Sloka & Translation


[Dasaratha enters the city of Ayodhya with his sons and their wives--Bharata and Satrughna depart with their maternal uncle--Rama's virtues described.]

गते रामे प्रशान्तात्मा रामो दाशरथिर्धनु:।

वरुणायाप्रमेयाय ददौ हस्ते ससायकम्।।1.77.1।।

रामे when Rama, गते had departed, प्रशान्तात्मा with serene mind, दाशरथि: son of Dasaratha, राम: Rama, ससायकम् together with arrow, धनु: bow, अप्रमेयाय immeasurable, strength, वरुणाय to Varuna, हस्ते in his hand, ददौ gave.

When Parasurama departed, Rama, son of Dasaratha with a serene mind gave the bow along with the arrow to Varuna of immeasurable strength.
अभिवाद्य ततो रामो वसिष्ठप्रमुखानृषीन्।

पितरं विह्वलं दृष्ट्वा प्रोवाच रघुनन्दन:।।1.77.2।।

तत: thereafter, रघुनन्दन: descendant of Raghu, राम: Rama, वसिष्ठप्रमुखान् Vasishta and other, ऋषीन् rishis, अभिवाद्य having paid obeisance, विह्वलम् agitated, पितरम् father, दृष्ट्वा having seen, प्रोवाच said.

Thereafter Rama the descendant of the Raghus, paid obeisance to Vasishta and other rishis, and looked at his father who appeared agitated said:
जामदग्न्यो गतो राम: प्रयातु चतुरङ्गिणी।

अयोध्याभिमुखी सेना त्वया नाथेन पालिता।।1.77.3।।

जामदग्न्य: son of Jamadagni, राम: Rama, गत: had gone, नाथेन by being a lord, त्वया by you, पालिता ruled, चतुरङ्गिणी सेना four divisions of army, अयोध्याभिमुखी towards Ayodhya, प्रयातु let it advance.

"Parasurama, son of Jamadagni, has gone. Let the four divisions of the army of which you are the commander proceed towards Ayodhya.
सन्दिशस्व महाराज सेनां त्वच्छासने स्थिताम्।

शासनं काङ्क्षते सेना चातकालिर्जलं यथा।।1.77.4।।

महाराज O King, त्वच्छासने in your command, स्थिताम् remaining, सेनाम् army, सन्दिशस्व direct it, चातकालि: rows of Chataka birds, जलं यथा like water, सेना army, शासनं command, काङ्क्षते is seeking.

The army which is under your command O King is awaiting your orders like the chatakas awaiting water. Direct them (to proceed).
रामस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा राजा दशरथ स्सुतम्।

बाहुभ्यां सम्परिष्वज्य मूर्ध्नि चाघ्राय राघवम्।।1.77.5।।

गतो राम इति श्रुत्वा हृष्ट: प्रमुदितो नृप:।

पुनर्जातं तदा मेने पुत्रमात्मानमेव च।।1.77.6।।

राजा king, दशरथ: Dasaratha, रामस्य Rama's, वचनम् words, श्रुत्वा having heard, सुतम् son, राघवम् Rama, बाहुभ्याम् with hands, सम्परिष्वज्य having embraced, मूर्ध्नि on the forehead, आघ्राय च having smelt (kissed in delight), राम: Parasurama, गत: इति had departed, श्रुत्वा having listened, हृष्ट: filled with joy, प्रमुदित: exceedingly delighted, नृप: king, पुत्रम् son, तदा then, आत्मानमेव himself as well, पुन: again, जातम् having been born, मेने considered.

On hearing the words 'Parasurama has departed' from Rama, king Dasaratha embraced him and kissed his forehead. The king, immensely happy, felt he and his son were reborn.
चोदयामास तां सेनां जगामाशु तत: पुरीम्।

पताकाध्वजिनीं रम्यां तूर्योद्घुष्टनिनादिताम्।।1.77.7।।

सिक्तराज पथां रम्यां प्रकीर्णकुसुमोत्कराम् ।

राजप्रवेशसुमुखै: पौरैर्मङ्गलवादिभि:।।1.77.8।।

सम्पूर्णां प्राविशद्राजा जनौघैस्समलङ्कृताम्।

राजा king Dasaratha, ताम् that, सेनाम् army, चोदयामास directed, पताकाध्वजिनीम् adorned with flags and banners, रम्याम् beautiful, तूर्योद्घुष्टनिनादिताम् resounding with the sounds of trumpets, सिक्तराजपथाम् royal highways sprinkled with water, प्रकीर्णकुसुमोत्करामम् with flowers strewn, राजप्रवेशसुमुखै: delighted with the king's entry, मङ्गलवादिभि: making auspicious sounds with instruments, पौरै: by citizens, सम्पूर्णाम् filled with, जनौघै: by groups of people, समलङ्कृताम् well decorated, पुरीम् city, आशु speedily, जगाम went.

Thereafter, king Dasaratha directed his army to proceed speedily in advance. When he reached the city of Ayodhya it looked welldecorated with flags and banners. It resounded with trumpets. The royal highways were sprinkiled with water and strewn with flowers. It was filled with groups of people. Awaiting with delight the arrival of the king the citizens produced merry sounds with musical instruments.
पौरै: प्रत्युद्गतो दूरं द्विजैश्च पुरवासिभि:।

पुत्रैरनुगत श्श्रीमान् श्रीमद्भिश्च महायशा: ।।1.77.9।।

प्रविवेश गृहं राजा हिमवत्सदृशं पुनः।

पौरै: by the citizens, पुरवासिभि: living in the city, द्विजै: च by brahmins also, दूरम् from a long distance, प्रत्युद्गत: welcomed by walking towards him, श्रीमद्भि: by the graceful, पुत्रै: sons, अनुगत: followed by, श्रीमान् elegant, महायशा: possessing high fame, राजा king, पुन: again, हिमवत्सदृशम् resembling Himavat, गृहम् residence, प्रविवेश entered.

Prosperous king Dasaratha of great fame followed by his elegant sons entered the city of Ayodhya while the citizens and brahmins came forward from a long distance to welcome him who reentered his palace looking like the Himalayan mountain.
ननन्द सजनो राजा गृहे कामै स्सुपूजित:।।1.77.10।।

कौसल्या च सुमित्रा च कैकेयी च सुमध्यमा।

वधूप्रतिग्रहे युक्ता याश्चान्या राजयोषित:।।1.77.11।।

राजा king, गृहे in the residence, कामै: with objects of enjoyment, सुपूजितः well honoured, सजन: with his relations and family members, ननन्द rejoiced, कौसल्या च Kausalya, सुमित्रा च Sumitra, सुमध्यमा slender waisted, कैकेयी च Kaikeyi, या: ह्यन्या: others, राजयोषितः women of royal family, वधूप्रतिग्रहे in receiving the new brides, युक्ता: engaged.

The king and his kith and kin were received with honour in a pleasing manner. Kausalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyi of slender waist and other women attending on the king were busy in receiving the new brides.
ततस्सीतां महाभागामूर्मिलां च यशस्विनीम्।

कुशध्वजसुते चोभे जगृहुर्नृपपत्नय:।।1.77.12।।

तत: thereafter, नृपपत्नय: king's wives, महाभागाम् highly fortunate, सीताम् Sita, यशस्विनीम् having fame, ऊर्मिलां च Urmila, उभे both, कुशध्वजसुते daughters of Kusadhwaja, जगृहु: received.

Thereafter the queens received the highly fortunate Sita, Urmila of high fame and both the daughters of Kusadhwaja, Mandavi and Srutakirti.
मङ्गलालम्भनैश्चापि शोभिता: क्षौमवासस:।

देवतायतनान्याशु सर्वास्ता: प्रत्यपूजयन्।।1.77.13।।

ता: सर्वा: all of them, मङ्गलालम्भनैश्चापि holding auspicious substances, शोभिता: shining, क्षौमवासस: attired in silken apparels, आशु immediately, देवतायतनानि temples, प्रत्यपूजयन् worshipped.

With auspicious aricles in their hands, all the new brides who shone in silken apparels
immediately went to temples and worshipped the family deities.
अभिवाद्याभिवाद्यांश्च सर्वा राजसुतास्तदा।

स्वं स्वं गृहमथासाद्य कुबेरभवनोपमम्।।1.77.14।।

गोभिर्धनैश्च धान्यैश्च तर्पयित्वा द्विजोत्तमान्।

रेमिरे मुदिता: सर्वा भर्तृभि: सहिता रह:।।1.77.15।।

तदा then, सर्वा: all of them, राजसुता: princesses, अभिवाद्यान् worthy of homage, अभिवाद्य having paid obeisance, अथ thereafter, कुबेरभवनोपमम् resembling the palace of Kubera, स्वं स्वम् their own, गृहम् residence, आसाद्य having reached, गोभि: with cows, धनैश्च with riches, धान्यैश्च with corn, द्विजोत्तमान् brahmins, तर्पयित्वा (अर्चयित्वा) having worshipped, रह: in private, भर्तृभि: with husbands, सहिता: united with, मुदिता: well pleased, रेमिरे enjoyed.

Then all the princesses paid obeisance to those worthy of worship and entered their residence that resembled the palace of Kubera.Thereafter pleased with gifting cows, riches and corn to brahmins and satisfying them they joined their husbands and enjoyed themselves in privacy
कुमाराश्च महात्मानो वीर्येणाप्रतिमा भुवि ।

कृतदारा: कृतास्त्राश्च सधना: ससुहृज्जना:।।1.77.16।।

शुश्रूषमाणा: पितरं वर्तयन्ति नरर्षभा:।

महात्मान: magnanimous, वीर्येण in prowess, भुवि on this earth, अप्रतिमा: incomparable, कृतदारा: having got married, कृतास्त्राश्च competent in the use of weapons, सधना: endowed with wealth, ससुहृज्जना: together with friends, नरर्षभा: excellent among men, कुमारा: sons, पितरम् father, शुश्रूषमाणा: serving, वर्तयन्ति were moving on their way.

All the princes who were best of men, great souls, incomparable in prowess on earth, capable of the use of weapons and endowed with wealth moved about with friends, serving their father and following his commands.
कस्यचित्त्वथ कालस्य राजा दशरथ: सुतम्।1.77.17।।

भरतं कैकयीपुत्र मब्रवीद्रघुनन्दन:।

अथ thereafter, कस्यचित्कालस्य after some time, रघुनन्दनः delight of Raghu race, राजा दशरथ: king Dasaratha, कैकयीपुत्रम् son of Kaikeyi, सुतम् son, भरतम् addressing Bharata, अब्रवीत् spoke.

After some time king Dasaratha the delight of the Raghu race addressed his son Bharata:
अयं केकयराजस्य पुत्रो वसति पुत्रक।।1.77.18।।

त्वां नेतुमागतो वीर युधाजिन्मातुलस्तव।

पुत्रक O Child, त्वाम् you, नेतुम् to take, आगत: has come, केकयराजस्य Kekaya king's, पुत्र: son, वीर: heroic one, तव your, मातुल: metarnal uncle, अयम् this, युधाजित् Yudhajit, वसति is here.

"The heroic Yudhajit son of the king of Kekaya, your maternal uncle, has come here and wishes to take you with him, O Child
प्रार्थितस्तेन धर्मज्ञ मिधिलायामहं तथा।।1.77.19।।

ऋषिमध्ये तु तस्य त्वं प्रीतिं कर्तुमिहार्हसि।

धर्मज्ञ O Knower of duties, अहम् I, तेन by him, मिधिलायाम् in Mithila, ऋषिमध्ये in the midst of sages, तथा in that way, प्रार्थित: have been requested, त्वम् you, तस्य for him, प्रीतिम् delight, कर्तुम् to cause, अर्हसि behoves of you.

O Knower of dharma this was his request to me in Mithila in the midst of sages. You should bring him delight (by obliging him).
श्रुत्वा दशरथस्यैतद्भरत: कैकयीसुत:।।1.77.20।।

अभिवाद्य गुरुं रामं परिष्वज्य च लक्ष्मणम्।

गमनायाभिचक्राम शत्रुघ्नसहितस्तदा।।1.77.21।।

कैकयीसुत: son of Kaikeyi, भरत: Bharata, दशरथस्य Dasaratha's, एतत् this, श्रुत्वा having heard, गुरुम् father, रामम् Rama, अभिवाद्य having paid obeisance, लक्ष्मणम् Lakshmana, परिष्वज्य embracing, तदा then, शत्रुघ्नसहित: together with Satrughna, गमनाय to depart, अभिचक्राम started.

Having heard the words of Dasaratha, Bharata, son of Kaikeyi paid obeisance to his father and Rama, embraced Lakshmana and prepared for the journey with Satrughna.
आपृच्छ्य पितरं शूरो रामं चाक्लिष्टकारिणम्।

मातृश्चापि नरश्रेष्ठ श्शत्रुघ्नसहितो ययौ।।1.77.22।।

शूर: valiant, नरश्रेष्ठ: excellent among men, Bharata, पितरम् father, अक्लिष्टकारिणम् doer of acts without fatigue, रामम् Rama, मातृश्चापि mothers also, आपृच्छ्य having asked (their leave), शत्रुघ्नसहित: together with Satrughna, ययौ departed.

Valiant Bharata, the best of men took leave of his father Dasaratha, a tireless brother Rama and mothers and departed with Satrughna.
गते तु भरते रामो लक्ष्मणश्च महाबल:।

पितरं देवसंङ्काशं पूजयामासतुस्तदा।।1.77.23।।

तदा then, भरते when Bharata, गते had departed, राम: Rama, महाबल: mighty one, लक्ष्मणश्च Lakshmana also, देवसंङ्काशम् resembling god, पितरम् father, पूजयामासतु: both of them served.

After the departure of Bharata, mighty Rama and Lakshmana continued to serve their godlike father.
पितुराज्ञां पुरस्कृत्य पौरकार्याणि सर्वश:।

चकार रामो धर्मात्मा प्रियाणि च हितानि च।।1.77.24।।

धर्मात्मा Illustrious, राम: Rama, पितु: father's, आज्ञाम् command, पुरस्कृत्य treating with respect, प्रियाणि pleasing, हितानि च of wellbeing welfare, पौरकार्याणि the duties towards citizens, सर्वश: all ones, चकार made.

Righteous Rama discharged his duties towards the citizens for their allround comfort and welfare giving top priority to (the execution of) the command of his father.
मातृभ्यो मातृकार्याणि कृत्वा परमयन्त्रित:।

गुरूणां गुरुकार्याणि काले कालेऽन्ववैक्षत।।1.77.25।।

परमयन्त्रित: highly cotrolled and disciplined to his duties, मातृभ्य: for his mothers, मातृकार्याणि duties towards his mothers, कृत्वा having done, गुरूणाम् for adorable ones, गुरुकार्याणि duties towards Spiritual preceptors, काले काले at approprtiate times, अन्ववैक्षत supervised.

With unfailing regularity Rama carried out his duties towards his mothers, and his elders, looking into them from time to time.
एवं दशरथ: प्रीतो ब्राह्मणा नैगमास्तथा।

रामस्य शीलवृत्तेन सर्वे विषयवासिन:।।1.77.26।।

एवम् in this way, रामस्य Rama's, शीलवृत्तेन with good conduct and character, दशरथ: Dasaratha, प्रीत: pleased, ब्राह्मणा: brahmanas, तथा also, नैगमा: inhabitants of the city, सर्वे all, विषयवासिन: the people of the country.

Dasaratha was pleased with the good conduct and character of Rama. Brahmanas as also the inhabitants of the city and the people of the country at large were happy with him.
तेषामतियशा लोके राम स्सत्यपराक्रमः।

स्वयम्भूरिव भूतानां बभूव गुणवत्तर:।।1.77.27।।

लोके in this world, अतियशा: possessing great fame, सत्यपराक्रम: truthful and full of prowess, गुणवत्तर: possessing many greater virtues, राम: Rama, तेषाम् for the people of that kingdom, भूतानाम् for beings, स्वयम्भू: इव like Brahma, बभूव became.

In world the glorious and virtuous Rama armed with the power of truthfulness became the protector of the people like Brahma (to living beings).
रामस्तु सीतया सार्धं विजहार बहूनृतून् ।

मनस्स्वी तद्गतस्तस्याः नित्यं हृदि समर्पित:।।1.77.28।।

मनस्वी the sensitive one, रामस्तु Rama, तद्गत: fixing his mind on Sita, तस्या: her, हृदि heart, नित्यम् always, समर्पित: dedicating, सीतया सार्धम् with Sita, बहून् many, ऋतून् seasons, विजहार went.

With his heart fixed on Sita to whom he was always devoted, Rama, the wise went about enjoying with her (the beauty of) all the seasons.
प्रिया तु सीता रामस्य दारा: पितृकृता इति।

गुणाद्रूपगुणाच्चापि प्रीतिर्भूयोऽभ्यवर्धत।।1.77.29।।

सीता Sita, पितृकृता by his father, दारा इति as wife, रामस्य Rama's, प्रिया became beloved, गुणात् because of virtues, रूपगुणाच्चापि by virtue of beauty as well, प्रीति: affection, भूय: again, अभ्यवर्धत developed.

Chosen by his father Sita became Rama's beloved wife with her virtue and beauty his affection for her grew further.
तस्याश्च भर्ता द्विगुणं हृदये परिवर्तते।

अन्तर्जातमपि व्यक्तमाख्याति हृदयं हृदा।।1.77.30।।

भर्ता her husband Rama, तस्या: her, हृदये heart, द्विगुणम् twice, परिवर्तते revolving, हृदयम् in heart, अन्तर्जातम् अपि every thought born inside also, हृदा with heart, व्यक्तम् clearly, आख्याति he will communicate.

For sita her husband was doubly dear. They were clearly communicating through each other's heart every thought generated in the mind.
तस्य भूयो विशेषेण मैथिली जनकात्मजा।

देवताभि स्समा रूपे सीता श्रीरिव रूपिणी।।1.77.31।।

रूपे in beauty, देवताभि: with devatas, समा equal, रूपिणी (Sita) assuming the human form, श्रीरिव like Lakshmi, goddess of wealth, रूपिणी embodiment, मैथिली born in the city of Mithila, जनकात्मजा daughter of Janaka, सीता Sita, भूयो still, विशेषेण especially, तस्य in Rama's heart (परिवर्तते revolving).

Sita was an embodiment of Lakshmi (goddess of wealth). In beauty she was like a goddess. Born in the city of Mithila as daughter to Janaka, she was always especially dear to him.
तया स राजर्षिसुतोऽभिरामया


अतीव राम श्शुशुभेऽभिरामया।

विभु श्श्रिया विष्णुरिवामरेश्वर:।।1.77.32।।

राजर्षिसुत: son of rishi among kings Dasaratha, स: राम: that Rama, अभिरामया by the charming one, तया by her, उत्तमराजकन्यया excellent king Janka's daughter, समेयिवान् united together, श्रिया with Lakshmi, अमरेश्वर: विभु: थord of devatas, विष्णु: इव like Visnu, (मुदा अन्वित: possessing joy), (अतीव) शुशुभे shone.

Rama, son of Rajarshi Dasaratha, united with the most charming princess, shone like Visnu, Lord of the gods in the company of Lakshmi.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये चतुर्विंशत्सहस्रिकायां संहितायां बालकाण्डे सप्तसप्ततितमस्सर्ग:।।
Thus ends the seventyseventh sarga of Balakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.