Sloka & Translation


[Marriage of Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Satrughna.]

yasmiṅstu divasē rājā cakrē gōdānamuttamam .

tasmiṅ stu divasē śūrō yudhājitsamupēyivān৷৷1.73.1৷৷

rājā king, yasmin on which, divasē day, uttamam best, gōdānam gift of cows, cakrē made, tasmin tu on that divasē day, śūra: heroic, yuthājit Yudhajit, samupēyivān arrived.

The day the king (Dasaratha) made a gift of the best (available) cows the heroic Yudhajit arrived.
putra: kēkayarājasya sākṣādbharatamātula:.

dṛṣṭvā pṛṣṭvā ca kuśalaṅ rājānamidamabravīt৷৷1.73.2৷৷

kēkayarājasya king Kekaya's, putra: son, sākṣāt directly, bharatamātula: maternal uncle of Bharata, rājānam king Dasaratha, dṛṣṭvā having seen, kuśalam welfare, pṛṣṭvā ca having enquired, rājānam addressing the king, idaṅ this word, abravīt spoke.

Yudhajit, son of king Kekaya, Bharata's own maternal uncle met the king (Dasaratha) and enquiring about his well-being said:
kēkayādhipatī rājā snēhāt kuśalamabravīt .

yēṣāṅ kuśalakāmō.si tēṣāṅ sampratyanāmayam ৷৷1.73.3৷৷

kēkayādhipati: lord of Kekaya, rājā king, snēhāt out of affection, kuśalam welfare, abravīt spoken, yēṣām whose, kuśalakāma: asi are desiring the welfare, tēṣām their, samprati now, anāmayam healthy.

"My father, king of Kekaya affectionately enquires about your welfare. And they whose
welfare you seek are hale and healthy.
svasrīyaṅ mama rājēndra! draṣṭukāmō mahīpati:.

tadarthamupayātō.hamayōdhyāṅ raghunandana!৷৷1.73.4৷৷

raghunandana O! Joy of Raghus, rājēndra O! Indra among kings, mahīpati: king of Kekaya, mama my, svasrīyam son of my sister, draṣṭukāma: wishing to see, tadartham on that account, aham I, ayōdhyām towards Ayodhya, upayāta: have gone.

The king of Kekaya, O Indra among kings, O Joy of the Raghus, desires to see my sisters's son and on that account I went to Ayodhya.
śrutvā tvahamayōdhyāyāṅ vivāhārthaṅ tavātmajān .

mithilāmupayātāṅstu tvayā saha mahīpatē!৷৷1.73.5৷৷

tvarayābhyupayātō.haṅ draṣṭukāma ssvasussutam.

mahīpatē! O! King, tava your, ātmajān sons, vivāhārtham for their marriage, tvayā saha along with you, mithilām to Mithila, upayātān having arrived, ayōdhyāyām Ayodhya, śrutvā listened, aham I, svasu: sister's, sutam son, draṣṭukāma: desiring to see, tvarayā speedily, abhyupayāta: came.

O King! having heard in Ayodhya that you have arrived in Mithila along with your sons for their marriage I came here speedily with a desire to see my sister's son .
atha rājā daśaratha: priyātithimupasthitam৷৷1.73.6৷৷

dṛṣṭvā paramasatkārai: pūjārhaṅ samapūjayat.

atha afterwards, rājā king, daśaratha: Dasaratha, upasthitam attended, priyātithim dear guest, dṛṣṭvā having seen, pūjārham deserving the honours, paramasatkārai: with supreme honours, samapūjayat extended.

King Dasaratha, then accorded a warm welcome to the honoured guest.
tatastāmuṣitō rātriṅ saha putrairmahātmabhi:৷৷1.73.7৷৷

prabhātē punarutthāya kṛtvā karmāṇi karmavit .

ṛṣīṅstadā puraskṛtya yajñavāṭamupāgamat৷৷1.73.8৷৷

tata: thereafter, mahātmabhi: with the illustrious, putrai: saha with sons, tām that, rātrim night, uṣita: having dwelt, karmavit knower of duties, prabhātē at dawn, puna: again, utthāya having arisen, karmāṇi daily devotions, kṛtvā having made, tadā then, ṛṣīn rishis, puraskṛtya preceded by, yajñavāṭam sacrificial place, upāgamat reached.

With the night spent with his virtuous sons, he who knew his duties got up at dawn and performed his daily devotionas and reached the sacrificial place following the rishis.
yuktē muhūrtē vijayē sarvābharaṇabhūṣitai:.

bhrātṛbhissahitō rāma: kṛtakautukamaṅgala:৷৷1.73.9৷৷

vasiṣṭhaṅ purata: kṛtvā maharṣīnaparānapi.

pitu ssamīpamāśritya tasthau bhrātṛbhirāvṛta:৷৷1.73.10৷৷

yuktē at auspicious, vijayē Vijaya, muhurtē time, sarvābharaṇabhūṣitai: adorned with ornaments ,bhrātṛbhi: with brothers, sahita: accompanied by, rāma: Rama, kṛtakautukamaṅgala: with all the auspicious rites preparatory to marriage having been performed, vasiṣṭham Vasistha, aparān other, maharṣīnapi maharshi also, purata: kṛtvā keeping ahead, pitu: father's, samīpam presence, āśritya having reached, bhrātṛbhi: with brother, āvṛta: surrounded by, tasthau remained.

With the necessary auspicious rites preparatory to marriage performed at an auspicious moment, Vijaya, and keeping Vasishta and other maharshis in the forefront, Rama accompanied by his brothers adorned with ornaments of every kind came into his father's presence.
vasiṣṭhō bhagavānētya vaidēhamidamabravīt.

rājā daśarathō rājan kṛtakautukamaṅgalai:৷৷1.73.11৷৷

putrairnaravara śrēṣṭha dātāramabhikāṅkṣatē.

bhagavān adorable, vasiṣṭha: Vasishta, vaidēham king Janaka, ētya approaching him, idam these words, abravīt spoke, rājan O! King, naravara śrēṣṭha! excellent among men, rājā daśaratha: king Dasaratha, kṛtakautukamaṅgalai: having performed all the auspicious rites preparatory to their marriage, putraiḥ with sons, dātāram bestower of bride, abhikāṅkṣatē is awaiting.

Adorable Vasishta approached king Janaka and said, "O King, of Videha! king Dasaratha, the best of men with his sons having performed the auspicious rites preparatory to marriage is awaiting the bestower of the brides".
dātṛpratigrahītṛbhyāṅ sarvārthā: prabhavanti hi৷৷1.73.12৷৷

svadharmaṅ pratipadyasva kṛtvā vaivāhyamuttamam.

sarvārthā: all the ends, dātṛpratigrahītṛbhyām through the giver and receiver, prabhavanti hi takes place, uttamam vaivāhyam excellent (auspicious) marriage, kṛtvā having performed, svadharmam own duty, pratipadyasva fulfill.

The giver and the receiver, indeed, attain all ends. Fulfil your own duty by performing the auspicious marriage".
ityukta: paramōdārō vasiṣṭhēna mahātmanā৷৷1.73.13৷৷

pratyuvāca mahātējā vākyaṅ paramadharmavit.

mahātmanā magnanimous, vasiṣṭhēna by Vasishta, iti thus, ukta: having been spoken, paramōdāra: exceedingly generous, mahātējā highly lustrous, paramadharmavit eminent in ethics and morality, vākyam words, pratyuvāca replied.

Thus addressed by the great self Vasishta, Janaka, the exceedingly generous, highly lustrous, eminent in ethics replied.
kassthita: pratihārō mē kasyājñā sampratīkṣyatē৷৷1.73.14৷৷

svagṛhē kō vicārō.sti yathā rājyamidaṅ tava.

mē my, pratihāra: guarding the door, ka: who, sthita: is waiting, kasya whose, ājñā command, sampratīkṣyatē awaiting, svagṛhē own house, ka: what, vicāra: asti hesitation is there, idam this, rājyam kingdom, tava yathā is like yours.

"Did any guard prevent you? Whose command are you waiting for? Why do you hesitate to enter into your own house? This kingdom is like your kingdom".
kṛtakautukasarvasvā vēdimūlamupāgatā:৷৷1.73.15৷৷

mama kanyā muniśrēṣṭha! dīptā vahnērivārciṣa:.

muniśrēṣṭha! O! Best of ascetics, mama my, kanyā daughters, kṛtakautukasarvasvā: having performed completely all the rites relating to marriage, dīptā: shining, vahnē: fire's, arciṣa iva like the lustre of flames, vēdimūlam foot of the altar, upāgatā: arrived.

O Best of ascetics! my daughters have performed all the rites relating to marriage. They (now) stand at the foot of the altar shining like the bright flames of fire.
sajjō.haṅ tvatpratīkṣō.smi vēdyāmasyāṅ pratiṣṭhita:৷৷1.73.16৷৷

avighnaṅ kurutāṅ rājā kimarthamavalambatē.

sajja: kept ready, aham I, asyām on this, vēdyām altar, pratiṣṭhita: staying, tvatpratīkṣa: asmi awaiting you, rājā king, avighnam without hindrance, kurutām let it be done, kimartham why for, avalambatē delay.

Ready at the altar, I have been awaiting you, O King! Without hindrance proceed! Why delay?".
tadvākyaṅ janakēnōktaṅ śrutvā daśarathastadā.

pravēśayāmāsa sutān sarvānṛṣigaṇānapi৷৷1.73.17৷৷

tadā then, daśaratha: Dasaratha, janakēna by Janaka, uktam having been spoken, tat those, vākyam words, śrutvā having listened, sutān sons, sarvān all, ṛṣigaṇānapi hosts of ascetics also, pravēśayāmāsa made them enter.

At the words of Janaka, Dasaratha brought his sons along with the hosts of ascetics and entered the marriage pavilion.
tatō rājā vidēhānāṅ vasiṣṭhamidamabravīt৷৷1.73.18৷৷

kārayasva ṛṣē! sarvamṛṣibhi: saha dhārmika.

rāmasya lōkarāmasya kriyāṅ vaivāhikīṅ vibhō!৷৷1.73.19৷৷

tata: thereafter, vidēhānām king of Videhas, rājā king, vasiṣṭham Vasishta, idam these (words), abravīt spoke, dhārmika O! Adherent of righteousness, vibhō! O! Competent one!, ṛṣē! O! Maharshi Vasishta, ṛṣibhi: saha together with rishis, lōkarāmasya delighting the worlds, rāmasya Rama's, vaivāhikīm relating to the marriage, kriyām ceremonies, kārayasva make them perform.

Thereafter the king of the Videhas to Vasishta, "O Adherent of righteousness, O Lord! O Maharshi! perform with the rishis the marriage ceremony of Rama who causes delight to the three worlds".
tathētyuktvā tu janakaṅ vasiṣṭhō bhagavānṛṣi:.

viśvāmitraṅ puraskṛtya śatānandaṅ ca dhārmikam৷৷1.73.20৷৷

prapāmadhyē tu vidhivatvēdiṅ kṛtvā mahātapā: .

alañcakāra tāṅ vēdiṅ gandhapuṣpai ssamantata: ৷৷1.73.21৷৷

suvarṇapālikābhiśca chidrakumbhaiśca sāṅkurai:.

aṅkurāḍhyaiśśarāvaiśca dhūpapātrai ssadhūpakai:৷৷1.73.22৷৷

śaṅkhapātrai ssruvai ssrugbhi: pātrairarghyābhipūritai:.

lājapūrṇaiśca pātrībhirakṣatairabhisaṅskṛtai:৷৷1.73.23৷৷

bhagavān venerable, mahatapā: renowned ascetic, vasiṣṭha: ṛṣi: rishi Vasishta, janakam addressing king Janaka, tathā iti "Be it so", uktvā having said, viśvāmitram to Visvamitra, dhārmikam virtuous, śatānandaṅ ca Satananda, puraskṛtya in the fore-front, prapāmadhyē in the center of the marriage pavillion, vidhivat in accordance with scriptures, vēdim altar, kṛtvā having constructed, gandhapuṣpai: with fragrant flowers, suvarṇapālikābhiśca with golden hollow plates, sāṅkurai: with sprouts, chidrakumbhaiśca water pots containing holes, aṅkurāḍhyai: filled with sprouts, śarāvaiśca earthen-ware vessels, sadhūpakai: by burning frgrant insenses, dhūpapātrai: holders of frgrant insenses, śaṅkhapātrai: conch shaped vessels, sṛvai: sacrificial ladles, sṛgbhi: bowls, arghyābhipūritai: filled with with water for Arghya and other purposes, pātrai: with vessels, lājapūrṇai: roasted paddy, pātrībhi: with vessels, abhisaṅskṛtai: sanctified, akṣatai: rice grains, tām that, vēdim altar, samantata on all sides, alañcakāra adorned.

Venerable and renowned ascetic Vasishta said "Be it so".And with Viswamitra and virtuous Satananda in the forefront, an altar was duly improvised in the centre of the sacrificial pavilion. He adorned the altar on all sides with fragrant flowers, golden ladles, water-pots with holes filled with sprouts, earthen vessels with sprouts, holders of burning fragrant incense conch-shaped vessels, sacrificial ladles, bowls filled with with water for arghya and other purposes, vessels with roasted paddy and grains of rice.
darbhaissamaissamāstīrya vidhivanmantrapūrvakam.

agnimādāya vēdyāṅ tu vidhimantrapuraskṛtam৷৷1.73.24৷৷

juhāvāgnau mahātējā vasiṣṭhō bhagavānṛṣi:.

mahātējā: highly lustrous, bhagavān worshipful, vasiṣṭha: ṛṣi: rishi Vasistha, samai: of equal proportions, darbhai: Darbha grass, vidhivat according to tradition, mantrapuraskṛtam reciting mantra, samāstīrya having strewn, vidhimantrapuraskṛtam reciting mantras according to scriptures, vēdyām on the altar, agnim fire, ādāya having placed, agnau in the fire, juhāva offered oblations.

Brilliant and worshipful rishi Vasishta chanted, mantras according to tradition, put the darbha grass of equal proportions around the altar, placed the fire on the altar, recited
the mantras from the scriptures and offered oblations into the flame.
tatassītāṅ samānīya sarvābharaṇabhūṣitām৷৷1.73.25৷৷

samakṣamagnē ssaṅsthāpya rāghavābhimukhē tadā.

abravījjanakō rājā kausalyānandavardhanam৷৷1.73.26৷৷

tata thereafter, rājā king, janaka: Janaka, sarvābharaṇabhūṣitām adorned with various ornaments, sītām Sita, samānīya having brought, agnē: samakṣam in the presence of Agni, rāghavābhimukhē facing Rama, saṅsthāpya placing, tadā then, kausalyānandavardhanam enhancing the joy of Kausalya, abravīt spoke.

Thereafter king Janaka brought Sita adorned with various ornaments and placed her in the presence of Agni in front of Rama, the enhancer of the joy of Kausalya. And said:
iyaṅ sītā mama sutā sahadharmacarī tava.

pratīccha caināṅ bhadraṅ tē pāṇiṅ gṛhṇīṣva pāṇinā৷৷1.73.27৷৷

mama my, sutā daughter, tava your, sahadharmacarī with you observing righteous deeds, sītā Sita, iyam this girl, ēnām her, pratīccha ca accept, tē bhadram prosperity to you, pāṇim her hand, pāṇinā with your hand, gṛhṇīṣva hold.

"This my daughter Sita will be your partner in performing her rightful duty. Accept her. Farewell. Take her hand into your own.
pativratā mahābhāgā chāyēvānugatā sadā.

ityuktvā prākṣipadrājā mantrapūtaṅ jalaṅ tadā৷৷1.73.28৷৷

mahābhāgā highly fortunate, pativratā devoted, faithful and loyal wife, sadā always, chāyā iva like shadow, anugatā follows, iti thus, uktvā having spoken, rājā king, tadā then,mantrapūtam sanctified with mantra, jalam water, prākṣipat released.

By being a devoted wife this highly fortunate Sita would always follow you like a shadow". Thus spoken, he sprinkled the water sanctified with mantras (on them).
sādhu sādhviti dēvānā mṛṣīṇāṅ vadatāṅ tadā .

dēvadundubhirnirghōṣa: puṣpavarṣō mahānabhūt৷৷1.73.29৷৷

tadā then, sādhu sādhu iti "Well, Well" saying so, vadatām exclaiming, ṛṣīṇām sages, dēvānām devatas, dēvadundubhinirghōṣa: sounded the celestial kettle-drums, mahān great, puṣpavarṣa: rain of flowers, abhūt fell.

Then gods and sages exclaimed: 'well, well'. Celestial kettle-drums were sounded and there was a steady rain of flowers.
ēvaṅ dattvā tadā sītāṅ mantrōdakapuraskṛtām .

abravījjanakō rājā harṣēṇābhiparipluta:৷৷1.73.30৷৷

tadā then, janaka: rājā king Janaka, mantrōdakapuraskṛtām with waters sanctified by mantras, sītām Sita, datvā having given, harṣēṇa with delight, abhiparipluta: eyes suffused with tears, abravīt said.

Then king Janaka sprinkled on Sita waters sanctified by mantras, and immersed in delight said:
lakṣmaṇāgaccha bhadraṅ tē ūrmilāmudyatāṅ mayā.

pratīccha pāṇiṅ gṛhṇīṣva mābhūtkālasya paryaya:৷৷1.73.31৷৷

lakṣmaṇa Lakshmana, āgaccha come, mayā by me, udyatām ready to be bestowed upon, ūrmilām Urmila, pratīccha accept, pāṇim her hand, (pāṇinā with your hand), gṛhṇīṣva hold, kālasya time, paryaya: delay, mābhūt let not happen.

"Lakshmana! come and accept my daughter. Urmila ready to be bestowed upon you
by me. Take her hand. Let there be no delay".
tamēvamuktvā janakō bharataṅ cābhyabhāṣata.

gṛhāṇa pāṇiṅ māṇḍavyā: pāṇinā raghunandana ৷৷1.73.32৷৷

janaka: Janaka, tam to Lakshmana, ēvam thus, uktvā having spoken, bharataṅ ca addressing Bharata, abhyabhāṣata had spoken, raghunandana O! Descendent of Raghu, pāṇinā with your hand, māṇḍavyā: Mandavi's, pāṇim hand, gṛhāṇa hold.

Janaka, having spoken thus to Lakshmana addressed Bharata: "O Descendant of the Raghus hold Mandavi's hand in your own".
śatrughnaṅ cāpi dharmātmā abravījjanakēśvara:.

śrutakīrtyā mahābāhō! pāṇiṅ gṛhṇīṣva pāṇinā৷৷1.73.33৷৷

dharmātmā Virtuous, janakēśvara: monarch Janaka, śatrughnaṅ cāpi addressing Satrghna also, abravīt spoke, mahābāhō! O! Mighty armed one, pāṇinā with your hand, śrutakīrtyā: Srutakirti's, pāṇim hand, gṛhṇīṣva hold.

The righteous king Janaka, said again: "O Mighty-armed Satrughna take the hands of Srutakirti".
sarvē bhavantassaumyāśca sarvē sucaritavratā:.

patnībhissantu kākutsthā mābhūtkālasya paryaya:৷৷1.73.34৷৷

kākutsthā: O! Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Satrughna, bhavanta: all of you, sarvē all, saumyā: ca gentle also, sucaritavratā: possess good conduct and faithful vows, patnībhi: with your wives, santu become, kālasya of time, paryaya: delay, mābhūt let not happen.

O Descendants of Kakustha (Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Satrughna)! you all are gentle. You possess sound character. You are true to your vows. Live with your wives. Let there be no delay".
janakasya vaca śśṛtvā pāṇīn pāṇibhirāspṛśan.

catvārastē catasṛṇāṅ vasiṣṭhasya matē sthitā:৷৷1.73.35৷৷

tē those, catvāra: four, janakasya Janaka's, vaca: words, śrutvā having heard, vasiṣṭhasya Vasishta's, matē consent, sthitā: staying, pāṇibhi: hands, catasṛṇāṅ those four sisters, pāṇīn hands, aspṛśan touched.

At the words of Janaka the four princes took the hands of the four sisters with their own with the consent of Vasishta .
agniṅ pradakṣiṇīkṛtya vēdiṅ rājānamēva ca.

ṛṣīṅścaiva mahātmānassabhāryā raghusattamā:৷৷1.73.36৷৷

yathōktēna tadā cakrurvivāhaṅ vidhipūrvakam.

mahātmāna: magnanimous, raghusattamā: greatest in the race of Raghu, sabhāryā accompanied by their wives, agniṅ sacred fire, vēdim altar, rājānamēva ca king Janaka, ṛṣīṅścaiva sages also, pradakṣiṇīkṛtya having circumabulted, yathōktēna in obedience to the directions, vidhipūrvakam in accordance with the scriptures, vivāham marriage, cakru: made.

The great, noble princes of the race of Raghu, accompanied by their wives circumambulated the altar of the sacred fire. King Janaka and the sages in obedience
to the directions of Vasishta and in accordance with the sastras conducted the matrimonial.
kākutsthaiśca gṛhītēṣu lalitēṣu ca pāṇiṣu৷৷1.73.37৷৷


kākutsthai: Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Satrughna, lalitēṣu elegant, pāṇiṣu hands, gṛhītēṣu while accepting, antarikṣāt from the sky, subhāsvarā with immense splendour, mahatī great, puṣpavṛṣṭi: rain of flowers, āsīt was showered.

While the descendants of Kakustha (Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Satrughna) held
the elegant hands (of Sita, Urmila, Mandavi, and Srutakirti) there was a heavy rain of bright flowers from the sky.

nanṛtuścāpsarassaṅghā gandharvāśca jagu: kalam.

vivāhē raghumukhyānāṅ tadadbhutamadṛśyata৷৷1.73.39৷৷

raghumukhyānām by foremost of Raghus, vivāhē in marriage ceremony, divyadundubhinirghōṣai: with sounds of celestial ketle-drums, gītavāditranisvanai: with sounds of songs and instrumental music, apsarassaṅghā: troops of apsaras, nanṛtu danced, gandharvāśca gandharvas also, kalam in indescribable melody, jagu: sang, tat this, adbhutam wonderful, adṛśyata was seen.

While the bridal ceremony of the foremost of Raghus was on, the apsaras danced to the tune of songs and instrumental music. Sounds of celestial kettle-drums were heard. Gandharvas sang in mellifluous melody. It was an unearthly sight.
īdṛśē vartamānē tu tūryōdghuṣṭanināditē.

triragniṅ tē parikramya ūhurbhāryāṅ mahaujasa:৷৷1.73.40৷৷

īdṛśē in such, tūryōdghuṣṭanināditē when the tunes of wind instruments were sounding, vartamānē when this was going on, mahaujasa: possessing great splendour, tē those brothers, tri: three times, agnim fire, parikramya having gone round, rbhāryā: their consorts, ūhu: got married.

While the celebration resounded witht he wind-instruments the mighty brothers went round the fire three times with their consorts and tied their nuptial knot.
athōpakāryāṅ jagmustē sabhāryā raghunandanā:.

rājā.pyanuyayau paśyaṅtsarṣisaṅgha ssabāndhava:৷৷1.73.41৷৷

atha thereafter, raghunandanā: sons of Raghu, sabhāryā: along with their wives, upakāryāṅ towards their tents, jagmu: went, rājāpi king also, sarṣisaṅgha: with hosts of rishis, sabāndhava: with relations, paśyan seeing, anuyayau accompanied them.

Thereafter the descendants of Raghu along with their wives departed for their tents. The king (Dasaratha) also accompanied them with hosts of rishis and relatives.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē bālakāṇḍē trisaptatitamassarga:৷৷
Thus ends the seventythird sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.