Sloka & Translation


[Kusanabha praises his daughters for the courage and tolerance shown towards the Wind-god the birth of Brahmadatta and his marriage with the daughters of Kusanabha.]

tasya tadvacanaṅ śrutvā kuśanābhasya dhīmata:.

śirōbhiścaraṇau spṛṣṭvā kanyāśatamabhāṣata৷৷1.33.1৷৷

dhīmata: of sagacious, tasya kuśanābhasya of that Kusanabha's, tadvacanam those words, śrutvā having heard, kanyāśatam the hundred maidens, śirōbhi: with their heads, caraṇau his feet, spṛṣṭvā having touched, abhāṣata said.

On hearing the words of sagacious Kusanabha, his hundred daughters touched his feet with their heads and said:
vāyussarvātmakō rājan! pradharṣayitumicchati.

aśubhaṅ mārgamāsthāya na dharmaṅ pratyavēkṣatē৷৷1.33.2৷৷

rājan O! King, sarvātmaka: all pervading, vāyu: wind-god, aśubham foul, mārgam way, āsthāya having taken recourse, pradharṣayitum to outrage, icchati is desiring, dharmam the law of morality, na pratyavēkṣatē does not consider.

"O king, the all-pervading Wind-god, having taken recourse to foul means intended to outrage our modesty without and moral compunction.
pitṛmatyassma bhadraṅ tē svacchandē na vayaṅ sthitā:.

pitaraṅ nō vṛṇīṣva tvaṅ yadi nō dāsyatē tava৷৷1.33.3৷৷

vayam we, pitṛmatya: sma: have our father, tē bhadram may prosperity be to you, svacchandē freely, na sthitā: (we are) not situated, na: us, tava to you, dāsyatē yadi whether he gives, tvam you, na: our, pitaram father, vṛṇīṣva request.

We have our father who is dear to us. Hence we do not have freedom to choose. You may ask our father if he is willing to give us (in marriage).
tēna pāpānubandhēna vacanaṅ na pratīcchatā.

ēvaṅ bruvantyassarvāssma vāyunā nihatā bhṛśam৷৷1.33.4৷৷

ēvam in this way, bruvantya: while we were speaking, sarvā: all of us, pāpānubandhēna by the sinful one, vacanam our words, na pratīcchatā without accepting, tēna vāyunā by that wind-god, bhṛśam greatly, nihatā: we are smitten.

As all of us were speaking thus, the sinful Wind-god, disregarding our words repeatedly assaulted us.
tāsāṅ tadvacanaṅ śrutvā rājā paramadhārmika:.

pratyuvāca mahātējā: kanyāśatamanuttamam৷৷1.33.5৷৷

paramadhārmika: the highly virtuous one, mahātējā: highly powerful, rājā the king, tāsām theirs, tat vacanam those words, śrutvā having heard, anuttamam excellent, kanyāśatam hundred daughters, pratyuvāca replied.

The deeply religious and highly powerful king, having heard those words of his one hundred exceptional daughters, replied:
kṣāntaṅ kṣamāvatāṅ putrya: kartavyaṅ sumahatkṛtam.

aikamatyamupāgamya kulaṅ cāvēkṣitaṅ mama৷৷1.33.6৷৷

putrya: you, Daughters!, kṣamāvatām of those having forberance, kartavyam fit to be done, kṣāntam forbearance, kṛtam has been done, sumahat great, aikamatyam unanimity, upāgamya taking recourse to, mama my, kulaṅ ca dynasty, avēkṣitam is taken into consideration.

"O daughters! you have done a great act of forgiveness of which only the tolerant are capable. By taking a united stand, you have protected the honour of my dynasty.
alaṅkārō hi nārīṇāṅ kṣamā tu puruṣasya vā.

duṣkaraṅ tacca yat kṣāntaṅ tridaśēṣu viśēṣata:৷৷1.33.7৷৷

yādṛśī va: kṣamā putryassarvāsāmaviśēṣata:.

nārīṇām for women, puruṣasya vā or for men, kṣamā forbearance, alaṅkārō hi is an ornament, kṣāntam iti yat which act of forgiving, tat duṣkaram that one is difficult, tridaśēṣu even for gods, viśēṣata: especially difficult, putrya: Daughters!, va: all of you, sarvāsām for the rest, aviśēṣata: without difference, yādṛśī similar to that.

Whether for women or men forgiveness is an ornament. It is difficult even for gods. For you, daughters, to show it without any difference of opinion is especially hard.
kṣamā dānaṅ kṣamā yajñaḥ kṣamā satyaṅ hi putrikā:৷৷1.33.8৷৷

kṣamā yaśa: kṣamā dharma: kṣamayā niṣṭhitaṅ jagat.

kṣamā forbearance, dānam charity, kṣamā forbearance, yajñaḥ sacrifice, putrikā: Daughters!, kṣamā forbearance, satyaṅ hi is truth indeed, kṣamā forberance, yaśa: glory, kṣamā forbearance, dharma: virtue, jagat the universe, kṣamayā by forbearance, niṣṭhitam is supported.

"Forbearance is charity, forbearance is sacrifice, forbearance is truth, forbearance is glory and forbearance is virtue. O daughters, the universe is supported by forbearance".
visṛjya kanyā: kākutstha! rājā tridaśavikrama:৷৷1.33.9৷৷

mantrajñō mantrayāmāsa pradānaṅ saha mantribhi:.

dēśakālau pradānasya sadṛśē pratipādanam৷৷1.33.10৷৷

kākutstha O! Rama, tridaśavikrama: a man endowed with the prowess of celestials, mantrajña: one who is well-versed in counselling, rājā the king, kanyā: daughters, visṛjya leaving, mantribhi: saha along with ministers, pradānam bestowing of maidens, mantrayāmāsa consulted, pradānasya for bestowing, dēśakālau proper time and place, sadṛśē for a suitable person, pratipādanam about giving in marriage (consulted).

"O Rama! after sending away his daughters, the king endowed with the power of the celestials and well-versed in the art of counselling, consulted his ministers about a suitable person for marriage of his daughters at proper time and place.
ētasminnēva kālē tu cūlī nāma mahātapā:.

ūrdhvarētāśśubhācārō brāhmaṅ tapa upāgamat৷৷1.33.11৷৷

ētasmin kālē ēva during the same time, mahātapā: a great ascetic, ūrdhvarētā: living in celebacy, śubhācāra: having clean and auspicious behaviour, cūlī nāma named Chuli, brāhmam in pursuit of knowledge of Brahman, tapa: austerities, upāgamat obtained.

At that time a great and virtuous ascetic named Chuli living in celebacy was performing austerities in pursuit of the knowledge of Brahman.
tapyantaṅ tamṛṣiṅ tatra gandharvī paryupāsatē.

sōmadā nāma bhadraṅ tē ūrmilā tanayā tadā৷৷1.33.12৷৷

tadā then, tatra there, tapyantam him who was performing austerities, tam ṛṣim that Rishi, ūrmilā tanayā daughter of Urmila, sōmadā nāma nymph named Somada, gandharvī Gandharva maiden, paryupāsatē doing service, tē bhadram prosperity to you.

When he was performing austerities, a nymph named Somada, daughter of Urmila, used to serve him. Prosperity to you!
sā ca taṅ praṇatā bhūtvā śuśrūṣaṇaparāyaṇā.

uvāsa kālē dharmiṣṭhā tasyāstuṣṭō.bhavadguru:৷৷1.33.13৷৷

sā ca she, tam that Chuli, praṇatā bhūtvā bowing down, śuśrūṣaṇaparāyaṇā devoted to his service, dharmiṣṭhā adhering to virtue, uvāsa lived, kālē in a proper time, guru: the spiritual guide, tasyā: in her, tuṣṭa: abhavat was gratified.

Somada rendered her services with devotion and humility. There she lived a religious life. In the might time her spiritual guide was satisfied with her services.
sa ca tāṅ kālayōgēna prōvāca raghunandana.

parituṣṭō.smi bhadraṅ tē kiṅ karōmi tava priyam৷৷1.33.14৷৷

sa: ca that maharshi Chuli, kālayōgēna when her services have come to fruition with the passage of time, tām addressing her, prōvāca said, parituṣṭa: asmi I am pleased, tē bhadram posperity to you, tava to you, kim what, priyam favour, karōmi shall I do?

When her services came to a fruition with the passage of time, maharshi Chuli, spoke to her: 'I am pleased with you. What favour shall I do for you? May you be prosperous!'
parituṣṭaṅ muniṅ jñātvā gandharvī madhurasvarā.

uvāca paramaprītā vākyajñā vākyakōvidam৷৷1.33.15৷৷

munim sage, parituṣṭam gratified, jñātvā having known, madhurasvarā in sweet tone, vākyajñā knower of words, gandharvī gandharvi, paramaprītā who was exceedingly delighted, vākyakōvidam proficient speech, uvāca said.

Having perceived that the sage was satisfied, the gandharva who was skilled in speech said exceedingly delighted to the sage in a sweet voice.
lakṣmyā samuditō brāhmyā brahmabhūtō mahātapā:.

brāhmēṇa tapasā yuktaṅ putramicchāmi dhārmika৷৷1.33.16৷৷

mahātapā: possessing great ascetism, brāhmyā relating to Brahmana, lakṣmyā lustre, samudita: endowed with, brahmabhūta: like Brahma, dhārmika O! Righteous one, brāhmēṇa relating to Brahma, tapasā yuktam endowed with ascestic virtues, putram son, icchāmi I am desiring.

Bestowed with the great asceticism and brilliance of a brahmin, you look like Brahma. O righteous one, I desire a son endowed with the ascetic virtues of a brahmin.
apatiścāsmi bhadraṅ tē bhāryā cāsmi na kasyacit.

brāhmēṇōpagatāyāśca dātumarhasi mē sutam৷৷1.33.17৷৷

apati: ca asmi I am without husband, tē bhadram prosperity to you, kasya cit to any one, bhāryā wife, nāsmi I am not, upagatāyā: having taken refuge in you, mē to me, brāhmēṇa with the power of penance, sutam son, dātum arhasi it behoves of you to bestow.

I am without a husband, my sire. I am not a wife to any one. Since I have taken refuge in you, you are competent to bestow on me a son with the power of your penance".
tasyā: prasannō brahmarṣirdadau putramanuttamam.

brahmadatta iti khyātaṅ mānasaṅ cūlinassutam৷৷1.33.18৷৷

tasyā: to her, prasanna: pleased, brahmarṣi: Brahmarshi, cūlina: of Chuli, mānasam born through the will of his mind, sutam son, brahmadatta iti Brahmadatta, khyātam well-known, anuttamam excellent, putram son, dadau gave.

Pleased with her, brahmarshi Chuli gave her an excellent son to be well-known as Brahmadatta born through the will of his mind.
sa rājā saumadēyastu purīmadhyavasattadā.

kāṅpilyāṅ parayā lakṣmyā dēvarājō yathā divam৷৷1.33.19৷৷

saumadēya: the son of Somada, sa: rājā that king Brahmadatta, tadā then, dēvarāja: Devendra, divaṅ yathā like heaven, kāṅpilyām Kampilya, purīm city, parayā with great, lakṣmyā prosperity, adhyavasat lived.

Then king Brahmadatta, son of Somada, lived in the city of Kampilya with great
prosperity like Indra in heaven.
sa buddhiṅ kṛtavān rājā kuśanābhassudhārmika:.

brahmadattāya kākutstha! dātuṅ kanyāśataṅ tadā৷৷1.33.20৷৷

kākutstha O! Rama, tadā then, sudhārmika: highly righteous, rājā king, sa: kuśanābha: Kusanabha, kanyāśatam hundred daughters, brahmadattāya to Brahmadatta, dātum to give, buddhiṅ thinking, kṛtavān decided.

O Rama, then the highly righteous king Kusanabha decided to give his hundred daughters to Brahmadatta".
tamāhūya mahātējā brahmadattaṅ mahīpati:.

dadau kanyāśataṅ rājā suprītēnāntarātmanā৷৷1.33.21৷৷

mahātējā: highly powerful, mahīpati: lord of the earth, rājā king, tam brahmadattam that Brahmadatta, āhūya having invited, suprītēna with highly pleased, antarātmanā heart, kanyāśatam a hundred daughters, dadau gave.

The lord of the earth, highly powerful king Kusanabha invited Brahmadatta, and gave his hundred daughters in marriage to him with a heart highly pleased.
yathākramaṅ tata: pāṇīn jagrāha raghunandana.

brahmadattō mahīpālastāsāṅ dēvapatiryathā৷৷1.33.22৷৷

raghunandana O! Rama, dēvapatiryathā resembling devendra, brahmadatta: mahīpāla: king Brahmadatta, tata: then, yathākramam in due order, tāsām those maidens', pāṇīn hand, jagrāha received.

O son of Raghu's dynasty! that king Brahmadatta resembling Indra received the hands of those maidens' in due order.
spṛṣṭamātrē tata: pāṇau vikubjā vigatajvarā:.

yuktā: paramayā lakṣmyā babhu: kanyāśataṅ tadā৷৷1.33.23.ṛ32

tata: thereafter, pāṇau hand, spṛṣṭamātrē with mere touch, tadā then, kanyāśatam hundred daughters, vikubjā: were devoid of hump back, vigatajvarā: free from anguish, paramayā great, lakṣmyā splendour, yuktā: endowed with, babhu: shone.

Thereafter, with the mere touch of his hand, the hundred daughters were cured of their hump- back and freed from anguish. They assumed great beauty.
sa dṛṣṭvā vāyunā muktā: kuśanābhō mahīpati:.

babhūva paramaprītō harṣaṅ lēbhē puna:puna:৷৷1.33.24৷৷

mahīpati: king, sa: kuśanābha: Kusanabha, vāyunā by wind-god, muktā: released, dṛṣṭvā having seen, paramaprīta: immensely pleased, babhūva became, puna: puna: again and again, harṣam delight, lēbhē obtained.

King Kusanabha, having seen his daughters released from disfigurement caused by the Wind-god was immensely pleased. He experienced waves of delight.
kṛtōdvāhaṅ tu rājānaṅ brahmadattaṅ mahīpati:.

sadāraṅ prēṣayāmāsa sōpādhyāyagaṇaṅ tadā৷৷1.33.25৷৷

tadā then, mahīpati: king, kṛtōdvāham having performed marriage, sadāram together with his wives, sōpādhyāyagaṇam in the assembly of priests, rājānam king, brahmadattam Brahmadatta, prēṣayāmāsa sent him to his kingdom.

Then the king along with his queens performed the marriage of his daughters in the assembly of priests and sent them with Brahmadatta (to his kingdom).
sōmadā.pi susaṅhṛṣṭā putrasya sadṛśīṅ kriyām.

yathānyāyaṅ ca gandharvī snuṣāstā: pratyanandata৷৷1.33.26৷৷

gandharvī gandharva woman, sōmadāpi Somada also,susaṅhṛṣṭā well pleased, putrasya son's, sadṛśīm fit and proper, kriyām acts, tā: snuṣā: those daughters-in-law, yathānyāyaṅ properly, pratyanandata praised.

Somada the gandharvi was exeedingly delighted with her daughters-in-law and praised her son for his right action.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē bālakāṇḍēṇḍē trayastriṅśassarga:৷৷
Thus ends the thirtythird sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.