Sloka & Translation

[Rama hears the sounds of the army approaching the hermitage --- alerts Lakshmana to make sure --- recognition of the army as that of Bharata's --- Lakshmana mistakes Bharata's intentions.]

tāṅ tathā darśayitvā tu maithilīṅ girinimnagām.

niṣasāda giriprasthē sītāṅ māṅsēna chandayan৷৷2.96.1৷৷

maithilīm princess of Mithila, tāṅ sītām to Sita, tathā in that way, girinimnagām mountain-river, darśayitvā having shown, māṅsēna with meat, chandayan gratifying, giriprasthē on the mountain-slope, niṣasāda sat.

Rama showed Sita, the princess of Mithila the river Mandakini flowing in the mountain, gratified her by offering meat (to eat) and sat on the mountain slope.
idaṅ mēdhyamidaṅ svādu niṣṭaptamidamagninā.

ēvamāstē sa dharmātmā sītayā saha rāghavaḥ৷৷2.96.2৷৷

dharmātmā righteous, sa rāghavaḥ that Rama, idam this, mēdhyam sacred meat, idam this, svādu is savoury, idam this one, agninā with fire, niṣṭaptam roasted, ēvam uttering this way, sītayā saha in the company of Sita, āstē was seated.

Offering Sita several kinds of preparations to eat, righteous Rama, seated in her company remarked, This meat is savoury, this meat roasted on fire is sacred.
tathā tatrā.satastasya bharatasyaupayāyinaḥ.

sainyarēṇuśca śabdaśca prādurāstāṅ nabhaspṛśau৷৷2.96.3৷৷

tathā thus, tasya that Rama, tatra there, āsataḥ while sitting, upayāyinaḥ approaching, bharatasya Bharata's, sainyarēṇuśca dust raised by the army, śabdaśca and tumult, nabhaspṛśau both reaching
the sky, prādurāstām was generated.

Now as Rama was sitting there, the tumult and the dust raised by the approaching army of Bharata reached the sky.
ētasminnantarē trastā śśabdēna mahatā tataḥ.

arditā yūthapā mattā ssayūthā dudruvurdiśaḥ৷৷2.96.4৷৷

ēkasmin antarē meanwhile, mattāḥ mighty, yūthapāḥ leaders of elephant-herds, mahatā with a loud, śabdēna noise, trastāḥ were frightened, arditāḥ agitated sayūthāḥ with herds, tataḥ from there, diśaḥ in different directions, dudruvuḥ fled away.

Meanwhile, the mighty leaders of the elephant-herds were agitated, and frightened by the loud noise, fled away from there in different directions.
sa taṅ sainyasamuddhūtaṅ śabdaṅ śuśrāva rāghavaḥ.

tāṅ śca vipradrutānsarvānyūthapānanvavaikṣata৷৷2.96.5৷৷

saḥ rāghavaḥ that Rama, sainyasamudbūtam generated by the army, taṅ śabdam that sound, śuśrāva heard, vipradrutān fleeing, tān those, sarvān all, yūthapān ca leaders of herds, anvavaikṣata saw.

Rama heard the sound generated by the army and saw those leaders of herds fleeing away.
tāṅśca vidruvatō dṛṣṭvā taṅ ca śrutvā ca nisvanam.

uvāca rāma ssaumitriṅ lakṣmaṇaṅ dīptatējasam৷৷2.96.6৷৷

rāmaḥ Rama, vidruvataḥ running, tān them, dṛṣṭvā having seen, tam them, nisvanaṅ also sound, śrutvā having heard, dīptatējasam blazing with energy, saumitrim son of Sumitra, lakṣmaṇam addressing Lakshmana, uvāca said.

Seeing those animals fleeing and hearing the clamour, Rama addressed Lakshmana,
son of Sumitra, who was blazing with energy.
hanta lakṣmaṇa paśyēha sumitrāsuprajāstvayā.

bhīmastanitagambhīrastumulaḥ śrūyatē svanaḥ৷৷2.96.7৷৷

hanta Oh what a wonder, lakṣmaṇa Lakshmana, sumitrā Sumitra, tvayā by you, suprajāḥ has a worthy son, iha here, bhīmastanitagambhīraḥ fearful rumbling of clouds, tumulaḥ tumultous, svanaḥ sound, iha here, śrūyatē is being heard, paśya see.

O Lakshmana, the worthy son of Sumitra, fearful and tumultuous clamour like rumbling sound of clouds is heard. What a wonder! Go and see.
gajayūthāni vā.raṇyē mahiṣā vā mahāvanē.

vitrāsitā mṛgā ssiṅhai ssahasā pradrutā diśaḥ৷৷2.96.8৷৷

araṇyē in the forest, gajayūthāni herds of elephants, mahāvanē in the great woods, mahiṣāḥ vā buffaloes, mṛgāḥ wild beasts, vitrāsitāḥ frightened, siṅhaiḥ by lions, sahasā quickly, diśaḥ in directions, pradrutāḥ running.

Herds of elephants and buffaloes in the great woods and wild beasts frightened by lions are running in different directions.
rājā vā rājaputrō vā mṛgayāmaṭatē vanē.

anyadvā śvāpadaṅ kiñcitsaumitrē jñātumarhasi৷৷2.96.9৷৷

saumitrē O Lakshmana, rājā vā king or, rājaputrō vā or prince, vanē in the forest, mṛgayām aṭatē is hunting, vā or, kiñcit any, anyat other, śvāpadam ferocious animal, jñātum to know, arhasi ought to

O Lakshmana, do ascertain if any king or prince has come for hunting or whether any ferocious animal has entered this forest, shouldn't you?
suduścarō giriścāyaṅ pakṣiṇāmapi lakṣmaṇa.

sarvamētadyathātattvamacirāt jñātumarhasi৷৷2.96.10৷৷

lakṣmaṇa O Lakshmana, ayam this, giriḥ mountain, pakṣiṇāmapi even to birds, suduścaraḥ is highly inaccessible, ētat sarvam all this, yathātattvam exactly, acirāt quickly, jñātum to know, arhasi ought to.

O Lakshmana, this mountain is highly inaccessible even to birds. Find out exactly and quickly what this is all about.
sa lakṣmaṇa ssantvarita ssālamāruhya puṣpitam.

prēkṣamāṇō diśa ssarvāḥ pūrvāṅ diśamudaikṣata৷৷2.96.11৷৷

saḥ lakṣmaṇaḥ that Lakshmana, santvaritaḥ hurriedly, puṣpitam flowering, sālam Sala tree, āruhya
climbing, sarvāḥ all, diśaḥ directions, prēkṣamāṇaḥ seeing, pūrvaṅ diśam the eastern direction, udaikṣata looked.

Lakshmana hurriedly climbed a flowering sala tree, surveyed in all directions and fixed his gaze on the east.
udaṅmukhaḥ prēkṣamāṇō dadarśa mahatīṅ camūm.

rathāśvagajasambādhāṅ yattairyuktāṅ padātibhiḥ৷৷2.96.12৷৷

udaṅmukhaḥ facing the north, prēkṣamāṇaḥ seeing, rathāśvagajasambādhām with chariots, elephants and horses, yattai: well-equipped, padātibhiḥ with infantry, yuktām consisting of, mahatīm vast, camūm army, dadarśa beheld.

Turning his face to the north, he beheld a vast army consisting of chariots, elephants and horses and a well-equipped infantry.
tāmaśvagajasampūrṇāṅ rathadhvajavibhūṣitām.

śaśaṅsa sēnāṅ rāmāya vacanaṅ cēdamabravīt৷৷2.96.13৷৷

aśvagajasampūrṇām full of horses and elephants, rathadhvajavibhūṣitām decorated with chariot-bannars, tāṅ sēnām of the army, rāmāya to Rama, śaśaṅsa informed, idam these, vacanaṅ ca words also, abravīt said.

He (Lakshmana) informed Rama about the army full of horses and elephants and decorated with chariot-banners and said these words:
agniṅ saṅśamayatvārya ssītā ca bhajatāṅ guhām.

sajyaṅ kuruṣva cāpaṅ ca śarāṅśca kavacaṅ tathā৷৷2.96.14৷৷

āryaḥ O noble one, agnim sacred-fires (Agnihotra), saṅśamayatu put off, sītā ca Sita also, guhām cave, bhajatām let take refuge, cāpam bow, sajyam with string, kuruṣva make ready, tathā so also, śarāṅśca arrows also, kavacam armour (put on).

O noble one, put out the sacred fire (Agnihotra) and let Sita take refuge in the cave. String your bow and keep the arrows ready. Put on your armour.
taṅ rāmaḥ puruṣavyāghrō lakṣmaṇaṅ pratyuvāca ha.

aṅgāvēkṣasva saumitrē kasyēmāṅ manyasē camūm৷৷2.96.15৷৷

puruṣavyāghraḥ best among men, rāmaḥ Rama, taṅ lakṣmaṇam to Lakshmana, pratyuvāca ha replied so, aṅga Oh, saumitrē Lakshmana, avēkṣasva look, imām this, camūm army, kasya of whom, manyasē do you think.

Rama the best among men replied to Lakshamana, Oh, Lakshmana, look properly and tell me to whom do you think this army might belong
ēvamuktastu rāmēṇa lakṣmaṇō vākyamabravīt.

didhakṣanniva tāṅ sēnāṅ ruṣitaḥ pāvakō yathā৷৷2.96.16৷৷

rāmēṇa by Rama, ēvaṅ in that manner, uktaḥ having been said, lakṣmaṇaḥ Lakshmana, pāvakō yathā like a fire, ruṣitaḥ was wrathful, tāṅ sēnām that army, didhakṣanniva as if he wanted to burn down, vākyam these words, abravīt said.

Hearing the words of Rama, enraged Lakshmana, like a flaming fire as if he would reduce the army to ashes, replied:
sampannaṅ rājyamicchaṅstu vyaktaṅ prāpyābhiṣēcanam.

āvāṅ hantuṅ samabhyēti kaikēyyā bharatassutaḥ৷৷2.96.17৷৷

kaikēyyāḥ Kaikeyi's, sutaḥ son, bharataḥ Bharata, abhiṣēcanam prāpya having been consecrated, rājyam kingdom, sampannam endowed with prosperity (without obstacles), icchan desiring, āvām both of us, hantum to slay, samabhyēti is coming, vyaktam this is evident.

It is evident that Kaikeyi's son Bharata, who has been consecrated, is coming to slay
both of us desiring the prosperous kingdom (to be without obstacles).
ēṣa vai sumahāñchrīmānviṭapī samprakāśatē.

virājatyudgataskandhaṅ kōvidāradhvajō rathē৷৷2.96.18৷৷

ēṣaḥ this, sumahān lofty, śrīmān majestic, udgataskandhaḥ atop with large trunk, viṭapī tree, samprakāśatē rathē on chariot, kōvidāradhvajaḥ with his standard bearing the emblem of Kovidara tree, virājati shining brilliantly.

There on that chariot, is a banner shining brilliantly with the emblem of a lofty majestic Kovidara tree with a large trunk.
asau hi sumahāskandhō viṭapī ca mahādrumaḥ.

virājatē mahāsainyē kōvidāradhvajō rathē৷৷2.96.19৷৷

sumahāskandhaḥ of very large trunk, viṭapī ca spread with many branches, asau this, mahādrumaḥ
large tree, kōvidāradhvajaḥ standard of Kovidara, rathē on chariot, mahāsainyē in large army, virājatē is shining brilliantly.

There the emblem of the great Kovidara tree of very large trunk spread with many branches shines brilliantly atop the chariot.
bhajantyētē yathākāmamaśvānāruhya śīghragān.

ētē bhrājanti saṅhṛṣṭā gajānāruhya sādinaḥ৷৷2.96.20৷৷

ētē these, yathākāmam at their will, śīghragān swiftly-moving, aśvān horses, āruhya having mounted, bhajanti are following, ētē these, sādinaḥ riders of elephants, gajān elephants, āruhya having mounted, saṅhṛṣṭāḥ cheerfully, bhrājanti are shining.

These men mounted on swiftly-moving horses are following the post. The riders of elephants mounted on the elephants look cheerful.
gṛhītadhanuṣau cāvāṅ giriṅ vīra śrayāvahai.

athavēhaiva tiṣṭhāva ssannaddhāvudyatāyudhau৷৷2.96.21৷৷

vīra O mighty warrior, āvām both of us, gṛhītadhanuṣau by taking up the bows, girim on this mountain, śrayāvahai take refuge, athavā or, sannaddhau fully prepared (for battle), udyatāyudhau with weapons in readiness, ihaiva here itself, tiṣṭhāvaḥ stay here.

O mighty warrior, let both of us take up the bows and station ourselves on this mountain or we shall stay here itself armed with weapons fully prepared for the battle.
api nau vaśamāgacchētkōvidāradhvajō raṇē.

api drakṣyāmi bharataṅ yatkṛtē vyasanaṅ mahat৷৷2.96.22৷৷

tvayā rāghava samprāptaṅ sītayā ca mayā tathā.

rāghava O Rama, raṇē in battle, kōvidāradhvajaḥ Kovidara banner, nau our, vaśam possession,
apyāgacchēt will it come, yatkṛtē on whose account, tvayā by you, sītayā by Sita, tathā also, mayā ca by me, mahat great, vyasanam calamity, samprāptam has befallen, such, bharatam Bharata, api drakṣyāmi can I see.

O Rama, will this Kovidara emblem come into our possession in the battle? Can I see Bharata, the cause of the calamity that has befallen you, Sita and me?
yannimittaṅ bhavānrājyācchyutō rāghava śāśvatāt৷৷2.96.23৷৷

samprāptō.yamarirvīra bharatō vadhya ēva mē.

hē vīra O mighty warrior, rāghava Rama, bhavān you, yannimittam on whose account, śāśvatāt from the perpetual, rājyāt from kingdom, cyutaḥ deprived, ayam such, samprāptaḥ has come here, ariḥ foe, bharataḥ Bharata, mē to me, vadhya ēva deserves to be slain.

O that mighty warrior Bharata, on whose account you have been banished from the perpetual kingdom, comes here as a foe and as for me, he deserves to be slain.
bharatasya vadhē dōṣaṅ nāhaṅ paśyāmi rāghava.

pūrvāpakāriṇaṅ hatvā na hyadharmēṇa yujyatē৷৷2.96.24৷৷

rāghava O Rama, bharatasya Bharta's, vadhē in slaying, aham I, dōṣam wrong, na paśyāmi do not see, pūrvāpakāriṇam one who has done harmful act earlier, hatvā in slaying, adharmēṇa with unrighteousness, na yujyatē is not attached.

O Rama, I do not see anything wrong in slaying Bharata. In killing one who had done harm is not an act of unrighteousness.
pūrvāpakārī bharatastyaktadharmaśca rāghava.

ētasminnihatē kṛtsnāmanuśādhi vasundharām৷৷2.96.25৷৷

rāghava O Rama, bharataḥ Bharata, pūrvāpakārī had done harm earlier, tyaktadharmaśca abandoned righteousness, ētasmin when such a person, nihatē after having been slain kṛtsnām the
whole, vasundharām earth, anuśādhi you shall rule.

O Rama, Bharata has abandoned righteousness and has harmed you. When he is slain, you shall rule over the whole earth.
adya putraṅ hataṅ saṅkhyē kaikēyī rājyakāmukā.

mayā paśyētsuduḥkhārtā hastibhagnamiva drumam৷৷2.96.26৷৷

rājyakāmukā greedy for the kingdom, kaikēyī Kaikeyi, adya today, saṅkhyē in a battle, mayā by me, hatam slain, putram son, hastibhagnam felled by an elephant, drumam iva like a tree, suduḥkhārtā extremely afflicted, paśyēt let her see.

Let that Kaikeyi, greedy for the kingdom, see in great anguish her son who shall be slain by me today in a battle like a tree felled by an elephant.
kaikēyīṅ ca vadhiṣyāmi sānubandhāṅ sabāndhavām.

kaluṣēṇādya mahatā mēdinī parimucyatām৷৷2.96.27৷৷

sānubandhām with her attendants, sabāndhavām with her relations, kaikēyīṅ ca also Kaikeyi, vadhiṣyāmi will slay, adya today, mēdinī the earth, mahatā by a great, kaluṣēṇa of the sin, parimucyatām let it be cleansed.

I shall also slay Kaikeyi with her attendants and relations. Let the earth be cleansed of the great sin today.
adyēmaṅ saṅyataṅ krōdhamasatkāraṅ ca mānada.

mōkṣyāmi śatrusainyēṣu kakṣēṣviva hutāśanam৷৷2.96.28৷৷

mānada O protector of honour (Rama), saṅyatam suppressed, imam this, krōdham anger, asatkāraṅ ca dishonour, hutāśanam fire, kakṣēṣviva like a thicket, adya today, śatrusainyēṣu in the army of enemies, mōkṣyāmi I shall release.

O protector of honour, today I shall vent my suppressed anger and dishonour on the enemy's army like a fire on the thicket.
adyaitacchitrakūṭasya kānanaṅ niśitai śśaraiḥ.

chindañcatruśarīrāṇi kariṣyē śōṇitōkṣitam৷৷2.96.29৷৷

adya today, niśitaiḥ by the sharpened, śaraiḥ with arrows, śatruśarīrāṇi bodies of enemies, chindan rending, citrakūṭasya Chitrakuta's, ētat kānanam this forest, śōṇitōkṣitam spattered with blood, kariṣyē I shall do.

Today I shall rend the bodies of enemies with my sharpened arrows and spatter the forest of Chitrakuta mountain with their blood.

śvāpadāḥ parikarṣantu narāṅśca nihatānmayā৷৷2.96.30৷৷

śaraiḥ with arrows, nirbhinnahṛdayān with hearts transfixed, kuñjarān elephants, tathā and, turagān horses, mayā by me, nihatān killed, narāṅśca also men, śvāpadāḥ also wild beasts, parikarṣantu let them drag off.

Let the wild beasts drag away the elephants, horses and men to be killed by me with their hearts transfixed with my arrows.
śarāṇāṅ dhanuṣaścāhamanṛṇō.sminmahāvanē.

sasainyaṅ bharataṅ hatvā bhaviṣyāmi na saṅśayaḥ৷৷2.96.31৷৷

asmin in this, mahāvanē great forest, aham I, sasainyam with army, bharatam Bharata, hatvā having slain, śarāṇām of the arrows, dhanuṣaśca of the bow, anṛṇaḥ discharging my debt, bhaviṣyāmi shall become, saṅśaṅyaḥ doubt, na not.

Having slain Bharata and his army in this great forest, I shall doubtless discharge my debt to my arrows and bow.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē ayōdhyākāṇḍē ṣaṇṇavatitamassargaḥ.
Thus ends the ninetysixth sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.