Sloka & Translation

[Maricha's narration of his experience of Rama's strength--explains to Ravana the consequences of waging a war with Rama.]

कदाचिदप्यहं वीर्यात्पर्यटन्पृथिवीमिमाम्।

बलं नागसहस्रस्य धारयन्पर्वतोपमः।।3.38.1।।


भयं लोकस्य जनयन्किरीटी परिघायुधः।।3.38.2।।

व्यचरं दण्डकारण्ये ऋषिमांसानि भक्षयन्।

कदाचित् at one time, अहमपि I also, वीर्यात् out of prowess, इमाम् this, पृथिवीम् earth, पर्यटन् while wandering, नागसहस्रस्य thousands of elephants, बलम् strength, धारयन् while possesed, पर्वतोपमः like a mountain, नीलजीमूतसङ्काशः looked like a dark cloud, तप्तकाञ्चनकुण्डलः bright gold earrings, किरीटी crown, परिघायुधः spear, लोकस्य among people, भयम् fear, जनयन् creating, ऋषिमांसानि flesh of ascetics, भक्षयन् eating, दण्डकारण्ये in Dandaka forest, व्यचरम् I was moving about.

Once I was roaming the earth, like a mountain possessing the strength of a thousand elephants, like a dark cloud, wearing bright gold earrings and crown,holding a spear in hand, terrorising the people. I was wandering in Dandaka forest feeding on the flesh of ascetics.
विश्वामित्रोऽथ धर्मात्मा मद्वित्रस्तो महामुनिः।।3.38.3।।

स्वयं गत्वा दशरथं नरेन्द्रमिदमब्रवीत्।

अथ hence, धर्मात्मा righteous, विश्वामित्रः Visvamitra, महामुनिः great sage, मद्वित्रस्तः afraid of me, स्वयम् he himself, नरेन्द्रम् king, दशरथम् Dasaratha, गत्वा went इदम् these words, अब्रवीत् said.

Hence the great sage, righteous Visvamitra afraid of me, went to king Dasaratha and said:
अद्य रक्षतु मां रामः पर्वकाले समाहितः।।3.38.4।।

मारीचान्मे भयं घोरं समुत्पन्नं नरेश्वर।

नरेश्वर king, मारीचात् from Maricha, मे myself, घोरं (महत्) very, भयम् fear, समुत्पन्नम् has been created, अद्य now, रामः Rama, समाहितः composed, पर्वकाले while doing sacrifice at the time of lunar conjunctions on full moon and new moon days, माम् रक्षतु protect me.

'O king Maricha has created in me a great fear. Spare the self possessed Rama to protect me while I do the sacrifice.'
इत्येवमुक्तो धर्मात्मा राजा दशरथस्तदा।।3.38.5।।

प्रत्युवाच महाभागं विश्वामित्रं महामुनिम्।

इत्येवम् thus, उक्तः spoken, धर्मात्मा righteous, राजा king, दशरथः Dasaratha, तदा then, महाभागम् the glorious, महामुनिम् the great sage, विश्वामित्रम् Visvamitra, प्रत्युवाच replied.

When the great, venerable sage Visvamitra said so, the righteous king Dasaratha replied:
बालो द्वादशवर्षोऽयमकृतास्त्रश्च राघवः।।3.38.6।।

कामं तु मम यत्सैन्यं मया सह गमिष्यति।

अयम् this lad, राघवः Rama, बालः young one, द्वादशवर्षे: twelve years old, अकृतास्त्रश्च not experienced in the use of weapons, मम mine, यत् that, सैन्यम् army, कामम् surely, मया सह along with me, गमिष्यति will come,

'My son Rama is only twelve. He is not experienced in the use of weapons. I shall accompany you with my army.
बलेन चतुरङ्गेण स्वयमेत्य निशाचरान्।।3.38.7।।

वधिष्यामि मुनिश्रेष्ठ शत्रूंस्ते मनसेप्सितान्।

मुनिश्रेष्ठ O distinguished sage, चतुरङ्गेन with four divisions (elephants, horses, cavalry and infantry)of the army, बलेन with army, स्वयम् I myself, एत्य after coming, ते your, शत्रून् enemies, मनसा in your mind, ईप्सितान् desired ones, निशाचरान् nightwalkers, वधिष्यामि I will slay.

'O distinguished sage with the four divisions of my army I will slay the enemies you want me to.'
इत्येवमुक्तस्समुनी राजानमिदमब्रवीत्।।3.38.8।।

रामान्नान्यद्बलं लोके पर्याप्तं तस्य रक्षसः।

इत्येवम् in that way, उक्त addressed, सः मुनिः that sage, राजानम् to the king, इदम् these words, अब्रवीत् said, रामात् excepting Rama, अन्यत् other, बलम् strength, तस्य रक्षसः for that demon, लोके in this world, न पर्याप्तम् not enough.

When the king thus responded to the sage, he told him that none other than Rama in this world is a match for that demon.
देवतानामपि भवान् समरेष्वभिपालकः।।3.38.9।।

आसीत्तव कृतं कर्म त्रिलोके विदितं नृप।

नृप O king, भवान् you, समरेषु in wars, देवतानामपि even to gods, अभिपालकः a guardian, कृतम् help, तव your, कर्म deed, त्रिलोके in the three worlds, विदितम् well known, आसीत् was.

'O king, you have protected even gods in wars and have been a guardian. Your deeds are very wellknown in the three worlds.
काममस्तु महत्सैन्यं तिष्ठत्विह परन्तप।।3.38.10।।

बालोऽप्येष महातेजास्समर्थस्तस्य निग्रहे।

गमिष्ये राममादाय स्वस्ति तेऽस्तु परन्तप।।3.38.11।।

परन्तप O scourge of the foes, महत् great, सैन्यम् army, अस्तु कामम् so you wish, इह here, तिष्ठतु let it stay, महातेजाः glorious one, एषः he, बालोऽपि even if he is a boy, तस्य his, निग्रहे in suppressing, समर्थः capable, परन्तप subduer of enemy, रामम् Rama, आदाय after taking, गमिष्ये I will go, ते to you, स्वस्ति auspicious, अस्तु be.

'O scourge of foes as you wish, let your great army wait here. Even though Rama is young he is glorious, and capable of subduing the enemy. I will take him. Be blessed.'
एवमुक्त्वा तु स मुनिस्तमादाय नृपात्मजम्।

जगाम परमप्रीतो विश्वामित्रस्स्वमाश्रमम्।।3.38.12।।

सः that, विश्वामित्रः मुनिः sage Visvamitra, एवम् in that way, उक्त्वा having said, परमप्रीतः very happily, तम् him, नृपात्मजम् prince Rama, आदाय after taking, स्वम् his, आश्रमम् hermitage, जगाम went.

Sage Visvamitra saying so took the son of the king and went back very happily to his hermitage.
तं तदा दण्डकारण्ये यज्ञमुद्दिश्य दीक्षितम्।

बभूवोपस्थितो रामश्चित्रं विष्फारयन्धनुः।।3.38.13।।

तदा then, रामः Rama, दण्डकारण्ये in Dandaka forest, यज्ञम् Yagna, उद्दिश्य for the purpose, दीक्षितम् settled in rigorous religious discipline(vow), तम् him, उपस्थितः standing by, चित्रम् wonderful, धनुः bow, विष्फारयन् while stretching, बभूव became.

Then Rama was initiated for the protection of sacrifices and stood on guard, stretching his wonderful bow.

एकवस्त्रधरो धन्वी शिखी कनकमालया।।3.38.14।।

शोभयन् दण्डकारण्यं दीप्तेन स्वेन तेजसा।

अदृश्यत ततो रामो बालचन्द्र इवोदितः।।3.38.15।।

ततः thereafter, अजातव्यञ्जनः with beards ungrown, श्रीमान् handsome, पद्मपत्रनिभेक्षणः having eyes like lotus petals, एकवस्त्रधरः clad in a single garment, धन्वी wielding bow, शिखी wearing a knot of hair on the head, कनकमालया with a gold chain, दीप्तेन luminous, स्वेन by his, तेजसा by lustre, दण्डकारण्यम् Dandaka forest, शोभयन् beautifying, रामः Rama, उदितः just risen, बालचन्द्र इव like young Moon, अदृश्यत looked.

Thereafter, handsome Rama, with eyes like lotus petals, beards ungrown, clad in a single garment with knotted hair on the head, wielding a bow, with a chain of gold, luminous with his own lustre enhanced the glory of Dandaka forest by looking like the young moon just risen.
ततोऽहं मेघसङ्काशस्तप्तकाञ्चनकुण्डलः।

बली दत्तवरोदर्पादाजगाम तदाश्रमम्।।3.38.16।।

ततः then, मेघसङ्काशः looking like a dark hued cloud, तप्तकाञ्चनकुण्डलः wearing bright golden earrings, बली a strong man, दत्तवरः bestowed with boons, अहम् I, दर्पात् with pride, तदाश्रमम् the hermitage, आजगाम arrived.

Then looking like a dark cloud, wearing bright golden earrings, proud of power bestowed on me with boons, I arrived at the hermitage.
तेन दृष्टः प्रविष्टोऽहं सहसैवोद्यतायुधः।

मां तु दृष्ट्वा धनुस्सज्यमसम्भ्रान्तश्चकार सः।।3.38.17।।

उद्यतायुधः with raised weapons, प्रविष्टः entered, अहम् I, सहसैव at once, तेन by him, Rama, दृष्टः seen, सः he, माम् me, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, असम्भ्रान्तः unperturbed, धनुः bow, सज्यम्
stringing, चकार did.

I entered at once and lifted my weapons. Rama saw me and unperturbed, started stringing his bow.
अवजानन्नहं मोहाद्बालोऽयमिति राघवम्।

विश्वामित्रस्य तां वेदिमभ्यधावं कृतत्वरः।।3.38.18।।

अहम् I, मोहात् due to delusion, अयम् this, बालः young boy, इति in this way, राघवम् Rama, अवजानन् underestimating, कृतत्वरः making sounds, विश्वामित्रस्य Visvamitra's, ताम् that, वेदिम् sacrificial altar, अभ्यधावम् ran towards the same.

Out of my delusion I underestimated the young boy, and screaming, ran towards Visvamitra's sacrificial altar.
तेन मुक्तस्ततो बाणः शितश्शत्रुनिबर्हणः।

तेनाहं त्वाहतः क्षिप्तस्समुद्रे शतयोजने।।3.38.19।।

ततः then, तेन by him, शत्रुनिबर्हणः a subduer of enemy, शितः sharp, बाणः arrow, मुक्तः unleashed, अहम् on me, तेन with that, आहतः struck, शतयोजने one hundred yojanas away, समुद्रे into the sea, आक्षिप्त: I was thrown.

Then Rama released a sharp arrow that could kill the enemy. It struck me and threw me at a distance of hundred yojanas into the sea.
नेच्छता तात मां हन्तुं तदा वीरेण रक्षितः।

रामस्य शरवेगेन निरस्तोऽहमचेतनः।।3.38.20।।

तात O dear, तदा then, माम् me, हन्तुम् to kill, नेच्छता by not intending, वीरेण रक्षितः protected by the hero, रामस्य Rama's, शरवेगेन by the speed of his dart, अचेतनः lost conciousness, अहम् I, निरस्तः thrown away.

O dear being thrown away by the speed of his dart I lost my consciousness. I was protected by Rama who did not want to kill me.
पातितोऽहं तदा तेन गम्भीरे सागराम्भसि।

प्राप्य संज्ञां चिरात्तात लङ्कां प्रतिगतः पुरीम्।।3.38.21।।

तात O dear, तदा then, अहम् I, गम्भीरे in deep, सागराम्भसि in sea water, पातितः was thrown, चिरात् after a long time, संज्ञाम् consciousess, प्राप्य after attaining, लङ्कां पुरीम् city of Lanka, प्रतिगतः went towards.

O dear I was thrown into the deep sea and after a long time regained consciousness and returned to the city of Lanka.
एवमस्मि तदा मुक्तस्सहायास्तु निपातिताः।

अकृतास्त्रेण बालेन रामेणाक्लिष्टकर्मणा।।3.38.22।।

तदा then, अकृतास्त्रेण who had not mastered archery, बालेन by the young boy, अक्लिष्टकर्मणा by one who acomplishes any task with ease, रामेण by Rama, एवम् in that way, मुक्तः अस्मि I was spared, सहायास्तु others who accompanied me, निपातिताः were destroyed.

That way I was spared by the young boy who was not versed in archery and who could still accomplish the task with ease.Those who accompanied me were destroyed.
तन्मया वार्यमाणस्त्वं यदि रामेण विग्रहम्।

करिष्यस्यापदं घोरां क्षिप्रं प्राप्स्यसि रावण।।3.38.23।।

रावण Ravana, तत् that, मया by me, वार्यमाणः while being prevented, त्वम् you, रामेण with Rama, विग्रहम् conflict, करिष्यसि यदि if you wage, क्षिप्रम् very soon, घोराम् dreadful, आपदम् calamity, प्राप्स्यसि you will face.

If you pick up conflict with Rama even while being warned by me you will soon face a
dreadful calamity.
क्रीडारतिविधिज्ञानां समाजोत्सवशालिनाम्।

रक्षसां चैव सन्तापमनर्थं चाहरिष्यसि।।3.38.24।।

क्रीडारतिविधिज्ञानाम् of those who know lovesport, समाजोत्सवशालिनाम् of those who celebrate community festivals, रक्षसां चैव of demons too, सन्तापम् grief, अनर्थं च disaster, आहरिष्यसि you will bring.

You will bring grief and disaster into the lives of demons who are sporting in love and who are in the habit of celebrating community festivals with joy.
हर्म्यप्रासादसम्बाधां नानारत्नविभूषिताम्।

द्रक्ष्यसि त्वं पुरीं लङ्कां विनष्टां मैथिलीकृते।।3.38.25।।

हर्म्यप्रासादसम्बाधाम् with magnificent royal mansions, नानारत्नविभूषिताम् embellisted with various gems, लङ्कां पुरीम् city of Lanka, त्वम् you, मैथिलीकृते for the sake of Sita, विनष्टाम् ruined, द्रक्ष्यसि you will see.

You will see the city of Lanka dotted with magnificent royal mansions embellished with different kinds of gems ruined for the sake of Sita.
अकुर्वन्तोऽपि पापानि शुचयः पापसंश्रयात्।

परपापैर्विनश्यन्ति मत्स्या नागह्रदे यथा।।3.38.26।।

पापानि sins, अकुर्वन्तोऽपि even without committing, शुचयः pure men, पापसंश्रयात् by contact with sinners, नागह्रदे in a pool of serpents, मत्स्याः यथा like the fish, परपापैः sins committed by others, विनश्यन्ति will be destroyed.

Even without committing any sin those pure souls because they keep company with sinners will be destroyed for the sins of others just like fishes in a pool of serpents.

द्रक्ष्यस्यभिहतान्भूमौ तव दोषात्तु राक्षसान्।।3.38.27।।

दिव्यचन्दनदिग्धाङ्गान् with limbs smeared with sandal paste and unguents, दिव्याभरणभूषितान् adorned with excellent ornaments, राक्षसान् demons, तव दोषात् for your mistakes, भूमौ on this earth, अभिहतान् killed, द्रक्ष्यसि you will see.

You will see the demons who smear their limbs with sandal paste and unguents, who are adorned with excellent ornaments slain and laid on the ground for your mistakes.
हृतदारान् सदारांश्च दश विद्रवतो दिशः।

हतशेषानशरणान्द्रक्ष्यसि त्वं निशाचरान्।।3.38.28।।

हतशेषान् the surviving, निशाचरान् demons, हृतदारान् with their wives abducted, सदारांश्च those with wives, अशरणान् with none to take care of them, दश दिशः in ten directions, विद्रवतः while running, त्वम् you, द्रक्ष्यसि you will see.

You will see the rest of the demons with their wives gone or fleeing in all directions helplessly with none to take care of them.

प्रदग्धभवनां लङ्कां द्रक्ष्यसि त्वं न संशयः।।3.38.29।।

शरजालपरिक्षिप्ताम् scattered arrows, अग्निज्वालासमावृताम् surrounded by flames of fire, प्रदग्धभवनाम् with buildings on fire, लङ्काम् Lanka, त्वम् you, द्रक्ष्यसि you will see, संशयः doubt, न not.

You will undoubtedly see Lanka filled with arrows, surrounded by flames of fire and its buildings on fire.
परदाराभिमर्शात्तु नान्यत्पापतरं महत्।

प्रमदानां सहस्रं च तव राजन्परिग्रहः।।3.38.30।।

परदाराभिमर्शात् violating the chastity of others' wives, पापतरम् a greater sin, महत् highly, अन्यत् other thing, न not, राजन् O king, प्रमदानाम् women सहस्रम् thousand, तव your, परिग्रहःwhom you married,

O king there is no sin greater than violating the chastity of others wives, when you have married a thousand lovely women.
भव स्वदारनिरतस्वकुलं रक्ष राक्षस।

मानमृद्धिं च राज्यं च जीवितं चेष्टमात्मनः।।3.38.31।।

राक्षस O demon, स्वदारनिरतः enjoy your own wives, भव be, स्वकुलम् your race, रक्ष you protect, मानम् prestige, ऋद्धिं च prosperity also, राज्यं च kingdom too, आत्मनः your, इष्टम् dear, जीवितं च and your life.

Enjoy with your wives. Protect your race, prestige, kingdom, prosperity and your own dear life.
कलत्राणि च सौम्यानि मित्रवर्गं तथैव च।

यदीच्छसि चिरं भोक्तं मा कृथा रामविप्रियम्।।3.38.32।।

सौम्यानि beautiful ones, कलत्राणि wives, तथैव च similarly, मित्रवर्गम् friends, चिरम् for a long time, भोक्तुम् to enjoy, इच्छसि यदि wish to, राम विप्रियम् offence to Rama, मा कृथाः do not do.

If you wish to enjoy your beautiful wives and your good friends for long, do not create enmity with Rama.
निवार्यमाणस्सुहृदा मया भृशं प्रसह्य सीतां यदि धर्षयिष्यसि।

गमिष्यसि क्षीणबलस्सबान्धवो यमक्षयं रामशरात्तजीवितः।।3.38.33।।

सुहृदा by a friend, मया by myself, भृशम् profusely, निवार्यमाणः prevented, सीताम् Sita, प्रसह्य forcibly, धर्षयिष्यसि यदि if you violate Sita, क्षीणबलः with reduced strength, सबान्धवः along with your kin, रामशरात्तजीवितः your life taken away by Rama's arrows, यमक्षयम् abode of Yama , गमिष्यसि you will go.

If you violate Sita forcibly notwithstanding my friendly warning, your life will be drained by the arrows of Rama and you will reach the abode of Yama with your kith and kin, your strength depleted.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे अष्टत्रिंशस्सर्गः।
Thus ends the thirtyeighth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.