Sloka & Translation


[Viswamitra accompanied by the two princes departs for Mithila they halt on the bank of Sona on their way]

अथ तां रजनीं तत्र कृतार्थौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।

ऊषतुर्मुदितौ वीरौ प्रहृष्टेनान्तरात्मना।।1.31.1।।

अथ then, कृतार्थौ having fulfilled their purpose, मुदितौ rejoicing, वीरौ two heroes, रामलक्ष्मणौ Rama and Lakshmana, तां रजनीम् that night, प्रहृष्टेन with delighted, अन्तरात्मना hearts, तत्र there, ऊषतु: lived.

There, with their purpose fulfilled the heroes, Rama and Lakshmana, full of joy in their hearts spent the night.
प्रभातायां तु शर्वर्यां कृतपौर्वाह्णिकक्रियौ।

विश्वामित्रमृषींश्चान्यान् सहितावभिजग्मतु:।।1.31.2।।

शर्वर्याम् when that night (had passed away), प्रभातायाम् at dawn, कृतपौर्वाह्णिकक्रियौ performing religious rites relating to forenoon, सहितौ together, विश्वामित्रम् Visvamitra, अन्यान् other, ऋषींश्च rishis, अभिजग्मतु: approached.

As the night dawned, both the brothers performed the morning rites and approached Viswamitra and other rishis.
अभिवाद्य मुनिश्रेष्ठं ज्वलन्तमिव पावकम्।

ऊचतुर्मधुरोदारं वाक्यं मधुरभाषिणौ।।1.31.3।।

मधुरभाषिणौ having the disposition of agreeable speech, ज्वलन्तम् flaming, पावकम् इव like fire, मुनिश्रेष्ठम् best of ascetics, अभिवाद्य saluting with folded hands, मधुरोदारम् in sweet and generous way, वाक्यम् words, ऊचतु: uttered.

Sweettongued, they visited with folded hands the best of ascetics Viswamitra who was shining like a flaming fire and addressed him thus in sweet and generous words:
इमौ स्म मुनिशार्दूल किङ्करौ समुपस्थितौ।

आज्ञापय यथेष्टं वै शासनं करवाव किम्।।1.31.4।।

मुनिशार्दूल O Best of ascetics, किङ्करौ two servants, इमौ here we are, समुपस्थितौ स्म in attendance in your presence, यथेष्टम् freely, आज्ञापय command us, किम् what, शासनम् order, करवाव shall we both do.

"O tiger among ascetics, we two are at your service. Command whatever you want and we shall execute" it.
एवमुक्ता स्ततस्ताभ्यां सर्व एव महर्षय:।

विश्वामित्रं पुरस्कृत्य रामं वचनमब्रुवन्।।1.31.5।।

ताभ्याम् by both of them, एवम् in this way, उक्ता: having been addressed, महर्षय: maharshis, सर्वे एव all of them, विश्वामित्रम् Viswamitra, पुरस्कृत्य placing in the forefront, रामम् addressing Rama, वचनम् words, अब्रुवन् spoke.

Addressed, thus by both of them, Viswamitra ahead of all the sages, spoke to Rama.
मैथिलस्य नरश्रेष्ठ जनकस्य भविष्यति।

यज्ञ: परमधर्मिष्ठस्तस्य यास्यामहे वयम्।।1.31.6।।

नरश्रेष्ठ O Foremost of men, मैथिलस्य of the king of Mithila, जनकस्य Janaka's, परमधर्मिष्ठ: highly conforming to righteousness, यज्ञ: sacrifice, भविष्यति is going to be performed, वयम् we, तस्य of that sacrifice, यास्यामहे shall go there.

"O foremost of men, Janaka, king of Mithila, is performing a great religious sacrifice. We shall go there.
त्वं चैव नरशार्दूल सहास्माभिर्गमिष्यसि।

अद्भुतं धनुरत्नं च तत्र तद्रष्टुमर्हसि।।1.31.7।।

नरशार्दूल O Best among men, त्वम् च you also, अस्माभि: सह along with us, गमिष्यसि will go, तत्र there, अद्भुतम् wonderful, तत् धनुरत्नं च that jewel of bow, द्रष्टुम् to see, अर्हसि you are worthy of seeing.

O tiger among men, come along with us. You ought to see there the wonderful jewel of a bow.
तद्धि पूर्वं नरश्रेष्ठ दत्तं सदसि दैवतै:।

अप्रमेयबलं घोरं मखे परमभास्वरम्।।1.31.8।।

नरश्रेष्ठ O Best among men, अप्रमेयबलम् having immeasurable energy, घोरम् dreadful, परमभास्वरम् highly lustrous, तत् that (bow), पूर्वम् in the ancient days, दैवतै: by devatas, मखे at the sacrifice, सदसि in the sacrificial assembly, दत्तम् was bestowed.

O best among men, this bow of immeasurable energy. dreadful and highly lustrous was bestowed on king Janaka by devatas in a sacrificial assembly in the past.
नास्य देवा न गन्धर्वा नासुरा न च राक्षसा:।

कर्तुमारोपणं शक्ता न कथञ्चन मानुषा:।।1.31.9।।

अस्य of that, आरोपणम् stringing of bow, कर्तुम् to do, देवा: devas, न शक्ता: are not capable, गन्धर्वा: gandharvas ,न not capable, असुरा: asuras, न not capable, राक्षसा: च rakshasas also, न not capable, मानुषा: men, कथञ्चन in any way, न not capable.

Neither devas, nor gandharvas, nor asuras nor human, are capable of stringing the bow by any means.
धनुषस्तस्य वीर्यं तु जिज्ञासन्तो महीक्षित:।

न शेकुरारोपयितुं राजपुत्रा महाबला:।।1.31.10।।

राजपुत्रा: princes, महाबला: possesing mighty strength, महीक्षित: kings, तस्य धनुष: that bow's, वीर्यम् prowess, जिज्ञासन्त: intent on knowing, आरोपयितुम् attempted to lift or string it, न शेकु: failed.

Mighty princes and kings have failed to string it, in their attempt to know its strength.
तद्धनुर्नरशार्दूल मैथिलस्य महात्मन:।

तत्र द्रक्ष्यसि काकुत्स्थ यज्ञं चाद्भुतदर्शनम्।।1.31.11।।

नरशार्दूल O Best among men, काकुत्स्थ O Descendent of Kakutstha, महात्मन: of the magnanimous, मैथिलस्य of the king of Mithila, तद्धनु: that bow, अद्भुतदर्शनम् wonderful to look at, यज्ञं च that sacrifice, तत्र there, द्रक्ष्यसि you will see.

O best of men, O descendent of Kakustha, there you will see the bow that belongs to the magnanimous king of Mithila and the wonderful sacrifice at that place.
तद्धि यज्ञफलं तेन मैथिलेनोत्तमं धनु:।

याचितं नरशार्दूल सुनाभं सर्वदैवतै:।।1.31.12।।

नरशार्दूल O Best among men, सुनाभम् with strong centre, तत् that, उत्तमं superior, धनु: bow, तेन मैथिलेन by the king of Mithila, Devarata, सर्वदैवतै: by all devatas, यज्ञफलम् as fruit of the sacrifice, याचितं हि solicited.

O best among men, that excellent bow strong in the middle was offered by king of Mithila, Devarata as well as by all devatas as fruit of the sacrifice.
आयागभूतं नृपतेस्तस्य वेश्मनि राघव।

अर्चितं विविधैर्गन्धैर्धूपैश्चागरुगन्धिभि:।।1.31.13।।

राघव O Rama, तस्य नृपते: that king's, वेश्मनि in the house, आयागभूतम् as principal deity in the festival of bows, विविधै: by various kinds of, गन्धै: sandal wood paste, अगरुगन्धिभि: fragrant Agaru, धूपैश्च with incense, अर्चितम् is worshipped.

O Rama, that bow is worshipped in the king's palace as principal deity with various kinds of perfumes, sandal paste, incense and fragrant agaru".
एवमुक्त्वा मुनिवर: प्रस्थानमकरोत्तदा।

सर्षिसङ्घ स्सकाकुत्स्थ: आमन्त्र्य वनदेवता:।।1.31.14।।

मुनिवर: the best of ascetics, एवम् in this way, उक्त्वा having spoken, सर्षिसङ्घ: in the company of rishis, सकाकुत्स्थ: along with Kakutstha, वनदेवता: sylvian deities, आमन्त्र्य taking leave of, तदा then, प्रस्थानम् journey, अकरोत् performed.

Having spoken thus, Viswamitra, the best of ascetics commenced the onward journey along with the Kakutshas and rishis, taking leave of the deities of the forest.
स्वस्ति वोऽस्तु गमिष्यामि सिद्वस्सिद्धाश्रमादहम्।

उत्तरे जाह्नवीतीरे हिमवन्तं शिलोच्चयम्।।1.31.15।।

(O Deities of the forest) व: स्वस्ति may safety be yours, सिद्ध: my purpose has been achieved, अहम् I, सिद्धाश्रमात् from Siddha ashrama, उत्तरे जाह्नवीतीरे on northern side of river Jahnavi, हिमवन्तम् named Himavanta, शिलोच्चयम् mountain, गमिष्यामि I shall go.

"(O ascetics of the forest) May you be safe. My purpose has been achieved in this Siddhaashrama. From here I shall go to the Himavanta mountain situated on the
northern bank of Jahnavi" (said Viswamitra).
प्रदक्षिणं तत: कृत्वा सिद्धाश्रममनुत्तमम्।

उत्तरां दिशमुद्दिश्य प्रस्थातुमुपचक्रमे।।1.31.16।।

तत: thereafter, अनुत्तमम् the supreme, सिद्धाश्रमम् Siddha asrama, प्रदक्षिणम् circumambulation, कृत्वा having made, उत्तरां दिशमुद्दिश्य towards northern direction, प्रस्थातुम् to perform journey, उपचक्रमे commenced.

Thereafter, circumambulating the supreme Siddhasrama with reverence, they (Viswamitra and the princes) commenced their journey in the northern direction.
तं प्रयान्तं मुनिवरमन्वयादनुसारिणम्।

शकटीशतमात्रं तु प्रायेण ब्रह्मवादिनाम्।।1.31.17।।

प्रयान्तम् as he set out for his onward journey, तं मुनिवरम् the best of ascetics, अनुसारिणाम् who was following, ब्रह्मवादिनाम् of the expounders of vedas, प्रायेण nearly, शकटीशतमात्रम् one hundred carriages alone, अन्वयात् followed.

As Viswamitra, the best of ascetics set out on his journey, expounders of the Vedas followed him, nearly in one hundred carriages.
मृगपक्षिगणाश्चैव सिद्धाश्रमनिवासिन:।

अनुजग्मुर्महात्मानं विश्वामित्रं महामुनिम्।।1.31.18।।

निवर्तयामास तत: पक्षिसङ्घान् मृगानपि।

सिद्धाश्रमनिवासिन: living in Siddha asrama, मृगपक्षिगणाश्चैव hosts of birds and beasts, महात्मानम् the illustrious, विश्वामित्रं महामुनिम् maharshi Visvamitra, अनुजग्मु: followed, पक्षिसङ्गान् host of birds, मृगानपि beasts, (ततः) निवर्तयामास sent them back.

Birds and beasts living in Siddhaashrama also followed the illustrious maharshi
Viswamitra over a long distance until he sent them back.
ते गत्वा दूरमध्वानं लम्बमाने दिवाकरे।

वासं चक्रुर्मुनिगणाः शोणाकूले समाहिता:।।1.31.19।।

ते मुनिगणा: those groups of sages, दूरम् अध्वानम् a long way, गत्वा having gone, दिवाकरे when the Sun, लम्बमाने was hanging down, समाहिता: assembled, शोणाकूले on the bank of river Sona, वासम् halt, चक्रु: made.

The sages travelled a long distance and halted on the bank of Sona at sunset.
तेऽस्तं गते दिनकरे स्नात्वा हुतहुताशना:।

विश्वामित्रं पुरस्कृत्य निषेदुरमितौजस:।।1.31.20।।

अमितौजस: men possessing great splendour, ते those sages, दिनकरे when the Sun, अस्तंगते was set, स्नात्वा having bathed, हुतहुताशना: having kindled fire, विश्वामित्रम् Viswamitra, पुरस्कृत्य having honoured him, निषेदु: sat down.

The sages who possessed great splendour bathed and offered oblations to fire at sunset and sat in front of Viswamitra.
रामोऽपि सहसौमित्रिर्मुनीं स्तानभिपूज्य च।

अग्रतो निषसादाथ विश्वामित्रस्य धीमत:।।1.31.21।।

सहसौमित्रि: together with Lakshmana, राम: अपि Rama also, तान् मुनीन् those sages, अभिपूज्य offering respectful salutations, अथ thereafter, धीमत: of the sagacious, विश्वामित्रस्य Viswamitra, अग्रत: in front of, निषसाद sat down.

Rama together with Lakshmana having offered respectful salutations to the sages, sat in front of the sagacious Viswamitra.
अथ रामो महातेजाः विश्वामित्रं महामुनिम्।

पप्रच्छ नरशार्दूल: कौतूहलसमन्वित:।।1.31.22।।

अथ thereafter, महातेजा: highly lustrous, नरशार्दूल: best among men, राम: Rama, कौतूहलसमन्वित: filled with curiosity, महामुनिम् great sage, विश्वामित्रम् Viswamitra, पप्रच्छ enquired.

Thereafter highly lustrous Rama, the best among men, filled with curiosity enquired of
the great sage Viswamitra:
भगवन् कोऽन्वयं देशस्समृद्धवनशोभित:।

श्रोतुमिच्छामि भद्रं ते वक्तुमर्हसि तत्त्वत:।।1.31.23।।

भगवन् O Worshipful one, समृद्धवनशोभित: shining with affluent groves, अयम् देश: this region, क: नु what could be?, श्रोतुम् to listen, इच्छामि I am desirous, ते भद्रम् may safety be to you, तत्त्वत: truly, वक्तुम् अर्हसि you are fit to tell me.

"O worshipful one, what could be the reason for this region shining with luxuriant groves? I wish to hear from you. You can tell me all about this (region). May it be safe for you"
चोदितो रामवाक्येन कथयामास सुव्रत:।

तस्य देशस्य निखिलमृषिमध्ये महातपा:।।1.31.24।।

सुव्रत: O Man of excellent vows, महातपा: a sage who performed rigid austerities, रामवाक्येन by the words of Rama, चोदित: urged by, ऋषिमध्ये in the midst of rishis, तस्य देशस्य that region's, निखिलम् entire story, कथयामास described.

A sage of excellent vows and rigid austerities, Viswamitra, urged by the words of Rama, described in the midst of rishis the entire story relating to that region.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे एकत्रिंशस्सर्ग:।।
Thus ends the thirtyfirst sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.