathē: Rama's, guṇān noble qualities, tathā and, rāmasya Rama's, abhiṣēkam coronation, kaikēyyā: Kaikeyi's, duṣṭabhāvatām wicked nature.

(He described) Rama's altercation with Parasurama, his noble qualities, the preparations for his coronation and the wicked nature of Kaikeyi.
vighātaṅ cābhiṣēkasya rāghavasya vivāsanam .

rājñaśśōkavilāpaṅ ca paralōkasya cāśrayam ৷৷1.3.13৷৷

abhiṣēkasya for the coronation of Rama, vighātaṅ ca obstacles, rāmasya ca Rama's, vivāsanam departure to the forest, rājña: king Dasaratha's, śōkavilāpaṅ wailings with sorrow, paralōkasya heaven, āśrayaṅ ca taking refuge.

(He described) the obstacles to the coronation of Rama, his departure to the forest, the wailing and death of king Dasaratha with sorrow.
prakṛtīnāṅ viṣādaṅ ca prakṛtīnāṅ visarjanam .

niṣādādhipasaṅvādaṅ sūtōpāvartanaṅ tathā ৷৷1.3.14৷৷

prakṛtīnām of the people of Ayodhya, viṣādaṅ ca and the grief, prakṛtīnām of the people, visarjanam abandoning them, niṣādādhipasaṅvādam the conversation with Guha, the ruler of Nishadas, tathā and, sūtōpāvartanam charioteer Sumantra's return.

(He described) the grief of people of Ayodhya and his (Rama's) abandoning them and his (Rama's) conversation with Guha, the ruler of nishadas, the charioteer (Sumantra)'s return (after leaving Rama in the forest).
gaṅgāyāścāpi santāraṅ bharadvājasya darśanam .

bharadvājābhyanujñānāccitrakūṭasya darśanam ৷৷1.3.15৷৷

gaṅgāyā: the river Ganga, santāraṅ ca api ferrying, bharadvājasya Bharadwaja's, darśanam audience, bharadvājābhyanujñānāt by the order of sage Bharadwaja, citrakūṭasya Chitrakuta mountain's, darśanam seeing.

(He described) Rama, Lakshmana and Sita ferrying the river Ganges, the visit to holy sage Bharadwaja and the departure to Chitrakuta mountain.
vāstukarma nivēśaṅ ca bharatāgamanaṅ tathā .

prasādanaṅ ca rāmasya pituśca salilakriyām ৷৷1.3.16৷৷

vāstukarma construction of a hut, nivēśaṅ ca dwelling in that hut, bharatāgamanam arrival of Bharata, rāmasya Rama's, prasādanaṅ ca propitiating, tathā and, pitu: his father's, salilakriyām funeral rites.

(He described) the making of, and dwelling in, a hut, the arrival of Bharata, Bharata's persuasion to Rama (to return to the kingdom), and Rama's performance the funeral ablution for his father.
pādukāgryābhiṣēkaṅ ca nandigrāmanivāsanam .

daṇḍakāraṇyagamanaṅ virādhasya vadhaṅ tathā ৷৷1.3.17৷৷

pādukāgryābhiṣēkaṅ ca installation of sandals of Rama, nandigrāmanivāsanam dwelling of Bharata at Nandigrama, daṇḍakāraṇyagamanam arrival of Rama to Dandakaranya, tathā and, virādhasya Viradha's, vadham slaying.

(He described) the installation of sandals (of Rama as the symbol of authority), Bharata is residing at Nandigrama (and his ruling the kingdom from there), Rama's departure for Dandakaranya, and the killing of Viradha.
darśanaṅ śarabhaṅgasya sutīkṣṇēna samāgamam .

anasūyāsahāsyāmapyaṅgarāgasya cārpaṇam ৷৷1.3.18৷৷

śarabhaṅgasya sage Sarabhanga's, darśanam meeting, sutīkṣṇēna with Sutikshna, samāgamam meeting, anasūyāsahāsyām api companionship with Anasuya, aṅgarāgasya fragrant unguents to the body, arpaṇam ca application.

(He described) Rama's meeting with (sage) Sarabhanga and his arrival at Sutikshna's, Sita's companionship with Anasuya and anointing of fragrant unguents to her body.
agastyadarśanaṅ caiva jaṭāyōrabhisaṅgamam .

pañcavaṭyāśca gamanaṅ śūrpaṇakhyāśca darśanam ৷৷1.3.19৷৷

agastyadarśanaṅ caiva Rama's interview with sage Agastya, jaṭāyō: Jatayu, abhisaṅgamam meeting, pañcavaṭyā: gamanam departure to Panchavati, śūrpaṇakhyā: Surpanakha's, darśanam ca appearance .

(He described) the departure of Rama for Panchavati, the interview with sage Agastya, the meeting with Jatayu and the appearance of Surpanakha.
śūrpaṇakhyāśca saṅvādaṅ virūpakaraṇaṅ tathā .

vadhaṅ kharatriśirasōrutthānaṅ rāvaṇasya ca ৷৷1.3.20৷৷

śūrpaṇakhyā: Surpanakha's, saṅvādam dialogue, tathā and, virūpakaraṇam her disfigurement, kharatriśirasō: of Khara and Trisiras, vadham slaughter, rāvaṇasya Ravana's, utthānam ca rise (beginning of efforts).

(He described) Rama's dialogue with Surpanakha, her disfigurement, the slaughter of Khara and Trisira, and the beginning of efforts by Ravana (to harm Rama).
mārīcasya vadhaṅ caiva vaidēhyā haraṇaṅ tathā .

rāghavasya vilāpaṅ ca gṛdhrarājanibarhaṇam ৷৷1.3.21৷৷

mārīcasya Maricha's, vadhaṅ caiva slaying, tathā and, vaidēhyā: Sita's, haraṇam abduction, rāghavasya Rama's, vilāpaṅ ca lamentation, gṛdhrarājanibarhaṇam killing of Jatayu, the king of vultures.

(He described) the killing of Maricha, the abduction of Sita, Rama's lamentation (over his separation from Sita), and the death of Jatayu.
kabandhadarśanaṅ cāpi pampāyāścāpi darśanam .

śabaryā: darśanaṅ caiva hanūmaddarśanaṅ tathā ৷৷1.3.22৷৷

kabandhadarśanaṅ cāpi seeing of Kabandha, pampāyāścāpi of Pampa also, darśanam viewing of, śabaryā: Sabari's, darśanaṅ caiva meeting also, tathā and, hanūmaddarśanam meeting with Hanuman.

(He described) Rama's encounter with Kabandha, the viewing of river Pampa, the meeting with Sabari and Hanuman.
ṛśyamūkasya gamanaṅ sugrīvēṇa samāgamam .

pratyayōtpādanaṅ sakhyaṅ vālisugrīvavigraham ৷৷1.3.23৷৷

ṛśyamūkasya Rishyamuka mountain's, gamanam departure, sugrīvēṇa with Sugriva, samāgamam meeting, pratyayōtpādanam bringing about conviction, sakhyam friendship, vālisugrīvavigraham combat between Sugriva and Vali.

(He described) Rama's departure for Rishyamuka mountain, his meeting with Sugriva
and the pact of friendship with him, inspiring confidence in him and the combat between Sugriva and Vali.
vālipramathanaṅ caiva sugrīvapratipādanam .

tārāvilāpaṅ samayaṅ varṣarātranivāsanam ৷৷1.3.24৷৷

vālipramathanaṅ caiva crushing of Vali by Rama, sugrīvapratipādanam proposal (installation) of Sugriva, tārāvilāpam mourning of Tara, samayam agreement (waiting for the search of Sita as per the pact of friendship between Rama and Sugriva), varṣarātranivāsanam sojourn on the mountain during rainy season.

(He described) the killing of Vali (by Rama), the installation of Sugriva, the mourning of Tara, the waiting (for the search of Sita as per the pact of friendship with Sugriva), and the sojourn on the mountain during the rainy season.
kōpaṅ rāghavasiṅhasya balānāmupasaṅgraham .

diśa: prasthāpanaṅ caiva pṛthivyāśca nivēdanam ৷৷1.3.25৷৷

rāghavasiṅhasya of the lion in the race of Raghus, kōpam anger, balānām of monkey forces, upasaṅgraham consolidation of, diśa: in different directions, prasthāpanaṅ caiva despatch also, pṛthivyā: (to different places) earth's, nivēdanam report.

(He described) the anger of Rama, the lion in the race of the Raghus (over the delay by Sugriva), the consolidation of the monkey forces, the despatch of envoys to different directions, the report (about the different places) on earth.
aṅgulīyakadānaṅ ca ṛkṣasya biladarśanam .

prāyōpavēśanaṅ cāpi sampātēścāpi darśanam ৷৷1.3.26৷৷

aṅgulīyakadānaṅ ca the delivery of the ring (to Hanuman by Rama), ṛkṣasya biladarśanam the entry into the cave of Riksha, prāyōpavēśanaṅ cāpi fasting unto death, sampātē: with Sampati, darśanaṅ cāpi interview.

(He described) the delivery of the ring (to Hanuman by Rama), the entry into the cave of the riksha, the preparations for their fast unto death, and the meeting with Sampati.
parvatārōhaṇaṅ cāpi sāgarasyāpi laṅghanam .

samudravacanāccaiva mainākasya ca darśanam ৷৷1.3.27৷৷

parvatārōhaṇaṅ cāpi scaling of (Mahendra) mountain, sāgarasya Ocean's, laṅghanam traversing, samudravacanāt following the words of the lord of ocean, mainākasya darśanam appearance of Mainaka.

(He described) the climbing of Mahendra mountain (by Hanuman), crossing the sea emergence of Mainaka hill at the command of the lord of ocean.
siṅhikāyāśca nidhanaṅ laṅkāmalayadarśanam .

rātrau laṅkāpravēśaṅ ca ēkasyātha vicintanam ৷৷1.3.28৷৷

siṅhikāyā: Simhika's, nidhanam death, laṅkāmalayadarśanam viewing a mountain in Lanka, rātrau by night, laṅkāpravēśaṅ ca entry into Lanka, atha thereafter, ēkasya lonely Hanuman's, vicintanam thinking.

(He described) the slaughter of (the female demon) Simhika, the viewing of in Lanka
from a mountain, the entry into Lanka by night and thereafter, Hanuman's lonely thinking.
darśanaṅ rāvaṇasyāpi puṣpakasya ca darśanam .

āpānabhūmigamanamavarōdhasya darśanam৷৷1.3.29৷৷

rāvaṇasya Ravana's, darśanamapi viewing of, puṣpakasya aerial chariot, Pushpaka's darśanam viewing of, āpānabhūmigamanam reaching the hall where liquors are consumed, avarōdhasya womens' apartments in the royal palace, darśanam sight of.

(He described) the view of Ravana and the (aerial chariot), Pushpaka, (by Hanuman),
his reaching the hall where liquor is served, sighting of womens' apartments in the royal palace.
aśōkavanikāyānaṅ sītāyāścapi darśanam .

abhijñānapradānaṅ ca rāvaṇasya ca darśanam ৷৷1.3.30৷৷

aśōkavanikāyānam entry into Ashoka garden, sītāyā: Sita's, darśanaṅ cāpi meeting, abhijñānapradānam ca presentation of ring as a token of recognition, rāvaṇasya Ravana's, darśanaṅ ca meeting also.

(He described) the entry (of Hanuman) into the Ashoka garden, the finding of Sita, the presentation of the ring (as token of recognition by Hanuman) and the sight of Ravana.
rākṣasītarjanaṅ caiva trijaṭāsvapnadarśanam .

maṇipradānaṅ sītāyā vṛkṣabhaṅgaṅ tathaiva ca ৷৷1.3.31৷৷

rākṣasītarjanaṅ caiva threatenings of female demons, trijaṭāsvapnadarśanam narration of dream by Trijata, maṇipradānam presentation of chudamani, sītāyā: Sita's, tathaiva ca and also, vṛkṣabhaṅgam breaking of trees.

(He described) threatenings of the demonesses, (the narration of) dream by Trijata,
Sita presenting chudamani to Hanuman and also the breaking of trees (in the grove by Hanuman).
rākṣasīvidravaṅ caiva kiṅkarāṇāṅ nibarhaṇam .

grahaṇaṅ vāyusūnōśca laṅkādāhābhigarjanam ৷৷1.3.32৷৷

rākṣasīvidravaṅ caiva flight of female demons, kiṅkarāṇām servants (of Ravana), nibarhaṇam killing, vāyusūnō: of the son of wind-god, Hanuman, grahaṇam seizure, laṅkādāhābhigarjanam burning
down of Lanka by Hanuman with ferocious roaring.

(He described) the flight of the female demons, the killing of the servants (of Ravana),
the seizure of Hanuman and the burning of Lanka (by Hanuman) with a ferocious roar.
pratiplavanamēvātha madhūnāṅ haraṇaṅ tathā .

rāghavāśvāsanaṅ cāpi maṇiniryātanaṅ tathā ৷৷1.3.33৷৷

atha thereafter, pratiplavanam bounding back the ocean, tathā also, madhūntāṅ Madhu forest, haraṇam forcibly seizing, rāghavāśvāsanaṅ cāpi consoling of Raghava, tathā also, maṇiniryātanam delivering the gem.

(He described) Hanuman crossing the ocean back, forcibly seizing the Madhu forest and enjoying honey, informing Rama about Sita and consoling him and delivering the gem.
saṅgamaṅ ca samudrēṇa nalasētōśca bandhanam .

pratāraṅ ca samudrasya rātrau laṅkāvarōdhanam ৷৷1.3.34৷৷

samudrēṇa with the lord of the seas, saṅgamam meeting, nalasētō: bandhanaṅ ca construction of bridge by Nala, samudrasya ocean's, pratāraṅ ca crossing, rātrau during night, laṅkāvarōdhanam seige of Lanka.

(He described) the meeting with the (lord of the) seas, the construction of bridge by
Nala, the crossing of the ocean and the seige of Lanka during night.
vibhīṣaṇēna saṅsargaṅ vadhōpāyanivēdanam .

kumbhakarṇasya nidhanaṅ mēghanādanibarhaṇam ৷৷1.3.35৷৷

vibhīṣaṇēna with Vibhishana, saṅsargam association, vadhōpāyanivēdanam disclosure of means of destruction of Ravana, kumbhakarṇasya nidhanam death of Kumbhakarna, mēghanādanibarhaṇam killing of Meghanada.

(He described) the association with Vibhisana, disclosure of the means of destruction (of Ravana), the death of Kumbhakarna, and the killing of Meghanada.
rāvaṇasya vināśaṅ ca sītāvāptimarē: purē .

vibhīṣaṇābhiṣēkaṅ ca puṣpakasya ca darśanam ৷৷1.3.36৷৷

rāvaṇasya Ravana's, vināśaṅ destruction, sītāvāptim recovery (re-union) of Sita, arē: purē in the enemy city of Lanka, vibhīṣaṇābhiṣēkaṅ ca coronation of Vibhishana, puṣpakasya darśanaṅ ca sight of Pushpaka.

(He described) Ravana's destruction, the re-union with Sita in the enemy-city, the coronation of Vibhishana and the sighting of Pushpaka.
ayōdhyāyāśca gamanaṅ bharatēna samāgamam .

rāmābhiṣēkābhyudayaṅ sarvasainyavisarjanam.

svarāṣṭrarañjanaṅ caiva vaidēhyāśca visarjanam৷৷1.3.37৷৷

ayōdhyāyā:gamanam going to Ayodhya, bharatēna with Bharata, samāgamam re-union, rāmābhiṣēkābhyudayam festive occasion of the coronation of Rama, sarvasainyavisarjanam sending away the entire (monkey)forces, svarāṣṭrarañjanam keeping his subjects delighted, vaidēhyā:visarjanam ca deserting Sita (in the forest).

(He described) Rama's return to Ayodhya, the re-union with Bharata, the festive occasion of Rama's coronation disbanding the entire forces, keeping his subjects happy and banishing Sita (in the forest).
anāgataṅ ca yatkiñcidrāmasya vasudhātalē .

taccakārōttarē kāvyē vālmīkirbhagavānṛṣi: ৷৷1.3.38৷৷

bhagavān divine, vālmīki:ṛṣi: sage Valmiki, rāmasya Rama's, yatkiñcit which ever matter, vasudhātalē on the earth, anāgataṅ ca events yet to happen, tat that, uttarē in Uttara, kāvyē kanda, cakāra composed.

Divine sage Valmiki composed events yet to happen on this earth in the history of Rama in Uttarakanda.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē bālakāṇḍē tṛtīyassarga:৷৷
Thus ends the third sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana in synopsis of the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.