Sloka & Translation


[Rama bends the bow of Visnu--Parasurama returns to Mahendra mountain.]

śrutvā tajjāmadagnyasya vākyaṅ dāśarathistadā.

gauravādyaṅntritakatha: pitū rāmamathābravīt৷৷1.76.1৷৷

tadā then, dāśarathi: Rama, jamadagnyasya Parasurama's, (tat) vākyam words, śrutvā having heard, pitu: father's, gauravāt out of respect, yantritakatha: avoiding furthur conversation, atha thereafter, rāmam addressing Parasurama, abravīt spoke.

Hearing the words of the son of Jamadagni (Parasurama), Rama, the son of Dasaratha, avoiding further conversation out of respect for his father intercepted Parasurama saying:
śrutavānasmi yatkarma kṛtavānasi bhārgava!.

anuruṅdhyāmahē brahman piturānṛṇyamāsthitam৷৷1.76.2৷৷

bhārgava! O! Bhrigu's son, Parasurama, yat which, karma acts, kṛtavānasi you have done, śrutavān asmi I have listened, brahman O! Brahman, pituḥ to your father, ānṛṇyam repaying the debt, āsthitam obtained, anurundhyāmahē we will commend.

"O Descendant of Bhrigu! I have listened to the (marvellous) acts you have performed. O Brahman! I commend you for discharging your duty in repaying the debt to your father.
vīryahīnamivāśaktaṅ kṣatradharmēṇa bhārgava!.

avajānāsi mē tēja: paśya mē.dya parākramam৷৷1.76.3৷৷

bhārgava! O! Descendant of Bhrugu, vīryahīnamiva as if I am without valour, kṣatradharmēṇa by duties of Kshatriya, aśaktamiva as though incompetant, avajānāsi you are insulting me, adya today, mē my, tēja: energy, parākramam valour, paśya you may witness.

You underrate me O Bhargava! as though I am devoid of valour and incompetent to perform the duties of a Kshatriya. Now witness my energy and valour.
ityuktvā rāghava: kruddhō bhārgavasya śarāsanam.

śaraṅ ca pratijagrāha hastāllaghuparākrama:৷৷1.76.4৷৷

laghuparākrama: with quick vigour, rāghava: Rama, kruddha: enraged, iti uktvā having thus spoken, bhārgavasya from Parasurama's, hastāt hand, śarāsanam bow, śaraṅ ca also an arrow, pratijagrāha grasped (pulled).

Having spoken thus, the enraged Rama, gifted with quick vigour, seized the bow and arrow from Parasurama's hands.
ārōpya sa dhanū rāma śśaraṅ sajyaṅ cakāra ha.

jāmadagnyaṅ tatō rāmaṅ rāma: kruddhō.bravīdvaca:৷৷1.76.5৷৷

sa: that, rāma: Rama, dhanu: bow, ārōpya bending it, śaram arrow, sajyam stretching the string, cakāra performed, rāma: Rama, tata: thereafter, kruddha: enraged, jāmadagnyaṅ son of Jamadagni, rāmam Parasurama, vaca: words, abravīt spoke.

Infuriated Rama bent the bow stretched it, fixed the arrow and addressed Parasurama, the son of Jamadagni:
brāhmaṇō.sīti pūjyō mē viśvāmitrakṛtēna ca.

tasmācchaktō na tē rāma mōktuṅ prāṇaharaṅ śaram৷৷1.76.6৷৷

rāma O! Parasurama, brāhmaṇa: asi you are a brahmin, iti for this reason, viśvāmitrakṛtēna through Visvamitra, mē for me, pūjya: worthy of homage, tasmāt for that reason, tē your, prāṇaharaṇam life taking, śaram arrow, mōktum to release,na śakta: I am not competent.

"You are a brahmin, O Parasurama. You are also related to Viswamitra. Hence you are worthy of homage. I cannot, therefore, release this against you to take your life.
imāṅ pādagatiṅ rāma! tapōbalasamārjitām.

lōkānapratimānvā tē haniṣyāmi yadicchasi ৷৷1.76.7৷৷

rāma O! Parasurama, tē your, imām this, pādagatim movement of your feet, tapōbalasamārjitām earned through asceteic energy, apratimān incomparable, lōkān vā worlds, haniṣyāmi I shall destroy, yat whichever, icchasi you are desiring, tell me.

I shall destroy your mobility, O Parasurama! or the higher worlds earned through your matchless asceteic energy. Tell me which one you choose.
na hyayaṅ vaiṣṇavō divya śśara: parapurañjaya:.

mōgha: patati vīryēṇa baladarpavināśanaḥ৷৷1.76.8৷৷

parapurañjaya: conquering hostile cities, vīryēṇa by prowess, baladarpavināśana: destroyer of the pride and strength, divya: celestial, ayam this, vaiṣṇava: śara: arrow of Vishnu, mōgha: vain, na patati hi shall not fall.

On conquering the hostile cities and destroying the pride and strength of the enemy
by its prowess, this celestial arrow of Visnu shall not go in vain".
varāyudhadharaṅ rāmaṅ draṣṭuṅ sarṣigaṇā ssurā:.

pitāmahaṅ puraskṛtya samētāstatra saṅghaśa:৷৷1.76.9৷৷

gandharvāpsarasaścaiva siddhacāraṇakinnarā:.

yakṣarākṣasanāgāśca taddraṣṭuṅ mahadadbhutam৷৷1.76.10৷৷

varāyudhadharam holding that mighty weapon, rāmam Rama, draṣṭum to behold, sarṣigaṇā: accompanied by sages, surā: devatas, pitāmaham grand-sire, puraskṛtya keeping in forefront, tatra there, saṅghaśa: in groups, samētā: assembled, gandharvāpsarasaścaiva gandharvas and apsaras, siddhacāraṇakinnarā: siddhas, charanas, kinnaras, yakṣarākṣasanāgāśca yakshas, rakshsas, nagas, tat that, mahat great, adbhutam wonder, draṣṭum to see (came).

The gods with the Grandsire, Brahma in the forefront, accompanied by sages in groups assembled there to see Rama holding that mighty bow. Gandharvas, apsaras, siddhas, charanas, kinnaras, yakshas, rakshsas and nagas also came there to witness that great wonder.
jaḍīkṛtē tadā.lōkē rāmē varadhanurdharē.

nirvīryō jāmadagnyō.sau rāmō rāmamudaikṣata৷৷.1.76.11৷৷

tadā then, rāmē when Rama, varadhanurdharē was bearing that excellent bow, lōkē world, jaḍīkṛtē having been made motionless, asau this, jāmadagnaya: son of Jamadagni, rāma: Parasurama, nirvīrya: bereft of prowess, rāmam Rama, udaikṣata gazed at him.

Then when Rama stretched the great bow, the world became motionless. The son of Jamadagni, Parasurama, bereft of prowess gazed at him with astonishment.
tējōbhihatavīryatvājjāmadagnyō jaḍīkṛta:.

rāmaṅ kamalapatrākṣaṅ mandaṅ mandamuvāca ha৷৷1.76.12৷৷

tējōbhi: hatavīryatvāt having been subdued of his energy by the prowess of Rama, jaḍīkṛta: having been made motionless, jāmadagnya: son of Jamadagni, kamalapatrākṣam him whose eyes resembling lotus petals, rāmam Rama, mandaṅ mandam slowly, slowly, uvāca ha spoke.

His energy subdued by Rama's prowess, the paralysed, Parasurama, son of Jamadagni spoke in gentle words to him whose eyes resembled the lotus petals:
kāśyapāya mayā dattā yadā pūrvaṅ vasundharā.

viṣayē mē na vastavyamiti māṅ kāśyapō.bravīt৷৷1.76.13৷৷

pūrvam formerly, vasundharā earth, yadā when, mayā by me, kāśyapāya for Kasyapa, dattā was given, mē my, viṣayē in my country, na vastavyam iti shall not live, mām me, kāśyapa: Kasyapa, abravīt spoke.

"When I gave this entire earth to Kasyapa, he said to me, 'you shall not live in my country'.
sō.haṅ guruvaca: kurvan pṛthivyāṅ na vasē niśām.

kṛtā pratijñā kākutstha! kṛtā bhū: kāśyapasya hi৷৷1.76.14৷৷

saḥ aham such I, guruvaca: words of my spiritual guide, kurvan following, pṛthivyām on this earth, niśām during night, na vasē I will not live, kākusttha! O! Rama, pratijñā vow, kṛtā has been made, bhū: earth, kāśyapasya for Kasyapa, kṛtā hi has been given.

O Descendant of Kakustha! having gifted this earth to Kasyapa, I promised him that I would not live here, during night time. For the earth belongs to him.
tadimāṅ tvaṅ gatiṅ vīra hantuṅ nārhasi rāghava.

manōjavaṅ gamiṣyāmi mahēndraṅ parvatōttamam৷৷1.76.15৷৷

vīra O! Valourous one, rāghava Rama, tat for that reason, tvam you, imām this, gatim power of motion, hantum to destroy, nārhasi is not fit, manōjavam with the speed of mind, mahēṅdram Mahendra mountain, parvatōttamam best of hills, gamiṣyāmi I shall go.

For this, you should not destroy my mobility, O valiant son of the Raghus!. I shall go to Mahendra, the best of mountains, with the speed of mind.
lōkāstvapratimā rāma nirjitāstapasā mayā .

jahi tān śaramukhyēna mā bhūtkālasya paryaya:৷৷1.76.16৷৷

rāma O! Rama, mayā by me, apratimā: unrivalled, lōkā: worlds, tapasā by asceticism, nirjitā: have been conquered, tān them, śaramukhyēna with this chief of arrows, jahi strike, kālasya time, paryaya: delay, mābhūt let not happen.

Strike with the, principal arrow the unrivalled worlds conquered by my asceticism. Do not delay, O Rama!
akṣayyaṅ madhuhantāraṅ jānāmi tvāṅ surēśvaram.

dhanuṣō.sya parāmarśāt svasti tē.stu paraṅtapa!৷৷1.76.17৷৷

asya this, dhanuṣa: bow's, parāmarśāt from stretching, tvām you, akṣayyam imperishable one, surēśvaram lord of devatas, madhuhantāram Visnu, the slayer of Madhu, jānāmi I know, paraṅtapa! tormentor of enemies, tē svasti astu safety to you.

By the fact that you have stretched this bow, I have come to know that you are Visnu, Lord of the gods, slayer of Madhu, O Imperishable one! O Tormentor of enemies! Fare well.
ētē suragaṇāssarvē nirīkṣantē samāgatā:.


samāgatā: assembled, ētē these, sarvē all, suragaṇā: hosts of devatas, apratimakarmāṇam of incomparable deeds, āhavē in the combat, apratidvandvam unassailable, tvām you, nirīkṣantē are looking at.

All your deeds are incomparable. You are unassailable in combat. All these hosts of gods have assembled here and are looking at you.
na cēyaṅ mama kākutstha! vrīḍā bhavitumarhati.

tvayā trailōkyanāthēna yadahaṅ vimukhīkṛta:৷৷1.76.19৷৷

kākutstha! O! Rama, trailōkyanāthēna by the lord of three worlds, tvayā by you, aham I, yat that (I am), vimukhīkṛta: have been defeated, iyam this one, mē to me, vrīḍā shame, bhavitum to become, na arhati does not behove.

I have been defeated by you, O Descendant of Kakustha! lord of the three worlds. Therefore, it is not right for me to feel ashamed.
śaramapratimaṅ rāma! mōktumarhasi suvrata!.

śaramōkṣē gamiṣyāmi mahēndraṅ parvatōttamam৷৷1.76.20৷৷

suvrata! one faithful to vows, rāma Rama, apratimam incomparable, śaram arrow, mōktum to release, arhasi behoves of you, śaramōkṣē after release of the arrow, parvatōttamam excellent of mountains, mahēndram Mahendra, gamiṣyāmi I shall go.

You are faithful to vows O Rama! This arrow has no equal in prowess. It behoves of you to release it against me. After its release I shall go to the excellent Mahendra mountain".
tathā bruvati rāmē tu jāmadagnayē pratāpavān.

rāmō dāśarathi śśrīmān cikṣēpa śaramuttamam৷৷1.76.21৷৷

jāmadagnayē when the son of Jamadagni, rāmē Parasurama, tathā in that way, bruvati was saying, pratāpavān valiant, dāśarathi: son of Dasaratha, rāma: Rama, uttamam excellent, śaram arrow, cikṣēpa employed.

Thus spoke Parasurama, son of Jamadagni to Rama, the valiant son of Dasaratha who (then) discharged the principal arrow.
sa hatān dṛśya rāmēṇa svāṅllōkāṅstapasārjitān.

jāmadagnyō jagāmāśu mahēndraṅ parvatōttamam৷৷1.76.22৷৷

sa: that, jāmadagnya: Parasurama, tapasā by asceticism, arjitān earned, svān his own, lōkān worlds, rāmēṇa by Rama, hatān struck, dṛśya having seen, āśu speedily, parvatōttamam excellent among mountains, mahēndram Mahendra, jagāma went.

Having witnessed the destruction of those regions earned by him through asceticism, the son of Jamadagni left for the best of mountains Mahendra.
tatō vitimirāssarvā diśaścōpadiśastathā.

surā ssarṣigaṇā rāmaṅ praśaśaṅsurudāyudham৷৷1.76.23৷৷

tata: thereafter, sarvā all, diśa: quarters, tathā also, upadiśa: intermediate quarters, vitimirā: were cleared of darkness, sarṣigaṇā: hosts of sages, surā: devatas, udāyudham wielding that bow, rāmam Rama, praśaśaṅsu: extolled.

Thereafter all the quarters including the intermediaries were cleared of darkness. Hosts of sages and gods extolled Rama when he wielded the bow.
rāmaṅ dāśarathiṅ rāmō jāmadagnya: praśasya ca.

tata: pradakṣiṇī kṛtya jagāmātmagatiṅ prabhu:৷৷1.76.24৷৷

prabhu: competent, jāmadagnya: son of Jamadagni, rāma: Parasurama, dāśarathim son of Dasaratha, rāmam Rama, praśasya ca having praised, tata: then, pradakṣiṇīkṛtya having circumambulated him, ātmagatim to his own abode, jagāma went.

Parasurama, the competent son of Jamadagni, having praised Rama, the son of
Dasaratha circumbulated him and left for his abode.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē bālakāṇḍē ṣaṭsaptatitamassarga:৷৷
Thus ends the seventysixth sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.