Sloka & Translation

[Rama, Sita and Lakshmana depart for Dandaka forest --- reach the hermitage of sage Bharadwaja --- seek advice for a dwelling --- place --- Bharadwaja suggests Chitrakuta at the confluence of rivers Ganga and Yamuna --- they set out after a night's stay.]

tē tu tasminmahāvṛkṣē uṣitvā rajanīṅ śivām.

vimalē.bhyuditē sūryē tasmāddēśātpratasthirē৷৷2.54.1৷৷

tē they (Rama, Sita and Lakshmana), śivām auspicious, rajanīm night, tasmin that, mahāvṛkṣē big tree, uṣitvā having remained, vimalē when the bright, sūryē Sun, abhyuditē had risen, tasmāt dēśāt from that region, pratasthirē set out.

They (Rama, Sita and Lakshmana) spent that auspicious night under that great tree and set out from there after the bright sun rose.
yatra bhāgīrathīṅ gaṅgāṅ yamunābhipravartatē.

jagmustaṅ dēśamuddiśya vigāhya sumahadvanam৷৷2.54.2৷৷

tē bhūmibhāgānvividhān dēśāṅścāpi manōramān.

adṛṣṭapūrvān paśyantastatra tatra yaśaśvinaḥ৷৷2.54.3৷৷

yaśaśvinaḥ illustrious, tē they, sumahat very great, vanam forest, vigāhya having entered, vividhān different, bhūmibhāgān regions of the land, adṛṣṭapūrvān hitherto-unseen, manōramān enchanting, dēśāṅścāpi regions also, tatra tatra here and there, paśyantaḥ viewing, yamunā Yamuna, yatra where, bhāgīrathīm Bhagirathi, gaṅgām Ganga's, abhipravartatē flows into, taṅ dēśam that place, uddiśya intending (to reach), jagmuḥ went.

Illustrious Rama, Sita and Lakshmana entered the deep forest and saw the different regions of the land and other enchanting places which they had never seen before and proceeded towards the region where the river Yamuna merged with Bhagirathi Ganga.
yathā kṣēmēṇa gacchan sa paśyaṅśca vividhān drumān.

nivṛttamātrē divasē rāmaḥ saumitrimabravīt৷৷2.54.4৷৷

saḥ rāmaḥ that Rama, yathā kṣēmēṇa on a safe way, gacchan going, vividhān various, drumān trees, paśyaṅśca looking at, divasē day, nivṛttamātrē when ended, saumitrim to Lakshmana, abravīt said.

Walking on the safe path and observing various kinds of trees Rama said to Lakshmana at the end of the day:
prayāgamabhitaḥ paśya saumitrē dhūmamunnatam.

agnērbhagavataḥ kētuṅ manyē sannihitō muniḥ৷৷2.54.5৷৷

saumitrē O son of Sumitra, Lakshmana, prayāgam abhitaḥ near Prayaga, unnatam rising high, bhagavataḥ of the venerable, agnēḥ fire's, kētum the banner, dhūmam smoke, paśya look, muniḥ the sage, sannihitaḥ close by, manyē I think.

O son of Sumitra, look at the column of smoke rising like the banner of the venerable fire-god near Prayaga. I think an ascetic dwells nearby.
nūnaṅ prāptāḥ sma sambhēdaṅ gaṅgāyamunayōrvayam.

tathā hi śrūyatē śabdō vāriṇō vārighaṭṭitaḥ৷৷2.54.6৷৷

vayam we, gaṅgāyamunayōḥ Ganga and Yamuna, sambhēdam confluence, prāptāḥ sma have reached, nūnam it is certain, tathā hi as for, vārighaṭṭitaḥ dashed by waters, vāriṇaḥ waters, śabdaḥ sound, śrūyatē is heard.

We have surely reached the confluence of Ganga and Yamuna which can be ascertained from the sounds of clashing water.
dārūṇi paribhinnāni vanajairupajīvibhiḥ.

bharadvājāśramē caitē dṛśyantē vividhā drumāḥ৷৷2.54.7৷৷

vanajaiḥ by the foresters, upajīvibhiḥ those people subsisting on them, paribhinnāni are broken, dārūṇi logs of wood, bharadvājāśramē in the hermitage of Bharadwaja, ētē all these, vividhāḥ different, drumāśca trees also, dṛśyantē are seen.

Here are logs of wood cut into pieces by forest-dwellers, living on forest products. You can see various trees near the hermitage of sage Bharadwaja.
dhanvinau tau sukhaṅ gatvā lambamānē divākarē.

gaṅgāyamunayōssandhau prāpaturnilayaṅ munēḥ৷৷2.54.8৷৷

dhanvinau the two archers, tau those two, sukham comfortably, gatvā having gone, divākarē Sun, lambamānē was hanging, gaṅgāyamunayōḥ of Ganga and yamuna, sandhau at the confluence, munēḥ of sage Bharadwaja, nilayam hermitage, prāpatuḥ arrived.

The two archers (Rama and Lakshmana) reached comfortably (walking at an easy pace) by evening the hermitage of sage Bharadwaja near the confluence of Ganga and Yamuna.
rāmastvāśramamāsādya trāsayanmṛgapakṣiṇaḥ.

gatvā muhūrtamadhvānaṅ bharadvājamupāgamat৷৷2.54.9৷৷

rāmaḥ Rama, aśramam hermitage, āsādya having approached, mṛgapakṣiṇaḥ animals and birds, trāsayan frightening, muhūrtam for a moment, adhvānam on the path, gatvā proceeding, bharadvājam Bharadhwaja, upāgamat reached.

Seeing Rama approaching the hermitage the deer and the birds were frightened. Proceeding on the path, for a while Rama reached (the place of) Bharadwaja.
tatastvāśramāsādya munērdarśanakāṅkṣiṇau.

sītayānugatau vīrau dūrādēvāvatasthatuḥ৷৷2.54.10৷৷

tataḥ then, sītayā by Sita, anugatau followed, vīrau those two heroes, āśramam hermitage, āsādya having reached, munēḥ ascetic's, darśanakāṅkṣiṇau wishing to see, dūrādēva at a distance, avatasthatuḥ stood.

Thereafter the two heroes followed by Sita arrived at the hermitage and, wishing to see the sage, waited at a distance.
sa praviśya mahātmānamṛṣiṅ śiṣyagaṇairvṛtam.

saṅśitavratamēkāgraṅ tapasā labdhacakṣuṣam৷৷2.54.11৷৷

hutāgnihōtraṅ dṛṣṭvaiva mahābhāgaṅ kṛtāñjaliḥ.

rāmaḥ saumitriṇā sārdhaṅ sītayā cābhyavādayat৷৷2.54.12৷৷

saḥ rāmaḥ Rama, praviśya having entered, saṅśitavratam one practising rigorous austerities, ēkāgram with concentration of mind, tapasā with asceticism, labdacakṣuṣam one who has obtained spiritual insight, hutāgnihōtram one who has kindled fire in sacrificial rituals, mahābhāgam distinguished, śiṣyagaṇaiḥ with disciples, vṛtam surrounded by, mahātmānam high-souled, ṛṣim sage, dṛṣṭvaiva having seen, saumitriṇā Lakshmana, sārdham along with, sītayā ca Sita too, abhyavādayat paid obeisance.

Rama entered the hermitage and saw that high-souled Bharadwaja surrounded by his disciples. He was a distinguished sage who (himself) kindled sacrficial fires and acquired spiritual insight by practising rigid austerities with concentration of mind and ascetic powers. Rama, Lakshmana and Sita paid their obeisance to that great sage.
nyavēdayata cātmānaṅ tasmai lakṣmaṇapūrvajaḥ.

putrau daśarathasyāvāṅ bhagavan rāmalakṣmaṇau৷৷2.54.13৷৷

lakṣmaṇapūrvajaḥ Lakshmana's elder brother (Rama), tasmai to that sage, ātmānam himself, nyavēdayata introduced, bhagavan O venerable one, avām both of us, daśarathasya Dasaratha's, putrau sons, rāmalakṣmaṇau Rama and Lakshmana.

Lakshmana's elder brother (Rama) introduced himself (to Bharadwaja), O venerable one, we are both sons of Dasaratha, Rama and Lakshmana.
bhāryā mamēyaṅ vaidēhī kalyāṇī janakātmajā.

māṅ cānuyātā vijanaṅ tapōvanamaninditā৷৷2.54.14৷৷

iyam this, kalyāṇī auspicious one, mama my, bhāryā consort, janakātmajā daughter of Janaka, vaidēhī Vaidehi (Sita), aninditā irreproachable, mām me, vijanam desolate, tapōvanam penace-grove, anuyātā has followed.

This blessed one is my consort, Sita, daughter of Janaka. Irreproachable she has followed me to the desolate grove of penance (hermitage).
pitrā pravrājyamānaṅ māṅ saumitriranuja priyaḥ.

ayamanvagamadbhrātā vanamēva dṛḍhavrataḥ৷৷2.54.15৷৷

dṛḍhavrataḥ of firm resolve, bhrātā brother, anujaḥ younger, priyaḥ dear, ayaṅ saumitriḥ this son of Sumitra, pitrā by father, pravrājyamānam being sent on exile, mām me, vanamēva to the forest, anvagamat followed.

This is the son of Sumitra, my beloved younger brother, a man of firm resolve. He has accompanied me when I was sent on exile to the forest by my father.
pitrā niyuktā bhagavan pravēkṣyāmastapōvanam.

dharmamēva cariṣyāma statra mūlaphalāśanāḥ৷৷2.54.16৷৷

bhagavan O venerable one, pitrā by father, niyuktāḥ ordered by, tapōvanam penance-grove pravēkṣyāmaḥ we will enter, tatra there, mūlaphalāśanāḥ subsisting on roots and fruits, dharmamēva following righteous ways, cariṣyāmaḥ will practise.

O venerable one! on my father's command we entered the desolate forest of penance. Subsisting on roots and fruits, I shall practise the righteous way of life.
tasya tadvacanaṅ śrutvā rājaputrasya dhīmataḥ.

upānayata dharmātmā gāmarghyamudakaṅ tataḥ৷৷2.54.17৷৷

dharmātmā sage Bharadwaja, dhīmataḥ of the sagacious, tasya that, rājaputrasya prince's, tat vacanam those words, śrutvā having heard, tataḥ then, gām bull, arghyam for arghya, udakam water, upānayata brought.

Sage Bharadwaja heard the words of sagacious Rama and offered a bull, water (for washing feet) and arghya (offering to a guest).
nānāvidhānannarasān vanyamūlaphalāśrayān.

tēbhyō dadau taptatapā vāsaṅ caivābhyakalpayat৷৷2.54.18৷৷

taptatapāḥ one who practised severe penance, nānāvidhān different kinds of, vanyamūlaphalāśrayān made from the fruits and roots, annarasān food and drink, tēbhyaḥ for them, dadau gave, vāsaṅ caiva resting-place also, akalpayat arranged.

The ascetic who practised severe penance offered them different kinds of food and drink made from roots and fruits available in the forest. He also provided them a place to rest in.
mṛgapakṣibhirāsīnō munibhiśca samantataḥ.

rāmamāgatamabhyarcya svāgatēnāhataṅ muniḥ৷৷2.54.19৷৷

mṛgapakṣibhiḥ by animals and birds, munibhiśca by hermits also, samantataḥ surrounded, āsīnaḥ seated, muniḥ sage (Bharadwaja), āgatam arrived, taṅ rāmam to that Rama, svāgatēna with welcome, abhyarcya having paid homage, āha uttered.

There the sage sat, surrounded by hermits, animals and birds after having welcomed Rama with due honour.
pratigṛhya ca tāmarcāmupaviṣṭaṅ sa rāghavam.

bharadvājō.bravīdvākyaṅ dharmayuktamidaṅ tadā৷৷2.54.20৷৷

saḥ bharadvājaḥ that Bharadwaja, tadā then, tām that, arcām hospitality, pratigṛhya having received, upaviṣṭam seated in front, rāghavam to Rama, dharmayuktam in conformity with righteousness, idaṅ vākyam these words, abravīt said.

Rama accepted the hospitality of Bharadwaja and took a seat in front of the sage, who spoke to him these words in conformity with righteousness:
cirasya khalu kākutstha! paśyāmi tvāmihāgatam.

śrutaṅ tava mayā cēdaṅ vivāsanamakāraṇam৷৷2.54.21৷৷

kākutstha O descendant of the Kakutstha dynasty, cirasya after a long time, iha here, āgatam arrived here, tvām you, paśyāmi khalu I see indeed, akāraṇam without any reason, tava your, idam this, vivāsanam banishment, mayā by me, śrutaṅ ca is heard too.

O descendant of the Kakutstha dynasty, I am able to see you on your arrival here after a long time. I have also heard about your unwarranted banishment.
avakāśō viviktō.yaṅ mahānadyōssamāgamē.

puṇyaśca ramaṇīyaśca vasatviha bhavān sukham৷৷2.54.22৷৷

mahānadyōḥ of two great rivers, samāgamē at the confluence, ayam this, avakāśaḥ region, viviktaḥ solitary, puṇyaśca is also sacred, ramaṇīyaśca pleasant, bhavān you, iha here, sukham comfortably, vasatu can dwell.

This sacred and solitary region near the confluence of two great rivers (Ganga and Yamuna) is a pleasant place. You may stay here comfortably.
ēvamuktastu vacanaṅ bharadvājēna rāghavaḥ.

pratyuvāca śubhaṅ vākyaṅ rāmaḥ sarvahitē rataḥ৷৷2.54.23৷৷

sarvahitē for the well-being of all, rataḥ devoted, rāghavaḥ born in the dynasty of Raghu, rāmaḥ Rama, bharadvājēna by Bharadwaja, ēvam in this way, vacanam these words, uktaḥ having been addressed, śubham auspicious, vākyam words, pratyuvāca spoke in reply.

Rama, ever devoted to the well-being of every one, heard Bharadwaja and replied to him with these auspicious words:
bhagavannita āsannaḥ paurajānapadō janaḥ.

sudarśamiha māṅ prēkṣya manyē.hamimamāśramam৷৷2.54.24৷৷

āgamiṣyati vaidēhīṅ māṅ cāpi prēkṣakō janaḥ.

anēna kāraṇēnāhamiha vāsaṅ na rōcayē৷৷2.54.25৷৷

bhagavan O venerable one, itaḥ from here, paurajānapadaḥ inhabiting towns and villages, janaḥ subjects, āsannaḥ living closely, iha here, mām me, sudarśam easily to be seen, prēkṣya having seen, janaḥ people, vaidēhīm Sita, māṅ cāpi me too, prēkṣakaḥ in order to see, imam āśramam to this hermitage, āgamiṣyati will frequent, aham I, manyē think so, anēna kāraṇēna for this reason, aham I, iha here, vāsam to reside, na rōcayē do not desire.

O venerable sage, I feel the people living in nearby villages and towns, perceiving that we can be easily seen here, will frequent this ashram. This is the reason I don't wish to stay here.
ēkāntē paśya bhagavannāśramasthānamuttamam.

ramēta yatra vaidēhī sukhārhā janakātmajā৷৷2.54.26৷৷

bhagavan revered one, sukhārhā deserves comfort, janakātmajā Janaka's daughter, vaidēhī Vaidehi, yatra where, ramēta may enjoy, ēkāntē in a solitary, uttamam agreeable, āśramasthānam hermitage, paśya see.

O revered one, Janaka's daughter (Sita) deserves comfort. Suggest a solitary and agreeable place for our hermitage where she can enjoy herself.
ētachrutvā śubhaṅ vākyaṅ bharadvājō mahāmuniḥ.

rāghavasya tatō vākyamarthagrāhakamabravīt৷৷2.54.27৷৷

mahāmuniḥ great sage, bharadvājaḥ Bharadwaja, rāghavasya Rama's, ētat these, śubham auspicious, vākyam words, śrutvā having heard, tataḥ after that, arthagrāhakam conveying the meaning, vākyam words, abravīt said.

On hearing the auspicious words of Rama conveying his intention, the great sage Bharadwaja replied to him thus:
daśakrōśa itastāta giriryatranivatsyasi.

maharṣisēvitaḥ puṇyaḥ sarvataḥ sukhadarśanaḥ৷৷2.54.28৷৷

gōlāṅgūlānucaritō vānararkṣaniṣēvitaḥ.

citrakūṭa iti khyātō gandhamādanasannibhaḥ৷৷2.54.29৷৷

tāta O dear, maharṣisēvitaḥ inhabited by sages, puṇyaḥ sacred, sarvataḥ from all sides, sukhadarśanaḥ whose sight causes delight, gōlāṅgūlānucaritaḥ full of wandering apes, vānararkṣaniṣēvitaḥ inhabited by monkeys and bears, citrakūṭaḥ iti by name Chitrakuta, khyātaḥ well-known, gandhamādanasannibhaḥ like 'Gandhamadana' mountain, giriḥ mountain, itaḥ from here, daśakrōśē at a distance of ten krosas, yatra there, nivatsyasi you can live.

O my son! ten krosas (about twenty miles) from here is a mountain well-known as Chitrakuta, resembling 'Gandhamadana'. That mountain frequented by maharshis is sacred. It looks pleasant from all sides. Monkeys, apes and bears wander there and it is an appropriate place for you to live in.
yāvatā citrakūṭasya naraśṛṅgānyavēkṣatē.

kalyāṇāni samādhattē na pāpē kurutē manaḥ৷৷2.54.30৷৷

naraḥ a man, yāvatā as long as, citrakūṭasya Chitrakuta mountain's, śṛṅgāni peaks, āvēkṣatē beholds, kalyāṇāni auspicious deeds, samādhattē will perform, pāpē in sinful thoughts, manaḥ the mind, na kurutē will not employ.

As long as one beholds the peaks of mount Chitrakuta, he will be inspired to do good deeds and will not employ his mind in sinful thoughts.
ṛṣayastatra bahavō vihṛtya śaradāṅ śatam.

tapasā divamārūḍhāḥ kapālaśirasā saha৷৷2.54.31৷৷

tatra there, bahavaḥ many, ṛṣayaḥ ascetics, śaradāṅ śatam for hundreds of years, tapasā with austerities, vihṛtya having roamed about, kapālaśirasā saha with the skulls on their heads, divam heaven, ārūḍhāḥ have ascended.

On the Chitrakuta mountain many ascetics wandered about (lived) for hundreds of years carrying on penance. In the process they became so much emaciated that they looked as if they were left (only) with the skulls on their heads. (In the end) they ascended heaven.
praviviktamahaṅ manyē taṅ vāsaṅ bhavatassukham.

iha vā vanavāsāya vasa rāma mayā saha৷৷2.54.32৷৷

rāma Rama, praviviktam solitary, taṅ vāsam that abode, bhavataḥ for your, sukham happiness, aham I, manyē think, mayā saha with me, iha vā or here, vanavāsāya for the period of banishment, vasa you may live.

O Rama, I think you will enjoy your stay there in a solitary place. Or else, you may live with me here during the period of banishment.
sa rāmaṅ sarvakāmaistaṅ bharadvājaḥ priyātithim.

sabhāryaṅ saha ca bhrātrā pratijagrāha dharmavit৷৷2.54.33৷৷

dharmavit one who knows his duty, saḥ bharadvājaḥ that Bharadwaja, sabhāryam with his consort, bhrātrā saha with brother, ca and, priyātithim beloved guest, taṅ rāmam that Rama, sarvakāmaiḥ with all desires, pratijagrāha honoured.

Bharadwaja, who knows his duty honoured Rama, his beloved guest with his consort and brother by extending all kinds of hospitality.
tasya prayāgē rāmasya taṅ maharṣimupēyuṣaḥ.

prapannā rajanī puṇyāḥ citrāḥ kathayataḥ kathāḥ৷৷2.54.34৷৷

prayāgē at Prayaga, taṅ maharṣim that great sage, upēyuṣaḥ sitting near, rāmasya of Rama, citrāḥ interesting, kathāḥ tales, kathayataḥ while conversing, puṇyā that holy, rajanī night, prapannā had set in.

At Prayaga, while the great sage Bharadwaja was narrating to Rama sitting near him several interesting anecdotes, the holy night set in.
sītātṛtīyaḥ kākutsthaḥ pariśrāntaḥ sukhōcitaḥ.

bharadvājāśramē ramyē tāṅ rātrimavasatsukham৷৷2.54.35৷৷

sukhōcitaḥ used to comforts, pariśrāntaḥ exhausted, sītāṅtṛtīyaḥ Sita counted as the third, kākutstha: Rama, ramyē in the lovely, bharadvājāśramē hermitage of Bharadwaja, tāṅ rātrim that night, sukham happily, avasat stayed.

The exhausted scion of the Kakutsthas, used to comforts, stayed in the lovely hermitage of Bharadwaja for the night with Sita, as the third member (of the group).
prabhātāyāṅ rajanyāṅ tu bharadvājamupāgamat.

uvāca naraśārdūlō muniṅ jvalitatējasam৷৷2.54.36৷৷

naraśārdūlaḥ tiger (best) among men, rajanyām after the night, prabhātāyām at dawn, bharadvājam to Bharadwaja, upāgamat approached, jvalitatējasam with blazing lustre, munim the sage, uvāca said.

When the night passed into dawn, Rama the best of men approached the resplendent Bharadwaja and said.
śarvarīṅ bhagavannadya satyaśīla tavāśramē.

uṣitāḥ smēha vasatimanujānātu nō bhavān৷৷2.54.37৷৷

satyaśīla O truthful, bhagavan O venerable, iha here, tava āśramē in your hermitage, śarvarīm the night, uṣitā sma we have spent, adya to day, naḥ us, bhavān you, vasatim dwelling-place, anujānātu permit.

O venerable sage devoted to truth, we have spent the night in your hermitage. Please permit us to depart for the dwelling-place (suggested by you).
rātryāṅ tu tasyāṅ vyuṣṭāyāṅ bharadvājō.bravīdidam.

madhumūlaphalōpētaṅ citrakūṭaṅ vrajēti ha৷৷2.54.38৷৷

tasyām rātryām when that night, vyuṣṭāyām had come to a close, bharadvājaḥ Bharadwaja, madhumūlaphalōpētam abounding in honey, roots, and fruits, citrakūṭam to Chitrakuta, vraja go, iti thus, idam these words, abravīt said.

When the night came to a close, Bharadwaja said (to Rama): You may proceed to Chitrakuta which abounds in roots, fruits and honey.
vāsamaupayikaṅ manyē tava rāma mahābala!

nānānagagaṇōpētaḥ kinnarōragasēvitaḥ.

mayūranādābhirutō gajarājaniṣēvitaḥ৷৷2.54.39৷৷

gamyatāṅ bhavatā śaila ścitrakūṭaḥ sa viśrutaḥ.

puṇyaśca ramaṇīyaśca bahumūlaphalāyutaḥ৷৷2.54.40৷৷

mahābala! O mighty one, rāma Rama, tava your, aupayikam right, vāsam place for your stay, manyē I think, nānānagagaṇōpētaḥ full of various types of trees, kinnarōragasēvitaḥ inhabited by kinneras, serpents, mayūranādābhirutaḥ echoing with cries of peacocks, gajarājaniṣēvitaḥ frequented by mighty tuskers, puṇyaśca sacred, ramaṇīyaśca delightful, bahumūlaphalāyutaḥ abounding in many roots and fruits, viśrutaḥ well-known, saḥ that, citrakūṭaḥ Chitrakuta, śailaḥ mountain, bhavatā by you, gamyatām go.

O mighty Rama, I think mount Chitrakuta is the right place for you to stay. Go there. That mountain is full of trees of every kind, is inhabited by kinneras and uragas (serpents). It echoes with the cries of peacocks, is frequented by mighty tuskers. Filled with fruits and roots, it is sacred and pleasant.
tatra kuñjarayūthāni mṛgayūthāni cābhitaḥ.

vicaranti vanāntēsmin tāni drakṣyasi rāghava৷৷2.54.41৷৷

rāghava Rama, tatra there, asmin vanāntē in the middle of the forest, abhitaḥ throughout, kuñjarayūthāni herds of elephants, mṛgayūthāni ca and herds of deer, vicaranti range about, tāni all that, drakṣayasi you will see.

You will see, O Rama, herds of elephants and deer ranging in the forest.
saritprasravaṇaprasthān darīkandaranirjharān.

carataḥ sītayā sārdhaṅ nandiṣyati manastava৷৷2.54.42৷৷

sītayā sārdham along with Sita, saritprasravaṇaprasthān rivers, waterfalls, plateaus, darīkandaranirjharān caverns and mountain-torrents, carataḥ while wandering, tava your, manaḥ mind, nandiṣyati will be joyful.

Your heart will be filled with joy while you wander with Sita beholding rivers,
waterfalls, plateaus, caverns and mountain-torrents.
prahṛṣṭakōyaṣṭikakōkilasvanairvināditaṅ taṅ vasudhādharaṅ śivam.

mṛgaiśca mattairbahubhiśca kuñjaraiḥ suramyamāsādya samāvasāśramam৷৷2.54.43৷৷

prahṛṣṭakōyaṣṭikakōkilasvanaiḥ with the notes of cheerful lapwings and cuckoos, vināditam echoed, bahubhiḥ by many, mṛgaiśca deer (animals), mattai: intoxicated, kuñjaraiśca by elephants, suramyam exceedingly charming, taṅ vasudhādharam that mount Chitrakuta, āsādya having reached, āśramam hermitage, samāvasa dwell there.

The auspicious mountain (Chaitrakuta) resounds with the note of cheerful lapwings and cuckoos. Intoxicated elephants and deer move about in the enchanting mountain. There you may settle down in a hermitage.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē ayōdhyākāṇḍē catuḥpañcāśa ssargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the fiftyfourth sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.