Sloka & Translation

[Jatayu sees Ravana carrying Sita-- pleads with Ravana to return Sita-- Ravana pays no heed Jatayu fights with Ravana.]

तं शब्दमवसुप्तस्तु जटायुरथ शुश्रुवे।

निरीक्ष्य रावणं क्षिप्रं वैदेहीं च ददर्श सः।।3.50.1।।

अवसुप्तः reposing, जटायुः Jatayu, तं शब्दम् that sound, शुश्रुवे heard, अथ and, सः he, क्षिप्रम् at once, निरीक्ष्य observed, रावणम् Ravana, वैदेहीं च and Vaidehi, ददर्श saw.

While reposing, Jatayu heard the cry and at once looked up and saw Ravana and Vaidehi.
ततः पर्वतकूटाभस्तीक्ष्णतुण्डः खगोत्तमः।

वनस्पतिगतश्श्रीमान्व्याजहार शुभां गिरम्।।3.50.2।।

ततः then, पर्वतकूटाभः looking like a part of the mountain, तीक्ष्णतुण्डः sharpbeaked, श्रीमान् glorious, वनस्पतिगतः from the top of the tree, खगोत्तमः best among birds, शुभाम् auspicious, गिरम् words, व्याजहार uttered.

Glorious Jatayu, the best among the birds, looked like the peak of a mountain.
His beak was sharp. His words were auspious. He spoke from the top of the tree:
दशग्रीव स्थितो धर्मे पुराणे सत्यसंश्रयः।

जटायुर्नाम नाम्नाहं गृध्रराजो महाबलः।।3.50.3।।

दशग्रीव tenheaded Ravana, अहम् I, पुराणे धर्मे in eternal dharma, स्थितः adhering to dharma, सत्यसंश्रयः who abides in truth, महाबलः mighty, गृध्रराजः king of vultures, नाम्ना by name, जटायुर्नाम Jatayu.

O tenheaded Ravana, I am Jatayu, king of vultures. I am mighty. An eternal follower, of dharma, I am an adherent to truth.
राजा सर्वस्य लोकस्य महेन्द्रवरुणोपमः।

लोकानां च हिते युक्तो रामो दशरथात्मजः।।3.50.4।।

दशरथात्मजः Dasaratha's son, रामः Rama, सर्वस्य of the entire, लोकस्य world, राजा king, महेन्द्रवरुणोपमः equal to Indra and Varuna, लोकानाम् in the world, हिते in the wellbeing, युक्तः engaged.

Rama, Dasaratha's son, is the king of the entire world. He is equal to Indra and Varuna. He is ever engaged in the welfare of the entire world.
तस्यैषा लोकनाथस्य धर्मपत्नी यशस्विनी।

सीता नाम वरारोहा यां त्वं हर्तुमिहेच्छसि।।3.50.5।।

याम् whom, त्वम् you, इह from here, हर्तुम् to take away, इच्छसि are desiring, एषा she is, सीता नाम Sita by name, वरारोहा a beautiful lady, यशस्विनी illustrious, लोकनाथस्य of the lord of the world, तस्य his, धर्मपत्नी wife.

The lady you want to abduct from here is the famous Sita, the lawful wife of Rama, the lord of the world.
कथं राजास्थितो धर्मे परदारान्परामृशेत्।

रक्षणीया विशेषेण राजदारा महाबल।।3.50.6।।

धर्मे in righteousness, स्थितः adheres, राजा king, परदारान् another's wife, कथम् how, परामृशेत् can any one violate, महाबल powerful, राजदाराः king's wife, विशेषेण specially, रक्षणीयाः should be protected.

How can a king who adheres to righteousness outrage another's wife ? O powerful one, a king's wife in particular should be protected.
निवर्तय मतिं नीचां परदाराभिमर्शनात्।

न तत्समाचरेद्धीरो यत्परोऽस्य विगर्हयेत्।।3.50.7।।

यथात्मनस्तथान्येषां दारा रक्ष्या विपश्चिता।

नीचाम् mean, मतिम् in mind, परदाराभिमर्शनात् thought of touching another's wife, निवर्तय refrain yourself, परः others, अस्य his, यत् such deeds, विगर्हयेत् if he reproaches, तत् that, धीरः learned, न समाचरेत् should not adopt, विपश्चिता by the wise man, आत्मनः his own, यथा likewise, तथा in the same way, अन्येषाम् another's, दाराः wife, रक्ष्याः be protected.

Refrain yourself from the vile thought of violating other's wives. Wise men do not adopt what is censured by others. Just like one's own, the wise should protect other's wives.
धर्ममर्थं वा कामं वा शिष्टाश्शास्त्रेष्वनागतम्।।3.50.8।।

व्यवस्यन्त्यनु राजानं धर्मं पौलस्त्यनन्दन।

पौलस्त्यनन्दन O son of Paulastya, शिष्टाः learned, शास्त्रेषु sastras, अनागतम् unknown, अर्थं वा wish for material, यदि वा even if, कामम् pleasures, धर्मम् righteousness, राजानम् अनु kings follow, व्यवस्यन्ति prescribe.

O son of Paulastya learned men determine the path of dharma artha and kama, following a king's conduct even if they are not declared in sastras.
राजा धर्मस्य कामस्य द्रव्याणां चोत्तमो निधिः।।3.50.9।।

धर्मश्शुभं वा पापं वा राजमूलं प्रवर्तते।

धर्मस्य of righteousness, कामस्य of pleasures, द्रव्याणां च and for material wealth, राजा king, उत्तमः best, निधिः repository, धर्मः righteousness, शुभंवा good or, पापं वा or bad, राजमूलम् king is at the root, प्रवर्तते is practised.

A king is the best repository of rigteousness, material wealth and pleasures. The king is the root of dharma, virtue and sin.
पापस्वभावश्चपलः कथं त्वं रक्षसां वर।।3.50.10।।

ऐश्वर्यमभिसम्प्राप्तो विमानमिव दुष्कृतिः।

रक्षसाम् of demons, वर best one, पापस्वभावः of sinful nature, चपलः fickleminded, त्वम् you are, दुष्कृतिः who does forbidden acts, विमानमिव like this celestial chariot, ऐश्वर्यम् wealth, कथम् how, अभिसम्प्राप्तः did you get?

O best of demons by nature you are sinful, and fickleminded. You do all forbidden acts. Otherwise,how could you get this wealth, like the celestial chariot?
कामं स्वभावो यो यस्य न शक्यः परिमार्जितुम्।।3.50.11।।

न हि दुष्टात्मनामार्यमावसत्यालये चिरम्।

यः whatever, यस्य his, स्वभावः nature, परिमार्जितुम् to erase, कामम् indeed, न शक्यः not possible, दुष्टात्मनाम् evilminded people, आलये in the house, चिरम् for long time, आर्यम् prosperity, न आवसति हि will not be.

Indeed, it is not possible to erase the nature of any one, whatever it be. Prosperity does not rest for long in the house of the evilminded.
विषये वा पुरे वा ते यदा रामो महाबलः।।3.50.12।।

नापराध्यति धर्मात्मा कथं तस्यापराध्यसि।

महाबलः powerful, धर्मात्मा righteous self, रामः Rama, यदा since, ते to you, विषये वा in your kingdom, पुरे वा or in the city, नापराध्यति has not offended, तस्य his, कथम् how, अपराध्यसि do you offend.

Powerful and righteous Rama has not offended you, your kingdom or your city. Why do you offend him?
यदि शूर्पणखाहेतोर्जनस्थानगतः खरः।।3.50.13।।

अतिवृत्तो हतः पूर्वं रामेणाक्लिष्टकर्मणा।

अत्र ब्रूहि यथातत्त्वं को रामस्य व्यतिक्रमः।।3.50.14।।

यस्य त्वं लोकनाथस्य भार्यां हृत्वा गमिष्यसि।

शूर्पणखाहेतोः on account of Surpanakha, जनस्थानगतः staying in Janasthana, खरः Khara, अतिवृत्तः trespassed, आक्लिष्टकर्मणा by one who does something without much effort, रामेण Rama, पूर्वम् earlier, हतः यदि if killed, अत्र here, लोकनाथस्य lord of the world (Rama), यस्य whose, भार्याम् wife, त्वम् you, हृत्वा गमिष्यसि (हरिष्यसि) taking away, रामस्य Rama's, व्यतिक्रमः transgression of dharma, कः what, यथातत्त्वम् truly, ब्रूहि tell.

On account of Surpanakha, Khara trespassed into Janasthana and got killed by Rama, without much effort. Tell me truly, what transgression (of dharma) did he commit for which you are stealing away the wife of Rama who is the lord of this world?.
क्षिप्रं विसृज वैदेहीं मा त्वा घोरेण चक्षुषा।।3.50.15।।

दहेद्दहनभूतेन वृत्रमिन्द्राशनिर्यथा।

क्षिप्रम् at once, वैदेहीम् Vaidehi, विसृज leave, त्वा you, इन्द्राशनिः Indra's thunderbolt, वृत्रं यथा like Vritra, दहनभूतेन with fury, घोरेण with fierce, चक्षुषा with looks, मा दहेत् may not burn.

Leave Vaidehi at once lest with her fierce looks you should be burnt down like demon Vrtra by the thunderbolt of Indra.
सर्पमाशीविषं बद्ध्वा वस्त्रान्ते नावबुध्यसे।।3.50.16।।

ग्रीवायां प्रतिसक्तं च कालपाशं न पश्यसि।

आशीविषम् venomous, सर्पम् serpent, वस्रान्ते with the skirt of your cloth, बद्ध्वा binding,
नावबुध्यसे not understand, ग्रीवायाम् to the neck, प्रतिसक्तम् fastened tightly, कालपाशम् noose of death, न पश्यसि do not see.

You are not aware that you are tying a venomous snake with the skirt of your cloth. worn by you. You are not able to see the noose of death tightened around your neck.
स भारस्सौम्य भर्तव्यो यो नरं नावसादयेत्।।3.50.17।।

तदन्नमपि भोक्तव्यं जीर्यते यदनामयम्।

सौम्य O gentle one, यः that which, नरम् man, नावसादयेत् does not fatigue, सः such, भारः weight, भर्तव्यः should be carried, यत् which, अनामयम् free from any disease, जीर्यते is digested, तत् that only, अन्नम् food, भोक्तव्यम् should be eaten, अपि even.

O gentle Ravana one should carry that much of weight which does not tire him. One should eat only that wholesome food which can be easily digested.
यत्कृत्वा न भवेद्धर्मो न कीर्तिर्न यशो भुवि।।3.50.18।।

शरीरस्य भवेत्खेदः कस्तत्कर्म समाचरेत्।

यत् by what, कृत्वा doing, धर्मः duty, न भवेत् does not beget, भुवि world, कीर्तिः fame, न nor, यशः glory, न nor, शरीरस्य to the body, खेदः exhaustion, भवेत् brings, तत् that, कर्म deed, कः who, समाचरेत् will practise?

Who will do such a deed which cannot beget dharma, fame or glory in the world? Who will do such deeds that bring only exhaustion to the body?
षष्टिर्वर्षसहस्राणि मम जातस्य रावण।।3.50.19।।

पितृपैतामहं राज्यं यथावदनुतिष्ठतः।

रावण Ravana, पितृपैतामहम् hereditary, राज्यम् kingdom, यथावत् justly, अनुतिष्टतः while ruling, जातस्य since birth, मम me, षष्टिः sixty, वर्षसहस्राणि thosand years are completed.

Sixty thousand years ago I was born, O Ravana Since then I have ruled justly my hereditary kingdom.
वृद्धोऽहं त्वं युवा धन्वी सशरः कवची रथी।।3.50.20।।

तथाप्यादाय वैदेहीं कुशली न गमिष्यसि।

अहम् I am, वृद्धः old, त्वम् you, युवा young, धन्वी wielding bow, सशरः and arrows, कवची shield, रथी riding on the chariot, तथापि even then, वैदेहीम् Vaidehi, आदाय carrying, कुशली safely, न गमिष्यसि will not go.

I am old, you are young, wielding a bow and arrows, with shield to protect and chariot to ride. Even then I will not let you go safe with Vaidehi kidnapped.
न शक्तस्त्वं बलाद्धर्तुं वैदेहीं मम पश्यतः।।3.50.21।।

हेतुभिर्न्यायसंसिद्धैद्धृवां वेदश्रुतीमिव।

मम पश्यतः within my very sight, त्वम् you, वैदेहीम् Vaidehi, न्यायसंसिद्धैः by those bound by logic, हेतुभिः by reason, ध्रुवाम् everlasting, वेदश्रुतीमिव like revelations of the Vedas, बलात् by force, हर्तुम् abduct, न शक्तः not possible for you.

You cannot carry Vaidehi by force within my very sight just as the everlasting revelations of the Vedas cannot be robbed by mere logic of reason.
युद्ध्यस्व यदि शूरोऽसि मुहूर्तं तिष्ठ रावण।।3.50.22।।

शयिष्यसे हतो भूमौ यथापूर्वं खरस्तथा।

रावण O Ravana, शूरः असि यदि if you are a hero, युद्ध्यस्व do fight with me, मुहूर्तम् तिष्ठ stay awhile, पूर्वम् earlier, खरः Khara, यथा as he was, तथा likewise, हतः slayed, भूमौ on the earth, शयिष्यसे will sleep.

O Ravana, if you are brave, fight with me. In a moment, you will be killed like Khara and lie down on the ground.
असकृत्संयुगे येन निहता दैत्यदानवाः।।3.50.23।।

नचिराच्चीरवासास्त्वां रामो युधि वधिष्यति।

येन by whom, असकृत् many times, संयुगे in war, दैत्यदानवाः demons, निहताः were slain, त्वाम् you, नचिरात् soon, चीरवासाः clad in bark robes, रामः Rama, युधि in war, वधिष्यति will slay৷৷

Clad in bark garments, Rama, who has often slain demons in the past will soon kill you in war.
किं नु शक्यं मया कर्तुं गतौदूरं नृपात्मजौ।।3.50.24।।

क्षिप्रं त्वं नश्यसे नीच तयोर्भीतो न संशयः।

मया by me, किं नु what else, कर्तुम् to do, शक्यम् am able, नृपात्मजौ the two princes, दूरम् far away, गतौ have gone, नीच mean fellow, तयोः both of them, भीतः fearing, त्वम् you, क्षिप्रम् at once, नश्यसे will be destroyed, संशयः doubt, न not.

What can I do? O mean fellow the two princes have gone far away.You will soon be destroyed out of fear for them. There is no doubt.
न हि मे जीवमानस्य नयिष्यसि शुभामिमाम्।।3.50.25।।

सीतां कमलपत्राक्षीं रामस्य महिषीं प्रियाम्।

मे myself, जीवमानस्य while I am alive, शुभाम् auspicious, कमलपत्राक्षीम् lotuseyed lady, रामस्य प्रियाम् Rama's dear, महिषीम् consort, इमाम् this lady, सीताम् Sita, न नयिष्यसि will not take.

I will not let you take away the auspicious, lotuseyed Sita, the dear consort of Rama as long as I am alive.
अवश्यं तु मया कार्यं प्रियं तस्य महात्मनः।।3.50.26।।

जीवितेनापि रामस्य तथा दशरथस्य च।

महात्मनः great soul, तस्य his, रामस्य Rama's, तथा so, दशरथस्य च and Dasaratha's, मया my, अवश्यम् certainly, जीवितेनापि even giving up my life, प्रियम् dear, कार्यम् task.

I should do this important work of those great souls, Rama and Dasaratha, even if it claims my life.
तिष्ठ तिष्ठ दशग्रीव मुहूर्तं पश्य रावण।।3.50.27।।

युद्धातिथ्यं प्रदास्यामि यथाप्राणं निशाचर।

वृन्तादिव फलं त्वां तु पातयेयं रथोत्तमात्।।3.50.28।।

दशग्रीव tenheaded, मुहूर्तम् for a short while, तिष्ठ तिष्ठ stay, stay, रावण Ravana, पश्य look, निशाचर nightwalker, यथाप्राणम् as long as I am alive, युद्धातिथ्यम् hospitality of war , प्रदास्यामि will accord, वृन्तात् from the stalk, फलमिव like a ripe fruit is dropped down, त्वाम् you, रथोत्तमात् from the best of the chariots, पातयेयम् will pull you down.

O ten headed Ravana stay, stay for a while. O demon as long as I am alive I will treat you with the hospitality of war. You will be pulled down from this best of the chariots like a ripe fruit drops from the stalk.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे पञ्चाशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fiftieth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.