Sloka & Translation

[Rama, Sita and Lakshmana stay on the bank of Tamasa river -- at dawn they proceed, leaving behind the citizens of Ayodhya.]

tatastu tamasātīraṅ ramyamāśritya rāghavaḥ.

sītāmudvīkṣya saumitrimidaṅ vacanamabravīt৷৷2.46.1৷৷

tataḥ then, rāghavaḥ scion of the Raghus (Rama), ramyam lovely, tamasātīram bank of Tamasa, āśritya having taken refuge, sītām Sita, udvīkṣya having looked at, saumitrim Sumitra's son (Lakshmana), idaṅ vacanam these words, abravīt said.

The scion of the Raghus (Rama), having taken shelter on the lovely bank of Tamasa, glanced at Sita and said to Lakshmana thus:
iyamadya niśā pūrvā saumitrē! prahitā vanam.

vanavāsasya bhadraṅ tē sa nōtkaṇṭhitumarhasi৷৷2.46.2৷৷

saumitrē! O Lakshmana, vanam to the forest, prahitāḥ having been sent, adya today, iyam this, vanavāsasya exile in the forest, pūrvā first, niśā night, utkaṇṭhitum longing in your mind, na arhasi does not behove you, tē bhadram wish you well.

O Lakshmana, this happens to be the first night of our exile. You should not have any longing in your mind. Wish you well!
paśya śūnyānyaraṇyāni rudantīva samantataḥ.

yathānilayamāyadbhirnilīnāni mṛgadvijaiḥ৷৷2.46.3৷৷

yathānilayam to their respective abodes, āyadbhiḥ by those returning, mṛgadvijaiḥ by wild animals and birds, nilīnāni concealed themselves in their hideouts, śūnyāni deserted, araṇyāni forests, samantataḥ all over, rudantīva as if crying, paśya see.

Look at the deserted forest. The wild animals and birds have returned to their hideouts. They fill the air with their cries.
adyāyōdhyā tu nagarī rājadhānī piturmama.

sastrīpuṅsā gatānasmāñśōciṣyati na saṅśayaḥ৷৷2.46.4৷৷

adya now, mama pituḥ my father's, rājadhānī capital, ayōdhyā nagarī city of Ayodhya, sastrīpuṅsā with men and women, gatān having gone ( to the forest), asmān about us, śōciṣyati must be mourning, nasaṅśayaḥ no doubt.

There is no doubt that now the men and women of Ayodhya, father's capital city must be bewailing our departure.
anuraktā hi manujā rājānaṅ bahubhirguṇaiḥ.

tvāṅ ca māṅ ca naravyāghra! śatrughna bharatau tathā৷৷2.46.5৷৷

naravyāghra! O tiger (best) among men, manujāḥ the people, bahubhiḥ many, guṇaiḥ virtues, rājānam to the king, tvāṅ ca to you, māṅ ca to me, tathā similarly, śatrughna bharatau to Satrughna and Bharata, anuraktāḥ hi are indeed attached.

O best of men! because of our many virtues, the people (of Ayodhya) are indeed loyal to the king, to you, to me and to Satrughna and Bharata, too.
pitaraṅ cānuśōcāmi mātaraṅ ca yaśasvinīm.

api vāndhau bhavētāṅ tu rudantau tāvabhīkṣṇaśaḥ৷৷2.46.6৷৷

pitaraṅ ca also father, yaśasvinīm illustrious, mātaraṅ ca also mother, anuśōcāmi I am distressed, tau both of them, abhīkṣṇaśaḥ repeatedly, rudantau while weeping, andhau blind, api vā bhavētām will they become.

What distresses me is the thought that both father and illustrious mother may
become blind by repeated weeping (over us).
bharataḥ khalu dharmātmā pitaraṅ mātaraṅ ca mē.


dharmātmā righteous, bharataḥ Bharata, dharmārthakāmasahitaiḥ with dharma, artha and kama, vākyaiḥ words, mē my, pitaram father, mātaraṅ ca and mother, āśvāsayiṣyati khalu will console indeed.

Righteous Bharata will indeed console parents with words in conformity with dharma, artha and kama.
bharatasyānṛśaṅsatvaṅ vicintyāhaṅ punaḥ punaḥ.

nānuśōcāmi pitaraṅ mātaraṅ cāpi lakṣmaṇa!৷৷2.46.8৷৷

lakṣmaṇa! Lakshmana, ahaṅ I, bharatasya Bharata's, anṛśaṅsatvam lack of wickedness, punaḥ punaḥ again again, vicintya after reflecting about, pitaram father, mātaraṅ ca and mother, nānuśōcāmi have no regrets.

As I reflect again and again on the benevolent nature of Bharata, there is no concern in me about my parents, O Lakshmana!
tvayā kāryaṅ naravyāghra! māmanuvrajatā kṛtam.

anvēṣṭavyā hi vaidēhyā rakṣaṇārthē sahāyatā৷৷2.46.9৷৷

naravyāghra! O best of men, mām me, anuvrajatā while accompanying, tvayā by you, kāryam good deed, kṛtam has been done, vaidēhyāḥ Sita, rakṣaṇārthē for protection, sahāyatā assistance, anvēṣṭavyā hi to be sought for.

You, O Lakshmana, the best among men, have done a good job by accompanying me. Otherwise assistance for Sita's protection would have been sought (necessary).
adbhirēva tu saumitrē! vatsyāmyadya niśāmimām.

ētadhdi rōcatē mahyaṅ vanyē.pi vividhē sati৷৷2.46.10৷৷

saumitrē! O Lakshmana, adya today, imāṅ niśām this night, adbhirēva with water only, vatsyāmi I will live, vividhē different kinds, vanyē forest products, satyapi available, ētat this one, mahyam to me, rōcatē hi is my preference.

O Lakshmana, I shall live this night on water alone. I prefer it, though various kinds of forest products are available.
ēvamuktvā tu saumitriṅ sumantramapi rāghavaḥ.

apramattastvamaśvēṣu bhava saumyētyuvāca ha৷৷2.46.11৷৷

rāghavaḥ Rama, saumitrim to Lakshmana, ēvam in this way, uktvā having said, saumya O gentle one, tvam aśvēṣu about horses, apramattaḥ bhava be careful, iti thus, sumantramapi to Sumantra also, uvāca ha said.

Having said so to Lakshmana, he turned to Sumantra to say O gentle friend, tend the horses with care.
sō.śvānsumantraḥ saṅyamya sūryē.staṅ samupāgatē.

prabhūtayavasān kṛtvā babhūva pratyanantaraḥ৷৷2.46.12৷৷

saḥ sumantraḥ that Sumantra, sūryē Sun, astam was setting, samupāgatē was setting, aśvān horses, saṅyamya tethered, prabhūtayavasān with abundant fodder, kṛtvā having made, pratyanantaraḥ
babhūva sat in their proximity.

As the Sun was setting, Sumantra tethered the horses, fed them with abundant fodder and sat close to them.
upāsya tu śivāṅ sandhyāṅ dṛṣṭvā rātrimupasthitām.

rāmasya śayanaṅ cakrē sūtaḥ saumitriṇā saha৷৷2.46.13৷৷

sūtaḥ charioteer, śivām auspicious, sandhyām Sandhya, upāsya having worshipped, rātrim night, upasthitām having arrived, dṛṣṭvā having seen, saumitriṇā saha along with Lakshmana, rāmasya of Rama, śayanam bed, cakrē made.

Then the charioteer worshipping the auspicious Sandhya (twilight), and seeing the night approach made bed for Rama and Lakshmana.
tāṅ śayyāṅ tamasātīrē vīkṣya vṛkṣadalaiḥ kṛtām.

rāmaḥ saumitriṇā sārdhaṅ sabhāryassaṅvivēśa ha৷৷2.46.14৷৷

tamasātīrē on the bank of Tamasa, vṛkṣadalaiḥ with leaves of trees, kṛtām made, tāṅ śayyām that bed, vīkṣya having seen, rāmaḥ Rama, sabhāryaḥ along with his wife, saumitriṇā sārdhama along with Lakshmana, saṅvivēśa ha lay down.

Having seen the bed of leaves made ready on the bank of Tamasa, Rama lay down there along with Sita and Lakshmana.
sabhāryaṅ samprasuptaṅ taṅ bhrātaraṅ vīkṣya lakṣmaṇaḥ.

kathayāmāsa sūtāya rāmasya vividhān guṇān৷৷2.46.15৷৷

lakṣmaṇaḥ Lakshmana, samprasuptam fallen asleep, sabhāryam along with wife, taṅ bhrātaram that brother, vīkṣya having seen, sūtāya to the charioteer (Sumantra), rāmasya Rama's, vividhān various guṇān virtues, kathayāmāsa narrated.

Having seen that his brother along with his wife had fallen asleep, Lakshmana narrated the many virtues of Rama to Sumantra.
jāgratō hyēva tāṅ rātriṅ saumitrēruditō raviḥ.

sūtasya tamasātīrē rāmasya bruvatō guṇān৷৷2.46.16৷৷

tamasātīrē on the bank of river Tamasa, rāmasya Rama's, guṇān virtues, sūtasya (in) the chrioteer's (presence), bruvataḥ telling, saumitrēḥ Lakshmana, tāṅ rātrim that night, jāgratōhyēva by keeping awake, raviḥ the Sun, uditaḥ arose.

Lakshmana continued to describe Rama's virtues to the charioteer, keeping awake that entire night on the bank of Tamasa until the Sun rose.
gōkulākulatīrāyāstamasāyā vidūrataḥ.

avasattatra tāṅ rātriṅ rāmaḥ prakṛtibhissaha৷৷2.46.17৷৷

rāmaḥ Rama, prakṛtibhiḥ with the subjects, gōkulākulatīrāyāḥ of that bank crowded with herds of cattle, tamasāyāḥ Tamasa, vidūrataḥ not very far, tāṅ rātrim that night, tatra there, avasat lived.

Rama spent the night with his subjects not very far from the bank of Tamasa which was crowded with herds of cattle.
utthāya sa mahātējāḥ prakṛtīstā niśāmya ca.

abravīdbhrātaraṅ rāmō lakṣmaṇaṅ puṇyalakṣaṇam৷৷2.46.18৷৷

mahātējāḥ brilliant, saḥ rāmaḥ that Rama, utthāya ca having risen, tāḥ those, prakṛtīḥ subjects, niśāmya ca having seen, puṇyalakṣaṇam having auspicious qualities, bhrātaram brother, lakṣmaṇam addressing Lakshmana, abravīt he said.

On getting up, the brilliant Rama looked at his subjects and said to his brother Lakshmana full of noble qualities:
asmadvyapēkṣān saumitrē! nirapēkṣān gṛhēṣvapi.

vṛkṣamūlēṣu saṅsuptān paśya lakṣmaṇa sāmpratam৷৷2.46.19৷৷

lakṣmaṇa O Lakshmana, saumitrē! son of Sumitra, asmadvyapēkṣān due to their affection for us, gṛhēṣvapi even in their homes, nirapēkṣān indifferent, sāmpratam now, vṛkṣamūlēṣu at the foot of the trees, saṅsuptān are fast asleep, paśya you may see.

O Lakshmana, son of Sumitra! look at these people, fast alseep under the trees. Out of affection for us, they are even indifferent to their home.
yathaitē niyamaṅ paurāḥ kurvantyasmannivartanē.

api prāṇānnyasiṣyanti na tu tyakṣyanti niścayam৷৷2.46.20৷৷

ētē paurāḥ these citizens, asmannivartanē on our return, yathā as, niyamam resolve, kurvanti are doing, prāṇānapi even life also, nyasiṣyanti will give up, niścayaṅ tu determination, na tyakṣyanti will not abandon.

On seeing the people's resolve to take us back, it appears they are prepared to give up their lives rather than abandon their determination.
yāvadēva tu saṅsuptā stāvadēva vayaṅ laghu.

rathamāruhya gacchāmaḥ panthānamakutōbhayam৷৷2.46.21৷৷

yāvadēva so long as, saṅsuptāḥ they are asleep, tāvadēva so long, vayam we, laghu quickly, ratham chariot, āruhya mounting, akutōbhayam without fear, panthānam on our way, gacchāma we shall go.

While they are asleep, we shall quickly mount the chariot and fearlessly proceed on the way.
atō bhūyō.pi nēdānīmikṣvākupuravāsinaḥ.

svapēyuranuraktā māṅ vṛkṣamūlāni saṅśritāḥ৷৷2.46.22৷৷

ataḥ therefore, mām about me, anuraktāḥ attached, ikṣvākupuravāsinaḥ inhabitants of the city of the Ikshvakus, bhūyō.pi again, vṛkṣamūlāni at the foot of the trees, saṅśritāḥ having taken refuge, idānīm now, bhūyō.pi again, na svapēyuḥ should not sleep.

These loyal inhabitants of Ayodhya, the city of the Ikshvakus will no more sleep again shelterd under the trees.
paurā hyātmakṛtādduḥkhādvipramōcyā nṛpātmajaiḥ.

na tu khalvātmanā yōjyā duḥkhēna puravāsinaḥ৷৷2.46.23৷৷

paurāḥ the citizens, nṛpātmajaiḥ by the sons of the king, ātmakṛtāt done by themselves, duḥkhāt from the sufferings, vipramōcyā hi are to be delivered, puravāsinaḥ people of the city, ātmanā by themselves, duḥkhēna suffering, na yōjyāḥ hi are not to be united.

The prince should deliver the citizens from the sufferings caused by themselves but should not make them suffer on their account.
abravīllakṣmaṇō rāmaṅ sākṣāddharmamivasthitam.

rōcatē mē tathā prājña! kṣipra māruhyatāmiti৷৷2.46.24৷৷

sākṣāt incarnate of, dharmamiva righteousness, sthitam remaining, rāmam to Rama, lakṣmaṇaḥ Lakshmana, prājña! O sagacious, mē to me, tathā that way, rōcatē is agreeable, kṣipram quickly, āruhyatām let us board the chariot, iti thus, abravīt spoken.

Lakshmana said to Rama who was the very image of like righteousness O wise one, I like this (proposal). Let us quickly mount the chariot.
atha rāmō.bravīcchrīmānsumantraṅ yujyatāṅ rathaḥ.

gamiṣyāmi tatō.raṇyaṅ gaccha śīghramitaḥ prabhō৷৷2.46.25৷৷

atha then, śrīmān glorious, rāmaḥ Rama, sumantram addressing Sumantra, abravīt said, prabhō O master charioteer, rathaḥ chariot, yujyatām be yoked, tataḥ then, araṇyam to the forest, gamiṣyāmi shall go, itaḥ from here, śīghram quickly, gaccha I shall go.

Then glorious Rama addressing Sumantra said O master charioteer, harness the chariot. I shall (let us) quickly leave for the forest.
sūtastata ssattvaritaḥ syandanaṅ tairhayōttamaiḥ.

yōjayitvrā.tha rāmāya prāñjaliḥ pratyavēdayat৷৷2.46.26৷৷

tataḥ thereupon, saḥ sūtaḥ that charioteer (Sumantra), tvaritaḥ in haste , syandanam the chariot, taiḥ those, hayōttamaiḥ splendid horses, yōjayitvā having harnessed, atha and, prāñjaliḥ with folded palms, rāmāya for Rama, pratyavēdayat informed.

Thereupon the charioteer hurriedly harnessed the splendid horses to the chariot and informed Rama with folded hands:
ayaṅ yuktō mahābāhō! rathastē rathināṅ vara!.

tvamārōhasva bhadraṅ tē sasīta ssahalakṣmaṇaḥ৷৷2.46.27৷৷

mahābāhō! O long-armed one, rathinām among the charioteers, vara best, tē for you, ayaṅ rathaḥ this chariot, yuktaḥ has been yoked, tvam you, sa sītaḥ with Sita, saha lakṣmaṇaḥ with Lakshmana, arōhasva mount, tē bhadram all the best.

O best among riders! the chariot has been harnessed. O mighty-armed one, board it along with Sita and Lakshmana. All the best!
taṅ syandanamadhiṣṭhāya rāghava ssaparicchadaḥ.

śīghragāmākulāvartāṅ tamasāmatarannadīm৷৷2.46.28৷৷

saparicchadaḥ with his belongings, rāghavaḥ Rama, taṅ syandanam that chariot, adhiṣṭhāya having mounted, śīghragām rapidly flowing, ākulāvartām agitated with whirlpools, tamasāṅ nadīm
Tamasa river, atarat crossed.

Rama (along with others) mounted the chariot with his belongings, crossed the rapidly flowing Tamasa agitated with whirlpools.
sa santīrya mahābāhuḥ śrīmān śivamakaṇṭakam.

prāpadyata mahāmārgamabhayaṅ bhayadarśinām৷৷2.46.29৷৷

mahābāhuḥ mighty-armed, śrīmān gracious, saḥ that Rama, santīrya having crossed, śivam auspicious, akaṇṭakam without thorns (sufferings), bhayadarśinām even for the timid, abhayam arousing confidence, mahāmārgam highway, prāpadyata reached.

Having crossed the river, the mighty-armed and gracious Rama proceeded on the auspicious and thornless highway arousing confidence even in the timid.
mōhanārthaṅ tu paurāṇāṅ sūtaṅ rāmō.bravīdvacaḥ.

udaṅmukhaḥ prayāhi tvaṅ rathamāsthāya sārathē৷৷2.46.30৷৷

muhūrtaṅ tvaritaṅ gatvā nivartaya rathaṅ punaḥ.

yathā na vidyuḥ paurā māṅ tathā kuru samāhitaḥ৷৷2.46.31৷৷

rāmaḥ Rama, paurāṇām citizens', mōhanārtham to elude, sūtam to the charioteer, vacaḥ those words, abravīt said, sārathē O charioteer, tvam you, ratham chariot, āsthāya having mounted, udaṅmukhaḥ in northerly direction, prayāhi you may proceed, muhūrtam for a while, tvaritam speedily, gatvā having gone, ratham chariot, punaḥ again, nivartaya turn back, mām about me, paurāḥ citizens, yathā how, na vidyuḥ will not know, tathā in that manner, samāhitaḥ accomplish, kuru you may act.

With the intention of confusing the citizens, Rama said to the charioteer, O Sumantra, having seated in the chariot proceed speedly for a while in northerly direction and again turn back the chariot. Accomplish this feat in such a manner that the citizens will not know (where we have gone).
rāmasya vacanaṅ śrutvā tathā cakrē sa sārathiḥ.

pratyāgamya ca rāmasya syandanaṅ pratyavēdayat৷৷2.46.32৷৷

saḥ sārathiḥ that charioteer, rāmasya Rama's, vacanam words, śrutvā having heard, tathā as instructed, cakrē having done, pratyāgamya having retuned, rāmasya to Rama, syandanam chariot, pratyavēdayat informed.

The charioteer did as instructed by Rama, returned to him with the chariot and informed (of its readiness).
tau samprayuktaṅ tu rathaṅ samāsthitau

tadā sasītau raghuvaṅśavardhanau.

pracōdayāmāsa tatasturaṅgamān

sa sārathiryēna pathā tapōvanam৷৷2.46.33৷৷

tadā then, sa sītau with Sita, raghuvaṅśavardhanau perpetuating the race of Raghu, Rama and Lakshmana, samprayuktam well-yoked, ratham chariot, samāsthitau were seated, tataḥ then, saḥ sārathiḥ the charioteer, yēna pathā that way, tapōvanam penance-groves, turaṅgamān horses, pracōdayāmāsa urged.

When Rama and Lakshmana, perpetuaters of the Raghu race along with Sita were seated on the well-yoked chariot, Sumantra urged the horses to move.
tata ssamāsthāya rathaṅ mahārathaḥ

sasārathirdāśarathirvanaṅ yayau.

udaṅmukhaṅ taṅ tu rathaṅ cakāra sa

prayāṇamāṅgalya nimittadarśanāt৷৷2.46.34৷৷

tataḥ then, saḥ he Sumantra, prayāṇamāṅgalyanimittadarśanāt having seen the auguries of auspiciousness during the journey, taṅ ratham that chariot, udaṅmukham northerly direction, cakāra made, mahārathaḥ that great chariot, dāśarathiḥ Rama , sasārathiḥ with the charioteer, ratham chariot, (sam) āsthāya having mounted, vanam to the forest, yayau went.

As it augurs well to travel north Sumantra placed the chariot in that direction. Thereafter that great charioteer, Rama, Sita and Lakshmana boarded the chariot and departed.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē ayōdhyākāṇḍē ṣaṭcatvāriṅśassargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the fortysixth sarga of Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.