Sloka & Translation


[Trisanku ascends to heaven and gets expelled by IndraViswamitra creates another heaven for him]

तपोबलहतान् कृत्वा वासिष्ठान् समहोदयान्।

ऋषिमध्ये महातेजा विश्वामित्रोऽभ्यभाषत।।1.60.1।।

महातेजा: most brilliant, विश्वामित्र: Visvamitra, समहोदयान् together with Mahodaya, वासिष्ठान् sons of Vasishta, तपोबलहतान् having destroyed by his power of asceticism, कृत्वा made, ऋषिमध्ये seated in the midst of saints, अभ्यभाषत said.

The most brilliant Viswamitra, having destroyed the sons of Vasishta including Mahodaya by his ascetic power, said this in the midst of saints:
अयमिक्ष्वाकुदायादस्त्रिशंकुरिति विश्रुत:।

धर्मिष्ठश्च वदान्यश्च मां चैव शरणं गत:।।1.60.2।।

तेनानेन शरीरेण देवलोकजिगीषया।

इक्ष्वाकुदायाद: born in the Ikshavaku race, त्रिशङ्कुरिति as Trishanku by name, विश्रुत: wellknown, धर्मिष्ठ: virtuous, वदान्यश्च munificient, अयम् this person, तेन such, अनेन शरीरेण with this physical body, देवलोकजिगीषया with the intention of conquering deva loka, माम् me, शरणं गत: sought refuge.

"This religious and generous king born in the Ikshvaku race, wellknown as Trisanku sought my refuge to gain heaven with his physical body,
यथाऽयं स्वशरीरेण स्वर्गलोकं गमिष्यति।।1.60.3।।

तथा प्रवर्त्यतां यज्ञे भवद्भिश्च मया सह।

अयम् this (king), स्वशरीरेण with his physical body, स्वर्गलोकम् to heaven, यथा in whichever manner, गमिष्यति will go, तथा in that manner, भवद्भि: by you, मया सह along with me, यज्ञ: sacrifice, प्रवर्त्यताम् be performed.

Join me in the performance of this sacrifice in a manner by which he (Trisanku) attains heaven with his physical body".
विश्वामित्रवच श्श्रुत्वा सर्व एव महर्षय:।।1.60.4।।

ऊचुस्समेत्य सहिता धर्मज्ञा धर्मसंहितम्।

धर्मज्ञा: knowers of spiritual law, सहिता: assembled there, सर्व एव all, महर्षय: rishis, विश्वामित्रवच: words of Visvamitra, श्रुत्वा having listened, समेत्य in harmony, धर्मसंहितम् endowed with righteousness, ऊचु: said.

Agreeing to these words of Viswamitra all the rishis, knowers of spiritual order and endowed with righteousness assembled there said:
अयं कुशिकदायादो मुनि: परमकोपन:।।1.60.5।।

यदाह वचनं सम्यगेतत्कार्यं न संशय:।

अग्निकल्पो हि भगवान् शापं दास्यति रोषित:।।1.60.6।।

कुशिकदायाद: born in the line of Kusika, परमकोपन: is one extremely angry, अयम् this man, मुनि: ascestic, यत् वचनम् whichever word, आह speaks, एतत् all that, सम्यक् properly, कार्यम् should be performed, न संशय: no doubt, अग्निकल्प: he is like fire, भगवान् venerable, रोषित: if angered, शापम् curse, दास्यति will give.

"Born in the line of Kusika, this sage is extremely cholerictempered. Whatever he says must be properly carried out. There should be no resitation on this score. The venerable sage is like fire. He will curse us if angered.
तस्मात्प्रवर्त्यतां यज्ञ स्सशरीरो यथा दिवम्।

गच्छेदिक्ष्वाकुदायादो विश्वामित्रस्य तेजसा।।1.60.7।।

तथा प्रवर्त्यतां यज्ञ स्सर्वे समधितिष्ठत।

तस्मात् for that reason, यज्ञ: sacrifice, प्रवर्त्यताम् be performed, इक्ष्वाकुदायाद: descendent of Ikshvaku, विश्वामित्रस्य Visvamitra's, तेजसा by spiritual power, सशरीर: with his physical frame, यथा in whatever manner, दिवम् heaven, गच्छेत् may attain, तथा in that manner, यज्ञ: sacrifice, प्रवर्त्यताम् may be performed, सर्वे all, समधितिष्ठत commence.

Hence let the sacrifice be performed in such a manner that the descendant of the Ikshvakus would attain heaven with his physical body through the spiritual power of Viswamitra. All of you commence the sacrifice".
एवमुक्त्वा महर्षयः चक्रुस्तास्ता:क्रियास्तदा।।1.60.8।।

याजकश्च महातेजा विश्वामित्रोऽभवत्क्रतौ।

महर्षय: mahasrhis, एवम् thus, उक्त्वा having spoken, तदा then, तास्ता: different, क्रिया: activities, चक्रु: performed, क्रतौ in that sacrifice, महातेजा: highly lustrous, विश्वामित्र: Visvamitra, याजक: अभवत् became the chief officiating priest.

The maharshis having resolved performed their respective activities relating to the sacrifice. The brilliant Viswamitra acted as the chief officiating priest.
ऋत्विजश्चानुपूर्व्येण मन्त्रवन्मन्त्रकोविदा:।।1.60.9।।

चक्रु: कर्माणि सर्वाणि यथाकल्पं यथाविधि।

मन्त्रकोविदा: proficient in sacred prayers, ऋत्विजश्च officiating priests, मन्त्रवत् in accordance with mantras, यथाकल्पम् according to prescribed kalpa, यथाविधि according to rules and tradition, सर्वाणि all, कर्माणि rites, आनुपूर्व्येण in accordance with their respective ranks, चक्रु: performed.

The officiating priests proficient in chanting mantras performed in order of their respective ranks all the rites in accordance with the Yojanakalpa adhering to codes and traditions.
तत: कालेन महता विश्वामित्रो महातपा:।।1.60.10।।

चकारावाहनं तत्र भागार्थं सर्वदेवता:।

तत: thereafter, महातपा: mighty ascetic, विश्वामित्र: Visvamitra, महताकालेन after a long time, तत्र there, सर्वदेवता: all devatas, भागार्थम् to partake their share, आवाहनं चकार invoked.

Long after, the mighty ascetic Viswamitra invoked all the gods to partake their share of offerings.
नाभ्यागमंस्तदाहूता भागार्थं सर्वदेवता:।।1.60.11।।

तत: क्रोधसमाविष्टो विश्वामित्रो महामुनि:।

स्रुवमुद्यम्य सक्रोधस्त्रिशङ्कुमिदमब्रवीत्।।1.60.12।।

तदा then, आहूता: invited by him, सर्वदेवता: all devatas, भागार्थम् for their share of offerings, नाभ्यागमन् did not come, तत: thereafter, क्रोधसमाविष्ट: seized of anger, विश्वामित्र: Visvamitra, महामुनि: great ascetic, स्रुवम् sacrificial ladle, उद्यम्य having lifted, सक्रोध: with anger, त्रिशङ्कुम् addressing Trishanku, इदम् this word, अब्रवीत् spoke.

When, the gods invited by him did not come to receive their share of offerings, the great ascetic Viswamitra seized with anger lifted the sacrificial ladle and said to Trisanku:
पश्य मे तपसो वीर्यं स्वार्जितस्य नरेश्वर ।

एष त्वां सशरीरेण नयामि स्वर्गमोजसा।।1.60.13।।

दुष्प्रापं सशरीरेण दिवं गच्छ नराधिप।

नरेश्वर O King, स्वार्जितस्य selfearned, मे my, तपस: asceticism's, वीर्यम् prowess, पश्य behold, एष: ओजसा (तेजसा) with my might, त्वाम् you, सशरीरेण with your physical body, स्वर्गम् heaven, नयामि I shall send, नराधिप O king, दुष्प्रापम् difficult to achieve, दिवम् heaven, सशरीरेण with physical body, गच्छ go.

"O King behold the prowess of my selfearned asceticism. With my spiritual might, I shall send you to heaven with your physical body O King go to heaven with physical body which is not possible for anybody to accomplish.
स्वार्जितं किञ्चिदप्यस्ति मया हि तपस:फलम्।।1.60.14।।

राजन् स्वतेजसा तस्य सशरीरो दिवं व्रज।

राजन् O King, मया by me, स्वार्जितम् selfearned, तपस: फलम् fruit of austerities, किञ्चिदपि even little, अस्ति हि is remaining, तस्य its, स्वतेजसा by its power, सशरीर: with physical body, दिवम् heaven, व्रज you may go.

By the power of what little fruit of austerities I have earned, I shall send to heaven with your body".
उक्तवाक्ये मुनौ तस्मिन् सशरीरो नरेश्वर:।।1.60.15।।

दिवं जगाम काकुत्स्थ मुनीनां पश्यतां तदा।

काकुत्स्थ O Rama, तस्मिन् मुनौ when that ascetic, उक्तवाक्ये had spoken these words, नरेश्वर: king, सशरीर: with his physical body, तदा then, मुनीनाम् saints, पश्यताम् while seeing, दिवम् towards heaven, जगाम went.

"O Descendant of Kakustha (Rama) when the sage had said these words, the king with his physical body ascended to heaven in the presence of the sages.
देवलोकगतं दृष्ट्वा त्रिशङ्कुं पाकशासन:।।1.60.16।।

सह सर्वैस्सुरगणैरिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।

देवलोकगतम् ascending to heaven, त्रिशङ्कुम् Trishanku, दृष्ट्वा having seen, सर्वै: all, सुरगणै: (सह) with hosts of devatas, पाकशासन: devendra who destroyed the demon Paka, इदम् वचनम् this word, अब्रवीत् spoke.

On ascending to heaven Trisanku saw Indra (destroyer of Paka) along with hosts of gods. Indra said to him:
त्रिशङ्को गच्छ भूयस्त्वं नासि स्वर्गकृतालय:।।1.60.17।।

गुरुशापहतो मूढ पत भूमिमवाक्छिरा:।

त्रिशङ्को O Trishanku, स्वर्गकृतालय: inhabitant of heaven, न असि you are not fit, त्वम् you, भूय: again, गच्छ go back, गुरुशापहतः doomed by the curse of your spiritual preceptor, मूढ O Fool, अवाक्छिरा: with head downwards, भूमिम् to earth, पत fall down.

"O Trisanku you are not fit to inhabit heaven. Go back, you fool Doomed by the curse of your spiritual preceptor, fall on earth, head down.
एवमुक्तो महेन्द्रेण त्रिशङ्कुरपतत्पुन:।।1.60.18।।

विक्रोशमानस्त्राहीति विश्वामित्रं तपोधनम्।

महेन्द्रेण by Indra, एवम् thus, उक्त: spoken, त्रिशङ्कु: Trishanku, त्राहि protect me, इति so, तपोधनम् one having asceticism as wealth, विश्वामित्रम् Viswamitra, विक्रोशमान: wailing, पुन: again, अपतत् fell down.

Thus spoken to by Indra, Trisanku crying, "O Viswamitra, Protect me, Protect me" started falling down.
तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य क्रोशमानस्य कौशिक:।।1.60.19।।

रोषमाहारयत्तीव्रं तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत्।

कौशिक: Visvamitra, क्रोशमानस्य crying, तस्य his, तत् वचनम् that word, श्रुत्वा having listened, तीव्रम् severe, रोषम् anger, आहारयत् fetched, तिष्ठ इति "Stay, Stay", अब्रवीत् spoke.

Having heard the wailing Trisanku, the enraged Viswamitra shouted, "Stay, Stay".
ऋषिमध्ये स तेजस्स्वी प्रजापतिरिवापर:।।1.60.20।।

सृजन् दक्षिणमार्गस्थान् सप्तर्षीनपरान् पुन:।


दक्षिणां दिशमास्थाय मुनिमध्ये महायशा:।

ऋषिमध्ये in the midst of ascetics, स: तेजस्वी that mighty asctic, अपर: second, प्रजापति इव like Brahma, दक्षिणमार्गस्थान् stationed in the southern quarter, अपरान् other, सप्तर्षीन् the constellation of seven new rishis (stars), सृजन् while creating, ऋषिमध्ये in the midst of ascetics, क्रोधमूर्च्छित: swooned by anger, दक्षिणां southern, दिशम् direction, आस्थाय after resorting to, महायशा: illustrious, अपराम् another, नक्षत्रमालाम् group of stars, असृजत् created.

Standing in the midst of the ascetics, that mighty sage who conjured up a constellation of seven new rishis (stars) looked like another creator Brahma. Overcome by anger the illustrious sage created a new group of stars in the southern direction.
सृष्ट्वा नक्षत्रवंशं च क्रोधेन कलुषीकृत:।।1.60.22।।

अन्यमिन्द्रं करिष्यामि लोको वा स्यादनिन्द्रक:।

दैवतान्यपि स क्रोधा त्स्रष्टुं समुपचक्रमे।।1.60.23।।

नक्षत्रवंशं च system of stars, सृष्टवा having created, क्रोधेन out of wrath, कलुषीकृत: having his vision blurred, अन्यम् another, इन्द्रं Indra, करिष्यामि I will create, लोक: this world, अनिन्द्रक: वा स्यात् or will be without Indra (saying so), स: he दैवतान्यपि even devatas, क्रोधात् with anger, स्रष्टुम् to create, समुपचक्रमे commenced.

Having created a constellation of stars, Viswamitra out of anger said, "I will create another Indra or this world will be without Indra" and commenced to create even gods.
तत: परमसम्भ्रान्तास्सर्षिसङ्घास्सुरासुरा:।

विश्वामित्रं महात्मानमूचु: सानुनयं वच:।।1.60.24।।

तत: thereafter, परमसम्भ्रान्ता: extremely wonderstruck, सर्षिसङ्घा: hosts of rishis, सुरासुरा: with suras and asuras, महात्मानम् magnanimous, विश्वामित्रम् Viswamitra, सानुनयम् in apropitiatory tone, वच: this word, ऊचु: said.

Struck with wonder and fear, hosts of rishis, suras and asuras humbly addressed Viswamitra.
अयं राजा महाभाग गुरुशापपरिक्षत: ।

सशरीरो दिवं यातुं नार्हत्येव तपोधन ।।1.60.25।।

तपोधन O Maharshi, महाभाग O Glorious one, गुरुशापपरिक्षत: cursed by spiritual preceptor, अयम् राजा this king, सशरीर: with his physical body, दिवं to heaven, यातुम् to go, नार्हत्येव is not at all worthy of.

"O Glorious maharshi, this king cursed by his spiritual preceptor is not worthy of going to heaven with his physical body".
तेषां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा देवानां मुनिपुङ्गव: ।

अब्रवीत्सुमहद्वाक्यं कौशिक: सर्वदेवता:।।1.60.26।।

मुनिपुङ्गव: preeminent among ascetics, कौशिक: Visvamitra, तेषाम् देवानाम् those devatas', तत् वचनम् that word, श्रुत्वा having heard, सर्वदेवता: all devatas, सुमहत् extremely great, वाक्यम् this word, अब्रवीत् said.

The son of Kushika (Viswamitra), the preeminent ascetic heard the gods and said these praiseworthy words:
सशरीरस्य भद्रं वस्त्रिशङ्कोरस्य भूपते:।

आरोहणं प्रतिज्ञाय नानृतं कर्तुमुत्सहे।।1.60.27।।

व: to you, भद्रम् prosperity, सशरीरस्य with physical form, अस्य त्रिशङ्को: भूपते: of this king Trishanku, आरोहणम् ascent to heaven, प्रतिज्ञाय having promised, अनृतम् false, कर्तुम् to make, न उत्सहे I do not wish.

"I wish you well Having promised king Trisanku ascent to heaven with his physical form, I do not wish to go back on my word.
स्वर्गोऽस्तु सशरीरस्य त्रिशङ्कोरस्य शाश्वत:।

नक्षत्राणि च सर्वाणि मामकानि ध्रुवाण्यथ।।1.60.28।।

यावल्लोका धरिष्यन्ति तिष्ठन्त्वेतानि सर्वश:।

मत्कृतानि सुरा स्सर्वे तदनुज्ञातुमर्हथ।।1.60.29।।

अस्य त्रिशङ्को: for this Trishanku, सशरीरस्य with his physical form, शाश्वत: eternal, स्वर्ग: अस्तु let the heaven exist, अथ मत्कृतानि now created by me, एतानि सर्वाणि all these, नक्षत्राणि stars, मामकानि as mine, सर्वश: entirely, लोका: worlds, यावत् as long as, धरिष्यन्ति shall be holding (till such time), ध्रुवाणि shall be stable, तिष्ठन्तु shall remain, सुरा: O Devatas, तत् अनुज्ञातुम् to give consent, अर्हथ it behoves of you.

Let this heaven be an eternal abode for Trisanku in his physical form All these stars created by me shall endure as long as the worlds survive. O gods it behoves of you to accord consent to this".
एवमुक्ता: सुरास्सर्वे प्रत्यूचुर्मुनिपुङ्गवम्।

एवं भवतु भद्रं ते तिष्ठन्त्वेतानि सर्वश:।।1.60.30।।

गगने तान्यनेकानि वैश्वानरपथाद्बहि:।

नक्षत्राणि मुनिश्रेष्ठ तेषु ज्योतिष्षु जाज्वलन्।।1.60.31।।

अवाक्छिरास्त्रिशङ्कुश्च तिष्ठत्वमरसन्निभ:।

एवम् thus, उक्ता: addressed, सर्वे सुरा: all devatas, मुनिपुङ्गवम् to the preeminent among ascetics, प्रत्यूचु: replied, एवम् भवतु 'be it so', मुनिश्रेष्ठ O best among ascetics, ते भद्रम् prosperity to you, एतानि तानि those celebrated, अनेकानि many , नक्षत्राणि stars, वैश्वानरपथात् from the path of Vaisvanara (zodiac), बहि: outside, गगने in the firmament, सर्वश: in all sides, तिष्ठन्तु shall stary on, तेषु ज्योतिष्षु amidst those stars, जाज्वलन् shining brilliantly, त्रिशङ्कुश्च Trishanku also, अमरसन्निभ: as if immortal, अवाक्छिरा: head downwards, तिष्ठतु shall stay on.

Thus addressed, all the gods, replied to the preeminent ascetic, "O Best among sages, be blessed let thy will be donel. Those many celebrated stars shall stay on all sides outside the path of Vaisvanara (zodiac) in the firmament. Amidst those stars, Trisanku, shining brilliantly like an immortal, shall stay on, head down".
अनुयास्यन्ति चैतानि ज्योतींषि नृपसत्तमम्।।1.60.32।।

कृतार्थं कीर्तिमन्तं च स्वर्गलोकगतं यथा।

एतानि ज्योतींषि these stars, कृतार्थम् having gained his object, कीर्तिमन्तं च illustrious, नृपसत्तमम् best of kings, स्वर्गलोकगतं यथा as if he had attained heaven, अनुयास्यन्ति will follow.

These stars will follow this illustrious one (Trisanku), the best of kings who gained his object, as if he had attained heaven.
विश्वामित्रस्तु धर्मात्मा सर्वदेवैरभिष्टुत:।।1.60.33।।

ऋषिभिश्च महातेजा बाढमित्याह देवता:।

सर्वदेवै: by all devatas, ऋषिभिश्च by rishis also, अभिष्टुत: extolled, महातेजा: exceedingly energetic, धर्मात्मा virtuous, विश्वामित्रस्तु Visvamitra, देवता: to devatas, बाढम् इत्येव so be it, आह said.

In this manner extolled by all devatas and rishis, mighty and righteous Viswamitra said, 'well let it be so'.
ततो देवा महात्मानो मुनयश्च तपोधना:।

जग्मुर्यथाऽऽगतं सर्वे यज्ञस्यान्ते नरोत्तम।।1.60.34।।

नरोत्तम O Best among men, Rama, तत: then, यज्ञस्य अन्ते at the conclusion of sacrifice, महात्मान: magnanimous, देवा: devatas, तपोधना: whose asceticism is their wealth, मुनयश्च saints, यथागतम् in the way they had come, जग्मु: went.

"O Best among men (Rama) then at the conclusion of the sacrifice the great gods and saints went the way they had come".
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे षष्टितमस्सर्ग:।।
Thus ends the sixtieth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.