Sloka & Translation


[Description of the four sons of Brahma and the dynasty of Kusanabha-- enraged Windgod turns the daughters of Kusanabha into humpedback ones.

ब्रह्मयोनिर्महानासीत्कुशो नाम महातपा:।

अक्लिष्टव्रतधर्मज्ञः सज्जनप्रतिपूजक:।।1.32.1।।

ब्रह्मयोनि: originated from Brahma, महातपा: great ascetic, अक्लिष्टव्रतधर्मज्ञ: indefatigable vows and conversant with righteousness, सज्जनप्रतिपूजक: one who worships pious men, महान् great, कुशो नाम आसीत् there was one named Kusa.

There was a great ascetic named Kusa, born to Brahma, as ascetic indefatigable in vows, knowldegeable in dharma and a respector of the virtuous.
स महात्मा कुलीनायां युक्तायां सुगुणोल्बणान्।

वैदर्भ्यां जनयामास चतुरस्सदृशान् सुतान्।।1.32.2।।

कुशाम्बं कुशनाभं च अधूर्तरजसं वसुम्।

स: महात्मा that eminent one, कुलीनायाम् in lady of noble descent, युक्तायाम् suitable to him, वैदर्भ्याम् in the princess of Vidarbha, कुशाम्बम् Kusamba, कुशनाभं च Kusanabha also, अधूर्तरजसम् Adhurta Rajasa, वसुम् Vasu, सुगुणोल्बणान् manifesting virtues, सदृशान् suitable ones, चतुर: four, सुतान् sons, जनयामास begot.

That great soul, Kusa, married the princess of Vidarbha born in a noble family and a match for him. He begot four virtuous sons who resembled him. They were Kusamba, Kusanabha, Adhurtarajas and Vasu.
दीप्तियुक्तान् महोत्साहान् क्षत्रधर्मचिकीर्षया।।1.32.3।।

तानुवाच कुश: पुत्रान् धर्मिष्ठान् सत्यवादिन:।

कुश: Kusa, दीप्तियुक्तान् lustrous, महोत्साहान् men of great perseverance, धर्मिष्ठान् eager to observe righteousness, सत्यवादिन: men who always speak truth, तान् पुत्रान् those sons, क्षत्रधर्मचिकीर्षया with a desire to carry out duties of warrior race, उवाच spoke.

Kusa addressed his four brilliant sons who were highly enthusiastic, pious, truthful and were wedded to duties of the warrior race:
क्रियतां पालनं पुत्रा: धर्मं प्राप्स्यथ पुष्कलम्।।1.32.4।।

ऋषेस्तु वचनं श्रुत्वा चत्वारो लोकसम्मता:।

निवेशं चक्रिरे सर्वे पुराणां नृवरास्तदा।।1.32.5।।

पुत्रा: O My sons, पालनम् governance, क्रियताम् may be done, पुष्कलम् immense, धर्मं merit, प्राप्स्यथ you acquire, तदा then, ऋषे: that rishi's, वचनम् words, श्रुत्वा having heard, लोकसम्मता: men revered in the world, चत्वार: four, नृवरा: best among men, सर्वे all of them, पुराणाम् of the cities, निवेशम् abodes, चक्रिरे constructed.

"O my sons, govern with righteousness so that you will acquire immense merit'. Hearing the words of the rishi, the four sons who were the best among men and revered in the world constructed four cities as their abodes.
कुशाम्बस्तु महातेजा: कौशाम्बीमकरोत्पुरीम् ।

कुशनाभस्तु धर्मात्मा पुरं चक्रे महोदयम्।।1.32.6।।

महातेजाः man possessing heroic lustre, कुशाम्बस्तु Kushamba on his part, कौशाम्बीम् Kaushambi, पुरीम् city, अकरोत् constructed, धर्मात्मा righteous, कुशनाभस्तु Kushanabha on his part, महोदयम् Mahodaya, पुरम् city, चक्रे constructed.

The brilliant Kushamba and the righteous Kushanabha constructed the cities of
Kaushanbi and Mahodaya (as their capital) respectively.
अधूर्तरजसो राम धर्मारण्यं महीपति:।

चक्रे पुरवरं राजा वसुश्चक्रे गिरिव्रजम्।।1.32.7।।

राम O Rama, अधूर्तरजस: Adhurtarajasa, महीपति: king, धर्मारण्यम् Dharmaranya, पुरवरम् best of cities, चक्रे constructed, राजा king, वसु: Vasu, गिरिव्रजम् city of Girivraja, चक्रे constructed.

O Rama king Adhurtarajasa constructed Dharmaranya, the best of cities and king Vasu, the city of Girivrajam.
एषा वसुमती राम वसोस्तस्य महात्मन:।

एते शैलवरा: पञ्च प्रकाशन्ते समन्तत:।।1.32.8।

राम O Rama, एषा this, महात्मन: of the magnanimous, तस्य वसो: that Vasu's, वसुमती land, समन्तत: surrounded by, पञ्च five, शैलवरा: excellent mountains, प्रकाशन्ते shining.

O Rama this place where we are (called Vasumati) belongs to the magnanimous king Vasu. This is surrounded by five great shining mountains.
सुमागधी नदी रम्या मगधान् विश्रुताययौ।

पञ्चानां शैलमुख्यानां मध्ये मालेव शोभते।।1.32.9।।

रम्या delightful, विश्रुता renowned, सुमागधी नदी river Sumagadhi, मगधान् in Magadha, आययौ is flowing, पञ्चानाम् of the five, शैलमुख्यानाम् best of mountains, मध्ये amidst, माला इव like a garland, शोभते is shining.

The delightful and renowned river Sumagadhi (known as Sona), flowing in the country of Magadha, looks beautiful like a garland amidst five great mountains.
सैषा हि मागधी राम वसोस्तस्य महात्मन:।

पूर्वाभिचरिता राम सुक्षेत्रा सस्यमालिनी।।1.32.10।।

राम Rama, सा एषा मागधी the same Magadhi river, महात्मन: of the magnanimous, तस्य वसो: pertains to Vasu, पूर्वाभिचरिता flowing from east, सुक्षेत्रा with fertile fields, सस्यमालिनी surrounded by crops as a garland.

Rama, this Magadhi river, of great Vasu flows from the east surrounded by fertile crops fields like a garland.
कुशनाभस्तु राजर्षि: कन्याशतमनुत्तमम्।

जनयामास धर्मात्मा घृताच्यां रघुनन्दन।।1.32.11।।

रघुनन्दन O Prince Raghu, धर्मात्मा the virtuous one, राजर्षि: rajarshi (a kshtriya who governs kingdom in saintly detached way), कुशनाभ: तु Kusanabha, घृताच्याम् in a nymph named Ghritachi, अनुत्तमम् extremely beautiful, कन्याशतम् one hundred daughters, जनयामास begot.

O scion of the Raghu family, the virtuous rajarshi Kusanabha begot one hundred beautiful daughters through a nymph named Ghritachi.
तास्तु यौवनशालिन्यो रूपवत्य स्स्वलङ्कृता:।

उद्यानभूमिमागम्य प्रावृषीव शतह्रदा:।।1.32.12।।

गायन्त्यो नृत्यमानाश्च वादयन्त्यश्च सर्वश:।

आमोदं परमं जग्मुर्वराभरणभूषिता:।।1.32.13।।

यौवनशालिन्य: resplendent with youth, रूपवत्य: beautiful, ता: they, स्वलङ्कृता: well adorned, उद्यानभूमिम् pleasuregarden, आगम्य having reached, प्रावृषि in the rainy season, शतह्रदा: इव like lightenings, गायन्त्य: singing, नृत्यमानाश्च dancing, वादयन्त्य: playing on instruments, वराभरणभूषिता: decked with all ornaments, सर्वश: moving in all directions, परमम् great, आमोदम् delight, जग्मु: obtained.

Those welladorned, beautiful, young maidens in the pleasuregarden looked like lightnings in the rainy season. Bedecked with fine ornaments they were singing, dancing, playing on instruments and moving in all directions in great delight.
अथ ताश्चारुसर्वाङ्ग्यो रूपेणाप्रतिमा भुवि।

उद्यानभूमिमागम्य तारा इव घनान्तरे।।1.32.14।।

अथ there after, चारुसर्वाङ्ग्य: having all beautiful limbs, रूपेण in beauty, भुवि on earth, अप्रतिमा: unparalleled, ता: those maidens, उद्यानभूमिम् pleasuregarden, आगम्य having reached, घनान्तरे in the midst of clouds, तारा: इव like stars (appeared).

With beautiful limbs of unparalleled beauty on earth, they shone in the pleasuregarden like stars in the midst of clouds.
तास्सर्वगुणसम्पन्ना रूपयौवनसंयुता:।

दृष्ट्वा सर्वात्मको वायुरिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।।1.32.15।।

सर्वात्मक: the all pervading one, वायु: windgod, सर्वगुणसम्पन्ना: those women endowed with all virtues, रूपयौवनसंयुता: blessed with youth and beauty, ता: them, दृष्ट्वा having seen, इदम् these, वचनम् words, अब्रवीत् spoke.

At the sight of the maidens embellished with all virtues and youth and beauty, the allpervading Windgod addressed them these words:
अहं व: कामये सर्वा भार्या मम भविष्यथ।

मानुषस्त्यज्यतां भावः दीर्घमायुरवाप्स्यथ।।1.32.16।।

अहम् I, व: सर्वा: all of you, कामये I am loving, मम my, भार्या: wives, भविष्यथ you may agree to become, मानुष: mortal, भाव: feeling, त्यज्यताम् may be abandoned, दीर्घम् long duration, आयु: of life, अवाप्स्यथ you may attain.

I request you all to be my wives. You will leave this feeling of mortality and attain a
long life.
चलं हि यौवनं नित्यं मानुषेषु विशेषत:।

अक्षय्यं यौवनं प्राप्ताः अमर्यश्च भविष्यथ।।1.32.17।।

नित्यम् always, यौवनम् youth, चलं हि is unstable, मानुषेषु in human beings, विशेषत: especially, अक्षय्यम् permanent (not liable to deterioration), यौवनम् youth, प्राप्ता: you attain, अमर्य: च immortal women, भविष्यथ will become.

Youth is always unstable, especially in human beings. If you marry me, you will be ever youthful like devatas.
तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा वायोरक्लिष्टकर्मण:।

अपहास्य ततो वाक्यं कन्याशतमथाब्रवीत् ।।1.32.18।।

तत: thereafter, अक्लिष्टकर्मण: of him who accompanies pious and wise acts, तस्य वायो: that windgod's, तत् वचनम् those words, श्रुत्वा having heard, अपहास्य ridiculing him, कन्याशतम् hundred maidens, अथ thereafter, वाक्यम् these words, अब्रवीत् spoke.

At the works of the untiringly blowing Windgod the lunged maidens laughed and said:
अन्तश्चरसि भूतानां सर्वेषां त्वं सुरोत्तम ।

प्रभावज्ञा: स्म ते सर्वा: किमस्मानवमन्यसे।।1.32.19।।

सुरोत्तम O Best among devatas, त्वम् you, सर्वेषाम् of everyone, भूतानाम् living beings, अन्त: within, चरसि you move, सर्वा: all of us, ते your, प्रभावज्ञा: स्म knowers of your valour, अस्मान् us, किम् अवमन्यसे why are you insulting.

"O best among devatas you move within all living beings, we feel your impact. Why do you insult us?
कुशनाभसुतास्सर्वा: समर्थास्त्वां सुरोत्तम।

स्थानाच्च्यावयितुं देवं रक्षामस्तु तपो वयम्।।1.32.20।।

सुरोत्तम O Best among devatas, सर्वा: वयं all of us, कुशनाभसुता: daughters of Kusanabha, देवम् the divine one, त्वाम् you, स्थानात् from your authority, च्यावयितुम् to pull down, समर्था: तु are capable, but, तप: ascetic merit of a virgin, रक्षाम: we are protecting.

"O best among devatas we are daughters of Kusanabha, We are capable of pulling you down from your position. We are safeguarding our ascetic merit as virgins (we could curse you to save our ascetic merit)" of Kusnabha.
माभूत्स कालो दुर्मेध: पितरं सत्यवादिनम्।

नावमन्यस्व धर्मेण स्वयं वरमुपास्महे।।1.32.21।।

दुर्मेध: O Foolish one, सत्यवादिनम् always speaking truth, पितरम् our sire, न अवमन्यस्व you may not dishonour, धर्मेण by ones own duty, स्वयम् personally, वरम् bridegroom, उपास्महे will serve, स: that, काल: time, माभूत् let not come.

O wicked one, do not dishonour our father who always speaks the truth. He will choose the bridegrooms righteously. Do not invite death (father may be the cause of your death).
पिता हि प्रभुरस्माकं दैवतं परमं हि न:।

यस्य नो दास्यति पिता स नो भर्ता भविष्यति।।1.32.22।।

अस्माकम् for us, पिता our father, प्रभु: हि is lord indeed, स: he, परमम् great, दैवतम् god, पिता father, न: for us, यस्य to whom so ever, दास्यति gives, स: he, न: for us, भर्ता husband, भविष्यति will become.

Our father is our lord. Our father is god to us. Whomsoever our father offers us shall become our husband".
तासां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा वायु: परमकोपन:।

प्रविश्य सर्वगात्राणि बभञ्ज भगवान् प्रभु:।।1.32.23।।

तासाम् those maidens', तत् वचनम् those words, श्रुत्वा having heard, प्रभु: lord, the powerful one, भगवान् the venerable one, वायु: windgod, परमकोपन: exceedingly enraged, सर्वगात्राणि all the limbs of their body, प्रविश्य having entered, बभञ्ज twisted.

Having heard the words of those maidens, the most powerful and venerable Windgod became furious. He entered all the limbs of their bodies, twisted and distorted them.
ता: कन्या वायुना भग्ना विविशुर्नृपतेर्गृहम्।

प्रापतन् भुवि सम्भ्रान्तास्सलज्जा स्सास्रलोचना:।।1.32.24।।

वायुना by windgod, भग्ना: shattered, ता: कन्या: those maidens, नृपते: king's, गृहम् residence, विविशु: entered, संभ्रान्ता: agitated, सलज्जा: overtaken by shame, सास्रलोचना: with tears filling their eyes, भुवि on the ground, प्रापतन् fell down.

Their bodies disfigured and shattered by the Windgod, the maidens with tears flowing from their eyes entered the palace and fell down on the ground, agitated and overtaken by shame.
स च ता दयिता दीना: कन्या: परमशोभना:।

दृष्ट्वा भग्नास्तदा राजा सम्भ्रान्त इदमब्रवीत्।।1.32.25।।

स: राजा the king, तदा then, दयिता: beloved, दीना: distressed, परमशोभना: extremely beautiful, कन्या: daughters, भग्ना: shattered, दृष्ट्वा having seen, सम्भ्रान्त: agitated, इदम् these words, अब्रवीत् spoke.

The king saw his extremely beautiful beloved daughters distressed and shattered and spoke these words with bewilderment.
किमिदं कथ्यतां पुत्र्य: को धर्ममवमन्यते।

कुब्जा: केन कृता: सर्वा वेष्टन्त्यो नाभिभाषथ।

एवं राजा विनिश्श्वस्य समाधिं सन्दधे तत:।।1.32.26।।

पुत्र्य: O Daughters, इदम् this, किम् what?, क: who?, धर्मम् virtue, अवमन्यते is disregarding, कथ्यताम् let it be told, सर्वा: all of you, कुब्जा: hump backed ones, केन कृता: by whom are you disfigured, वेष्टन्त्यः encircling, नाभिभाषथ you are not speaking, राजा king, एवम् in this way, विनिश्वस्य heaved a sigh, तत: then, समाधिम् concentration of mind, सन्दधे attained.

"O daughters What has happened? Who has dishonoured virtue? Say it at once. Who has made you hunchbacked? Standing roud me, why are you dumb?" The king heaved a sigh and entered into a state of samadhi.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे द्वात्रिंशस्सर्ग:।।
Thus ends the thirtysecond sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.