Sloka & Translation

[Sumantra returns to Ayodhya and reports to king Dasaratha --- Dasaratha and Kausalya fall into a swoon on hearing about Rama in exile.]

kathayitvā suduḥkhārtassumantrēṇa ciraṅ saha.

rāmē dakṣiṇakūlasthē jagāma svagṛhaṅ guhaḥ৷৷2.57.1৷৷

rāmē Rama, dakṣiṇakūlasthē had reached the southern bank (of the river), guha: Guha, sumantrēṇa saha with Sumantra, ciram for a long while, kathayitvā after talking, suduḥkhārtaḥ tormented with anguish, svagṛham his home, jagāma reached.

Until Rama reached the southern bank, Guha kept talking with Sumantra for long and returned home with great sorrow.
bharadvājābhigamanaṅ prayāgē ca sahā.sanam.

āgirērgamanaṅ tēṣāṅ tatrasthairupalakṣitam৷৷2.57.2৷৷

tēṣām their, bharadvājābhigamanam arrival at the hermitage of Bharadwaja, prayāgē at Prayaga, sahā.sanam stay with him, āgirēḥ till that Chitrakuta mountain, gamanam journey, tatrasthaiḥ by the men waiting there, upalakṣitam has been observed.

Positioned there, they could mark their arrival at Bharadwaja's at Prayaga, their stay (night-halt) and their onward journey to Chitrakuta mountain.
anujñātassumantrō.tha yōjayitvā hayōttamān.

ayōdhyāmēva nagarīṅ prayayau gāḍhadurmanāḥ৷৷2.57.3৷৷

atha after this, anujñātaḥ having been permitted by Rama to leave, sumantraḥ Sumantra, hayōttamān best of horses, yōjayitvā harnessing, gāḍhadurmanāḥ with a heavy heart, ayōdhyāṅ nagarīmēva to the city of Ayodhya, prayayau set out.

Permitted by Rama to leave, Sumantra harnessed the best of horses and set out for the city of Ayodhya with a heavy heart.
sa vanāni sugandhīni saritaśca sarāṅsi ca.

paśyannatiyayau śīghraṅ grāmāṇi nagarāṇi ca৷৷2.57.4৷৷

saḥ that, sugandhīni fragrant, vanāni forests, saritaḥ ca rivers as well, sarāṅsi ca lakes also, grāmāṇi villages, nagarāṇi ca towns also, paśyan seeing, śīghram swiftly, atiyayau passed through them.

Beholding the fragrance-filled forests, rivers, lakes, villages and towns on the way, Sumantra quickly crossed them.
tata ssāyāhna samayē tṛtīyē.hani sārathiḥ.

ayōdhyāṅ samanuprāpya nirānandāṅ dadarśa ha৷৷2.57.5৷৷

sārathiḥ charioteer, tṛtīyē on the third, ahani day, sāyāhna samayē at dusk, nirānandām cheerless, ayōdhyām Ayodhya, samanuprāpya having reached, dadarśa ha saw.

The charioteer reached Ayodhya on the third day at dusk and found the city cheerless.
sa śūnyāmiva niśśabdāṅ dṛṣṭvā paramadurmanāḥ.

sumantraścintayāmāsa śōkavēgasamāhataḥ৷৷2.57.6৷৷

saḥ sumantraḥ that Sumantra, niśśabdām silent, śūnyāmiva almost empty, dṛṣṭvā having seen, paramadurmanāḥ deeply dejected, śōkavēgasamāhataḥ afflicted with gushing tears, cintayāmāsa reflected.

Beholding the silent city, almost empty, the deeply depressed Sumantra, afflicted with gushing tears reflected:
kaccinna sagajā sā.śvā sajanā sajanādhipā.

rāmasantāpaduḥkhēna dagdhā śōkāgninā purī৷৷2.57.7৷৷

sagajāḥ with elephants, sā.śvāḥ with horses, sajanāḥ with its people, sajanādhipā with the king, purī city, rāmasantāpaduḥkhēna in the sorrow caused by Rama's suffering, śōkāgninā by the fire of sorrow, dagdhā burnt.

Has the city along with its elephants, horses, people and its king perished in the fire of grief for Rama?
iti cintāparassūtō vājibhiśśīghrapātibhiḥ.

nagaradvāramāsādya tvaritaḥ pravivēśa ha৷৷2.57.8৷৷

iti in this way, cintāparaḥ absorbed in this thought, sūtaḥ the charioteer, śīghrapātibhiḥ by the swift-running, vājibhiḥ horses, nagaradvāram entrance to the city, āsādya having arrived, tvaritaḥ quickly, pravivēśa ha entered.

Absorbed in these thoughts, the charioteer came to the city-gate, carried by the swift-footed horses, and quickly entered the city.
sumantramabhiyāntaṅ taṅ śataśō.tha sahasraśaḥ.

kva rāma iti pṛcchantassūtamabhyadravannarāḥ৷৷2.57.9৷৷

atha thereafter, abhiyāntam moving towards, tam that, sūtam charioteer, sumantram Sumantra, rāmaḥ Rama, kva where?, iti thus, pṛcchantaḥ enquiring, narāḥ people, śataśaḥ in hundreds, sahasraśaḥ in thousands, abhyadravan poured towards him.

Meanwhile as the charioteer was moving towards the city, hundreds and thousands of men came pouring towards him enquiring, 'Where is Rama?'
tēṣāṅ śaśaṅsa gaṅgāyāmahamāpṛcchya rāghavam.

anujñātō nivṛttō.smi dhārmikēṇa mahātmānā৷৷2.57.10৷৷

aham I, gaṅgāyām river Ganga, rāghavam Rama, āpṛcchya having taken leave, dhārmikēṇa by the righteous, mahātmanā great (Rama), anujñātaḥ having been permitted, nivṛttaḥ asmi I have returned, tēṣām to them, śaśaṅsa said.

I took leave of the great, righteous Rama on the bank of the Ganga and have returned with his permission. (replied Sumantra).
tē tīrṇā iti vijñāya bāṣpapūrṇamukhā janāḥ.

ahō dhigiti niśśvasya hā! rāmēti ca cukruśuḥ৷৷2.57.11৷৷

tē they, tīrṇāḥ iti crossed the river, thus, vijñāya having come to know, janāḥ people, bāṣpapūrṇamukhāḥ faces filled with tears, ahō Oh, dhik O fie upon us, iti thus, niśśvasya sighing, hā rāma iti saying 'Alas Rama!', cukruśuḥ ca cried aloud.

Hearing that they had (the trio) crossed the river Ganga, the people, with their faces filled with tears sighed and saying 'Fie upon us! Alas, Rama!' cried out aloud.
śuśrāva ca vacastēṣāṅ bṛndaṅ bṛndaṅ ca tiṣṭhatām.

hatāsma khalu yē nēha paśyāma iti rāghavam৷৷2.57.12৷৷

yē all of us, iha here, rāghavam Rama, na paśyāmaḥ unable to see, hatāḥ sma khalu indeed we are lost (deprived), iti thus saying, bṛndam bṛndam in groups, tiṣṭhatām standing, tēṣām their, vacaḥ words, śuśrāva ca also heard.

He saw them gathering in groups, saying, Henceforth we will not be able to see Rama and without him, we are lost indeed.
dānayajñavivāhēṣu samājēṣu mahatsu ca.

na drakṣyāmaḥ puna rjātu dhārmikaṅ rāmamantarā৷৷2.57.13৷৷

dānayajñavivāhēṣu in acts of charity, sacrifices and weddings, mahatsu in great, samājēṣu ca assemblies also, antarā in their midst, dhārmikam righteous, rāmam Rama, punaḥ again, jātu ever, na drakṣyāmaḥ will not see.

No longer will we see Rama at sacrifices, weddings, great assemblies and at places of charitable activity.
kiṅ samarthaṅ janasyāsya kiṅ priyaṅ kiṅ sukhāvaham.

iti rāmēṇa nagaraṅ pitṛvatparipālitam৷৷2.57.14৷৷

asya janasya to these people, kim what, samartham is meaningful, kim what, priyam pleases, kim what, sukhāvaham brings happiness, iti in this way, rāmēṇa by Rama, nagaram this city of Ayodhya, pitṛvat like father, paripālitam looked after.

Rama looked after his people like a father always thinking what was good for them, dear to them and comfortable to them.
vātāyanagatānāṅ ca strīṇāmanvantarāpaṇam.

rāmaśōkābhitaptānāṅ śuśrāva paridēvanam৷৷2.57.15৷৷

vātāyanagatānām looking through the windows, strīṇām women's, anvantarāpaṇam in the stalls, rāmaśōkābhitaptānām burning with sorrow due to Rama's exile, paridēvanam bewailings, śuśrāva heard.

(He) heard wailings of women looking through the window and of the people in market-places burning with sorrow over Rama's exile.
sa rājamārgamadhyēna sumantraḥ pihitānanaḥ.

yatra rājā daśarathastadēvōpayayau gṛham৷৷2.57.16৷৷

saḥ sumantraḥ that Sumantra, pihitānanaḥ with his face muffled, rājamārgamadhyēna along the highway, rājā daśarathaḥ king Dasaratha, yatra where, tat that, gṛham house, upayayau reached straight.

Sumantra with his face muffled, drove along the highway straight to the palace of king Dasaratha.
sō.vatīrya rathācchīghraṅ rājavēśma praviśya ca.

kakṣyā ssaptābhicakrāma mahājanasamākulāḥ৷৷2.57.17৷৷

saḥ that, rathāt from the chariot, avatīrya alighting, śīghram quickly, rājavēśma king's palace, praviśya ca having entered, mahājanasamākulāḥ overcrowded with people, sapta seven, kakṣyāḥ courtyards, abhikrāma crossed.

Quickly alighting from the chariot, he entered the king's palace and crossed the seven courtyards overcrowded with people.
harmyai rvimānaiḥ prāsādairavēkṣyātha samāgatam.

hāhākārakṛtā nāryō rāmadarśanakarśitāḥ৷৷2.57.18৷৷

atha thereafter, nāryaḥ women, harmyaiḥ from mansions, vimānaiḥ from seven-storied buildings, prāsādaiḥ from royal palaces, samāgatam arrived, āvēkṣya having seen, rāmadarśana karśitāḥ sad at not seeing Rama, hāhākārakṛtāḥ cried out 'Alas, Alas!'.

Women from mansions, seven-storied buildings and from royal palaces, sighted him and pained at not seeing Rama cried out 'Alas, Alas!'.

anyōnyamabhivīkṣantē.vyaktamārtatarāḥ striyaḥ৷৷2.57.19৷৷

striyaḥ women, ārtatarāḥ in greater anguish,āyataiḥ large,vimalaiḥclean, aśruvēgapariplutaiḥ flooded with the force of tears, nētraiḥ with eyes, avyaktam silently anyōnyam one another, abhivīkṣantē were looking.

The women in great anguish stood silently looking at one another, their large eyes
flooded with overflowing tears.
tatō daśarathastrīṇāṅ prāsādēbhya stata stataḥ.

rāmaśōkābhitaptānāṅ mandaṅ śuśrāva jalpitam৷৷2.57.20৷৷

tataḥ then, tatastataḥ here and there, prāsādyēbhyaḥ from palaces, rāmaśōkābhitaptānām afflicted with
sorrow due to Rama's exile, daśarathastrīṇām of the wives of Dasaratha, mandam jalpitam whispers, śuśrāva heard.

From different spots in the palace, Sumantra heard the sobs and whispers of Dasaratha's wives who were tormented with the sorrow of Rama's exile.
saha rāmēṇa niryātō vinā rāma mihāgataḥ.

sūtaḥ kinnāma kausalyāṅ śōcantīṅ prativakṣyati৷৷2.57.21৷৷

rāmēṇa saha with Rama, niryātaḥ went out, vinā rāmam without Rama, iha here, āgataḥ returned, sūtaḥ charioteer, śōcantīm worrying, kauśalyām Kausalya, kiṅ nāma what can, prativakṣyati will he say?

The charioteer left with Rama and returned without him. What can he say to the wailing Kausalya?
yathā ca manyē durjīvamēvaṅ na sukaraṅ dhruvam.

ācchidya putrē niryātē kausalyā yatra jīvati৷৷2.57.22৷৷

putrē when the son, ācchidya severing all connections, niryātē had set out, kausalyā Kausalya, yathā in whichever way, yatra jīvati wherever surviving still, durjīvam it is difficult to live, manyē I consider, ēvam like this, sukaram easily, na not, dhruvam certain.

I think it is indeed difficult for Kausalya to live wherever and whichever way she tries as she has been separated from her son. (the queens said).
satyarūpaṅ tu tadvākyaṅ rājña: strīṇāṅ niśāmayan.

pradīptamiva śōkēna vivēśa sahasā gṛham৷৷2.57.23৷৷

rājña: king's, strīṇām wives, satyarūpam truth embodied, tat vākyam that word, niśāmayan listening, sahasā immediately, śōkēna with grief, pradīptamiva as if burning, gṛham house, vivēśa entered.

Listening to the correct words of the king's wives, he immediately entered the palace as if in flames (of grief).
sa praviśyāṣṭamīṅ kakṣyāṅ rājānaṅ dīnamāturam.

putraśōkaparimlānamapaśyatpāṇḍurē gṛhē৷৷2.57.24৷৷

saḥ he (Sumantra), aṣṭamīm eighth, kakṣyām courtyard, praviśya having entered, pāṇḍurē in pale white, gṛhē chamber, dīnam desolate, āturam anguished, putraśōkaparimlānam withered by sorrow over his son, rājānam king, apaśyat saw.

On entering the eighth courtyard, he saw in a pale white chamber king Dasaratha desolate, anguished and withered with the sorrow of separation from his son.
abhigamya tamāsīnaṅ narēndrē mabhivādya ca.

sumantrō rāmavacanaṅ yathōktaṅ pratyavēdayat৷৷2.57.25৷৷

sumantraḥ Sumantra, asīnam seated, narēndram king, abhigamya having approached, abhivādya paying obeisance, rāmavacanam Rama's words, yadōktam verbatim, pratyavēdayat conveyed.

Sumantra approached the king who was seated, paid obeisance to him and conveyed Rama's words verbatim.
sa tūṣṇīmēva tacchrutvā rājā vibhrāntacētanaḥ.

mūrchitō nyapatadbhūmau rāmaśōkābhipīḍitaḥ৷৷2.57.26৷৷

saḥ that, rājā king, tūṣṇīmēva silently, tat those words, śrutvā having listened, vibhrāntacētanaḥ with a bewildered mind, rāmaśōkābhipīḍitaḥ tormented by the grief due to Rama's absence, mūrchitaḥ with senses lost, bhūmau on the ground, nyapatat fell.

The king silently listened to Rama's message. Bewildered and tormented by the grief of Rama's absence, he fell down on the ground in a swoon.
tatō.ntaḥpuramāviddhaṅ mūrchitē pṛthivīpatau.

uddhṛtya bāhū cukrōśa nṛpatau patitēkṣitau৷৷2.57.27৷৷

tataḥ then, pṛthivīpatau when lord of the earth (the king), mūrchitē had fallen unconscious, antaḥpuram inner apartment, āviddham broken down, nṛpatau king, kṣitau on the ground, patitē had fallen, bāhū arms, uddhṛtya having raised, cukrōśa cried loudly.

The moment the lord of the earth fell down on the ground unconscious, the women in the inner apartment burst into tears, raising their arms.
sumitrayā tu sahitā kausalyā patitaṅ patim.

utthāpayāmāsa tadā vacanaṅ cēdamabravīt৷৷2.57.28৷৷

tadā then, sumitrayā sahitā together with Sumitra, kauśalyā Kausalya, patitam fallen on the ground, patim husband, utthāpayāmāsa lifted him up, idam these, vacanam words, abravīt said.

Having seen her husband collapsed on the ground, Kausalya assisted by Sumitra lifted him up and said to him thus:
imaṅ tasya mahābhāga! dūtaṅ duṣkarakāriṇaḥ.

vanavāsādanuprāptaṅ kasmānna pratibhāṣasē৷৷2.57.29৷৷

mahābhāga! O distinguished one, vanavāsāt from the forest, anuprāptam returned, duṣkarakāriṇaḥ
one who had accomplished arduous tasks, tasya Rama's, imam this, dūtam messenger, kasmāt why, na pratibhāṣasē are not talking.

O distinguished king!, why are you not enquiring from the messenger about him (Rama) who is capable of performing arduous tasks?
adyaivamanayaṅ kṛtvā vyapatrapasi rāghava!.

uttiṣṭha sukṛtaṅ tēstu śōkē nasyā tsahāyatā৷৷2.57.30৷৷

rāghava O descendant of the Raghus!, anayam injustice, kṛtvā having done, adya now, ēvam in this way, vyapatrapasi are feeling ashamed, uttiṣṭha rise, tē to you, sukṛtam the merit (of having fullfilled your word), astu obtained, śōkē in this sorrow, sahāyatā help, na syāt will not get.

O descendant of the Raghus! are you ashamed of having done an injustice? Arise. you may be a blessed one (for fulfilling your promise). If you grieve, none will help you.
dēva! yasyā bhayādrāmaṅ nānupṛcchasi sārathim.

nēha tiṣṭhiti kaikēyī visrabdhaṅ pratibhāṣyatām৷৷2.57.31৷৷

dēva O king, yasyāḥ by whose, bhayāt from fear, sārathim charioteer, rāmam about Rama, nānupṛcchasi you are not enquiring, kaikēyī Kaikeyi, iha now, na tiṣṭhati not here, visrabdham without fear, pratibhāṣyatām you may speak.

Kaikeyi for fear of whom you dare not ask the charioteer about Rama, O king! is not here. You may speak to him without fear.
sā tathōktvā mahārājaṅ kausalyā śōkalālasā.

dharaṇyāṅ nipapātā.śu bāṣpaviplutabhāṣiṇī৷৷2.57.32৷৷

bāṣpaviplutabhāṣiṇī speaking with a voice choked with tears, śōkalālasā absorbed in grief, sā kauśalyā that Kausalya, mahārājam to the maharaja, tathā that way, uktvā having said, āśu suddenly, dharaṇyām on the ground, nipapāta fell down.

Absorbed in grief, Kausalya spoke to the maharaja in a voice choked with tears and then collapsed on the floor.
ēvaṅ vilapatīṅ dṛṣṭvā kausalyāṅ patitāṅ bhuvi.

patiṅ cāvēkṣya tā ssarvā susvaraṅ ruruduḥ striyaḥ৷৷2.57.33৷৷

sarvāḥ all, tāḥ striyaḥ those women, ēvam thus, vilapatīm lamenting, bhuvi patitām fallen on the ground, kauśalyām Kausalya, dṛṣṭvā having seen, patiṅ ca also their husband, avēkṣya having seen, susvaram in chorus, ruruduḥ wailed loudlly.

All those women saw weeping Kausalya as well as their husband fallen on the ground and wailed loudly in a chorus.
tata stamantaḥpuranādamutthitaṅ samīkṣya vṛddhā staruṇāśca mānavāḥ.

striyaśca sarvā rurudu ssamantataḥ puraṅ tadāsītpunarēva saṅkulam৷৷2.57.34৷৷

tataḥ thereafter, utthitam rising, tam that, antaḥpuranādam sound from the inner apartment, samīkṣaya having seen, vṛddhā: old, taruṇāśca young, mānavāḥ people, sarvāḥ all, strīyaśca also women, samantataḥ all around, ruruduḥ lamented, tadā then, puram city, punarēva again, saṅkulam āsīt was filled (with people).

Having heard the sound emanating from the inner apartment, people, old, young and women, of the city lamented. The city was crowded again.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē ayōdhyākāṇḍē saptapañcāśassargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the fiftyseventh sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.