Sloka & Translation


[Sri Rama slays rakshasas and protects the sacrifice of Viswamitra]

atha tau dēśakālajñau rājāputrāvarindamau.

dēśē kālē ca vākyajñāvabrūtāṅ kauśikaṅ vaca:৷৷1.30.1৷৷

atha then, dēśakālajñau two knowledgeable persons with regard to time and place, arindamau subduers of enemies, dēśē in a particular place, kālē ca and time, vākyajñau knowers of speech, tau both, rājaputrau two princes, kauśikam addressing Visvamitra, vaca: words, abrūtām they spoke.

Thus spoke the two princes to Viswamitra. They were conscious of place and time to speak and capable of conquering enemies.
bhagavan! śrōtumicchāvō yasmin kālē niśācarau.

saṅrakṣaṇīyau tau brahmannātivartēta tatkṣaṇam৷৷1.30.2৷৷

bhagavan O! Adorable one, brahman O! Brahmarshi, tau niśācarau those two rakshasas, yasmin kālē in whatever time, saṅrakṣaṇīyau to be protectd, śrōtum to listen, icchāva: we are both desirous, tat kṣaṇam that moment, nātivartēta shall not pass away.

"O adorable Brahmarshi, we want to know around what time the rakshasas will make their appearance so that the sacrifice can be protected. Let not that moment pass".
ēvaṅ bruvāṇau kākutsthau tvaramāṇau yuyutsayā.

sarvē tē munaya: prītā: praśaśaṅsurnṛpātmajau৷৷1.30.3৷৷

kākutsthau Rama and Lakshmana, ēvam in this manner, bruvāṇau speaking thus, yuyutsayā with a desire to fight rakshasas, tvaramāṇau with eagerness, nṛpātmajau two princes, tē munaya: those sages, sarvē all, prītā: pleased, praśaśaṅsu: extolled them.

The sages (of the asrama) were very pleased. They extolled the princes of Kakustha dynasty, who were eager to fight the rakshasas.
adyaprabhṛti ṣaḍrātraṅ rakṣataṅ rāghavau yuvām.

dīkṣāṅ gatō hyēṣa munirmaunitvaṅ ca gamiṣyati৷৷1.30.4৷৷

rāghavau Rama and Lakshmana, yuvām both of you, adyaprabhṛti from today onwards, ṣaḍrātram six nights, rakṣatam you may protect, ēṣa: muni: this sage Visvamitra, dīkṣām initiation ceremony, gata: has entered, maunitvaṅ ca strict silence also, gamiṣyati will attain.

"O sons of Raghu's lineage protect the sacrifice for six nights from to-day. With the ceremoney initiated, the sage would observe silence said the inmates".
tau tu tadvacanaṅ śrutvā rājaputrau yaśasvinau.

anidrau ṣaḍahōrātraṅ tapōvanamarakṣatām৷৷1.30.5৷৷

yaśasvinau the two illustrious, tau rājaputrau the two princes, tat vacanam those words, śrutvā having heard, ṣaḍahōrātram six days and six nights, anidrau without sleep, tapōvanam Tapovana, arakṣatām protected.

At these words of the sages the illustrious princes got ready to protect the tapovana for six days and six nights without sleep.
upāsāñcakraturvīrau yattau paramadhanvinau.

rarakṣaturmunivaraṅ viśvāmitramarindamau৷৷1.30.6৷৷

paramadhanvinau two mighty archers, vīrau two heroes, yattau fully equipped, upāsāñcakratu: attended upon the sacrifice, arindamau two destroyers of enemies, viśvāmitram munivaram Visvamitra maharshi, rarakṣatu: protected.

The two mighty, heroic archers (Rama and Lakshmana), destroyers of enemies
attended upon the sacrifice in order to protect sage Viswamitra.
atha kālē gatē tasmin ṣaṣṭhē.hani samāgatē.

saumitrimabravīdrāmō yattō bhava samāhita:৷৷1.30.7৷৷

atha then, tasmin kālē when that period, gatē had lapsed, ṣaṣṭhē when the sixth, ahani day, samāgatē had approached, rāma: Rama, saumitrim addressing Lakshmana, yatta: be ready, samāhita: bhava be vigilant, abranavīt spoke.

Time passed. When the sixth day arrived Rama cautioned Lakshmana to be vigilant.
rāmasyaivaṅ bruvāṇasya tvaritasya yuyutsayā.

prajajvāla tatō vēdissōpādhyāyapurōhitā৷৷1.30.8৷৷

yuyutsayā with a keen desire to fight, tvaritasya eagerly awaiting, rāmasya Rama, ēvam in this manner, bruvāṇasya while speaking, tata: thereafter, sōpādhyāyapurōhitā surrounded by officiating priests and spiritual guides(reciters of the sacred hymns), vēdi: sacrificial altar, prajajvāla inflammed.

While he was fracing up for a fight, the fire on the sacrificial altar with the officiating priests and spiritual guides suddenly brightened.
sadarbhacamasasrukkā sasamitkusumōccayā.

viśvāmitrēṇa sahitā vēdirjajvāla sartvijā৷৷1.30.9৷৷

sadarbhacamasasrukkā along with kusa grass,the ladles and square vessels(used in the sacrifice out of which all the worshippers at a sacrifice drink the juice), sasamitkusumōccayā along with bundles of sticks used in the sacrificial fire and collection of flowers, viśvāmitrēṇa sahitā along with Visvamitra, sartvijā along with officiating priests, vēdi: altar, jajvāla got inflammed.

The altar with Viswamitra and the officiating priests, kusa grass, ladles and square
vessels, bundles of sticks and flowers, (used in the sacrificfial fire) got brightened up.
mantravacca yathānyāyaṅ yajñō.sau sampravartatē.

ākāśē ca mahān śabda: prādurāsīdbhayānaka:৷৷1.30.10৷৷

asau yajña: this sacrifice, mantravat in accordance with mantras, yathānyāyam properly, sampravartatē was being performed, ākāśē in the sky, bhayānaka: causing fear, mahān śabda: great sound, prādurāsīt emerged.

While the sacrifice was being performed in accordance with mantras, a great sound causing fear emerged from the sky.
āvārya gaganaṅ mēghō yathā prāvṛṣi nirgata:.

tathāmāyāṅ vikurvāṇau rākṣasāvabhyadhāvatām৷৷1.30.11৷৷

prāvṛṣi in the rainy season, nirgata: originated, mēgha: clouds, yathā like, tathā similarly, gaganam sky, āvārya having covered, rākṣasau two rakshasas, māyām illusion, vikurvāṇau displaying, abhyadhāvatām came running.

Like the clouds in the rainy season, the two rakshasas (Maricha and Subahu), covering the sky through their power of illusion, came running (to the sacrificial place).
mārīcaśca subāhuśca tayōranucarāśca yē.

āgamya bhīmasaṅkāśā rudhiraughamavāsṛjan৷৷1.30.12৷৷

bhīmasaṅkāśā fearful appearance, mārīcaśca Maricha, subāhaśca Subahu, tayō: their, yē anucarā: those of the followers, āgamya having arrived, rudhiraugham streams of blood, avāsṛjan rained.

Maricha and Subahu of fearful appearance arrived with their followers and rained streams of blood (on the sacrificial altar).
sā tēna rudhiraughēṇa vēdirjajvāla maṇḍitā.

sahasā.bhidrutō rāmastānapaśya ttatō divi৷৷1.30.13৷৷

tēna rudhiraughēṇa by that stream of blood, maṇḍitā drenched, sā vēdi: that sacrificial altar, jajvāla inflammed, tata: then, sahasā immediately, abhidruta: rushed forward, rāma: Rama, divi in the sky, tān them, apaśyat beheld.

Flames rose on the sacrificial altar drenched by the stream of blood. Immediately Rama rushed forward and beheld them in the sky.
tāvāpatantau sahasā dṛṣṭvā rājīvalōcana:.

lakṣmaṇaṅ tvabhisamprēkṣya rāmō vacanamabravīt৷৷1.30.14৷৷

rājīvalōcana: the lotus-eyed, rāma: Rama, sahasā suddenly, āpatantau advancing towards, tau them, dṛṣṭvā having seen, lakṣmaṇam addressing Lakshmana, abhisamprēkṣya fixing his sight at him, vacanam these words, abravīt spoke.

Having seen them (Maricha and Subahu) suddenly advancing the lotus-eyed Rama gazed at Lakshmana and said:
paśya lakṣmaṇa durvṛttān rākṣasān piśitāśanān.

mānavāstrasamādhūtānanilēna yathā ghanān৷৷1.30.15৷৷

lakṣmaṇa O! Lakshmana, durvṛttān wicked behavioured, piśitāśanān human flesh eaters, rākṣasān rakshasas, anilēna by wind, ghanān yathā like clouds, mānavāstrasamādhūtān scattered away by Manava astra, paśya behold.

"O Lakshmana, behold, by manavaastra I shall chase, like clouds scattered by winds those wicked rakshasas who eat human flesh".
mānavaṅ paramōdāramastraṅ paramabhāsvaram.

cikṣēpa paramakruddhō mārīcōrasi rāghava:৷৷1.30.16৷৷

rāghava: Rama, paramōdāram greatly powerful, paramabhāsvaram highly effulgent, mānavam Manava, astram astra, paramakruddha: exceedingly furious, mārīcōrasi in the chest of Maricha, cikṣēpa hurled.

The inflamed Rama hurled the highly powerful and effulgent Manavaastra on the chest of Maricha.
sa tēna paramāstrēṇa mānavēna samāhita:.

saṅpūrṇaṅ yōjanaśataṅ kṣiptassāgarasamplavē৷৷1.30.17৷৷

tēna by that, mānavēna Manava, paramāstrēṇa powerful astra, samāhita: smitten, sa: he, Maricha, sampūrṇam completely at a distance of, yōjanaśatam hundred yojanas, sāgarasamplavē in the surging high seas, kṣipta: was cast away.

Smitten by that powerful Manavaastra, Maricha was thrown to a full distance of hundred yojanas into the surging high seas.
vicētanaṅ vighūrṇantaṅ śītēṣu balatāḍitam.

nirastaṅ dṛśya mārīcaṅ rāmō lakṣmaṇamabravīt৷৷1.30.18৷৷

śītēṣu balatāḍitam beaten by the power of that cool astra, vicētanam without senses, vighūrṇanta m reeling, nirastam thrown at a distance, mārīcam Maricha, dṛśya having seen, rāma: Rama, lakṣmaṇam addressing Lakshmana, abravīt spoke.

Having seen Maricha beaten by the power of that cool-arrowed astra, thrown to a distance, reeling and lying unconscious, Rama spoke to Lakshmana:
paśya lakṣmaṇa śītēṣuṅ mānavaṅ dharmasaṅhitam.

mōhayitvā nayatyēnaṅ na ca prāṇairvyayujyata৷৷1.30.19৷৷

lakṣmaṇa O! Lakshmana, dharmasaṅhitam associated with righteousness, mānavaṅ śītēṣum Manava astra employing cool arrow, paśya behold, ēnaṅ mōhayitvā making him unconscious, nayati is carrying away, prāṇai: with his life, na vyayujyata he is not separated.

"O Lakshmana! behold this Manavaastra associated with righteousness employing a cool arrow, which carries him away by making him unconscious and yet not taking his life.
imānapi vadhiṣyāmi nirghṛṇān duṣṭacāriṇa:.

rākṣasān pāpakarmasthān yajñaghnān rudhirāśanān৷৷1.30.20৷৷

nirghṛṇān merciless, duṣṭacāriṇa: wicked behavioured, pāpakarmasthān doers of sinful acts, yajñaghnān destroyers of sacrifices, rudhirāśanān blood drinking, imān rākṣasānapi these rakshasas also, vadhiṣyāmi I will slay them.

"I shall slay these merciless, wicked doors of sinful acts destroyers of sacrifices and blood rakshasas".
saṅgṛhyāstraṅ tatō rāmō divyamāgnēyamadbhutam.

subāhūrasi cikṣēpa saviddha: prāpatadbhuvi৷৷1.30.21৷৷

tata: then, rāma: Rama, divyam celestial, adbhutam marvellous, āgnēyāstram Agneya weapon, saṅgṛhya having taken, subāhūrasi in the chest of Subahu, cikṣēpa hurled, sa: he, viddha: having been struck down, bhuvi on the ground, prāpatat fell down.

Then Rama took hold of the celestial, marvellous Agneya weapon and hurled it into the chest of Subahu. Struck, Subahuhe fell down on the ground.
śēṣān vāyavyamādāya nijaghāna mahāyaśā:.

rāghava: paramōdārō munīnāṅ mudamāvahan৷৷1.30.22৷৷

mahāyaśā: illustrious, paramōdāra: highly generous, rāghava: Rama, munīnām for Ascetics, mudam delight, āvahan causing, vāyavyam Vayavya weapon, ādāya seizing, śēṣān remaining, nijaghāna killed.

Illustrious and highly generous Rama killed the remaining rakshasas with the Vayavya weapon to the delight of the ascetics.
sa hatvā rākṣasān sarvān yajñaghnān raghunandana:.

ṛṣibhi: pūjitastatra yathēndrō vijayē purā৷৷1.30.23৷৷

raghunandana: Rama, yajñaghnān obstructors of sacrifice, rākṣasān rakshasas, sarvān all, hatvā having killed, purā formerly, vijayē when victorious, indra: yathā like Indra, tatra there, ṛṣibhi: by saints, pūjita: was worshipped.

Having killed the rakshasas, obstructors of sacrifices, Rama was worshipped by the hermits like Indra was honoured in the past when he was victorious.
atha yajñē samāptē tu viśvāmitrō mahāmuni:.

nirītikā diśō dṛṣṭavā kākutsthamidamabravīt৷৷1.30.24৷৷

atha thereafter, yajñē when the sacrifice, samāptē was completed, viśvāmitra: mahāmuni: maharshi Visvamitra, nirītikā:diśa: all the directions bereft of evils, dṛṣṭavā after beholding, kākutstham addressing Rama, idam these words, abravīt uttered.

Thereafter, when the sacrifice was completed, maharshi Viswamitra beholding all the directions bereft of evils, said to Rama:
kṛtārthō.smi mahābāhō! kṛtaṅ guruvacastvayā.

siddhāśramamidaṅ satyaṅ kṛtaṅ rāma! mahāyaśa:৷৷1.30.25৷৷

mahābāhō O! Mighty armed one, kṛtārtha:asmi I have achieved my spiritual desire, tvayā by you, guruvaca: father's commands, kṛtam has been performed, mahāyaśa: O!Illustrious one, rāma Rama, idam this, siddhāśramam Siddha ashrama, satyaṅ kṛtam has been proved to be true to its name.

"O mighty-armed Rama! I am fulfilled. Your father's commands have been executed. O
Illustrious one, Siddhaashrama has proved true to its name".
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē bālakāṇḍē triṅśassarga:৷৷02
Thus ends the thirtieth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.