Sloka & Translation

[Instigated by Manthara, Kaikeyi enters the chamber of wrath.]

एवमुक्ता तु कैकेयी क्रोधेन ज्वलितानना।

दीर्घमुष्णं विनिश्वस्य मन्थरामिदमब्रवीत्।।2.9.1।।

एवम् thus, उक्ता spoken to (by Manthara), कैकेयी Kaikeyi, क्रोधेन (कोपेन) in anger, ज्वलितानना face burning (with anger), दीर्घम् deep, उष्णम् hot, विनिश्वस्य having breathed, मन्थराम् to Manthara, इदम् these words, अब्रवीत् said

Thus spoken to, Kaikeyi, her face burning with anger, breathed a deep, hot sigh and said these words to Manthara:
अद्य राममितः क्षिप्रं वनं प्रस्थापयाम्यहम्।

यौवराज्ये च भरतं क्षिप्रमेवाभिषेचये।।2.9.2।।

अद्य today, अहम् I, रामम् to Rama, इत: from here itself, क्षिप्रम् quickly, वनम् to the forest, प्रस्थापयामि shall send forth, भरतं च to Bharata also, क्षिप्रमेव without delay, यौवराज्ये as prince regent, अभिषेचये I shall consecrate (him).

Today I shall at once banish Rama from here into the forest and get Bharata coronated as heirapparent without delay.
इदं त्विदानीं सम्पश्य केनोपायेन मन्थरे।

भरतः प्राप्नुयाद्राज्यं न तु रामः कथञ्चन।।2.9.3।।

मन्थरे O Manthara केन उपायेन, कथञ्चन by any means, राज्यम् kingdom, प्राप्नुयात् will get,
राम: तु for sure, न shall not (obtain), इदम् this one, इदानीम् now, सम्पश्य do see.

O Manthara now see, for sure, Bharata and not Rama will get the kingdom by any
एवमुक्ता तया देव्या मन्थरा पापदर्शिनी।

रामार्थमुपहिंसन्ती कैकेयीमिदमब्रवीत्।।2.9.4।।

तया देव्या by that queen, एवम् thus, उक्ता having been addressed, पापदर्शिनी evilminded रामार्थम् Rama's interests, उपहिंसन्ती destroying, कैकेयीम् to Kaikeyi, इदम् this, अब्रवीत् said.

Thus addressed by queen Kaikeyi, that evil minded Manthara said this to Kaikeyi in order to spoil the interest of Rama:
हन्तेदानीं प्रवक्ष्यामि कैकेयि श्रूयतां च मे।

यथा ते भरतो राज्यं पुत्रः प्राप्स्यति केवलम्।।2.9.5।।

हन्त what joy, कैकेयि O Kaikeyi, केवलम् alone, ते पुत्र: your son, भरत: Bharata, यथा as, राज्यम् kingdom, प्राप्स्यति will get, प्रवक्ष्यामि I shall tell, मे my (word), श्रूयतां च listen.

O Kaikeyi, what a joy I shall now tell you how your son Bharata alone will secure the kingdom. Listen to me:
किं न स्मरसि कैकेयि स्मरन्ती वा निगूहसे।

यदुच्यमानमात्मार्थं मत्तस्त्वं श्रोतुमिच्छसि।।2.9.6।।

कैकेयि O Kaikeyi, उच्यमानम् which is going to be told, आत्मार्थम् (the means) for your welfare, त्वम् you, मत्त: from me, श्रोतुम् to hear, यत् इच्छसि since you wish, न स्मरसि किम् do you not remember that ?, स्मरन्ती remembering, निगूहसे वा or are you concealing it?

O Kaikeyi, don't you remember in your own interest what I'm going to tell you or are you hiding it, wishing to hear from me?
मयोच्यमानं यदि ते श्रोतुं छन्दो विलासिनि।

श्रूयतामभिधास्यामि श्रुत्वा चापि विमृश्यताम्।।2.9.7।।

विलासिनि O lovely one (Kaikeyi), मया by me, उच्यमानम् while being told, श्रोतुम् to hear (from me), ते to you, छन्द: यदि if it pleases, अभिधास्यामि I shall tell you, श्रूयताम् listen, श्रुत्वा having heard, विमृश्यताम् अपि च also think over it.

O lovely Kaikeyi if it pleases you to hear from me, I shall tell you. Listen and think over it, too.
श्रुत्वैवं वचनं तस्या मन्थरायास्तु कैकेयी।

किञ्चिदुत्थाय शयनात्स्वास्तीर्णादिदमब्रवीत्।।2.9.8।।

कैकेयी Kaikeyi, तस्या: मन्थराया: that Manthara's, एवम् in this way, वचनम् words, श्रुत्वा (एव) after hearing, स्वास्तीर्णात् from the wellspread, शयनात् from the bed, किञ्चित् a little, उत्थाय got up, इदम् this, अब्रवीत् said.

After hearing Manthara's words, Kaikeyi got up a little from her wellspread bed and said this:
कथय त्वं ममोपायं केनोपायेन मन्थरे।

भरतः प्राप्नुयाद्राज्यं न तु रामः कथञ्चन।।2.9.9।।

मन्थरे O Manthara केन by what, उपायेन means, भरत: Bharata, राज्यम् kingdom, प्राप्नुयात् will secure, राम: तु as for Rama, कथञ्चन anyhow, न will not get, उपायम् means, त्वम् you, मम to me, कथय speak.

O Manthara, tell me the means by which Bharata and not Rama will secure the kingdom in any circumstances.
एवमुक्ता तया देव्या मन्थरा पापदर्शिनी।

रामार्थमुपहिंसन्ती कुब्जा वचनमब्रवीत्।।2.9.10।।

तया देव्या by that queen, एवम् in this way, उक्ता having been spoken to, पापदर्शिनी evileyed, मन्थरा Manthara, रामार्थम् Rama's interest, उपहिंसन्ती ruining, कुब्जा hunchback, अब्रवीत् said.

Thus addressed by the queen (Kaikeyi), the evileyed hunchback, Manthara, said with the intention to damage Rama's interest.
तव दैवासुरे युद्धे सह राजर्षिभिः पतिः।

अगच्छत्त्वामुपादाय देवराजस्य साह्यकृत्।।2.9.11।।

दिशमास्थाय वै देवि दक्षिणां दण्डकान्प्रति।

वैजयन्तमिति ख्यातं पुरं यत्र तिमिध्वजः।।2.9.12।।

देवि O queen तव your, पति: husband, दैवासुरे between gods and asuras, युद्धे in the war, देवराजस्य of the king of the gods (Indra's), साह्यकृत् one who rendered assistance, त्वाम् you, उपादाय having taken, दक्षिणां दिशम् the southern direction, आस्थाय having reached, दण्डकान् प्रति towards Dandaka, वैजयन्तम् इति known as Vaijayanta, ख्यातम् renowned, यत्र where, तिमिध्वज: Timidhvaja, पुरम् to the city, राजर्षिभि: सह along with royal saints, अगच्छत् went.

O queen during the war between gods and asuras, your husband went with royal saints intending to render assistance to Indra, king of the gods, taking you along with him. He set off in the southern direction of Dandaka forest to a renowned city called Vaijayanta where asura Timidhvaja lived.
स शम्बर इति ख्यातश्शतमायो महासुरः।

ददौ शक्रस्य सङ्ग्रामं देवसङ्घैरनिर्जितः।।2.9.13।।

शम्बर: इति as Sambara, ख्यात: wellknown, शतमाय: possessing a hundred deceitful
forms, स: महासुर: that mighty asura, देवसङ्घै: by hosts of gods, अनिर्जित: could not be conquered, शक्रस्य for Indra, सङ्ग्रामम् battle, ददौ gave.

That mighty asura wellknown as Sambara, capable of a hundred deceitful forms, challenged Indra to a battle which could not be conquered by hosts of gods.
तस्मिन्महति सङ्ग्रामे पुरुषान्क्षतविक्षतान्।

रात्रौ प्रसुप्तान्घ्नन्ति स्म तरसाऽऽसाद्य राक्षसाः।।2.9.14।।

महति great, तस्मिन् सङ्ग्रामे in that war, क्षतविक्षतान् those wounded, रात्रौ during the night, प्रसुप्तान् those who were fast asleep, पुरुषान् the warriors, राक्षसा: by rakshasas, आसाद्य having approached, तरसा by force, घ्नन्ति स्म killed.

In that great battle, the rakshasas used to kill by force the warriors wounded by the weapons and those fast asleep during the night.
तत्राकरोन्महद्युद्धं राजा दशरथस्तदा।

असुरैश्च महाबाहुश्शस्त्रैश्च शकलीकृतः।।2.9.15।।

तदा then, दशरथ: राजा king Dasaratha, तत्र there, महद्युद्धम् great battle, अकरोत् fought, महाबाहु: one with mighty arms (Dasaratha), असुरै: च by asuras, शस्त्रै: with weapons, शकलीकृत: च his body was shattered to pieces.

There in that great battle the mightyarmed king Dasaratha lay wounded with weapons (used) by the asuras.
अपवाह्य त्वया देवि सङ्ग्रामान्नष्टचेतनः।

तत्रापि विक्षतश्शस्त्रैः पतिस्ते रक्षितस्त्वया।।2.9.16।।

देवि O queen (Kaikeyi), नष्टचेतन: (Dasaratha) who lost consciousness, त्वया by you, सङ्ग्रामात् from the battlefield, अपवाह्य after being carried away, रक्षित: was protected, तत्रापि there also, शस्त्रै: by weapons, विक्षत: wounded, ते पति: your husband, त्वया by you,
रक्षित: saved.

O queen you had protected your husband by carrying him away from the battlefield
when he lost his consciousness. He was saved by you. Once again you saved him when he lay wounded with weapons (hurled) by the asuras.
तुष्टेन तेन दत्तौ ते द्वौ वरौ शुभदर्शने।

स त्वयोक्तः पतिर्देवि यदेच्छेयं तदा वरौ।।2.9.17।।

गृह्णीयामिति तत्तेन तथेत्युक्तं महात्मना।

शुभदर्शने O auspiciouslooking one, तुष्टेन by the gratified, तेन by him, ते to you, द्वौ two, वरौ boons, दत्तौ were given, देवि O queen त्वया by you, स: पति: that husband, Dasaratha, यदा whenever, इच्छेयम् I desire, तदा then, वरौ the boons, गृह्णीयाम् इति shall receive, उक्त: thus told, तत् that one, तथा इति 'So be it' saying so, तेन महात्मना by that magnanimous (king), उक्तम् has been told.

O auspiciouslooking one out of gratitude he had granted two boons to you (for saving him on two occasions). O queen then you told your husband that whenever you desire, you will ask for those boons. The magnanimous king said, 'So be it'.
अनभिज्ञाम्ह्यहं देवि त्वयैव कथिता पुरा।।2.9.18।।

कथैषा तव तु स्नेहान्मनसा धार्यते मया।

रामाभिषेकसम्भारान्निगृह्य विनिवर्तय।।2.9.19।।

देवि O queen अहम् I, अनभिज्ञा हि surely unaware of this, पुरा formerly, त्वयैव by yourself, कथिता was related, एषा कथा this story, तव your, स्नेहात् तु out of affection, मया by me, मनसा in mind, धार्यते retained, निगृह्य by force, रामाभिषेकसम्भारान् preparations for Rama's consecration, विनिवर्तय prevent.

O queen I did not know this indeed. Only you had related it to me earlier. Because of my affection towards you, I have retained it in my memory. (Now) prevent preparations for Rama's consecration by force.
तौ वरौ याच भर्तारं भरतस्याभिषेचनम्।

प्रव्राजनं च रामस्य त्वं वर्षाणि चतुर्दश।।2.9.20।।

भरतस्य Bharata's, अभिषेचनम् installation, चतुर्दश fourteen, वर्षाणि years, रामस्य Rama's, प्रव्राजनम् banishment, तौ those, वरौ two boons, त्वम् you, भर्तारम् your husband, याच beg.

Ask your husband for those two boons namely consecration of Bharata and banishment of Rama for fourteen years.
चतुर्दश हि वर्षाणि रामे प्रव्राजिते वनम्।

प्रजाभावगतस्नेहस्स्थिरः पुत्रो भविष्यति।।2.9.21।।

रामे having Rama, चतुर्दश वर्षाणि for fourteen years, वनम् to the forest, प्रव्राजिते if banished, पुत्र: your son, प्रजाभावगतस्नेह: by affectionately winning the hearts of the people, स्थिर: भविष्यति will be firmly established.

If Rama is banished into the forest for fourteen years your son will be firmly established in the kingdom by affectionately winning the hearts of the people.
क्रोधागारं प्रविश्याऽद्य क्रुद्धेवाश्वपतेस्सुते।

शेष्वाऽनन्तर्हितायां त्वं भूमौ मलिनवासिनी।।2.9.22।।

अश्वपते: Ashwapati's, सुते daughter (Kaikeyi ), अद्य now, क्रुद्धेव like a person in angry mood, क्रोधागारम् chamber of wrath, प्रविश्य having entered, मलिनवासिनी wearing soiled garments, अनन्तर्हितायाम् not covered (with clothes, etc), भूमौ on the ground, शेष्व lie down.

O Kaikeyi ,daughter of Ashwapati enter now the chamber of wrath like one in angry mood, wearing soiled garments and lie down on the bare ground.
मास्मैनं प्रत्युदीक्षेथा मा चैनमभिभाषथाः।

रुदन्ती चापि तं दृष्ट्वा जगत्यां शोकलालसा।।2.9.23।।

तम् him (Dasaratha), दृष्ट्वा having seen, शोकलालसा absorbed in grief, रुदन्ती in tears, एनम् him, मा स्म प्रत्युदीक्षेथा: do not look at him, एनम् him, मा चैव अभिभाषथा: also do not talk with him.

Immersed in grief and in tears, neither look at him (Dasaratha) nor even talk to him when you see him.
दयिता त्वं सदा भर्तुरत्र मे नास्ति संशयः।

त्वत्कृते स महाराजो विशेदपि हुताशनम्।।2.9.24।।

त्वम् you, सदा always, भर्तु: for your husband, दयिता a beloved one, अत्र in this matter, मे to me, संशय: doubt, नास्ति not there, त्वत्कृते for your sake, स: महाराज: that great king, हुताशनम् in the burning fire, विशेदपि will enter.

No doubt, you have always been a beloved wife to your husband. For your sake the great king will even enter into the burning fire.
न त्वां क्रोधयितुं शक्तो न क्रृद्धां प्रत्युदीक्षितुम्।

तव प्रियार्थं राजा हि प्राणानपि परित्यजेत्।।2.9.25।।

राजा king, त्वाम् you, क्रोधयितुम् to make angry, न शक्त: is not capable, क्रुद्धाम् at (your) angry face, प्रत्युदीक्षितुम् to look at, न is not possible, तव your, प्रियार्थम् for pleasure, प्राणानपि even his life, परित्यजेत् हि will forsake indeed.

The king is afraid of inciting your ire. When you are angry, he dare not look at your indignant countenance. Indeed he will forsake even his life for your pleasure.
न ह्यतिक्रमितुं शक्तस्तव वाक्यं महीपतिः।

मन्दस्वभावे बुध्यस्व सौभाग्यबलमात्मनः।।2.9.26।।

महीपति: lord of the earth (king), तव your, वाक्यम् words, अतिक्रमितुम् to transgress, न शक्त:
हि is not able, मन्दस्वभावे evilnatured, आत्मन: your own, सौभाग्यबलम् power of your beauty, बुध्यस्व recognise.

The king would not dare transgress your words. O wicked woman, recognise the power of your beauty.
मणिमुक्तं सुवर्णानि रत्नानि विविधानि च।

दद्याद्दशरथो राजा मास्म तेषु मनः कृथाः।।2.9.27।।

दशरथ: राजा king Dasaratha, मणिमुक्तासुवर्णानि gems, pearls and gold, विविधानि of different kinds, रत्नानि च precious stones also, दद्यात् may give, तेषु in them, मन: mind, मा कृथा: do not pay attention

King Dasaratha may give you gems, pearls, gold and different kinds of precious stones. Do not pay them any attention.
यौ तौ दैवासुरे युद्धे वरौ दशरथोऽददात्।

तौ स्मारय महाभागे सोऽर्थो न त्वामतिक्रमेत्।।2.9.28।।

महाभागे O highly fortunate one, दशरथ: of Dasaratha, दैवासुरे युद्धे in the war between gods and demons, यौ which, तौ two, वरौ boons, अददात् had given, तौ those two, स्मारय remind, अर्थ: the objective, त्वाम् you, अतिक्रमेत् may not transgress.

O fortunate Kaikeyi, make him recollect the two boons he had granted you in the war between gods and demons. You should not ignore your objective.
यदातु ते वरं दद्यात्स्वयमुत्थाप्य राघवः।

व्यवस्थाप्य महाराजं त्वमिमं वृणुया वरम्।।2.9.29।।

राघव: the descendant of the Raghus (Dasaratha), स्वयम् personally, उत्थाप्य lifting you up from the floor, ते to you, वरम् boon, यदा when, दद्यात् gives then, त्वम् you, तं महाराजम् to that monarch, व्यवस्थाप्य making him settle down, इमम् वरम् this boon, वृणुया: you may

When Dasaratha personally lifts you from the floor and asks you what you want you may make him settle down and ask him for these boons:
रामं प्रव्राजयारण्ये नव वर्षाणि पञ्च च।

भरतः क्रियतां राजा पृथिव्याः पार्थिवर्षभः।।2.9.30।।

पार्थिवर्षभ: best of kings, रामम् to Rama, नव पञ्च वर्षाणि for fourteen years, अरण्ये in the forest, प्रव्राजय exile, भरत: Bharata, पृथिव्या: of this earth, राजा as king, क्रियताम् be made.

'O best of kings exile Rama into the forest for fourteen years and make Bharata king of the land'.
चतुर्दश हि वर्षाणि रामे प्रव्राजिते वनम्।

रूढश्च कृतमूलश्च शेषं स्थास्यति ते सुतः।।2.9.31।।

रामे of Rama, चतुर्दश वर्षाणि for fourteen years, वनम् to the forest, प्रव्राजिते having been exiled, ते सुत: your son, रूढ: च will grow strong, कृतमूल: च and deeprooted, शेषम् for the remaining time, स्थास्यति shall remain (stable).

After Rama has been exiled into the forest for fourteen years your son grown strong and deeprooted will remain (king) for the rest of his life.
रामप्रव्राजनं चैव देवि याचस्व तं वरम्।

एवं सिद्ध्यन्ति पुत्रस्य सर्वार्थास्तव भामिनि।।2.9.32।।

देवि O Devi रामप्रव्राजनं चैव Rama's exile, too, वरम् as a boon, तम् him, याचस्व solicit, भामिनि O lovely one, एवम् this way, तव your, पुत्रस्य son's, सर्वार्था: all the interests, सिद्ध्यन्ति will
be fulfilled (protected).

O Devi demand Rama's exile as a boon. O lovely queen this way all the interests
of your son will be fulfilled (protected).
एवं प्रव्राजितश्चैव रामोऽरामो भविष्यति।

भरतश्च हतामित्रस्तव राजा भविष्यति।।2.9.33।।

एवम् thus, प्रव्राजित: exiled, राम: Rama, अराम: will no longer cause any delight to people, भविष्यति will become, भरतश्च Bharata also, राजा as king, हतामित्रश्च with enemies destroyed, भविष्यति will become.

Thus, if Rama is exiled he will no longer be Rama (be able to cause delight to the people). Bharata will become king with his enemy subdued.
येन कालेन रामश्च वनात्प्रत्यागमिष्यति।

तेन कालेन पुत्रस्ते कृतमूलो भविष्यति।।2.9.34।।

सुगृहीतमनुष्यश्च सुहृद्भिस्सार्धमात्मवान्।

येन कालेन by the time, राम: च Rama also, वनात् from the forest, प्रत्यागमिष्यति returns, तेन कालेन by then, ते your, आत्मवान् confident, पुत्र: son, सुगृहीतमनुष्य: people whose affection has been gained, सुहृद्भि: सार्धम् in the company of friends, कृतमूल: deeprooted, भविष्यति will become.

By the time Rama returns from the forest, your son (now) confident, would have become deep rooted by gaining the company of friends and the acceptability of the people.
प्राप्तकालं नु मन्येऽहं राजानं वीतसाध्वसा।।2.9.35।।

रामाभिषेकसङ्कल्पान्निगृह्य विनिवर्तय।

राजानम् the king, प्राप्तकालं नु proper time has come, मन्ये I consider, वीतसाध्वसा devoid of fear, निगृह्य forcibly, रामाभिषेकसङ्कल्पात् from the intention of installing Rama, विनिवर्तय refrain.

I think the proper time has come (to ask for the boons). Without fear refrain the king forcibly from his intention of installing Rama.
अनर्थमर्थरूपेण ग्राहिता सा ततस्तया।।2.9.36।।

हृष्टा प्रतीता कैकेयी मन्थरामिदमब्रवीत्।

तया by her, अनर्थम् evil design, अर्थरूपेण as a beneficial objective, ग्राहिता having been made to accept, सा कैकेयी that Kaikeyi, तत: after that, प्रतीता having believed, हृष्टा with delight, मन्थराम् addressing Manthara, इदम् this word, अब्रवीत् said.

Thus, having been made to accept the evil design as a beneficial objective, Kaikeyi understood (the entire matter) and in delight spoke to Manthara.
सा हि वाक्येन कुब्जायाः किशोरीवोत्पथं गता।।2.9.37।।

कैकेयी विस्मयं प्राप्ता परं परमदर्शना।

परमदर्शना endowed with sound foresight, सा कैकेयी that Kaikeyi, कुब्जाया: hunchback, वाक्येन with the words of, परम् great, विस्मयम् गता experiencing surprise, किशोरीव like an (immature) young girl, उत्पथम् a wrong path, गता adopted.

That Kaikeyi, even though endowed with sound foresight, expressed her sense of wonder at the words of the hunchback and chose a wrong path like a young (immature) girl.
कुब्जे त्वां नाभिजानामि श्रेष्ठां श्रेष्ठाभिथायिनीम्।।2.9.38।।

पृथिव्यामसि कुब्जानामुत्तमा बुद्धिनिश्चये।

कुब्जे O hunchback श्रेष्ठाभिधायिनीम् speaking excellent words, त्वाम् you, श्रेष्ठाम् as the best,
नाभिजानामि I did not recognise, बुद्धिनिश्चये in ascertaining intelligence, पृथिव्याम् in this world, कुब्जानाम् among the hunchbacks, उत्तमा असि you are the best one.

(She said) O hunchback, I never knew that you can speak such excellent words or decide things intelligently. You are the best among the hunchbacks of this world.
त्वमेव तु ममाऽर्थेषु नित्ययुक्ता हितैषिणी।।2.9.39।।

नाहं समवबुध्येयं कुब्जे राज्ञश्चिकीर्षितम्।

कुब्जे O hunchback, त्वमेव you alone, मम my, अर्थेषु in (my) affairs, नित्ययुक्ता always showing interest, हितैषिणी seeking welfare, अहम् I, राज्ञ: king's, चिकीर्षितम् the intended action, न समवबुध्येयम् I might not have known.

O hunchback you alone always show interest in my affairs and seek my welfare. I might not have known the intended (deceptive) action of the king (without you).
सन्ति दुस्संस्थिताः कुब्जा वक्राः परमदारुणाः।।2.9.40।।

त्वं पद्ममिव वातेन सन्नता प्रियदर्शना।

त्वं पद्ममिव वातेन सन्नता प्रियदर्शना।

कुब्जा: hunchbacks, दुस्संस्थिता: women physically retarded, वक्रा: crooked, परमदारुणा: terrible in appearance, सन्ति are, सन्नता bent, त्वम् you, वातेन by breeze, पद्ममिव like a lotus, प्रियदर्शना one with good looks.

There are many hunchbacks in this world, terribly ugly with their bodies misshaped and crooked. But you look beautiful like a lotus bent by the breeze.
उरस्तेऽभिनिविष्टं वै यावत्स्कन्धात् समुन्नतं।।2.9.41।।

अधस्ताच्चोदरं शातं सुनाभमिव लज्जितम्।

ते उर: your breasts, अभिनिविष्टम् are thick, यावत्स्कन्धात् up to the shoulders, समुन्नतम् is high, अधस्तात् beneath it, सुनाभम् beautiful naval, उदरं च belly also, लज्जितं इव as if bashful , शातम् is slender.

Your breasts are thick and are as high as your shoulders. Beneath them lies your belly with its beautiful navel (waist) looking slender as if out of bashfulness.
परिपूर्णं तु जघनं सुपीनौ च पयोधरौ।।2.9.42।।

विमलेन्दुसमं वक्त्रमहोराजसि मन्थरे।

जघनम् hips, परिपूर्णम् full, पयोधरौ breasts, सुपीनौ round and plump, वक्त्रम् countenance, विमलेन्दुसमम् equals the bright moon, मन्थरे O Manthara अहो राजसि how passionate you look.

You have full hips, round and plump breasts. Your countenance equals the bright moon. How passionate you look, Manthara
जघनं तव निर्घुष्टं रशनादामशोभितम्।।2.9.43।।

जङ्घे भृशमुपन्यस्ते पादौ चाप्यायतावुभौ।

तव your, रशनादामशोभितम् glittering with girdle, जघनम् hips, निर्घुष्टम् jingling, जङ्घे the calfs of the legs, भृशम् exceedingly, उपन्यस्ते are set strong, उभौ both, पादौ च your feet also, आयतौ are long.

Your hips, glitter with the jingling girdle. Strong are the calfs of your legs and long are your feet.
त्वमायताभ्यां सक्थिभ्यां मन्थरे क्षौमवासिनी।।2.9.44।।

अग्रतो मम गच्छन्ती राजहंसीव राजसे।

मन्थरे O Manthara, आयताभ्याम् heavy, सक्थिभ्याम् with both thighs, त्वम् you, क्षौमवासिनी clad in silk garment, मम my, अग्रत: in front of, गच्छन्ती walking, राजहंसीव like female royal swan, राजसे shine.

O Manthara when clad in silk garment you walk in front of me with your heavy
thighs, you look like a female royal swan.
आसन्याश्शम्बरे मायास्सहस्रमसुराधिपे।।2.9.45।।

सर्वास्त्वयि निविष्टास्ता भूयश्चान्यास्सहस्रशः।

असुराधिपे king of the asuras, शम्बरे that Sambara, याः those, सहस्रश: मायाः a thousand deceitful means, आसन् lay, ताः those, सर्वाः all, भूयः many more, सहस्रशः in thousands, अन्याश्च others also, त्वयि in you, निविष्टाः reside.

In you reside a thousand deceitful means more than all the thousand mayas (tricks) of Sambara, king of the asuras, was capable of.
तवेदं स्थगु यद्दीर्घं रथघोणमिवायतम्।।2.9.46।।

मतयः क्षत्रविद्याश्च मायाश्चात्र वसन्ति ते।

आयतम् wide, रथघोणमिव like the hub of a chariot, दीर्घम् long, तव your, यत् which, इदम् this, स्थगु hump, अत्र here, ते your, मतय: thoughts, क्षत्रविद्या: skills of a kshatriya, माया: च also magic powers, वसन्ति are residing.

Your clever thoughts, magic powers and also the skills of kshatriyas are stored in your huge hump which is as wide as the hub of a chariot wheel.
अत्र ते प्रतिमोक्ष्यामि मालां कुब्जे हिरण्मयीम्।।2.9.47।।

अभिषिक्ते च भरते राघवे च वनं गते।

कुब्जे O hunchback राघवे of the descendant of the Raghus (Rama), वनम् to the forest, गते having gone, भरते च Bharata also, अभिषिक्ते having been consecrated, अत्र here (on this hump), हिरण्मयीम् golden, मालाम् garland, प्रतिमोक्ष्यामि I shall deliver.

O hunchback, with Rama gone to the forest and Bharata consecrated, I shall drape this hump with a golden garland.
जात्येन च सुवर्णेन सुनिष्टप्तेन मन्थरे।।2.9.48।।

लब्धार्था च प्रतीता च लेपयिष्यामि ते स्थगु।

मन्थरे O Manthara, लब्धार्था च after accomplishsing the objective, प्रतीता च also satisfied, जात्येन belonging to the best , सुनिष्टप्तेन highly refined, सुवर्णेन with gold, ते स्थगु your hump, लेपयिष्यामि will smear.

O Manthara, when my objective is accomplished and I am fully satisfied, I will smear your hump with the best of refined liquid gold.
मुखे च तिलकं चित्रं जातरूपमयं शुभम्।।2.9.49।।

कारयिष्यामि ते कुब्जे शुभान्याभरणानि च।

कुब्जे O Manthara ते मुखे on your face, जातरूपमयम् fully made of gold, चित्रम् wonderful, शुभम् auspicious, तिलकम् tilaka (a mark on the forehead), शुभानि beautiful, आभरणानि च ornaments also, कारयिष्यामि shall get them made.

O Manthara, I shall get a tilaka made of gold for your auspicious, lovely face and shall also order exquisite ornaments (for you).
परिधाय शुभे वस्त्रे देवतेव चरिष्यसि।।2.9.50।।

चन्द्रमाह्वयमानेन मुखेनाप्रतिमानना।

गमिष्यसि गतिं मुख्यां गर्वयन्ती द्विषज्जनम्।।2.9.51।।

शुभे auspicious, वस्त्रे garments, परिधाय wearing, देवतेव like a goddess, चरिष्यसि you shall move about, चन्द्रम् of moon, आह्वयमानेन challenging, मुखेन with countenance, अप्रतिमानना with a peerless, द्विषज्जनम् amidst your enemies, गर्वयन्ती feeling proud, मुख्याम् eminent, गतिम् state, गमिष्यसि you will attain.

You shall move about wearing lovely garments like a goddess. With a peerless countenance, as if challenging the Moon and feeling proud, you will attain a state of
eminence amidst your enemies.
तवापि कुब्जाः कुब्जायास्सर्वाभरणभूषिताः।

पादौ परिचरिष्यन्ति यथैव त्वं सदा मम।।2.9.52।।

त्वम् you, मम to me, यथैव in that manner, कुब्जाया: other hunchbacks, तव पादौ अपि your feet also, कुब्जा: other humpbacks, सर्वाभरणभूषिता: adorned with all ornaments, सदा परिचरिष्यन्ति will always serve you.

Other hunchbacks adorned with all sorts of ornament shall also serve you in the same manner as you are serving me.
इति प्रशस्यमाना सा कैकेयीमिदमब्रवीत्।

शयानां शयने शुभ्रे वेद्यामग्निशिखामिव।।2.9.53।।

इति thus, प्रशस्यमाना being praised, सा that(Manthara), वेद्याम् on a sacrificial altar, अग्निशिखामिव like a flaming fire, शुभ्रे white, शयने in the couch, शयानाम् lying down, कैकेयीम् addressing Kaikeyi, इदम् this, अब्रवीत् said.

Flattered in this manner, Manthara addressed Kaikeyi who was lying on a white couch and looking like a flaming fire on the sacrificial altar:
गतोदके सेतुबन्धो न कल्याणि विधीयते।

उत्तिष्ठ कुरु कल्याणि राजानमनुदर्शय।।2.9.54।।

कल्याणि O fortunate one, गतोदके after the water has flowed out, सेतुबन्ध: construction of a dam, न विधीयते not undertaken, उत्तिष्ठ you may arise, कल्याणम् auspicious act, कुरु perform, राजानम् (to the) king, अनुदर्शय show(such act).

O fortunate one construction of a dike is not undertaken after the water has flowed down. Act before the king to the best of your interest.
तथा प्रोत्साहिता देवी गत्वा मन्थरया सह।

क्रोधागारं विशालाक्षी सौभाग्यमदगर्विता।।2.9.55।।

अनेकशतसाहस्रं मुक्ताहारं वराङ्गना।

अवमुच्य वरार्हाणि शुभान्याभरणानि च।।2.9.56।।

ततो हेमोपमा तत्र कुब्जावाक्यवशं गता।

संविश्य भूमौ कैकेयी मन्थरामिदमब्रवीत्।।2.9.57।।

विशालाक्षी largeeyed one, सौभाग्यमदगर्विता proud of her (intoxicating) beauty, वराङ्गना most beautiful lady, देवी queen, तथा that way, प्रोत्साहिता encouraged, कुब्जावाक्यवशंगता influenced by the words of the hunchback, मन्थरया सह with Manthara, क्रोधागारम् chamber of wrath, गत्वा having gone, अनेकशतसाहस्रम् with many hundreds of thousands, मुक्ताहारम् necklace of pearls, वरार्हाणि highly precious, शुभानि auspicious, आभरणानि च other ornaments also, अवमुच्य cast off, तत: after that, हेमोपमा resembling gold, तत्र there, भूमौ on the floor, संविश्य lying down, मन्थराम् to Manthara, इदम् this, अब्रवीत् spoke.

That beautiful, largeeyed Kaikeyi, puffed with the pride of her intoxicating beauty, encourged and influenced by the words of that hunchback, entered the chamber of wrath. She cast off her highly precious pearl necklace worth many hundreds of thousands (of rupees) and other costly, beautiful ornaments. Thereafter that goldenhued Kaikeyi lay down on the floor and said to Manthara:
इह वा मां मृतां कुब्जे नृपायावेदयिष्यसि।

वनं तु राघवे प्राप्ते भरतः प्राप्स्यति क्षितिम्।।2.9.58।।

कुब्जे O hunchback, राघवे to the scion of the Raghus (Rama), वनं तु to the forest, प्राप्ते having gone, भरत: Bharata, क्षितिम् earth, प्राप्स्यति secures, वा or, इह here, माम् me, मृताम् as if dead, नृपाय for king Dasaratha, आवेदयिष्यसि you will inform.

O hunchback, tell the king, either Bharata shall secure the kingdom on Rama's departure to the forest or else I will die here.
न सुवर्णेन मे ह्यर्थो न रत्नैर्न च भूषणैः।

एष मे जीवितस्यान्तो रामो यद्यभिषिच्यते।।2.9.59।।

सुवर्णेन by gold, मे to me, अर्थ: aspiration, न not, रत्नै: with gems, न not, भूषणै: च with ornaments also, न not, राम: Rama, अभिषिच्यते यदि if installed, एष: this (will be), मे my, जीवितस्य life's, अन्त: end.

I do not aspire for gold, nor gems nor ornaments. If Rama is installed, that will be the end of my life.
अथो पुनस्तां महिषीं महीक्षितो


उवाच कुब्जा भरतस्य मातरं

हितं वचो राममुपेत्य चाहितम्।।2.9.60।।

अथो again, कुब्जा that hunchback, अत्यर्थमहापराक्रमै: with extremely powerful (sharp), वचोभि: with words, महीक्षित: king's, महिषीम् wife, ताम् that, भरतस्य मातरम् addressing Bharata's mother, हितम् beneficial to her, रामम् उपेत्य relating to Rama, अहितम् harmful, वच: words, पुन: again, उवाच said.

Addressing queen Kaikeyi, the mother of Bharata, with extremely powerful words, that hunchback again made these utterances beneficial to Bharata and detrimental to Rama:
प्रपत्स्यते राज्यमिदं हि राघवो

यदि ध्रुवं त्वं ससुता च तप्स्यसे।

अतो हि कल्याणि यतस्व तत्तथा

यथा सुतस्ते भरतोऽभिषेक्ष्यते।।2.9.61।।

राघव: descendant of the Raghus (Rama), इदम् हि this indeed, राज्यम् kingdom, प्रपत्स्यते यदि if secures, ससुता along with son, त्वम् you, तप्स्यसे you will suffer, ध्रुवम् this is true, कल्याणि auspicious one, अत: for that reason, ते सुत: your son, भरत: Bharata, यथा in a manner in which, अभिषेक्ष्यते will be installed, तत् that act, तथा in that way, यतस्व strive for.

It is true that if Rama secures this kingdom, you along with your son are bound to suffer. O auspicious one, hence act in a way your son Bharata will be installed.
तथाऽतिविद्धा महिषी तु कुब्जया

समाहता वागिषुभिर्मुहुर्मुहुः।

निधायहस्तौ हृदयेऽतिविस्मिता

शशंस कुब्जां कुपिता पुनः पुनः।।2.9.62।।

कुब्जया by that hunchback, मुहुर्मुहु: repeatedly, वागिषुभि: by arrowsharp words, तथा in that manner, समाहता struck down, अतिविद्धा hard hit, महिषी queen, कुपिता inflamed, अतिविस्मिता amazed, हस्तौ her hands, हृदये on the chest, निधाय laying, पुन: पुन: again and again, कुब्जाम् to that hunchback, शशंस praised.

Repeatedly struck down by that hunchback's arrowsharp words greatly grieved queen Kaikeyi was inflamed against the king. Laying her hands on the chest again and again and expressing her amazement, she praised that hunchback.
यमस्य वा मां विषयं गतामितो

निशाम्य कुब्जे प्रतिवेदयिष्यसि।

वनं गते वा सुचिराय राघवे

समृद्धकामो भरतो भविष्यति।।2.9.63।।

कुब्जे O hunchback, निशाम्य having seen, माम् me, इत: from here, यमस्य Yama's, विषयम् region, गताम् had gone, प्रतिवेदयिष्यसि वा or else inform the king, राघवे of Rama, वनम् to
the forest, गते had gone, भरत: Bharata, समृद्धकाम: having attained the objective, भविष्यति वा or would be done.

Tell the king that he will see either the fulfilment of Bharata's desire after Rama is banished into the forest for a long period or me gone to Yama's abode.
अहं हि नैवास्तरणानि न स्रजो

न चन्दनं नाञ्जनपानभोजनम्।

न किञ्चिदिच्छामि न चेह जीवितं

न चेदितो गच्छति राघवो वनम्।।2.9.64।।

राघव: son of the Raghus (Rama), इत: from here, वनम् to forest, न गच्छति चेत् if does not go, अहम् myself, आस्तरणानि couch, न इच्छामि do not desire, स्रज: न nor garlands, चन्दनम् न nor sandalpaste, अञ्जनपानभोजनम् न nor collyrium, food, water, न किञ्चित् nothing, इह here, जीवितं च not even life, न do not desire.

If Rama does not go from here to the forest, I want neither a bed nor garlands nor sandalpaste nor unguents nor food nor water nor even life.
अथैतदुक्त्वा वचनं सुदारुणं

निधाय सर्वाभरणानि भामिनी।

असंवृतामास्तरणेन मेदिनीं

तदाऽधिशिश्ये पतितेव किन्नरी।।2.9.65।।

भामिनी that beautiful one (Kaikeyi), सुदारुणम् dreadful, एतत् वचनम् this word, उक्त्वा having
said, अथ after that, सर्वाभरणानि all ornaments, निधाय having removed, पतिता fallen, किन्नरी इव like a 'kinnar', तदा then, आस्तरणेन by a carpet, असंवृताम् uncovered, मेदिनीम् the earth, अधिशिश्ये lay down.

Saying these ruthless words, that lovely Kaikeyi cast off all her ornaments like a
fallen 'kinnara' woman, and lay down on the floor with the carpet removed.


नरेन्द्रपत्नी विमना बभूव सा

तमोवृता द्यौरिव मग्नतारका।।2.9.66।।

तथा thus, उदीर्णसंरम्भतमोवृतानना her face enveloped in the darkness of violent anger, अवमुक्तोत्तममाल्यभूषणा all valuable ornaments having been stripped off, विमना: mind restless, नरेन्द्रपत्नी king's wife, सा that Kaikeyi, तमोवृता filled with darkness, मग्नतारकाः bereft of stars, द्यौरिव like sky, बभूव became.

Thus queen Kaikeyi's face enveloped by the darkness of violent anger and her body stripped of all valuable ornaments, she lay restless, looking like the dark sky without stars.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे नवमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends of the ninth sarga of Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.