Sloka & Translation

[Chitrakuta described --- Rama meets sage Valmiki --- Lakshmana builds a leaf-thatched cottage --- Rama enters the cottage at an auspicious time after due worship of respective deities.]

atha rātryāṅ vyatītāyāmavasuptamanantaram.

prabōdhayāmāsa śanairlakṣmaṇaṅ raghunandanaḥ৷৷2.56.1৷৷

atha thereafter, raghunandana: Delight of the Raghus (Rama), rātryām night, atītāyām had passed, anantaram then, avasuptam sleeping, lakṣmaṇam Lakshmana, śanai: gently, prabōdhayāmāsa awakened.

When the night was over, Rama, Delight of the Raghus, gently awakened Lakshmana who was asleep.
saumitrē! śruṇu vanyānāṅ valgu vyāharatāṅ svanam.

sampratiṣṭhāmahē kāla prasthānasya parantapa৷৷2.56.2৷৷

saumitrē Saumitri (son of Sumitra), valgu sweet, vyāharatām singing, vanyānām of the sylvan birds, svanam voices, śruṇu you may listen, parantapa O tormentor of enemies, prasthānasya to set out, kāla: time, sampratiṣṭhāmahē we shall set out.

Listen to the songs of the forest birds, O son of Sumitra! O tormentor of foes! it is time we set out.
sa suptassamayē bhrātrā lakṣmaṇaḥ pratibōdhitaḥ.

jahau nidrāṅ ca tandrīṅ ca prasaktaṅ ca pathi śramam৷৷2.56.3৷৷

supta: one asleep, sa: lakṣmaṇa: that Lakshmana, samayē in time, bhrātrā by his brother, pratibōdhita: awakened, nidrāṅ ca sleep, tandrīṅ ca and drowsiness, pathi during journey, prasaktam associated
with, śramaṅ ca fatigue, jahau cast off.

Awakened by his brother in time, Lakshmana shook off his sleep, his drowsiness and his fatigue due to journey.
tata utthāya tē sarvē spṛṣṭvā nadyā śśivaṅ jalam.

panthānamṛṣiṇā.diṣṭaṅ citrakūṭasya taṅ yayuḥ৷৷2.56.4৷৷

tata: then, tē sarvē they all, utthāya rising, nadyā: river's, śivam auspicious, jalam water, spṛṣṭvā having touched, ṛṣiṇā by the sage (Bharadwaja), ādiṣṭam directed, tam that, citrakūṭasya of Chitrakuta, panthānam path, yayu: went.

Then they all rose, touched the river's auspicious waters and went the way the sage had directed -- towards mount Chitrakuta.
tatassamprasthitaḥ kālē rāmassaumitriṇā saha.

sītāṅ kamalapatrākṣīmidaṅ vacanamabravīt৷৷2.56.5৷৷

tata: then, kālē at the proper time, saumitriṇā saha along with Lakshmana, samprasthita: setting out, rāma: Rama, kamalapatrākṣīm eyes like lotus petals, sītām addressing Sita, idaṅ vacanam these words, abravīt said.

Early in the morning Rama set out with Lakshmana and said this to Sita with eyes like lotus petals:
ādiptāniva vaidēhi! sarvataḥ puṣpitānnagān.

svaiḥ puṣpaiḥ kiṅśukān paśya mālinaśiśirātyayē৷৷2.56.6৷৷

vaidēhi O daughter of Videha (Sita), śiśirātyayē at the end of winter, sarvata: all over, puṣpitān in full bloom, ādīptāniva as if illuminated, stvai: by their own, puṣpai: flowers, mālina: garland, kiṅśukān nagān Kimsuka trees, paśya see.

O daughter of Videha! behold these kimsuka trees in full bloom everywhere. With the passing of winter, they appear bright as though they are garlanded by their own flowers.
paśya bhallātakān phullānnarai ranupasēvitān.

phalapatrairavanatā nnūnaṅ śakṣyāma jīvitum৷৷2.56.7৷৷

phullān in full bloom, phalapatrai: with fruits and leaves, avanatān bent low, narai: by people, anupasēvitān not enjoyed, bhallātakān bhallataka trees, paśya see, nūnam surely, jīvitum to reside, śakṣyāma able.

Behold these bhallataka trees in full bloom though there are none to enjoy them. They are bent with fruits and leaves. Surely, we can live here. (This place is fit for our habitation).
paśya drōṇapramāṇāni lambamānāni lakṣmaṇa.

madhūni madhukārībhi ssambhṛtāni nagē nagē৷৷2.56.8৷৷

lakṣmaṇa O Lakshmana, nagē nagē in every tree, madhukārībhi: by bees, sambhṛtāni assembled, drōṇapramāṇāni of the size of wooden vessels, lambamānāni hanging down, madhūni honey, paśya see.

O Lakshmana! see the honeycombs of the size of wooden vessels crowded by the honeybees hanging down from every tree.
ēṣa krōśati natyūhastaṅ śikhī pratikūjati.

ramaṇīyē vanōddēśē puṣpasaṅstarasaṅkaṭē৷৷2.56.9৷৷

puṣpasaṅstarasaṅkaṭē on the ground strewn with fallen flowers, ramaṇīyē in a delightful, vanōddhēśē in the forest region, ēṣa: this, natyūha: natyuha (a type of cuckoo), krōśati is screaming, tam that bird, śikhī peacock, pratikūjati responding with its screaming.

In this delightful forest region strewn with fallen flowers the peacock is responding to the screaming of natyuha bird.
mātaṅgayūthānusṛtaṅ pakṣisaṅṅghānunāditam.

citrakūṭamimaṅ paśya pravṛddhaśikharaṅ girim৷৷2.56.10৷৷

mātaṅgayūthānusṛtaṅ followed by the herds of elephants, pakṣisaṅṅghānunāditam with flocks of singing birds, pravṛddhaśikharam with very towering peaks, idam this, girim mountain, paśya see.

See these flocks of singing birds followed by herds of elephants. See this mount Chitrakuta with its towering peaks.
samabhūmitalē ramyē drumairbahubhirāvṛtē.

puṇyē raṅsyāmahē tāta! citrakūṭasya kānanē৷৷2.56.11৷৷

tāta O dear, samabhūmitalē on the even ground, bahubhi: by several, drumaiḥ by trees, āvṛtē covered with, puṇyē sacred, citrakūṭasya Chitrakuta's, kānanē in the forest, raṅsyāmahē we will enjoy.

O dear! this sacred forest of Chitrakuta standing on a level land is full of various trees. Let us enjoy it.
tatastau pādacārēṇa gacchantau saha sītayā.

ramyamāsēdatuśśailaṅ citrakūṭaṅ manōramam৷৷2.56.12৷৷

tata: then, sītayāsaha with Sita, pādacārēṇa walking on foot, gacchantau going, tau both (Rama and Lakshmana), ramyam beautiful, manōramam delightful, citrakūṭaṅ śailam Chitrakuta mountain, āsēdatuḥ reached.

Then they both along with Sita walked to that lovely, delightful Chitrakuta mountain.
tantu parvatamāsādya nānāpakṣigaṇāyutam.

bahumūlaphalaṅ ramyaṅ sampannaṅ sarasōdakam৷৷2.56.13৷৷

nānāpakṣigaṇāyutam filled with various kinds of birds, bahumūlaphalam with varieties of roots and fruits, ramyam enchanting, sampannam rich, sarasōdakam of tasty water, taṅ parvatam that mountain, āsādya having reached, (Rama said).

Rama arrived at that enchanting mountain full of various kinds of birds, fruits and roots, and sweet water. (And said to Lakshmana:)
manōjñō.yaṅ girissaumya! nānādrumalatāyutaḥ.

bahumūlaphalō ramya ssvājīvaḥ pratibhāti mē৷৷2.56.14৷৷

saumya O gentle one, manōjña: pleasing to the heart, nānādṛmalatāyuta: with various kinds of trees and creepers, bahumūlaphala: with many roots and fruits, ramya: beautiful, ayaṅ giri: this mountain, svājīva: a happy place to live in, mē to me, pratibhāti appears.

O gentle one! this enchanting mountain with different kinds of trees and creepers and many roots and fruits appears to be a happy place to live in.
munayaśca mahātmānō vasantyasmi śilōccayē.

ayaṅ vāsō bhavēttāvadatra saumya ramēmahi৷৷2.56.15৷৷

saumya O handsome one, asmin in this, śilōccayē on the mountain, mahātmana: great, munayaśca sages, vasanti reside, ayam this, vāsa: habitation, bhavēttāvat let it be, atra here, ramēmahi will enjoy.

Great sages reside on this high mountain. Let it be our habitation and let us enjoy our life here, O handsome one!
iti sītā ca rāmaśca lakṣmaṇaśca kṛtāñjaliḥ.

abhigamyā.śramaṅ sarvē vālmīki mabhivādayan৷৷2.56.16৷৷

iti thus, sītā ca Sita, rāmaśca Rama, kṛtāñjali: with folded palms, lakṣmaṇaśca Lakshmana also, sarvē all, āśramam hermitage, abhigamya having approached, vālmīkim to sage Valmiki, abhivādayan paid obeisance.

Thus Rama, Sita and Lakshmana approached the hermitage of sage Valmiki and paid obeisance to him with folded hands.
tānmaharṣi pramuditaḥ pūjayāmāsa dharmavit.

asyatāmiti cōvāca svāgantu nivēdya ca৷৷2.56.17৷৷

dharmavit conversant with righteousness, maharṣi: the great sage (Valmiki), pramudita: full of delight, tān them, pūjayāmāsa honoured, svāgatam welcome, nivēdya having offered, asyatām iti be seated, uvāca ca and said.

The great sage Valmiki conversant with righteousness was delighted. He honoured them by extending welcome and said 'Be seated'.
tatō.bravīnmahābāhurlakṣmaṇaṅ lakṣmaṇāgrajaḥ.

sannivēdya yathānyāya mātmānamṛṣayē prabhuḥ৷৷2.56.18৷৷

tata: then, mahābāhu: mighty-armed, prabhu: master, lakṣmāṇāgraja: the elder brother of Lakshmana, ātmānam himself, yathānyāyam duly, ṛṣayē to the ascetic, sannivēdya having introduced, lakṣmaṇam to Lakshmana, abravīt said.

The mighty-armed elder brother of Lakshmana revealed his identity to the sage by duly introducing himself. And said then to Lakshmana:
lakṣmaṇā৷৷naya dārūṇi dṛḍhāni ca varāṇi ca.

kuruṣvā.vasathaṅ saumya! vāsē mē.bhirataṅ manaḥ৷৷2.56.19৷৷

saumya lakṣmaṇa O handsome Lakshmana, dṛḍhāni strong, varāṇi ca good, dārūṇi logs of wood,
ānaya fetch, avasatham a dwelling, kuruṣva build, mē mana: my mind, vāsē in staying, abhiratam is eager.

O handsome Lakshmana, make a hut with strong, sound logs of wood. My mind impels me to stay here.
tasya tadvacanaṅ śrutvā saumitrirvividhān drumān.

ājahāra tata ścakrē parṇaśālāmarindamaḥ৷৷2.56.20৷৷

saumitri: son of Sumitra (Lakshmana), tasya Rama's, tat vacanam those words, śrutvā on hearing, vividhān different kinds of, dṛmān logs of wood, ājahāra fetched, arindama: subduer of enemies, tata: then, parṇaśālām cottage thatched with leaves, cakrē built.

Having heard Rama, Saumitri, the subduer of enemies fetched different kinds of logs of wood, and with them made a hut and thatched it with leaves.
tāṅ niṣṭhitāṅ baddhakaṭāṅ dṛṣṭvā rāmassudarśanām.

śuśrūṣamāṇamēkāgramidaṅ vacanamabravīt৷৷2.56.21৷৷

rāma: Rama, niṣṭhitān firmly fixed, baddakaṭām with mats tied around as walls, sudarśanām good-looking, tām dṛṣṭvā having seen it, śuśrūṣamāṇam on listening (to further command), ēkāgram with attention, idaṅ vacanam these words, abravīt said.

Rama saw the good-looking leaf-hut with mats tied around as walls, and said to Lakshmana who was awaiting further command with rapt attention:
aiṇēyaṅ māṅsamāhṛtya śālāṅ yakṣyāmahē vayam.

kartavyaṅ vāstuśamanaṅ saumitrē! cirajīvibhiḥ৷৷2.56.22৷৷

saumitrē! O Lakshmana, aiṇēyaṅ māṅsam venison of black antelope, āhṛtya having brought, vayam we, śālām this hut, yakṣyāmahē will worship, cirajīvibhi: those who intend to live longer, vāstuśamanam pacification of household deity, kartavyam should be done.

O Lakshmana! those who intend to live for long (in this hut), should pacify the deity presiding over here. Therefore, we shall bring the venison of a black antelope and make necessary offerings.
mṛgaṅ hatvā৷৷naya kṣipraṅ lakṣmaṇēha śubhēkṣaṇa!.

kartavya śśāstradṛṣṭō hi vidhirdharmamanusmara৷৷2.56.23৷৷

śubhēkṣaṇa one who has auspicious looks, lakṣmaṇa Lakshmana, mṛgam an antelope, hatvā having killed, kṣipram quickly, iha here, ānaya bring, śāstradṛṣṭa: as prescribed by the scriptures, vidhi: rites, kartavyaḥ hi will have to be carried out, dharmam the tradition, anusmara recollect.

Slay an antelope and bring it here quickly. O Lakshmana! The rites as prescribed by the scriptures will have to be carried out. You may recollect that tradition.
bhrāturvacanamājñāya lakṣmaṇaḥ paravīrahā.

cakāra sa yathōktaṅ ca taṅ rāma punarabravīt৷৷2.56.24৷৷

paravīrahā slayer of heroes of the enemy's side, sa lakṣmaṇa: that Lakshmana, bhrātu: brother' s, vacanam words, ājñāya having understood, yathōktam as told, cakāra carried out, rāma: Rama, tam him, puna: again, abravīt said.

Lakshmana, slayer of heroes on the enemy's side, understood and implemented what he was told. Rama again said to him:
aiṇēyaṅ śrapayasvaitacchālāṅ yakṣyāmahē vayam.

tvara saumya! muhūrtō.yaṅ dhruvaśca divasō.pyayam৷৷2.56.25৷৷

saumya! O handsome one, ētat this, aiṇēyam venison, śrapayasva cook, vayam we, śālām hut, yakṣyāmahē will worship, ayam this, divasa: day, ayam this, muhūrta:api this moment also, dhruvaśca is fixed, tvara hasten.

Cook this venison, O handsome one! We will offer it to the presiding deity of this hut. Hasten, the day and time are fixed (for the rites)
sa lakṣmaṇaḥ kṛṣṇamṛgaṅ mēdhyaṅ hatvā pratāpavān.

atha cikṣēpa saumitrissamiddhē jātavēdasi৷৷2.56.26৷৷

atha then, saumitri: son of Sumitra, pratāpavān powerful, sa: lakṣmaṇa: that Lakshmana, mēthyam fit for offering pure, kṛṣṇamṛgam black antelope, hatvā having killed, samiddhē in a well-kindled, jātavēdasi fire, cikṣēpa offered.

Then the powerful son of Sumitra killed a black antelope fit for offering, and offered it to the well-kindled fire.
tantu pakvaṅ parijñāya niṣṭaptaṅ chinnaśōṇitam.

lakṣmaṇa: puruṣavyāghramatha rāghavamabravīt৷৷2.56.27৷৷

lakṣmaṇa: Lakshmana, niṣṭaptam roasted well, chinnaśōṇitam with blood drained out, tam that, pakvam cooked, parijñāya having found, atha then, puruṣavyāghram tiger (best) among men, rāghavam to Rama, abravīt said.

With the blood drained out of the venison, Lakshmana roasted it and cooked it well, and then said to Rama, the tiger (best) among men.
ayaṅ kṛṣṇa ssamāptāṅga śśṛtō kṛṣṇamṛgō yathā.

dēvatāṅ dēvasaṅkāśa! yajasva kuśalō hyasi৷৷2.56.28৷৷

samastāṅga: with all the limbs, ayam this, kṛṣṇamṛga: black antelope, sarva: completely, mayā by me, śruta: is well-cooked, dēvasaṅkāśa like a god, dēvatā: devatas, yajasva offer with sacrifice, kuśala: asi hi you are proficient.

This black antelope with all its limbs is well-cooked. O divine sire, you may make the
offering to Vastu devata in which you are proficient.
rāmassnātvā tu niyatō guṇavān japyakōvidaḥ.


guṇavān virtuous,japyakōvida: expert in reciting appropriate mantras, rāma: Rama, snātvā having bathed, niyata: with his senses restrained, satrāvasānikān rites performed at the end of the ritual, sarvān all that, mantrān mantras, saṅgrahēṇa briefly, akarōt performed (intoned).

Virtuous Rama, who was an expert in the recitation of mantras, took his bath and his mind controlled, intoned briefly all the mantras appropriate to the completion of the ritual.
iṣṭvā dēvagaṇānsarvānvivēśā.vasathaṅ śuciḥ.

babhūva ca manōhlādō rāmasyāmitatējasaḥ৷৷2.56.30৷৷

sarvān all, dēvagaṇān gods, iṣṭvā having worshipped by offering, śuciḥ becoming pure, avasatham the leaf-hut, vivēśa entered, amitatējasa: immeasurable lustre, rāmasya to Rama, manōhlādaḥ cheer of mind, babhūva ca caused.

Sanctified with the worship of all the gods, Rama of immeasurable lustre felt a great happiness on entering the hut.
vaiśvadēvabaliṅ kṛtvā raudraṅ vaiṣṇava mēva ca.

vāstusaṅśamanīyāni maṅgalāni pravartayan৷৷2.56.31৷৷

japaṅ ca nyāyata kṛtvā snātvā nadyāṅ yathāvidhi.

pāpasaṅśamanaṅ rāma ścakāra balimuttamam৷৷2.56.32৷৷

rāma: Rama, vaiśvadēvabalim oblations to Visvadevas (the entire pantheon of gods), raudram to Rudra, vaiṣṇavamēva ca to Visnu, kṛtvā having offered, vāstusaṅśamanīyāni propitiation of the household deity (Vastu devata), maṅgalāni auspices, pravartayan doing, nyāyata: according to precept, japaṅ ca kṛtvā muttering the silent prayers, nadyām in the river, yathāvidhi duly, snātvā after bathing, pāpasaṅśamanam for the expiation of sins, uttamaṅ balim final oblation, cakāra made.

Rama, offered oblations to Visvadevas, Rudra and Visnu, performed the auspices for the appeasement of the household deity. And having muttered japa silently in conformity with tradition, he took his ablution in the river as enjoined (by the sastras) and offered his final oblations for the expiation of his sins.
vēdisthalavidhānāni caityānyāyatanāni ca.

āśramasyānurūpāṇi sthāpayāmāsa rāghavaḥ৷৷2.56.33৷৷

rāghava: the scion of the Raghus (Rama), āśramasya of the hermitage, anurūpāṇi befitting, vēdisthalavidhānāni making of altars, caityāni places of worship, āyatanāni ca sacred places for fire, sthāpayāmāsa established.

Rama, son of the Raghus, made altars in all the quarters, places of worship and sacred spots for fire befitting a hermitage.
vanyairmālyaiḥ phalairmūlaiḥ pakvairmāṅsairyathāvidhi.

adbhirjapaiśca vēdōktairdarbhaiśca sasamitkuśaiḥ৷৷2.56.34৷৷

tau tarpayitvā bhūtāni rāghavau saha sītayā.

tadā viviśatu śśālāṅ suśubhāṅ śubhalakṣaṇau৷৷2.56.35৷৷

śubhalakṣaṇau bestowed with auspicious qualities, rāghavau Rama and Lakshmana, saha sītayā accompanied by Sita, vanyai: mālyai: with garlands of forest flowers, phalai: with fruits, mūlai: with roots, pakvai: with well-cooked, māṅsai: with venison, adbhiḥ with water, vēdōktai: as expounded in the Vedas, japaiśca with muttering of prayers, darbhaiśca with darbha grass, susamitkuśai: with faggots and kusa grass, bhūtāni all beings, tarpayitvā after propitiating, tadā then, śubhām auspicious, śālām hut, viviśatuḥ entered.

Bestowed with auspicious qualities, Rama and Lakshmana along with Sita propitiated those celestial beings with garlands of forest flowers, fruits and roots, well-cooked venison, water, muttering of prayers as expounded in the Vedas, faggots and kusa grass and entered that auspicious hermitage.
tāṅ vṛkṣaparṇacchadanāṅ manōjñāṅ yathāpradēśaṅ sukṛtāṅ nivātām.

vāsāya sarvē viviśussamētāssabhāṅ yathā dēvagaṇāssudharmām৷৷2.56.36৷৷

vṛkṣaparṇacchadanām covered with the leaves of trees, manōjñām charming, yathāpradēśam built on a suitable site, sukṛtām well-built, nivātām protected against storm, tām that hut, sarvē all, samētā together, vāsāya for purposes of living, dēvagaṇāḥ gods, sudharmām Sudharma, sabhāṅ yathā like the court, viviśu: entered.

Just like the gods enter the court of Sudharma, they all stepped into the hut to dwell there. The hut was charming well-built on a suitable site and protected against storm.
anēkanānāmṛgapakṣisaṅkulē vicitrapatrastabakairdrumairyutē.

vanōttamē vyālamṛgānunāditē tadā vijahru ssusukhaṅ jitēndriyāḥ৷৷2.56.37৷৷

tadā then, jitēndriyāḥ who had conquered the senses, anēkanānāmṛgapakṣisaṅkulē filled with many varieties of animals and birds, vicitrapuṣpastabakai: with bunches of bright flowers, drumai with trees, yutē full of, vyālamṛgānunāditē echoing with the sounds of wild animals, vanōttamē in that splendid forest, susukham very happily, vijahru: wandered.

Then they with their senses conquered, enjoyed perfect happiness in that splendid forest teeming with many varieties of animals and birds, with trees full of brilliant clusters of flowers and echoing with the sounds of wild animals.
suramyamāsādya tu citrakūṭaṅ nadīṅ ca tāṅ mālyavatīṅ sutīrthām.

nananda hṛṣṭō mṛgapakṣijuṣṭāṅ jahau ca dukhaṅ puravipravāsāt৷৷2.35.38৷৷

suramyam marvellous, citrakūṭam mount Chitrakuta, āsādya having reached, sutīrthām with
excellent holy places, mṛgapakṣijuṣṭām full of animals and birds, tām that, mālyavatīṅ nadīṅ ca that Malyavati river, hṛṣṭa: filled with delight, nananda rejoiced, puravipravāsāt banishment from the city, dukham sorrow, jahau ca left.

Having reached the marvellous mount Chitrakuta and river Malyavati with excellent holy places and full of animals and birds, Rama shed the sorrow of his banishment from the city (of Ayodhya) and rejoiced with a gladdened heart.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē ayōdhyākāṇḍē ṣaṭpañcāśassargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the fiftysixth sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.