Sloka & Translation


[Preparations for the marriage of the four sons of king Dasaratha.]

tamuktavantaṅ vaidēhaṅ viśvāmitrō mahāmuni:.

uvāca vacanaṅ vīraṅ vasiṣṭhasahitō nṛpam৷৷1.72.1৷৷

mahāmuni: mighty ascetic, viśvāmitra: Visvamitra, vasiṣṭhasahita: accompanied by Vasista, uktavantam thus spoken, vīram valiant, vaidēham king of Videha, nṛpam addressing king Janaka, vacanam words, uvāca said.

When Janaka the valiant king of Videha thus spoke (on the genealogy of his family) the mighty ascetic Viswamitra accompanied by Vasishta said to Janaka:
acintyānyapramēyāni kulāni narapuṅgava!.

ikṣvākūṇāṅ vidēhānāṅ naiṣāṅ tulyō.sti kaścana৷৷1.72.2৷৷

narapuṅgava O! Pre-eminent among men, ikṣvākūṇām of kings of Ikshvaku, vidēhānāṅ ca also of Videha, kulāni races, acintyāni beyond comprehension, apramēyāni immeasurable, ēṣāṅ for these kings of Ikshvaku and Videha, tulya: equal, kaścana anyone, nāsti is not there.

"O Pre-eminent among men! the glory of the two races of Ikshvakus as also of Videhas is in comprehensible and immeasurable. There is none equal to these kings of the Ikshvakus and Videhas.
sadṛśō dharmasambandha: sadṛśō rūpasampadā.

rāmalakṣmaṇayō rājan! sītā cōrmilayā saha৷৷1.72.3৷৷

rājan O! King, ūrmilayā saha along with Urmila, sītā Sita, rāmalakṣmaṇayō: for Rama and Lakshmana (is being offered), sadṛśa: perfectly matched, dharmasambandha: the marriage is in accordance with religious merit, rūpasampadāca in virtue and beauty, sadṛśa: is fit.

O King! it is a perfect match between Sita and Rama and Urmila and Lakshmana. In respect of piety and beauty the match is perfect.
vaktavyaṅ ca naraśrēṣṭha! śrūyatāṅ vacanaṅ mama.

bhrātā yavīyān dharmajña ēṣa rājā kuśadhvaja:৷৷1.72.4৷৷

naraśrēṣṭha! O! Best of men, mama my, vaktavyaṅ ca is fit to be divulged, vacanam words, śrūyatām may be heard, yavīyān bhrātā this younger brother, ēṣa: rājā this king, kuśadhvaja: Kusadhwaja, dharmajña: knower of righteousness.

O Best of men! my words deserve to be heard. This younger brother king Kusadhwaja is knower of righteousness.
asya dharmātmanō rājan! rūpēṇāpratimaṅ bhuvi .

sutādvayaṅ naraśrēṣṭha patnyarthaṅ varayāmahē৷৷1.72.5৷৷

rājan O! King, naraśrēṣṭha O! Eminent among men, rūpēṇa in beauty, bhuvi on this earth, apratimam unrivalled, asya dharmātmana: this virtuous one's, sutādvayam two daughters, patnyartham as consorts, varayāmahē we are seeking.

O King, O Eminent among men! we seek the hands of this virtuous king's two daughters, unrivalled in beauty, on earth, as consorts.
bharatasya kumārasya śatrughnasya ca dhīmata:.

varayāmassutē rājan tayōrarthē mahātmanō:৷৷1.72.6৷৷

rājan O! King, kumārasya of the youthful, bharatasya Bharata, dhīmata: sagacious, śatrughnasya ca for Satrughna also, mahātmanō: for the magnanimous ones, tayōrarthē in the interests of both of them, sutē two daughters, varayāma: we choose.

O king! we choose your brother's daughters for the great souls: the young Bharata and the sagacious Satrughna.
putrā daśarathasyēmē rūpayauvanaśālina:.

lōkapālōpamāssarvē dēvatulyaparākramā:৷৷1.72.7৷৷

imē these, daśarathasya putrā: sons of Dasaratha, sarvē all, rūpayauvanaśālina: shining with youth and beauty, lōkapālōpamā: resembling the kings who are the protectors of the worlds, dēvatulyaparākramā: equal to devatas in valour.

Bestowed with youth and beauty, these sons of Dasaratha resemble kings in defending the worlds and gods in valour.
ubhayōrapi rājēndra sambandhēnānubadhyatām.

ikṣvākō: kulamavyagraṅ bhavata:puṇyakarmaṇa:৷৷1.72.8৷৷

rājēndra O! King, ikṣvākō: Ikshvaku's, puṇyakarmaṇaḥ of pious deeds, bhavata: your, ubhayōrapi both of you, kulam races, sambandhēna by this alliance, anyagram with clear vision, anubadhyatām let it be tied.

O King of kings (Janaka)! the bond between your race with its pious deeds and the Ikshvakus may be strenghthened by this alliance".
viśvāmitravaca śśṛtvā vasiṣṭhasya matē tadā.

janaka: prāṅjalirvākyamuvāca munipuṅgavau৷৷1.72.9৷৷

tadā then, vasiṣṭhasya Vasistha's, matē by wish, viśvāmitravaca: Viswamitra's words, śṛtvā having listened, janaka: Janaka, prāṅjali: with folded palms, munipuṅgavau addressing eminent asetics, vākyam words, uvāca spoke.

Having heard the words of Viswamitra which echoed the wish of Vasishta, Janaka replied to the eminent ascetics with folded palms.
kulaṅ dhanyamidaṅ manyē yēṣāṅ nō munipuṅgavau .

sadṛśaṅ kulasambandhaṅ yadājñāpayatha: svayam৷৷1.72.10৷৷

yēṣām na: for those of us, sadṛśaṅ befitting, kulasambandham alliance of the two races, munipuṅgavau two eminent ascetics, svayam on your own, yat for which reason, ājñāpayatha: are commanding, idam this, kulam race, dhanyam blessed, manyē I consider.

"Since both of you, eminent ascetics, recomended this befitting alliance of the two races on your own, I regard my race as blessed.
ēvaṅ bhavatu bhadraṅ va: kuśadhvajasutē imē.

patnyau bhajētāṅ sahitau śatrughnabharatāvubhau৷৷1.72.11৷৷

ēvaṅ bhavatu let it be so, va: bhadraṅ: prosperity to you, imē these, kuśadhvajasutē daughters of Kusadhwaja, sahitau together moving, śatrughnabharatau for Satrughna and Bharata, ubhau for both of them, patnyau as wives, bhajētām let them serve.

"Let it be so, Be blessed! Let these two daughters of Kusadhwaja (Mandavi and Srutakirti) be the wives of Satrughna and Bharata respectively and serve them.
ēkāhnā rājaputrīṇāṅ catasṛṇāṅ mahāmunē!.

pāṇīn gṛhṇantu catvārō rājaputrā mahābalā:৷৷1.72.12৷৷

mahāmunē O! Great ascetic, mahābalā: valiant, catvāra: four, rājaputrā: princes, ēkāhnā on the same day, catasṛṇām of the four, rājaputrīṇām princesses, pāṇīn hands, gṛhṇantu let them take.

O Great ascetic! let the valiant four princes take the hands of four princesses on the same day.
uttarē divasē brahman! phalgunībhyāṅ manīṣiṇa:.

vaivāhikaṅ praśaṅsanti bhagō yatra prajāpati:৷৷1.72.13৷৷

brahman O! Foremost among brahmins, phalgunībhyām uttarē divasē on the later day of the ascent of the two Phalgunis (Phalgunis are two sisters. The previous day of the ascent of Phalguni stars, Poorva Phalguni wil be ascendent and the folowing day Uttara Phalguni wil be ascendant ), yatra in which day, prajāpati: bestower of children, bhaga: Bhaga, vaivāhikam to perform marriage, manīṣiṇa: wise people, praśaṅsanti are praising.

"The wise, O Brahmin! think the marriage is favourable when Bhaga is Prajapati on the succeeding day of the ascent of the two stars. (that is, when poorva is followed by uttara phalguni).
ēvamuktvā vacassaumyaṅ pratyutthāya kṛtāñjali:.

ubhau munivarau rājā janakō vākyamabravīt৷৷1.72.14৷৷

janaka: rājā king Janaka, ēvam thus, saumyam pleasing, vaca: words, uktvā having spoken, pratyutthāya having stood up, kṛtāñjali: with folded hands, ubhau both, munivarau great ascetics, vākyam words, abravīt spoke.

King Janaka, having spoken these pleasing words, stood up and with folded hands addressing both the great ascetics:
parō dharma: kṛtō mahyaṅ śiṣyō.smibhavatō sadā.

imānyāsanamukhyāni āsātāṅ munipuṅgavau৷৷1.72.15৷৷

mahyam for me, para: supreme, dharma: religious merit, kṛta: has been done, sadā always, bhavatō: for both of you, śiṣya: asmi I am a desciple, munipuṅgavau eninent ascestics, imāni these, āsanamukhyāni best of thrones, āsātām occupy.

"You have earned me a great religious merit. I shall be always your disciple O Eminent ascestics, occupy these important seats".
yathā daśarathasyēyaṅ tathā.yōdhyā purī mama.

prabhutvē nāsti sandēhō yathārhaṅ kartumarhatha৷৷1.72.16৷৷

iyam this Mithila, daśarathasya Dasaratha's, yathā as, ayōdhyā purī Ayodhya city, mama to me, tathā so it is, prabhutvē in the matter of governance, sandēha: doubt, nāsti not there, yathārham appropriately, kartum to do, arhatha behoves of you.

"Dasaratha has right on the city of Ayodhya as much as I have on this. This right is unquestionable. So do whatever you think right".
tathā bruvati vaidēhē janakē raghunandana:.

rājā daśarathō hṛṣṭa: pratyuvāca mahīpatim৷৷1.72.17৷৷

vaidēhē when the king of Videha, janakē Janaka, tathā in that manner, bruvati while speaking, raghunandana: descendent of Raghu, rājā daśaratha: king Dasaratha, hṛṣṭa: pleased, mahīpatim addressing king Janaka, pratyuvāca replied.

To the words of Janaka, king of Videha, king Dasaratha, the descendant of Raghu cheerfully replied:
yuvāmasaṅkhyēyaguṇau bhrātarau mithilēśvarau.

ṛṣayō rājasaṅghāśca bhavadbhyāmabhipūjitā:৷৷1.72.18৷৷

mithilēśvarau lords of Mithila, bhrātarau brothers, yuvām both of you, asaṅkhyēyaguṇau have countless virtues, bhavadbhyām by you, ṛṣaya: rishis, rājasaṅghāśca hosts of kings, abhipūjitā: have been worshipped.

"You both brothers are lords of Mithila. You possess countless virtues. You pay regards to many rishis and hosts of kings".
svasti prāpnuhi bhadraṅ tē gamiṣyāmi svamālayam.

śrāddhakarmāṇi sarvāṇi vidhāsyāmīti cābravīt৷৷1.72.19৷৷

svasti safety, prāpnuhi you may obtain, tē bhadram prosperity to you, svam relating to mine, ālayam residence, gamiṣyāmi I shall go, sarvāṇi all, śrāddhakarmāṇi rites concerning the ceremony in accordance with the rituals, vidhāsyāmi ca I shall perform, iti thus, abravīt spoke.

"Be safe. Be blessed. Let me retire to the camp. I have to perform the rites offerings to the forefathers".
tamāpṛṣṭvā narapatiṅ rājā daśarathastadā.

munīndrau tau puraskṛtya jagāmāśu mahāyaśā:৷৷1.72.20৷৷

tadā then, mahāyaśā: renowned, rājā daśaratha: king Dasaratha, tam that, narapatim king men, āpṛṣṭvā having taken leave of, tau those two, munīndrau ascetics, puraskṛtya placing them in the fore-front, āśu immediately, jagāma went away.

Then renowned king Dasaratha, took leave of the two great ascetics. Then the rowned king Dasaratha took have of the king (Janaka) immediately following the two great ascetics.
sa gatvā nilayaṅ rājā śrāddhaṅ kṛtvā vidhānata:.

prabhātē kālyamutthāya cakrē gōdānamuttamam৷৷1.72.21৷৷

sa: that, rājā king, nilayam residence, gatvā having gone, vidhānata: according to scriptures, śrāddham Shraddha ceremony, kṛtvā having performed, prabhātē at dawn, utthāya having risen, kālyam appropriate to the time, uttamam excellent, gōdānam gifting of cows (a ceremony duly initiating the marriage, vow of Snathaka ), cakrē made.

The king (Dasaratha) reached the abode, performed the sharaddha ceremony in accordance with the scriptures. Next day at dawn at appropriate time he gifted away cows (a ceremony performed by initiating the bridegrooms into the marriage.)
gavāṅ śatasahasrāṇi brāhmaṇēbhyō narādhipa:.

ēkaikaśō dadau rājā putrānuddiśya dharmata:৷৷1.72.22৷৷

narādhipa: lord of men, rājā king, putrān sons, ēkaikaśa: for each one, uddhiśya referring to their names, brāhmaṇēbhya: for brahmins, gavām cows, śatasahasrāṇi in hundred thousands, dharmata: in accordance with law, dadau bestowed.

For the welfare of each of his sons the king (Dasaratha) religiously gave away a hundred thousand cows to brahmins.
suvarṇaśruṅgā ssampannā ssavatsā: kāṅsyadōhanā:.

gavāṅ śatasahasrāṇi catvāri puruṣarṣabha:৷৷1.72.23৷৷

vittamanyacca subahudvijēbhyō raghunandana:.

dadau gōdānamuddiśya putrāṇāṅ putravatsala:৷৷1.72.24৷৷

puruṣarṣabha: great among men, putravatsala: affectionate towards his children, raghunandana: Dasaratha, putrāṇām sons', gōdānam gifting away of cows, uddhiśya with reference to that, suvarṇaśruṅgā: with their horns plaited with gold, sampannā: endowed with abundance(of milk), savatsā: accompanied by calves, kāṅsyadōhanā: bronze vessels for milking, gavām of cows, catvāri four, śatasahasrāṇi a hundred thousand, anyat other, subahu innumerable, vittam ca valuables, dvijēbhya: for brahmins, dadau bestowed.

Great among men and affectionate towards his children, (king Dasaratha), the delight of the Raghus donated in the name of his sons' donates to the brahmins four hundred thousand cows. They were capable of abundance of milk. Their horns were plaited with gold. They were accompanied by calves. With them were given away bell-metal vessels for keeping milk and innumerable valuables.
sa sutai: kṛtagōdānairvṛtastu nṛpatistadā.

lōkapālairivābhāti vṛta: ssaumya: prajāpati:৷৷1.72.25৷৷

kṛtagōdānai: having distributed the cows, sutai: with his sons, vṛta: surrounded, sa: that, nṛpati: king, tadā then, lōkapālai: by guardians of worlds, vṛta: surrounded, saumya: pleased, prajāpatiriva like brahma, ābhāti shining.

With his sons for whose sake cows have been given away the cheerful king looked like shining Prajapati surrrounded by the guardians of the world.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē bālakāṇḍē dvisaptatitamassarga:৷৷
Thus ends the seventhsecond sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.