Sloka & Translation

[Bharata sees Rama seated in the hermitage with matted hair and bark robes with Sita nearby --- Bharata's lamentation.]

niviṣṭāyāṅ tu sēnāyāmutsukō bharatastadā.

jagāma bhrātaraṅ draṣṭuṅ śatrughnamanudarśayan৷৷2.99.1৷৷

tadā then, sēnāyām when the army, niviṣṭāyām encamped, bharataḥ Bharata, utsukaḥ with eagerness, śatrughnam Satrughna, anudarśayan showing, bhrātaram brother, draṣṭum to see, jagāma

Eager to see his brother, Bharata encamped the army and set out showing the hermitage to Satrughna.
ṛṣiṅ vasiṣṭhaṅ sandiśya mātṛrmē śīghramānaya.

iti tvaritamagrē sa jagāma guruvatsalaḥ৷৷2.99.2৷৷

guruvatsalaḥ devoted towards elders, saḥ Bharata, mē my, mātṛḥ mothers, śīghram quickly, ānaya bring, iti thus, ṛṣim rishi, vasiṣṭham Vasistha, sandiśya having conveyed, tvaritam quickly, agrē ahead, jagāma proceeded.

Bharata, deeply devoted towards elders, indicated to sage Vasistha to bring along the mothers, and proceeded ahead quickly.
sumantrastvapi śatrughnamadūrādanvapadyata.

rāmadarśanajastarṣō bharatasyēva tasya ca৷৷2.99.3৷৷

sumantrastvapi Sumantra on his part, śatrughnam to Satrughna, adūrāt not far from, anvapadyata followed, rāmadarśanajaḥ arising from seeing Rama, tarṣaḥ overeager, tasya ca for him also, bharatasyēva is like that of Bharata.

Sumantra, who was overeager, like Bharata, to see Rama, followed Satrughna who was not far from him.
gacchannēvātha bharatastāpasālaya saṅsthitām.

bhrātuḥ parṇakuṭīṅ śrīmānuṭajaṅ ca dadarśa ha৷৷ 2.99.4৷৷

atha thereafter, śrīmān the majestic one, bharataḥ Bharata, gacchannēva while walking, tāpasālayasaṅsthitām situated like huts of hermits, bhrātuḥ brother's, parṇakuṭīm hut made of leaves, uṭajaṅ ca thatched cottage, dadarśa ha beheld.

While walking, Bharata beheld a hut made of leaves looking like a hermit's cottage.
śālāyāstvagrata stasyā dadarśa bharata stadā.

kāṣṭhāni cāvabhagnāni puṣpāṇyupacitāni ca৷৷2.99.5৷৷

tadā then, bharataḥ Bharata, tasyāḥ śālāyāḥ that leafy hut's, agrataḥ in front of, avabhagnāni shattered, kāṣṭhāni logs of wood, upacitāni plucked, puṣpāṇi ca also flowers, dadarśa beheld.

In front of that hut Bharata beheld shattered logs of wood and also flowers plucked.
sa lakṣmaṇasya rāmasya dadarśā.śramamīyuṣaḥ.

kṛtaṅ vṛkṣēṣvabhijñānaṅ kuśacīraiḥ kvacitkvacit৷৷2.99.6৷৷

saḥ he, āśramam hermitage, īyuṣaḥ of a man proceeding towards, lakṣmaṇasya Lakshmana's, rāmasya Rama's, kvacit kvacit here and there, vṛkṣēṣu on trees, kuśacīraiḥ with kusa grass and strips of bark, kṛtam rendered, abhijñānam as a sign to ascertain, dadarśa beheld.

Bharata beheld here and there knots of kusa grass and strips of bark tied on trees as signs to ascertain the way to the hermitage of Rama and Lakshmana.
dadarśa vanē tasminmahata ssañcayānkṛtān.

mṛgāṇāṅ mahiṣāṇāṅ ca karīṣai śaśītakāraṇāt৷৷2.99.7৷৷

saḥ that Bharata, tasmin vanē in that forest, śītakāraṇāt due to cold, mṛgāṇām deer's, mahiṣāṇāṅ ca also of buffaloes, karīṣaiḥ dried cakes of dung, kṛtān prepared, mahataḥ large, sañcayān heaps, dadarśa beheld.

He also beheld large heaps of dried cakes of dung of buffaloes and deer for use against cold in the forest.
gacchannēva mahābāhurdyutimānbharata stadā.

śatrughnaṅ cābravīddhṛṣṭastānamātyāṅśca sarvaśaḥ৷৷2.99.8৷৷

mahābāhuḥ long-armed, dyutimān effulgent, bharataḥ Bharata, tadā then, gacchannēva while going, hṛṣṭaḥ rejoiced, śatrughnaṅ ca to Satrughna, sarvaśaḥ all around, tān those, amātyāṅśca to the ministers, abravīt said.

Walking on, the long-armed, effulgent and delighted Bharata said to Satrughna and the ministers surrounding him:
manyē prāptāḥ sma taṅ dēśaṅ bharadvājō yamabravīt.

nātidūrē hi manyē.haṅ nadīṅ mandākinīmitaḥ৷৷2.99.9৷৷

yam about which, bharadvājaḥ Bharadwaja, abravīt had spoken, taṅ dēśam that region, prāptāḥ sma we must have reached, manyē I think, mandākinīṅ nadīṅ Mandakini river, itaḥ from here, nātidūrē not far, aham I, manyē think.

We must have reached the region about which Bharadwaja had spoken. I think river Mandakini is not far from here.
uccairbaddhāni cīrāṇi lakṣmaṇēna bhavēdayam.

abhijñānakṛtaḥ panthā akālē gantumicchatā৷৷2.99.10৷৷

cīrāṇi long bark garments, uccaiḥ on lofty places (trees), baddhāni have been fastened, ayam this, akālē at odd times, gantum to move out, icchatā wishing, lakṣmaṇēna by Lakshmana, abhijñānakṛtaḥ marks of identification, panthāḥ bhavēt it must have been the path.

Here are long bark garments fastened on lofty places as marks of identification left by Lakshmana, to locate the path at odd times which may be needed while going out.
idaṅ cōdāttadantānāṅ kuñjarāṇāṅ tarasvinām.

śailapārśvē parikrāntamanyōnyamabhigarjatām৷৷2.99.11৷৷

śailapārśvē on the hillside, idam this, udāttadantānām of the large-tusked, tarasvinām swift anyōnyam charging at one another, abhigarjatām trumpeting, kuñjarāṇām elephants', parikrāntam place.

This must be the place on the hillside on which mighty tuskers wander about trumpeting and charging at one another.
yamēvādhātumicchanti tāpasā ssatataṅ vanē.

tasyāsau dṛśyatē dhūma ssaṅkulaḥ kṛṣṇavartmanaḥ৷৷2.99.12৷৷

vanē in the forest, tāpasāḥ ascetics, satatam always, yamēva only whom, ādhātum to maintain, icchanti wishing, tasya that, kṛṣṇavartmanaḥ of black-trailed fires, asau this, saṅkulaḥ thick, dhūmaḥ smoke, dṛśyatē is seen.

Here is the thick smoke emanating from the black-trailed fire maintained perpetually by the ascetics living in the forest.
atrāhaṅ puruṣavyāghraṅ gurusatkārakāriṇam.

āryaṅ drakṣyāmi saṅhṛṣṭō maharṣimiva rāghavam৷৷2.99.13৷৷

aham I, puruṣavyāghram the best of men, Rama, gurusatkārakāriṇam rendering great hospitality, āryam venerable, maharṣimiva like a great sage, rāghavam to Rama, saṅhṛṣṭaḥ with a delighted heart, atra here, drakṣyāmi I shall see.

I shall see here with a delighted heart the venerable Rama, the best of men, who renders great hospitality (to elders) and who resembles a maharshi.
atha gatvā muhūrtantu citrakūṭaṅ sa rāghavaḥ.

mandākinīmanuprāptastaṅ janaṅ cēdamabravīt৷৷2.99.14৷৷

atha thereafter, saḥ rāghavaḥ that Bharata, citrakūṭam towards Chitrakuta (mountain), muhūrtam for
a moment, gatvā having gone, mandākinīm river Mandakini, anuprāptaḥ having reached, taṅ janam to those people, idam those words, abravīt said.

Bharata walked for a short distance towards mount Chitrkuta when he reached river Mandakini. And then said to his ministers:
jagatyāṅ puraṣavyāghra āstē vīrāsanē rataḥ.

janēndrō nirjanaṅ prāpya dhiṅmē janma sajīvitam৷৷2.99.15৷৷

janēndraḥ the lord of men, puraṣavyāghraḥ a tiger among men, nirjanam a place devoid of people, prāpya having reached, vīrāsanē in 'heroic' posture, rataḥ remaining, jagatyām on the ground, āstē is sitting, mē my, sajīvitam life, janma birth, dhik fie upon.

Rama, the lord of men, a tiger among men, is sitting on the ground in a 'heroic' (yogic) posture in this secluded forest. O fie upon my birth and my life!
matkṛtē vyasanaṅ prāptō lōkanāthō mahādyutiḥ.

sarvānkāmānparityajya vanē vasati rāghavaḥ৷৷2.99.16৷৷

lōkanāthaḥ lord of the world, mahādyutiḥ effulgent, rāghavaḥ Rama, matkṛtē on my account, vyasanam calamity, prāpta: has faced, sarvān all, kāmān desires, parityajya renouncing, vanē in the forest,
vasati is living.

Effulgent Rama, the lord of the world, had to renounce all desires and undergo this calamity of living in the forest on my account.
iti lōkasamākruṣṭaḥ pādēṣvadya prasādayan.

rāmasya nipatiṣyāmi sītāyā lakṣmaṇasya ca৷৷2.99.17৷৷

iti thus, lōkasamākruṣṭaḥ reviled by the world, adya now, prasādayan seeking the grace, rāmasya Rama's, sītāyāḥ Sita's, lakṣmaṇasya ca and Lakshmana's, pādēṣu at the feet, nipatiṣyāmi shall fall down.

Reviled by the world, I shall now fall at the feet of Sita, Rama and Lakshmana seeking their grace.
ēvaṅ saṅvilapaṅ stasminvanē daśarathātmajaḥ.

dadarśa mahātīṅ puṇyāṅ parṇaśālāṅ manōramām৷৷2.99.18৷৷

sālatālāśvakarṇānāṅ parṇairbahubhirāvṛtām.

viśālāṅ mṛdubhistīrṇāṅ kuśairvēdimivādhvarē৷৷2.99.19৷৷

śakrāyudhanikāśaiśca kārmukairbhārasādhanaiḥ.

rukmapṛṣṭhairmahāsārai śśōbhitāṅ śatrubādhakaiḥ৷৷2.99.20৷৷

arka raśmi pratīkāśairghōraistūṇīgataiśśaraiḥ.

śōbhitāṅ dīptavadanai ssarpairbhōgavatīmiva৷৷2.99.21৷৷

mahārajatavāsōbhyāmasibhyāṅ ca virājitām.

rukmabinduvicitrābhyāṅ carmabhyāṅ cāpi śōbhitām৷৷2.99.22৷৷

gōdhāṅguḷitrairāsaktaiścitraiḥ kāñcanabhūṣitaiḥ.

arisaṅghairanādhṛṣyāṅ mṛgai ssiṅhaguhā miva৷৷2.99.23৷৷

ēvam in that way, saṅvilapan lamenting, daśarathātmajaḥ son of Dasaratha (Bharata), tasmin vanē in that forest, mahatīm great, puṇyām sacred, manōramām enchanting, sālatālāśvakarṇānām of sala, palmyra and aswakarna trees, bahubhiḥ by abundance of, mṛdubhiḥ by soft, parṇaiḥ with leaves, āvṛtām covered, adhvarē in the sacrifice, kuśaiḥ with kusa grass, tīrṇām spread over, viśālām spacious, vēdimiva like altar, śakrāyudhanikāśaiḥ resembling the thunderbolt of Indra, bhārasādhanaiḥ capable of achieving targets, rukmapṛṣṭhaiḥ gold-plated, mahāsārai: by powerful, śatrubādhakaiḥ oppressing the enemies, kārmukaiḥ with bows, śōbhitām glittering, sarpaiḥ with serpents, bhōgavatīm iva like Bhogavati, arkaraśmipratīkāśaiḥ like the rays of the Sun, ghōraiḥ by dreadful,
dīptavadanaiḥ with tips blazing, tūṇīgataiḥ stored in quivers, śaraiḥ with arrows, śōbhitām adorned with, mahārajatavāsōbhyām scabbards made of silver, asibhyām with a pair of swords, virājitām was shining, rukmabinduvicitrābhyām of different colours with golden spots, carmabhyām with shields, tām all of them, kāñcanabhūṣitaiḥ decorated with gold, citraiḥ different kinds, āsaktai: hung, gōdhāṅgulitraiḥ finger-guards made of skin of iguana, mṛgaiḥ with the deer, siṅhaguhāmiva like the cave of a lion, arisaṅghai: with hordes of enemies, anādhṛṣyām impregnable, parṇaśālām hut made of leave, tasmin vanē in that forest, dadarśa saw.

Lamenting in this way Bharata beheld in that forest an excellent, sacred and enchanting hut covered with a lot of leaves of sala, palmyra and aswakarna trees like a sacrificial altar spread with soft kusa grass. Gold-plated bows that resembled the thunderbolt of Indra, powerful and capable of achieving great targets and oppressing the enemies, adorned the hut. Arrows glittering like the rays of the Sun, were dreadful, with blazing heads and stored in quivers adorned it like the hooded serpents illumining the city of Bhogavati (in the nether world). A pair of swords in scabbards made of excellent silver, two shields of different colours with golden spots, finger-guards made of skin of iguana decorated with gold were hanging there. It was impregnable to enemy hordes like the cave of a lion to the deer.
prāgudakpravaṇāṅ vēdiṅ viśālāṅ dīptapāvakām.

dadarśa bharatastatra puṇyāṅ rāmanivēśanē৷৷2.99.24৷৷

bharataḥ Bharata, tatra there, rāmanivēśanē at Rama's residence, prāgudakpravaṇām sloping to the
north-east, viśālām spacious, dīptapāvakām having flaming fire, puṇyām sacred, vēdim altar, dadarśa beheld.

Bharata beheld at Rama's residence a sacred and spacious altar sloping to the north-east, with a burning fire upon it.
nirīkṣya sa muhūrtaṅ tu dadarśa bharatō gurum.

uṭajē rāmamāsīnaṅ jaṭāmaṇḍaladhāriṇam৷৷2.99.25৷৷

saḥ bharataḥ that Bharata, muhūrtam for a moment, nirīkṣya looking around, uṭajē in the cottage, āsīnam seated, jaṭāmaṇḍaladhāriṇam wearing matted locks of hair, gurum esteemed brother, rāmam Rama, dadarśa saw.

Bharata looked around for a moment and saw his esteemed brother Rama seated in that thatched cottage wearing matted locks of hair.
taṅ tu kṛṣṇājinadharaṅ cīravalkalavāsasam.

dadarśa rāmamāsīnamabhitaḥ pāvakōpamam৷৷2.99.26৷৷

siṅhaskandhaṅ mahābāhuṅ puṇḍarīkanibhēkṣaṇam.

pṛthivyāssāgarāntāyāḥ bhartāraṅ dharmacāriṇam৷৷2.99.27৷৷

upaviṣṭaṅ mahābāhuṅ brahmāṇamiva śāśvatam.

sthaṇḍilē darbhasaṅstīrṇē sītayā lakṣmaṇēna ca৷৷2.99.28৷৷

kṛṣṇājinadharam clad in antelope skin, cīravalkalavāsam dressed in garments made of bark, abhitaḥ near him, pāvakōpamam resembling blazing fire, āsīnam seated, siṅhaskandam with his shoulders like that of a lion, mahābāhum long-armed, puṇḍarīkanibhēkṣaṇam with eyes like white lotus, sāgarāntāyāḥ bounded by the ocean, pṛthivyāḥ of the earth, bhartāram the lord, dharmacāriṇam follower of righteouness, taṅ rāmam that Rama, dadarśa saw, mahābāhum of long-armed one, śāśvatam eternal, brahmāṇamiva like the creator Brahma, sītayā with Sita, lakṣmaṇēna along with Lakshmana, darbhasaṅstīrṇē on the ground strewn with darbha grass, sthaṇḍilē on the bare
ground, upaviṣṭam seated.

He saw Rama, lord of the ocean-bound earth, seated like blazing fire, clad in antelope skin and garment of bark, with long arms and shoulders like a lion and eyes like white lotuses. The mighty-armed warrior seemed like Brahma, the creator and the eternal, protector of righteousness. Accompanied by Sita and Lakshmana Rama sat on the bare ground strewn with darbha grass.
taṅ dṛṣṭvā bharata śśrīmān duḥkhaśōkapariplutaḥ.

abhyadhāvata dharmātmā bharataḥ kaikēyī sutaḥ৷৷2.99.29৷৷

śrīmān majestic, bharataḥ Bharata, tam that Rama, dṛṣṭvā having seen, duḥkhaśōkapariplutaḥ
overwhelmed with grief and distress, dharmātmā righteous, kaikayīsutaḥ son of Kaikeyi, bharataḥ Bharata, abhyadhāvata ran towards him.

Beholding Rama, Bharata the majestic and righteous son of Kaikeyi overwhelmed with grief and distress rushed towards him.
dṛṣṭvaiva vilalāpā.rtō bāṣpasandigdhayā girā.

aśaknuvan dhārayituṅ dhairyādvacanamabravīt৷৷2.99.30৷৷

dṛṣṭvaiva as soon as he saw, ārtaḥ anguished, bāṣpasandigdhayā choked with tears, girā with words, vilalāpa lamented, dhairyāt with courage, dhārayitum to restrain, aśaknuvan being unable, vacanam these words, abravīt said.

On seeing Rama, Bharata could not control his grief with patience and lamented in great anguish and with words choked with tears said:
ya ssaṅsadi prakṛtibhirbhavēdyukta upāsitum.

vanyairmṛgairupāsīna ssō.yamāstē mamāgrajaḥ৷৷2.99.31৷৷

yaḥ he who, saṅsadi in the royal assembly, prakṛtibhiḥ by ministers and other subjects,
upāsitum to be attended upon, yuktaḥ one who deserves, bhavēt becomes, saḥ he, ayam this, man, mama my, agrajaḥ elder brother, vanyaiḥ wild, mṛgaiḥ by the beasts, upāsīnaḥ āstē is being attended.

My elder brother who deserves to be attended by ministers and other subjects in the royal assembly sits here today in the forest surrounded by wild beasts.
vāsōbhirbahusāhasrairyō mahātmā purōcitaḥ.

mṛgājinē sō.yamiha pravastē dharmamācaran৷৷2.99.32৷৷

yaḥ mahātmā that magnanimous (Rama), purā formerly, bahusāhasraiḥ with many thousands, vāsōbhiḥ with clothes, ucitaḥ was accustomed, saḥ such, ayam now, dharmam righteousness,
ācaran practising, mṛgājinē two deer kins, pravastē is wearing.

Such magnanimous Rama, a follower of dharma, accustomed to be attired in thousands of dresses in the past now clad in two deer skins, is practising righteousness.
adhārayadyō vividhāścitrāssumanasastadā.

sō.yaṅ jaṭābhāramimaṅ vahatē rāghavaḥ katham৷৷2.99.33৷৷

yaḥ that Rama, tadā then, vividhāḥ various, citrāḥ colours, sumanasaḥ flowers, ādhārayat wore, saḥ such a man, ayaṅ rāghavaḥ this Rama, imaṅ jaṭābhāram the weight of matted hair, katham how, vahatē is able to bear?

How is it that Rama who used to wear variegated flowers formerly, now bears these heavy matted locks?
yasya yajñairyathōdiṣṭairyuktō dharmasya sañcayaḥ.

śarīraklēśasambhūtaṅ sa dharmaṅ parimārgatē৷৷2.99.34৷৷

yathōdviṣṭaiḥ in accordance with desire, yajñaiḥ with sacrifices, yasya to whom, dharmasya
righteousness, sañcayaḥ accumulation, yuktaḥ was quite possible, saḥ such Rama, śarīraklēśasaṅbhūtam rising due to mortification of body, dharmam righteouness, parimārgatē is seeking.

That Rama, who in accordance with tradition deserves accredition of religious merit through sacrifices now seeks it through mortification of body.
candanēna mahārhēṇa yasyāṅgamupasēvitam.

malēna tasyāṅgamidaṅ kathamāryasya sēvyatē৷৷2.99.35৷৷

yasya whose, aṅgam body, mahārhēṇa by highly valuable, candanēna with sandal paste, upasēvitam smeared, tasya his, āryasya esteemed brother's, idam aṅgam this body, malēna with dirt, katham
how, sēvyatē is being served?

How is it that the body of my venerable brother which was once smeared with expensive, fragrant sandal paste is now covered with dust?
mannimittamidaṅ duḥkhaṅ prāptō rāmaḥ sukhōcitaḥ.

dhigjīvitaṅ nṛśaṅsasya mama lōkavigarhitam৷৷2.99.36৷৷

sukhōcitaḥ accustomed to comforts, rāmaḥ Rama, mannimittam on my account, idaṅ duḥkham this misfortune, prāptaḥ has obtained, nṛśaṅsasya of a cruel one, mama my, lōkavigarhitam condemned by the world, jīvitam dhik fie on my life.

It is on my account that Rama who was accustomed to all comforts has fallen into this misfortune. Fie on my life of cruelty which is condemned by the world.
ityēvaṅ vilapandīnaḥ prasvinnamukhapaṅkajaḥ.

pādāvaprāpya rāmasya papāta bharatō rudan৷৷2.99.37৷৷

bharataḥ Bharata, dīnaḥ miserable, prasvinnamukhapaṅkajaḥ lotus-like countenance full of sweat, ityēvam thus, vilapan lamenting, rāmasya Rama's, pādau feet, aprāpya before reaching, rudan
crying in distress, papāta fell down.

Thus Bharata lamented in misery and with his lotus-like countenanace sweating before reaching Rama's feet fell down, crying in distress.
duḥkhābhitaptō bharatō rājaputrō mahābalaḥ.

uktvā.ryēti sakṛddīnaṅ punarnōvāca kiñcana৷৷2.99.38৷৷

mahābalaḥ mighty, rājaputraḥ prince, bharataḥ Bharata, duḥkhābhitaptaḥ oppressed with grief, ārya iti saying o Arya (venerable one), sakṛt once, dīnam in distress, uktvā having said, punaḥ again, kiñcana anything, nōvāca could not speak.

Mighty prince Bharata, oppressed with grief, could only say, O Arya! (venerable one) And in distress could not speak any more.
bāṣpābhihatakaṇṭhaśca prēkṣya rāmaṅ yaśasvinam.

āryētyōvātha saṅkruśya vyāhartuṅ nāśakattadā৷৷2.99.39৷৷

yaśasvinam glorious, rāmam Rama, prēkṣya on seeing, bāṣpābhihatakaṇṭhaśca with choked throat, atha then, āryētyēva O Arya, saṅkruśya crying out, tadā thereafter, vyāhartum to talk further, nāśakat was not able.

As he beheld the glorious Rama, with his throat choken with tears, he cried out, O Arya (venerable one) and thereafter, was unable to speak any more.
śatrughnaścāpi rāmasya vavandē caraṇau rudan.

tāvubhau sa samāliṅgya rāmaścāśrūṇyavartayat৷৷2.99.40৷৷

śatrughnaścāpi Satrughna too, rudan weeping, rāmasya Rama's, caraṇau feet, vavandē prostrated, saḥ rāmaśca that Rama also, tau ubhau the two of them, samāliṅgya having embraced, aśrūṇi tears, avartayat shed.

Satrughna also prostrated himself at the feet of tearful Rama who embraced both of them.
tatassumantrēṇa guhēna caiva samīyatu rājasutāvaraṇyē.

divākaraścaiva niśākaraśca yathā.mbarē śukrabṛhaspatibhyām৷৷2.99.41৷৷

tataḥ therafter, araṇyē in the forest, rājasutau the princes (Rama and Lakshmana), ambarē in the sky, divākaraścaiva Sun, niśākaraśca Moon, śukrabṛhaspatibhyām with Sukra and Brihaspathi, yathā similarly, sumantrēṇa with Sumantra, guhēna caiva with Guha, samīyatuḥ met.

Thereafter, princes Rama and Lakshmana joined Sumantra and Guha in the forest like the Sun and the Moon meeting the planets Sukra and Brihaspati in the sky.
tānpārthivānvāraṇayūthapābhānsamāgatāṅ statra mahatyaraṇyē.

vanaukasastē.pi samīkṣya sarvē.pyaśrūṇyamuñcanpravihāya harṣam৷৷2.99.42৷৷

tē sarvē they all, vanaukasaḥ inhabitants of the forest, tatra there, mahati in great, araṇyē in the forest, samāgatān united, vāraṇayūthapābhān with the effulgence of mighty leaders of elephant herds, tān pārthivān those kings, samīkṣya on seeing, harṣam delight, pravihāya having forsaken, aśrūṇi tears, amuñcan shed.

On seeing the princes now assembled in the great forest like mighty leaders of elephant herds, inhabitants of the forest had nothing but tears of grief, not joy, to shed.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē ayōdhyākāṇḍē ēkōnaśatatamassargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the ninetyninth sarga in Ayodhyakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.