Sloka & Translation

[On the thirteenth day Bharata drops down in agony while picking up the bones of his deceased father -- Bharata and Satrughna once again plunge in grief -- Vasistha and Sumanthra console them]

ततो दशाहेऽतिगते कृतशौचो नृपात्मजः।

द्वादशेऽहनि सम्प्राप्ते श्राद्धकर्माण्यकारयत्।।2.77.1।।

ततः then, दशाहे the tenth day, अतिगते having passed, कृतशौचः purified himself, नृपात्मजः king's son, Bharata, द्वादशे on the twelfth, अहनि day, सम्प्राप्ते had arrived, श्राद्धकर्माणि shraddha rites, अकारयत् got them performed.

Having observed the tenday mourning period, Bharata purified himself on the twelfth day and got the shraddha rites (obsequies) performed.
ब्राह्मणेभ्यो ददौ रत्नं धनमन्नं च पुष्कलम्।

वासांसि च महार्हाणि रत्नानि विविधानि च।।2.77.2।।

ब्राह्मणेभ्यः to brahmins, रत्नम् precious stones, धनम् wealth, पुष्कलम् in abundance, अन्नम् rice, महार्हाणि highly valuable, वासांसि garments, विविधानि of various kinds, रत्नानि gems, ददौ gave.

During the shraddha ceremony (obsequies) Bharata bestowed on brahmins precious stones, wealth, large quantities of rice, highly valuable garments and various gems.
बास्तिकं बहु शुक्लं च गाश्चापि शतशस्तथा।

दासीदासं च यानं च वेश्मानि सुमहान्ति च।।2.77.3।।

ब्राह्मणेभ्यो ददौ पुत्रो राज्ञस्तस्यौर्ध्वदैहिकम्।

पुत्रः son of Dasaratha, तस्य that, राज्ञः king's, और्ध्वदैहिकम् rites pertaining to the other world, ब्राह्मणेभ्यः to brahmins, बहु many, शुक्लम् white in colour, बास्तिकम् of goats, तथा also, शतशः in hundreds, गाश्चापि even cows, दासी दासं च male and female servants, यानं च carriages, सुमहान्ति spacious, वेश्मानि च houses, ददौ gave.

At the time of performing the rites pertaining to the other world, Bharata bestowed on brahmins herds of white goats, cows in hundreds, male and female servants and spacious houses and carriages.
ततः प्रभातसमये दिवसेऽथ त्रयोदशे।।2.77.4।।

विललाप महाबाहुर्भरत श्शोकमूर्छितः।

शब्दापिहितकण्ठस्तु शोधनार्थमुपागतः।।2.77.5।।

चितामूले पितुर्वाक्यमिदमाह सुदुःखितः।

ततः then, त्रयोदशे on the thiteenth, दिवसे day, प्रभातसमये at dawn, अथ thereafter, शोधनार्थम् for purification, उपागतः having arrived (at the cemetery), महाबाहुः mightyarmed, भरतः Bharata, शोकमूर्छितः rendered unconscious by grief, शब्दापिहितकण्ठः loudly, विललाप lamented, पितुः father's, चितामूले at the foot of the pyre, सुदुःखितः intensely grieved, इदं वाक्यम् these words, आह spoke.

Thereafter at the hour of dawn on the thirteenth day mightyarmed Bharata visited the cemetery to perform the purificatory ceremony. Approaching the place of the funeral pyre of his father, he lamented in the intensity of grief:
तात यस्मिन्निसृष्टोऽहं त्वया भ्रातरि राघवे।।2.77.6।।

तस्मिन्वनं प्रव्रजिते शून्ये त्यक्तोऽस्म्यहं त्वया।

तात O father, यस्मिन् भ्रातरि to that brother, राघवे in Rama, अहम् I, त्वया by you,निसृष्टः entrusted, तस्मिन् that Rama, वनम् to forest, प्रव्रजिते has been sent, अहम् I, त्वया by you,
शून्ये in a vacuum, त्यक्तः अस्मि I have been left.

O dear father, my brother Rama to whom you have entrusted me has been sent to
the forest now and I am left in a vacuum.
यस्या गतिरनाथायाः पुत्रः प्रवाजितो वनम्।

तामम्बां तात कौसल्यां त्यक्त्वा त्वं क्व गतो नृप।।2.77.7।।

नृप king, तात father, आनाथायाः of the orphaned lady, यस्याः गतिः whose support, पुत्रः son (Rama), वनम् to forest, प्रव्राजितः has been sent, ताम् that, अम्बम् mother, कौशल्याम् Kausalya, त्यक्त्वा forsaking, क्व where, (त्वं) गतः have you gone?

Where have you gone, my king my father, forsaking mother Kausalya who is without a protector and whose only support Rama, her son has been sent away to the forest?
दृष्ट्वा भस्मारुणं तच्च दग्धास्थि स्थानमण्डलम्।।2.77.8।।

पितु श्शरीरनिर्वाणं निष्टनन्विषसाद सः।

सः he, भस्मारुणम् reddish brown with ashes, दग्धास्थि with burnt bones, पितुः father's, शरीरनिर्वाणम् where the body was made extinct, तत् that, स्थानमण्डलम् circular place, दृष्ट्वा having seen, निष्टनन् crying aloud, विषसाद indulged in sorrow.

Having seen the circular place, looking reddishbrown with burnt bones and ashes, where his father's body was consumed by fire, Bharata started crying aloud in deep despondency.
स तु दृष्ट्वा रुदन् दीनः पपात धरणीतले।।2.77.9।।

उत्थाप्यमानश्शक्रस्य यन्त्रध्वज इव च्युतः।

सः तु as regards Bharata, दृष्ट्वा having seen, दीनः desolate, रुदन् sobbing, उत्थाप्यमानः as it was being raised, च्युतः fallen down, शक्रस्य Indra's, यन्त्रध्वजः इव like fastened flag staff, धरणीतलौ on the ground, पपात fell.

On seeing the cremation ground desolate Bharata collapsed sobbing on the ground like a fastened flag staff of Indra, which fell as it was being raised.
अभिपेतुस्ततस्सर्वे तस्यामात्याश्शुचिव्रतम्।।2.77.10।।

अन्तकाले निपतितं ययातिमृषयो यथा।

ततः thereafter, सर्वे all, तस्य अमात्याः his counsellors, शुचिव्रतम् a man of pious vows, अन्तकाले at the final hour, निपतितम् fallen down, ययातिम् Yayati, ऋषयो यथा like the ascetics, अभिपेतुः ran towards him.

Immediately all his counsellors ran towards him like the ascetics who raised Yayati, a man of pious vows, when he fell down at the final hour.
शत्रुघ्न श्चापि भरतं दृष्ट्वा शोकम् परिप्लुतः।।2.77.11।।

विसंज्ञो न्यपतद्भूमौ भूमिपालमनुस्मरन्।

शत्रुघ्नश्चापि Satrughna too, भरतम् Bharata, दृष्ट्वा beholding, शोकपरिप्लुतः plunged in grief, भूमिपालम् the king, अनुस्मरन् remembering, विसंज्ञः unconscious, भूमौ on the ground, न्यपतत् fell down.

Beholding Bharata, Satrughna also plunged in grief remembering the king, and fell unconscious on the ground.
उन्मत्त इव निश्चेता विललाप सुदुःखितः।।2.77.12।।

स्मृत्वा पितुर्गुणाङ्गानि तानि तानि तथा तथा।

पितुः father's, तानि तानि those respective ones, गुणाङ्गानि virtues resulting one from the other, तथा तथा again and again, स्मृत्वा recollecting, उन्मत्तः इव like a mad person, निश्चेताः becoming mentally unsteady, सुदुःखितः in profound sorrow, विललाप lamented.

Recollecting the many virtues of his father again and again, like a madman, Satrughna,
mentally unsteady, lamented in profound sorrow.
मन्थराप्रभवस्तीव्रः कैकेयीग्राहसङ्कुलः।।2.77.13।।


मन्थराप्रभवः with Manthara as the source, कैकेयी ग्राहसङ्कुलः Kaikeyi as a crocodile, अक्षोभ्यः undisturbed, तीव्रः terrible, वरदानमयः in the form of irrevocable boons, शोकसागरः sea of sorrow, अमञ्जयत् drowned.

With Manthara as the source, Kaikeyi as a crocodile, this terrible sea of sorrow which has submerged all of us lies unruffled.
सुकुमारं च बालं च सततं लालितं त्वया।।2.77.14।।

क्व तात भरतं हित्वा विलपन्तं गतो भवान्।

तात father, सुकुमारम् tender, बालं च young, त्वया by you, सततम् always, लालितम् fondled, विलपन्तम् lamenting, भरतम् Bharata, हित्वा leaving, भवान् you, क्व where, गतः have you gone?

Where have you gone dear father, leaving the lamenting Bharata, so young and tender, who was always your darling?
ननु भोज्येषु पानेषु वस्त्रेष्वाभरणेषु च।।2.77.15।।

प्रवारयसि नस्सर्वान् तन्नः कोऽन्यः करिष्यति।

भोज्येषु in delicious food, पानेषु in drinks, वस्त्रेषु in garments, आभरणेषु च in ornaments, सः सर्वान् all of us, प्रवारयसि ननु used to make us choose, तत् that, नः for us, अन्यः some other, कः who, करिष्यति will do?

You used to make all of us choose delicious food, drinks, garments and ornaments. Who else will do that now?
अवदारणकाले तु पृथिवी नावदीर्यते।।2.77.16।।

या विहीना त्वया राज्ञा धर्मज्ञेन महात्मना।

धर्मज्ञेन aware of righteous ways, महात्मना mighty, राज्ञा by the king, त्वया by you, या the earth, विहीना devoid of, पृथिवी that earth, अवदारणकाले at the time of breaking into pieces, नावदीर्यते does not break.

You are a righteous and mighty king and without you, this earth would have been broken into pieces. But it does not.
पितरि स्वर्गमापन्ने रामे चारण्यमाश्रिते।।2.77.17।।

किं मे जीवितसामर्थ्यं प्रवेक्ष्यामि हुताशनम्।

पितरि when father, स्वर्गम् heaven, आपन्ने had ascended, रामे च when Rama, अरण्यम् the forest, आश्रिते had taken refuge, मे to me, जीवितसामर्थ्यम् strength to live, किम् what is there, हुताशनम् blazing fire, प्रवेक्ष्यामि I will enter.

With my father ascended to heaven and Rama gone to the forest, where is the strength in me to live? I shall enter the blazing fire.
हीनो भ्रात्रा च पित्रा च शून्यामिक्ष्वाकुपालिताम्।।2.77.18।।

अयोध्यां न प्रवेक्ष्यामि प्रवेक्ष्यामि तपोवनम्।

भ्रात्रा with brother, पित्रा च with father, हीनः devoid of, शून्याम् empty, इक्ष्वाकुपालिताम् ruled by Ikshvakus, अयोध्याम् Ayodhya, न प्रवेक्ष्यामि I will not enter, तपोवनम् penance grove, प्रवेक्ष्यामि I shall enter.

Devoid of my father and brother, I will not return to empty Ayodhya that was once ruled by the Ikshvakus. I will enter the grove of asceticism .
तयोर्विलपितं श्रुत्वा व्यसनं चान्ववेक्ष्य तत्।।2.77.19।।

भृशमार्ततरा भूयस्सर्वएवानुगामिनः।

तयोः of both of them, विलपितम् lamentations, श्रुत्वा having heard, तत् that, व्यसनम् of calamity, अन्ववेक्ष्य reflecting, सर्वे all, अनुगामिनः attendants, भूयः again, भृशम् extremely, आर्ततराः become more afflicted.

Having heard the lamentataions of both the brothers and reflecting the calamity befallen on them, the attendants felt extremely afflicted once again.
ततो विषण्णौ श्रान्तौ च शत्रुघ्नभरतावुभौ।।2.77.20।।

धरण्यां संव्यवेष्टेतां भग्नशृङ्गाविवर्षभौ।

ततः thereafter, विषण्णौ dejected, श्रान्तौ च exhausted, उभौ both, शत्रुघ्नभरतौ Satrughna and Bharata, भग्नशृङ्गौ with the horns broken, ऋषभौ इव like bulls, धरण्याम् on the floor, संव्यवेष्टेताम् lay writhing.

Thereafter, both Satrughna and Bharata, dejected and exhausted, lay writhing on the floor like two bulls with their horns broken.
ततः प्रकृतिमान्वैद्यः पितुरेषां पुरोहितः।।2.77.21।।

वसिष्ठो भरतं वाक्यमुत्थाप्य तमुवाच ह।

ततः then, प्रकृतिमान् of composed character, वैद्यः learned, एषाम् their, पितुः father's, पुरोहितः priest, वसिष्ठः Vasistha, तम् भरतम् that Bharata, उत्थाप्य having raised, वाक्यम् these words, उवाच said.

Then his father's family priest Vasistha of composed mind and versed in the Vedas raised Bharata and said to him:
त्रयोदशोऽयं दिवसः पितुर्वृत्तस्य ते विभो।।2.77.22।।

सावशेषास्थिनिचये किमिह त्वं विलम्भसे।

विभो O lord, अयम् it is, वृत्तस्य of the dead, ते पितुः your father's, त्रयोदशः the thirteenth, दिवसः day, सावशेषास्थिनिचये when the heap of bones and ashes still remain, त्वम् you, इह
here, किम् why, विलम्बसे are you delaying?

O lord, this is the thirteenth day since the death of your father. The heap of bones and ashes still remain on the pyre. Why this delay on your part?
त्रीणि द्वन्द्वानि भूतेषु प्रवृत्तान्यविशेषतः।।2.77.23।।

तेषु चापरिहार्येषु नैवं भवितुमर्हसि।

त्रीणि three, द्वन्द्वानि dualities, भूतेषु in living beings, अविशेषतः without exception, प्रवृत्तानि are applicable, तेषु they, अपरिहार्येषु cannot be eschewed, एवम् भवितुम् to become sorrowful, नार्हसि it does not behove you.

There are three dualities (hunger and thirst, pain and pleasure, birth and death), which are applicable to all living beings without any exception and cannot be eschewed. Therefore, it does not behove you to act in this way.
सुमन्त्रश्चापि शत्रुघ्नमुत्थाप्याभिप्रसाद्य च।।2.77.24।।

श्रावयामास तत्त्वज्ञ स्सर्वभूतभवाभवम्।

तत्त्वज्ञः knower of truth (nature of the Brahman), सुमन्त्रश्चापि Sumantra also, शत्रुघ्नम् Satrughna, उत्थाप्य have raised, अभिप्रसाद्य च having consoled him, सर्वभूतभवाभवम् about birth and death, श्रावयामास made him to listen.

The knower of reality Sumantra helped Satrughna to rise, after having consoled him, imparted him the truth about the inevitability of birth and death.
उत्थितौ च नरव्याघ्रौ प्रकाशेते यशस्विनौ।।2.77.25।।

वर्षातपपरिक्लिनौ पृथगिन्द्रध्वजाविव।

उत्थितौ the two risen, यशस्विनौ illustrious, नरव्याघ्रौ tigers among men, पृथक् separately, वर्षातपपरिक्लिनौ faded due to the heat of Sun and rain, इन्द्रध्वजाविव like the banners of Indra, प्रकाशेते shone.

Having risen from the earth both the illustrious tigers among men, Bharata and Satrughna looked faded and weather beaten like the banners of Indra that had faded under the Sun and rain.
अश्रूणि परिमृद्नन्तौ रक्ताक्षौ दीनभाषिणौ।

अमात्यास्त्वरयन्ति स्म तनयौ चापराः क्रियाः।।2.77.26।।

अश्रूणि tears, परिमृद्नन्तौ wiping away, रक्ताक्षौ with blodshot eyes, दीनभाषिणौ speaking in desolation, तनयौ both sons, अमात्याः counsellors, अपराः the remaining क्रियाः funeral rites, त्वरयन्ति स्म hastened up.

The counsellors hastened up both the sons, who were wiping away the tears and speaking with blodshot eyes, to complete the remaining part of the funeral rites.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे सप्तसप्ततितमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the seventyseventh sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.