Sloka & Translation

[Rama shares with Sita his delight of the beautiful nature around Chitrakuta mountain.]

dīrghakālōṣita stasmingirau girivanapriyaḥ.

vaidēhyāḥ priyamākāṅkṣansvaṅ ca cittaṅ vilōbhayan৷৷2.94.1৷৷

atha dāśarathiścitraṅ citrakūṭamadarśayat.

bhāryāmamarasaṅkāśa śśacīmiva purandaraḥ৷৷2.94.2৷৷

atha thereafter, amarasaṅkāśaḥ one who resembles the gods, girivanapriyaḥ one fond of mountains and forests, tasmin in that, girau on the mountain, dīrghakālōṣitaḥ who had been living for a long time, dāśarathiḥ Rama, vaidēhyāḥ Sita's, priyam pleasure, ākāṅkṣan desiring, svam
own, cittam mind, vilōbhayan to please, citram wonderful, citrakūṭam Chitrakuta mountain, bhāryām to his consort, purandaraḥ Indra (breaker of fortresses), śacīmiva like Sachi, adarśayat showed.

Rama, resembling the gods, who had been living there for long developed a liking for the mountains and forests. With a desire to please Sita and his own mind, he showed her the wonderful Chitrakuta mountain as Indra did to his wife Sachi.
dīrghakālōṣita stasmingirau girivanapriyaḥ.

vaidēhyāḥ priyamākāṅkṣansvaṅ ca cittaṅ vilōbhayan৷৷2.94.1৷৷

atha dāśarathiścitraṅ citrakūṭamadarśayat.

bhāryāmamarasaṅkāśa śśacīmiva purandaraḥ৷৷2.94.2৷৷

atha thereafter, amarasaṅkāśaḥ one who resembles the gods, girivanapriyaḥ one fond of mountains and forests, tasmin in that, girau on the mountain, dīrghakālōṣitaḥ who had been living for a long time, dāśarathiḥ Rama, vaidēhyāḥ Sita's, priyam pleasure, ākāṅkṣan desiring, svam
own, cittam mind, vilōbhayan to please, citram wonderful, citrakūṭam Chitrakuta mountain, bhāryām to his consort, purandaraḥ Indra (breaker of fortresses), śacīmiva like Sachi, adarśayat showed.

Rama, resembling the gods, who had been living there for long developed a liking for the mountains and forests. With a desire to please Sita and his own mind, he showed her the wonderful Chitrakuta mountain as Indra did to his wife Sachi.
na rājyādbhraṅśanaṅ bhadrē na suhṛdbhirvinābhavaḥ.

manō mē bādhatē dṛṣṭvā ramaṇīyamimaṅ girim৷৷2.94.3৷৷

hē bhadrē O gentle one, imam this, ramaṇīyam lovely, girim mountain, dṛṣṭvā beholding, rājyāt from the kingdom, bhraṅśanam expulsion, mē manaḥ my mind, na bādhatē does not pain, suhṛdbhirvinābhavaḥ separation from friends, na does not pain.

O gentle one, when I behold this lovely mountain, neither the expulsion from the kingdom nor being away from friends pains my mind.
paśyēmamacalaṅ bhadrē nānādvijagaṇāyutam.

śikharaiḥ khamivōdviddhairdhātumadbhirvibhūṣitam৷৷2.94.4৷৷

bhadrē O auspicious one, nānādvijagaṇāyutam abounding in flocks of birds of every kind, kham the sky, udviddhairiva as if piercing, dhātumadbhi: with minerals, śikharaiḥ peaks, vibhūṣitam adorned, imam this, acalam mountain, paśya you may see.

O auspicious one, you may behold this mountin abounding in flocks of birds of every kind and its peaks adorned wtih minerals and as if piercing the sky.
kēcidrajatasaṅkāśāḥ kēcitkṣatajasaṅnibhāḥ.

pītamāñjiṣṭavarṇāśca kēcinmaṇivaraprabhāḥ৷৷2.94.5৷৷

puṣyārkakētakābhāśca kēcijjyōtīrasaprabhāḥ.

virājantē.calēndrasya dēśā dhātuvibhūṣitāḥ৷৷2.94.6৷৷

dhātuvibhūṣitāḥ adorned with minerals, acalēndrasya of this lord of the mountains, kēcit some, dēśāḥ regions, rajatasaṅkāśāḥ similar to (the radiance of) silver, kēcit some regions, kṣatajasaṅnibhāḥ are having blood-red colour, pītamāñjiṣṭavarṇāśca (some) colour of madder-crimson, kēcit some, maṇivaraprabhāḥ sparkle like the best of gems, puṣyārkakētakābhāśca shining like topaz, or crystal or a flower of ketaka plant, kēcit some, jyōtīrasaprabhāḥ shimmering like stars or quicksilver, virājantē shining.

This mountain with its peaks is adorned with various minerals. Some of the regions have the radiance of silver and bronze, some look blood-red or madder-crimson, some sparkle like the rarest of gems while others shine like topaz or crystal or a flower of ketaka plant or shimmer like stars and quicksilver.

aduṣṭairbhātyayaṅ śailō bahupakṣisamāyutaḥ৷৷2.94.7৷৷

ayaṅ śailaḥ this mountain, aduṣṭaiḥ without being cruel, nānāmṛgagaṇadvīpitararkṣvṛkṣagaṇaiḥ with herds of several kinds of animals like tigers, panthers and bears, vṛtaḥ surrounded by, bahupakṣisamāyutaḥ united with flocks of birds, bhāti is shining.

This mount Chitrakuta is swarmed by flocks of birds and herds of several kinds of animals like tigers, panthers and bears of every kind giving up their cruel nature.
āmrajambvasanairlōdhraiḥ priyālaiḥ panasairdhavaiḥ.

aṅkōlairbhavyatiniśairbilvatinduka vēṇubhiḥ৷৷2.94.8৷৷



puṣpavadbhiḥ phalōpētaiśchāyāvadbhirmanōramaiḥ.

ēvamādibhirākīrṇaḥ śriyaṅ puṣyatyayaṅ giriḥ৷৷2.94.10৷৷

ayaṅ giriḥ this mountain, puṣpavadbhiḥ covered with flowers, phalōpētaiḥ laden with fruits, chāyāvadbhiḥ shady, manōramaiḥ enchanting, āmrajambvasanaiḥ mango, rose-apples, asana trees, lōdhraiḥ lodhra trees, priyālaiḥ priyala trees, panasaiḥ jackfruit trees, dhavaiḥ dhava trees, aṅkōlaiḥ ankola trees, bhavyatiniśaiḥ lovely tinisa trees, bilvatindukavēṇubhiḥ bilva trees, tinduka and bamboo, kāśmaryāriṣṭavaruṇaiḥ kashmaya, arishta and varuna tathā similarly,madhūkaiḥ madhuka trees, tilakaiḥ tilaka trees, badaryāmalakai: badari and myrobalan trees, nīpaiḥ kodamva trees, vētradhanvanabījakaiḥ cane, danvas, and promegranates, ēvamādibhi: with these kinds of trees, ākīrṇaḥ spread over, śriyam splendour, puṣyati enhancing.

This mountain is spread over with various kinds of flowering trees and trees laden with fruits, shady and enchanting, mango, rose-apples, asanas, lodhras, priyalas, jackfruit trees, dhavas, ankolas, lovely tinisas, bilva trees, tinduka and bamboo, kashmaya, arishta and varuna, madhukas, tilaka trees, badari and myrobalan trees, nipa trees, cane, danvas, and promegranate trees, the mountain looks splendid.
śailaprasthēṣu ramyēṣu paśyēmān rōmaharṣaṇān.

kinnarān dvandvaśō bhadrē ramamāṇānmanasvinaḥ৷৷2.94.11৷৷

bhadrē O auspicious one, ramyēṣu in the beautiful, śailaprasthēṣu on the plateau, dvandvaśaḥ in pair, ramamāṇān sporting, rōmaharṣaṇān thrilling, manasvinaḥ high-spirited, imān these, kinnarān kinneras, paśya behold.

O auspicious-looking one, behold these high-spirited kinneras in pairs who are sporting on the picturesque hill plateaus causing thrills.
śākhāvasaktān khaḍgāṅśca pravarāṇyambarāṇi ca.

paśya vidyādharastrīṇāṅ krīḍōddhēśānmanōramān৷৷2.94.12৷৷

vidyādharastrīṇām by Vidyadhara women, śākhāvasaktān hanging from the branches, khaḍgāṅśca swords, pravarāṇi best, ambarāṇi ca garments, manōramān captivating, krīḍōddhēśān sporting retreats, paśya behold.

Behold the captivating sporting retreats of Vidyadharis, with their swords and best garments hung on the branches of the trees.
jalaprapātairudbhēdairniṣyandaiśca kvacitkvacit.

sravadbhirbhātyayaṅ śaila ssravanmada iva dvipaḥ৷৷2.94.13৷৷

ayam this, śailaḥ mountain, kvacit kvacit here and there, sravadbhiḥ by the flowing, jalaprapātaiḥ waterfalls, udbhēdaiḥ sprouting from the earth, niṣyandaiśca fountains, sravanmadaḥ emitting the ichor, dvipaḥ iva like the elephant, bhāti shining.

Behold a waterfall here and a fountain there gushing from the earth and in other places, the mountain looks like an elephant rutting ichor.
guhāsamīraṇō gandhānnānāpuṣpabhavānvahan.

ghrāṇatarpaṇamabhyētya kaṅ naraṅ na praharṣayēt৷৷2.94.14৷৷

nānāpuṣpabhavān produced from many flowers, gandhān fragrance, vahan carrying, guhāsamīraṇaḥ breeze from the caves, ghrāṇatarpaṇam satisfying the sense of smell, abhyētya going towards, kaṅ naram which man, na praharṣayēt would not delight?

The breeze from the caves carrying the fragrance of many flowers is satisfying the sense of smell. Who will not find it delightful?
yadīha śaradō.nēkāstvayā sārdhamaninditē.

lakṣmaṇēna ca vatsyāmi na māṅ śōkaḥ pradhakṣyati৷৷2.94.15৷৷

aninditē O flawless one, tvayā with you, lakṣmaṇēna ca sārdham and in the company Lakshmana, iha here, anēkāḥ many, śaradaḥ autumns, vatsyāmi yadi if I am to live, mām me, śōkaḥ grief, na pradhakṣyati will not consume.

O flawless one, if I am to live here for many years to come with you and Lakshmana,
no grief will consume me.
bahupuṣpaphalē ramyē nānādvijagaṇāyutē.

vicitraśikharē hyasminratavānasmi bhāmini!৷৷2.94.16৷৷

bhāmini! O lovely Sita, bahupuṣpaphalē laden with abundance of flowers and fruits, nānādvijagaṇāyutē flocked by different kinds of birds, vicitraśikharē on enchanting mountain peaks, ramyē delightful, asmin on this mountain, ratavān asmi hi I am fond of.

O lovely Sita, I am enamoured of this delightful mountain with its enchanting peaks laden with abundance of flowers and fruits and flocked by different kinds of birds.
anēna vanavāsēna mayā prāptaṅ phaladvayam.

pituścānṛṇatā dharmē bharatasya priyaṅ tathā৷৷2.94.17৷৷

anēna by this, vanavāsēna staying in the forest, dharmē with regard to righteousness, pituḥ to father, anṛṇatā discharge of debt, tathā also, bharatasya Bharata's, priyam pleasure, phaladvayam
two-fold benefit, mayā by me, prāptam have been obtained.

By living in the forest I have achieved a two-fold benefit-discharge of debt of my father with regard to righteousness and causing happiness to Bharata.
vaidēhi ramasē kacciccitrakūṭē mayā saha.

paśyantī vividhānbhāvānmanōvākkāyasammatān৷৷2.94.18৷৷

hē vaidēhi O Sita, manōvākkāyasammatān gratifying to body, speech and mind, vividhān various, bhāvān objects, paśyantī observing, citrakūṭē on Chitrakuta, mayā saha along with me, ramasē kaccit are you enjoying?

O Sita, are you enjoying by being with me here on this Chitrakuta and observing various objects gratifying to the body, mind and speech?
idamēvāmṛtaṅ prāhū rājñi rājarṣayaḥ parē.

vanavāsaṅ bhavārthāya prētya mē prapitāmahāḥ৷৷2.94.19৷৷

mē my, prapitāmahāḥ greatgrandfathers, parē ancestors, rājarṣayaḥ royal sages, prētya after death, bhavārthāya for best existence, idam this, vanavāsamēva living in the forest, rājñi for the king, amṛtam like nectar, prāhuḥ said.

My greatgrandfathers and ancient royal sages used to say that living in the forest is like enjoying nectar for a king for the best existence after death.
śilā śśailasya śōbhantē viśālā śśataśō.bhitaḥ.

bahulā bahulairvarṇairnīlapītasitāruṇaiḥ৷৷2.94.20৷৷

bahulaiḥ several, nīlapītasitāruṇaiḥ blue-black, yellow, white and red, varṇaiḥ colours, bahulāḥ many, viśālāḥ massive, śailasya mountain's, śilāḥ rocks, śataśaḥ in hundreds, abhitaḥ on all sides, śōbhantē are looking splendid.

Several hundreds of massive rocks of the mountain look splendid all around, in blue-black, yellow, white and red colours.
niśibhāntyacalēndrasya hutāśanaśikhā iva.

ōṣadhyaḥ svaprabhālakṣmyā bhrājamānā ssahasraśaḥ৷৷2.94.21৷৷

svaprabhālakṣmyā with the splendour of their own lustre, bhrājamānāḥ illuminating, sahasraśaḥ in thousands, acalēndrasya of this lord of the hills (Chitrakuta's), ōṣadhyaḥ herbs, niśi in the night, hutāśanaśikhā iva like flames of fire, bhānti shine.

Herbs in thousands on this king of the hills shine in the night with the splendour of their own lustre, like flames of fire.
kēcit kṣayanibhā dēśāḥ kēcidudyānasannibhāḥ.

kēcidēkaśilā bhānti parvatasyāsya bhāmini৷৷2.94.22৷৷

bhāmini O lovely Sita, asya this, parvatasya mountain's, kēcit some, dēśāḥ regions, kṣayanibhāḥ like dwellings, kēcit some, udyānasannibhāḥ like flower gardens, kēcit some, ēkaśilāḥ in the form of a single rock, bhānti are shining.

O lovely Sita! Some regions of the mountain look like dwelling-places, some others are like flower-gardens and some are shining like a single rock.
bhittvēva vasudhāṅ bhāti citrakūṭassamutthitaḥ.

citrakūṭasya kūṭō.sau dṛśyatē sarvata śśubhaḥ৷৷2.94.23৷৷

citrakūṭaḥ Chitrakuta mountain, vasudhām this earth, bhittvā splitting open, samutthitaḥ iva as if rising from, bhāti shining, citrakūṭasya Chitrakuta's, asau this, kūṭaḥ peak, sarvataḥ on every side, śubhaḥ gracious, dṛśyatē is seen.

This Chitrakuta mountain stands erect as if it has arisen by splitting open the earth and its peak looks graceful from every side.
kuṣṭhasthagarapunnāga bhūrjapatrōttaracchadān.

kāmināṅ svāstarānpaśya kuśēśayadalāyutān৷৷2.94.24৷৷

kuṣṭhasthagarapunnāga bhūrjapatrōttaracchadān covered with leaves of kustha, sthagara, punnaga and bhurja, kuśēśayadalāyutān covered with lotus petals, kāminām lovers, svāstarān excellent couches, paśya behold.

Behold those excellent couches of lovers spread with leaves of kustha, sthagara, punnaga and bhurja and covered with lotus petals.
mṛditāścāpaviddhāśca dṛśyantē kamalasrajaḥ.

kāmibhirvanitē paśya phalāni vividhāni ca৷৷2.94.25৷৷

vanitē O lady, kāmibhiḥ by lovers, mṛditāśca crushed, apaviddhāśca cast aside, kamalasrajaḥ lotus garlands, vividhāni many, phalāni ca fruits, dṛśyantē can be seen, paśya behold.

O Lady, behold those lotus garlands crushed and cast aside by lovers and also many fruits (tasted by them and) lying there.
vasvaukasārāṅ nalinīmatyētīvōttarānkurūn.

parvataścitrakūṭō.sau bahumūlaphalōdakaḥ৷৷2.94.26৷৷

bahumūlaphalōdakaḥ with abundance of roots, fruits and water, asau this, citrakūṭa: parvata: Chitrakuta mountain, vasvaukasārām Vasvaukasara, the capital city of Kubera, nalinīm Nalini, the celestial lake of Kubera, uttarān kurūn the land of Uttarakuru, atyētīva surpasses.

This Chitrakuta mountain, with abundance of roots, fruits and water surpasses in beauty Vasvaukasara, the capital city of Kubera or Nalini, his celestial garden or the land of Uttarakuru.
imaṅ tu kālaṅ vanitē vijahrivāṅstvayā ca sītē saha lakṣmaṇēna ca.

ratiṅ prapatsyē kuladharmavardhanīṅ satāṅ pathi svairniyamaiḥ paraiḥ sthitaḥ৷৷2.94.27৷৷

vanitē sītē O my beloved Sita, imaṅ kālam this time, tvayā ca with you, lakṣmaṇēna saha and also with Lakshmana, vijahrivān wandering about, svaiḥ by my own, paraiḥ utmost, niyamaiḥ restraint, satām virtuous men's, pathi path, sthitaḥ following, kuladharmavardhanīm as enhancing the righteousness of my race, ratim felicity, prapatsyē I shall obtain.

O my beloved Sita, by spending time with you and Lakshmana following the path of the virtuous with utmost restraint and by enhancing the righteousness of my race, I shall obtain great felicity.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē ayōdhyākāṇḍē caturnavatitamassargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the ninetyfourth sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.