Sloka & Translation

[Dasaratha relates to Kausalya the event of the noble ascetic's curse on him -- death of Dasaratha]

वधमप्रतिरूपं तु महर्षेस्तस्य राघवः।

विलपन्नेव धर्मात्मा कौसल्यां पुनरब्रवीत्।।2.64.1।।

धर्मात्मा the righteous one, राघवः descendant of the Raghu's (Dasaratha), तस्य महर्षेः that maharsi's, अप्रतिरूपम् unique, वधम् killing, विलपन्नेव while lamenting, पुनः again, कौशल्याम् to Kausalya, अब्रवीत् said.

Grieving for having unfairly killed the great sage the rightenous descendant of the Raghus (Dasaratha) coutinued to tell Kausalya about it:
तदज्ञानान्महत्पापं कृत्वाहं सङ्कुलेन्द्रियः।

एकस्त्वचिन्तयं बुध्या कथं नु सुकृतं भवेत्।।2.64.2।।

अहम् I, अज्ञानात् in ignorance, तत् that, महत् great, पापम् sin, कृत्वा having done, सङ्कुलेन्द्रियः with agitated senses, एकस्तु myself alone, कथं नु how, सुकृतम् well done, भवेत् shall be, बुध्या in my mind, अचिन्तयम् reflected.

Having committed the sin unwittingly, I was greatly agitated. I reflected in my mind as
to how to atone for this great sin.
ततस्तं घटमादाय पूर्णं परमवारिणा।

आश्रमं तमहं प्राप्य यथाऽख्यातपथं गतः।।2.64.3।।

ततः then, परमवारिणा with clean water, पूर्णम् filled, तम् that, घटम् pot आदाय taking hold of, यथाऽख्यातपथम् the path as directed, प्राप्य having reached, अहम् I, अश्रमम् hermitage, गतः entered.

Holding the pot filled with clean water I reached the hermitage following the path as directed.
तत्राहं दुर्बलावन्धौ वृद्धावपरिणायकौ।

अपश्यं तस्य पितरौ लूनपक्षाविव द्विजौ।।2.64.4।।

तन्निमित्ताभिरासीनौ कथाभिरपरिश्रमौ।

तामाशां मत्कृते हीनावुदासीनावनाथवत्।।2.64.5।।

तत्र there, अहम् I, दुर्बलौ frail, अन्धौ blind, वृद्धौ old, अपरिणायकौ without any supporter, लूनपक्षौ with wings severed, द्विजौ इव like birds, तन्निमित्ताभिः on account of their son, कथाभिः with stories, आसीनौ seated, अपरिश्रमौ without any work, मत्कृते done by me, ताम् आशाम् their hope, हीनौ deprived of, अनाथवत् like orphans, उदासीनौ passive, तस्य his, पितरौ parents, अपश्यम् I saw.

There I found his weak, blind, old parents. With no supporter, they looked like birds with clipped wings. They sat there helplessly like orphans and passively talking about their son, their only hope that I have deprived them of.
शोकोपहतचित्तश्च भयसन्त्रस्तचेतनः।

तच्चाऽश्रमपदं गत्वा भूयश्शोकमहं गतः।।2.64.6।।

शोकोपहत चित्तः च with mind smitten with grief, भयसन्त्रस्तचेतनः mind charged with apprehension, अहम् I, तत् that, आश्रमपदम् hermitage, गत्वा having reached, भूयः once again, शोकम् sorrow, गतः obtained.

Smitten with grief and my heart throbbing with fear I reached the hermitage and my sorrow became manifold.
पदशब्दं तु मे श्रुत्वा मुनिर्वाक्यमभाषत।

किं चिरायसि मे पुत्र पानीयं क्षिप्रमानय।।2.64.7।।

मे my, पदशब्दम् sound of footsteps, श्रुत्वा having heard, मुनिः sage, वाक्यम् words, अभाषत spoke this, पुत्र son, किम् why, चिरायसि are you delaying, क्षिप्रम् quickly, मे to me, पानीयम् water, आनय bring.

Hearing the sound of my footsteps, the sage said 'O son why have you delayed? Bring me some water quickly'.
यन्निमित्तमिदं तात सलिले क्रीडितं त्वया।

उत्कण्ठिता ते मातेयं प्रविश क्षिप्रमाश्रमम्।।2.64.8।।

तात O Dear child, त्वया by you, यन्निमित्तम् for whatever reason, सलिले in the water, इदम् this, क्रीडितम् sported, इयम् this, ते माता your mother, उत्कण्ठिता with anxicty, क्षिप्रम् quickly, आश्रमम् hermitage, प्रविश enter.

'O Dear child, whatever be the reason, you have been sporting in the water so long, come at once to the hermitage. Your mother is anxious.
यद्व्यलीकं कृतं पुत्र मात्रा ते यदि वा मया।

न तन्मनसि कर्तव्यं त्वया तात तपस्विना।।2.64.9।।

पुत्र son, ते your, मात्रा mother, यदिवा or, मया by myself, यत् any, व्यलीकम् displeasing act, कृतम् has been done, तात O Child, तपस्विना by being ascetic, त्वया by you, तत् that one,
मनसि in the mind, न कर्तव्यम् should not be taken seriously.

'O Child, O Son if your mother or I have done anything disagreeable, do not take it to heart, for you are an ascetic.
त्वं गतिस्त्वगतीनां चक्षुस्त्वं हीनचक्षुषाम्।

समासक्तास्त्वयि प्राणाः किं त्वं नो नाभिभाषसे।।2.64.10।।

अगतीनाम् for us with no support, त्वम् you, गतिः are support, अचक्षुषाम् for us who have no eyes, त्वम् you, चक्षुः हि are our eyes, प्राणाः our vital life, त्वयि in you, समासक्ताः are attached, त्वम् you, नः to us, किम् why, नाभिभाषसे are not talking?

'You are a support to the supportless, eyes to the blind, you are our very vital life. Why don't you speak to us'?
मुनिमव्यक्तया वाचा तमहं सज्जमानया।

हीनव्यञ्जनया प्रेक्ष्य भीतचित्त इवाब्रुवम्।।2.64.11।।

अहम् I, तं मुनिम् that sage, प्रेक्ष्य having seen, भीतचित्त इव with a frightened mind, अव्यक्तया indistinctly, सज्जमानया stammering, हीनव्यञ्जनया with slurring syllables, वाचा with words, अब्रुवम् I uttered.

As I saw him, my heart was filled with terror and I stammered as I spoke in garbled sentences.
मनसः कर्म चेष्टाभिरभिसंस्तभ्य वाग्बलम्।

आचचक्षे त्वहं तस्मै पुत्रव्यसनजं भयम्।।2.64.12।।

अहम् I, चेष्टाभिः with efforts, मनसः mind's, कर्म thoughts, वाग्बलम् power of speech, अभिसंस्तभ्य holding up firmly, तस्मै him, पुत्रव्यसनजम् the calamity arising due to the death of his son, भयम् fear, आचचक्षे related to him.

After a lot of effort, with great fear controlling my thoughts and the power of speech, I related to him the calamity that had befallen his son.
क्षत्रियोऽहं दशरथो नाहं पुत्रो महात्मनः।

सज्जनावमतं दुःखमिदं प्राप्तं स्वकर्मजम्।।2.64.13।।

अहम् I, दशरथः Dasaratha, क्षत्रियः kshatriya, अहम् I, महात्मनः of the great, पुत्रः son, न not, सज्जनावमतम् condemnable by the virtuous, इदम् this, स्वकर्मजम् caused out of my own
action, दुःखम् sorrowful, प्राप्तम् has befallen.

O magnanimous sage I am a kshatriya known as Dasaratha. I am not your son. A pathetic incident has been caused by my own action, condemnable by the virtuous.
भगवंश्चापहस्तोऽहं सरयूतीरमागतः।

जिघांसुश्श्वापदं कञ्चिन्निपाने चाऽगतं गजम्।।2.64.14।।

भगवन् O revered one, अहम् I, चापहस्तः bow in hand, कञ्चित् a certain, श्वापदम् wild animal, निपाने drinking at the water hole, आगतम् which has come, गजं च an elephant, जिघांसुः wishing to kill, सरयूतीरम् to the bank of river Sarayu, आगतः arrived.

Wishing to hunt a wild elephant coming down to the water hole for drinking, I went to the bank of Sarayu, bow in hand, O revered sage
ततश्श्रुतो मया शब्दो जले कुम्भस्य पूर्यतः।

द्विपोऽयमिति मत्वाऽयं बाणेनाभिहतो मया।।2.64.15।।

ततः thereafter, मया by me, जले in the water, पूर्यतः being filled, कुम्भस्य pot's, शब्दः sound, श्रुतः was heard, अयम् this one, द्विपः इति taking for an elephant, मत्वा having thought, अयम् he, मया by me, बाणेन with arrow, अभिहतः was killed.

There I heard the sound of a pot being filled with water and mistaking it to be an elephant's, shot an arrow.
गत्वा नद्यास्तत स्तीरमपश्यमिषुणा हृदि।

विनिर्भिन्नं गतप्राणं शयानं भुवि तापसम्।।2.64.16।।

ततः then, नद्याः river's, तीरम् bank, गत्वा having gone, इषुणा with an arrow, हृदि in the chest, विनिर्भिन्नम् pierced it, गतप्राणम् with ebbing life, भुवि on the ground, शयानम् lying, तापसम् an ascetic, अपश्यम् I beheld.

Thereafter I reached the river bank and beheld an ascetic with an arrow pierced in his chest. He was lying on the ground, his life ebbing away.
भगवच्छशब्दमालक्ष्य मया गजजिघांसुना।

विसृप्टोऽम्भसि नाराचस्तेन ते निहतस्सुतः।।2.64.17।।

भगवन् O venerable one, शब्दम् sound, आलक्ष्य aiming at, गजजिघांसुना intending to kill an elephant, मया by me, अम्भसि in the water, नाराचः with an arrow, विसृष्टः has been released, तेन by that, ते your, सुतः son, निहतः was struck.

O venerable one I released an arrow towards the water aiming at the sound intending to kill an elephant but it hit your son.
ततस्तस्यैव वचनादुपेत्य परितप्यतः।

स मया सहसा बाण उधृतो मर्मतस्तदा।।2.64.18।।

ततः then, परितप्यतः tormented, तस्यैव by his own, वचनात् words, मया by me, तदा then, उपेत्य reaching him, सहसा at once, सः बाणः that arrow, मर्मतः from his vital part, उधृतः removed.

Then I approached him. He was suffering from excruciating pain. I pulled out at his word the arrow from his chest.
स चोधृतेन बाणेन तत्रैव स्वर्गमास्थितः।

भवन्तौ पितरौ शोचन्नन्धाविति विलप्य च।।2.64.19।।

सः च he also, पितरौ parents, भवन्तौ about both of you, शोचन् while grieving, अन्धौ इति saying you are blind, विलप्य च wailing, उधृतेन extracted, तेन बाणेन by that arrow, तत्रैव there itself, स्वर्गम् heaven, आस्थितः attained.

Grieving for both of you and crying you are blind he died as soon as the arrow was pulled out.
अज्ञानाद्भवतः पुत्र स्सहसाऽभिहतो मया।

शेषमेवं गते यत्स्यात्तत्प्रसीदतु मे मुनिः।।2.64.20।।

अज्ञानात् by my ignorance, सहसा suddenly, भवतः पुत्रः your son, मया by me, निहतः was slain, एवं गते when this has happened, यत् whatever, शेषं स्यात् remains to be done, तत् that, मुनिः ascetic, प्रसीदतु be pleased.

Your son has been killed by me due to my ignorance. Since this has happened, may the ascetic be pleased to command me on the next course of action.
स तच्च्रुत्वा वचः क्रूरं मयोक्तमघशंसिना।

नाशकत्तीव्रमायासमकर्तुं भगवानृषिः।।2.64.21।।

भगवान् venerable, सः ऋषिः that sage, अघशंसिना conveying my sinful act, मया by me, उक्तम् uttered, क्रूरम् cruel, तत् those, वचः words, श्रुत्वा having heard, तीव्रम् intense, आयासम् anguish, अकर्तुम् not to do, नाशकत् was not able.

The venerable sage heard my cruel words about the sinful act and was not able to seriously react. (He was stunned).
स बाष्पपूर्णवदनो निश्श्वसन्शोककर्शितः।

मामुवाच महातेजाः कृताञ्जलिमुपस्थितम्।।2.64.22।।

महातेजाः brilliant, सः that ascetic, बाष्पपूर्णवदनः face filled with tears, निश्श्वसन् heaving sighs, शोककर्शितः broken with grief, कृताञ्जलिम् with folded palms, उपस्थितम् standing nearby, माम् me, उवाच said.

The griefstricken, glorious ascetic with his face filled with tears, heaving deep sighs broke down with grief and spoke to me as I was standing with folded palms.
यद्येतदशुभं कर्म न त्वं मे कथयेस्स्वयम्।

फलेन्मूर्धा स्म ते राजन् सद्य श्शतसहस्रधा।।2.64.23।।

राजन् O king, अशुभम् inauspicious, एतत् this, कर्म act, त्वम् you, मे to me, स्वयम् yourself, न कथयेः यदि not spoke, सद्य: right now, ते your, मूर्धा your head, शतसहस्रधा a hundred thousand pieces, फलेत् स्म would have been split.

'O king, hadn't you yourself broken this inauspicious news, your head would have split into a hundred thousand pieces right now.
क्षत्रियेण वधो राजन् वानप्रस्थे विशेषतः।

ज्ञानपूर्वं कृत स्स्थानाच्च्यावयेदपि वज्रिणम्।।2.64.24।।

राजन् king, क्षत्रियेण by a kshatriya, ज्ञानपूर्वम् with prior knowledge, कृतः done, वधः the act of killing, विशेषतः especially, वानप्रस्थे of a forestdweller, वज्रिणम् अपि even if he is wielder of thunderbolt (Indra), स्थानात् from his position, च्वावयेत् would overthrow.

'If a kshatriya kills any one knowingly, particularly when in vanaprastha (third stage) this sin can displace even Indra, wielder of the thunderbolt from his position, O king.
सप्तधा तु फलेन्मूर्धा मुनौ तपसि तिष्ठति।

ज्ञानाद्विसृजतश्शस्त्रं तादृशे ब्रह्मावादिनि।।2.64.25।।

तपसि observing austerities, तिष्ठति staying, मुनौ at the ascetic, तादृशे similar, ब्रह्मवादिनि at one who propagates selfknowledge, ज्ञानात् knowingly, शस्त्रम् weapon, विसृजतः discharges, मूर्धा head, सप्तधा into seven pieces, फलेत् will break.

'If any one deliberately discharges a weapon upon an ascetic observing austerities or on him who expounds the Vedas, his head will split into seven pieces.
अज्ञानाद्धिकृतं यस्मादिदं तेनैव जवसि।

अपि ह्यद्य कुलं न स्यादिक्ष्वाकूणां कुतो भवान्।।2.64.26।।

इदम् this, यस्मात् for which reason, आज्ञानात् out of ignorance, कृतं हि has been done, तेनैव that is why, जीवसि you will live, इक्ष्वाकूणाम् Ikshvakus', कुलमपि race itself, अद्य now, न स्यात् हि would not have been there, भवान् you also, कुतः where are you

'Since you have done this unwittingly you are still alive. If it had been otherwise, your Ikshvaku race itself would have been exterminated, what to speak of you
नय नौ नृप तं देशमिति मां चाभ्यभाषत।

अद्य तं द्रष्टुमिच्छावः पुत्रं पश्चिमदर्शनम्।।2.64.27।।

रुधिरेणावसिक्ताङ्गं प्रकीर्णाजिनवाससम्।

शयानं भुवि निस्संज्ञं धर्म राजवशं गतम्।।2.64.28।।

नृप king, अद्य now, पश्चिमदर्शनम् for the last time to see, रुधिरेण in blood, अवसिक्ताङ्गम् his body spattered, प्रकीर्णाजिनवाससम् with antelope skin in disarray, भुवि on the ground, शयानम् lying, निस्संज्ञम् without senses, धर्मराजवशम् under the sway of the Lord of death, गतम् gone, पुत्रम् son, द्रष्टुम् to see, इच्छावः intend, तं देशम् to that place, नौ us, नय take us, इति thus, माम् me, अभ्यभाषत च spoke.

'O king take us to that place. We wish to have the last look at him, at his garment of antelope skin in disarray, his body spattered with blood, lying on the ground unconscious under the sway of the lord of death'. Thus the sage said to me.
अथाहमेकस्तं देशं नीत्वा तौ भृशदुःखितौ।

अस्पर्शयमहं पुत्रं तं मुनिं सह भार्यया।।2.64.29।।

अथ thereupon, एकः alone, अहम् I, भृशदुःखितौ deeply grieved, तौ both of them, तं देशम् to that place, नीत्वा having taken, भार्यया सह along with his wife, तं मुनिम् to that asetic, तं पुत्रम् their son, अस्पर्शयम् made them touch.

Thereupon, I took both of them all by myself to that spot and made the grieving
ascetics touch the body of their son.
तौ पुत्रमात्मन स्स्पृष्ट्वा तमासाद्य तपस्विनौ।

निपेततुश्शरीरेऽस्य पिता चास्येदमब्रवीत्।।62.64.30।।

तपस्विनौ both the ascetics, तौ both, तम् their, आत्मनः own, पुत्रम् son, आसाद्य having approached, स्पृष्टवा having touched, अस्य his, शरीरे on body, निपेततुः fell, अस्य his, पिता च father, इदम् this way, अब्रवीत् spoke.

Both the ascetics stroking their son's body and collapsed upon it. And the father said:
नाभिवादयसे माद्य न च माऽमभिभाषसे।

किं नु शेषे तु भूमौ त्वं वत्स किं कुपितो ह्यसि।।2.64.31।।

वत्स child, अद्य today, मा me, नाभिवादयसे you are not greeting us, माम् me, न च अभिभाषसे not also speaking to us, त्वम् you, भूमौ on this ground, किं नु शेषे why are you lying, कुपितः angry, किम् असि why have you become?.

'O child why are you not greeting us today nor speaking? Why are you lying on the ground? Are you angry with us?
न त्वहं ते प्रियं पुत्र मातरं पश्य धार्मिक।

किं नु नालिङ्गसे पुत्र सुकुमार वचो वद।।2.64.32।।

धार्मिक O righteous, पुत्र son, अहम् I, ते to you, प्रियम् dear, न तु if not so, मातरम् mother, पश्य look at, पुत्र O son, किं नु why, नालिङ्गसे are not embracing, सुकुमार O tender child, वचः words, वद tell.

'O righteous son if I am no longer dear to you, (at least) look at your mother. O tender child, why are you not embracing me? Speak.
कस्य वाऽपररात्रेऽहं श्रोष्यामि हृदयङ्गमम्।

अधीयानस्य मधुरं शास्त्रं वान्यद्विशेषतः।।2.64.33।।

अपररात्रे in the last watch of the night, शास्त्रम् scriptures, विशेषत: especially, अन्वद्वा any other, अधीयानस्य while reciting, कस्य वा or whose, हृदयङ्गमम् delightful to the heart, मधुरम् sweet sound, अहम् I, श्रोष्यामि shall listen?

'From whom shall I hear the sweet recitation of scriptures or other texts, delightful to my heart in the last watch of the night?
को मां सन्द्यामुपास्यैव स्नात्वा हुतहुताशनः।

श्लाघयिष्यत्युपासीनः पुत्र शोकभयार्दितम्।।2.64.34।।

पुत्र O son, कः who, स्नात्वा after the ablution, सन्द्याम् morning Sandhya, उपास्यैव having worshipped, हुतहुताशनः having offered oblations to the sacrificial fire, उपासीनः seated near, शोकभयार्दितम् tormented with sorrow and fear, माम् to me, श्लाघयिष्यति serve?

'O son I am tortured with sorrow and fear. Who will serve me from now on after the ablution and the morning worship of Sandhya, followed by oblations to the sacrificial fire?
कन्दमूलफलं हृत्वा को मां प्रियमिवातिथिम्।


कन्दमूलफलम् tubers and fruits, हृत्वा having brought, कः who, अकर्मण्यम् incapable of doing any work, अप्रग्रहम् incapable of procuring anything, अनायकम् one who has no guide, माम् me, प्रियम् dear, अतिथिमिव like a guest, भोजयिष्यति will feed?

'I am incapable of doing any work, I am unable to procure anything (to meet my needs. now). I have no guide (to help me walk my way). Who will feed me like a welcome guest with tubers and fruits?
इमामन्धां च वृद्धां च मातरं ते तपस्विनीम्।

कथं वत्स भरिष्यामि कृपणां पुत्रगर्धिनीम्।।2.64.36।।

वत्स O son, अन्धाम् blind, वृद्धाम् old, तपस्विनीम् miserable, कृपणाम् wretched, पुत्रगर्धिनीम् yearning for her son, इमाम् this, ते your, मातरम् mother, कथम् how, भरिष्यामि support her?

'O son how can I support your wretched and pitiable mother, who is blind, old and yearning for her son?
तिष्ठ मां मागमः पुत्र यमस्य सदनं प्रति।

श्वो मया सह गन्तासि जनन्या च समेधितः।।2.64.37।।

पुत्र son, मां तिष्ठ stay with me, यमस्य of the lord of death, सदनं प्रति to the abode, मागमः do not go, मया with me, जनन्या सह च along with your mother also, समेधितः accompanied by, श्वः tomorrow, गन्तासि may go.

'My dear son, stay with me, do not go (now) to the abode of Yama, (lord of death). Tomorrow accompanied by me and your mother you may
उभावपि च शोकार्तावनाथौ कृपणौ वने।

क्षिप्रमेव गमिष्यावस्त्वया हीनौ यमक्षयम्।।2.4.38।।

त्वया by you, हीनौ having been deserted, शोकार्तौ afflicted with grief, वने in the forest, अनाथौ without support, कृपणौ wretched ones, उभावपि च both of us also, क्षिप्रमेव quickly, यमक्षयम् to the abode of Yama, गमिष्यावः will go.

'Deserted by you and without any support in the forest, afflicted with grief and feeling miserable, both of us also will assuredly go to Yama's abode, quickly.
ततो वैवस्वतं दृष्ट्वा तं प्रवक्ष्यामि भारतीम्।

क्षमतां धर्मराजो मे बिभृयात्पितरावयम्।।2.64.39।।

ततः then, वैवस्वतम् lord of death, Yama, दृष्ट्वा having seen, तम् him, भारतीम् in speech, प्रवक्ष्यामि I shall say, धर्मराजः the lord of justice, मे me, क्षमताम् forgive, अयम् this man, पितरौ parents, बिभृयात् continue to maintain.

'There seeing Yama, (lord of death), I shall say O Lord of Justice forgive me. Let this boy continue to maintain his parents.
दातुमर्हति धर्मात्मा लोकपालो महायशाः।

ईदृशस्य ममाक्षय्या मेकामभयदक्षिणाम्।।2.64.40।।

महायशाः of high renown, धर्मात्मा righteous, लोकपालः guardian of the worlds, ईदृशस्य of such, मम to me, अक्षय्याम् unfailing, एकाम् one, अभय दक्षिणाम् protection from fear, दातुम् to give, अर्हति behoves him.

'That lord of justice, who is highly renowned, righteous and the guardian of the worlds will grant me one unfailing boon of protection from fear.
अपापोऽसि यदा पुत्र निहतः पापकर्मणा।

तेन सत्येन गच्छाऽऽशु ये लोकाश्शस्त्रयोधिनाम्।।2.64.41।।

पुत्र O son, पापकर्मणा by a person of sinful deeds, निहतः killed, यथा just as, अपापः असि you are sinless, तेन that, सत्येन with truth, शस्त्रयोधिनाम् those who fight with weapons, ये
whichever, लोका: worlds, आशु quickly, गच्छ go.

'O sinless son, you are killed by a person of sinful deeds. On this truth, quickly go to those worlds which are attained by those valiant heroes.
यान्ति शूरा गतिं यां च सङ्ग्रामेष्वनिवर्तिनः।

हतास्त्वभिमुखाः पुत्र गतिं तां परमां व्रज।।2.64.42।।

पुत्र son, सङ्ग्रामेषु in wars, अनिवर्तिनः the men who do not retreat, शूराः warriors, अभिमुखाः याम् facing the enemy, गतिम् ultimate state, यान्ति will attain, ताम् that one, परमाम् supreme, गतिम् state, व्रज attain.

यां गतिं सगरश्शैब्यो दिलीपो जनमेजयः।

नहुषो दुन्दुमारश्च प्राप्तास्तां गच्छ पुत्रक।।2.64.43।।

पुत्रक O son, सगरः Sagara, शैब्यः Saibya, दिलीपः Dilipa, जनमेजयः Janamejaya, नहुषः Nahusha, दुन्दुमारश्च Dundumara also, याम् which, गतिम् state, प्राप्ताः have attained, ताम् the same, गच्छ attain.

'You will attain, my son, the same supreme state achieved by Sagara, Saibya, Dilipa, Janamejaya, Nahusha and Dundumara.
या गति स्सर्वसाधूनां स्वाध्यायात्तपसाच या।

या भूमिदस्याहिऽताग्नेरेकपत्नी व्रतस्य च।।2.64.44।।

गोसहस्रप्रदातृ़णां या या गुरुभृतामपि।

देहन्यासकृतां या च तां गतिं गच्छ पुत्रक।।2.64.45।।

पुत्रक O son, सर्वसाधूनाम् of all virtuous people, या which, गतिः state, स्वाध्यायात् with the study of Vedas, तपसा च by asceticism, भूमिदस्य bestowers of land as charity, आहिताग्नेः who kindle the sacred fires, एकपत्नीव्रतस्य च of the monogamist too, गोसहस्रप्रदातृ़णाम् who offer a thousand cows in charity, या which, गुरुभृतामपि who nurture the venerable ones, देहन्यासकताम् for those who lay down their bodies voluntarily, या च and those, तां गतिम् the same state, गच्छ you will attain.

'You, my son, shall attain that supreme state obtained by those who are virtuous, who study the Vedas and practise asceticism.You shall attain the state merited by those bestowers of land as charity, who kindle the sacred fires, who are monoganists, who offer a thousand cows in charity, who nurture the venerable and who willingly lay down their bodies.
न हि त्वस्मिन्कुले जातो गच्छत्यकुशलां गतिम्।

स तु यास्यति येन त्वं निहतो मम बान्धवः।।2.64.46।।

अस्मिन् in this, कुले family, जातः born, अकुशलाम् undesirable, गतिम् state, न गच्छति हि will never go, तु but, मम my, बान्धवः relation, त्वम् you, येन by whom, निहतः killed, सः he, यास्यति will attain.

'He who has killed you will alone attain that undesirable state, a member of our family will not.'
एवं स कृपणं तत्र पर्यदेवयतासकृत्।

ततोऽस्मै कर्तुमुदकं प्रवृत्तस्सहभार्यया।।2.64.47।।

सः he, एवम् in this way, तत्र there, असकृत् again and again, कृपणम् piteously, पर्यदेवयत bewailed, ततः then, अस्मै to him, भार्यया सह along with his wife, उदकं कर्तुम् to perform funeral obsequies, प्रवृत्तः commenced.

In this way the ascetic piteously wailed again and again. Thereafter, he with his wife set about to perform the funeral obsequies of their son.
स तु दिव्येन रूपेण मुनिपुत्रस्स्वकर्मभिः।

स्वर्गमध्यारुहत्क्षिप्रं शक्रेण सह धर्मवित्।।2.64.48।।

धर्मवित् one conversant with righteousness, सः that, मुनिपुत्रः son of the sage, स्वकर्मभिः by the merit of his own deeds, शक्रेण सह with Indra, दिव्येन in a celestial, रूपेण form, क्षिप्रम् quickly, स्वर्गम् heaven, अध्यारुहत् ascended.

The virtuous son of that ascetic assumed a celestial form through the merit of his good deeds and ascended heaven at once with Indra.
आबभाषे च वृद्धौ तौ सह शक्रेण तापसः।

आश्वास्यच मुहूर्तं तु पितरौ वाक्यमब्रवीत्।।2.64.49।।

सह शक्रेण with Indra, (सः) तापसः that ascetic, तौ both, वृद्धौ to the aged ones, अबाभाषे च spoke, पितरौ parents, मुहूर्तम् for a brief moment, आश्वास्य consoling, वाक्यम् words, अब्रवीत् said.

The ascetic in the company of Indra consoling the aged couple for a brief moment said:
स्थानमस्मि महत्प्राप्तो भवतोः परिचारणात्।

भवन्तावपि च क्षिप्रं मम मूलमुपैष्यतः।।2.64.50।।

भवतोः your, परिचारणात् by (your) service, महत् supreme, स्थानम् state, प्राप्तः अस्मि I have attained, भवन्तौ अपि च you also, क्षिप्रम् quickly, मम my, मूलम् presence, उपैष्यतः will obtain.

'I have attained this supreme state by virtue of the service rendered to you. You will also attain my state soon.'
एवमुक्त्वा तु दिव्येन विमानेन वपुष्मता।

आरुरोह दिवं क्षिप्रं मुनिपुत्रो जितेन्द्रियः।।2.64.51।।

जितेन्द्रियः one with his senses conquered, मुनिपुत्रः sage's son, एवम् in this way, उक्त्वा having said, वपुष्मता beautiful, दिव्येन celestial, विमानेन aerial chariot, क्षिप्रम् quickly, दिवम् heaven, आरुरोह ascended.

The sage's son with his senses under control said this while ascending heaven on a beautiful, celestial, aerial chariot.
स कृत्वा तूदकं तूर्णं तापस स्सह भार्यया।

मामुवाच महातेजाः कृताञ्जलिमुपस्थितम्।।2.64.52।।

महातेजाः brilliant, सः तापसः that ascetic, भार्यया सह with his wife, तूर्णम् immediately, उदकं कृत्वा offering funeral libations, कृताञ्जलिम् with folded palms, उपस्थितम् standing nearby, माम् me, उवाच addressed.

The radiant ascetic along with his wife hurriedly completed the funeral libations and said to me standing with folded palms:
अद्यैव जहिं मां राजन्मरणे नास्ति मे व्यथा।

यच्छरेणैकपुत्रं मां त्वमकर्षीरपुत्रकम्।।2.64.53।।

राजन् king, त्वम् you, यत् since, ऐक पुत्रम् having only one son, माम् me, शरेण with the arrow, अपुत्रकम् childless, अकार्षीः rendered, अद्यैव right now, माम् me, जहि slay, मे to me, मरणे in death, व्यथा pain, नास्ति not.

'Kill me, O king with the same arrow by which you rendered me childless. Death holds no pain for me.
त्वया तु यदविज्ञानान्निहतो मे सुतश्शुचिः।

तेन त्वामभिशप्स्यामि सुदुःखमतिदारुणम्।।2.64.54।।

त्वया by you, अविज्ञानात् in ignorance, मे my, शुचिः purehearted, सुतः son, यत् since, निहतः was killed, तेन therefore, त्वाम् you, सुदुःखम् deeply sorrowful, अतिदारुणम् extremely dreadful, अभिशप्स्यामि I will curse.

'Though you have killed my purehearted son unintentionally, I will pronounce a disastrous and dreadful curse on you.
पुत्रव्यसनजं दुःखं यदेतन्मम साम्प्रतम्।

एवं त्वं पुत्रशोकेन राजन्कालं करिष्यसि।।2.64.55।।

साम्प्रतम् now, यत् एतत् just as this, पुत्रव्यसनजम् caused by my son's death, दुःखम् grief, एवम् the same way, राजन् O king, त्वम् you, पुत्रशोकेन by the sorrow over your son, कालं करिष्यसि will die.

'Just as I am now suffering from grief caused by my son's death, you, O king, shall die from the sorrow on account of (separation from) your son.
अज्ञानात्तु हतो यस्मात्क्षत्रियेण त्वया मुनिः।

तस्मात्त्वां नाविशत्याशु ब्रह्महत्या नराधिप।।2.64.56।।

नराधिप O lord of men, क्षत्रियेण by being a kshatriya, त्वया by you, यस्मात् since, मुनिः sage, अज्ञानात् ignorantly, हतः killed, तस्मात् for that reason, आशु immediately, ब्रह्महत्या sin of slaying a brahmana, त्वाम् you, न आविशति will not apply.

'Since you, O lord of men, you have killed an ascetic unaware, as kshatriya the sin of slaying a brahmin will not accrue to you immediately.
त्वामप्येतादृशो भावः क्षिप्रमेव गमिष्यति।

जीवितान्तकरो घोरो दातारमिव दक्षिणा।।2.64.57।।

जीवितान्तकरः causing the end of your life, घोरः dreadful, एतादृशः such, भावः mortal condition, दक्षिणा alms, दातारम् इव like a giver, क्षिप्रमेव soon, त्वामपि you also, गमिष्यति will reach.

'Just like the merits of alms come to the giver, you are going to face very soon a dreadful situation causing the end of your life.'
एवं शापं मयि न्यस्य विलप्य करुणं बहु।

चितामारोप्य देहं तन्मिथुनं स्वर्गमभ्ययात्।।2.64.58।।

तत् that, मिथुनम् couple, एवम् in this way, मयि in me, शापम् curse, न्यस्य giving, करुणम्
piteously, बहुविलप्य lamenting long, देहम् body, चिताम् funeral pyre, आरोप्य ascending, स्वर्गम् to heaven, अभ्ययात् went.

Having thus cursed me, the couple piteously lamenting for a long time, laid themselves down on the funeral pyre and went to heaven.
तदेतच्छिन्तयानेन स्मृतं पापं मया स्वयम्।

तदा बाल्यात्कृतं देवि शब्दवेध्यनुशिक्षिणा।।2.64.59।।

देवि O Devi (Kausalya), तदा then, शब्दवेध्यनुशिक्षिणा trained in discharging the arrow in the direction of sound, मया by me, बाल्यात् out of ignorance, स्वयम् myself, कृतम् committed, तत् such, एतत् this, पापम् sin, चिन्तयानेन reflecting, स्मृतम् recollected.

While reflecting about it now, O Devi (Kausalya) I recollect this sin committed by me unintentionally, with childish pranks while practising the art of hitting a target by its sound.
तस्यायं कर्मणो देवि विपाकस्समुपस्थितः।

अपथ्यैस्सहम्भुक्ते व्याधिरन्नरसे यथा।।2.64.60।।

देवि O Devi, तस्य कर्मणः that act's, अयं विपाकः this consequence, अन्नरसे food and drink, अपथ्यैः सह with unhealthy food, सम्भुक्ते सति when partaking, व्याधिः यथा causing illness, समुपस्थितः has befallen.

Just as a man eating forbidden food and drink falls sick, so have I fallen prey to grief,
because of my sin, O Devi
तस्मान्मामागतं भद्रे तस्योदारस्य तद्वचः।

यदहं पुत्रशोकेन सन्त्यक्ष्याम्यद्य जीवितम्।।2.64.61।।

भद्रे O gentle lady, तस्मात् hence, अहम् I, पुत्रशोकेन due to sorrow over my son, जीवितम् life, यत् सन्त्यक्ष्यामि since I am giving up, उदारस्य of the noble, तस्य that ascetic's, तत् वचः
those words, मम for me, अद्य today, आगतम् have come true.

O gentle lady, the words of that noble ascetic have come true today. Hence I am now going to give up my life.
चक्षुभ्यां त्वां न पश्यामि कौसल्ये साधु मां स्फृश।

इत्युक्त्वा स रुदंस्त्रस्तो भार्यामाह च भूमिपः।।2.64.62।।

कौशल्ये O Kausalya, चक्षुर्भ्याम् with eyes, त्वाम् you, न पश्यामि I am unable to see, मां me, साधु properly, स्फृश touch, भूमिपः lord of the earth, इति उक्त्वा having said so, त्रस्तो frightened, रुदन् weeping, भार्याम् to his wife, आह च said also.

O Kausalya, I cannot see you with my eyes. Touch me gently, said the frightened Dasaratha, Lord of the earth, to his wife weeping.
एतन्मे सदृशं देवि यन्मया राघवे कृतम्।

सदृशं तत्तु तस्यैव यदनेन कृतं मयि।।2.64.63।।

देवि O Devi, मया by me, यत् whatever, राघवे to Rama, कृतम् done, एतत् all that, मे to me, सदृशम् befitting, अनेन by him (this Rama), मयि relating to me, यत् whatever, कृतम् done, तत्तु that one, तस्यैव his, सदृशम् is worthy of.

Whatever I have done to the scion of the Raghu family (Rama) is befitting me, O Devi. And whatever he has done in respect of me is also worthy of him.
दुर्वृत्तमपि कः पुत्रं त्यजेद्भुवि विचक्षणः।

कश्च प्रव्राज्यमानो वा नासूयेत्पितरं सुतः।।2.64.64।।

भुवि in this world, विचक्षणः clearrighted, कः who, दुर्वृत्तमपि even if illbehaved, पुत्रम् son, त्यजेत् will he abandon?, प्रव्राज्यमानो अपि even while he is being banished, कः who, सुतः son, पितरम् at his father, ना सूयेत् will not become angry?

Which clearsighted man in this world, will abandon his son even if he is of evil conduct? Which son will not get angry with his father when he is banished?
यदि मां संस्पृशेद्रामस्सकृदद्य लभेत वा।

यमक्षयमनुप्राप्ता द्रक्ष्यन्ति न हि मानवाः।।2.64.65।।

रामः Rama, अद्य now, सकृत् once, माम् me, सम्स्पृशेत् will touch?, लभेत वा will he come to my side, यमक्षयम् world of Yama, अनुप्राप्ताः attained, मानवाः men, न द्रक्ष्यन्ति हि cannot see any more indeed

Before I die, will Rama touch me once or will he come to me? After reaching the abode of Yama men cannot see their relations.
चक्षुषा त्वां न पश्यामि स्मृतिर्मम विलुप्यते।

दूता वैवस्वतस्यैते कौसल्ये त्वरयन्ति माम्।।2.64.66।।

कौसल्ये O Kausalya, चक्षुषा with my eyes, त्वाम् you, न पश्यामि cannot see, मम my, स्मृतिः memory, विलुप्यते is failing, वैवस्वतस्य Yama's, एते दूताः these messengers, माम् me, त्वरयन्ति are hastening up.

O Kausalya, I am unable to see you. My memory is failing and the messengers of Yama are hastening me.
अतस्तु किं दुःखतरं यदहं जीवितक्षये।

न हि पश्यामि धर्मज्ञं रामं सत्यपराक्रमम्।।2.64.67।।

अहम् I, जीवितक्षये at the last moment of my life, धर्मज्ञम् to the knower of righteousness, सत्यपराक्रमम् to one possessing the strength of truth, रामम् Rama, न पश्यामि हि इति यत् the fact that I am unable to see, अतः more than this, दुःखतरम् more sorrowful, किं नु what is there?

Can there be a greater sorrow than that at the last moment of my life I am unable to
see my righteous and truthful son, Rama?

उच्छोषयति मे प्राणान्वारिस्तोकमिवातपः।।2.64.68।।

अप्रतिकर्मणः of unparalleled deeds, तस्य सुतस्य that son's, अदर्शनजः born out of nonappearance, शोकः grief, स्तोकम् small quantity, वारि water, आतपः इव like heat, मे my, प्राणान् life, उच्छोषयति is drying up.

My grief in the absence of Rama of peerless deeds is drying up my life as heat dries up small pools of water.
न ते मनुष्या देवास्ते ये चारुशुभकुण्डलम्।

मुखं द्रक्ष्यन्ति रामस्य वर्षे पञ्चदशे पुनः।।2.64.69।।

पञ्चदशे वर्षे in the fifteenth year, ये whoever, चारु elegant, शुभकुण्डलम् with auspicious ear rings, रामस्य Rama's, मुखम् countenance, पुनः again, द्रक्ष्यन्ति will behold, ते those, देवाः gods, मनुष्याः men, न not.

Those who will behold Rama's countenance adorned with auspicious earrings on his return in the fifteenth year are gods not men.
पद्मपत्रेक्षणं सुभ्रु सुदंष्ट्रं चारुनासिकम्।

धन्या द्रक्ष्यन्ति रामस्य ताराधिपनिभं मुखम्।।2.64.70।।

पद्मपत्रेक्षणम् eyes like lotus petals, सुभ्रु graceful eyebrows, सुदंष्ट्रम् even teeth, चारुनासिकम् of shapely nose, ताराधिपनिभम् resembling the lord of the stars (the Moon), रामस्य Rama's, मुखम् countenance, धन्याः blessed, द्रक्ष्यन्ति will behold.

Blessed are they who will behold Rama's countenance resembling the Moon, lord of the stars with eyes like lotus petals graceful eyebrows, even teeth and a nose.
सदृशं शारदस्येन्दोः पुल्लस्य कमलस्य च।

सुगन्धि मम नाथस्य धन्या द्रक्ष्यन्ति तन्मुखम्।।2.64.71।।

शारदस्य autumnal, इन्दोः Moon, सदृशम् similar, पुल्लस्य fullblown, कमलस्य च similar to lotus, सुगन्धि fragrant, मम नाथस्य my son's, तत् that, मुखम् countenance, धन्याः blessed, द्रक्ष्यन्ति will behold.

Fortunate indeed are the men who will behold my son's fragrant countenance camparable to the autmnal Moon and the fullblown lotus.
निवृत्तवनवासं तमयोध्यां पुनरागतम्।

द्रक्ष्यन्ति सुखिनो रामं शुक्रं मार्गगतं यथा।।2.64.72।।

निवृत्तवनवासम् after completing the period of exile, अयोध्याम् to Ayodhya, पुनः again, आगतम् returning, रामम् Rama, मार्गगतम् moving on the highway, शुक्रं यथा like the planet Venus, सुखिनः happy persons, द्रक्ष्यन्ति will behold.

Lucky men will behold Rama return to Ayodhya after the completion of his exile, like the planet Venus moving forward on its orbit.
कौसल्ये चित्तमोहेन हृदयं सीदतीव मे।

वेदये न च संयुक्तान् शब्दस्पर्शरसानहम्।।2.64.73।।

कौसल्ये O Kausalya, चित्तमोहेन on account of delusion, मे हृदयम् my heart, सीदतीव as if sinking, अहम् I, संयुक्तान् united, शब्दस्पर्शरसान् the sense of sound, touch and taste, न च वेदये I am not able to know.

O Kausalya, my heart, it appears is sinking and on account of delusion I am not able to feel the sense objects like sound touch and taste together.
चित्तनाशाद्विपद्यन्ते सर्वाण्येन्द्रियाणि मे।

क्षीणस्नेहस्य दीपस्य संसक्ता रश्मयो यथा।।2.64.74।।

चित्तनाशात् on account of the loss of the mental faculty, मे my, सर्वाण्येव all, इन्द्रियाणि sense organs, क्षीणस्नेहस्य with oil exhausted, दीपस्य like the lamp, संसक्ताः together, रश्मयः यथा like rays, विपद्यन्ते are giving way.

With the loss of my mental faculty, all the sense organs are giving way, like the rays of the lamp giving way together when the oil is exhausted.
अयमात्मभवश्शोको मामनाथमचेतनम्।

संसादयति वेगेन यथा कूलं नदीरयः।।2.64.75।।

आत्मभवः selfcreated on account of my son, अयम् this, शोकः sorrow, अनाथम् helpless, अचेतनम् insensible, माम् me, नदीरयः current of the river, कूलं यथा like the bank, वेगेन rapidly, संसादयति eroding.

This selfcreated grief is rapidly destroying me like the bank of a river eroded by its swift current, leaving me helpless and insensible.
हा राघव महाबाहो हा ममाऽयासनाशन।

हा पितृप्रिय मे नाथ हाऽद्य क्वासि गतस्सुत।।2.64.76।।

महाबाहो O mightyarmed one, हा राघव Ah Rama, मम my, आयासनाशन destroyer of my agony, हा Ah , हा पितृप्रिय Ah delight of your father, मे नाथ my protector, हा Ah सुत son, क्व
where, गतः असि have you gone?.

Ah, mightyarmed Rama, destroyer of my agonies, Ah, the delight of your father, Ah, my protector, Ah, my son, where have you gone?.
हा कौसल्ये नशिष्यामि हा सुमित्रे तपस्विनि।

हा नृशंसे ममामित्रे कैकेयि कुलपांसनि।।2.64.77।।

हा कौशल्ये Ah Kausalya, तपस्विनि pitiable one, हा सुमित्रे Ah Sumitra, हा Ah, नृशंसे cruel one, मम अमित्रे my enemy, कुलपांसनि defiler of my race, कैकेयि Kaikeyi, नशिष्यामि am destroyed.

Ah, Kausalya, Ah, pitiable Sumitra, Ah, cruel Kaikeyi, my enemy and defiler of my race, I am going to die.
इति रामस्य मातुश्च सुमित्रायाश्च सन्निधौ।

राजा दशरथ श्शोचञ्जीवितान्तमुपागमत्।।2.64.78।।

राजा king, दशरधः Dasaratha, इति thus, रामस्य मातुश्च Rama's mother, सुमित्रायाश्च Sumitra's, सन्निधौ in the presence, इति thus, शोचन् crying in distress, जीवितान्तं end of his life, उपागमत् reached.

King Dasaratha, thus crying in distress in the presence of Rama's mother and Sumitra reached the end of his life.
यदा तु दीनं कथयन्नराधिपः प्रियस्य पुत्त्रस्य विवासनातुरः।

गतेऽर्धरात्रे भृशदुःखपीडितस्तदा जहौ प्राणमुदारदर्शनः।।2.64.79।।

उदारदर्शनः a man of noble vision, नराधिपः king, दीनम् pitiably, कथयन् while speaking, पुत्रस्य son's, विवासनातुरः distraught on account of his exile, अर्धरात्रे at midnight, गते having passed away, यदा when, भृशदुःखपीडितः tormented with intense sorrow, तदा then, प्राणम् life, जहौ gave up.

King Dasaratha, a man of noble vision and lord of men, anguished by the exile of his son, kept pitiably muttering till past midnight until tormented by an intense agony he breathed his last.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे चतुष्षष्टितमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the sixtyfourth sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.