Sloka & Translation

[Dasaratha requests Vasistha and Vamadeva to make preparations for installation of Rama-- Orders for procurement of necessary materials--Sumantra brings Rama to the assembly--Dasaratha counsels Rama.]

तेषामञ्जलिपद्मानि प्रगृहीतानि सर्वशः।

प्रतिगृह्याब्रवीद्राजा तेभ्यः प्रियहितं वचः।।2.3.1।।

राजा king, सर्वशः in all ways, प्रगृहीतानि held out, तेषाम् their, अञ्जलिपद्मानि palms folded like lotuses, प्रतिगृह्य having received, तेभ्यः for them, प्रियहितम् pleasing and beneficial, वचः words, अब्रवीत् spoke.

The citizens held out their palms folded like lotuses in reverence and urged king Dasaratha in all possible ways (to coronate Rama). He reciprocated their respect with words preasing and beneficial to them:
अहोऽस्मि परमप्रीतः प्रभावश्चातुलो मम।

यन्मे ज्येष्ठं प्रियं पुत्रं यौवराज्यस्थमिच्छथ।।2.3.2।।

मे my, ज्येष्ठम् eldest, प्रियम् beloved, पुत्रम् son, यौवराज्यस्थम् as prince regent, यत् इच्छथ since you are desiring, अहो oh, परम प्रीत: अस्मि I am immensely pleased, मम my, प्रभावश्च splendour, अतुलः incomparable.

I am immensely happy that you have added to my incomparable resilience with your desire to see my beloved eldest son installed heirapparent.
इति प्रत्यर्च्य तान्राजा ब्राह्मणानिदमब्रवीत्।

वसिष्ठं वामदेवं च तेषामेवोपशृण्वताम्।।2.3.3।।

राजा the king, इति thus, तान् them, प्रत्यर्च्य having honoured, तेषाम् their, उपशृण्वताम् एव when they were listening, वशिष्ठम् to Vasistha, वामदेवं च to Vamadeva, ब्राह्मणान् addressing other brahmins, इदम् these words, अब्रवीत् spoke.

Having honoured them (the invitees) in return for their response, king Dasaratha addressed Vasistha, Vamadeva and other brahmins.
चैत्रश्श्रीमानयं मासः पुण्यः पुष्पितकाननः।

यौवराज्याय रामस्य सर्वमेवोपकल्प्यताम्।।2.3.4।।

राज्ञस्तूपरते वाक्ये जनघोषो महानभूत्।

श्रीमान् auspicious, अयम् this, चैत्रमासः month of Chaitra, पुण्यः is sacred, पुष्पितकाननः with its groves in blossoms, रामस्य of Rama, यौवराज्याय for installation as heirapparent, सर्वम् एव everything, उपकल्प्यताम् be arranged, राज्ञः king's, वाक्ये words, उपरते were, महान् great, जनघोषः applause by the multitude, अभूत् arose.

This auspicious month of Chaitra is sacred with its blossoming groves. Let all the arrangements be made for the installation of Rama as heirapparent. On hearing this, all the members of the assembly applauded the king tumultously.
शनैस्तस्मिन्प्रशान्ते च जनघोषे जनाधिपः।।2.3.5।।

वसिष्ठं मुनिशार्दूलं राजा वचनमब्रवीत्।

तस्मिन् that, जनघोषे tumult, शनैः slowly, प्रशान्ते had calmed down, जनाधिपः lord of the people, राजा king (Dasaratha), मुनिशार्दूलम् tiger among ascetics, वशिष्ठम् to Vasistha, वचनम् these words, अब्रवीत् spoke.

With the tumult gradually calmed down, the lord of the people, the king (Dasaratha) spoke this to Vasistha, a tiger among ascetics:
अभिषेकाय रामस्य यत्कर्म सपरिच्छदम्।।2.3.6।।

तदद्य भगवन् सर्वमाज्ञापयितु मर्हसि।

भगवन् O revered one, रामस्य Rama's, अभिषेकाय for the installation, सपरिच्छदम् with necessaries, यत् which, कर्म performance , तत् (सर्वं) that, अद्य now, आज्ञापयितुम् to issue order, अर्हसि should.

O revered one, you should issue appropriate orders to keep ready the necessary articles required for the performance of installation ceremony of Rama.
तच्छ्रुत्वा भूमिपालस्य वसिष्ठो द्विजसत्तमः।।2.3.7।।

आदिदेशाग्रतो राज्ञ स्स्थितान्युक्तान् कृताञ्जलीन्।

द्विजसत्तम: the best of brahmins, वशिष्ठ: Vasistha, भूमिपालस्य king's, तत् those words, श्रुत्वा having heard, राज्ञ: king's, अग्रत: in front of, स्थितान् standing, कृताञ्जलीन् with folded palms, युक्तान् counsellors, आदिदेश ordered.

Hearing the words of the king, Vasistha, best of the brahmins thus ordered the counsellors who stood in front of the king with folded palms:
सुवर्णादीनि रत्नानि बलीन् सर्वौषधीरपि।।2.3.8।।

शुक्लमाल्यांश्च लाजांश्च पृथक्च मधुसर्पिषी।

अहतानि च वासांसि रथं सर्वायुधान्यपि।।2.3.9।।

चतुरङ्गबलं चैव गजं च शुभलक्षणम्।

चामरव्यजने श्वेते ध्वजं छत्रं च पाण्डुरम्।।2.3.10।।

शतं च शातकुम्भानां कुम्भानाग्निवर्चसाम्।

हिरण्यशृङ्गमृषभं समग्रं व्याघ्रचर्म च।।2.3.11।।

उपस्थापयत प्रातरग्न्यगारं महीपतेः।

सुवर्णादीनि gold and other metals, रत्नानि gems, बलीन् offerings, सर्वौषधीः अपि herbs also, शुक्लमाल्यान् च garlands of white flowers, लाजान् च roasted corn, पृथक् separately, मधुसर्पिषी honey and clarified butter, अहतानि वासांसि च fresh clothes, रथम् chariot, सर्वायुधान्यपि weapons of every kind, चतुरङ्गबलं चैव army of four divisions also, शुभलक्षणम् possessing auspicious qualities, गजं च elephant, श्वेते white, चामरव्यजने fans made of Yak's hair, ध्वजम् a standard, पाण्डुरम् white, छत्रं च parasol, शातकुम्भानाम् golden, अग्निवर्चसाम् shining like fire, कुम्भानाम् of vessels, शतं च a hundred, हिरण्यशृङ्गम् goldplated horns, ऋषभम् a bull, समग्रम् complete, व्याघ्रचर्म च tiger skin, प्रातः early morning, महीपतेः king's, अग्न्यगारे in the place set aside for sacred fire, उपस्थापयत assemble.

By tomorrow early morning arrange in the place set aside for sacred fire in the king's palace gold and other metals, gems, articles of worship, also herbs, garlands of white flowers, roasted corn, honey and clarified butter in separate containers, fresh clothes, chariot, weapons of every kind, army of four divisions, an elephant possessing auspicious marks, white fans made of Yak's hair, a standard, white parasol, a hundred golden vessels shining like fire, a bull with goldplated horns and a tiger skin.
सुवर्णादीनि रत्नानि बलीन् सर्वौषधीरपि।।2.3.8।।

शुक्लमाल्यांश्च लाजांश्च पृथक्च मधुसर्पिषी।

अहतानि च वासांसि रथं सर्वायुधान्यपि।।2.3.9।।

चतुरङ्गबलं चैव गजं च शुभलक्षणम्।

चामरव्यजने श्वेते ध्वजं छत्रं च पाण्डुरम्।।2.3.10।।

शतं च शातकुम्भानां कुम्भानाग्निवर्चसाम्।

हिरण्यशृङ्गमृषभं समग्रं व्याघ्रचर्म च।।2.3.11।।

उपस्थापयत प्रातरग्न्यगारं महीपतेः।

सुवर्णादीनि gold and other metals, रत्नानि gems, बलीन् offerings, सर्वौषधीः अपि herbs also, शुक्लमाल्यान् च garlands of white flowers, लाजान् च roasted corn, पृथक् separately, मधुसर्पिषी honey and clarified butter, अहतानि वासांसि च fresh clothes, रथम् chariot, सर्वायुधान्यपि weapons of every kind, चतुरङ्गबलं चैव army of four divisions also, शुभलक्षणम् possessing auspicious qualities, गजं च elephant, श्वेते white, चामरव्यजने fans made of Yak's hair, ध्वजम् a standard, पाण्डुरम् white, छत्रं च parasol, शातकुम्भानाम् golden, अग्निवर्चसाम् shining like fire, कुम्भानाम् of vessels, शतं च a hundred, हिरण्यशृङ्गम् goldplated horns, ऋषभम् a bull, समग्रम् complete, व्याघ्रचर्म च tiger skin, प्रातः early morning, महीपतेः king's, अग्न्यगारे in the place set aside for sacred fire, उपस्थापयत assemble.

By tomorrow early morning arrange in the place set aside for sacred fire in the king's palace gold and other metals, gems, articles of worship, also herbs, garlands
of white flowers, roasted corn, honey and clarified butter in separate containers, fresh clothes, chariot, weapons of every kind, army of four divisions, an elephant possessing auspicious marks, white fans made of Yak's hair, a standard, white parasol, a hundred golden vessels shining like fire, a bull with goldplated horns and a tiger skin.
यच्चान्यत्किञ्चिदेष्टव्यं तत्सर्वमुपकल्प्यताम्।।2.3.12।।

अन्तःपुरस्य द्वाराणि सर्वस्य नगरस्य च।

चन्दनस्रग्भिरर्च्यन्तां धूपैश्च घ्राणहारिभिः।।2.3.13।।

अन्यत् any other, यत् च किञ्चित् even a little, एष्टव्यम् sought, तत् सर्वम् all that, उपकल्प्यताम् may be arranged, अन्तःपुरस्य for the inner apartment, सर्वस्य entire, नगरस्य च also of the city, द्वाराणि gates, चन्दनस्रग्भि: with sandalpaste and garlands, घ्राणहारिभिः sweetsmelling, धूपैः with burnt incense, अर्च्यन्ताम् worship.

Even the smallest items required be arranged. Let the gates of the inner apartment and of the entire city be decorated with sandalpaste and garlands. Let fragrant incense be burnt for worship.
प्रशस्तमन्नं गुणवद्दधिक्षीरोपसेचनम्।

द्विजानां शतसाहस्रे यत्प्रकाममलं भवेत्।।2.3.14।।

यत् which, द्विजानाम् for brahmins, शतसाहस्रे hundred thousand, प्रकामम् to the heart's content, अलं भवेत् is sufficient, गुणवत् of good quality, दधिक्षीरोपसेचनम् cooked with milk and curd, प्रशस्तम् excellent, अन्नम् rice (be arranged).

Arrange fine rice cooked with milk and curd sufficient for a hundred thousand brahmins to eat to their heart's content.
सत्कृत्य द्विजमुख्यानां श्वःप्रभाते प्रदीयताम्।

घृतं दधि च लाजाश्च दक्षिणाश्चापि पुष्कलाः।।2.3.15।।

श्वः tomorrow, प्रभाते early morning, द्विजमुख्यानाम् to the best of brahmins, सत्कृत्य having honoured them, प्रदीयताम् give, घृतम् clarified butter, दधि च curd also, लाजाः च roasted corn, पुष्कलाः in abundance, दक्षिणाश्चापि also gifts (be given).

At dawn tomorrow the best of brahmins be honoured with cooked rice clarified butter, curd, roasted corn and gifts in abundance.
सूर्येऽभ्युदितमात्रे श्वो भविता स्वस्तिवाचनम्।

ब्राह्मणाश्च निमन्त्र्यन्तां कल्प्यन्तामासनानि च।।2.3.16।।

श्वः tomorrow, सूर्ये when the Sun, अभ्युदितमात्रे as soon as he rises, स्वस्तिवाचनम् swastivachana (a benedictory utterance), भविता should be made, ब्राह्मणाः च brahmins, निमन्त्र्यन्ताम् be invited, आसनानि च seats also, कल्प्यन्ताम् be arranged.

As soon as the Sun rises tomorrow, arrangements be made for Swastivachana (a benedictory utterance). Brahmins be invited and seats provided to them.
आबध्यन्तां पताकाश्च राजमार्गश्च सिंच्यताम्।

सर्वे च तालावचरा गणिकाश्च स्वलङ्कृताः।।2.3.17।।

कक्ष्यां द्वितीयामासाद्य तिष्ठन्तु नृपवेश्मनः।

पताकाः च banners, आबध्यन्ताम् be fastened, राजमार्गः च royal highway, सिंच्यतां च be sprinkled with water, सर्वे all, तालावचराः actors, स्वलङ्कृताः beautifully adorned, गणिकाः च courtesans, नृपवेश्मनः of the king's residence, द्वितीयाम् second, कक्ष्याम् the inner apartment, आसाद्य having reached, तिष्ठन्तु remain seated.

Banners be fastened and royal highways be sprinkled with water. All actors and beautifully adorned courtesans should reach the second inner apartment of the king's residence and remain seated there.
देवायतनचैत्येषुसान्नभक्षा स्सदक्षिणाः।।2.3.18।।

उपस्थापयितव्या स्स्युर्माल्ययोग्याः पृथक्पृथक्।

सान्नभक्षाः provided with food and other eatables, सदक्षिणाः together with gifts, माल्ययोग्याः suitable persons to hold garlands, पृथक् पृथक् separately, देवायतनचैत्येषु in the temples and other places of worship, उपस्थापयितव्याः स्युः are to be stationed.

Persons to cater food and other eatables and to hold garlands and gifts be stationed at all temples and other places of worship.
दीर्घासिबद्धा योधाश्च सन्नद्धा मृष्टवाससः।।2.3.19।।

महाराजाङ्गणं सर्वे प्रविशन्तु महोदयम्।

दीर्घासिबद्धाः men with long swords tied to their waists, सन्नद्धाः fully alert, मृष्टवाससः wearing new clothes, सर्वे all, योधाः च warriors also, महोदयम् highly glorious, महाराजाङ्गणम् courtyard of the king, प्रविशन्तु let them enter.

Let all the warriors in fresh clothes, armed with long swords and fully alert enter the courtyard of the glorious king.
एवं व्यादिश्य विप्रौ तौ क्रियास्तत्र सुनिष्ठितौ।।2.3.20।।

चक्रतुश्चैव यच्छेषं पार्थिवाय निवेद्य च।

सुनिष्ठितौ highly selfdisciplined, तौ विप्रौ the two brahmins, तत्र there, एवम् क्रियाः functions to be performed, व्यादिश्य having ordered, पार्थिवाय to the king, निवेद्य च having informed, यत् whatever, शेषम् remained to be done, that one also, चक्रतुः च एव also performed.

The two highly selfdisciplined ascetics (Vasistha and Vamadeva), having ordered the tasks to be performed and whatever remained to be done reported to the king.
कृतमित्येव चाब्रूतां अभिगम्य जगत्पतिम्।।2.3.21।।

यथोक्तवचनं प्रीतौ हर्षयुक्तौ द्विजर्षभौ।

प्रीतौ being satisfied, हर्षयुक्तौ with delight, द्विजर्षभौ the two illustrious brahmins, जगत्पतिम् lord of the earth, अभिगम्य having approached, यथोक्तवचनम् in accordance with the word of command, कृतमित्येव has been performed, अब्रूताम् spoke.

Satisfied with the arrangements, the two illustrious brahmins(Vasistha and Vamadeva) approached the lord of the earth (Dasaratha) with delight and said All things have been arranged in accordance with your word of command.
ततस्सुमन्त्रं द्युतिमान्राजा वचनमब्रवीत्।

रामः कृतात्मा भवता शीघ्रमानीयतामिति।।2.3.22।।

ततः thereafter, द्युतिमान् effulgent, राजा king, सुमन्त्रम् to Sumantra, कृतात्मा selfpossessed, रामः Rama, भवता by you, शीघ्रम् immediately, आनीयताम् be brought, इति thus, वचनम् word, अब्रवीत् spoke.

Thereafter the glorious king said to Sumantra, Bring immediately the selfpossessed Rama.
स तथेति प्रतिज्ञाय सुमन्त्रो राजशासनात्।।2.3.23।।

रामं तत्रानयाञ्चक्रे रथेन रथिनां वरम्।

सः that, सुमन्त्रः Sumantra, तथा इति so be it, प्रतिज्ञाय after acknowledging, राजशासनात् by the king's command, रथिनाम् among charioteers, वरम् excellent, रामम् Rama, रथेन on chariot, तत्र there, आनयाञ्चक्रे brought.

In response to the king's command Sumantra, the best of charioteers said, 'so be it' and fetched Rama in a chariot.
अथ तत्र समासीना स्तदा दशरथं नृपम्।।2.3.24।।

प्राच्योदीच्याः प्रतीच्याश्च दाक्षिणात्याश्च भूमिपाः।

म्लेच्छाश्चार्याश्च ये चान्ये वनशैलान्तवासिनः।।2.3.25।।

उपासाञ्चक्रिरे सर्वे तं देवा इव वासवम्।

अथ afterwards, प्राच्योदीच्याः relating to eastern and northern countries, प्रतीच्याः च relating to west, दाक्षिणात्याः च relating to south, भूमिपाः kings, म्लेच्छाः च foreign (nonaryan), आर्याः च Aryan, वने in forest, अन्ये other, ये whosoever, शैलान्तवासिनः inhabiting the mountains, सर्वे all, तदा then, तत्र there, समासीनाः had seated, तम् दशरथं नृपम् that king Dasaratha, देवाः devatas, वासवमिव like Indra, उपासाञ्चक्रिरे paid homage.

After Sumantra had gone, the kings from eastern, northern, western, southern nonAryan and Aryan countries, rulers from forests and mountains paid homage to king Dasaratha, as devatas do to Indra.
तेषां मध्ये स राजर्षिर्मरुतामिव वासवः।।2.3.26।।

प्रासादस्थो रथगतं ददर्शायान्तमात्मजम्।

मरुताम् among maruts, वासवः like Indra, तेषाम् their, मध्ये in the midst, सः that, राजर्षिः sage among kings (Dasaratha), प्रासादस्थः sitting in the palace, रथगतम् sitting in the chariot, आयान्तम् approaching, आत्मजम् son, ददर्श beheld.

The rajarsi, (Dasaratha), seated among the kings like Indra amidst maruts, beheld his son Rama sitting in a chariot and approaching him.
गन्धर्वराजप्रतिमं लोके विख्यातपौरुषम्।।2.3.27।।

दीर्घबाहुं महासत्त्वं मत्तमातङ्गगामिनम्।

चन्द्रकान्ताननं राममतीव प्रियदर्शनम्।।2.3.28।।

रूपौदार्यगुणैः पुंसां दृष्टिचित्तापहारिणम्।

घर्माभितप्ताः पर्जन्यं ह्लादयन्तमिव प्रजाः।।2.3.29।।

न ततर्प समायान्तं पश्यमानो नराधिपः।

गन्धर्वराजप्रतिमम् appearing like the very image of the king of gandharvas, लोके in this world, विख्यातपौरुषम् renowned for his courage, दीर्घबाहुम् longarmed, महासत्त्वम् of immense strength, मत्तमातङ्गगामिनम् walks with the majestic gait of an intoxicated elephant, चन्द्रकान्ताननम् with countenance resembling the Moonstone, अतीव extremely, प्रियदर्शनम् handsome to look at, रूपौदार्यगुणैः with his beauty and generosity, पुंसाम् of men, दृष्टिचित्तापहारिणम् captivating their eyes and mind, घर्माभितप्ताः scorched with heat, प्रजाः men, ह्लादयन्तम् gladdening, पर्जन्यम् इव like Parjanya(raingod), समायान्तम् approaching, रामम् Rama, पश्यमानः while gazing, नराधिपः king, न ततर्प was not satiated.

Rama appeared as the very image of king of the gandharvas known for his courage in this world. With his long arms, he was extremely handsome with a countenance of the colour of moonstone possessed of immense strength, he walked with the gait of an intoxicated elephant. He captivated the eyes and hearts of men with his beauty and generosity. He looked like Parjanya (raingod), gladdening men scorched by heat. Even after (intensely) gazing at Rama approaching, the king (Dasaratha) was not satiated.
अवतार्य सुमन्त्रस्तं राघवं स्यन्दनोत्तमात्।।2.3.30।।

पितुस्समीपं गच्छन्तं प्राञ्जलिः पृष्ठतोऽन्वगात्।

सुमन्त्रः Sumantra, तम् राघवम् that Rama, स्यन्दनोत्तमात् from that splendid chariot, अवतार्य having assisted him to alight, पितुः to father's, समीपम् proximity, गच्छन्तम् proceeding, प्राञ्जलि: with folded palms, पृष्ठतः behind, अन्वगात् followed.

Sumantra assisted Rama while alighting from that splendid chariot and followed him with folded palms as Rama was proceeding towards his father.
स तं कैलासशृङ्गाभं प्रासादं नरपुङ्गवः।।2.3.31।।

आरुरोह नृपं द्रष्टुं सह सूतेन राघवः।

नरपुङ्गवः best among men, सः that, राघवः Rama, नृपम् the king, द्रष्टुम् to see, सूतेन सह accompanied by charioteer Sumantra, कैलासशृङ्गाभम् as lofty as the peak of Kailasa, तम् प्रासादम् that palace, आरुरोह ascended.

Best among men, Rama accompanied by charioteer Sumantra ascended that palace that was lofty as the peak of Kailasa mountain in order to see the king.
स प्राञ्जलिरभिप्रेत्य प्रणतः पितुरन्तिके।।2.3.32।।

नाम स्वं श्रावयन्रामो ववन्दे चरणौ पितुः।

सः रामः that Rama, प्राञ्जलिः with folded palms, अभिप्रेत्य having approached, पितुः father's, अन्तिके in proximity, प्रणतः bowing low, स्वम् his own, नाम name, श्रावयन् pronouncing, पितुः father's, चरणौ feet, ववन्दे touched with reverence.

Rama, approached his father with folded palms and bowed low near him, pronounced his (own) name and touched his father's feet with reverence.
तं दृष्ट्वा प्रणतं पार्श्वे कृताञ्जलिपुटं नृपः।।2.3.33।।

गृह्याञ्जलौ समाकृष्य सस्वजे प्रियमात्मजम्।

नृपः that king, पार्श्वे by his side, प्रणतम् bowed down with reverence, कृताञ्जलिपुटम् with folded hands, प्रियम् beloved, तम् आत्मजम् his son Rama, अञ्जलौ by holding the folded hands, गृह्य clasping, समाकृष्य drawing towards him, सस्वजे embraced.

Seeing his beloved son Rama who was standing by his side with folded hands in supplication, king Dasaratha, held his folded hands and drew him near and embraced him.
तस्मै चाभ्युदितं दिव्यं मणिकाञ्चनभूषितम्।।2.3.34।।

दिदेश राजा रुचिरं रामाय परमासनम्।

राजा the king (Dasaratha), तस्मै रामाय for that Rama, अभ्युदितम् lofty, दिव्यम् excellent, मणिकाञ्चनभूषितम् decorated with gold and gems, रुचिरम् splendid, वरमासनम् best seat, दिदेश gave.

The king (Dasaratha) offered Rama a seat on the lofty, glorious throne splendidly decorated with gold and gems.
तदासनवरं प्राप्य व्यदीपयत राघवः।।2.3.35।।

स्वयैव प्रभया मेरुमुदये विमलो रविः।

राघवः son of the Raghus (Rama), तत् आसनवरम् that lofty seat, प्राप्य having received, उदये in the morning, विमलः translucent, रविः sun, मेरुमिव like Meru (mountain), स्वया of his own, प्रभया with his rays, व्यदीपयत shone.

The lofty seat Rama occupied was illuminated by him resplenderce like mount Meru in the translucent rays of the morning Sun.
तेन विभ्राजता तत्र सा सभाऽभिव्यरोचत।।2.3.36।।

विमलग्रहनक्षत्रा शारदी द्यौरिवेन्दुना।

तत्र there, विभ्राजता while illumining, तेन by Rama, सा सभा that assembly, विमलग्रहनक्षत्रा with clear planets and stars, शारदी autumnal, द्यौः sky, इन्दुना इव like moon, अभिव्यरोचत dazzled.

That assembly was illumined by (the presence of) Rama like the Moon dazzling the clear autumnal sky bespangled with sparkling planets and stars.
तं पश्यमानो नृपतिस्तुतोष प्रियमात्मजम्।।2.3.37।।


तम् that, प्रियम् beloved, आत्मजम् son, पश्यमानः beholding, नृपतिः king, अलङ्कृतम् adorned, आदर्शतलसंस्थितम् image reflected in mirror, आत्मानमिव seeing himself, तुतोष experienced delight.

The king was delighted to see his beloved son as though he saw his own reflection adorning a mirror.
स तं सस्मितमाभाष्य पुत्रं पुत्रवतां वरः।।2.3.38।।

उवाचेदं वचो राजा देवेन्द्रमिव काश्यपः।

पुत्रावताम् among those having sons, वरः best, सः राजा that king, तं पुत्रम् that son, सस्मितम् with a smile, आभाष्य having called, काश्यपः Kasyapa, देवेन्द्रमिव like Devendra, इदम् this, वचः words, उवाच spoke.

The best among fathers, he (Dasaratha) said these words to his son with a smile, like Kasyapa addressing Devendra.
ज्येष्ठायामसि मे पत्न्यां सदृश्यां सदृशस्सुतः।।2.3.39।।

उत्पन्नस्त्वं गुणश्रेष्ठो मम रामात्मजः प्रियः।

राम O Rama, ज्येष्ठायाम् the eldest, सदृश्याम् worthy woman, मे पत्न्याम् to my wife, उत्पन्नः born, सदृशः worthy, सुतः असि are a son, गुणश्रेष्ठः having excellent virtues, त्वम् you, मम to me, प्रियः आत्मजः beloved son.

A worthy son of my worthy eldest wife, O Rama, your great virtues have endeared you to me.
यतस्त्वया प्रजाश्चेमा स्स्वगुणैरनुरञ्जिताः।।2.3.40।।

तस्मात्त्वं पुष्ययोगेन यौवराज्यमवाप्नुहि।

यतः since, त्वया by you, इमाः these, प्रजाः people, स्वगुणैः with your virtues, अनुरञ्जिताः have been endeared, तस्मात् therefore, त्वम् you, पुष्ययोगेन when Pushya star is in conjunction with the Moon, यौवराज्यम् office of heirapparent, अवाप्नुहि receive.

As you have endeared yourself to these subjects with your virtues, you shall assume the office of heirapparent when Pushya star is in conjunction with the Moon.
कामतस्त्वं प्रकृत्यैव विनीतो गुणवानसि।।2.3.41।।

गुणवत्यपि तु स्नेहात्पुत्र वक्ष्यामि ते हितम्।

त्वम् you, कामतः admittedly, प्रकृत्यैव by nature itself, विनीतः gentle one, गुणवान् असि are virtuous, पुत्र O son, गुणवत्यपि तु (in you) even though possessed of virtues, स्नेहात् out of affection, ते you, हितम् good, वक्ष्यामि I shall speak.

Admittedly gentle by nature, you are gifted with virtues. O son, even though virtuous, I shall offer you counsel for your good out of affection for you.
भूयो विनयमास्थाय भव नित्यं जितेन्द्रियः।।2.3.42।।

कामक्रोधसमुत्थानि त्यजेथा व्यसनानि च।

भूयः still, विनयम् modesty, आस्थाय resorting to, नित्यम् always, जितेन्द्रिय: conquering the senses, भव become, कामक्रोधसमुत्थानि arising out of lust and anger, व्यसनानि च त्यजेथाः you should also abjure violations.

With humility, always keep your senses under control. Keep off all violations arising out of lust and anger.
परोक्षया वर्तमानो वृत्त्या प्रत्यक्षया तथा।।2.3.43।।


परोक्षया indirectly, वृत्त्या with behaviour, तथा also, प्रत्यक्षया with direct behaviour, वर्तमानः conducting, अमात्यप्रभृतीः ministers etc., सर्वाः all, प्रकृतीः people, अनुरञ्जय satisfy.

With your behaviour keep the ministers and the people satisfied by means direct or indirect.
कोष्ठागारायुधागारैःकृत्वा सन्निचयान्बहून्।।2.3.44।।

तुष्टानुरक्तप्रकृतिर्यः पालयति मेदिनीम्।

तस्यनन्दन्ति मित्राणि लब्ध्वाऽमृतमिवामराः।।2.3.45।।

तस्मात्त्वमपि चात्मानं नियम्यैवं समाचर।

कोष्ठागारायुधागारैः with stocks of foodgrains and arsenals, बहून् many, सन्निचयान् collections, कृत्वा having made, तुष्टानुरक्त: प्रकृति: keeping the subjects content and loyal, यः who, मेदिनीम् the earth, पालयति rules, तस्य his, मित्राणि friends, अमृतम् nectar, लब्ध्वा having obtained, अमराः इव like devatas, नन्दन्ति obtain pleasure, तस्मात् so, त्वमपि you also, आत्मानम् yourself, एवम् thus, समाचर conduct yourself.

You shall rule the earth by filling granaries of foodgrains and arsenals and keeping the subjects loyal and contented. The friends of such a person will memain pleased like devatas with nectar. Hence conduct yourself with your mind under control.
तच्छ्रुत्वा सुहृदस्तस्य रामस्य प्रियकारिणः।।2.3.46।।

त्वरिताः शीघ्रमभ्येत्य कौसल्यायै न्यवेदयन्।

तस्य रामस्य that Rama's, सुहृदः friends, तत् श्रुत्वा hearing that, त्वरिताः in great haste, प्रियकारिणः with the intention of causing pleasure, शीघ्रम् speedily, अभ्येत्य having approached, कौशल्यायै to Kausalya, न्यवेदयन् informed.

Having heard this, Rama's friends quickly reported the matter to Kausalya so that she might be happy.
सा हिरण्यं च गाश्चैव रत्नानि विविधानि च।।2.3.47।।

व्यादिदेश प्रियाख्येभ्यः कौसल्या प्रमदोत्तमा।

प्रमदोत्तमा the foremost of women, सा कौशल्या that Kausalya, हिरण्यं च gold, गाः चैव and also cows, विविधानि various kinds of, रत्नानि च gems as well, प्रियाख्येभ्यः (सह) messengers of these good tidings, व्यादिदेश ordered.

The foremost of women, Kausalya ordered gifts of gold, cows and various kinds of gems to be given to the messengers who brought this good tiding.
अथाऽभिवाद्य राजानं रथमारुह्य राघवः।।2.3.48।।

ययौ स्वं द्युतिमद्वेश्म जनौघैः प्रतिपूजितः।

अथ thereafter, राघवः son of the Raghus (Rama), राजानम् king, अभिवाद्य having paid obeisance, रथम् chariot, आरुह्य ascending, जनौघैः by multitude of men, प्रतिपूजितः worshipped, द्युतिमत् splendid, स्वं वेश्म towards his abode, ययौ went.

Having paid his obeisance to the king, Rama ascended the chariot amidst the acclaim of multitudes of men and left for his splendid abode.
ते चापि पौरा नृपतेर्वचस्त

च्छृत्वा तथा लाभमिवेष्टमाशु।

नरेन्द्रमामन्त्र्य गृहाणि गत्वा


ते पौराश्चापि those citizens also, तथा such, इष्टम् dear, लाभमिव beneficial, नृपतेः king's, तत् वचः that pronouncement, शृत्वा having heard, नरेन्द्रम् king Dasaratha, आमन्त्र्य having taken leave of, आशु immediately, गृहाणि to their homes, गत्वा having gone, अति प्रहृष्टाः full
of joy, देवान् gods, समानर्चुः worshipped.

On hearing such pronouncement by the king, the citizens also felt they have got something beneficial for themselves. They took leave of the king (Dasaratha) and hastening home, full of joy, began worshipping their gods.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे तृतीयस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the third sarga of Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.