Sloka & Translation


[ After receiving the message from Janaka, king Dasaratha accompanied by his ministers arrives at Mithila.]

janakēna samādiṣṭā dūtāstē klāntavāhanā:.

trirātramuṣitā mārgē tē.yōdhyāṅ prāviśan purīm৷৷1.68.1৷৷

janakēna by Janaka, samādiṣṭā: commanded by, tē they, dūtā: messengers, mārgē on the way, trirātram three nights, uṣitāḥ had spent, klāntavāhanā: with their horses tired, ayōdhyāṅ purīm city of Ayodhya, prāviśan entered.

Commanded by Janaka the messengers travelled for three days, rested for three nights on the way and entered the city of Ayodhya along with their horses tired.
rājñō bhavanamāsādya dvārasthānidamabruvan.

śīghraṅ nivēdyatāṅ rājñē dūtānnō janakasya ca৷৷1.68.2৷৷

rājña: king's, bhavanam palace, āsādya having reached, dvārasthān addressing the door-keepers, idam these words, abruvan spoke, janakasya Janaka's, dūtān messengers, na: about us, śīghram immediately, rājñē for king, nivēdyatām be informed.

Reaching the king's palace the messengers said to the door-keepers, "Let king
Dasaratha be immediately informed that the messengers from Janaka have come".
ityuktā dvārapālāstē rāghavāya nyavēdayan.

tē rājavacanāddūtā rājavēśmapravēśitā:.

dadṛśurdēvasaṅkāśaṅ vṛddhaṅ daśarathaṅ nṛpam৷৷1.68.3৷৷

ityuktāḥ having (informed) spoken by them, dvārapālā: door-keepers, rāghavāya for Dasaratha, nyavēdayan informed, tē dūtā: those messengers, rājavacanāt obeying the words of king, rājavēśma royal palace, pravēśitā: having been made to enter, dēvasaṅkāśam resembling devatas, vṛddham aged, daśarathaṅ nṛpam king Dasaratha, dadṛśu: beheld.

Having heard their words, the door-keepers informed the descendant of Raghu (king Dasaratha). Thereafter, with the the king's permission, the messengers entered the royal palace and beheld the aged king Dasaratha who shone like a god.
baddhāñjalipuṭā ssarvē dūtā vigatasādhvasā:.

rājānaṅ prayatā vākyamabruvanmadhurākṣaram৷৷1.68.4৷৷

sarvē all, dūtā: the messengers, baddhāñjalipuṭā: folding the hands together in supplication, vigatasādhvasā: freed from apprehensions, prayatā: in reverence, rājānam addressing king, madhurākṣaram in sweet (complimentary ), vākyam words, abruvan said:

All the messengers, hands folded free from apprehensions, reverentially addressed the king in sweet words.
maithilō janakō rājā sāgnihōtrapuraskṛtam .

kuśalaṅ cāvyayaṅ caiva sōpādhyāyapurōhitam৷৷1.68.5৷৷

muhurmuhurmadhurayā snēhasaṅyuktayā girā.

janakastvāṅ mahārāja pṛcchatē sapurassaram৷৷1.68.6৷৷

mahārāja O! Great monarch, maithila: Mithila's lord, janaka: rājā king Janaka, sāgnihōtrapuraskṛtam treating with sacred fire and oblations with resepect by placing the sacred fire in the fore-front, sōpādhyāyapurōhitam with spiritual preceptors and priests, sapurassaram with attendants ahead of you, tvām you, madhurayā sweet, snēhasaṅyuktayā endowed with affection, girā with words, kuśalaṅ ca welfare, avyayaṅ caiva imperishability, muhu: mahuḥ again and again, pṛcchatē is enquiring.

"O Great monarch! Mithila's lord, king Janaka, with the sacred fire in front again and again enquires about your health and the spiritual well-being of your preceptors, priests and attendants in words filled with sweetness and affection.
pṛṣṭvā kuśalamavyagraṅ vaidēhō mithilādhipa:.

kauśikānumatē vākyaṅ bhavantamidamabravīt৷৷1.68.7৷৷

mithilādhipa: king of Mithila, vaidēha: Janaka, avyagram diligently, kuśalam welfare, pṛṣṭvā having ascertained, kauśikānumatē with the permission of Viswamitra, bhavantam to you, idam this, vākyam word, abravīt said.

Janaka, the king of Mithila with the enquiry about your welfare, with the permission of the son of Kausika (Viswamitra) sends you this message:
pūrvaṅ pratijñā viditā vīryaśulkā mamātmajā.

rājānaśca kṛtāmarṣānirvīryā vimukhīkṛtā:৷৷1.68.8৷৷

mama ātmajā my daughter, vīryaśulkā as a reward of prowess, pūrvam formerly, pratijñā vow, viditā known to everybody, kṛtāmarṣā: made indignant, nirvīryā: powerless, rājāna: kings also, vimukhīkṛtā: were made to turn back.

O King! It is well-known that formerly I had vowed to give my daughter to a groom as a reward for prowess. Disappointed when proved powerless, the kings became indignant and opposed me.
sēyaṅ mama sutā rājan viśvāmitrapurassarai:.

yadṛcchayāgatairvīrairnirjitā tava putrakai:৷৷1.68.9৷৷

rājan O! King, sā iyam that this, mama my, sutā daughter, viśvāmitrapurassarai: with Viswamitra at the forefront ahead, yadṛcchayā casually, āgatai: who had come, tava your, vīrai: heroic ones, putrakai: by your sons, nirjitā has been won.

O King! that this daughter of mine has been won by your heroic son Rama who has come here casually led by Viswamitra.
tacca rājan dhanurdivyaṅ madhyē bhagnaṅ mahātmanā.

rāmēṇa hi mahārāja mahatyāṅ janasaṅsadi৷৷1.68.10৷৷

mahārāja O! Great among kings, rājan Dasaratha!, tat that, divyam divine, dhanu: bow, mahatyām in the illimitable glory, janasaṅsadi in the assembly of people, mahātmanā by the magnanimous, rāmēṇa by Rama, madhyē in the middle, bhagnam is broken.

O Great king, Dasaratha! the divine bow with its limitless glory was broken in the middle by the great self Rama in the assembly of people.
asmai dēyā mayā sītā vīryaśulkā mahātmanē.

pratijñāṅ kartumicchāmi tadanujñātumarhasi৷৷1.68.11৷৷

vīryaśulkā the 'Reward for Prowess', sītā Sita, asmai to this, mahātmanē eminent one, mayā by me, dēyā fit to be given, pratijñām vow, kartum to fufill, icchāmi desiring, tat for that reason, anujñātum to give your consent, arhasi behoves of you.

Sita is fit to be given in marriage to this eminent Rama as a reward for his prowess. I request you to give your consent to fulfil my vow.
sōpādhyāyō mahārāja purōhitapurassara:.

śīghramāgaccha bhadraṅ tē draṣṭumarhasi rāghavau ৷৷1.68.12৷৷

mahārāja O! Mighty king, sōpādhyāya: with your preceptors, purōhitapurassara: with official priest walking ahead, śīghram speedily, āgaccha come here, tē bhadram prosperity to you, rāghavau Rama and Lakshmana, draṣṭum to behold, arhasi behoves of you.

O Mighty king! be blessed. Come here soon with your preceptors and priest. You ought to be reumitd with Rama amd Lakshmana.
prītiṅ ca mama rājēndra nirvartayitumarhasi.

putrayōrubhayōrēva prītiṅ tvamapi lapsyasē৷৷1.68.13৷৷

rājēndra O! Indra among kings, mama for me, prītim pleasure, nirvartayitum to cause, arhasi it behoves of you, tvamapi you also, ubhayō: both of your, putrayō: sons, prītim delight, lapsyasē will obtain.

O Indra among kings! you will not only bring me pleasure, you will also be happy to see your sons.
ēvaṅ vidēhādhipatirmadhuraṅ vākyamabravīt৷৷1.68.14৷৷

viśvāmitrābhyanujñāta śśatānandamatē sthita:.

ityuktvā viratā dūtā rājagauravaśaṅkitā:৷৷1.68.15৷৷

vidēhādhipati: king of Videha, viśvāmitrābhyanujñāta: with Viwsamitra's approval, śatānandamatē in line with Satananda's thinking, sthita: staying, ēvam thus, madhuram sweet, vākyam words, abravīt spoke, dūtā: messengers, iti uktvā having thus spoken, rājagauravaśaṅkitā: fearing out of respect for king, viratā: concluded.

The king of Videha (Janaka) with Viswamitra's approval and in line with Satananda's thinking has conveyed these sweet words". The messengers having said so concluded out of respect for their king (afraid that they might look overtalkative).
dūtavākyaṅ ca tacchrutvā rājā paramaharṣita:.

vasiṣṭhaṅ vāmadēvaṅ ca mantriṇō.nyāṅśca sō.bravīt৷৷1.68.16৷৷

sa: rājā that king, tat that, dūtavākyam words of messengers, śrutvā having listened, paramaharṣita: exceedingly rejoiced, vasiṣṭham Vasishta, vāmadēvam Vamadeva, anyān other, mantriṇaśca ministers, abravīt spoke.

Exceedingly happy to hear the words of the messengers, the king said to Vasishta, Vamadeva and other ministers.
gupta: kuśikaputrēṇa kausalyānandavardhana:.

lakṣmaṇēna saha bhrātrā vidēhēṣu vasatyasau৷৷1.68.17৷৷

asau this, kausalyānandavardhana: enhancing the joy of Kausalya, kuśikaputrēṇa by the son of Kusika, Visvamitra, gupta: protected, bhrātrā along with brother Lakshmana, vidēhēṣu in the country of Videha, vasati living.

"The enhancer of the joy of Kausalya (Rama) along with hs brother Lakshmana under the protection of Viswamitra is now staying in the coutry of the Videhas."
dṛṣṭavīryastu kākutsthō janakēna mahātmanā.

sampradānaṅ sutāyāstu rāghavē kartumicchati৷৷1.68.18৷৷

kākutstha: Rama, mahātmanā by the illustrious, janakēna by Janaka, dṛṣṭavīrya: having proved the prowess (that Janaka), sutāyā: daughter's, sampradānam bestowal, rāghavē to Rama, kartum to do, icchati is desiring.

Illustrious Janaka desires to bestow his daughter on the descendat of Kakustha (Rama) whose prowess he has witnessed.
yadi vō rōcatē vṛttaṅ janakasya mahātmana:.

purīṅ gacchāmahē śīghraṅ mā bhūtkālasya paryaya:৷৷1.68.19৷৷

mahātmana: of the distinguished, janakasya Janaka's, vṛttam behaviour (character ), va: to you, rōcatē yadi is approved (looked) by you with favour, śīghram immediately, purīm city of Mithila, gacchāmahē shall go, kālasya time's, paryaya: delay, mābhūt let not be there.

If you approve the action, of the distinguished Janaka, let us hurry to the city of Mithila. Let there be no delay".
mantriṇō bāḍhamityāhu: saha sarvairmaharṣibhi:.

suprītaścābravīdrājā śvō yātrēti sa mantriṇa:৷৷1.68.20৷৷

sarvai: by all, maharṣibhi: saha maharshis, mantriṇa: along with all the ministers, bāḍhamiti "certainly so", āhu: said, suprīta: highly delighted, sa: rājā that king, śva: tomorrow, yātrā journey, iti so, mantriṇa: addrressing ministers, abravīt spoke.

All the maharshis and the ministers said, 'certainly so'. And the king, overwhelmed with joy, said, "we start tomorrow".
mantriṇastu narēndrasya rātriṅ paramasatkṛtā:.

ūṣu stēmuditā ssarvē guṇai ssarvaissamanvitā:৷৷1.68.21৷৷

sarvai: by all, guṇai: excellent virtues, samanvitā: endowed with, narēndrasya king Janaka's, mantriṇastu counsellors, paramasatkṛtā: highly honoured, muditā: were pleased, rātrim night, ūṣu: spent.

The virtuous counsellors of the Indra among kings highly honoured spent the night happily.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē bālakāṇḍē aṣṭaṣaṣṭitamassarga:৷৷
Thus ends the sixtyeighth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.