Sloka & Translation

[Rama advises Bharata to return back and rule the kingdom.]

punarēvaṅ bruvāṇaṅ taṅ bharataṅ lakṣmaṇāgrajaḥ.

pratyuvāca tata śśrīmān jñātimadhyē.bhisatkṛtaḥ৷৷2.107.1৷৷

tataḥ then, śrīmān prosperous, abhisatkṛtaḥ well-honoured, lakṣmaṇāgrajaḥ Lakshmana's elder brother, jñātimadhyē amidst his relatives, punaḥ again, ēvam thus, bruvāṇam speaking, bharatam to Bharata, pratyuvāca replied.

Well-honoured in the midst of relatives, the celebrated Rama, elder brother of Lakshmana, then said to Bharata who was going to speak again.
upapannamidaṅ vākyaṅ yattvamēvamabhāṣathāḥ.

jātaḥ putrō daśarathātkaikēyyāṅ rājasattamāt৷৷2.107.2৷৷

rājasattamāt from the celebrated king, daśarathāt from Dasaratha, kaikēyyām to Kaikeyi, jātaḥ born, putraḥ son, tvam you, ēvam in this way, yat which, abhyabhāṣathāḥ has spoken, idam this, vākyam words, upapannam is appropriate.

Appropriate are the words spoken by you born to the celebrated king Dasaratha through Kaikeyi.
purā bhrātaḥ pitā na ssa mātaraṅ tē samudvahan.

mātāmahē samāśrauṣīdrājyaśulkamanuttamam৷৷2.107.3৷৷

bhrātaḥ my dear brother, purā earlier, saḥ that, naḥ pitā our father, tē mātaram to your mother, samudvahan at the time of wedding, mātāmahē to (your) maternal grandfather, anuttamam the best, rājyaśulkam kingdom with good revenue, samāśrauṣīt had promised.

Earlier when our father was to wed your mother, O dear brother, he had promised to your maternal grandfather that he would confer (on her) a kingdom with good revenue.
daivāsurē ca saṅgrāmē jananyai tava pārthivaḥ.

samprahṛṣṭō dadau rājā varamārādhitaḥ prabhuḥ৷৷2.107.4৷৷

pārthivaḥ king, prabhuḥ lord, rājā king (Dasaratha), daivāsurē between gods and demons, saṅgrāmē in the battle, ārādhitaḥ being propitialed, samprahṛṣṭaḥ exceedingly pleased, tava jananyai to your mother, varaṅ ca boon, dadau granted.

Thereafter in the battle between gods and demons, the able king (Dasaratha) pleased (with your mother) granted her a boon (as a token of gratitude).
tatassā sampratiśrāvya tava mātā yaśasvinī.

ayācata naraśrēṣṭhaṅ dvau varau varavarṇinī৷৷2.107.5৷৷

tava rājyaṅ naravyāghra mama pravrājanaṅ tathā.

tau ca rājā tadā tasyai niyuktaḥ pradadau varau৷৷2.107.6৷৷

naravyāghra O tiger among men, tataḥ thereafter, yaśasvinī illustrious, varavarṇinī of best (fair) complexion, tava mātā your mother, sampratiśrāvya making him promise, naraśrēṣṭham to best of men, tava for you, rājyam kingdom, tathā likewise, mama to me, pravrājanam banishment, dvau two, varau boons, ayācata demanded, tadā then, rājā ca king also, niyuktaḥ bound by agreement, tau varau those two boons, tasyai for her, pradadau granted.

Thereafter, O tiger among men, your illustrious mother of fair complexion, under oath demanded of that best of men, king Dasaratha, the two boons, namely kingdom for you and banishment for me. Bound by such agreement (oath), the king granted her the boons.
tēna pitrā.hamapyatra niyuktaḥ puruṣarṣabha.

caturdaśa vanē vāsaṅ varṣāṇi varadānikam৷৷2.107.7৷৷

puruṣarṣabha O best of men, tēna that is why, pitrā by father, ahamapi even I also, varadānikam as per the boon, caturdaśa varṣāṇi fourteen years, atra here, vanē in the forest, vāsam to dwell, niyuktaḥ have been ordered.

O best of men, that is why I have been ordered by father to live in the forest for fourteen years as per the (condition of the) boon.
sō.haṅ vanamidaṅ prāptō nirjanaṅ lakṣmaṇānvitaḥ.

sītayā cāpratidvandva ssatyavādē sthitaḥ pituḥ৷৷2.107.8৷৷

aham I, lakṣmaṇānvitaḥ accompanied by Lakshmana, apratidvandvaḥ unrivalled, pituḥ father's, satyavādē truthfulness of words, sthitaḥ bent upon, sītayā ca with Sita, nirjanam lonely, idaṅ vanam this forest, prāptaḥ I have come.

I have come to this lonely forest accompanied by Lakshmana and Sita, bent upon upholding the truth of our unrivalled father's words.
bhavānapi tathētyēva pitaraṅ satyavādinam.

kartumarhati rājēndra kṣipramēvābhiṣēcanāt৷৷2.107.9৷৷

rājēndra O Indra among kings, bhavānapi you also, tathētyēva likewise, kṣipramēva quickly, abhiṣēcanāt by coronation, pitaram father, satyavādinam true to his word, kartum to do, arhati should.

O Indra among kings, let your coronation be performed without delay since you are
worthy and at the same time the truthfulness of our father's words be honoured.
ṛṇānmōcaya rājānaṅ matkṛtē bharata prabhum.

pitaraṅ cāpi dharmajñaṅ mātaraṅ cābhinandaya৷৷2.107.10৷৷

bharata O Bharata, matkṛtē for my sake, prabhum competent, rājānam king, ṛṇāt from his debt
(vow), mōcaya redeem, dharmajñam one who knows righteousness, pitaram cāpi father also, mātaraṅ ca and mother, abhinandaya honour.

O Bharata, release for my sake the competent king from his debt (of vow) and honour the righteous father and the mother as well.
śrūyatē hi purā tāta śrutirgītā yaśasvinā.

gayēna yajamānēna gayēṣvēva pitrūnprati৷৷2.107.11৷৷

tāta dear (brother), purā formerly, gayēṣvēva at a place known as Gaya, pitrūn prati intended for ancestors, yajamānēna performing sacrifice, yaśasvinā by an illustrious one, gayēna by Gaya, gītā chanted, śrutiḥ Vedic hymn, śrūyatē hi is heard.

Dear (brother), it is heard that long ago an illustrious king while performing a sacrifice intended for ancestors at a sacred place known as Gaya, the sacrificer Gaya chanted a Vedic hymn as follows:
punnāmnō narakādyasmātpitaraṅ trāyatē sutaḥ.

tasmātputra iti prōktaḥ pitrūnyatpāti vā sutaḥ৷৷2.107.12৷৷

yasmāt since, sutaḥ son, pitaram father, punnāmnaḥ by name 'Put', narakāt from hell, trāyatē delivers, tasmāt for that reason, yaḥ who, sarvataḥ in everyway, pitrūn ancestors, pāti protects, he, putra: iti as putra, prōktaḥ has been told.

Putra is so called as he delivers his father from a hell known as Put and protects the ancestors in all possible ways.
ēṣṭavyā bahavaḥ putrā guṇavantō bahuśrutāḥ.

tēṣāṅ vai samavētānāmapi kaścidgayāṅ vrajēt৷৷2.107.13৷৷

guṇavantaḥ virtuous, bahuśrutāḥ learned, bahavaḥ many, putrāḥ sons, ēṣṭavyāḥ are to be desired, samavētānām together with, tēṣām from among them, kaścidapi any one of them atleast, gayām
to Gaya, vrajēt might go.

One should desire many virtuous and learned sons so that at least one of them may go to Gaya (to perform the father's obsequies).
ēvaṅ rājarṣaya ssarvē pratītā rājanandana.

tasmātrāhi naraśrēṣṭha pitaraṅ narakātprabhō৷৷2.107.14৷৷

rājanandana bhō O enhancer of the king's delight, sarvē all, rājarṣayaḥ rajarsis, ēvam this way, pratītāḥ have decided, prabhō O lord, naraśrēṣṭha O best of men, tasmāt therefore, pitaram father, narakāt against hell, trāhi protect.

O enhancer of the king's delight, O best of men! rajarsis have decided this way. You may, therefore, O lord, protect your father against hell.
ayōdhyāṅ gaccha bharata prakṛtīranurañjaya.

śatrughnasahitō vīra saha sarvairdvijātibhiḥ৷৷2.107.15৷৷

vīra O valiant one, bharata Bharata, śatrughnasahitaḥ with Satrughna, sarvaiḥ all, dvijātibhiḥ saha with the twice-born (brahmins), ayōdhyām to Ayodhya, gaccha go, prakṛtīḥ the subjects, anurañjaya keep them delighted.

O valiant Bharata, go to Ayodhya accompanied by Satrughna and the twice-born (brahmins) and keep the subjects delighted like pleased (with your rule).
pravēkṣyē daṇḍakāraṇyamahamapyavilambayan.

ābhyāntu sahitō rājan vaidēhyā lakṣmaṇēna ca৷৷2.107.16৷৷

rājan O king Bharata, ahamapi I also, avilambayan without delay, ābhyām of these two, vaidēhyā with the princess from Videha (Sita), lakṣmaṇēna ca and Lakshmana, sahitaḥ in the company of, daṇḍakāraṇyam Dandaka forest, pravēkṣyē shall enter.

O king (Bharata)! I shall also enter the Dandaka forest without delay in the company of only these two -- the princess from Videha (Sita) and Lakshmana.
tvaṅ rājā bharata! bhava svayaṅ narāṇāṅ vanyānāmahamapi rājarāṇmṛgāṇām.

gaccha tvaṅ puravaramadya samprahṛṣṭassaṅhṛṣṭastvahamapi daṇḍakānpravēkṣyē৷৷2.107.17৷৷

bharata! O Bharata, tvam you, svayam yourself, narāṇām for men, rājā bhava be king, ahamapi I also, vanyānām of the wild forest, mṛgāṇām of the beasts, rājarāṭ shall become supreme king, tvam you, sampramhṛṣṭaḥ in delight, adya now, puravaram to the best of cities, gaccha go, ahamapi and I also, saṅhṛṣṭaḥ well-pleased, daṇḍakān in Dandaka forest, pravēkṣyē shall enter.

O Bharata, be the king of men. I shall also become the supreme king of the wild beasts in the forest. Go now happily to Ayodhya, the best of cities, and I shall enter Dandaka forest with delight.
chāyāṅ tē dinakarabhāḥ prabādhamānāṅ varṣatraṅ bharata! karōtu mūrdhni śītām.

ētēṣāmahamapi kānanadrumāṇāṅ chāyāṅ tāmatiśayinīṅ sukhī śrayiṣyē৷৷2.107.18৷৷

bharata O Bharata!, varṣatram an umbrella, dinakarabhāḥ the sunshine, prabādhamānām repelling, tē mūrdhni over your head, śītām cool, chāyām shade, karōtu let it provide, ahamapi I also, sukhī one with happiness, ētēṣām these, kānanadrumāṇām woodland trees, atiśayinīm dense, tām in that, chāyām shade, śrayiṣyē shall take refuge.

Let an umbrella protect you against (scorching) sunshine and provide its cool shade over your head, O Bharata! As for me, I shall happily seek the shade of these dense
woodland trees.
śatrughnaḥ kuśalamatistu tē sahāyassaumitrirmama viditaḥ pradhānamitram.

catvārastanayavarā vayaṅ narēndraṅ satyasthaṅ bharata carāma mā viṣīda৷৷2.107.19৷৷

bharata Bharata, kuśalamatiḥ intelligent, śatrughnaḥ Satrughna, tē to you, sahāyaḥ assistance, saumitriḥ
son of Sumitra (Lakshmana), mama for me, pradhānamitram as my chief friend, viditaḥ is well-known, tanayavarāḥ worthy sons, vayam all of us, catvāraḥ four, narēndram to Indra among men (king Dasaratha), satyastham as one, established in truth, carāma we shall move, mā viṣīda do not grieve.

O Bharata, intelligent Satrughna will be your support and son of Sumitra (Lakshmana) as is well-known will remain my best friend. All four of us, worthy sons of Dasaratha, shall follow the path of truth of our father.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē ayōdhyākāṇḍē saptōttaraśatatamassargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the one hundredseventh sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.