Sloka & Translation


[Ignoring Dasaratha, Parasurama tells Rama to string the bow of Visnu.]

rāma! dāśarathē! rāma! vīryaṅ tē śrūyatē.dbhutam.

dhanuṣō bhēdanaṅ caiva nikhilēna mayā śrutam৷৷1.75.1৷৷

dāśarathē! son of Dasaratha, rāma! O! Rama, rāma! O! Rama, tē your, vīryam prowess, adbhutam marvellous, śrūyatē is being heard, dhanuṣa: bow's, bhēdanaṅ caiva breaking also, nikhilēna completely, mayā by me, śrutam heard.

"O Rama, Rama, son of Dasaratha! I have heard in full of your marvellous prowess and your feat in breaking the bow of Siva.
tadadbhutamacintyaṅ ca bhēdanaṅ dhanuṣastvayā.

tacchrutvā.hamanuprāptō dhanurgṛhyāparaṅ śubham৷৷1.75.2৷৷

tvayā by you, dhanuṣa: bow's, tat bhēdanam that breaking, adbhutam astonishing, acintyam ca unimaginable, tat that, śrutvā having heard, aham I, aparam another, śubham auspicious, dhanu: bow, gṛhya bringing, anuprāpta: have come here.

The fact that you have broken Siva's bow is an astonishing act. It is beyond imagination. Having heard it I have come here with another auspicious bow.
tadidaṅ ghōrasaṅkāśaṅ jāmadagnyaṅ mahaddhanu:.

pūrayasva śarēṇaiva svabalaṅ darśayasva ca৷৷1.75.3৷৷

ghōrasaṅkāśaṅ appearing dreadful, jāmadagnyam obtained through Jamadagni, tat that, idam this, mahat mighty, dhanu: bow, śarēṇaiva with arrow, pūrayasva fill it, svabalam your own prowess, darśayasva show.

This mighty, dreadful bow was obtained through Jamadagni. You may display your prowess by fixing on it an arrow.
tadahaṅ tē balaṅ dṛṣṭvā dhanuṣō.sya prapūraṇē.

dvandvayuddhaṅ pradāsyāmi vīryaślāghyasya rāghava৷৷1.75.4৷৷

rāghava O! Rama, tat that, aham I, asya this, dhanuṣa: bow's, prapūraṇē in stretching it, tē your, balam strength, dṛṣṭvā having seen, vīryaślāghyasya to you acclaimed in prowess, dvandvayuddhaṅ a duel combat, pradāsyāmi shall give.

O Rama! after witnessing your strength in stretching and stringing this bow, I shall engage you in a duel acclaiming your prowess".
tasya tadvacanaṅ śrutvā rājā daśarathastadā.

viṣaṇṇavadanō dīna: prāñjalirvākyamabravīt৷৷1.75.5৷৷

tadā then, rājā king, daśaratha Dasaratha, tasya his, tat that, vacanam words, śrutvā having heard, viṣaṇṇavadana: with dejected face, dīna: full of sorrow, prāñjali: with joined hands, vākyam words, abravīt spoke.

When king Dasaratha heard these words, his face fell. He humbly pleaded with him his hands folded:
kṣatrarōṣātpraśāntastvaṅ brāhmaṇaśca mahāyaśā:.

bālānāṅ mama putrāṇāmabhayaṅ dātumarhasi৷৷1.75.6৷৷

kṣatrarōṣāt from anger against kshatriyas, praśānta: quietened, brāhmaṇa: brahmana, mahāyaśā: highly renowned, bālānām of young boys, mama my, putrāṇām sons, abhayam assurance of security, dātum to give, arhasi behoves of you.

"You are a brahmana, highly renowned and withdrawn from anger against kshatriyas. It behoves of you to give assurance of security to my sons who are young.
bhārgavāṇāṅ kulē jāta: svādhyāyavrataśālinām.

sahāsrākṣē pratijñāya śastraṅ nikṣiptavānasi৷৷1.75.7৷৷

svādhyāyavrataśālinām resplendent with the study of vedas and observance of vows, bhārgavāṇām relating to Bhargavas, kulē in the race of, jāta: was born, sahāsrākṣē in the name of Indra, pratijñāya having vowed, śastraṅ arms, nikṣiptavān asi have renounced.

Born in the family of (saint) Bhrigu versed in the study of the Vedas and observance of vows. You have promised in the name of the thousand-eyed Indra to renounce the arms.
sa tvaṅ dharmaparō bhūtvā kāśyapāya vasundharām .

dattvā vanamupāgamya mahēndrakṛtakētana:৷৷1.75.8৷৷

sa: such, tvam you, dharmapara: one intent on righteousness, bhūtvā by being, kāśyapāya for Kasyapa, vasundharām this earth, dattvā having given, vanam forest, upāgamya having reached, mahēndrakṛtakētana: made a residence on the Mahendra mountain.

By adhering to righteousness in life and having conferred the earth upon Kasyapa, you retired to the forest and made your residence on the Mahendra mountain.
mama sarvavināśāya samprāptastvaṅ mahāmunē.

na caikasmin hatē rāmē sarvē jīvāmahē vayam ৷৷1.75.9৷৷

mahāmunē O! Great ascetic, tvam you, mama my, sarvavināśāya for total destruction, samprāpta: arrived, ēkasmin one, rāmē Rama, hatē if killed, vayam us, sarvē all, na jīvāmahē will not survive.

O Great ascetic! today you have arrived evidently for the total destruction of our family.
If Rama is killed none of us will survive".
bruvatyēvaṅ daśarathē jāmadagnya: pratāpavān.

anādṛtyaiva tadvākyaṅ rāmamēvābhyabhāṣata৷৷1.75.10৷৷

daśarathē when Dasaratha, ēvam in this way, bruvati while saying, pratāpavān valiant, jāmadagnya: son of Jamadagni, tadvākyam those words, anādṛtyaiva disregarding, rāmamēva Rama only, abhyabhāṣata addressed.

Disregarding these words of Dasaratha, the valiant son of Jamadagni said to Rama.
imē dvē dhanuṣī śrēṣṭhē divyē lōkābhiviśrutē.

dṛḍhē balavatī mukhyē sukṛtē viśvakarmaṇā৷৷1.75.11৷৷

imē these, dvē two, dhanuṣī bows, śrēṣṭhē excellent, divyē celestial, lōkābhiviśrutē well-known in the worlds, dṛḍhē stout, balavatī powerful, mukhyē best of all, viśvakarmaṇā by Visvakarma, sukṛtē are well made.

"These two excellent celestial bows are well-known throughout the worlds. They are stout and strong. They are the best of all, well-made by Visvakarma.
atisṛṣṭaṅ surairēkaṅ tryambakāya yuyutsavē.

tripuraghnaṅ naraśrēṣṭha! bhagnaṅ kākutstha! yattvayā৷৷1.75.12৷৷

naraśrēṣṭha! O! Best among men, kākutstha Rama, yat which, ttvayā by you, bhagnaṅ was broken, yuyutsavē wishing to fight, tryambakāya for three-eyed Siva, surai: by devatas, atisṛṣṭaṅ was given, tripuraghnam destroyer of Tripuras, ēkam one (of the two).

O Best among men! O Descendant of Kakustha! one of these broken by you, was given by the gods to the three-eyed Siva, who, wishing to fight the demon Tripura with this bow, destroyed him.
idaṅ dvitīyaṅ durdharṣaṅ viṣṇōrdattaṅ surōttamai:.

tadidaṅ vaiṣṇavaṅ rāma! dhanu: paramabhāsvaram.

samānasāraṅ kākutstha! raudrēṇa dhanuṣā tvidam৷৷1.75.13৷৷

durdharṣam unassailable, idam this, dvitīyam second bow, surōttamai: chiefs of celestials, viṣṇō: for Visnu, dattam given, kākutstha born in the race of Kakutsthsa, rāma! Rama, paramabhāsvaram highly radiant, tat that, idam this, vaiṣṇavam pertaining to Visnu, dhanu: bow, raudrēṇa dhanuṣā with the bow of Rudra, samānasāram equal to its energy.

This second bow which is unassailable was given by chief of the celestials to Visnu. O Rama! born in the race of Kakutstha! this highly radiant bow of Visnu is as strong as the bow of Siva.
tadā tu dēvatāssarvā: pṛcchanti sma pitāmaham.

śitikaṇṭhasya viṣṇōśca balābalanirīkṣayā৷৷1.75.14৷৷

tadā then, sarvā: all, dēvatā: devatas, śitikaṇṭhasya blue-throated, Siva's, viṣṇō: Visnu's, balābalanirīkṣayā to ascertain the strengths and weaknesses, pitāmaham grand-sire, Brahma, pṛcchanti sma enquired.

Then all the gods in order to ascertain the strength and weakness of Siva and Visnu enquired of the Grandsire, Brahma:
abhiprāyaṅ tu vijñāya dēvatānāṅ pitāmaha:.

virōdhaṅ janayāmāsa tayō ssatyavatāṅ vara:৷৷1.75.15৷৷

satyavatām among truth speaking ones, vara: foremost, pitāmaha: grand-sire, Brahma, dēvatānām devatas', abhiprāyam intention, vijñāya having come to know, tayō: for both of them, virōdham quarrel, janayāmāsa instigated.

Foremost among the truthful, Grandsire Brahma come to know the intention of the
gods and triggered a conflict between the gods.
virōdhē ca mahadyuddhamabhavadrōmaharṣaṇam .

śitikaṇṭhasya viṣṇōśca parasparajigīṣuṇō:৷৷1.75.16৷৷

virōdhē in that fight, parasparajigīṣiṇō: each desirous of victory over the other, śitikaṇṭhasya Siva's, viṣṇōśca Visnu's, rōmaharṣaṇam causing one's hair to stand on its end, mahat great, yuddham battle, abhavat took place.

In that thrilling fight between Siva and Visnu, each desirous of victory over the other, a ferocious battle took place causing one's hair to stand on end.
tadā tu jṛmbhitaṅ śaivaṅ dhanurbhīmaparākramam.

huṅkārēṇa mahādēva stambhitō.tha trilōcana:৷৷1.75.17৷৷

tadā then, huṅkārēṇa with 'Humkara' by Visnu, bhīmaparākramam dreadful prowess, śaivaṅ dhanu: Siva's bow, jṛmbhitaṅ yawned (stretched), atha thereafter, trilōcana: three-eyed, mahādēva: Mahadeva, stambhita: was made motionless.

Then, with the 'Humkara' produced by Visnu, Siva's bow of dreadful prowess was stretched, which struck the three-eyed Mahadeva motionless.
dēvaistadā samāgamya sarṣisaghai ssacāraṇai:.

yācitau praśamaṅ tatra jagmatustau surōttamau৷৷1.75.18৷৷

tadā then, sarṣisaṅghai: hosts of sages, sacāraṇai: with charanas, dēvai: devatas, tatra there, samāgamya having assembled, yācitau beseeched, tau those two, surōttamau foremost of devatas, praśamam peace, jagmatu: obtained.

Then hosts of sages, charanas and the gods assembled there and beseeched both of them, the pre-eminent among the gods to keep peace.
jṛmbhitaṅ taddhanurdrṛṣṭvā śaivaṅ viṣṇuparākramai:.

adhikaṅ mēnirē viṣṇuṅ dēvā ssarṣigaṇāstadā ৷৷1.75.19৷৷

viṣṇuparākramai: with the prowess of Visnu, jṛmbhitam made inert, tat that, śaivam relating to Siva, dhanu: bow, dṛṣṭvā haivng seen, tadā then, sarṣigaṇā: hosts of sages, dēvā: devatas, viṣṇum Visnu, adhikam as superior, mēnirē thought over.

Now that the bow of Siva was made inert by Visnu's prowess, hosts of sages and gods acknowlged Visnu as superior.
dhanū rudrastu saṅkṛddhō vidēhēṣu mahāyaśā:.

dēvarātasya rājarṣērdadau hastē sasāyakam৷৷1.75.20৷৷

saṅkṛddha: enraged, mahāyaśā: renowned, rudrastu Siva, vidēhēṣu in the country of Videha, sasāyakam together with arrow, dhanu: bow, rājarṣē: to the royal saint, dēvarātasya devarata's, hastē hands, dadau gave.

Glorious Siva, enraged at this, placed the bow together with the arrow in the hands of Rajarshi Devarata in the country of Videha.
idaṅ ca vaiṣṇavaṅ rāma! dhanu: parapurañjayam.

ṛcīkē bhārgavē prādādviṣṇu: sa nyāsamuttamam৷৷1.75.21৷৷

rāma O! Rama, sa: that, viṣṇu: Visnu, parapurañjayam capable of conquering hostile cities, idam this, vaiṣṇavaṅ dhanu: bow of Visnu, bhārgavē belonging to Bhrigu race, ṛcīkē named Richika, uttamam the best, nyāsam in trust, prādāt gave.

This bow of Visnu, O Rama! capable of conquering hostile cities, was given in trust to Richika belonging to the race of Bhrigu.
ṛcīkastu mahātējā: putrasyāpratikarmaṇa:.

piturmama dadau divyaṅ jamadagnērmahātmana:৷৷1.75.22৷৷

mahātējā: exceedingly lustrous, ṛcīkastu Ruchika, putrasya to his son, apratikarmaṇa: of unrivalled valour, mahātmana: of the maganimous one, mama my, pitu: father, jamadagnē: to Jamadagni, dadau gave.

Brilliant Ruchika gave this bow to his son, the great Jamadagni, my father, a man of unrivalled valour.
nyastaśastrē pitari mē tapōbalasamanvitē.

arjunō vidadhē mṛtyuṅ prākṛtāṅ buddhimāsthita:৷৷1.75.23৷৷

tapōbalasamanvitē endowed with ascetic energy, mē my, pitari when my father, nyastaśastrē renounced the weapons, arjuna: Karta Virya Arjuna, prākṛtām in a vulgar manner, mṛtyum death, buddhim mind, āsthitaḥ resorting to, vidadhē made.

My father equipped with ascetic energy renounced the weapon and was killed by Kartaveeryarjuna in a vulgar manner.
vadhamapratirūpaṅ tu pitu śśṛtvā sudāruṇam.

kṣatramutsādayanrōṣājjātaṅ jātamanēkaśa:৷৷1.75.24৷৷

pṛthivīṅ cākhilāṅ prāpya kāśyapāya mahātmanē .

yajñasyāntē tadā rāma dakṣiṇāṅ puṇyakarmaṇē .

dattvā mahēndranilayastapōbalasamanvita:৷৷1.75.25৷৷

rāma O! Rama, apratirūpam incomparable, sudāruṇam extremely ruthless, pitu: father's, vadham slaying, śrutvā having heard, rōṣāt out of fury, jātaṅ jātam born again and again, kṣatram kshatriya race, utsādayan decimating, akhilām entire, pṛthivīm earth, prāpya having won, yajñasya sacrifice's, antē at the end of, mahātmanē to the magnanimous, puṇyakarmaṇē doer of meritorious acts, kāśyapāya for Kasyapa, dattvā having given, tapōbalasamanvita: endowed with ascetic energy, mahēndranilaya: living on Mahendra mountain as my abode.

O Rama! Having heard the slaying of my father incomparable in extreme ruthlessness,
I decimated the Kshatriya race again and again out of fury as they were born and reborn. I conquered the entire earth. At the conclusion of the sacrifice I conferred it on the great soul Kasyapa of meritorious acts. Gifted with ascetic energy I have (now) made the Mahendra mountain my abode.
adyatūttamavīryēṇa tvayā rāma mahābala.

śrutavān dhanuṣō bhēdaṅ tatō.haṅ drutamāgata:৷৷1.75.26৷৷

mahābala! O! Highly energetic, rāma O! Rama, adya now, uttamavīryēṇa with excellent prowess, tvayā by you, dhanuṣa: bhēdam breaking of the bow, śrutavān having listened, aham I, tata: for that reason, drutam speedily, āgata: have come.

O Mighty Rama! when I heard that you have broken the bow with your extraordinary prowess, I have come here quickly.
tadidaṅ vaiṣṇavaṅ rāma! pitṛpaitāmahaṅ mahat.

kṣatradharmaṅ puraskṛtya gṛhṇīṣva dhanuruttamam৷৷1.75.27৷৷

rāma! O! Rama, kṣatradharmam duties of kshatriya, puraskṛtya treating with respect, tat that, idam this, pitṛpaitāmaham being inherited from my father and forefathers, mahat eminent, uttamam excellent, vaiṣṇavam related to Visnu, dhanu: bow, gṛhṇīṣva take hold of.

Respect the duties of a kshatriya, O Rama! Take hold of this great, uncommon bow of Visnu inherited by me from my father and forefathers.
yōjayasva dhanuśśrēṣṭhē śaraṅ parapurañjayam.

yadi śaknōṣi kākutstha! dvandvaṅ dāsyāmi tē tata:৷৷1.75.28৷৷

kākutstha! O! Descendant of Kakutstha, dhanu: śrēṣṭhē in this excellent bow, parapurañjayam capable of conquering cities of enemies, śaram arrow, yōjayasva unite it, śaknōṣi yadi if it is possible for you to do so, tata: then, tē to you, dvandam duel combat, dāsyāmi shall offer.

O Descendant of Kakustha! this best bow is capable of conquering enemy cities. Fix an arrow. If it is possible for you to do so, then I shall engage you in a duel".
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē bālakāṇḍē pañcasaptatitamassarga: ৷৷
Thus ends the seventyfifth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.