Sloka & Translation


[Kusanabha praises his daughters for the courage and tolerance shown towards the Windgod the birth of Brahmadatta and his marriage with the daughters of Kusanabha.]

तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा कुशनाभस्य धीमत:।

शिरोभिश्चरणौ स्पृष्ट्वा कन्याशतमभाषत।।1.33.1।।

धीमत: of sagacious, तस्य कुशनाभस्य of that Kusanabha's, तद्वचनम् those words, श्रुत्वा having heard, कन्याशतम् the hundred maidens, शिरोभि: with their heads, चरणौ his feet, स्पृष्ट्वा having touched, अभाषत said.

On hearing the words of sagacious Kusanabha, his hundred daughters touched his feet with their heads and said:
वायुस्सर्वात्मको राजन् प्रधर्षयितुमिच्छति।

अशुभं मार्गमास्थाय न धर्मं प्रत्यवेक्षते।।1.33.2।।

राजन् O King, सर्वात्मक: all pervading, वायु: windgod, अशुभम् foul, मार्गम् way, आस्थाय having taken recourse, प्रधर्षयितुम् to outrage, इच्छति is desiring, धर्मम् the law of morality, न प्रत्यवेक्षते does not consider.

"O king, the allpervading Windgod, having taken recourse to foul means intended to outrage our modesty without and moral compunction.
पितृमत्यस्स्म भद्रं ते स्वच्छन्दे न वयं स्थिता:।

पितरं नो वृणीष्व त्वं यदि नो दास्यते तव।।1.33.3।।

वयम् we, पितृमत्य: स्म: have our father, ते भद्रम् may prosperity be to you, स्वच्छन्दे freely, न स्थिता: (we are) not situated, न: us, तव to you, दास्यते यदि whether he gives, त्वम् you, न: our, पितरम् father, वृणीष्व request.

We have our father who is dear to us. Hence we do not have freedom to choose. You may ask our father if he is willing to give us (in marriage).
तेन पापानुबन्धेन वचनं न प्रतीच्छता।

एवं ब्रुवन्त्यस्सर्वास्स्म वायुना निहता भृशम्।।1.33.4।।

एवम् in this way, ब्रुवन्त्य: while we were speaking, सर्वा: all of us, पापानुबन्धेन by the sinful one, वचनम् our words, न प्रतीच्छता without accepting, तेन वायुना by that windgod, भृशम् greatly, निहता: we are smitten.

As all of us were speaking thus, the sinful Windgod, disregarding our words repeatedly assaulted us.
तासां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा राजा परमधार्मिक:।

प्रत्युवाच महातेजा: कन्याशतमनुत्तमम्।।1.33.5।।

परमधार्मिक: the highly virtuous one, महातेजा: highly powerful, राजा the king, तासाम् theirs, तत् वचनम् those words, श्रुत्वा having heard, अनुत्तमम् excellent, कन्याशतम् hundred daughters, प्रत्युवाच replied.

The deeply religious and highly powerful king, having heard those words of his one hundred exceptional daughters, replied:
क्षान्तं क्षमावतां पुत्र्य: कर्तव्यं सुमहत्कृतम्।

ऐकमत्यमुपागम्य कुलं चावेक्षितं मम।।1.33.6।।

पुत्र्य: you, Daughters, क्षमावताम् of those having forberance, कर्तव्यम् fit to be done, क्षान्तम् forbearance, कृतम् has been done, सुमहत् great, ऐकमत्यम् unanimity, उपागम्य taking recourse to, मम my, कुलं च dynasty, अवेक्षितम् is taken into consideration.

"O daughters you have done a great act of forgiveness of which only the tolerant are capable. By taking a united stand, you have protected the honour of my dynasty.
अलङ्कारो हि नारीणां क्षमा तु पुरुषस्य वा।

दुष्करं तच्च यत् क्षान्तं त्रिदशेषु विशेषत:।।1.33.7।।

यादृशी व: क्षमा पुत्र्यस्सर्वासामविशेषत:।

नारीणाम् for women, पुरुषस्य वा or for men, क्षमा forbearance, अलङ्कारो हि is an ornament, क्षान्तम् इति यत् which act of forgiving, तत् दुष्करम् that one is difficult, त्रिदशेषु even for gods, विशेषत: especially difficult, पुत्र्य: Daughters, व: all of you, सर्वासाम् for the rest, अविशेषत: without difference, यादृशी similar to that.

Whether for women or men forgiveness is an ornament. It is difficult even for gods. For you, daughters, to show it without any difference of opinion is especially hard.
क्षमा दानं क्षमा यज्ञः क्षमा सत्यं हि पुत्रिका:।।1.33.8।।

क्षमा यश: क्षमा धर्म: क्षमया निष्ठितं जगत्।

क्षमा forbearance, दानम् charity, क्षमा forbearance, यज्ञः sacrifice, पुत्रिका: Daughters, क्षमा forbearance, सत्यं हि is truth indeed, क्षमा forberance, यश: glory, क्षमा forbearance, धर्म: virtue, जगत् the universe, क्षमया by forbearance, निष्ठितम् is supported.

"Forbearance is charity, forbearance is sacrifice, forbearance is truth, forbearance is glory and forbearance is virtue. O daughters, the universe is supported by forbearance".
विसृज्य कन्या: काकुत्स्थ राजा त्रिदशविक्रम:।।1.33.9।।

मन्त्रज्ञो मन्त्रयामास प्रदानं सह मन्त्रिभि:।

देशकालौ प्रदानस्य सदृशे प्रतिपादनम्।।1.33.10।।

काकुत्स्थ O Rama, त्रिदशविक्रम: a man endowed with the prowess of celestials, मन्त्रज्ञ: one who is wellversed in counselling, राजा the king, कन्या: daughters, विसृज्य leaving, मन्त्रिभि: सह along with ministers, प्रदानम् bestowing of maidens, मन्त्रयामास consulted, प्रदानस्य for bestowing, देशकालौ proper time and place, सदृशे for a suitable person, प्रतिपादनम् about giving in marriage (consulted).

"O Rama after sending away his daughters, the king endowed with the power of the celestials and wellversed in the art of counselling, consulted his ministers about a suitable person for marriage of his daughters at proper time and place.
एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु चूली नाम महातपा:।

ऊर्ध्वरेताश्शुभाचारो ब्राह्मं तप उपागमत्।।1.33.11।।

एतस्मिन् काले एव during the same time, महातपा: a great ascetic, ऊर्ध्वरेता: living in celebacy, शुभाचार: having clean and auspicious behaviour, चूली नाम named Chuli, ब्राह्मम् in pursuit of knowledge of Brahman, तप: austerities, उपागमत् obtained.

At that time a great and virtuous ascetic named Chuli living in celebacy was performing austerities in pursuit of the knowledge of Brahman.
तप्यन्तं तमृषिं तत्र गन्धर्वी पर्युपासते।

सोमदा नाम भद्रं ते ऊर्मिला तनया तदा।।1.33.12।।

तदा then, तत्र there, तप्यन्तम् him who was performing austerities, तम् ऋषिम् that Rishi, ऊर्मिला तनया daughter of Urmila, सोमदा नाम nymph named Somada, गन्धर्वी Gandharva maiden, पर्युपासते doing service, ते भद्रम् prosperity to you.

When he was performing austerities, a nymph named Somada, daughter of Urmila, used to serve him. Prosperity to you
सा च तं प्रणता भूत्वा शुश्रूषणपरायणा।

उवास काले धर्मिष्ठा तस्यास्तुष्टोऽभवद्गुरु:।।1.33.13।।

सा च she, तम् that Chuli, प्रणता भूत्वा bowing down, शुश्रूषणपरायणा devoted to his service, धर्मिष्ठा adhering to virtue, उवास lived, काले in a proper time, गुरु: the spiritual guide, तस्या: in her, तुष्ट: अभवत् was gratified.

Somada rendered her services with devotion and humility. There she lived a religious life. In the might time her spiritual guide was satisfied with her services.
स च तां कालयोगेन प्रोवाच रघुनन्दन।

परितुष्टोऽस्मि भद्रं ते किं करोमि तव प्रियम्।।1.33.14।।

स: च that maharshi Chuli, कालयोगेन when her services have come to fruition with the passage of time, ताम् addressing her, प्रोवाच said, परितुष्ट: अस्मि I am pleased, ते भद्रम् posperity to you, तव to you, किम् what, प्रियम् favour, करोमि shall I do?

When her services came to a fruition with the passage of time, maharshi Chuli, spoke to her: 'I am pleased with you. What favour shall I do for you? May you be prosperous'
परितुष्टं मुनिं ज्ञात्वा गन्धर्वी मधुरस्वरा।

उवाच परमप्रीता वाक्यज्ञा वाक्यकोविदम्।।1.33.15।।

मुनिम् sage, परितुष्टम् gratified, ज्ञात्वा having known, मधुरस्वरा in sweet tone, वाक्यज्ञा knower of words, गन्धर्वी gandharvi, परमप्रीता who was exceedingly delighted, वाक्यकोविदम् proficient speech, उवाच said.

Having perceived that the sage was satisfied, the gandharva who was skilled in speech said exceedingly delighted to the sage in a sweet voice.
लक्ष्म्या समुदितो ब्राह्म्या ब्रह्मभूतो महातपा:।

ब्राह्मेण तपसा युक्तं पुत्रमिच्छामि धार्मिक।।1.33.16।।

महातपा: possessing great ascetism, ब्राह्म्या relating to Brahmana, लक्ष्म्या lustre, समुदित: endowed with, ब्रह्मभूत: like Brahma, धार्मिक O Righteous one, ब्राह्मेण relating to Brahma, तपसा युक्तम् endowed with ascestic virtues, पुत्रम् son, इच्छामि I am desiring.

Bestowed with the great asceticism and brilliance of a brahmin, you look like Brahma. O righteous one, I desire a son endowed with the ascetic virtues of a brahmin.
अपतिश्चास्मि भद्रं ते भार्या चास्मि न कस्यचित्।

ब्राह्मेणोपगतायाश्च दातुमर्हसि मे सुतम्।।1.33.17।।

अपति: च अस्मि I am without husband, ते भद्रम् prosperity to you, कस्य चित् to any one, भार्या wife, नास्मि I am not, उपगताया: having taken refuge in you, मे to me, ब्राह्मेण with the power of penance, सुतम् son, दातुम् अर्हसि it behoves of you to bestow.

I am without a husband, my sire. I am not a wife to any one. Since I have taken refuge in you, you are competent to bestow on me a son with the power of your penance".
तस्या: प्रसन्नो ब्रह्मर्षिर्ददौ पुत्रमनुत्तमम्।

ब्रह्मदत्त इति ख्यातं मानसं चूलिनस्सुतम्।।1.33.18।।

तस्या: to her, प्रसन्न: pleased, ब्रह्मर्षि: Brahmarshi, चूलिन: of Chuli, मानसम् born through the will of his mind, सुतम् son, ब्रह्मदत्त इति Brahmadatta, ख्यातम् wellknown, अनुत्तमम् excellent, पुत्रम् son, ददौ gave.

Pleased with her, brahmarshi Chuli gave her an excellent son to be wellknown as Brahmadatta born through the will of his mind.
स राजा सौमदेयस्तु पुरीमध्यवसत्तदा।

कांपिल्यां परया लक्ष्म्या देवराजो यथा दिवम्।।1.33.19।।

सौमदेय: the son of Somada, स: राजा that king Brahmadatta, तदा then, देवराज: Devendra, दिवं यथा like heaven, कांपिल्याम् Kampilya, पुरीम् city, परया with great, लक्ष्म्या prosperity, अध्यवसत् lived.

Then king Brahmadatta, son of Somada, lived in the city of Kampilya with great
prosperity like Indra in heaven.
स बुद्धिं कृतवान् राजा कुशनाभस्सुधार्मिक:।

ब्रह्मदत्ताय काकुत्स्थ दातुं कन्याशतं तदा।।1.33.20।।

काकुत्स्थ O Rama, तदा then, सुधार्मिक: highly righteous, राजा king, स: कुशनाभ: Kusanabha, कन्याशतम् hundred daughters, ब्रह्मदत्ताय to Brahmadatta, दातुम् to give, बुद्धिं thinking, कृतवान् decided.

O Rama, then the highly righteous king Kusanabha decided to give his hundred daughters to Brahmadatta".
तमाहूय महातेजा ब्रह्मदत्तं महीपति:।

ददौ कन्याशतं राजा सुप्रीतेनान्तरात्मना।।1.33.21।।

महातेजा: highly powerful, महीपति: lord of the earth, राजा king, तम् ब्रह्मदत्तम् that Brahmadatta, आहूय having invited, सुप्रीतेन with highly pleased, अन्तरात्मना heart, कन्याशतम् a hundred daughters, ददौ gave.

The lord of the earth, highly powerful king Kusanabha invited Brahmadatta, and gave his hundred daughters in marriage to him with a heart highly pleased.
यथाक्रमं तत: पाणीन् जग्राह रघुनन्दन।

ब्रह्मदत्तो महीपालस्तासां देवपतिर्यथा।।1.33.22।।

रघुनन्दन O Rama, देवपतिर्यथा resembling devendra, ब्रह्मदत्त: महीपाल: king Brahmadatta, तत: then, यथाक्रमम् in due order, तासाम् those maidens', पाणीन् hand, जग्राह received.

O son of Raghu's dynasty that king Brahmadatta resembling Indra received the hands of those maidens' in due order.
स्पृष्टमात्रे तत: पाणौ विकुब्जा विगतज्वरा:।

युक्ता: परमया लक्ष्म्या बभु: कन्याशतं तदा।।1.33.23।।ृ32

तत: thereafter, पाणौ hand, स्पृष्टमात्रे with mere touch, तदा then, कन्याशतम् hundred daughters, विकुब्जा: were devoid of hump back, विगतज्वरा: free from anguish, परमया great, लक्ष्म्या splendour, युक्ता: endowed with, बभु: shone.

Thereafter, with the mere touch of his hand, the hundred daughters were cured of their hump back and freed from anguish. They assumed great beauty.
स दृष्ट्वा वायुना मुक्ता: कुशनाभो महीपति:।

बभूव परमप्रीतो हर्षं लेभे पुन:पुन:।।1.33.24।।

महीपति: king, स: कुशनाभ: Kusanabha, वायुना by windgod, मुक्ता: released, दृष्ट्वा having seen, परमप्रीत: immensely pleased, बभूव became, पुन: पुन: again and again, हर्षम् delight, लेभे obtained.

King Kusanabha, having seen his daughters released from disfigurement caused by the Windgod was immensely pleased. He experienced waves of delight.
कृतोद्वाहं तु राजानं ब्रह्मदत्तं महीपति:।

सदारं प्रेषयामास सोपाध्यायगणं तदा।।1.33.25।।

तदा then, महीपति: king, कृतोद्वाहम् having performed marriage, सदारम् together with his wives, सोपाध्यायगणम् in the assembly of priests, राजानम् king, ब्रह्मदत्तम् Brahmadatta, प्रेषयामास sent him to his kingdom.

Then the king along with his queens performed the marriage of his daughters in the assembly of priests and sent them with Brahmadatta (to his kingdom).
सोमदाऽपि सुसंहृष्टा पुत्रस्य सदृशीं क्रियाम्।

यथान्यायं च गन्धर्वी स्नुषास्ता: प्रत्यनन्दत।।1.33.26।।

गन्धर्वी gandharva woman, सोमदापि Somada also,सुसंहृष्टा well pleased, पुत्रस्य son's, सदृशीम् fit and proper, क्रियाम् acts, ता: स्नुषा: those daughtersinlaw, यथान्यायं properly, प्रत्यनन्दत praised.

Somada the gandharvi was exeedingly delighted with her daughtersinlaw and praised her son for his right action.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डेण्डे त्रयस्त्रिंशस्सर्ग:।।
Thus ends the thirtythird sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.