Sloka & Translation


[Cursed by Vasishta's sons Trisanku takes refuge in Viswamitra]

ततस्त्रिशङ्कोर्वचनं श्रुत्वा क्रोधसमन्वितम् ।

ऋषिपुत्रशतं राम राजानमिदमब्रवीत्।।1.58.1।।

राम O Sri Rama, त्रिशङ्को: Trishanku's, वचनम् words, श्रुत्वा having heard, तत: afterwards, ऋषिपुत्रशतम् hundred sons of Vasishta, क्रोधसमन्वितम् filled with wrath, राजानम् addressing king, इदम् this word, अब्रवीत् spoke.

"O Rama to these words of king Trisanku, the hundred sons of the sage angrily reacted:
प्रत्याख्यातो हि दुर्बुद्धे गुरुणा सत्यवादिना।

तं कथं समतिक्रम्य शाखान्तरमुपेयिवान्।।1.58.2।।

दुर्बुद्धे O Evil minded one, सत्यवादिना by the truth speaking, गुरुणा by spiritual preceptor, प्रत्याख्यात: refused, तम् him, अतिक्रम्य having by passed, शाखान्तरम् other branch, कथम् how, उपेयिवान् you have reached.

'O Evilminded one having been refused by the Guru true to his word, how could you bypass him and approach us who are mere off shoots (of the main).
इक्ष्वाकूणां हि सर्वेषां पुरोधा: परमो गुरु:।

न चातिक्रमितुं शक्यं वचनं सत्यवादिन:।।1.58.3।।

सर्वेषाम् for all, इक्ष्वाकूणाम् kings of Ikshwaku race, पुरोधा: their spiritual preceptor, परम: is highly, गुरु: venerable one, सत्यवादिन: truthspeaking one, वचनम् word, अतिक्रमितुम् to by pass, न शक्यम् not capable of being done.

For all the kings of the Ikshvakus race, their chief priest is their Guru. It is not possible
to bypass the spiritual preceptor who is true to his word preceptor.
अशक्यमिति चोवाच वसिष्ठो भगवानृषि:।

तं वयं वै समाहर्तुं क्रतुं शक्ता:कथं तव।।1.58.4।।

भगवान् adorable, वसिष्ठ: ऋषि: sage Vasistha, अशक्यमिति incapable(of being accompished) to, उवाच said, तम् such, क्रतुम् sacrifice, तव to you, समाहर्तुम् to perform, वयम् we, कथम् how, शक्ता: are capable.

When an adorable sage like Vasishta has already said, it is not possible, how can we help you conduct such a sacrifice?
बालिशस्त्वं नरश्रेष्ठ गम्यतां स्वपुरं पुन:।

याजने भगवाञ्छक्तस्त्रैलोक्यस्यापि पार्थिव।।1.58.5।।

अवमानं च तत्कर्तुं तस्य शक्ष्यामहे कथम्।

नरश्रेष्ठ O Best among men, त्वम् you, बालिश: childish, पुन: again, स्वपुरम् your capital, गम्यताम् return, पार्थिव O Monarch, भगवान् venerable, त्रैलोक्यस्य of the three worlds, याजनेऽपि to perform sacrifices, शक्त: is capble, तत् for that reason, तस्य his, अवमानम् dishonour, कर्तुम् to do, कथम् how, शक्ष्यामहे can we be capable of.

O Best one among men you are childish. Return to your capital. O Monarch the most venerable Vasishta is capable of conducting sacrifices performed by anybody in the three worlds. How can we dishonour him'?
तेषां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा क्रोधपर्याकुलाक्षरम्।।1.58.6।।

स राजा पुनरेवैतानिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।

स: राजा that king, क्रोधपर्याकुलाक्षरम् confused speech due to anger, तत् that, वचनम् word, श्रुत्वा having listened, पुनरेव again, इदम् this, वचनम् word, अब्रवीत् spoke.

Having heard the confused words uttered by the sages in a state of anger, the king said again:
प्रत्याख्यातोऽस्मि गुरुणा गुरुपुत्रैस्तथैव च।।1.58.7।।

अन्यां गतिं गमिष्यामि स्वस्ति वोऽस्तु तपोधना:।

तपोधना: O Men having asceticism as wealth, गुरुणा by spiritual preceptor, तथैव च as also, गुरुपुत्रैश्च by the sons of spiritual preceptor, प्रत्याख्यात: अस्मि I am disregarded, अन्याम् another, गतिम् way, गमिष्यामि shall seek, व: to you, स्वस्ति अस्तु farewell to you.

"O Men endowed with the wealth of asceticism I was rejected by my guru and now by his sons. I shall seek another way. Farewell to you".
ऋषिपुत्रास्तु तच्छ्रुत्वा वाक्यं घोराभिसंहितम्।।1.58.8।।

शेपु: परमसङ्कृद्धाश्चण्डालत्वं गमिष्यसि।

ऋषिपुत्रास्तु saint's sons, घोराभिसंहितम् with fierce intent, तत् that, वाक्यम् word, श्रुत्वा having listened, परमसङ्कृद्धा: highly furious, चण्डालत्वम् chandalahood, गमिष्यसि will obtain, शेपु: cursed.

Having seen his fierce intent, the saint's sons were infuriated. They cursed him saying, "Be a Chandala"
एवमुक्त्वा महात्मनो विविशुस्ते स्वमाश्रमम्।।1.58.9।।

अथ रात्र्यां व्यतीतायां राजा चण्डालतां गत:।

महात्मान: magnanimous, ते they, एवम् thus, उक्त्वा having spoken, स्वम् their own, आश्रमम् hermitage, विविशु: entered, अथ thereafter, रात्र्याम् night, व्यतीतायाम् having passed, राजा king, चण्डालताम् Chandalahood, गत: obtained.

With this the highsouled sons of Vasishta entered their hermitage. And one night after the king became a Chandala (a lowcaste man).
नीलवस्त्रधरो नील: पुरुषो ध्वस्तमूर्धज:।।1.58.10।।

चित्यमाल्यानुलेपश्च आयसाभरणोऽभवत्।

नीलवस्त्रधरो wearing black garment, नील: dark complexioned, परुष: dirty, ध्वस्तमूर्धज: dishevelled hair, चित्यमाल्यानुलेपश्च besmeared with ashes and wearing wreaths from the cemetery, आयसाभरण: wearing ornaments made of iron, अभवत् became.

The king was tranformed into a darkcomplexioned dirty man with dishevelled hair. His body was besmeared with ashes and on his robes lay wreath collected from the cemetery. He had on him dark (soiled) clothes, and ornaments made of iron.
तं दृष्टवा मन्त्रिणस्सर्वे त्यज्य चण्डालरूपिणम्।।1.58.11।।

प्राद्रवन् सहिता राम पौरा येऽस्यानुगामिन:।

राम O Rama, चण्डालरूपिणम् in the form of Chadala, तम् him, दृष्टवा having seen, सर्वे all, मन्त्रिण: counsellors, पौरा: inhabitants of city, ये who, अस्य his, अनुगामिन: सहिता: including followers, प्राद्रवन् fled away.

"O Rama seeing him in the form of a chandala, all his counsellors, inhabitants of the city including his followers fled away.
एको हि राजा काकुत्स्थ जगाम परमात्मवान्।।1.58.12।।

दह्यमानो दिवारात्रं विश्वामित्रं तपोनिधिम्।

काकुत्स्थ O Rama, परम् great, आत्मवान् courageous, राजा king, एक: moving alone, दिवारात्रम् day and night, दह्यमान: burning, तपोनिधिम् rich in asceticism, विश्वामित्रम् towards Visvamitra, जगाम went.

O Descendant of Kakustha wandering alone burning with distress night and day the king went to Viswamitra who was rich in asceticism.
विश्वामित्रस्तु तं दृष्ट्वा राजानं विफलीकृतम्।

चण्डालरूपिणं राम मुनि: कारुण्यमागत:।।1.58.13।।

राम O Rama, मुनि: sage, विश्वामित्रस्तु Visvamitra, विफलीकृतम् made worthless, चण्डालरूपिणम् found in the form of Chandala, तम् that, राजानम् king, दृष्ट्वा having seen, कारुण्यम् pity, आगत: obtained.

O Rama on seeing the king reduced to a useless a chandala, sage Viswamitra was touched with pity".
कारुण्यात्स महातेजा वाक्यं परमधार्मिक:।

इदं जगाद भद्रं ते राजानं घोररूपिणम्।।1.58.14।।

महातेजा: exceedingly energetic, परमधार्मिक: highly pious, स: he, कारुण्यात् out of compassion, घोररूपिणम् frightful to look, राजानम् king, ते भद्रम् welfare to you, इदम् this word, जगाद spoke.

Exceedingly energetic and deeply pious, he looked at the king who was frightful in appearance and addressed him with compassion saying, "welfare to you".
किमागमनकार्यं ते राजपुत्र महाबल।

अयोध्याधिपते वीर शापाच्चण्डालतां गत:।।1.58.15।।

महाबल mighty, राजपुत्र O Prince, ते your, आगमनकार्यम् purpose of coming, किम् what, अयोध्याधिपते O Lord of Ayodhya, वीर hero, शापात् from the curse, चण्डालताम् chandalahood, गत: you have obtained.

"O Mighty prince what brings your here, for you are the heroic lord of Ayodhya? Whose curse turned you into a chandala"?
अथ तद्वाक्यमाज्ञाय राजा चण्डालतां गत:।

अब्रवीत्प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यं वाक्यज्ञो वाक्यकोविदम्।।1.58.16।।

अथ thereafter, चंण्डालताम् chandala hood, गत: obtained, वाक्यज्ञ: knower of words, राजा king, तद्वाक्यम् that word, आज्ञाय having come to know, प्राञ्जलि: with folded hands in supplication, वाक्यकोविदम् proficient in speech, वाक्यम् word, अब्रवीत् spoke.

In response to his words the king, who had fallen into the state of a chandala yet proficient in expression, spoke to one (Viswamitra) expert in speech, with folded hands.
प्रत्याख्यातोऽस्मि गुरुणा गुरुपुत्रैस्तथैव च।

अनवाप्यैव तं कामं मया प्राप्तो विपर्यय:।।1.58.17।।

गुरुणा by the spiritual preceptor, तथैव च and also, गुरुपुत्रै: by his sons, प्रत्याख्यात: अस्मि I was rejected, तम् that, कामम् desire, अनवाप्यैव without attaining, मया by me, विपर्यय: contrary reward, प्राप्त: obtained.

"Rejected by my guru and his sons, what I achieved was disaster and what I could not was the fulfilment of my wish.
सशरीरो दिवं यायामिति मे सौम्यदर्शनम्।

मया चेष्टं क्रतुशतं तच्च नाऽवाप्यते फलम्।।1.58.18।।

सौम्य O Gentle sage, सशरीर: with my physical body, दिवम् heaven, यायाम् I may enter, इति thus, मे my, दर्शनम् intention, मया by me, क्रतुशतम् a hundred sacrifices, इष्टम् performed, तत् that, फलम् fruit of it, नावाप्यते च was not obtained.

O Gentle sage it is my intention to enter heaven with my physical body. I performed a hundred sacrifices but did not reap its fruit.
अनृतं नोक्तपूर्वं मे न च वक्ष्ये कदाचन।

कृच्छ्रेष्वपि गत स्सौम्य क्षत्रधर्मेण ते शपे।।1.58.19।।

सौम्य O Gentle sage, मे by me, अनृतम् untruth, न उक्तपूर्वम् was not uttered earlier, कदाचन never, कृच्छ्रेषु गत: अपि inspite of troubled circumstances, न वक्ष्ये I shall not speak, क्षत्रधर्मेण by kshatriya morality, ते to you, शपे I swear.

O Gentle sage I have never told a lie in spite of troubled circumstances, I shall never dabble in falsehood. I swear upon it by kshatriya morality .
यज्ञैर्बहुविधैरिष्टं प्रजा धर्मेण पालिता:।।1.58.20।।

गुरवश्च महात्मान श्शीलवृत्तेन तोषिता:।

बहुविधै: by various kinds of, यज्ञै: with sacrifices, इष्टम् favourite gods were worshipped, प्रजा: my people, धर्मेण with law of righteousness, पालिता: are ruled, महात्मान: eminent, गुरवश्च elders, शीलवृत्तेन by my character and conduct, तोषिता: were pleased.

I have performed various sacirifices and ruled over my people guided by the law of righteousness. I have pleased eminent elders with my conduct and character.
धर्मे प्रयतमानस्य यज्ञं चाहर्तुमिच्छत:।।1.58.21।।

परितोषं न गच्छन्ति गुरवो मुनिपुङ्गव ।

मुनिपुङ्गव O Preeminent among sages, धर्मे in my duty, प्रयतमानस्य endeavouring, यज्ञम् sacrifice, आहर्तुम् to perform, इच्छतश्च intending, गुरव: spiritual preceptors, परितोषम् pleasure, न गच्छन्ति do not get.

O Preeminent among sages I endeavour to do my duty. I intend to perform a sacrifice. My gurus do not appreciate this.
दैवमेव परं मन्ये पौरुषं तु निरर्थकम्।।1.58.22।।

दैवेनाक्रम्यते सर्वं दैवं हि परमा गति:।

दैवमेव destiny alone, परम् is allpowerful, मन्ये I am thinking, पौरुषम् तु the effort of a man, निरर्थकम् is invain, सर्वम् everything, दैवेन by destiny, आक्रम्यते is occupied, दैवम् destiny, परमा supreme, गति: हि way indeed.

I consider destiny to be allpowerful. The effort of a man goes in vain. Everything is controlled by destiny. It is the supreme resort.
तस्य मे परमार्तस्य प्रसादमभिकाङ्क्षत:।।1.58.23।।

कर्तुमर्हसि भद्रं ते दैवोपहतकर्मण:।

परमार्तस्य highly afflicted, ते your, प्रसादम् favour, अभिकाङ्क्षत: desiring, दैवोपहतकर्मण: with my actions hit by destiny, तस्य such, मे to me, कर्तुम् to do, अर्हसि fit and proper, भद्रम् prosperity to you.

My merits have been destroyed by destiny. Deeply afflicted, I crave a favour from you. You are fit to grant it. Wish you well
नान्यां गतिं गमिष्यामि नान्यश्शरणमस्ति मे।।1.58.24।।

दैवं पुरुषकारेण निवर्तयितुमर्हसि।।

अन्याम् other, गतिम् refuge, न गमिष्यामि I will not obtain, मे to me, अन्य: other person, शरणम् protector, नास्ति does not exist, दैवम् destiny, पुरुषकारेण with human effort, निवर्तयितुम् to avert, अर्हसि you are capable.

I will not take refuge in anybody. There is no other protector for me. You are capable of averting my reverses in fate with human effort".
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे अष्टपञ्चाशस्सर्ग:।।
Thus ends the fiftyeighth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.