Sloka & Translation

[Rama advises Bharata to return back and rule the kingdom.]

पुनरेवं ब्रुवाणं तं भरतं लक्ष्मणाग्रजः।

प्रत्युवाच तत श्श्रीमान् ज्ञातिमध्येऽभिसत्कृतः।।2.107.1।।

ततः then, श्रीमान् prosperous, अभिसत्कृतः wellhonoured, लक्ष्मणाग्रजः Lakshmana's elder brother, ज्ञातिमध्ये amidst his relatives, पुनः again, एवम् thus, ब्रुवाणम् speaking, भरतम् to Bharata, प्रत्युवाच replied.

Wellhonoured in the midst of relatives, the celebrated Rama, elder brother of Lakshmana, then said to Bharata who was going to speak again.
उपपन्नमिदं वाक्यं यत्त्वमेवमभाषथाः।

जातः पुत्रो दशरथात्कैकेय्यां राजसत्तमात्।।2.107.2।।

राजसत्तमात् from the celebrated king, दशरथात् from Dasaratha, कैकेय्याम् to Kaikeyi, जातः born, पुत्रः son, त्वम् you, एवम् in this way, यत् which, अभ्यभाषथाः has spoken, इदम् this, वाक्यम् words, उपपन्नम् is appropriate.

Appropriate are the words spoken by you born to the celebrated king Dasaratha through Kaikeyi.
पुरा भ्रातः पिता न स्स मातरं ते समुद्वहन्।

मातामहे समाश्रौषीद्राज्यशुल्कमनुत्तमम्।।2.107.3।।

भ्रातः my dear brother, पुरा earlier, सः that, नः पिता our father, ते मातरम् to your mother, समुद्वहन् at the time of wedding, मातामहे to (your) maternal grandfather, अनुत्तमम् the best, राज्यशुल्कम् kingdom with good revenue, समाश्रौषीत् had promised.

Earlier when our father was to wed your mother, O dear brother, he had promised to your maternal grandfather that he would confer (on her) a kingdom with good revenue.
दैवासुरे च सङ्ग्रामे जनन्यै तव पार्थिवः।

सम्प्रहृष्टो ददौ राजा वरमाराधितः प्रभुः।।2.107.4।।

पार्थिवः king, प्रभुः lord, राजा king (Dasaratha), दैवासुरे between gods and demons, सङ्ग्रामे in the battle, आराधितः being propitialed, सम्प्रहृष्टः exceedingly pleased, तव जनन्यै to your mother, वरं च boon, ददौ granted.

Thereafter in the battle between gods and demons, the able king (Dasaratha) pleased (with your mother) granted her a boon (as a token of gratitude).
ततस्सा सम्प्रतिश्राव्य तव माता यशस्विनी।

अयाचत नरश्रेष्ठं द्वौ वरौ वरवर्णिनी।।2.107.5।।

तव राज्यं नरव्याघ्र मम प्रव्राजनं तथा।

तौ च राजा तदा तस्यै नियुक्तः प्रददौ वरौ।।2.107.6।।

नरव्याघ्र O tiger among men, ततः thereafter, यशस्विनी illustrious, वरवर्णिनी of best (fair) complexion, तव माता your mother, सम्प्रतिश्राव्य making him promise, नरश्रेष्ठम् to best of men, तव for you, राज्यम् kingdom, तथा likewise, मम to me, प्रव्राजनम् banishment, द्वौ two, वरौ boons, अयाचत demanded, तदा then, राजा च king also, नियुक्तः bound by agreement, तौ वरौ those two boons, तस्यै for her, प्रददौ granted.

Thereafter, O tiger among men, your illustrious mother of fair complexion, under oath demanded of that best of men, king Dasaratha, the two boons, namely kingdom for you and banishment for me. Bound by such agreement (oath), the king granted her the boons.
ततः सा सम्प्रतिश्राव्य तव माता यशस्विनी।

अयाचत नरश्रेष्ठं द्वौ वरौ वरवर्णिनी।।2.107.5।।

तव राज्यं नरव्याघ्र मम प्रव्राजनं तथा।

तच्च राजा तदा तस्यै नियुक्तः प्रददौ वरौ।।2.107.6।।

नरव्याघ्र O tiger among men, ततः thereafter, यशस्विनी illustrious, वरवर्णिनी of best (fair) complexion, तव माता your mother, सम्प्रतिश्राव्य making him promise, नरश्रेष्ठम् to best of men, तव for you, राज्यम् kingdom, तथा likewise, मम to me, प्रव्राजनम् banishment, द्वौ two, वरौ boons, अयाचत demanded, तदा then, राजा च king also, नियुक्तः bound by agreement, तौ वरौ those two boons, तस्यै for her, प्रददौ granted.

Thereafter, O tiger among men, your illustrious mother of fair complexion, under oath demanded of that best of men, king Dasaratha, the two boons, namely kingdom for you and banishment for me. Bound by such agreement (oath), the king granted her the boons.
तेन पित्राऽहमप्यत्र नियुक्तः पुरुषर्षभ।

चतुर्दश वने वासं वर्षाणि वरदानिकम्।।2.107.7।।

पुरुषर्षभ O best of men, तेन that is why, पित्रा by father, अहमपि even I also, वरदानिकम् as per the boon, चतुर्दश वर्षाणि fourteen years, अत्र here, वने in the forest, वासम् to dwell, नियुक्तः have been ordered.

O best of men, that is why I have been ordered by father to live in the forest for fourteen years as per the (condition of the) boon.
सोऽहं वनमिदं प्राप्तो निर्जनं लक्ष्मणान्वितः।

सीतया चाप्रतिद्वन्द्व स्सत्यवादे स्थितः पितुः।।2.107.8।।

अहम् I, लक्ष्मणान्वितः accompanied by Lakshmana, अप्रतिद्वन्द्वः unrivalled, पितुः father's, सत्यवादे truthfulness of words, स्थितः bent upon, सीतया च with Sita, निर्जनम् lonely, इदं वनम् this forest, प्राप्तः I have come.

I have come to this lonely forest accompanied by Lakshmana and Sita, bent upon upholding the truth of our unrivalled father's words.
भवानपि तथेत्येव पितरं सत्यवादिनम्।

कर्तुमर्हति राजेन्द्र क्षिप्रमेवाभिषेचनात्।।2.107.9।।

राजेन्द्र O Indra among kings, भवानपि you also, तथेत्येव likewise, क्षिप्रमेव quickly, अभिषेचनात् by coronation, पितरम् father, सत्यवादिनम् true to his word, कर्तुम् to do, अर्हति should.

O Indra among kings, let your coronation be performed without delay since you are
worthy and at the same time the truthfulness of our father's words be honoured.
ऋणान्मोचय राजानं मत्कृते भरत प्रभुम्।

पितरं चापि धर्मज्ञं मातरं चाभिनन्दय।।2.107.10।।

भरत O Bharata, मत्कृते for my sake, प्रभुम् competent, राजानम् king, ऋणात् from his debt
(vow), मोचय redeem, धर्मज्ञम् one who knows righteousness, पितरम् चापि father also, मातरं च and mother, अभिनन्दय honour.

O Bharata, release for my sake the competent king from his debt (of vow) and honour the righteous father and the mother as well.
श्रूयते धीमता तात श्रुतिर्गीता यशस्विना।

गयेन यजमानेन गयेष्वेव पितॄन् प्रति।।2.107.11।।

तात dear (brother), पुरा formerly, गयेष्वेव at a place known as Gaya, पितॄन् प्रति intended for ancestors, यजमानेन performing sacrifice, यशस्विना by an illustrious one, गयेन by Gaya, गीता chanted, श्रुतिः Vedic hymn, श्रूयते हि is heard.

Dear (brother), it is heard that long ago an illustrious king while performing a sacrifice intended for ancestors at a sacred place known as Gaya, the sacrificer Gaya chanted a Vedic hymn as follows:
पुन्नाम्नो नरकाद् यस्मात् पितरं त्रायते सुतः।

तस्मात् पुत्र इति प्रोक्तः पितॄन् यः पाति सर्वतः।।2.107.12।।

यस्मात् since, सुतः son, पितरम् father, पुन्नाम्नः by name 'Put', नरकात् from hell, त्रायते delivers, तस्मात् for that reason, यः who, सर्वतः in everyway, पितॄन् ancestors, पाति protects, he, पुत्र: इति as putra, प्रोक्तः has been told.

Putra is so called as he delivers his father from a hell known as Put and protects the ancestors in all possible ways.
एष्टव्या बहवः पुत्रा गुणवन्तो बहुश्रुताः।

तेषां वै समवेतानामपि कश्चिद्गयां व्रजेत्।।2.107.13।।

गुणवन्तः virtuous, बहुश्रुताः learned, बहवः many, पुत्राः sons, एष्टव्याः are to be desired, समवेतानाम् together with, तेषाम् from among them, कश्चिदपि any one of them atleast, गयाम्
to Gaya, व्रजेत् might go.

One should desire many virtuous and learned sons so that at least one of them may go to Gaya (to perform the father's obsequies).
एवं राजर्षय स्सर्वे प्रतीता राजनन्दन।

तस्मात्राहि नरश्रेष्ठ पितरं नरकात्प्रभो।।2.107.14।।

राजनन्दन भो O enhancer of the king's delight, सर्वे all, राजर्षयः rajarsis, एवम् this way, प्रतीताः have decided, प्रभो O lord, नरश्रेष्ठ O best of men, तस्मात् therefore, पितरम् father, नरकात् against hell, त्राहि protect.

O enhancer of the king's delight, O best of men rajarsis have decided this way. You may, therefore, O lord, protect your father against hell.
अयोध्यां गच्छ भरत प्रकृतीरनुरञ्जय।

शत्रुघ्नसहितो वीर सह सर्वैर्द्विजातिभिः।।2.107.15।।

वीर O valiant one, भरत Bharata, शत्रुघ्नसहितः with Satrughna, सर्वैः all, द्विजातिभिः सह with the twiceborn (brahmins), अयोध्याम् to Ayodhya, गच्छ go, प्रकृतीः the subjects, अनुरञ्जय keep them delighted.

O valiant Bharata, go to Ayodhya accompanied by Satrughna and the twiceborn (brahmins) and keep the subjects delighted like pleased (with your rule).
प्रवेक्ष्ये दण्डकारण्यमहमप्यविलम्बयन्।

आभ्यान्तु सहितो राजन् वैदेह्या लक्ष्मणेन च।।2.107.16।।

राजन् O king Bharata, अहमपि I also, अविलम्बयन् without delay, आभ्याम् of these two, वैदेह्या with the princess from Videha (Sita), लक्ष्मणेन च and Lakshmana, सहितः in the company of, दण्डकारण्यम् Dandaka forest, प्रवेक्ष्ये shall enter.

O king (Bharata) I shall also enter the Dandaka forest without delay in the company of only these two -- the princess from Videha (Sita) and Lakshmana.
त्वं राजा भरत भव स्वयं नराणां वन्यानामहमपि राजराण्मृगाणाम्।

गच्छ त्वं पुरवरमद्य सम्प्रहृष्टस्संहृष्टस्त्वहमपि दण्डकान्प्रवेक्ष्ये।।2.107.17।।

भरत O Bharata, त्वम् you, स्वयम् yourself, नराणाम् for men, राजा भव be king, अहमपि I also, वन्यानाम् of the wild forest, मृगाणाम् of the beasts, राजराट् shall become supreme king, त्वम् you, सम्प्रम्हृष्टः in delight, अद्य now, पुरवरम् to the best of cities, गच्छ go, अहमपि and I also, संहृष्टः wellpleased, दण्डकान् in Dandaka forest, प्रवेक्ष्ये shall enter.

O Bharata, be the king of men. I shall also become the supreme king of the wild beasts in the forest. Go now happily to Ayodhya, the best of cities, and I shall enter Dandaka forest with delight.
छायां ते दिनकरभाः प्रबाधमानां वर्षत्रं भरत करोतु मूर्ध्नि शीताम्।

एतेषामहमपि काननद्रुमाणां छायां तामतिशयिनीं सुखी श्रयिष्ये।।2.107.18।।

भरत O Bharata, वर्षत्रम् an umbrella, दिनकरभाः the sunshine, प्रबाधमानाम् repelling, ते मूर्ध्नि over your head, शीताम् cool, छायाम् shade, करोतु let it provide, अहमपि I also, सुखी one with happiness, एतेषाम् these, काननद्रुमाणाम् woodland trees, अतिशयिनीम् dense, ताम् in that, छायाम् shade, श्रयिष्ये shall take refuge.

Let an umbrella protect you against (scorching) sunshine and provide its cool shade over your head, O Bharata As for me, I shall happily seek the shade of these dense
woodland trees.
शत्रुघ्नः कुशलमतिस्तु ते सहायस्सौमित्रिर्मम विदितः प्रधानमित्रम्।

चत्वारस्तनयवरा वयं नरेन्द्रं सत्यस्थं भरत चराम मा विषीद।।2.107.19।।

भरत Bharata, कुशलमतिः intelligent, शत्रुघ्नः Satrughna, ते to you, सहायः assistance, सौमित्रिः
son of Sumitra (Lakshmana), मम for me, प्रधानमित्रम् as my chief friend, विदितः is wellknown, तनयवराः worthy sons, वयम् all of us, चत्वारः four, नरेन्द्रम् to Indra among men (king Dasaratha), सत्यस्थम् as one, established in truth, चराम we shall move, मा विषीद do not grieve.

O Bharata, intelligent Satrughna will be your support and son of Sumitra (Lakshmana) as is wellknown will remain my best friend. All four of us, worthy sons of Dasaratha, shall follow the path of truth of our father.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे सप्तोत्तरशततमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the one hundredseventh sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.