Sloka & Translation

[Dasaratha's death -- heartbroken Kausalya and Sumitra -- palace echoes with the lamentations of Dasaratha's wives.]

अथ रात्र्यां व्यतीतायां प्रातरेवापरेऽहनि।

वन्दिनः पर्युपातिष्ठंस्तत्पार्थिव निवेशनम्।।2.65.1।।

सूताः परमसंस्कारा मङ्गलाश्चोत्तमश्रुताः।

गायका: स्तुतिशीलाश्च निगदन्तः पृथक् पृथक्।।2.65.2।।

अथ thereafter, रात्र्याम् that night, व्यतीतायाम् had passed, अपरे on the following, अहनि day, प्रातः एव in the morning, परमसंस्काराः highly accomplished men, उत्तमश्रुताः proficient in learning, मङ्गलाश्च auspicious men, सूताः genealogists, स्तुतिशीलाः those versed in praising, गायकाः singers, वन्दिनः panegyrists, पृथक् पृथक् separately one by one, निगदन्तः reciting audibly, तत् that, पार्थिवनिवेशनम् palace of the king, पर्युपातिष्ठन् reached.

Then on the following day (unaware of Dasaratha's death) panegyrists uttering benedictions, highly accomplished bards and genealogists proficient in reciting auspicious words, singers versed in musical science reached the palace one after another eulogising the king's glory.
अथ रात्र्यां व्यतीतायां प्रातरेवापरेऽहनि।

वन्दिनः पर्युपातिष्ठंस्तत्पार्थिव निवेशनम्।।2.65.1।।

सूताः परमसंस्कारा मङ्गलाश्चोत्तमश्रुताः।

गायका: स्तुतिशीलाश्च निगदन्तः पृथक् पृथक्।।2.65.2।।

अथ thereafter, रात्र्याम् that night, व्यतीतायाम् had passed, अपरे on the following, अहनि day, प्रातः एव in the morning, परमसंस्काराः highly accomplished men, उत्तमश्रुताः proficient in learning, मङ्गलाश्च auspicious men, सूताः genealogists, स्तुतिशीलाः those versed in praising, गायकाः singers, वन्दिनः panegyrists, पृथक् पृथक् separately one by one, निगदन्तः reciting audibly, तत् that, पार्थिवनिवेशनम् palace of the king, पर्युपातिष्ठन् reached.

Then on the following day (unaware of Dasaratha's death) panegyrists uttering benedictions, highly accomplished bards and genealogists proficient in reciting auspicious words, singers versed in musical science reached the palace one after another eulogising the king's glory.
राजानं स्तुवतां तेषामुदात्ताभिहिताशिषाम्।

प्रासादाऽभोगविस्तीर्णः स्तुतिशब्दोह्यवर्तत।।2.65.3।।

उदात्ताभिहिताशिषाम् uttering benedictions at high pitch, राजानम् the king, स्तुवताम् those who were praising, तेषाम् their, स्तुतिशब्दः song of praise, प्रासादाऽभोगविस्तीर्णः spread over the entire palace, अवर्तत हि pervaded.

The songs of those who were eulogising the king and uttering benedictions at high pitch pervaded the entire palace.
ततस्तु स्तुवतां तेषां सूतानां पाणिवादकाः।

अपदानान्युदाहृत्य पाणिवादा नवादयन्।।2.65.4।।

ततः then, तेषां सूतानाम् स्तुवताम् while the bards were singing the praise of the king, पाणिवादकाः those who praise clapping their palms, अवदानानि his wonderful deeds, उदाहृत्य citing, पाणिवादान् claps, अवादयन् clapped.

While the bards sang the praise of the king, those who praise clapping their palms clapped, citing the wonderful deeds of Dasaratha.
तेन शब्देन विहगाः प्रतिबुद्धा विसस्वनुः।

शाखास्थाः पञ्जरस्थाश्च ये राजकुलगोचराः।।2.65.5।।

तेन by that, शब्देन sound, शाखास्थाः some perched on the branches, पञ्जरस्थाः च and some in cages, ये राजकुलगोचराः found all over the palace, विहागाः birds, प्रतिबुद्धा: awoke, विसस्वनुः began to twitter.

The birds perched on the branches and some in cages awoke and began to twitter all over the palace.
व्याहृताः पुण्यशब्दाश्च वीणानां चापि निस्स्वनाः।

आशीर्गेयं च गाथानां पूरयामास वेश्म तत्।।2.65.6।।

व्याहृताः uttered, पुण्यशब्दाश्च sacred sounds, वीणानाम् of veena, निस्स्वनाः च notes also, गाथानाम् of hymns composed to metre, आशीर्गेयं च benedictory verses, तत् that, वेश्म house, पूरमायास filled.

The sacred songs of bards and panegyrists, notes of veena, chantings of metrical hymns and benedictory verses filled the palace.
तत श्शुचिसमाचाराः पर्युपस्थानकोविदाः।

स्त्रीवर्ष धरभूयिष्ठा उपतस्थुर्यथापुरम्।।2.65.7।।

ततः then, शुचिसमाचाराः observing purificatory practices, स्त्रीवर्ष धरभूयिष्ठाः many women and eunuchs, पर्युपस्थानकोविदा: skilled to serve, यथापुरम् as usual, उपतस्थुः assembled.

Thereafter, as usual, men observing purificatory practices and skilled in royal service assembled along with women and eunuchs.
हरिचन्दनसम्पृक्तमुदकं काञ्चनैर्घटैः।

आनिन्युस्स्नानशिक्षाज्ञा यथाकालं यथाविधि।।2.65.8।।

स्नानशिक्षाज्ञाः those acquainted with bathing ceremonies, हरिचन्दन सम्पृक्तम् mixed with yellow sandal paste, उदकम् water, काञ्चनैः in golden, घटैः vessels, यथाकालम् at appropriate times, यथाविधि according to tradition, आनिन्युः brought.

The bathattendants brought water mixed with yellow sandal paste in golden vessels at appropriate times in accordance with tradition.
मङ्गलालम्भनीयानि प्राशनीयान्युपस्करान्।

उपनिन्युस्तथाप्यन्याः कुमारीबहुलाः स्त्रियः।।2.65.9।।

तथा also, अन्याः some other, कुमारीबहुलाः with young maidens in large numbers, स्त्रियः
women, मङ्गलालम्भनीयानि auspicious unguents, प्राशनीयाः articles gratifying to the senses, उपस्करान् articles necessary for completion of bathing ritual, उपनिन्युः brought.

Also, a group of women mostly young maidens brought auspicious unguents, articles gratifying the senses and those necessary accessories for completion of bathing process.
सर्वलक्षणसम्पन्नं सर्वं विधिवदर्चितम्।

सर्वं सुगुणलक्ष्मीवत्तद्बभूवाभिहारिकम्।।2.65.10।।

तत् then, आभिहारिकम् articles for the king, सर्वम् all, सर्वलक्षणसम्पन्नम् were of good quality, विधिवत् as per tradition, अर्चितम् बभूव (आभूत्) was adorable, सर्वम् everything, सुगुणलक्ष्मीवत् excellent and auspicious

All the articles brought for the king (for his bath) were presentable and as per tradition. In quality they were excellent and auspicious.
तत स्सूर्योदयं यावत्सर्वं परिसमुत्सुकम्।

तस्थावनुपसम्प्राप्तं किंस्विदित्युपशङ्कितम्।।2.65.11।।

ततः then, सर्वम् all (attendants with necessary preparations), परिसमुत्सुकम् highly enthusiastic, अनुपसम्प्राप्तम् without reaching the king, किंस्वित् इति as to what had happened, उपशङ्कितम् doubting, सूर्योदयं यावत् until the sunrise, तस्थौ waited.

All the highly enthusiastic attendants waited for the king till sunrise. Unable to see the king they doubted about what had happened
अथ याः कोसलेन्द्रस्य शयनं प्रत्यनन्तराः।

ताः स्त्रियस्तु समागम्य भर्तारं प्रत्यबोधयन्।।2.65.12।।

अथ thereafter, याः स्त्रियः those women, कोशलेन्द्रस्य of the king of Kosala (Dasaratha's), शयनं प्रति attending on the bed, अनन्तराः with unrestricted movement, ताः तु those
women, समागम्य on coming near, भर्तारम् that lord, प्रत्यबोधयन् and began waking him up.

The women who usually attend to the bed (maids who do the bed in the morning) of Dasaratha (king of Kosala) without any restrictions, approached the king and began waking him up.
तथाप्युचितवृत्ता स्ता विनयेन नयेन च।

नह्यस्य शयनं स्पृष्ट्वा किञ्चिदप्युपलेभिरे।।2.65.13।।

तथापि even then, विनयेन with restraint, नयेन obediently, उचित वृत्ताः with agreeable conduct, ताः those women, अस्य Dasratha's, शयनम् bed, स्पृष्ट्वा having touched, किञ्चित् अपि even a little, न उपलेभिरे did not perceive.

Conducting themselves agreeably with restraint and obedience, the women touched the bed of Dasaratha but did not perceive any sign of life.
ताः स्त्रियस्स्वप्नशीलज्ञाश्चेष्टासञ्चलनादिषु

ता वेपथुपरीताश्च राज्ञः प्राणेषु शङ्किताः।

प्रतिस्रोतस्तृणाग्राणां सदृशं सञ्चकाशिरे।।2.65.14।।

ताः स्त्रीयः those women, चेष्टासञ्चलनादिषु in actions, movements, etc, स्वप्नशीलज्ञाः who know the nature of sleeping men, ताः those women, राज्ञः king's, प्राणेषु regarding king's life, शङ्किताः apprehensive of, वेपथुपरीताः च trembling severely, प्रतिस्रोतस्त्रृणाग्राणाम् the tips of reeds standing against the current, सदृशम् like, सञ्चकाशिरे remained.

Those women knowledgeable in ascertaining the nature of sleep based on the actions, movements, etc. were apprehensive whether the king was alive or not. Trembling severely they seemed like the tips of reeds that stand against the current.
अथ सन्देहमानानां स्त्रीणां दृष्ट्वा च पार्थिवम्।

यत्तदाशङ्कितं पापं तस्य जज्ञे विनिश्चयः।।2.65.15।।

अथ thereafter, पार्थिवम् king, दृष्ट्वा च having seen, सन्देहमानानाम् suspicious, स्त्रीणाम् women, यत् that, तत् this, पापम् evil, आशङ्कितम् apprehensive, तस्य its, विनिश्चय: certain, जज्ञे became.

Having seen the king more closely, those women who were apprehensive till then, became certain of the inevitable.
कौसल्या च सुमत्रच पुत्रशोकपराजिते।

प्रसुप्ते न प्रबुध्येते यथा कालसमन्विते।।2.65.16।।

पुत्रशोकपराजिते overpowered by grief on account of separation from the son, प्रसुप्ते fast asleep, कौशल्या च Kausalya, सुमित्रा च and Sumitra, कालसमन्विते यथा as if possessed by death, न प्रबुध्येते did not wake up.

Overpowered by grief on account of separation from their sons, Sumitra and Kausalya were fast asleep and did not wake up as if they were possessed by death.
निष्प्रभा च विवर्णा च सन्ना शोकेन सन्नता।

न व्यराजत कौसल्या तारेव तिमिरावृता।।2.65.17।।

निष्प्रभा च dull, विवर्णा pallid, शोकेन due to sorrow, सन्ना sunk down, सन्नता with limbs shrunk, कौशल्या Kausalya, तिमिरावृता enveloped by darkness, तारेव like stars, न व्यराजत did not shine.

Kausalya, with her face dull and pallid, sank down, her limbs contracted. She looked lustreless like stars enveloped in darkness.
कौसल्याऽनन्तरं राज्ञस्सुमित्रा तदन्तनरम्।

न स्म विभ्राजते देवी शोकाश्रुलुलितानना।।2.65.18।।

राज्ञः of the king , अनन्तरम् by the side, देवी queen, कौशल्या Kausalya, तदन्तरम् next to her
immediately, सुमित्रा Sumitra, शोकाश्रुलुलितानना with her face drooping (on account of shedding tears in sorrow), न स्म विभ्राजते devoid of lustre

There lay Sumitra next to Kausalya by the side of the king. Queen Kausalya's face was dull, drooping down on account of shedding tears of sorrow.
ते च दृष्ट्वा तथा सुप्ते शुभे देव्यौ च तं नृपम्।


अन्तःपुरम् women in the inner apartment, तथा in that way, सुप्ते asleep, शुभे auspicious, ते देव्यौ the two queens, तम् that, नृपम् king, दृष्ट्वा having seen, सुप्तमेव as if asleep, उद्गत प्राणम् with lifebreath moving upward and leaving him dead, अमन्यत considered.

Having seen the two auspicious queens asleep, the women in the inner apartment thought the king died in his sleep.
ततः प्रचुक्रुशुर्दीना स्सस्वरं ता वराङ्गनाः।

करेणव इवारण्ये स्थानप्रच्युतयूथपाः।।2.65.20।।

ततः then, ताः वराङ्गनाः those women, अरण्ये in the forest, स्थानप्रच्युतयूथपाः the leader of the herd dislodged, करेणवः इव like the female elephants, दीनाः in distress, सस्वरम् loudly, प्रचुक्रुशुः wailed bitterly.

Then those women bewailed bitterly and loudly in distress like female elephants in the forest when their leader has fallen out of the herd.
तासामाक्रन्दशब्देन सहसोद्धतचेतने।

कौसल्या च सुमित्रा च त्यक्त निद्रे बभूवतुः।।2.65.21।।

कौशल्या च Kausalya, सुमित्रा च Sumitra too, तासाम् their, आक्रन्दशब्देन by the sound of their cries, सहसा suddenly, उद्धतचेतने recovering senses, त्यक्तनिद्रे बभूवतुः deserted their sleep.

Hearing the lamentations of the women suddenly Kausalya and Sumitra woke up from sleep, their senses recovered.
कौसल्या च सुमित्रा च दृष्ट्वा स्प़ृष्ट्वा च पार्थिवम्।

हा नाथेति परिक्रुश्य पेततुर्धरणीतले।।2.65.22।।

कौशल्याच Kausalya, सुमित्रा च and Sumitra, पार्थिवम् the king, दृष्ट्वाच having seen,स्पृष्ट्वा च having touched, हा नाथ इति Ah, lord, saying so, परिक्रुश्य crying loudly, धरणीतले on the floor, पेततुः fell down.

Kausalya and Sumitra looked at the king, touched his body, cried aloud, 'Ah, lord' and collapsed on the floor.
सा कोसलेन्द्रदुहिता वेष्टमाना महीतले।

न बभ्राज रजोध्वस्ता तारेव गगनाच्च्युता।।2.65.23।।

सा that, कोशलेन्द्रदुहिता daughter of the lord of Kosala, Kausalya, महीतले on the ground, वेष्टमाना rolling, रजोध्वस्ता coated with dust, गगनात् from the sky, च्युता fallen down, तारेव like a star, न बभ्राज did not shine.

Kausalya, daughter of the lord of Kosala, lay on the ground writhing in pain, coated with dust, and devoid of brightness like a star without radiance fallen from the sky.
नृपे शान्तगुणे जाते कौसल्यां पतितां भुवि।

अपश्यंस्ताः स्त्रियः सर्वा हतां नागवधूमिव।।2.65.24।।

नृपे when the king, शान्तगुणे जाते with his body lying still, सर्वाः all, ताः स्त्रीयः those women, भुवि on the earth, पतिताम् fallen, कौशल्याम् at Kausalya, हताम् slain, नागवधूमिव like a female elephant, अपश्यन् beheld.

Dasaratha with his body lying still, all the women looked at Kausalya fallen down on the floor like a slain female elephant.
ततस्सर्वा नरेन्द्रस्य कैकेयीप्रमुखाः स्त्रियः।

रुदन्त्य श्शोकसन्तप्ता निपेतुर्गतचेतनाः।।2.65.25।।

ततः then, कैकेयीप्रमुखाः led by Kaikeyi, नरेन्द्रस्य king's, स्त्रियः other wives, रुदन्त्यः weeping, शोकसन्तप्ताः burning with grief, गतचेतनाः having lost senses, निपेतुः fell down.

Then all the wives of the king led by Kaikeyi, burning with grief and weeping, lost their senses and fell down.
ताभिस्स बलवान्नादः क्रोशन्तीभिरनुद्रुतः।

येन स्फीतीकृतं भूयस्तद्गृहं समनादयत् ।। 2.65.26 ।।

क्रोशन्तीभिः by the wailing ones, ताभिः by those women, अनुद्रुतः followed, बलवान् strong, loud, सः नादः that sound, येन by which, (भूयः) स्फीतीकृतम् made louder, तत् that, गृहम् house (palaces), समनादयत् reverberated.

The wailings of the women grew louder and louder until the whole palace reverberated with their lamentations.
तत् परित्रस्तन्त्रसम्भ्रान्त पर्युत्सुकजनाकुलम्।

सर्वतस्तुमुलाक्रन्दं परितापार्तबान्धवम्।।2.65.27।।

सद्यो निपतितानन्दं दीनविक्लबदर्शनम्।

बभूव नरदेवस्य सद्म दिष्टान्तमीयुषः।।2.65.28।।

दिष्टान्तम् demise, ईयुषः of him who reached, नरदेवस्य king's, तत् सद्म that palace, परित्रस्तन्त्रसम्भ्रान्त पर्युत्सुकजनाकुलम् thronged with anxious people who were exceedingly bewildered and frightened, सर्वतः all over, तुमुलाक्रन्दम् tumultuous with cries of agony, परितापार्तबान्धवम् with relatives anguished with distress, सद्यः at an instant, निपतितानन्दम् joy vanished, दीनविक्लबदर्शनम् looked miserable with grief, बभूव became.

On the demise of Dasaratha, joy instantly vanished. The palace was thronged with anxious people who were exceedingly bewildered and frightened. The royal family was anguished with distress. The palace was filled all over with the tumult of cries of agony. And it looked miserable with grief.
अतीतमाज्ञाय तु पार्थिवर्षभं यशस्विनं सम्परिवार्य पत्नयः।

भृशं रुदन्त्यः करुणं सुदुःखिताः प्रगृह्य बाहू व्यलपन्ननाथवत्।।2.65.29।।

पत्नयः wives of the king, यशस्विनम् the illustrious, पार्थिवर्षभम् best of kings, अतीतम् him who has passed away, आज्ञाय realising, सम्परिवार्य surrounding him, सुदुःखिताः with intense sorrow, करुणम् piteously, भृशम् bitterly, रुदन्त्यः weeping, बाहू both their arms, प्रगृह्य holding, अनाथवत् like orphans, व्यलपन् bewailed.

Realising that the great and illustrious king, Dasaratha, had passed away, his wives gathered around him, weeping piteously and bitterly and holding one another's hands bewailed like orphans.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे पञ्चषष्टितमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the sixtyfifth sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.