Sloka & Translation

[Surpanakha meets Ravana at Lanka -- describes Rama, Sita and Lakshmana to Ravana.]

tataśśūrpaṇakhā dṛṣṭvā sahasrāṇi caturdaśa.

hatānyēkēna rāmēṇa rakṣasāṅ bhīmakarmaṇām৷৷3.32.1৷৷

dūṣaṇaṅ ca kharaṅ caiva hataṅ triśirasā saha.

dṛṣṭvā punarmahānādaṅ nanāda jaladō yathā৷৷3.32.2৷৷

tataḥ thereafter, śūrpaṇakhā Surpanakha, ēkēna alone, rāmēṇa by Rama, bhīmakarmaṇām of terrible deeds, rakṣasām of demons caturdaśasahasrāṇi fourteen thousand, hatāni killed, dṛṣṭvā after seeing, dūṣaṇaṅ ca and Dusana, kharaṅ caiva also Khara, triśirasā saha including Trisira, hatam killed, dṛṣṭvā seeing, punaḥ again, jaladaḥ yathā like a cloud, mahānādam great noise, nanāda produced.

Seeing Dusana, Khara and also Trisira along with the fourteen thousand demon warriors of terrific performance killed by Rama, single-handed, Surpanakha roared like a cloud.
sā dṛṣṭvā karma rāmasya kṛtamanyaissuduṣkaram.

jagāma paramōdvignā laṅkāṅ rāvaṇapālitām৷৷3.32.3৷৷

sā she, anyaiḥ by others, suduṣkaram very difficult to do, rāmasya Rama's, kṛtam done, karma deed, dṛṣṭvā after seeing, paramōdvignā getting very scared, rāvaṇapālitām a placed ruled by Ravana, laṅkām Lanka, jagāma went.

Seeing the performance of Rama which is very difficult for others, Surpanakha got scared and went to Lanka, ruled by Ravana.
sā dadarśa vimānāgrē rāvaṇaṅ dīptatējasam.

upōpaviṣṭaṅ sacivairmarudbhiriva vāsavam৷৷3.32.4৷৷

sā Surpanakha, marudbhi: with Maruts, vāsavam iva like Indra, sacivaiḥ with ministers, upōpaviṣṭam seated, dīptatējasam shining brilliantly, rāvaṇam to Ravana, vimānāgrē on top of the aerial chariot, dadarśa saw.

Surpanakha saw Ravana shining brilliantly, seated like Indra along with ministers and Maruts on top of the aerial chariot.
āsīnaṅ sūryasaṅkāśē kāñcanē paramāsanē.

rukmavēdigataṅ prājyaṅ jvalantamiva pāvakam৷৷3.32.5৷৷

sūryasaṅkāśē radiating like the Sun, kāñcanē golden, paramāsanē on a magnificent seat, āsīnam seated, rukmavēdigatam at the golden altar, prājyam jvalantam blazing, pāvakam iva like fire.

Ravana, sitting on the magnificent golden seat on a golden altar looked radiant like the Sun or the blazing fire.
dēvagandharvabhūtānāmṛṣīṇāṅ ca mahātmanām.

ajēyaṅ samarē śūraṅ vyāttānanamivāntakam৷৷3.32.6৷৷

dēvagandharvabhūtānām of gods, gandharvas, all living beings, mahātmanām of great sages, ṛṣīṇāṅ ca and seers, samarē in war, ajēyam invincible, śūram warrior, vyāttānanam wide open jaws, antakam iva like Yama, lord of death.

Invincible to gods, gandharvas, all living beings, great sages and seers, he was like Yama, lord of death with wide open jaws.
dēvāsuravimardēṣu vajrāśanikṛtavraṇam.


dēvāsuravimardēṣu in encounter between gods and demons, vajrāśanikṛtavraṇam wounded by missiles and thunderbolts, airāvataviṣāṇāgraiḥ by the tips of the tusks of elephant Airavata, uddhṛṣṭakiṇavakṣasam marks of scars on the chest.

He had scars of wounds caused by the thunderbolt received in war between gods and demons, and marks of scars on his chest made by tips of the the tusks of elephant Airavata.
viṅśadbhujaṅ daśagrīvaṅ darśanīyaparicchadam.

viśālavakṣasaṅ vīraṅ rājalakṣaṇa śōbhitam৷৷3.32.8৷৷

viṅśadbhujam with twenty arms, daśagrīvam ten heads, darśanīyaparicchadam attractive attire, viśālavakṣasam broad-chested vīram valiant , rājalakṣaṇa śōbhitam with royal marks.

Valiant Ravana had an attractive appearance with beautiful dresses twenty arms,ten heads, a broad chest and brilliant royal marks.
snigdhavaiḍūryasaṅkāśaṅ taptakāñcanakuṇḍalam.

subhujaṅ śukladaśanaṅ mahāsyaṅ parvatōpamam৷৷3.32.9৷৷

snigdhavaiḍūryasaṅkāśam comparable to glittering vaiduryas, taptakāñcanakuṇḍalam wearing bright burnished golden ear-rings, subhujam strong arms, śukladaśanam with white teeth, mahāsyam wide mouth, parvatōpam like a mountain.

Wearing burnished golden ear-rings, he looked bright like the glittering vaidurya. And with his well-formed arms, white teeth and wide mouth, he looked like a mountain.
viṣṇucakranipātaiśca śataśō dēvasaṅyugē.

anyaiśśastraprahāraiśca mahāyuddhēṣu tāḍitam৷৷3.32.10৷৷

dēvasaṅyugē while in war with gods, śataśa: in hundreds viṣṇucakranipātaiśca hit with the wheel of Visnu, mahāyuddhēṣu in great wars, anyaiḥ by others, śastraprahāraiśca hit by several weapons, tāḍitam

He was hit by the wheel of Visnu for hundreds of times during great wars and beaten by other weapons.
ahatāṅgaṅ samastaiśca dēvapraharaṇaistathā.

akṣōbhyāṇāṅ samudrāṇāṅ kṣōbhaṇaṅ kṣiprakāriṇam৷৷3.32.11৷৷

tathā so also, samastai: by all, dēvapraharaṇaiḥ with the striking weapons of gods, ahatāṅgam one whose limbs are not hurt, akṣōbhyāṇām of the imperturbable, samudrāṇām of the seas, kṣōbhaṇam one who causes agitation, kṣiprakāriṇam quick in action.

Ravana whose body was not hurt by the weapons in war with gods, who could perturb even the imperturbable seas, was quick in action.
kṣēptāraṅ parvatēndrāṇāṅ surāṇāṅ ca pramardanam.

ucchēttāraṅ ca dharmāṇāṅ paradārābhimarśanam৷৷3.32.12৷৷

parvatēndrāṇām of great mountains, kṣēptāram who threw, sūrāṇāṅ ca of even gods, pramardanam tormentor, dharmāṇām of dharmas, ucchēttāram destroyer at the root, paradārābhimarśanam one who casts evil eye on the wives of others.

(He was) one who could lift and throw great mountains, torment even gods, violate dharma at the root, and cast an evil eye on the wives of others.
sarvadivyāstrayōktāraṅ yajñavighnakaraṅ sadā.

purīṅ bhōgavatīṅ prāpya parājitya ca vāsukim৷৷3.32.13৷৷

takṣakasya priyāṅ bhāryāṅ parājitya jahāra yaḥ.

sarvadivyāstrayōktāram employ all divine weapons, sadā always, yajñavighnakaram one who creates obstacles for sacrifices, yaḥ such, bhōgavatīm to the city of Bhogavati, purīm city, prāpya
having reached, vāsukim Vasuki the sepent-king, parājitya ca having defeated, takṣakasya Takshaka's, priyām dear, bhāryām wife, parājitya having defeated, jahāra abducted.

He who could employ all divine weapons, disrupt sacrifices, had gone to the city of Bhogavati, defeated Vasuki and abducted the dear wife of Takshaka.
kailāsaparvataṅ gatvā vijitya naravāhanam.

vimānaṅ puṣpakaṅ tasya kāmagaṅ vai jahāra yaḥ৷৷3.32.14৷৷

yaḥ such (Ravana), kailāsaparvatam mount Kailasa, gatvā on going, naravāhanam Kubera, vijitya having conquered, tasya his, kāmagam which can fly at the rider's desire, puṣpakam aerial chariot called Pushpaka, jahāra took away forcibly.

Ravana went to mount Kailasa, conquered Kubera and took away forcibly his aerial chariot Pushpaka which can fly as per the rider's desire;
vanaṅ caitrarathaṅ divyaṅ nalinīṅ nandanaṅ vanam.

vināśayati yaḥ krōdhāddēvōdyānāni vīryavān৷৷3.32.15৷৷

vīryavān valiant, yaḥ he was, caitraratham Chaitraratha, the garden of Kubera, vanam garden, nalinīm lotus-pond, nandanaṅ vanam pleasure garden of Indra, dēvōdyānāni gardens of gods, krōdhāt with anguish, vināśayati destroyed.

Out of anger he destroyed all the gardens of gods like Chitraratha of Kubera full of lotus-ponds and Nandana, the pleasure-garden of Indra.
candrasūryau mahābhāgāvuttiṣṭhantau parantapau.

nivārayati bāhubhyāṅ yaśśailaśikharōpamaḥ৷৷3.32.16৷৷

parantapau scorcher of enemies, śailaśikharōpamaḥ like the peak of a mountain, mahābhāgau of great prowess, candrasūryau Moon and Sun, bāhubhyām with his arms, nivārayati prevents, uttiṣṭhantau while they rise.

He was like the peak of a mountain. He could stop with his arms the great Moon and Sun from rising. He was a scorcher of enemies.
daśavarṣasahasrāṇi tapastapvā mahāvanē.

purā svayaṅbhuvē dhīraśśirāṅsyupajahāra yaḥ৷৷3.32.17৷৷

dhīraḥ steadfast, yaḥ who, purā in the past, mahāvanē in a dense forest, daśavarṣasahasrāṇi ten thousand years, tapaḥ penance, taptvā after performing, svayaṅbhuvē to the Creator, śirāṅsi heads, upajahāra offered.

This steadfast Ravana who had in the past performed penance for ten thousand years in a dense forest offered his heads to the self-born Brahma.

abhayaṅ yasya saṅgrāmē mṛtyutō mānuṣādṛtē৷৷3.32.18৷৷

yasya for whom, saṅgrāmē in war, mānuṣāt ṛtē except by humans, dēvadānavagandharvapiśācapatagōragaiḥ by gods, demons, gandharvas, pisachas birds and snakes, mṛtyutaḥ death, abhayam fearless.

He was unafraid of death in the hands of gods or demons or gandharvas or pisachas or birds or snakes in war except humans.
mantrairabhiṣṭutaṅ puṇyamadhvarēṣu dvijātibhiḥ.

havirdhānēṣu yassōmamupahanti mahābalaḥ৷৷3.32.19৷৷

mahābalaḥ mighty, yaḥ he, adhvarēṣu during sacrifices, havirdhānēṣu at places fit for offering oblations, dvijātibhiḥ by brahmins, abhiṣṭutam extracted, mantrai: by chanting Vedic hymns, puṇyam sacred, sōmam Soma juice, upahanti made impure.

The mighty Ravana defiled the sacred Soma juice, worthy of oblations, extracted by
Brahmins by chanting mantras in scrifices.
āptayajñaharaṅ krūraṅ brahmaghnaṅ duṣṭacāriṇam.

karkaśaṅ niranukrōśaṅ prajānāmahitē ratam৷৷3.32.20৷৷

āptayajñaharam a disrupter of sacrifices at the climax, krūram a cruel one, brahmaghnam destroyer of brahmins, duṣṭacāriṇam one of ruthless conduct, karkaśam a harsh one, niranukrōśam a merciless one, prajānām towards people, ahitē against their welfare, ratam involved.

He disrupted sacrifices at the final stage. He killed brahmins. He was ruthless, harsh, and merciless. He was involved in activities against human welfare.
rāvaṇaṅ sarvabhūtānāṅ sarvalōkabhayāvaham.

rākṣasī bhrātaraṅ śūraṅ sā dadarśa mahābalam৷৷3.32.21৷৷

sā that, rākṣasī demoness i, sarvabhūtānām of all beings, rāvaṇam one who makes others cry, sarvalōkabhayāvaham creates fear among all beings, śūram a valiant, mahābalam very strong, bhrātaram brother, dadarśa saw.

That demoness , Surpanakha saw her very strong,valiant brother Ravana who made all beings cry and created fear in all worlds;
taṅ divyavastrābharaṇaṅ divyamālyōpaśōbhitam.

āsanē sūpaviṣṭaṅ ca kālakālamivōdyatam৷৷3.32.22৷৷

divyavastrābharaṇam resplendently attired and adorned with jewels, divyamālyōpaśōbhitam wearing beautiful garlands, āsanē on the seat, sūpaviṣṭam well seated, udyatam on an elevated throne, kālakālamiva like death even to the lord of death, tam him.

Resplendently attired, adorned with jewels, wearing beautiful gardlands, seated on a raised throne, he(Ravana) was like death to even the lord of death;
rākṣasēndraṅ mahābhāgaṅ paulastyakulanandanam. 3.32.23৷৷

rāvaṇaṅ śatruhantāraṅ mantribhiḥ parivāritam.

abhigamyābravīdvākyaṅ rākṣasī bhayavihvalā৷৷3.32.24৷৷

rākṣasī demoness, bhayavihvalā terrified, rākṣasēndram lord of demons, mahābhāgam of great prowess, paulastyakulanandanam delight of the Paulastya race, śatruhantāram destroyer of enemies, mantribhiḥ by ministers, parivāritam surrounded, rāvaṇam Ravana, abhigamya after reaching, vākyam these words, abravīt said.

On reaching Ravana, the lord of demons, the delight of the Paulastya dynasty, and the destroyer of enemies surrounded by ministers, the terrified, Surpanakha said these words:
tamabravīddīptaviśālalōcanaṅ pradarśayitvā bhayamōhamūrchitā.

sudāruṇaṅ vākyamabhītacāriṇī mahātmanā śūrpaṇakhā virūpitā৷৷3.32.25৷৷

abhītacāriṇī fearless wanderer, mahātmanā great Lakshmana, virūpitā disfigured, śūrpaṇakhā Surpanakha, bhayamōhamūrchitā overcome by fear, pradarśayitvā showing, dīptaviśālalōcanam of large, glittering eyes, tam him, sudāruṇam cruel, vākyam these words, abravīt said.

Showing her body disfigured by great Lakshmana, Surpanakha, the fearless wanderer, overwhelmed with fear said these cruel words to Ravana sitting with large, glittering eyes:
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē araṇyakāṇḍē dvātriṅśassargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the thirtysecond sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.