Sloka & Translation

[Guha ferries Bharata, Satrughna and all others across Ganga -- Bharata sets out to meet sage Bharadwaja.]

उष्य रात्रिं तु तत्रैव गङ्गाकूले स राघवः।

भरतः काल्यमुत्थाय शत्रुघ्नमिदमब्रवीत्।।2.89.1।।

राघवः born in the race of Raghu, सः भरतः that Bharata, तत्र there, गङ्गाकूले एव on the bank of the river Ganga only, रात्रिम् night, उष्य having stayed, काल्यम् at daybreak, उत्थाय rising, शत्रुघ्नम् Satrughna, इदम् these words, अब्रवीत् spoke.

Bharata got up at daybreak after spending the night on the bank of the Ganga at that very place where Rama, the descendent of Raghu, had stayed. And said these words to Satrughna:
शत्रुघ्नोत्तिष्ठ किं शेषे निषादाधिपतिं गुहम्।

शीघ्रमानय भद्रं ते तारयिष्यति वाहिनीम्।।2.89.2।।

शत्रुघ्न Satrughna, उत्तिष्ठ arise, किम् why, शेषे are you asleep, ते for you, भद्रम् blessings to you, निषादाधिपतिम् overlord of Nishada, गुहम् Guha, शीघ्रम् quickly, आनय fetch, वाहिनीम् the army, तारयिष्यति he will help us in ferrying across.

O Satrughna, blessings to you Why are you still alseep? Arise fetch Guha the king of the nishadas quickly. He will ferry the army across the river.
जागर्मि नाहं स्वपिमि तमेवाऽर्यं विचिन्तयन्।

इत्येवमब्रवीद्भ्रात्ता शत्रुघ्नोऽपि प्रचोदितः।।2.89.3।।

भ्राता the brother, शत्रुघ्नोऽपि Satrughna also, प्रचोदितः having been urged upon, अहम् I, तम् that, आर्यम् एव about esteemed brother Rama only, विचिन्तयन् thinking about, जागर्मि I am
awake, न स्वपिमि not sleeping, इत्येवम् in this way, अब्रवीत् said.

Urged by his brother Bharata, Satrughna replied 'I am not asleep. I am awake. I am deeply thinking of our esteemed brother, Rama'
इति संवदतोरेवमन्योन्यं नरसिंहयोः।

आगम्य प्राञ्जलिः काले गुहो भरतमब्रवीत्।।2.89.4।।

नरसिंहयोः lions among men, Bharata and Satrughna, इत्येवम् in this way, अन्योन्यम् with one another, संवदतोः while both of them were conversing, गुहः Guha, काले at appropriate time, आगम्य having arrived, प्राञ्जलिः with folded palms, भरतम् to Bharata, अब्रवीत् said.

While the two lions among men, Bharata and Satrughna were thus conversing with each other, Guha came in the appropriate time and said to Bharata with folded palms:
कच्चित्सुखं नदीतीरेऽवात्सीः काकुत्स्थ शर्वरीम्।

कच्चित्ते सह सैन्यस्य तावत्सर्वमनामयम्।।2.89.5।।

काकुत्थ्स O scion of the Kakutstha race (Bharata), शर्वरीम् night, नदीतीरे on the bank of the river, सुखम् comfortably, कच्चित् वात्सीः you had passed, I hope, सह सैन्यस्य along with the army, ते to you, सर्वम् all, अनामयं तावत् कच्चित् there was no inconvenience, I trust.

O scion of the Kakutstha race (Bharata) I trust, you and your army passed the night on the river bank comfortably without any inconvenience.
गुहस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा तत्तु स्नेहादुदीरितम्।

रामस्यानुवशो वाक्यं भरतोऽपीदमब्रवीत्।।2.89.6।।

रामस्य of Rama, अनुवशः obedient, भरतोऽपि Bharata too, स्नेहात् out of affection, उदीरितम् uttered, तत् that, गुहस्य Guha's, वचनम् words, श्रुत्वा on hearing, इदं वाक्यम् these words, अब्रवीत् said.

On hearing Guha's affectionate words Bharata, ever obedient to Rama, replied:
सुखा न श्शर्वरी राजन् पूजिताश्चापि ते वयम्।

गङ्गां तु नौभिर्बह्वीभिर्दाशास्सन्तारयन्तु नः।।2.89.7।।

राजन् O king, नः for us, शर्वरी the night, सुखा comfortable, वयम् we, ते to (by) you, पूजिताश्चापि have been honoured, दाशाः fishermen, बह्वीभिः by many, नौभिः boats, नः us, गङ्गाम् the river Ganga, सन्तारयन्तु please, ferry us across.

O king (Guha) the night passed comfortably for us. We have been honoured by you in many ways. Let your fishermen be ordered to ferry us across the Ganga in their boats.
ततो गुह स्सन्त्वरितं श्रुत्वा भरतशासनम्।

प्रति प्रविश्य नगरं तं ज्ञातिजनमब्रवीत्।।2.89.8।।

ततः then, गुहः Guha, सन्त्वरितम् quickly, भरतशासनम् at Bharata's command, श्रुत्वा having heard, नगरम् his establishment, प्रति प्रविश्य having entered, तम् that, ज्ञातिजनम् to his relations, अब्रवीत् said.

Then at Bharata's command Guha returned to his habitation quickly and said to his relations:
उत्तिष्ठत प्रबुध्यध्वं भद्रमस्तु च वस्सदा।

नाव स्समनुकर्षध्वं तारयिष्याम वाहिनीम्।।2.89.9।।

उत्तिष्ठत arise, प्रबुध्यध्वम् awake, सदा always, वः भद्रम् अस्तु be blessed, नावः the boats, समनुकर्षध्वम् haul down, वाहिनीम् the army, तारयिष्याम we shall ferry them across.

Arise and awake. May you be ever blessed. Haul down the boats into the river. We have to ferry the army (across the river).
ते तथोक्ता स्समुत्थाय त्वरिता राजशासनात्।

पञ्चनावां शतान्याशु समानिन्युस्समन्ततः।।2.89.10।।

तथा thus, उक्ताः addressed, ते they, राजशासनात् by the king's command, त्वरिताः in haste, आशु immediately, समन्ततः from every direction, नावाम् of the boats, पञ्चशतानि five hundreds, समानिन्युः brought.

On hearing these words, they arose in haste and immediately brought five hundred boats from every direction in accordance with the command of their king (Guha).
अन्या स्स्वस्तिकविज्ञेया महाघंटाधरा वराः।

शोभमानाः पताकाभिर्युक्तवातास्सुसंहताः।।2.89.11।।

महाघंटाधराः fitted with large bells, वराः excellent, पताकाभिः with flags, शोभमानाः looking magnificent, युक्तवाताः filled with sails, सुसंहताः built solidly, स्वस्तिकविज्ञेयाः known as Swastika, अन्याः also some other boats (brought).

They brought excellent boats known as Swastika, solidly built, they lookd magnificent, filled with large bells, sails and flags.
तत स्स्वस्तिकविज्ञेयां पाण्डुकम्बलसंवृताम्।

सनन्दिघोषां कल्याणीं गुहो नावमुपाहरत्।।2.89.12।।

ततः then, गुहः Guha, पाण्डुकम्बलसंवृताम् covered with white canvas, सनन्दिघोषाम् generating aptivating sounds, कल्याणीं auspicious, स्वस्तिकविज्ञेयाम् known as Swastika, नावम् boat, उपाहरत् brought.

Then Guha personally brought an auspicious boat known as Swastika covered with white canvas and generating captivating sounds.
तामारुरोह भरतश्शत्रुघ्नश्च महाबलः।

कौसल्या च सुमित्रा च याश्चान्या राजयोषितः।।2.89.13।।

पुरोहितश्च तत्पूर्वं गुरवो ब्राह्मणाश्च ये।

अनन्तरं राजदारास्तदैव शकटापणाः।।2.89.14।।

भरतः Bharata, ताम् आरुरोह boarded it, महाबलः of great strength, शत्रुघ्नश्च Satrughna also, कौसल्या च Kausalya, सुमित्रा च Sumitra, अन्याः other, याः राजयोषितः other royal women, तत्पूर्वम् before them, पुरोहितश्च family priest (Vasistha), गुरवः preceptors, ये ब्राह्मणाश्च such brahmins, अनन्तरम् thereafter, राजदाराः king's wives, तथैव also, शकटापणाः wagons and supplies.

The family priest (Vasistha) and other brahmins were the first to board. Next mighty
Bharata and Satrughna, Kausalya, Sumitra, women of the palace including the other wives of the king and wagons and supplies followed.
आवासमादीपयतां तीर्थं चाप्यवगाहताम्।

भाण्डानि चाददानानां घोषस्त्रिदिवमस्पृशत्।।2.89.15।।

आवासम् the shelters in that camp, आदीपयताम् those who are burning, तीर्थं चापि through the descent of the river, अवगाहताम् those who are going down, भाण्डानि supplies, आददानानाम् of transporting, घोषः clamour, त्रिदिवम् the heaven, अस्पृशत् not touching.

The clamour of the people setting fire to the temporary shelters in that camp, descending down the river and transporting the supplies into the boats reached the heaven.
पताकिन्यस्तु ता नावस्स्वयं दाशैरधिष्ठिताः।

वहन्त्यो जनमारूढं तदा सम्पेतुराशुगाः।।2.89.16।।

पताकिन्यः (adorned) with flags, दाशैः by the fishermen, स्वयम् themselves, अधिष्ठिताः occupied, ताः नावः those boats, तदा then, आरूढम् boarded, जनम् men, वह्नत्यः carrying, आशुगाः swiftly rowing men, सम्पेतुः moved.

Those boats adorned with flags were propelled by the fishermen occupying them. They sailed with men rowing on board fast.
नारीणामभिपूर्णा स्तु काश्चित् काश्चिच्च वाजिनाम्।

काश्चिदत्र वहन्ति स्म यानयुग्यं महाधनम्।।2.89.17।।

अत्र there, काश्चित् some boats, नारीणाम् with women, अभिपूर्णाः were filled with, काश्चित् some others, वाजिनाम् with horses, काश्चित् while still others, यानयुग्यम् the draught animals for drawing carriages, महाधनम् great treasures, वहन्ति स्म were transporting.

Some boats were filled with women, some others with horses. while still others
transported draught animals for drawing carriages and the great treasures.
ता स्स्म गत्वा परं तीरमवरोप्य च तं जनम्।

निवृत्ताः काण्डचित्राणि क्रियन्ते दाशबन्धुभिः।।2.89.18।।

ताः those, परं तीरम् the other bank, गत्वा having reached, तं जनम् the men, अवरोप्य disembarked, निवृत्ताः स्म returned, दाशबन्धुभिः the fisherfolk, काण्डचित्राणि lovely formations with their craft, क्रियन्ते स्म exhibited.

Having reached the other bank, the men disembarked. While returning, the fisherfolk exhibited their craft of lovely formations.
सवैजयन्तास्तु गजा गजारोहप्रचोदिताः।

तरन्त स्स्म प्रकाशन्ते सध्वजा इव पर्वताः।।2.89.19।।

सवैजयन्ताः embellished with banners, गजारोहप्रचोदिताः goaded by their mahouts, गजाः the elephants, तरन्तः while crossing the water, सध्वजाः with flags, पर्वताः इव like mountains, प्रकाशन्ते स्म were shining.

The elephants, embellished with banners and goaded by their mahouts looked
splendid like mountains with banners while crossing in the water.
नावस्त्वारुरुहुश्चान्ये प्लवैस्तेरु स्तथापरे।

अन्ये कुम्भघटैस्तेरुरन्येतेरुश्च बाहुभिः।।2.89.20।।

अन्ये other, नावः boats, आरुरुहुश्च boarded, अपरे others, तथा like that, प्लवैः on rafts, तेरुः crossed, अन्ये others, कुम्भघटैः with large pots, तेरुः crossed, अन्ये others, बाहुभिः with their arms, तेरुः च crossed.

Only some of the people were able to board the boats. Some others crossed on rafts and on large pots. Still others swam with their arms.
सा पुण्या ध्वजिनी गङ्गां दाशैस्सन्तारिता स्वयम्।

मैत्रे मुहूर्ते प्रययौ प्रयागवनमुत्तमम्।।2.89.21।।

दाशैः by the fishermen, स्वयम् themselves, गङ्गाम् the river Ganga, सन्तारिता ferried over, पुण्या auspicious, सा ध्वजिनी army, मैत्रे मुहूर्ते at the auspicious hour of Maitra, उत्तमम् great, प्रयागवनम् forest of Prayaga, प्रययौ reached.

The auspicious army, ferried across the river Ganga by the fishermen, reached the great forest of Prayaga at the auspicious hour of Maitra.
आश्वासयित्वा च चमूं महात्मा निवेशयित्वा च यथोपजोषम्।

द्रष्टुं भरद्वाजमृषिप्रवर्य मृत्विग्वृतस्सन्भरतः प्रतस्थे।।2.89.22।।

महात्मा the noble one, भरतः Bharata, चमूम् the army, आश्वासयित्वा having rested, यथोपजोषम् according to their pleasure, निवेशयित्वा having encamped, ऋषिप्रवर्यम् the distinguished rishi, भरद्वाजम् Bharadwaja, द्रष्टुम् to see, ऋत्विग्वृतस्सन् surrounded by his priests, प्रतस्थे set out.

The noble Bharata, got his army encamped according to their pleasure and set out, accompanied by his priests, to see the distinguished sage Bharadwaja.
स ब्राह्मणस्याऽश्रममभ्युपेत्य महात्मनो देवपुरोहितस्य।

ददर्श रम्योटजवृक्षषण्डं महद्वनं विप्रवरस्य रम्यम्।।2.89.23।।

सः Bharata, देवपुरोहितस्य official priest of the gods, महात्मनः of the eminent, ब्राह्मणस्य brahmin's, आश्रमम् hermitage, अभ्युपेत्य having approached, रम्योटजवृक्षषण्डम् delightful huts and multitude of trees, विप्रवरस्य of the best brahmins, रम्यम् charming, महत् वनम् great forest, ददर्श saw.

Approaching the hermitage of Bharadwaja, the eminent brahmin and official priest of the gods, Bharata saw the delightful huts and trees of the charming great forest.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे एकोननवतितमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the eightyninth sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.