Sloka & Translation

[Rama and Sita observe the prescribed rites--rejoiced citizens of Ayodhya express their gratitude to the king--people from villages arrive in multitudes.]

गते पुरोहिते रामः स्नातो नियतमानसः।

सह पत्न्या विशालाक्ष्या नारायणमुपागमत्।।2.6.1।।

पुरोहिते the family priest, गते (सति) having gone, रामः Rama, स्नातः bathed, नियतमानसः with mind under control, विशालाक्ष्या largeeyed (large eyes are marks of beauty), पत्न्या सह with (his) wife, नारायणम् to (lord) Narayana, उपागमत् approached.

With the family priest (Vasistha) gone, Rama had his bath, and with his mind under control came to Lord Narayana along with his largeeyed consort, Sita. (with an intention to worship him)
प्रगृह्य शिरसा पात्रीं हविषो विधिवत्तदा।

महते दैवतायाज्यं जुहाव ज्वलितेऽनले।।2.6.2।।

तदा then, हविषः of havis (clarified butter and other oblations), पात्रीम् a small vessel where in offerings are put, विधिवत् in accordance with ritual practices, शिरसा on the head, प्रगृह्य having held, ज्वलितेनले in flaming (sacred) fire, महते great, दैवताय for great
divinity (Visnu), आज्यम् clarified butter, जुहाव offered oblations.

Then holding the vessel containing havis on his head, he offered the oblations of clarified butter into the sacred fire for Visnu in accordance with ritual practices.
शेषं च हविषस्तस्य प्राश्याशास्यात्मनः प्रियम्।

ध्यायन्नारायणं देवं स्वास्तीर्णे कुशसंस्तरे।।2.6.3।।

वाग्यत स्सह वैदेह्या भूत्वा नियतमानसः।

श्रीमत्यायतने विष्णो श्शिश्ये नरवरात्मजः।।2.6.4।।

नरवरात्मजः son of the king (Rama), आत्मनः of his own, प्रियम् welfare, आशास्य seeking, तस्य हविषः of that havis, शेषं the remainder, प्राश्य च having partaken, देवम् नारायणम् God Narayana, ध्यायन् meditating upon, वाग्यतः भूत्वा adopting silence, नियतमानसः with restrained mind, विष्णोः Visnu's, श्रीमति (at the) auspicious, आयतने in the temple, स्वास्तीर्णे with wellspread, कुशसंस्तरे in the bed of kusha grass, वैदेह्या सह along with Vaidehi (Sita), शिश्ये slept.

The son of the king (Rama) partook the remainder of the havis seeking his own welfare. With a restrained mind and a vow of silence, he meditated upon Lord Narayana and slept along with Vaidehi on a wellspread bed of kusha grass in the auspicious temple of lord Visnu.
एकयामावशिष्टायां रात्र्यां प्रतिविबुद्ध्य सः।

अलङ्कारविधिं कृत्स्नं कारयामास वेश्मनः।।2.6.5।।

सः he, रात्र्याम् at night, एकयामावशिष्टायाम् with one yama (measure of time equivalent to four hours) left, प्रतिविबुद्ध्य having awakened, वेश्मनः dwelling's, कृत्स्नम् entire, अलङ्कारविधिम् decoration, कारयामास got it done.

He got up (Rama) with one yama (three hours) of the night still left, and had his entire residence decorated.
तत्र श्रृण्वन्सुखा वाच स्सूतमागधवन्दिनाम्।

पूर्वां सध्यामुपासीनो जजाप यतमानसः।।2.6.6।।

तत्र there (in the last watch of the night), सूतमागधवन्दिनाम् of bards and panegyrists, सुखाः pleasant, वाचः words, श्रृण्वन् listening, पूर्वां सन्ध्याम् early morning rites, उपासीनः had attended, यतमानसः with controlled mind, जजाप chanted (Gayatri).

Then (in the last watch of the night) hearing the pleasant words of bards and panegyrists he attended to early morning rites and intoned Gayatri with a
concentrated mind.
तुष्टाव प्रणतश्चैव शिरसा मधुसूदनम्।

विमलक्षौमसंवीतो वाचयामास स द्विजान्।।2.6.7।।

शिरसा with head, प्रणत: bowed low, मधुसूदनम् Lord Visnu, तुष्टाव extoled, विमलक्षौमसंवीतः dressed in spotless silk garments, द्विजान् to brahmins, वाचयामास got the purificatory mantras recited.

Clad in spotless silk garments, he extoled Lord Madhusudana (Visnu) with his head bowed low. He listened to the purificatory mantras recited by brahmins.
तेषां पुण्याहघोषोऽथ गम्भीरमधुरस्तदा।

अयोध्यां पूरयामास तूर्यघोषानुनादितः।।2.6.8।।

अथ then, तेषाम् their, गम्भीरमधुरः deep and sweet, पुण्याहघोषः proclamations of 'this is an auspicious day', तूर्यघोषानुनादितः reverberating with the sounds of trumpets, तदा then, अयोध्याम् (the city of) Ayodhya, पूरयामास filled.

And then the deep and sweet proclamations of 'This is an auspicious day' mingled with the sounds of trumpets reverberated (the city of) Ayodhya.
कृतोपवासं तु तदा वैदेह्या सह राघवम्।

अयोध्यानिलयश्श्रुत्वा सर्वः प्रमुदितो जनः।।2.6.9।।

तदा then, राघवम् to the scion of the Raghus (Rama), वैदेह्या सह along with the princess of Videha, (Sita), कृतोपवासम् had undertaken the fast, श्रुत्वा having heard, अयोध्यानिलयः residents of Ayodhya, सर्वः all, जनः men, प्रमुदितः rejoiced.

The residents of Ayodhya were happy to hear that the scion of the Raghus (Rama) along with princess of Videha (Sita) had undertaken the fast.
ततः पौरजनस्सर्वश्श्रुत्वा रामाभिषेचनम्।

प्रभातां रजनीं दृष्ट्वा चक्रे शोभयितुं पुरीम्।।2.6.10।।

ततः afterwards, सर्वः all, पौरजनः citizens, रामाभिषेचनम् consecration of Rama, श्रुत्वा having heard, रजनीम् the night, प्रभाताम् brightened into dawn, दृष्ट्वा having seen, पुरीम् the city, शोभयितुम् to decorate, चक्रे made (commenced).

Having heard about the coronation of Rama, all the citizens began to decorate the city soon after daybreak.
सिताभ्रशिखराभेषु देवतायतनेषु च।

चतुष्पथेषु रथ्यासु चैत्येष्वट्टालकेषु च।।2.6.11।।

नानापण्यसमृद्धेषु वणिजामापणेषु च।

कुटुम्बिनां समृद्धेषु श्रीमत्सु भवनेषु च।।2.6.12।।

सभासु चैव सर्वासु वृक्षेष्वालक्षितेषु च।

ध्वजा स्समुच्छ्रिताश्चित्राः पताकाश्चाभवंस्तदा।।2.6.13।।

सिताभ्रशिखराभेषु among those bright peaks wreathed by a mass of white clouds,
देवतायतनेषु in the temples, चतुष्पथेषु at the crossroads, रथ्यासु on the thoroughfares, चैत्येषु on the tall trees dotting the avenues, अट्टालकेषु च on the towers too, नानापण्यसमृद्धेषु abounding in various kinds of merchandise, वणिजाम् of merchants, आपणेषु च in the stalls also, कुटुम्बिनाम् of householders, समृद्धेषु in prosperous (places), श्रीमत्सु in graceful, भवनेषु च in the houses, सर्वासु in all, सभासु public halls, आलक्षितेषु seen from distances, वृक्षेषु on the trees, तदा then, ध्वजाः banners, चित्राः varying colours, पताकाः च flags, too, समुच्छ्रिचिताः were erected अभवन् became.

Banners of varying colours and flags were raised on the temples looking resplendent like peaks wreathed by a mass of white clouds, at the crossroads, on the thoroughfares, on the trees standing on avenues, on the towers and stalls of the merchants abounding in various kinds of merchandise, on prosperous and graceful
houses of householders, in all public halls and on trees looking tall from a distance.
नटनर्तकसङ्घानां गायकानां च गायताम्।

मनः कर्णसुखा वाच श्शुशृवुश्च ततस्ततः।।2.6.14।।

ततस्ततः here and there, नटनर्तकसङ्घानाम् of troupes of actors and dancers, गायताम् of singers, गायकानां च also of songsters, मनः कर्णसुखाः pleasing to the mind and ears, वाचः words, शुश्रुवुः heard.

Troupes of actors and dancers entertained the people with songs pleasing to the mind and ears and their utterances were heard here and there.
रामाभिषेकयुक्ताश्च कथाश्चक्रुर्मिथो जनाः।

रामाभिषेके सम्प्राप्ते चत्वरेषु गृहेषु च।।2.6.15।।

रामाभिषेके as the coronation of Rama, संप्राप्ते approached, जना: the people, चत्वरेषु at the public squares, गृहेषु च in the private houses, मिथः with one another, रामाभिषेकयुक्ताः concerning Rama's coronation, कथाः talk, चक्रुः made.

As the time for Rama's coronation was approaching, men in public squares and in private houses talked with one another about the consecration of Rama.
बाला अपि क्रीडमाना गृहद्वारेषु सङ्घशः।

रामाभिषवसंयुक्ताश्चक्रुरेवं मिथः कथाः।।2.6.16।।

एवम् thus, गृहद्वारेषु in the doorways, सङ्घशः in groups, क्रीडमानाः playing, बालाः अपि children also, मिथः with each other, रामाभिषवसंयुक्ताः relating to the coronation of Rama, कथाः stories, चक्रुः made.

Similarly children playing in groups in front of the houses also related to each other stories regarding the coronation of Rama.
कृतपुष्पोपहारश्च धूपगन्धाधिवासितः।

राजमार्गः कृतः श्रीमान्पौरै रामाभिषेचने।।2.6.17।।

रामाभिषेचने on the occasion of Rama's coronation, पौरैः by citizens, राजमार्गः highways, कृतपुष्पोपहारश्च strewn with flowers , धूपगन्धाधिवासितः fragrant with incense, श्रीमान् glorious, कृतः made.

On the occasion of Rama's coronation the highway, strewn with flowers and rendered fragrant with the burning of incense by the citizens looked glorious.
प्रकाशकरणार्थं च निशागमनशङ्कया।

दीपवृक्षां स्तथा चक्रुरनु रथ्यासु सर्वशः।।2.6.18।।

तथा so also, अनु connected with if, निशागमनशङ्कया lest night should fall, प्रकाशकरणार्थम् to light it up, रथ्यासु in the streets, सर्वशः all over, दीपवृक्षान् lamps in the shape of trees, चक्रुः improvised.

In the same way lest night should fall (by the time the installation ceremony was completed), the streets were provided with lamps in the shape of trees to light them up.
अलङ्कारं पुरस्यैवं कृत्वा तत्पुरवासिनः।

आकाङ्क्षमाणा रामस्य यौवराज्याभिषेचनम्।।2.6.19।।

समेत्य सङ्घशस्सर्वे चत्वरेषु सभासु च।

कथयन्तो मिथस्तत्र प्रशशंसुर्जनाधिपम्।।2.6.20।।

तत्पुरवासिनः inhabitants of the city, सर्वे all of them, एवम् thus, पुरस्य city's, अलङ्कारम् decoration, कृत्वा having made, रामस्य Rama's, यौवराज्याभिषेचनम् coronation as heirapparent, आकाङ्क्षमाणाः eagerly desiring, चत्वरेषु at the public squares, सभासु च in the assembly halls, सङ्घशः in groups, समेत्य having assembled, तत्र there, मिथः mutually,
कथयन्तः conversing, जनाधिपम् to the lord of men (Dasaratha), प्रशशंसुः praised.

Thus the residents of Ayodhya decorated the city and eagerly waited for Rama's cornonation as heirapparent. Gathered in groups at public squares and in the assembly halls they conversed among themselves about the event, praising Dasaratha, the lord among men.
अहो महात्मा राजाऽयमिक्ष्वाकुकुलनन्दनः।

ज्ञात्वा यो वृद्धमात्मानं रामं राज्येऽभिषेक्ष्यति।।2.6.21।।

यः that king, आत्मानम् himself, वृद्धम् aged, ज्ञात्वा having realised, रामम् to Rama, राज्ये in the kingdom, अभिषेक्ष्यति is going to install, अयम् this, इक्ष्वाकुकुलनन्दनः causing delight to the Ikshvaku race, राजा king , महात्मा highsouled, अहो oh.

Oh having realised that he himself has grown old the highsouled king Dasaratha the veritable delight to the Ikshvaku race, is going to coronate Rama in the kingdom.
सर्वेप्यनुगृहीता स्मो यन्नो रामो महीपतिः।

चिराय भविता गोप्ता दृष्टलोकपरावरः।।2.6.22।।

यत् indeed, दृष्टलोकपरावरः who has seen the world's high and low, रामः Rama, महीपतिः as king, चिराय for a long time, नः for us, गोप्ता protector, भविता shall become, सर्वेऽपि all of us, अनुगृहीताः स्म are favoured.

All of us are fortunate indeed that Rama who knows the world's high and low shall be our king, protector for a long time.
अनुद्धतमनाः विद्वान्धर्मात्मा भ्रातृवत्सलः।

यथा च भ्रातृषु स्निग्धस्तथाऽस्मास्वपि राघवः।।2.6.23।।

अनुद्धतमनाः one who is not arrogant, विद्वान् learned, धर्मात्मा a pious soul, भ्रातृवत्सलः affectionate towards his brothers, राघवः scion of the Raghus (Rama), भ्रातृषु in brothers,
यथा like, स्निग्धः friendly, अस्मास्वपि even in us, तथा in that manner.

This scion of the Raghus (Rama) is free from arrogance, is learned, righteous and affectionate towards his brothers as much as towards us.
चिरं जीवतु धर्मात्मा राजा दशरथोऽनघः।

यत्प्रसादोनभिषिक्तं तु रामं द्रक्ष्यामहे वयम्।।2.6.24।।

यत्प्रसादेन by whose grace, अभिषिक्तम् having been coronated, रामम् of Rama, द्रक्ष्यामहे we are beholding, धर्मात्मा virtuous, अनघः sinless, दशरथः राजा king Dasaratha, चिरम् for long, जीवतु let live.

May the virtuous and sinless king Dasaratha live long by whose grace we are beholding (going to behold) Rama's coronation.
एवंविधं कथयतां पौराणां शुश्रुवु स्तदा।

दिग्भ्योपि श्रुतवृत्तान्ता: प्राप्ता जानपदा जनाः।।2.6.25।।

श्रुतवृत्तान्ताः having heard the story, दिग्भ्यः अपि from all quarters also, प्राप्ताः had arrived, जानपदाः जनाः village folk, तदा then, एवं विधम् in this manner, पौराणाम् of citizens, कथयताम् while conversing, शुश्रुवुः heard.

Having heard about the coronation of Rama, villagers arrived from all directions and
listened to the citizens conversing in this manner.
ते तु दिग्भ्यः पुरीं प्राप्ता द्रष्टुं रामाभिषेचनम्।

रामस्य पूरयामासुः पुरीं जानपदा जनाः।।2.6.26।।

रामाभिषेचनम् coronation of Rama, द्रष्टुम् to behold, दिग्भ्यः from different directions, पुरम् the city, प्राप्ताः have arrived, ते those, जानपदाः villagers, जनाः men, रामस्य Rama's, पुरीम् city, पूरयामासुः filled.

The city was filled with villagers coming from different directions to behold Rama's coronation.
जनौघैस्तैर्विसर्पद्भिः शुश्रुवे तत्र निस्वनः।

पर्वसूदीर्णवेगस्य सागरस्येव निस्वनः।।2.6.27।।

विसर्पद्भि: by those moving to and fro, तैः जनौघैः by those multitudes of men, तत्र there, निस्वनः noise, पर्वसु on the full and new moon days, उदीर्णवेगस्य with violent speed, सागरस्य of the ocean, निस्वनः इव like the sound, शुश्रुवे was heard.

The multitudes of men moving to and fro gave rise to a noise like the roar of the ocean enhanced by the violent speed (of the wind) on the full and new moon days.
ततस्तदिन्द्रक्षयसन्निभं पुरं


समन्तत स्सस्वनमाकुलं बभौ


दिदृक्षुभिः wishing to see, उपागतैः arrived, जानपदैः villagers, समन्ततः every side, आकुलम् crowded, सस्वनम् with sounds, इन्द्रक्षयसन्निभम् resembling the abode of Indra, तत् that, पुरम् city, समुद्रयादोभिः with aquatic animals, अर्णवोदकम् इव like water of the ocean, बभौ shone.

The city (of Ayodhya), resembling the abode of Indra, (Amaravati) crowded with villagers from all over wishing to witness it (the coronation of Rama), grew noisy and sparkled like the water of the ocean teeming with aquatic animals.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे षष्ठस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the sixth sarga of Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.