Sloka & Translation

[ Arrangements made for the journey to the forest.]

अथ भूमिप्रदेशज्ञास्सूत्रकर्मविशारदाः।

स्वकर्माभिरताश्शूराः खनका यन्त्रकास्तथा।।2.80.1।।

कर्मान्तिकाः स्थपतयः पुरुष यन्त्रकोविदाः।

तथा वार्धकयश्चैव मार्गिणो वृक्षतक्षकाः।।2.80.2।।


समर्था ये च द्रष्टारः पुरतस्ते प्रतस्थिरे।।2.80.3।।

अथ thereafter, भूमिप्रदेशज्ञाः land surveyors, सूत्रकर्मविशारदा: experts in measurement, स्वकर्माभिरताः zealous workers, शूराः energetic, खनकाः excavators, तथा also, यन्त्रकाः engineers, कर्मान्तिकाः skilled workers, स्थपतयः architects, यन्त्रकोविदाः expert mechanics, पुरुषाः men, तथा similarly, वार्धकयः carpenters, मार्गिण road workers, वृक्षतक्षकाः woodcutters, कूपकाराः welldrillers, सुधाकाराः whitewashers, तथा also, वंशकर्मकृतः bambooworkers (basketmakers), समर्थाः competent, ये those, द्रष्टारः supervisors, ते they, पुरतः in advance, प्रतस्थिरे set out.

Then surveyors, experts in measurment, energetic and zealous labourers, excavators, engineers, skilled workers, architects, craftsmen, carpenters, roadlevellers, woodcutters, welldiggers, whitewashers, basketmakers, competent supervisors were sent in advance.
अथ भूमिप्रदेशज्ञास्सूत्रकर्मविशारदाः।

स्वकर्माभिरताश्शूराः खनका यन्त्रकास्तथा।।2.80.1।।

कर्मान्तिकाः स्थपतयः पुरुष यन्त्रकोविदाः।

तथा वार्धकयश्चैव मार्गिणो वृक्षतक्षकाः।।2.80.2।।


समर्था ये च द्रष्टारः पुरतस्ते प्रतस्थिरे।।2.80.3।।

अथ thereafter, भूमिप्रदेशज्ञाः land surveyors, सूत्रकर्मविशारदा: experts in measurement, स्वकर्माभिरताः zealous workers, शूराः energetic, खनकाः excavators, तथा also, यन्त्रकाः engineers, कर्मान्तिकाः skilled workers, स्थपतयः architects, यन्त्रकोविदाः expert mechanics, पुरुषाः men, तथा similarly, वार्धकयः carpenters, मार्गिण road workers, वृक्षतक्षकाः woodcutters, कूपकाराः welldrillers, सुधाकाराः whitewashers, तथा also, वंशकर्मकृतः bambooworkers (basketmakers), समर्थाः competent, ये those, द्रष्टारः supervisors, ते they, पुरतः in advance, प्रतस्थिरे set out.

Then surveyors, experts in measurment, energetic and zealous labourers, excavators, engineers, skilled workers, architects, craftsmen, carpenters, roadlevellers, woodcutters, welldiggers, whitewashers, basketmakers, competent supervisors were sent in advance.
स तु हर्षात्तमुद्देशं जनौघो विपुलः प्रयान्।

अशोभत महावेगस्समुद्र इव पर्वणि।।2.80.4।।

हर्षात् with joy, तम् उद्देशम् to the appointed region, प्रयान् proceeding, सः that, विपुलः multitude, जनौघः people, पर्वणि on fullmoon day, महावेगः with great speed, समुद्रः इव like
an ocean, अशोभत shone.

Like a swollen ocean on a fullmoon day the multitude of people proceeded joyfully with great speed to the appointed place.
ते स्ववारं समास्थाय वर्त्मकर्मणि कोविदाः।

करणैर्विविधोपेतैः पुरस्तात्सम्प्रतस्थिरे।।2.80.5।।

वर्त्मकर्मणि in the construction of roads, कोविदाः skilled, ते those, विविधोपेतैः with different kinds of, करणैः tools, स्ववारम् their own group, समास्थाय taking up the place, पुरस्तात् ahead, सम्प्रतस्थिरे departed.

Those groups who were skilled in the construction of roads took up their places with every kind of tool and departed ahead of others.
लतावल्ली श्च गुल्मांश्च स्थाणूनश्मन एव च।

जनायांचक्रिरे मार्गं छिन्दन्तो विविधान्द्रुमान्।।2.80.6।।

लतावल्लीः च creepers, गुल्मांश्च shrubs, स्थाणून् branchless trees, अश्मन एव च boulders, विविधान् various, द्रुमान् trees, छिन्दन्त hewing off, मार्गम् way, जनायांचक्रिरे paved by the (king's) men.

Clearing and cutting branches of various trees and creepers, shrubs, plants branchless trees and hewing boulders, the road was paved by the king's men.
अवृक्षेषु च देशेषु केचिद्वृक्षानरोपयन्।

केचित्कुठारैष्टङ्कैश्च दात्रैश्चिन्दन्क्वचित्क्वचित्।।2.80.7।।

केचित् some of them, अवृक्षेषु where there were no trees, देशेषु in places, वृक्षान् saplings, अरोपयन् planted, केचित् some, क्वचित् क्वचित् here and there, कुठारैः with axes, टङ्कैश्च with hatchets, दात्रैः च with sickles, छिन्दन् severing.

Some of them, planted saplings in places where there were none, while some others severed trees here and there with axes, hatchets and sickles.
अपरे वीरणस्तम्भान्बलिनो बलवत्तराः।

विधमन्ति स्म दुर्गाणि स्थलानि च ततस्ततः।।2.80.8।।

बलवत्तराः stronger men, अपरे some others, बलिनः strongrooted, वीरणस्तम्भान् tufts of fragrant grass, विधमन्ति स्म removed, ततस्ततः here and there, दुर्गाणि impassable terrains, स्थलानि were made even.

Some other stronger men, plucked the strongrooted tufts of fragrant grass. Here and there they made impassable terrains even.
अपरेऽपूरयन्कूपान्पांसुभि श्श्वभ्रमायतम्।

निम्नभागान्स्ततः केचित्समान्श्चक्रु स्समन्ततः।।2.80.9।।

अपरे some others, कूपान् wells, आयतम् wide, श्वभ्रम् chasm, पांसुभिः with loose soil, अपूरयन् filled, ततः thereafter, केचित् some, निम्नभागान् low level grounds, समन्ततः on all sides, समान् evenly, चक्रुः made.

Some filled wells and chasms with loose soil, while others made low level grounds plain and wide on all sides.
बबन्धुर्बन्धनीयांश्च क्षोद्यान्सञ्चुक्षुदुस्तदा।

बिभिदुर्भेदनीयांश्च तांस्तान्देशान्नरा स्तदा।।2.80.10।।

तदा then, नराः people, बन्धनीयान् required to be bridged, तांस्तान् at such, देशान् places, बबन्धु: bridged, क्षोद्यान् required crushing, सञ्चुक्षुदुः pulverised, भेदनीयान् च required to be split open, बिभिदुः broke them.

People threw bridges at places that needed to be bridged. They pulverised stones that obstructed the path and split open big stones to drain out water.
अचिरेणैव कालेन परिवाहान्बहूदकान्।

चक्रुर्बहुविधाकारान् सागरप्रतिमान्बहून्।।2.80.11।।

अचिरेणकालेनैव in a short time, बहूदकान् having large volumes of water, बहुविधाकारान् of different shapes, सागरप्रतिमान् like the sea, बहून् many, परिवाहान् water courses, चक्रुः constructed.

In a short time they constructed many water reservoirs of different shapes capable of holding large volumes of water like the sea.
निर्जलेषु च देशेषु खानयामासुरुत्तमान्।


निर्जलेषु where there was no water, देशेषु in places, उत्तमान् best, बहुविधान् various, वेदिकापरिमण्डितान् surrounded by circular dykes, उदपानान् drinking water wells, खानयामासुः were dug.

In arid places, various good drinkingwaterwells surrounded by dykes were dug.
ससुधाकुट्टिमतलः प्रपुष्पितमहीरुहः।

मत्तोद्घुष्ट द्विजगणः पताकाभिरलङ्कृतः।।2.80.13।।

चन्दनोदकसंसिक्तो नानाकुसुमभूषितः।

बह्वशोभत सेनायाः पन्था स्सुरपथोपमः।।2.80.14।।

ससुधाकुट्टिमतलः surface decorated with mosaic, प्रपुष्पितमहीरुहः avenue lined with blossoming trees, मत्तोद्घुष्ट द्विजगणः with flocks of birds intoxicated with singing, पताकाभिः with banners, अलङ्कृतः decorated, चन्दनोदकसंसिक्तः sprinkled with sandal water, नानाकुसुमभूषितः embellished with various kinds of flowers, सेनायाः army's सुरपथोपमः like the path of the gods, (सः) पन्थाः that highway, बहु brilliantly, अशोभत shone.

The highway for the army was paved smooth, with its surface decorated with mosaic. It was lined with blossoming trees with flocks of birds intoxicated with singing. It was decked with banners and sprinkled with sandal water and a strewn with flowers of every kind. Like the path of gods, the highway shone with brilliance.
आज्ञाप्याथ यथाऽज्ञप्ति युक्तास्तेऽधिकृता नराः।

रमणीयेषु देशेषु बहुस्वादुफलेषु च।।2.80.15।।

यो निवेशस्त्वभिप्रेतो भरतस्य महात्मनः।

भूयस्तं शोभयामासुर्भूषाभिर्भूषणोपमम्।।2.80.16।।

अधिकृता authorised, ते नराः those persons, यथाज्ञप्ति in accordance with the orders (of Bharata), युक्ताः performing their work, आज्ञप्य issued orders (to the artisans), अथ thereafter, बहुस्वादुफलेषु with varieties of sweet fruits, रमणीयेषु lovely, देशेषु places, महात्मनः of great, भरतस्य Bharata, यः निवेशः restingplace, अभिप्रेतः selected, तम् that place, भूषाभिः with ornaments, भूषणोपमम् like ornaments , भूयः well, शोभयामासुः shone.

Those authorised ordered the artisans to perform their respective tasks. Thereafter, they selected lovely tracts of land filled with trees bearing varieties of sweet fruits as restingplace for great Bharata and decorated them so splendidly, that they looked like ornaments themseleves.
नक्षत्रेषु प्रशस्तेषु मुहूर्तेषु च तद्विदः।

निवेशान् स्थापयामासुर्भरतस्य महात्मनः।।2.80.17।।

तद्विदः men well versed in the study of planetary positions relating to auspicious constellations and auspicious time (astrologers), प्रशस्तेषु at auspicious, नक्षत्रेषु in the constellation, मुहूर्तेषु at auspicious time, महात्मनः highsouled, भरतस्य for Bharata, निवेशान् restplace, स्थापयामासुः established.

Men wellversed in the study of planetary positions relating to auspicious constellations and auspicious times arranged different restingplaces at different times
during the sojourn of great Bharata.
बहुपांसुचयाश्चापि परिखापरिवारिताः।

तत्रेन्द्रकीलप्रतिमाः प्रतोलीवरशोभिताः।।2.80.18।।

प्रासादमालावितता स्सौधप्राकारसंवृताः।

पताकाशोभिता स्सर्वे सुनिर्मितमहापथाः।।2.80.19।।

विसर्पद्भिरिवाऽकाशे विटङ्काग्रविमानकैः।

समुच्छ्रितैर्निवेशास्ते बभुश्शक्रपुरोपमाः।।2.80.20।।

तत्र there, बहुपांसुचयाश्चपि heaps of sand, परिखापरिवारिताः encircled by moats, इन्द्रकीलप्रतिमाः comparable to mount Indrakeela, प्रतोलीवरशोभिताः adorned with broad highways, प्रासादमालावितताः lined with mansions, सौधप्राकारसंवृताः surrounded by walls, पताकाशोभिताः decorated with flags, सुनिर्मित महापथाः with wellbuilt, broad thoroughfares, ते निवेशाः those residences, आकाशे in the sky, विसर्पद्भिरिव like one spreading, समुच्छ्रितैः tall, विटङ्काग्रविमानकैः with the peaks of mansions, शक्रपुरोपमाः like the abode of Indra, बभुः shone.

They heaped sand and dug moats around the restingplace. It was adorned with wellbuilt highways and broad thoroughfares, lined with mansions surrounded by walls as high as mount Indrakeela. The peaks of those tall residences decorated with flags which looked as if spreading into the sky. (Thus the restingplace) shone like the abode of Indra.
जाह्नवीं तु समासाद्य विविधद्रुमकाननाम्।

शीतलामलपानीयां महामीनसमाकुलाम्।।2.80.21।।

विविधद्रुमकाननाम् with groves of various trees, शीतलामलपानीयाम् with cool and limpid waters, महामीनसमाकुलाम् abounding in large fishes, जाह्नवीम् the river Ganga, समासाद्य having reached.

The reached Ganga with its cool and limpid waters abounding in large fishes, its bank lined with groves of various trees.
सचन्द्रतारागणमण्डितं यथा नभः क्षपायाममलं विराजते।

नरेन्द्रमार्गस्स तथा व्यराजत क्रमेण रम्यः शुभशिल्पिनिर्मितः।।2.80.22।।

सचन्द्रतारागणमण्डितम् decorated with the Moon and stars, अमलम् clear, नभः sky, क्षपायाम् in the night, याथा how, विराजते shines, क्रमेण orderly manner, शुभशिल्पिनिर्मितः constructed by eminent craftsmen, रम्यः lovely, सः that, नरेन्द्रमार्गः royal road, तथा that way, व्यराजत shone.

The lovely royal road constructed in an orderly fashion by eminent craftsmen looked splendid like the clear sky decorated with by the Moon and clusters of stars.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे अशीतितमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the eightieth sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.