Sloka & Translation

[Dasaratha recalls the past he had shot an arrow at a hermit boy while he was filling a pot with water, mistaking the sound to be that of an elephant -- Dasaratha realizes the unintentional mistake in killing the boy.]

प्रतिबुद्धो मुहूर्तेन शोकोपहतचेतनः।

अथ राजा दशरथस्सचिन्तामभ्यपद्यत।।2.63.1।।

अथ thereafter, सः राजा that king, मूहूर्तेन in a moment, प्रतिबुद्धः was awakened, शोकोपहतचेतनः with his spirit gripped by sorrow, चिन्ताम् worry, अभ्यपद्यत obtained.

Waking up in a moment tormented with grief, the king began to ponder once again.
रामलक्ष्मणयोश्चैव विवासा द्वासवोपमम्।

आविवेशोपसर्गस्तं तम स्सूर्यमिवासुरम्।।2.63.2।।

रामलक्ष्मणयोः Rama and Lakshmana, विवासात् due to banishment, वासवोपमम् like Indra, तम् him, असुरम् relating to that asura, तमः darkness, सूर्यमिव like the Sun, उपसर्गः great calamity, आविवेश took possesion of.

Indralike Dasaratha due to banishment of Rama and Lakshmana, was besieged by a great calamity like the Sun enveloped by demonic dark at the time of eclipse.
सभार्ये निर्गते रामे कौसल्यां कोशलेश्वरः।

विवक्षुरसितापाङ्गां स्मृत्वा दुष्कृतमात्मनः।।2.63.3।।

सभार्ये with his wife, रामे when Rama, निर्गते सति had departed, कोशलेश्वरः king of Kosala (Dasaratha), आत्मनः his own, दुष्कृतम् evil deed, स्मृत्वा remembering, असितापाङ्गाम् with black eye ball, कौशल्याम् to Kausalya, विवक्षुः wished to speak.

After Rama had left along with his wife the king of Kosala (Dasaratha) recollected his former evil deed and wanted to narrate it to the darkeyed Kausalya.
स राजा रजनीं षष्ठीं रामे प्रव्राजिते वनम्।

अर्धरात्रे दशरथ स्संस्मरन् दुष्कृतं कृतम्।।2.63.4।।

रामे Rama, वनम् to forest, प्रव्राजिते was banished, राजा king, सः दशरथः Dasaratha, षष्ठीम् sixth, रजनीम् night, अर्धरात्रे in the middle of the night, कृतम् done in the past, दुष्कृतम् evil deeds, संस्मरन् recalled.

After the banishment of Rama the king spent the sixth night, recalling the evil deed done by him in the past.
स राजा पुत्रशोकार्तः स्मृत्वा दुष्कृतमात्मनः।

कौसल्यां पुत्रशोकार्तामिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।।2.63.5।।

पुत्रशोकार्तः griefstricken because of (separation from) the son, सः राजा the king, आत्मनः his own, दुष्कृतम् misdeed, स्मृत्वा having remembered, पुत्रशोकार्ताम् grieving helplessly due to the separation from his son, कौशल्याम् to Kausalya, इदम् these, वचनम् words, अब्रवीत् said

King Dasaratha distressed by the separation from his son, pondered over his past misdeed, and said to helpless Kausalya, who was equally grieving over the separation from Rama:
यदाचरति कल्याणि शुभं वा यदि वाऽशुभम्।

तदेव लभते भद्रे कर्ता कर्मजमात्मनः।।2.63.6।।

कल्याणि O auspicious lady, भद्रे o gentle lady, कर्ता the agent of an act, शुभं वा good or, यदि वा or if, अशुभम् evil, यत् whichever, आचरति (कुरुते) performs, आत्मनः his, कर्मजम् result of action, तदेव the same only, लभते will attain.

O gentle auspicious lady a man has to reap the fruit of his action, good or evil.
गुरुलाघवमर्थानामारम्भे कर्मणां फलम्।

दोषं वा यो न जानाति न बाल इति होच्यते।।2.63.7।।

यः whoever, कर्मणाम् actions, आरम्भे at the beginning, अर्थानाम् the benefits, गुरुलाघवम् relative value, फलम् fruit, दोषं वा or blemish, न जानाति does not know, सः that one, बालः इति as a boy, उच्यते ह is considered.

He who, at the commencement of any action, does not foresee the good or evil consequences of his action in considered a child.
कश्चिदाम्रवणं छित्त्वा पलाशां श्च निषिञ्चति।

पुष्पं दृष्ट्वा फले गृध्नु स्स शोचति फलागमे।।2.63.8।।

कश्चित् some one, पुष्पम् flowers, दृष्ट्वा having seen, फले fruit (of that tree), गृध्नुः greed, आम्रवणम् mango trees, छित्वा having cut, पलाशाम् palasa tree, निषिञ्चति waters, सः he, फलागमे when the fruits are borne, शोचति will repent.

If some one cuts down mango trees and plants palasa trees and waters them will repent when he sees only flowers while he expects fruit.
अविज्ञाय फलं यो हि कर्म त्वेवानुधावति।

स शोचेत्फलवेलायां यथा किंशुकसेचकः।।2.63.9।।

यः whoever, फलम् fruit, आविज्ञाय not knowing, कर्म तु एव action only, अनुधावति runs after, सः he, किंशुकसेचकः इव like the one who waters kimsuka tree (palasa), फलवेलायाम् at the time of reaping the fruits of action, शोचेत् will regret.

Without foreseeing the fruits of his action, he who runs after action only will regret at the time of fruition like the one who waters the palasa tree.
सोऽहमाम्रवणं छित्वा पलाशांश्च न्यषेचयम्।

रामं फलागमे त्यक्त्वा पश्चाच्छोचामि दुर्मतिः।।2.63.10।।

सः अहम् such me, आम्रवणम् mango trees, छित्वा cutting, पलाशान् च palasa trees, न्यषेचयम् have watered, दुर्मतिः unwise, फलागमे at the time of bearing fruit, रामम् Rama, त्यक्त्वा leaving, पश्चात् repenting, शोचामि I am grieving.

So I have cut the mango trees and watered palasa trees. In utter foolishness, I have banished Rama at the time of fruition and regretting later.
लब्धशब्देन कौसल्ये कुमारेण धनुष्मता।

कुमारश्शब्दवेधीति मया पापमिदं कृतम्।।2.63.11।।

कौशल्ये O Kausalya, शब्दवेधी one who can shoot arrows aiming at the target by sound, कुमारः इति in chidhood itself, लब्धशब्देन attaining knowledge of sound, कुमारेण in my youth, धनुष्मता as an archer, मया by me, इदम् this, पापम् sin, कृतम् was done.

O Kausalya in my youth I was a great archer who could hit the target by its sound. As such I committed this sin.
तदिदं मेऽनुसंम्प्राप्तं देवि दुःखं स्वयं कृतम्।

सम्मोहादिह बालेन यथा स्याद्भक्षितं विषम्।।2.63.12।।

देवि Kausalya, इह in this world, सम्मोहात् out of delusion, बालेन like a boy, भक्षितम् eats, विषम् poison, यथा as, स्यात् may be, स्वयम् one's own self, कृतम् has been done, तत् इदम् that this, दुःखम् calamity, मे to me, अनुसंप्राप्तम् has befallen.

Just as a boy consumes poison out of delusion, O Devi, this sorrow has befallen me as a result of my own action.
यथान्यः पुरुषः कश्चित्पलाशैर्मोहितो भवेत्।

एवं ममाऽप्यविज्ञातं शब्दवेध्यमयं फलम्।।2.63.13।।

अन्यः other, कश्चित् some one, पुरुषः man, पलाशैः by palasa trees, यथा as, मोहितः deluded, भवेत् becomes, एवम् like that, ममापि to me, शब्दवेध्यमयम् the act of shooting the target on hearing the sound, फलम् the consequences, अविज्ञातम् was not premeditated.

Like some one who is deluded by palasa trees I too did not realise the consequences of shooting the target following the direction of the sound.
देव्यनूढा त्वमभवो युवराजो भवाम्यहम्।

ततः प्रावृडनुप्राप्ता मदकामविवर्धिनी।।2.63.14।।

देवि O Kausalya, त्वम् you, अनूढा not married, अभवः you were, युवराज: भवामि I was prince regent, ततः at that time, मदकामविवर्धिनी inflaming passion and pride, प्रावृट् rainy season, अनुप्राप्ता had set in.

O Kausalya, you were not married then. I was prince regent. The rainy season that inflames passion and pride had just set in.
उपास्य च रसान्भौमां स्तप्त्वा च जगदंशुभिः।

परेताचरितां भीमां रविराविशते दिशम्।।2.63.15।।

रविः Sun, भौमान् relating to the earth, रसान् juices, उपास्य sucking, जगत् world, अंशुभिः by the rays, तप्त्वा च scorching, परेता चरिताम् ranged by departed souls, भीमाम् fearful, दिशम् quarter, आविशते enter sattained.

Having sucked the waters of the earth and scorching the world with its rays, the Sun had entered the frightful southern quarter ranged by departed souls.
उष्णमन्तर्दधे सद्य स्स्निग्धा ददृशिरे घनाः।

ततो जहृषिरे सर्वे भेकसारङ्गबर्हिणः।।2.63.16।।

सद्यः instantaneously, उष्णम् heat, अन्तर्दधे vanished, स्निग्धा: glistening, घनाः clouds, ददृशिरे were seen, ततः thereafter, सर्वे all, भेकसारङ्गबर्हिणः frogs, geese and peacocks, जहृषिरे rejoiced.

At that time the heat subsided, glistening clouds appeared. The frogs, geese and peacocks began to rejoice.
क्लिन्न पक्षोत्तरास्स्नाताः कृच्छ्रादिव पतत्रिणः।


क्लिन्न पक्षोत्तराः with the plummage moistened, पतत्रिणः birds, स्नाताः bathed, वृष्टिवातावधूताग्रान्
the tops shaken by wind and rain, पादपान् trees, कृच्छ्रात् इव as if with great difficulty, अभिपेदिरे reached.

The birds with their plummage moistened as if they had dipped in water reached with great difficulty the tops of the trees which were shaken by the wind and rain.
पतितेनाम्भसाच्छन्नः पतमानेन चासकृत्।

आबभौ मत्तसारङ्गस्तोयराशिरिवाचलः।।2.63.18।।

पतितेन dropped, असकृत् ceaselessly, पतमानेन dropping, अम्भसा with rain water, छन्नः covered, मत्तसारङ्गः intoxicated antelopes, अचलः mountain, तोयराशिरिव like a mass of water, अबभौ looked like.

Engulfed by torrents of rain that continued to fall ceaselessly, the mountain visited by intoxicated antelopes looked like a mass of water.
पाण्डुरारुणवर्णानि स्रोतांसि विमलान्यपि।

सुस्रुवुर्गिरिधातुभ्यस्सभस्मानि भुजङ्गवत्।।2.63.19।।

विमलान्यपि as though the waters were pure, स्रोतांसि the rapid flow, गिरिधातुभ्यः of mineral
ores, सभस्मानि mixed with ashes, पाण्डुरारुणवर्णानि white and red in colour, भुजङ्गवत् like a serpent, सुस्रुवुः flowed.

Although pure, the rapidly flowing water from the mountains mixed with the minerals in the soil turned white and red in colour and flowed like a serpent.
आकुलारुण तोयानि स्रोतांसि विमलान्यपि।

उन्मार्गजलवाहिनी बभूवुर्जलदागमे।।2.63.20।।

जलदागमे at the advent of the rainy season, स्रोतांसि streams, विमलान्यपि although pure, आकुलारुण तोयानि mixed up with marshy red soil, उन्मार्गजलवाहिनी by flowing in different directions, बभूवुः became.

The streams that were pure, mixed with red soil flowed red, deviating from their natural course.
तस्मिन्नतिसुखे काले धनुष्मानिषुमान्रथी।

व्यायामकृतसङ्कल्पस्सरयूमन्वगां नदीम्।।2.63.21।।

अतिसुखे highly delightful, तस्मिन् काले in that season, व्यायामकृतसङ्कल्पः determined to go hunting, धनुष्मान् holding bow, इषुमान् holding arrows, रथी a charioteer, सरयूनदीम् river Sarayu, अन्वगाम् went.

In that highly delightful season, wishing to go hunting I, armed with bow and arrows, rode my chariot towards river Sarayu.
निपाने महिषं रात्रौ गजं वाऽभ्यागतं नदीम्।

अन्यं वा श्वापदं कञ्चिज्जिघांसु रजितेन्द्रियः।

तस्मिं स्तत्राहमेकान्ते रात्रौ विवृतकार्मुकः।।2.63.22।।

अहम् I, अजितेन्द्रियः without any control over my senses, तस्मिन् there, निपाने in a spot for
drinking water, नदीम् river, रात्रौ in the night, अभ्यागतम् having arrived, महिषम् buffalo, गजं वा or elephant, अन्यम् any other, श्वापदं वा any wild animal, जिघांसुः desirous of killing, तत्र there, रात्रौ in the night, एकान्ते in a lonely place, विवृतकार्मुकः with bow strung.

And there, with no control over my senses, I hid in a lonely place with my bow in readiness intending to shoot a buffalo or an elephant or any other wild animal that might come to the spot for drinking water in the night.
तत्राहं संवृतं वन्यं हतवांस्तीरमागतम्।

अन्यं चापि मृगं हिंस्रं शब्दं श्रुत्वाऽभ्युपागतम्।।2.63.23।।

तत्र there, अहम् I, तीरम् आगतम् reached the bank of the river, वन्यम् forest, अभ्युपागतम्
arrived, अन्यम् some other, ह्रिंस्रम् cruel, मृगं च also animal, शब्दम् sound, श्रुत्वा having heard, संव़ृतम् secretly, हतवान् killed.

Hiding and waiting there, following the sounds of animals I killed two animals that had reached the bank of the river.
अथान्धकारे त्वश्रौषं जले कुम्भस्य पूर्यतः।

अचक्षुर्विषये घोषं वारणस्येव नर्दतः।।2.63.24।।

अथ thereafter, अन्धकारे in the darkness, अचक्षुर्विषये not within the range of sight, नर्दतः making sounds, वारणस्येव like the sound of an elephant, जले in water, पूर्यतः being filled, कुम्भस्य a pitcher, घोषम् sound, अश्रौषम् heard.

Then at a place that was out of the range of my sight in darkness I heard the sound of a pitcher being filled with water which resembled the sound of an elephant.
ततोऽहं शरमुधृत्य दीप्तमाशीविषोपमम्।

शब्दं प्रति गजप्रेप्सुरभिलक्ष्य त्वपातयम्।।2.63.25।।

ततः then, अहम् I, गजप्रेप्सुः wishing to get the elephant, दीप्तम् bright, आशीविषोपमम् like a
venomous serpent, शरम् shaft, उधृत्य शब्दं प्रति in the direction of the sound, अभिलक्ष्य aiming at, अपातयम् released.

Wishing to kill the elephant, I seized my arrow glowing like a venomous snake and aimed it towards the sound.
अमुञ्चं निशितं बाणमहमाशीविषोपमम्।

तत्र वागुषसि व्यक्ता प्रादुरासीद्वनौकसः।।2.63.26।।

हाहेति पततस्तोये बाणाभिहतमर्मणः।।2.63.27।।

अहम् I, आशीविषोपमम् like a venomous serpent, निशितम् sharp, बाणम् shaft, अमुञ्चम्
dischrged, तत्र there, उषसि in the morning twilight, बाणाभिहतमर्मणः with the vital organ hit by the shaft, तोये in water, पततः falling, वनौकसः forestdweller, हा हा इति saying 'Alas', व्यक्ता screaming aloud, वाक् words, प्रादुरासीत् arose.

Then I discharged a sharp shaft like a venomous serpent. In the morning twilight I saw that the shaft had hit the vital part of the body of a forest dweller and his cry of 'Alas', was clearly heard as he fell in the water.
तस्मिन्निपतिते बाणे वागभूत्तत्र मानुषी।

कथमस्मद्विधे शस्त्रं निपतेत्तु तपस्विनि।।2.63.28।।

तस्मिन् when that, बाणे arrow, निपतिते fell, तत्र there, मानुषी man's, वाक् voice, अभूत् came, अस्मद्विधे with people like me, तपस्विनि at a sage, शस्त्रम् arrow, कथम् how, निपतेत्तु can be discharged?

When the arrow hit him, a man's voice was heard saying, 'How can an arrow be discharged at a person like me who is an ascetic?'
प्रविविक्तां नदीं रात्रावुदाहाऽरोहमागतः।

इषुणाऽभिहतः केन कस्य वा किं कृतं मया।।2.63.29।।

अहम् I, उदाहारः in order to take water, रात्रौ at night, प्रविविक्ताम् lonely, नदीम् river, आगतः have come, इषुणा by an arrow, केन by whom, अभिहतः hit, मया by me, कस्य to any, किम् what offence, कृतम् done.

'I have come to this lonely spot of the river to take water. Who has hit me with this arrow? What (harm) have I done to any one?'
ऋषेर्हिन्यस्तदण्डस्य वने वन्येन जीवतः।

कथं नु शस्रेण वधो मद्विधस्य विधीयते।।2.63.30।।

न्यस्तदण्डस्य renouncing violence, वने in the forest, वन्येन forest produce जीवतःsubsisting,
मद्विधस्य men like me, ऋषेः for an ascetic, शस्त्रेण with weapon, वधः killing, कथं नु in what way?, विधीयते is perpetrated.

'Renouncing violence I live the life of an ascetic on forest produce. Why should any one kill me with a weapon?
जटाभारधरस्यैव वल्कलाजिनवाससः।

को वधेन ममर्थी स्यात्किंवाऽस्यापकृतं मया।।2.63.31।।

जटाभारधरस्यैव with matted hair, वल्कलाजिनवाससः wearing bark and skin of an antelope, मम my, वधेन by killing, अर्थी interested, कः who?, स्यात् मया could be?, अस्य to him, किं वा what, अपकृतम् harm?

'Who wants to kill me who lives like an ascetic with matted hair and wearing bark or the skin of an antelope? What harm have I done to him?
एवं निष्फलमारब्धं केवलानर्थसंहितम्।

न कश्चित्साधु मन्येत यथैव गुरुतल्पगम्।।2.63.32।।

एवम् in this way, केवलानर्थसंहितम् only for mischief, निष्फलम् fruitless, आरब्धम् effort, कश्चित्
some one, गुरुतल्पगं यथैव like one who occupies the teacher's bed, साधु मन्येत will consider this proper.

'Whoever it is, he has committed only a mischievous and senseless act. This sin like a disciple sleeping on the bed of his preceptor none will approve of.
नाहं तथाऽनु शोचामि जीवितक्षयमात्मनः।

मातरं पितरं चोभावनुशोचामि मद्वधे।।2.63.33।।

अहम् I, आत्मनः my own, जीवितक्षयम् loss of life, तथा not so much, नानुशोचामि do not regret, मद्वधे after my killing, मातरम् mother, पितरं च and father, उभौ both, अनुशोचामि I am grieving.

'I do not regret so much about the loss of my own life as about my mother and father after I am dead.
तदेतन्मिथुनं वृद्धं चिरकालभृतं मया।

मयि पञ्चत्वमापन्ने कां वृत्तिं वर्तयिष्यति।।2.63.34।।

मयि when I, पञ्चत्वम् with five elements, आपन्ने reduced to, मया by me, चिरकालभृतम् supported for a long time, वृद्धम् in old age, एतत् this, मिथुनम् couple, काम् what, वृत्तिम् life, वर्तयिष्यति will live in future.

'So long I have been supporting this aged couple. After I am dead, how will they live?
वृद्धै च मतापितरावहं चैकेषुणा हता।

केन स्मनिहता स्सर्वे सुबालेनाकृतात्मना।।2.63.35।।

वृद्धौ aged, मातापितरौ my parents, अहं च me also, एकेषुणा with one single arrow, हताः killed, अकृतात्मना one with malicious intention, सुबालेन by a good boy, केन by whom, सर्वे निहताः स्म all of us are killed.

'My aged parents along with me are killed by a single arrow. Who is that malicious
knave who has slain us?
तां गिरं करुणां श्रुत्वा मम धर्मानुकाङ्क्षिणः।

कराभ्यां सशरं चापं व्यथितस्यापतद्भुवि।।2.63.36।।

करुणाम् piteous, तां गिरम् words, श्रुत्वा on hearing, धर्मानुकाङ्क्षिणं keen on following the righteous path (fearing that an unrighteous act has been performed), व्यथितस्य worrying, मम my, कराभ्याम् from my hands, सशरम् along with the arrow, चापम् bow भुवि on the land, अपतत् fell down.

On hearing the piteous voice the bow and arrow dropped from my (trembling) hands since I was keen on following the righteous path.
तस्याहं करुणं श्रुत्वा निशि लालवतो बहु।

सम्भ्रान्त श्शोकवेगेन भृशमासं विचेतनः।।2.63.37।।

अहम् I, निशि at night, बहु highly, लालवतः lamenting, तस्य his, करुणम् pathetic words, श्रुत्वा having heard, शोकवेगेन through excess of grief, सम्भ्रान्तः frightened, भृशम् extremely, विचेतनः unable to think, आसम् I remained.

Having heard his pathetic lamentations at night, I was extremely frightened by the force of grief and stood bewildered.
तं देशमहमागम्य दीनसत्त्वस्सुदुर्मनाः।

अपश्यमिषुणा तीरे सरय्वास्तापसं हतम्।।2.63.38।।

अवकीर्ण जटाभारं प्रविद्धकलशोदकम्।

पांसुशोणितदिग्धाङ्गं शयानं शल्यपीडितम्।।2.63.39।।

अहम् I, दीनसत्त्वः in a dissipated state, सुदुर्मनाः with troubled mind, तं देशम् that place, आगम्य having reached, सरय्वाः Sarayu, तीरे on the bank, इषुणा by the arrow, हतम् struck,
अवकीर्णजटाभारम् with scattered locks of hair, प्रविद्धकलशोदकम् with water pitcher thrown away, पांसुशोणितदिग्धाङ्गम् body smeared with blood and dust, शयानम् lying, शल्यपीडितम् pierced by the arrow, तापसम् the sage, अपश्यम् I saw.

With dissipated energy and intensely troubled mind, I reached the bank of river Sarayu and there I saw the ascetic lying struck by the arrow and with scattered locks of hair. The water pitcher was thrown away and his body smeared with blood and dust as he lay on the ground.
स मामुद्वीक्ष्य नेत्राभ्यां त्रस्तमस्वस्थचेतसम्।

इत्युवाच ततः क्रूरं दिधक्षन्निव तेजसा।।2.63.40।।

सः he, त्रस्तम् frightened, अस्वस्थचेतसम् shaken up mentally, माम् me, तेजसा with his energy, दिधक्षन्निव as if burning, नेत्राभ्याम् with both eyes, उवदीक्ष्य looked up, ततः then, क्रूरम् cruel, इति thus, उवाच said.

I was mentally stricken and frightened. He looked up as if buring me with the energy of his eyes. Then he uttered the words 'A cruel act'
किं तवापकृतं राजन्वने निवसता मया।

जिहीर्षुरम्भो गुर्वुर्थं यदहं ताडितस्त्वया।।2.63.41।।

राजन् O king, गुर्वर्थम् for the sake of my parents, अम्भ: water, जिहीर्षुः wishing to take, अहम् I, त्वया you, ताडितः have been struck, वने in the forest, निवसता residing, मया by me, तव your, किम् what, अपकृतम् harm.

'O king you have struck me when I was trying to carry water to my parents. I am a forestdweller. What harm have I done to you?
एकेन खलु बाणेन मर्मण्यभिहते मयि।

द्वावन्धौ निहतौ वृद्धौ माता जनयिता च मे।।2.63.42।।

एकेन by one, बाणेन arrow, मयि at me, मर्मणि vital part, अभिहते when struck, मे my, माता mother, जनयिता च father, अन्धौ blind, द्वौ both, वृद्धौ old ones, निहतौ खलु are killed indeed.

'By striking at the vital part of my body with one arrow, you have killed both my aged and blind mother and father too.
तौ कथं दुर्बलावन्धौ मत्प्रतीक्षौ पिपासितौ।

चिरमाशाकृतां तृष्णां कष्टां सन्धारयिष्यतः।।2.63.43।।

दुर्बलौ weak ones, अन्धौ blind, पिपासितौ thirsty, तौ both of them, कष्टाम् difficult, आशाकृताम् due to expectation, तृष्णाम् thirst, चिरम् for a long time, कथम् how, सन्धारयिष्यतः will control.

'How will the two who are frail, thirsty and blind wait for me for long controlling their thirst with great difficulty with the expectation (that I would fetch them water)?
न नूनं तपसो वास्ति फलयोगश्श्रुतस्य वा।

पिता यन्मां न जानाति शयानं पतितं भुवि।।2.63.44।।

नूनम् surely, तपसो वा either for asceticism, श्रुतस्य वा or for scriptural knowledge, फलयोगः attainment of fruit, नास्ति not there, यत् since, पिता my father, भुवि on this earth, पतितम् fallen, शयानम् lying, माम् me, न जानाति not know.

'My father does not know that I am lying on the ground. It is true that there is no reward either for asceticism or for scriptural knowledge.
जानन्नपि च किं कुर्यादशक्तिरपरिक्रमः।

भिद्यमानमिवाशक्त स्त्रतुमन्यो नगो नगम्।।2.63.45।।

अशक्ति: without energy, अपरिक्रमः who cannot walk, भिद्यमानम् being severed, नगम् tree, त्रातुम् to protect, अशक्तः is incapable, अन्यः other, नगः tree, इव like, जानन्नपि knowing also, किम् what, कुर्यात् can it do?

'What can my weak father who has no strength to walk do, even if he knows about it? Like a tree which cannot protect another which is being severed, he is helpless.
पितुस्त्वमेव मे गत्वा शीघ्रमाचक्ष्य राघव।

न त्वामनुदहेत्क्रुद्धो वनं वह्निरिवैधितः।।2.63.46।।

राघव O scion of the Raghus (Dasaratha), त्वमेव you yourself, शीघ्रम् quickly, गत्वा having gone, मे पितुः to my father, आचक्ष्व inform, क्रुद्ध in wrath, एधितः ignited, वह्निः fire, वनमिव like a forest, त्वाम् you, नानुदहेत् will not be burnt.

O scion of the Raghus (Dasaratha) Go at once and inform my father, lest in anger he
should burn you like ignited fire consuming the forest.
इयमेकपदी राजन्यतो मे पितुराश्रमः।

तं प्रसादय गत्वा त्वं न त्वां स कुपितश्शपेत्।।2.63.47।।

राजन् O king, यतः from whichever side, मे पितुः my father's, आश्रमः hermitage, इयम् this, एकपदी footpath, त्वम् you, गत्वा having gone, तम् him, प्रसादय beg his forgiveness, सः he, कुपितः in wrath, त्वाम् you, न शपेत् may not curse.

'O king, this footpath leads to my father's hermitage. Go and beg his forgiveness so that he may not curse you out of anger.
विशल्यं कुरु मां राजन्मर्म मे निशितश्शरः।

रुणद्धि मृदुसोत्सेधं तीरमम्बुरयो यथा।।2.63.48।।

राजन् O king, माम् me, विशल्यम् with weapon taken out, कुरु make, निशितः sharp, शरः arrow, मे मर्म my vital part of the body, मृदु gently, सोत्सेधम् elevated, तीरम् bank, अम्बुरयः like the flow of water, यथा in the same manner, रुणद्धि is preventing.

'Gently remove the arrow from my body, O king the sharp arrow is piercing deep into
my vital just like the current of the river hits its elevated bank'.
सशल्यः क्लिश्यते प्राणैर्विशल्यो विनशिष्यति।

इति मामविशच्चिन्ता तस्य शल्यापकर्षणे।।2.63.49।।

सशल्यः one with a weapon piercing the body, प्राणैः life, क्लिश्यते is pained, विशल्यः if the arrow is removed, विनशिष्यति he will die, इति चिन्ता with this thought, तस्य his, शपकर्षणे in removing the arrow, माम् me, अविशत् has entered.

The thought of removing the arrow kept me pondering. If not removed, it will be painful, and if removed, he will die.
दुःखितस्य च दीनस्य मम शोकातुरस्य च।

लक्षयामास हृदये चिन्तां मुनिसुतस्तदा।।2.63.50।।

तदा then, मुनिसुतः son of the ascetic, दुःखितस्य of a distressed man, दीनस्य wretched, शोकातुरस्य च full of grief, मम my, हृदये in the heart, चिन्ताम् anguish, लक्षयामास perceived.

The son of the ascetic noticed my anguish and seeing me thus distressed, wretched and afflicted with sorrow, said:
ताम्यमानस्स मां कृच्छ्रादुवाच परमार्तवत्।

सीदमानो विवृत्ताङ्गो वेष्टमानो गतः क्षयम्।।2.63.51।।

ताम्यमानः tormented, सीदमानः plunging into death, विवृत्ताङ्गः with twisted limbs, वेष्टमानः writhing, क्षयम् destruction, गतः having reached, सः he, परमार्तवत् intensely grieved, कृच्छ्रात् with difficulty, माम् me, उवाच said.

Suffering from excruciating pain, sinking with his limbs twisting and writhing and plunging into death and destruction, with intense agony he uttered the following words with great difficulty:
संस्तभ्य शोकं धैर्येण स्थिरचित्तो भवाम्यहम्।

ब्रह्महत्याकृतं पापं हृदयादपनीयताम्।।2.63.52।।

अहम् I, धैर्येण patiently, शोकम् sorrow, संस्तभ्य restraining, स्थिरचित्तः with a firm mind, भवामि I am, ब्रह्महत्याकृतम् killed a brahmin, पापम् sin, हृदयात् from your mind, अपनीयताम् may be removed.

'I am now calm. I bear my pain with patience. Remove the fear from your mind that you have committed a sin by slaying a brahmin.
न द्विजातिरहं राजन्मा भूत्ते मनसो व्यथा।

शूद्रायामस्मि वैश्येन जातो जनपदाधिप।।2.63.53।।

जनपदाधिप O Lord of the land (Dasaratha), राजन् king, न not, अहम् I am, द्विजातिः a brahmin, न not, ते your, मनसः to mind, व्यथा fear, माभूत् may not happen, वैश्येन by a vaisya, शूद्रायाम् to a sudra woman, जातः born, अस्मि I am.

'O king Dasaratha, lord of the land, I am not a brahmin. Feel no sense of guilt in your mind. I was born of a sudra mother and a vaisya father.
इतीव वदतः कृच्छ्राद्बाणाभिहतमर्मणः विघूर्णतो विचेष्टस्य वेपमानस्य भूतले।

तस्यत्वानम्यमानस्य तं बाणमहमुद्धरम् स मामुद्वीक्ष्य सन्त्रस्तो जहौ प्राणांस्तपोधनः।।2.63.54।।

इतीव in this way, कृच्छ्रात् with great difficulty, वदतः speaking, बाणाभिहतमर्मणः one hit in the vital part of the body by an arrow, विघूर्णतः turning and twisting the body, विचेष्टस्य writhing in pain, भूतले on the ground, वेपमानस्य trembling, आनम्यमानस्य bent, तस्यत from there, बाणम् that arrow, अहम् I, उद्धरम् pulled out, सः तपोधनः that sage whose asceticism is his wealth, माम् me, उदीक्ष्य having looked up, सन्त्रस्तः frightened, प्राणान् life, जहौ gave up.

While that ascetic struck by the arrow in the vital part of the body, trembling, turning
and rolling on the ground writhing in pain spoke these words to me, I bent down and pulled out the arrow from his body. I was frightened when he looked up at me and gave up his life.
जलार्द्रगात्रन्तु विलप्य कृच्छ्रान्मर्मव्रणं सन्ततमुच्छवसन्तम्।

तत स्सरय्वां तमहं शयानं समीक्ष्य भद्रेऽस्मि भृशं विषण्णः।।2.63.55।।

भद्रे O gentle one, (कौशल्या Kausalya), जलार्द्रगात्रम् body drenched in water, कृच्छ्रात् due to pain, विलप्य lamenting, सन्ततम् ceaselessly, उच्छवसन्तम् sighing, मर्मव्रणम् wound in the vital part, सरय्वाम् on the bank of river Sarayu, शयानम् lying, तम् him, समीक्ष्य having seen, अहम् I, ततः then, भृशम् greatly, विषण्णः dejected, अस्मि I was.

O gentle Kausalya having seen him crying due to the pain caused by the wound in the vital part, sighing ceaselessly, drenched in water and lying on the bank of river Sarayu, I was greatly shaken.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे त्रिषष्टितम स्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the sixtythird sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.