Sloka & Translation

[Bharata meets Kaikeyi -- hears from Kaikeyi about the demise of king Dasaratha and Rama's exile -- Vasistha calls upon Bharata to perform obsequies and get consecrated]

अपश्यंस्तु ततस्तत्र पितरं पितुरालये।

जगाम भरतो द्रष्टुं मातरं मातुरालये।।2.72.1।।

ततः thereafter, भरतः Bharata, तत्र there, पितुः father's, आलये abode, पितरम् father, अपश्यन् not seen, मातुः mother's, आलये in the abode, मातरम् mother, द्रष्टुम् to see, जगाम went.

Not finding his father in his abode, Bharata went to see his mother in her apartment.
अनुप्राप्तं तु तं दृष्ट्वा कैकेयी प्रोषितं सुतम्।

उत्पपात तदा हृष्टा त्यक्त्वा सौवर्णमासनम्।।2.72.2।।

कैकेयी Kaikeyi, प्रोषितम् sent, तं सुतम् that son, अनुप्राप्तम् who had arrived, दृष्ट्वा having seen, तदा then, हृष्टा delighted, सौवर्णम् golden, आसनम् seat, त्वक्त्वा leaving, उत्पपात sprang up.

On seeing her son, who was sent away, presently arriving, the delighted Kaikeyi sprang up from her golden seat.
स प्रविश्यैव धर्मात्मा स्वगृहं श्रीविवर्जितम्।

भरतः प्रतिजग्राह जनन्याश्चरणौ शुभौ।।2.72.3।।

धर्मात्मा a man of righteous conduct, सः भरतः that Bharata, श्रीविवर्जितम् devoid of cheer, स्वगृहम् his home, प्रविश्यैव on entering, जनन्याः mother's, शुभौ auspicious, चरणौ feet, प्रतिजग्राह clasped.

On entering home the righteous Bharata found it devoid of cheer and touched the auspicious feet of his mother (with reverence).
सा तं मूर्धन्युपाघ्राय परिष्वज्य यशस्विनम्।

अङ्के भरतमारोप्य प्रष्टुं समुपचक्रमे।।2.72.4।।

सा she, यशस्विनम् illustrious, तं भरतम् to Bharata, मूर्धनि on his forehead, उपाघ्राय having smelt, परिष्वज्य having hugged, अङ्के on her lap, आरोप्य made him rest, प्रष्टुम् to question, उपचक्रमे began.

Kaikeyi, gave her illustrious son Bharata a hug, kissed him on his forehead, made him rest on her lap and began her query.
अद्य ते कतिचिद्रात्र्य श्च्युतस्याऽर्यकवेश्मनः।

अपि नाध्वश्रमशशीघ्रं रथेनापततस्तव।।2.72.5।।

आर्यकवेश्मनः from your noble grandfather's residence, च्युतस्य having left, ते to you, अद्य by now, कतिचित् how many, रात्र्य: nights, शीघ्रम् swiftly, रथेन on chariot, आपततः while moving, तव to you, अध्वश्रमः weary of journey, अपि न is not there?

How many nights have you spent (on the way) since you left your noble grandfather's residence? Hasn't the hurried journey (over such a long distance) on the chariot left you exhausted?
आर्यकस्ते सुकुशली युधाजिन्मातुलस्तव।

प्रवासाच्च सुखं पुत्र सर्वं मे वक्तुमर्हसि।।2.72.6।।

पुत्र son, ते your, आर्यकः revered grandfather, सुकुशली is he doing well?, तव your, मातुलः maternal uncle, युधाजित् Yudhajit, प्रवासात् the sojourn, सुखम् is it pleasant?, मे to me, सर्वम् everything, वक्तुम् to tell, अर्हसि behoves you.

My son are your revered grandfather and your maternal uncle Yudhajit doing well? Did you have a pleasant time during the sojourn? You should tell me all this.
एवं पृष्टस्तु कैकेय्या प्रियं पार्थिवनन्दनः।

आचष्ट भरत स्सर्वं मात्रे राजीवलोचनः।।2.72.7।।

राजीवलोचनः lotuseyed, पार्थिवनन्दनः king's delight, भरतः Bharata, कैकेय्या by Kaikeyi, एवम् in this manner, प्रियम् lovingly, पृष्ट: having been asked, मात्रे to his mother, सर्वम् every thing, आचष्टे narrated.

Thus asked lovingly by his mother Kaikeyi, the lotuseyed Bharata, the king's delight narrated everything to her.
अद्य मे सप्तमी रात्रिश्च्युतस्याऽर्यकवेश्मनः।

अम्बायाः कुशली तात युधाजिन्मातुलश्च मे।।2.72.8।।

आर्यकवेश्मनः from noble grandsire's residence, च्युतस्य having left, मे to me, अद्य now, सप्तमी seventh, रात्रिः night, अम्बायाः mother's, तातः father, मे my, मातुलश्च maternal uncle, युधाजित् Yudhajit, कुशली is keeping well.

This is the seventh night since I left my noble grandsire's residence. My mother's father, king of Kekaya and my maternal uncle Yudhajit are doing well.
यन्मे धनं च रत्नं च ददौ राजा परन्तपः।

परिश्रान्तं पथ्यभवत्ततोऽहं पूर्वमागतः।।2.72.9।।

परन्तपः subduer of enemies, राजा king of Kekaya, मे to me, यत् which, धनं च wealth, रत्नं च gems, ददौ had given, that one, पथि on the way, परिश्रान्तम् अभवत् were exhausted, ततः therefore, अहम् I, पूर्वम् in advance, आगतः I came.

The (horses carrying) the wealth including the gems which the king (of Kekaya), the subduer of enemies had bestowed on me were exhausted on the way. Therefore I have come in advance.

यदहं प्रष्टुमिच्छामि तदम्बा वक्तुमर्हति।।2.72.10।।

अहम् I, राजवाक्यहरैः by those carrying out royal orders, दूतैः messengers, त्वर्यमाणः have hastened, आगतः came, अहम् I, यत् which one, प्रष्टुम् to ask, इच्छामि wish, तत् all that, अम्बा mother, वक्तुम् to tell, अर्हति behoves you.

Urged upon by the messengers carrying out the orders of the king, I have come. You, O mother, should answer the questions. I wish to ask you.
शून्योऽयं शयनीयस्ते पर्यङ्को हेमभूषितः।

न चायमिक्ष्वाकुजनः प्रहृष्टः प्रतिभाति मा।।2.72.11।।

शयनीयः a place worthy of resting, हेमभूषितः decorated with gold, अयम् this, ते your, पर्यङ्क: couch, शून्यः is empty, अयम् च and this, इक्ष्वाकुजनः attendants of Ikshavaku, प्रहृष्टः with delight, मा to me, न प्रतिभाति does not appear.

Your goldbedecked couch, worthy of resting lies empty. None of the attendants of the Ikshvakus look cheerful.
राजा भवति भूयिष्ठमिहाम्बाया निवेशने।

तमहं नाद्य पश्यामि द्रष्टुमिच्छन्निहाऽगतः।।2.72.12।।

राजा king, भूयिष्ठम् mostly, इह here, अम्बायाः mother's, निवेशने residence, भवति stays, अद्य today, तम him, अहम् I, न पश्यामि do not see, द्रष्टुम् to see, इच्छन् with a wish, इह here, आगतः came.

I had come here with the hope to see king Dasaratha who spends most of his time in my mother's residence. But today I do not see him .
पितुर्ग्रहीष्ये चरणौ तं ममाऽख्याहि पृच्छतः।

आहोस्विदम्ब ज्येष्ठायाः कौसल्याया निवेशने।।2.72.13।।

अम्ब O mother, पितुः father's, चरणौ both the feet, ग्रहीष्ये I shall hold, पृच्छतः thus asking, मम to me, तम् about him, आख्याहि you may tell, आहोस्वित् perchance, ज्येष्ठायाः the eldest mother's, कौशल्यायाः Kausalya's, निवेशने at her residence.

I would like to pay obeisance at my father's feet. Will you answer my question, O mother, and tell me regarding his whereabouts? Or perchance could he be at the residence of my eldest mother Kausalya?
तं प्रत्युवाच कैकेयी प्रियवद्घोरमप्रियम्।

अजानन्तं प्रजानन्ती राज्यलोभेन मोहिता।।2.72.14।।

प्रजानन्ती In spite of knowing, राज्यलोभेन due to greed for kingdom, मोहिता infatuated, कैकेयी Kaikeyi, घोरम् dreadful, अप्रियम् unpleasant news, प्रियवत् as if it was pleasing, अजानन्तम् ignorant of what had transpired, तम् him (Bharata), प्रत्युवाच conveyed to him.

In spite of knowing everything, Kaikeyi actuated by greed for the kingdom, broke the unpleasant and dreadful news as if it were pleasing to Bharata, who was ignorant of what had transpired.
या गतिस्सर्वभूतानां तां गतिं ते पिता गतः।

राजा महत्मा तेजस्वी यायजूकस्सतां गतिः।।2.72.15।।

राजा king, महात्मा highsouled one, तेजस्वी brilliant one, यायजूकः ever engaged in performing sacrifices, सताम् for virtuous people, गतिः refuge, ते पिता your father, सर्वभूतानाम् for all living beings, या which, गतिः ultimate course, तां गतिम् that course, गतः attained.

Your highsouled, brilliant father ever engaged in performing sacrifices and a refuge for the virtuous people, went the inevitable way every living being must follow (attained heaven).
तच्छ्रुत्वा भरतो वाक्यं धर्माभिजनवाञ्चुचिः।

पपात सहसा भूमौ पितृशोकबलार्दितः।।2.72.16।।

धर्माभिजनवान् born of the righteous race, शुचिः a man of pure nature, भरतः Bharata, तत् at that, वाक्यम् words, श्रुत्वा on hearing, पितृशोकबलार्दितः shattered by the force of grief due to his father's demise, सहसा at once, भूमौ on the ground, पपात collapsed.

On hearing these words, he (Bharata), born of a righteous race and endowed with purity of character was shattered by the immense grief of his father's demise and dropped down instantaneously on the floor.
हा हतोऽस्मीति कृपणां दीनां वाचमुदीरयन्।

निपपात महाबाहुर्बाहू विक्षिप्य वीर्यवान्।।2.72.17।।

महबाहुः mightyarmed one, वीर्यवान् valiant, हा हतः अस्मि Alas I am finished, इति thus, कृपणाम् evoking compassion, दीनाम् pitiable, वाचम् words, उदीरयन् uttering, बाहू arms, विक्षिप्य having lifted, निपपात fell down.

The mightyarmed, valiant Bharata, uttering pitiable words, evoking compassion. Alas, I am finished fell down at once throwing up his arms.
ततश्शोकेन संवीतः पितुर्मरणदुःखितः।

विललाप महातेजा भ्रान्ताकुलितचेतनः।।2.72.18।।

ततः after that, महातेजाः radiant Bharata, शोकेन by grief, संवीतः overwhelmed, पितुः father's, मरण दुःखितः sorrowing over death, भ्रान्ताकुलितचेतनः his mind afflicted with delusion, विललाप lamented.

Overwhelmed with grief, radiant Bharata reeling with delusion due to sorrow, lamented over the death of his father.
एतत्सुरुचिरं भाति पितुर्मे शयनं पुरा।

शशिनेवामलं रात्रौ गगनं तोयदात्यये।।2.72.19।।

मे पितुः my father's, एतत् this, सुरुचिरम् lovely, शयनम् couch, पुरा formerly, तोयदात्यये at the end of the rainy season, रात्रौ in the night, अमलम् spotless, गगनम् sky, शशिनेव as though by the Moon, भाति स्म used to radiate.

This couch of my father once used to shine like the spotless night sky irradiated by the autumnal Moon.
तदिदं न विभात्यद्य विहीनं तेन धीमता।

व्योमेव शशिना हीनमप्च्छुष्क इव सागरः।।2.72.20।।

धीमता sagacious, तेन by him, विहीनम् deprived of, तत् इदम् that this couch, अद्य today, शशिना by the Moon, हीनम् devoid of, व्योमेव like sky, अप्च्छुष्कः dried up by evaporation of water, सागरः इव like the sea, न विभाति is not shining.

But today this couch without my sagacious father no longer shines like the sky without the Moon or like the sea evaporated.
बाष्पमुत्सृज्य् कण्ठेन स्वात्मना परमपीडितः।

आच्छाद्य वदनं श्रीमद्वस्त्रेण जयतां वरः।।2.72.21।।

जयताम् among the victorious, वरः the foremost, कण्ठेन with throat, बाष्पम् tears, उत्सृज्य having released, वस्त्रेण with raiment, श्रीमत् auspicious, वदनम् countenance, आच्छाद्य having covered, स्वात्मना at his heart, परमपीडितः was profoundly distressed.

Bharata, the foremost among the victorious, clearing his tearchoked throat and covering his auspicious countenance with raiment, wept in profound distress with tears overflowing.
तमार्तं देवसङ्काशं समीक्ष्य पतितं भुवि।

निकृत्तमिव सालस्य स्कन्धं परशुना वने।।2.72.22।।

मत्तमातङ्गसङ्काशं चन्द्रार्कसदृशं भुवः।

उत्थापयित्वा शोकार्तं वचनं चेदमब्रवीत्।।2.72.23।।

आर्तम् anguished, देवसङ्काशम् resembling gods, वने in the forest, परशुना by an axe, निकृत्तम् severed, सालस्य sala tree's, स्कन्धमिव like a trunk, सुतम् son, भुवि पतितम् fallen on the ground, मत्तमातङ्गसङ्काशम् like a mighty elephant, चन्द्रार्कसदृशम् similar to the Sun and the Moon, शोकार्तम् tormented by grief, तम् to him (Bharata), भुवः from the ground, उत्थापयित्वा having lifted him up, इदम् these, वचनं च words, अब्रवीत् said.

Anguished and griefstricken, he who resembled the gods, fell down on the ground like a trunk of the sala tree in the forest severed by an axe. Seeing her son who was like a mighty elephant or like the Sun or the Moon, Kaikeyi lifted him up from the ground and spoke these words:
उत्तिष्ठोत्तिष्ठ किं शेषे राजपुत्र महायशः।

त्वद्विधा नहि शोचन्ति सन्त स्सदसि सम्मताः।।2.72.24।।

महायशः illustrious one, राजपुत्र prince, उत्तिष्ठ उत्तिष्ठ arise, arise, किं शेषे why are you lying down, सदसि in the assembly, सम्मताः worthy of honour, त्वद्विधाः like you, सन्तः learned people, न शोचन्ति हि ought not to grieve.

O illustrious prince arise, arise. Why are you lying down on the floor? Learned people like you, who are worthy of honour in the assembly ought not to grieve like this.
दानयज्ञाधिकारा हि शीलश्रुतिवचोऽनुगा।

बुद्धिस्ते बुद्धिसम्पन्न प्रभेवार्कस्य मन्दिरे।।2.72.25।।

बुद्धिसम्पन्न intelligent, ते your, बुद्धिः wisdom, शीलश्रुतिवचोनुगा ever following virtuous conduct and scriptures, दानयज्ञाधिकारा entitled to dispense charity and perform sacrifices, अर्कस्य Sun's, मन्दिरे in the house, प्रभेव like light, (will always shine).

O highly intelligent one, by your wisdom, virtuous conduct and scriptural knowledge you are entitled to dispense charity and perform sacrifices. You will always shine incessantly like light of the Sun.
स रुदित्वा चिरं कालं भूमौ विपरिवृत्य च।

जननीं प्रत्युवाचेदं शोकैर्बहुभिरावृतः।।2.72.26।।

सः he (Bharata), बहुभिः in many ways, शोकैः with sorrow, आवृतः engulfed by, चिरं कालम् for a long time, रुदित्वा having wept, भूमौ on the ground, विपरिवृत्य च and rolled, जननीम् to his mother, इदम् these words, प्रत्युवाच replied.

Bharata engulfed in profuse sorrow wept for a long time rolling on the ground and then said these words in reply to his mother:
अभिषेक्ष्यति रामं नु राजा यज्ञं नु यक्ष्यते।

इत्यहं कृतसङ्कल्पो हृष्टो यात्रामयासिषम्।।2.72.27।।

राजा king, रामम् Rama, अभिषेक्ष्यति नु about to consecrate, यज्ञम् sacrifice, यक्ष्यते नु or will perform indeed, इति thinking, अहम् I, कृतसङ्कल्पः with these thoughts, हृष्टः delighted, यात्राम् journey, अयासिषम् had undertaken.

Thinking that the king is about to consecrate Rama or perform some sacrifice, I undertook the journey in great delight.
तदिदं ह्यन्यथा भूतं व्यवदीर्णं मनो मम।

पितरं यो न पश्यामि नित्यं प्रियहिते रतम्।।2.72.28।।

तत् इदम् all this, अन्यथा differently, भूतम् has happened, यः such me, नित्यम् always, प्रियहिते my welfare and happiness, रतम् intent on, पितरम् father, न पश्यामि I do not behold, मम my, मनः mind, व्यवदीर्णम् is shattered.

Now everything has turned out to be different. My mind is shattered.I no longer behold my father who is ever intent on my welfare and happiness.
अम्ब केनात्यगाद्राजा व्याघिना मय्यनागते।

धन्या रामादयस्सर्वे यैः पिता संस्कृत स्स्वयम्।।2.72.29।।

अम्ब O mother, राजा king, मयि my, अनागते even before I could return, केन व्याधिना by what ailment, अत्यगात् passed away, यैः by Rama and others, पिता father, स्वयम् personally, संस्कृतः has been offered last rites, such, रामादयः Rama and others, धन्याः are fortunate.

O mother what ailment caused the king's death before I could return? How fortunate are Rama and others by whom the last rites of my father were performed
न नूनं मां महाराजः प्राप्तं जानाति कीर्तिमान्।

उपजिघ्रेद्धि मूर्ध्नि तात स्सन्नम्य सत्वरम्।।2.72.30।।

कीर्तिमान् illustrious, महाराजः great king, माम् me, प्राप्तम् reaching this place, न जानाति does not know, नूनम् surely, तातः father, सत्वरम् quickly, माम् me, सन्नम्य bending, मूर्ध्नि on the fore head, उपजिघ्रेत् हि would have smelt indeed( kissed).

Surely the illustrious maharaja is not aware of my arrival. Otherwise he would have quickly bent my head and kissed me on my forehead.
क्व स पाणिस्सुखस्पर्शस्तातस्याक्लिष्टकर्मणः।

येन मां रजसा ध्वस्तमभीक्ष्णं परिमार्जति।।2.72.31।।

रजसा with dust, ध्वस्तम् covered, माम् me, येन by which (hand), अभीक्ष्णम् repeatedly, परिमार्जति used to wipe away, अक्लिष्टकर्मणः of tireless actions, तातस्य father's, सुखस्पर्शः having pleasant touch, सः पाणिः that hand, क्व where is it?

Where is that hand of my father of unwearied actions, the hand that would wipe away the dust from my person with a pleasant touch?
यो मे भ्राता पिता बन्धुर्यस्य दासोऽस्मि धीमतः।

तस्य मां शीघ्रमाख्याहि रामस्याक्लिष्टकर्मणः।।2.72.32।।

यः who, मे to me, भ्राता brother, पिता father, बन्धुः relative, धीमतः wise, यस्य whose, दासः अस्मि I am a slave (of that wise man), तस्य such, अक्लिष्टकर्मणः of a man of unwearied actions, रामस्य to Rama, माम् about me, शीघ्रम् at once, आख्याहि announce.

Announce at once my arrival to the wise Rama, the man of unwearied actions, my brother, father and friend whose slave I am.
पिता हि भवति ज्येष्ठो धर्ममार्यस्य जानतः।

तस्य पादौ ग्रहीष्यामि स हीदानीं गतिर्मम।।2.72.33।।

धर्मम् the ways of righteousness, जानतः one who knows, आर्यस्य of the noble person, ज्येष्ठः eldest brother, पिता भवति हि becomes father, तस्य his, पादौ feet, ग्रहीष्यामि shall hold, स: he, इदानीम् now, मम my, गतिः हि is a refuge indeed.

To one who knows the ways of righteousness the elder brother is (like) the father. Indeed, he (Rama) is my refuge and I shall hold his feet now.
धर्मविद्धर्मनित्यश्च सत्यसन्धो दृढव्रतः।

आर्यः किमब्रवीद्राजा पिता मे सत्यविक्रमः।।2.72.34।।

धर्मवित् conversant with virtuous conduct, धर्मनित्यश्च one who always conducts himself in a righteous manner, सत्यसन्ध: fixed upon truth, दृढव्रतः firm in vows, सत्यविक्रमः one whose strength is truth, आर्यः venerable one, राजा king, मे पिता my father, किम् what, अब्रवीत् did he say (at the time of his death)?

What did my father, the noble king, conversant with righteous conduct, true, to his vows, one who always conducted himself in a righteous manner, whose truth was his prowess (at the time of his death)?
पश्चिमं साधु सन्देशमिच्छामि श्रोतुमात्मनः।

इति पृष्टा यथातत्त्वं कैकेयी वाक्यमब्रवीत्।।2.72.35।।

आत्मनः relating to me, पश्चिमम् last, सन्देशम् message, साधु exactly, श्रोतुम् to listen, इच्छामि wish, इति thus, पृष्टा questioned, कैकेयी Kaikeyi, यथा तत्त्वम् as actually happened, वाक्यम् words, अब्रवीत् said.

I want to hear the exact words of my father's last message to me. Thus questioned (by Bharata), Kaikeyi related the exact facts:
रामेति राजा विलपन् हा सीते लक्ष्मणेति च।

स महात्मा परं लोकं गतो गतिमतां वरः।।2.72.36।।

गतिमताम् among those who attained the excellent state, वरः the foremost, महात्मा magnanimous, सः that, राजा king, रामेति O Rama, हा सीते O Sita, लक्ष्मणेति च O Lakshmana also, विलपन् lamenting, परं लोकम् to the other world, गतः went.

The magnanimous king, the foremost of those who attained the excellent state after, death, went to the other world, lamenting 'O Rama, O Sita, O Lakshamana'.
इमां तु पश्चिमां वाचं व्याजहार पिता तव।

कालधर्मपरिक्षिप्तः पाशैरिव महागजः।।2.72.37।।

तव your, पिता father, महागजः like a great elephant, पाशैरिव as though by cords, कालधर्मपरिक्षिप्तः caught by the noose of fate and time, पश्चिमाम् last, इमाम् this, वाचम् words, व्याजहार uttered.

Your father, caught by the noose of death, like a great elephant bound by cords, uttered these last words:
सिद्धार्थास्ते नरा राममागतं सह सीतया।

लक्ष्मणं च महाबाहुं द्रक्ष्यन्ति पुनरागतम्।।2.72.38।।

सीतया सह along with Sita, आगतम् returned, रामम् Rama, पुनः again, आगतम् arrived, महाबाहुम् mightyarmed, लक्ष्मणं च with Lakshmana, द्रक्ष्यन्ति see, ते नराः those men, सिद्धार्थाः will have their desires fulfilled.

'Those men who will see Rama returning home along with Sita and mightyarmed Lakshmana, will have their desires fulfilled.'
तच्छ्रुत्वा विषसादैव द्वितीयाप्रियशंसनात्।

विषण्णवदनो भूत्वा भूयः पप्रच्छ मातरम्।।2.72.39।।

तत् that one, श्रूत्वा on hearing, द्वितीयाप्रियशंसनात् the account of second unpleasant tidings, विषसादैव more distressed, विषण्णवदनः भूत्वा with downcast countenance, भूयः again, मातरम् mother, पप्रच्छ enquired.

Bharata was more distraught on hearing the words that conveyed the second unpleasant tidings. With downcast countenance, he again enquired of his mother thus:
क्व चेदानीं स धर्मात्मा कौसल्यानन्दवर्धनः।

लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा सीतया च समं गतः।।2.72.40।।

धर्मात्मा righteous one, सः he, कौशल्यानन्दवर्धनः one who enhances the delight of Kausalya, भ्रात्रा with his brother, लक्ष्मणेन सह with Lakshmana too, सीतया च समम् with Sita, इदानीम् at this time, क्व where, गतः has gone?

Where has righteous Rama who enhances the delight of Kausalya along with his brother Lakshmana and Sita gone now?
तथा पृष्टा यथातत्त्वमाख्यातुमुपचक्रमे।

मातास्य सुमहद्वाक्यं विप्रियं प्रियशङ्कया।।2.72.41।।

तथा thus, पृष्टा questioned, अस्य माता his mother, सुमहत् great, विप्रियम् grievous, वाक्यम् words, प्रियशङ्कया presuming it to be pleasant, यथातत्त्वम् exact fact, आख्यातुम् to relate, उपचक्रमे commenced.

Thus questioned, his mother started relating the exact events, presuming them to be pleasant tidings (for Bharata).
स हि राजसुतः पुत्र चीरवासा महावनम्।

दण्डकान्सह वैदेह्या लक्ष्मणानुचरो गतः।।2.72.42।।

पुत्र O son, राजसुतः king's son (prince), सः that Rama, चीरवासाः attired in garments of bark, लक्ष्मणानुचरः followed by Lakshmana, वैदेह्या सह with Sita, महावनम् great forest, दण्डकान् to Dandaka, गतः हि left.

O my son, prince Rama attired in garments of bark along with Sita and followed by Lakshmana left for the great Dandaka forest.
तच्छ्रुत्वा भरतस्त्रस्तो भ्रातुश्चारित्रशङ्कया।

स्वस्य वंशस्य महात्म्यात्प्रष्टुं समुपचक्रमे।।2.72.43।।

भरतः Bharata, तत् that word, श्रुत्वा having heard, स्वस्य वंशस्य his dynasty's, महात्म्यात् due to greatness, भ्रातुः his brother's, चरित्रशङ्कया doubting about unrighteous conduct, प्रष्टुम् to ascertain, समुपचक्रमे again started.

Conscious of the glory of his race, Bharata continued to enquire if there was any unrighteous conduct on the part of his brother.
कच्चिन्न ब्राह्मणधनं हृतं रामेण कस्यचित्।

कच्चिन्नाढ्यो दरिद्रो वा तेनापापो विहिंसितः।।2.72.44।।

रामेण by Rama, कस्यचित् of some one or the other, ब्राह्मण धनम् wealth of brahmin, न हृतं did not seize, कच्चित् I hope not, तेन by him, आढ्यः a rich man, दरिद्रो वा or a poor one, अपापः innocent, न विहिंसितः was not tortured, कच्चित् I hope.

I hope Rama did not seize the wealth of any brahmin nor did any harm to an innocent person, whether rich or poor.
कच्चिन्न परदारान्वा राजपुत्रोऽभिमन्यते।

कस्मात्स दण्डकारण्ये भ्रूणहेव विवासितः।।2.72.45।।

राजपुत्रः the prince, परदारान् another man's wife, नाभिमन्यते वा कच्चित् did not covet, I hope, स: he, Rama, भ्रूणहा like a sinner who had slain a child in embryo, दण्डकारण्ये to Dandaka forest, कस्मात् why, विवासितः has been banished.

I hope he did not covet another man's wife. Like a sinner who had slain a child in embryo why has he been banished to Dandaka forest?
अथास्य चपला माता तत्स्वकर्म यथातथम्।

तेनैव स्त्रीस्वभावेन व्याहर्तुमुपचक्रमे।।2.72.46।।

अथ thereafter, चपला the capricious one, अस्य माता his mother, तेन by the same, स्त्री स्वभावेन with her earlier feminine disposition, तत् that, स्वकर्म her own deeds, यथातथम् faithfully, व्याहर्तुम् to tell, उपचक्रमे commenced.

Then the capricious mother, with the same feminine disposition which she had displayed earlier, started giving a faithful account of all her deeds.
एवमुक्ता तु कैकेयी भरतेन महात्मना।

उवाच वचनं हृष्टा मूढा पण्डितमानिनी।।2.72.47।।

महात्मना great, भरतेन by Bharata, एवम् thus, उक्ता spoken, मूढा the foolish lady, पण्डितमानिनी thinking herself to be wise, कैकेयी Kaikeyi, हृष्टा delightfully, वचनम् these words, उवाच spoke.

On hearing the words of great Bharata, that foolish woman Kaikeyi thinking herself to be wise, cheerfully said:
न ब्राह्मणधनं किञ्चिद्धृतं रामेण कस्यचित्

कश्चिन्नाढ्यो दरिद्रो तेनापापो विहिंसितः।

न रामः परदारांश्च चक्षुर्भ्यामपि पश्यति।।2.72.48।।

रामेण by Rama, कस्यचित् some one's, ब्राह्मण धनम् wealth of brahmin, किञ्चित् even a little, न हृतम् was not seized, तेन by him, आढ्यः whether rich, दरिद्रो वा or poor अपापः innocent, कश्चित् even a little, न विहिंसितः was not harmed, रामः Rama, परदारान् wife of other man, चक्षुर्भ्याम् with the eyes, न पश्यति did not see.

Rama did not rob any brahmin of even a little wealth nor did he harm any innocent man, whether rich or poor. He never casts his eyes on another's wife.
मया तु पुत्र श्रुत्वैव रामस्यैवाभिषेचनम्।

याचितस्ते पिता राज्यं रामस्य च विवासनम्।।2.72.49।।

पुत्र O my son, मया तु by me, रामस्यैव Rama's, अभिषेचनम् consecration, श्रुत्वैव on hearing itself, पिता your father, ते for you, राज्यम् kingdom, रामस्य Rama's, विवासनं च banishment, याचितः has been asked.

My son, I on hearing of Rama's consecration asked your father to confer the kingdom on you and banish Rama.
स स्ववृत्तिं समास्थाय पिता ते तत्तऽथाकरोत्।

रामश्च सह सौमित्रिः प्रेषितस्सह सीतया।।2.72.50।।

ते पिता your father, सः he, स्ववृत्तिम् kept up his own promise, समास्थाय having followed, तत् that one, तथा exactly, अकरोत् performed, सहसौमित्रि along with Lakshmana, रामश्च Rama also, सीतया सह along with Sita, प्रेषितः were sent.

Your father, faithful to his word, banished Rama along with Lakshmana and Sita.
तमपश्यन्प्रियंपुत्रं महीपालो महायशाः।

पुत्रशोकपरिद्यूनः पञ्चत्वमुपपेदिवान्।।2.72.51।।

महायशाः renowned, महीपालः ruler of this earth, तम् that, प्रियं पुत्रम् beloved son, अपश्यन् not being able to behold, पुत्रशोक परिद्यूनः stricken by filial grief, पञ्चत्वम् the state of merger in the five elements, उपपेदिवान् obtained.

The renowned ruler of the earth (king Dasaratha), unable to behold (the sorry state of) his beloved son and stricken by filial grief, merged into the five elements (died).
त्वयात्विदानीं धर्मज्ञ राजत्वमवलम्ब्यताम्।

त्वत्कृते हि मया सर्वमिदमेवं विधं कृतम्।।2.72.52।।

धर्मज्ञ O knower of dharma, इदानीम् now, त्वया by you, राजत्वम् kingship, अवलम्ब्यताम् take possession of, मया by me, त्वत्कृते for your sake only, एवं विधम् in this manner, इदं सर्वम् all this, कृतं हि has been done.

O knower of dharma, assume kingship now. It is only for your sake that all this has been done by me.
मा शोकं मा च सन्तापं धैर्यमाश्रय पुत्रक।

त्वदधीना हि नगरी राज्यं चैतदनामयम्।।2.72.53।।

पुत्रक my son, शोकम् sorrow, मा आश्रय do not take recourse, सन्तापं च to remorse, मा do not take recourse, धैर्यम् courage, आश्रय take recourse, नगरी this city, त्वदधीना is under your control, अनामयम् free from obstacles, एतत् this, राज्यं च kingdom also.

My son, give up sorrow and agony and take recourse to courage. This city as well as the kingdom, free from all obstacles, is under your control.
तत्पुत्र शीघ्रं विधिना विधिज्ञैर्वसिष्ठमुख्यै स्सहितो द्विजेन्द्रैः।

सङ्काल्य राजानमदीनसत्त्वमात्मानमुर्व्यामभिषेचयस्व।।2.72.54।।

तत् hence, पुत्र O my son, विधिज्ञै: by those wellversed in rules, वसिष्ठमुख्यैः headed by Vasistha, द्विजेन्द्रैः by the best of brahmins, सहितः with, राजानम् to the king, विधिना duly, शीघ्रम् quickly, सङ्काल्य performing obsequies, अदीन सत्त्वम् without getting depressed in spirit, आत्मानम् yourself, उर्व्याम् on this earth, अभिषेचयस्व get coronated.

Therefore, my son, under the guidance of Vasistha and other noble brahmins, wellversed in rituals, quickly perform the funeral obsequies in accordance with tradition and without getting depressed in spirit, get yourself coronated as lord of this earth.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे द्विसप्ततितमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the seventysecond sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.