Sloka & Translation

[Maricha's admonitions and warnings to Ravana]

आज्ञप्तो राजवद्वाक्यं प्रतिकूलं निशाचरः।

अब्रवीत्परुषं वाक्यं मारीचो राक्षसाधिपम्।।3.41.1।।

निशाचरः demon, प्रतिकूलम् adversely, राजवत् royal, आज्ञप्तः commanded, मारीचः Maricha, राक्षसाधिपम् to the king of the demons, परुषम् harsh, वाक्यम् words, अब्रवीत् said.

At this royal command which was against his interest Maracha used harsh words to the demonking:
केनायमुपदिष्टस्ते विनाशः पापकर्मणा।

सपुत्रस्य सराष्ट्रस्य सामात्यस्य निशाचर।।3.41.2।।

निशाचर Ravana, सपुत्रस्य with your sons, सराष्ट्रस्य with the kingdom, सामात्यस्य with the ministers, ते to you, अयम् this, विनाशः destruction, पापकर्मणा sinful action, केन by whom, उपदिष्टः advised.

Who is that sinner who has given you this advice which will spell destruction on you, your sons, your kingdom and your ministers ?
कस्त्वया सुखिना राजन्नाभिनन्दति पापकृत्।

केनेदमुपदिष्टं ते मृत्युद्वारमुपायतः।।3.41.3।।

राजन् king, कः who, पापकृत् sinner, सुखिना happy one, त्वया by you, नाभिनन्दति not tolerate, मृत्युद्वारम् death gate, इदम् this, केन by whom, ते you, उपायतः cunningly, उपदिष्टम् advised.

Which sinner is not able to see you happy? O king by whom is this gate of death
shown to you cunningly?
शत्रवस्तव सुव्यक्तं हीनवीर्या निशाचराः।

इच्छन्ति त्वां विनश्यन्तमुपरुद्धं बलीयसा।।3.41.4।।

तव your, शत्रवः enemies, हीनवीर्याः deprived of valour, निशाचराः demons, त्वाम् you, बलीयसा by a strong person, उपरुद्धम् obstructed, विनश्यन्तम् being destroyed, इच्छन्ति they like, सुव्यक्तम् it is very clear,

This is clear that your enemy demons are now powerless. Hence they want you to be engaged with a stronger power and be destroyed.
केनेदमुपदिष्टं ते क्षुद्रेणाहितवादिना।

यस्त्वामिच्छति नश्यन्तं स्वकृतेन निशाचर।।3.41.5।।

निशाचर O nightwalker (Ravana), यः he who, त्वाम् to you, स्वकृतेन by your own action, नश्यन्तम् being destroyed, इच्छति wishes, क्षुद्रेण by a mean fellow, अहितवादिना one who gives wrong advice, केन by whom, इदम् this, ते to you, उपदिष्टम् advised.

O Ravana by which mean fellow is this advice given against your welfare? Who wants you to be destroyed by your own action.
वध्याः खलु न हन्यन्ते सचिवास्तव रावण।

ये त्वामुत्पथमारूढं न निगृह्णन्ति सर्वशः।।3.41.6।।

रावण Ravana, उत्पथम् wrong path, आरूढम् you ascended, त्वाम् you, ये those, सर्वशः by all means, न निगृह्णन्ति do not prevent, तव सचिवाः your ministers, वध्याः खलु deserve to be slayed, न हन्यन्ते they are not slain?

O Ravana the ministers should have prevented you by all means from adopting this wrong path. Since they have not done so, they deserve to be spain.
अमात्यैः कामवृत्तो हि राजा कापथमाश्रितः।

निग्राह्यस्सर्वथा सदभिर्न निग्राह्यो निगृह्यसे।।3.41.7।।

कामवृत्तः lustful, कापथम् evil path, आश्रितः resorted to, राजा king, सद्भि: by the good people, अमात्यैः by ministers, सर्वथा always, निग्राह्यः हि should be stopped, निग्राह्यः prevent, न निगृह्यसे not prevented.

Good ministrers should always prevent a lustful king from taking resourse to an evil path. Why were you not stopped, even though you deserve to be checked.
धर्ममर्थं च कामं च यशश्च जयतां वर।

स्वामिप्रसादात्सचिवाः प्राप्नुवन्ति निशाचर।।3.41.8।।

जयताम् among the successful, वर best, निशाचर demons, Ravana, सचिवाः ministers, धर्मम् righteousness, अर्थं च prosperity, कामं च and pleasures, यशश्च and fame, स्वामिप्रसादात् by the grace of the king, प्राप्नुवन्ति attain.

O Ravana the best among the successful ministers attain piety, prosperity, pleasures and fame by the grace of the king.
विपर्यये तु तत्सर्वं व्यर्थं भवति रावण।

व्यसनं स्वामिवैगुण्यात्प्राप्नुवन्तीतरे जनाः।।3.41.9।।

रावण Ravana, विपर्यये if it be otherwise, तत् then, सर्वम् everything (the four attainments), व्यर्थं भवति will become useless, स्वामि वैगुण्यात् by the vices of the king, इतरे जनाः others, व्यसनम् calamity, प्राप्नुवन्ति suffer.

Otherwise evrything will become useless, O Ravana Others will suffer calamities on account of their master's vices.
राजमूलो हि धर्मश्च जयश्च जयतां वर।

तस्मात्सर्वास्ववस्थासु रक्षितव्या नराधिपाः।।3.41.10।।

जयताम् among the victorious, वर best one, धर्मश्च righteousness, जयश्च victory, राजमूल: the king is the root, हि indeed, तस्मात् therefore, सर्वासु in all, अवस्थासु stages, नराधिपाः kings, रक्षितव्याः deserve to be protected.

O Ravana, the best among the victorious indeed the king is at the root of righteousness and victory.Therefore, the king should be protected by all at every stage.
राज्यं पालयितुं शक्यं न तीक्ष्णेन निशाचर।

न चापि प्रतिकूलेन नाविनीतेन राक्षस।।3.41.11।।

राक्षस demons, निशाचर nightwalker, तीक्ष्णेन by a rude one, राज्यम् kingdom, पालयितुम् to rule, न शक्यम् is not possible, प्रतिकूलेन by a hostile one, न not, अविनीतेन by an impolite one, न not.

O nightwalking demon a kingdom cannnot be governed by a king who is rude or hostile or impolite.
ये तीक्ष्णमन्त्रास्सचिवा भज्यन्ते सह तेन वै।

विषमे तुरगा श्शीघ्रा मन्दसारथयो यथा।।3.41.12।।

ये whoever, सचिवाः ministers, तीक्ष्णमन्त्राः who adopt improper strategies, मन्दसारथयः when the charioteer is driving slow, शीघ्राः swiftly, तुरगाः horses, विषमे यथा on a rugged surface, likewise, तेन by that, सह along with, भज्यन्ते वै are overthrown.

Ministers who adopt improper strategies go down along with the king just like swift horses driven by a slow charioteer on a rugged terrain.
बहवस्साधवो लोके युक्ता धर्ममनुष्ठिताः।

परेषामपराधेन विनष्टास्सपरिच्छदाः।।3.41.13।।

लोके in this world, युक्ताः engaged, धर्मम् rightful duty, अनुष्ठिताः following, बहवः many, साधवः pious, परेषाम् of others, अपराधेन by their mistakes, सपरिच्छदाः along with their kith and kin, विनष्टाः ruined.

Persons who walk the righteous path go down in this world along with their kith and kin due to the mistakes committed by others .
स्वामिना प्रतिकूलेन प्रजास्तीक्ष्णेन रावण।

रक्ष्यमाणा न वर्धन्ते मेषा गोमायुना यथा।।3.41.14।।

रावण Ravana, प्रतिकूलेन by an unfavourable, तीक्ष्णेन by a rude one, स्वामिना by the master, रक्ष्यमाणाः protected, प्रजाः people, गोमायुना by a jackal, मेषाः यथा like sheep, न वर्धन्ते do not grow.

O Ravana, people who are ruled by a cruel and hostile king will not grow like the sheep protected by a jackal.
अवश्यं विनशिष्यन्ति सर्वे रावण राक्षसाः।

येषां त्वं कर्कशो राजा दुर्बुद्धिरजितेन्द्रियः।।3.41.15।।

रावण O Ravana, येषाम् of whom, कर्कशः rude , दुर्बुद्धि: evilminded, अजितेन्द्रियः having no control over the senses, त्वम् you, राजा king, सर्वे all, राक्षसाः demons, अवश्यम् surely, विनशिष्यन्ति perish.

Under a rude, crooked king whose senses are not under his control the demons will surely perish.
तदिदं काकतालीयं घोरमासादितं मया।

अत्र किं शोचनीयस्त्वं ससैन्यो विनशिष्यसि।।3.41.16।।

मया I, काकतालीयम् accidental, घोरम् dreadful, तत् that, इदम् this, आसादितम् reached, अत्र here, किम् what, त्वम् you, शोचनीयः deplorable, ससैन्यः along with your army, विनशिष्यसि will perish.

I am faced with this dreadful disaster accidentally. You will not only be in a miserable state because of your misdeeds, you will perish along with your army.
मां निहत्य तु रामश्च न चिरात्त्वां वधिष्यति।

अनेन कृतकृत्योऽस्मि म्रियेयमरिणा हतः।।3.41.17।।

रामः Rama, माम् me, निहत्य after killing, न चिरात् soon, त्वाम् you, वधिष्यति will kill, अरिणा by the enemy, हतः slayed, म्रियेयम् I will die, अनेन by this, कृतकृत्यः accomplished, अस्मि I will be.

Rama will kill you not long after killing me.Hence even if I die in the hands of the enemy, my desire will be fulfilled.
दर्शनादेव रामस्य हतं मामवधारय।

आत्मानं च हतं विद्धि हृत्वा सीतां सबान्धवम्।।3.41.18।।

रामस्य Rama's, दर्शनादेव by mere sight, माम् me, हतम् a dead one, अवधारय presume, सीताम् Sita, हृत्वा abducting, सबान्धवम् along with your kith and kin, आत्मानम् yourself, हतम् killed, विद्धि understand.

Yu most understand that if I die at the very sight of Rama, you along with your relatives will perish with the abduction of Sita.
आनयिष्यसि चेत्सीतामाश्रमात्सहितो मया।

नैवत्वमसि नाहं च नैव लङ्का न राक्षसाः।।3.41.19।।

मया सहितः along with me, आश्रमात् from the hermitage, सीताम् Sita, आनयिष्यसि चेत् if you bring, त्वम् नैव असि you will not survive, अहं च I also, न लङ्का nor Lanka, नैव not, राक्षसाः
demons, न not.

If you bring Sita from the hermitage with my assistance, know that none of us will surviveyou nor I, nor Lanka , nor the demons.
निवार्यमाणस्तु मया हितैषिणा न मृष्यसे वाक्यमिदं निशाचर।

परेतकल्पा हि गतायुषो नरा हितं न गृह्णन्ति सुहृद्भिरीरितम्।।3.41.20।।

निशाचर Ravana, हितैषिणा by your wellwisher, मया by me, निवार्यमाणः warned, इदम् this, वाक्यम् words, न मृष्यसे do not comprehend, गतायुषः men of reduced life span, परेतकल्पाः almost dead, नराः people, सुहृद्भि: by friends, ईरितम् told, हितम् good advice, न गृह्णन्ति हि not accept.

O Ravana, you do not understand this word of warning coming from your wellwisher. Men who are going to die do not heed the advice given by their friends.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे एकचत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fortyfirst sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.