Sloka & Translation

[Jatayu fights Ravana -- wounded Ravana clips Jatayu's wings and carries away Sita.]

इत्युक्तस्य यथान्यायं रावणस्य जटायुषा।

क्रुद्धस्याग्निनिभास्सर्वा रेजुर्विंशतिदृष्टयः।।3.51.1।।

जटायुषा by Jatayu, यथान्यायम् justly, इति in this manner, उक्तस्य told, क्रुद्धस्य of the enraged, रावणस्य Ravana's, सर्वाः all, विंशतिदृष्टयः twenty eyes, अग्निनिभाः like fire, रेजुः glowed.

Ravana's twenty eyes glowed like fire in anger after Jatayu thus rightly said.
संरक्तनयनः कोपात्तप्तकाञ्चनकुण्डलः।

राक्षसेन्द्रोऽभिदुद्राव पतगेन्द्रममर्षणः।।3.51.2।।

तप्तकाञ्चनकुण्डलः bright gold earrings, अमर्षणः intolerant, राक्षसेन्द्रः king of demons, कोपात् in anger, संरक्तनयनः eyes turned red, पतगेन्द्रम् to lord of birds (Jatayu), अभिदुद्राव leaped.

As the bright gold earrings of the intolerant king of demons glittered, his eyes turned red in rage and he pounced upon Jatayu, the lord of birds.
स सम्प्रहारस्तुमुल स्तयोस्तस्मिन्महावने।

बभूव वातोद्धतयोर्मेघयोर्गगने यथा।।3.51.3।।

तस्मिन् in that, महावने in the huge forest, तयोः between them, तुमुलः tumultuous, सः सम्प्रहारः fight, गगने in the sky, वातोद्धतयोः stormy wind that arose, मेघयोर्यथा like two flakes of clouds, बभूव appeared.

The clash between them was tumultuous and it appeared like the clash of two pieces of clouds in the sky raised by stormy winds.
तद्बभूवाद्भुतं युद्धं गृध्रराक्षसयोस्तदा।


तदा then, (तयोः of both of them), गृध्रराक्षसयोः vulture and demon, तत् that, अद्भुतम् wonderful, युद्धम् war, सपक्षयोः of the winged ones, माल्यवतोः of Malyavan range, महापर्वतयोरिव between two huge mountains, बभूव took place.

The duel between Ravana and Jatayu looked as though it was a fight between two huge winged mountains of Malyavan range.
ततो नालीकनाराचैस्तीक्ष्णाग्रैश्च विकर्णिभिः।

अभ्यवर्षन्महाघोरैर्गृध्रराजं महाबलः।।3.51.5।।

ततः then,महाबलः mighty, तीक्ष्णाग्रैः with sharp tips, महाघोरैः dreadful, नालीकनाराचैः by spears and shafts, विकर्णिभिः a weapon named Vikarni, गृध्रराजम् king of vultures, अभ्यवर्षत् rained.

Then the mighty Ravana rained sharp, dreadful shafts, spears and Vikarnis at Jatayu, king of vultures.
स तानि शरजालानि गृध्रः पत्त्ररथेश्वरः।

जटायुः प्रतिजग्राह रावणास्त्राणि संयुगे।।3.51.6।।

पत्ररथेश्वरः lord of birds, गृध्रः vulture, जटायुः Jatayu, संयुगे in encounter, तानि those, शरजालानि all the arrows, रावणास्त्राणि Ravana's weapons, प्रतिजग्राह endured.

Jatayu, lord of the birds, faced the arrows and other weapons showered by Ravana.
तस्य तीक्ष्णनखाभ्यां तु चरणाभ्यां महाबलः।

चकार बहुधा गात्रे व्रणान्पतगसत्तमः।।3.51.7।।

महाबलः very strong, पतगसत्तमः virtuous vulture, तीक्ष्णनखाभ्याम् with sharp claws, चरणाभ्याम् with both feet, तस्य his, गात्रे on the limbs, बहुधा many ways, व्रणान् wounds, चकार pierced.

The mighty, virtuous vulture with his sharp claws wounded many parts of the body of Ravana.
अथ क्रोधाद्धशग्रीवो जग्राह दश मार्गणान्।


अथ at that time, दशग्रीवः the tenheaded Ravana, क्रोधात् enraged, शत्रुमर्दनकाङ्क्षया with a desire to crush the enemy, मृत्युदण्डनिभान् like the staff of death, घोरान् fierce, दश मार्गणान् ten darts, जग्राह unleashed.

Ravana in a rage took ten dreadful darts (looking) like the staff of death with a desire to crush the enemy.
स तैर्बाणैर्महावीर्यः पूर्णमुक्तैरजिह्मगैः।

बिभेद निशितैस्तीक्ष्णैर्गृध्रं घोरैश्शिलीमुखैः।।3.51.9।।

महावीर्यः mighty, सः he, पूर्णमुक्तै: fully released, अजिह्मगैः going straight, निशितैः whetted, तीक्ष्णै with sharp, घोरैः dreadful, शिलीमुखैः with arrows, तैः those, बाणैः arrows, गृध्रम् at the vulture, बिभेद pierced.

The mighty Ravana fully released his dreadful, sharp arrows that went straight and pierced the vulture.
स राक्षसरथे पश्यन्जानकीं बाष्पलोचनाम्।

अचिन्तयित्वा तान्बाणान्राक्षसं समभिद्रवत्।।3.51.10।।

सः that, राक्षसरथे on the demon's chariot, बाष्पलोचनाम् eyes filled with tears, जानकीम् Sita,
daughter of Janaka, पश्यन् observing, तान् those, बाणान् arrows, अचिन्तयित्वा without minding, राक्षसम् to the demon, समभिद्रवत् attacked again.

Seeing Sita, daughter of Janaka, on the demon's chariot with eyes full of tears, Jatayu without minding the arrows renewed his attack.
ततोऽस्य सशरं चापं मुक्तामणिविभूषितम्।

चरणाभ्यां महातेजा बभञ्ज पतगेश्वरः।।3.51.11।।

ततः then, महातेजाः glorious, पतगेश्वरः lord of birds, अस्य his, मुक्तामणिविभूषितम् encrusted with pearls and gems, सशरम् along with that arrow, चापम् bow, चरणाभ्याम् with his feet, बभञ्ज broke.

The glorious lord of birds crushed with his feet the bow and arrow of Ravana with pearls and gems encrusted.
ततोऽन्यद्धनुरादाय रावणः क्रोधमूर्छितः।

ववर्ष शरवर्षाणि शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः।।3.51.12।।

ततः then, रावणः Ravana, क्रोधमूर्छितः overcome with anger, अन्यत् other, धनुः bow, आदाय after taking, शतशः hundreds of, अथ and, सहस्रशः in thousands, शरवर्षाणि rain of arrows, ववर्ष rained.

Overcome with anger, Ravana took another bow and rained (on him) hundreds and thousands of arrows.
शरैरावारितस्तस्य संयुगे पतगेश्वरः।

कुलायमुपसम्प्राप्तः पक्षीव प्रबभौ तदा।।3.51.13।।

तदा then, संयुगे in the encounter, तस्य his, शरैः arrows, आवारितः surrounded, पतगेश्वरः Jatayu, कुलायम् nest of the bird, उपसम्प्राप्तः returned, पक्षीव resemled the bird, प्रबभौ shone.

Jatayu, shot with arrows on all sides in the combat, shone like the bird that returned to its nest.
स तानि शरवर्षाणि पक्षाभ्यां च विधूयच।

चरणाभ्यां महातेजा बभञ्जास्य महद्धनुः।।3.51.14।।

महातेजाः powerful, सः Jatayu, तानि those, शरवर्षाणि rain of arrows, पक्षाभ्याम् by the wings, विधूय च on scattering, अस्य his, महत् great, धनुः bow, चरणाभ्याम् with claws, बभञ्ज broke.

Powerful Jatayu scattered the shower of arrows with his wings and broke down the great bow with his claws.
तच्चाग्निसदृशं दीप्तं रावणस्य शरावरम्।

पक्षाभ्यां स महावीर्यो व्याधुनोत्पतगेश्वरः।।3.51.15।।

महावीर्यः mighty, सः Jatayu, पतगेश्वरः lord of the birds, रावणस्य Ravana's, अग्निसदृशम् burning like fire, दीप्तम् glowing, तत् that, शरावरम् armour, पक्षाभ्याम् with the wings, व्याधुनोत् tore asunder.

Mighty Jatayu, lord of the birds, shattered with his wings the armour of Ravana that was glowing like fire.

तांश्चास्य जवसम्पन्नाञ्जघान समरे बली।।3.51.16।।

बली powerful, काञ्चनोरश्छदान् golden shield, दिव्यान् splendid, पिशाचवदनान् devil's face, जवसम्पन्नान् endowed with great speed, तान् those, खरान् च asses, समरे in the combat, जघान killed.

Powerful Jatayu killed in the combat, the splendid, swiftmoving, devilfaced asses with golden shields yoked to the chariot.
वरं त्रिवेणुसम्पन्नं कामगं पावकार्चिषम्।

मणिहेमविचित्राङ्गं बभञ्ज च महारथम्।।3.51.17।।

वरम् excellent, त्रिवेणुसम्पन्नम् endowed with three bamboo reeds, कामगम् go wherever one desired, पावकार्चिषम् glowing like fire, मणिहेमविचित्राङ्गम् glittering with gold and gems, महारथम् great chariot, बभञ्ज broke.

Then he(Jatayu) broke down the great chariot(of Ravana) glowing like fire, glittering with gold and gems, made of three bamboo reeds, and capable of flying wherever the rider willed.
पूर्णचन्द्रप्रतीकाशं छत्रं च व्यजनैस्सह।

पातयामास वेगेन ग्राहिभी राक्षसैस्सह।।3.51.18।।

पूर्णचन्द्रप्रतीकाशम् shining like the full moon, छत्रं च parasol also, व्यजनैः सह with the fans, ग्राहिभिः with those holding them, राक्षसैः सह along with the demons, वेगेन violently, पातयामास pulled down.

Jatayu violently pulled down the parasol shining like the full moon and the fans of the chariot along with the demons holding them.
सारथेश्चास्य वेगेन तुण्डेनैव महच्छिरः।

पुनर्व्यपाहरच्छ्रीमान्पक्षिराजो महाबलः।।3.51.19।।

पुनः again, महाबलः powerful, श्रीमान् glorious, पक्षिराजः king of the birds, अस्य his, सारथेः charioteer, महत् huge, शिरः head, वेगेन तुण्डेनैव violently with the beak, व्यपाहरत् shattered.

Again the glorious, powerful king of birds swiftly shattered the huge head of the charioteer with his beak.
स भग्नधन्वा विरथो हताश्वो हतसारथिः।

अङ्केनादाय वैदेहीं पपात भुवि रावणः।।3.51.20।।

भग्नधन्वा with the bow broken, विरथः chariot destroyed, हताश्वः asses (drawing the chariot) dead, हतसारथिः charioteer killed, सः रावणः that Ravana, वैदेहीम् Vaidehi, अङ्केन on his lap, आदाय held, भुवि on to the ground, पपात fell.

With the bow broken, the chariot destroyed, asses (drawing the chariot) and the charioteer dead, Ravana fell down on the ground holding Vaidehi on his lap.
दृष्ट्वा निपतितं भूमौ रावणं भग्नवाहनम्।

साधुसाध्विति भूतानि गृध्रराजमपूजयन्।।3.51.21।।

भग्नवाहनम् with the broken chariot, भूमौ on the ground, निपतितम् fallen down, रावणम् Ravana, दृष्ट्वा seeing, साधु साधु इति staying well done, well done, भूतानि all beings, गृध्रराजम् king of the birds, अपूजयन् honoured.

Seeing Ravana fallen on the ground with his broken chariot, all beings honoured the king of the birds, saying, Well done Well done
परिश्रान्तं तु तं दृष्टवा जरया पक्षियूथपम्।

उत्पपात पुनर्हृष्टो मैथिलीं गृह्य रावणः।।3.51.22।।

पक्षियूथपम् the lord of the flocks of birds (Jatayu), तम् him, जरया with old age, परिश्रान्तम् exhausted (after a long fight), दृष्ट्वा seeing, रावणः Ravana, हृष्टः glad, मैथिलीम् Maithili, गृह्य took, पुनः again, उत्पपात flew into the sky.

Seeing the lord of the flocks of birds exhausted due to age still fighting, Ravana felt glad. He flew back into the sky taking Sita, princess of Mithila, with him.
तं प्रहृष्टं निधायाङ्के गच्छन्तं जनकात्मजाम्।

गृध्रराजस्समुत्पत्य समभिद्रुत्य रावणम्।।3.51.23।।

समावार्य महातेजा जटायुरिदमब्रवीत्।

गृध्रराजः king of the vultures, महातेजाः mighty, जटायुः Jatayu, समुत्पत्य flew up.प्रहृष्टम् happy, जनकात्मजाम् Janaka's daughter ( Sita), अङ्के on the lap, निथाय placed, गच्छन्तम् while going, तं रावणम् to that Ravana, समभिद्रुत्य chased, समावार्य obstructing, इदम् this, अब्रवीत् said.

Seeing Sita, Janaka's daughter, happily carried away into the sky by Ravana on his lap. Jatayu, the mighty king of vultures chased him, and obstructing his path said :
वज्रसंस्पर्शबाणस्य भार्यां रामस्य रावण।।3.51.24।।

अल्पबुद्धे हरस्येनां वधाय खलु रक्षसाम्।

अल्पबुद्धे foolish, रावण Ravana, वज्रसंस्पर्शबाणस्य whose arows can hit like a thunderbolt, रामस्य Rama's, भार्याम् wife, एनाम् this lady, रक्षसाम् of demons, वधाय for destruction, हरसि kidnapping.

Foolish Ravana, you are kidnapping this lady, wife of Rama, whose arrows can hit like a thunderbolt. This will lead to the destruction of all demons.

विषपानं पिबस्येतत्पिपासित इवोदकम्।

मित्रबन्धुः along with kith and kin, सामात्यः with ministers, सबलः with army, सपरिच्छदः with all your allies, पिपासितः thirsty man, उदकमिव like water, एतत् this, विषपानम् poison, पिबसि you are drinking.

You are drinking poison along with all your friends, relatives, ministers, the army and your allies. like a thirsty man drinks water.
अनुबन्धमजानन्तः कर्मणामविचक्षणाः।।3.51.26।।

शीघ्रमेव विनश्यन्ति यथा त्वं विनशिष्यसि।

कर्मणाम् of the deeds, अनुबन्धम् consequences, अजानन्तः not knowing, अविचक्षणाः unwise, यथा similarly, श्रीघ्रमेव soon, विनश्यन्ति get destroyed, त्वम् you, विनशिष्यसि will be destroyed.

Fools who do not know the consequences of their action perish soon. Similarly you are going to die soon.
बद्धस्त्वं कालपाशेन क्व गतस्तस्य मोक्ष्यसे।।3.51.27।।

वधाय बडिशं गृह्य सामिषं जलजो यथा।

त्वम् you, कालपाशेन by the noose of death, वधाय to die, बद्धः are bound, सामिषम् with a bait, बडिशम् fishhook, गृह्य having taken, जलजः fish, यथा so also, तस्य its, क्व गतः where can it go, मोक्ष्यसे will you get out.

You are bound by the noose of death like a fish holding on to the bait of the fishing hook. Where can you go now?
न हि जातु दुराधर्षौ काकुत्स्थौ तव रावण।।3.51.28।।

धर्षणं चाश्रमस्यास्य क्षमिष्येते तु राघवौ।

रावण Ravana, दुराधर्षौ both invincible, काकुत्स्थौ both Kakutsthas, राघवौ Rama and Lakshmana, तव your, अस्य आश्रमस्य their hermitage, धर्षणम् assault, जातु surely, न क्षमिष्येते not forgive.

O Ravana know that Rama and Lakshmana, the Kakutsthas, are invincible. They will not forgive the asssault you have made on their hermitage.
यथा त्वया कृतं कर्म भीरुणा लोकगर्हितम्।।3.51.29।।

तस्कराचरितो मार्गो नैव वीरनिषेवितः।

भीरुणा by a timid, त्वया you are, यथा like this, लोकगर्हितम् condemned by the whole world, कर्म act, कृतम् is done, तस्कराचरितः adopted by thieves, मार्गः this path, वीरनिषेवितः followed by heroes, नैव not at all.

Your cowardly action will be condemned by the whole world. The path you have chosen is the path of a thief and not of a hero.
युध्यस्व यदि शूरोऽसि मुहूर्तं तिष्ठरावण।।3.51.30।।

शयिष्यसे हतो भूमौ यथा भ्राता खरस्तथा।

रावण Ravana, यदि if you, शूरोऽसि are courageous, युध्यस्व may fight, मुहूर्तं for a moment, तिष्ठ stay, भ्राता brother, खर: Khara, तथा likewise, शयिष्यसे all down, यथा as, भूमौ on the ground, हत: killed.

O Ravana if you are courageous, tarry awhile and fight with me. Like your brother Khara, you will lie on the ground dead.
परेतकाले पुरुषो यत्कर्म प्रतिपद्यते।।3.51.31।।

विनाशायात्मनोऽधर्म्यं प्रतिपन्नोऽसि कर्म तत्।

पुरुषः man, परेतकाले at the time of death, यत् whatever, कर्म actions, प्रतिपद्यते does, अधर्म्यम् unrighteous, तत् such, कर्म action, आत्मनः yourself, विनाशाय for destruction, प्रतिपन्नः undertaken, असि you are.

You have resorted to unrighteous action like a dying man. This will spell your destruction.
पापानुबन्धो वै यस्य कर्मणः कर्मको नु तत्।।3.51.32।।

कुर्वीत लोकाधिपतिस्स्वयंभूर्भगवानपि।

यस्य by whomsoever, कर्मणः action, पापानुबन्धः resulting in sin, तत् such, कर्म action, लोकाधिपतिः lord of the world, भगवान् स्वयंभूरपि selfborn lord (Brahma) too, कः who, कुर्वीत
may do, नु indeed, तत् that.

If the consequences of an action be sin, who will do it ? Even the selfborn lord of the world may not.
एवमुक्त्वा शुभं वाक्यं जटायुस्तस्य रक्षसः।।3.51.33।।

निपपात भृशं पृष्ठे दशग्रीवस्य वीर्यवान्।

वीर्यवान् brave,जटायुः Jatayu, एवम् in that manner, शुभम् auspicious (cautious), वाक्यम् words, उक्त्वा having said, रक्षसः of that demon, तस्य रावणस्य पृष्ठे at Ravana's back, भृशम् repeatedly, निपपात dashed.

Brave Jatayu having thus said these cautious words to the demon dashed against his back again and again.
तं गृहीत्वा नखैस्तीक्ष्णैर्विददार समन्ततः।।3.51.34।।

अधिरूढो गजारोहो यथा स्याद्दुष्टवारणम्।

(ततः thereafter), तं गृहीत्वा seizing him, अधिरूढः ascended, गजारोहः riding on an elephant, दुष्टवारणम् unruly elephant, यथा so also, स्यात् he, तीक्ष्णैः sharp, नखैः claws, समन्ततः all over, विददार pierced.

Thereafter, seizing Ravana, Jatayu ascended on his back and pierced his body all over with his sharp claws just as a rider goads an unruly elephant.
विददार नखैरस्य तुण्डं पृष्ठे समर्पयन्।।3.51.35।।

केशांश्चोत्पाटयामास नखपक्षमुखायुधः।

अस्य his, पृष्ठे back, तुण्डम् beak, समर्पयन् pressing, नखैः claws, विददार pierced, नखपक्षमुखायुधः a warrior with claws, wings and beak as the only weapons, केशांश्च hair too, उत्पाटयामास pulled out.

Jatayu who had his claws, wings and beak as the only weapons pierced and pricked Ravana all over with his nails by pressing his beak on his back and pulled out his hair.
स तथा गृध्रराजेन क्लिश्यमानो मुहुर्मुहुः।।3.51.36।।

अमर्षस्फुरितोष्ठस्सन्प्राकम्पत च रावणः।

गृध्रराजेन by the king of vultures, मुहुर्मुहुः again and again, तथा in that manner, क्लिश्यमानः being tormented, सः रावणः he, Ravana, अमर्षफुरितोष्ठः सन् with his lips quivering with anger, प्राकम्पत was shaken.

Thus tormented again and again by the king of vultures, Ravana shook with anger, his lips quivering.
स परिष्वज्य च वैदेहीं वामेनाङ्केन रावणः।।3.51.37।।

तलेनाभिजघानाशु जटायुं क्रोधमुर्छीतः।

रावणः Ravana, क्रोधमूर्छितः losing senses with rage, वामेन अङ्केन left arm, वैदेहीम् Vaidehi, परिष्वज्य holding firmly, आशु quickly, जटायुम् to Jatayu, तलेन palm, अभिजघान hit him.

Losing his senses, with rage, Ravana held Vaidehi (Sita) with his left arm and hit Jatayu with his palm.
जटायुस्तमभिक्रम्य तुण्डेनास्य खगाधिपः।।3.51.38।।

वामबाहून्दश तदा व्यपाहरदरिन्दमः।

तदा then, खगाधिपः lord of the birds, अरिन्दमः subduer of enemies, जटायुः Jatayu, तम् him, अभिक्रम्य occupied, तुण्डेन by his beak, अस्य Ravana's, दश ten, वामबाहून् left arms, व्यपाहरत् cut off.

Then Jatayu, lord of the birds, subduer of enemies, overpowered Ravana and dismembered his ten left arms with his beak.
सञ्छिन्नबाहोस्सद्यैव बाहवस्सहसाभवन्।।3.51.39।।

विषज्वालावलीयुक्ता वल्मीकादिव पन्नगाः।

सञ्छिन्नबाहोः whose arms were cut off, बाहवः arms, सद्यैव instantly from them, वल्मीकात् from an anthill, विषज्वालाः poisonous flames, वलीयुक्ताः emitting, पन्नगाः इव like serpants, सहसा all of a sudden, अभवन् came out.

As the left arms were cut off, there came out from them all the ten arms instantaneously like serpents emitting poisonous flames from anthills
ततः क्रोधाद्दशग्रीवस्सीतामुत्सृज्य रावणः।।3.51.40।।

मुष्टिभ्यां चरणाभ्यां च गृध्रराजमपोथयत्।

ततः then, दशग्रीवः tenheaded, रावणः Ravana, सीताम् Sita, उत्सृज्य left, मुष्टिभ्याम् with his fists, चरणाभ्यां च and feet, गृध्रराजम् Jatayu, क्रोधात् with anger, अपोथयत् attacked.

Then the tenheaded Ravana left Sita and attacked Jatayu with his fists and feet out of anger.
ततो मुहूर्तं सङ्ग्रामो बभूवातुल्यवीर्ययोः।।3.51.41।।

राक्षसानां च मुख्यस्य पक्षिणां प्रवरस्य च।

ततः then, अतुलवीर्ययो: of unequal valour, राक्षसानां मुख्यस्य of the chief of the demons, पक्षिणां प्रवरस्य king of the birds, मुहूर्तम् for a moment, सङ्ग्रामः fight, बभूव took place.

Between the warriors of unequal valour, Ravana and Jatayu, the chief of the demons and the foremost of the birds, the fight took place for a moment.
तस्य व्यायच्छमानस्य रामस्यार्थे स रावणः।।3.51.42।।

पक्षौ पार्श्वौ च पादौ च खड्गमुद्धृत्य सोऽच्छिनत्।

सः that, रावणः Ravana, खडगम् sword, उद्यम्य after lifting, रामस्य Rama's, अर्थे for the sake of, व्यायच्छमानस्य of one who was fighting relentlessly, तस्य his, पक्षौ two wings, पार्श्वौ च both sides, पादौ च feet, अच्छिनत् cut off.

Ravana lifted his sword and cut off both the wings and feet of Jatayu who was fighting relentlessly (for Rama's sake).
स च्छिन्नपक्षस्सहसा रक्षसा रौद्रकर्मणा।।3.51.43।।

निपपात हतो गृद्रो धरण्यामल्पजीवितः।

रौद्रकर्मणा one who performs terrible deeds, रक्षसा by the demon, छिन्नपक्षः clipped wings, सः that, गृध्रः vulture, हतः hurt, अल्पजीवितः with very little life left, धरण्याम् on the ground, सहसा immediately, निपपात fell.

(Seriously) wounded and almost dead,the vulture fell down on the ground all at once, when his wings were chipped by the demon of terrible deeds.
तं दृष्ट्वा पतितं भूमौ क्षतजार्द्रं जटायुषम्।।3.51.44।।

अभ्यधावत वैदेही स्वबन्धुमिव दुःखिता।

वैदेही Sita, princess of Videha, भूमौ on the ground, पतितम् fallen down, क्षतजार्द्रम् drenched in blood , तं जटायुषम् that Jatayu, दृष्ट्वा seeing, दुःखिता grieved, स्वबन्धुमिव as if he was her relative, अभ्यधावत ran towards him.

Sita, princess of Videha, saw the wounded Jatayu fallen on the ground drenched in blood. Grieving, she ran towards him as if he was her relative.
तं नीलजीमूतनिकाशकल्पं सुपाण्डुरोरस्कमुदारवीर्यम्।

ददर्श लङ्काधिपतिः पृथिव्यां जटायुषं शान्तमिवाग्निदावम्।।3.51.45।।

लङ्काधिपतिः lord of Lanka, नीलजीमूतनिकाशकायम् of colour like the dark bluish cloud,
सुपाण्डुरोरस्कम् of fair chest, उदारवीर्यम् bold, शान्तम् made calm, अग्निदावमिव like the forest fire, तं जटायुषम् that Jatayu, पृथिव्याम् on the ground, ददर्श saw.

Lord of Lanka saw that very bold Jatayu of dark blue colour of the cloud, fair chest, fallen on the ground, looking like the forest fire that had been put out.
ततस्तु तं पत्ररथं महीतले निपातितं रावणवेगमर्दितम्।

पुनः परिश्वज्य शशिप्रभानना रुरोद सीता जनकात्मजातदा।।3.51.46।।

ततः then, शशिप्रभानना with her face like the radiant moon, जनकात्मजा Janaka's daughter, सीता Sita, तां him, रावणवेगमर्थितम् crushed by Ravana's onslaught, महीतले on the ground, निपातितम् fallen, तं पत्ररथम् that bird who rides on wings, पुनः again, परिष्वज्य took hold of him, रुरोद wept.

Sita, daughter of Janaka, whose face was radiant like the Moon once again embraced Jatayu, the winged warrior, fallen on the ground, crushed by Ravana's onslaught and wept.
इतयार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे एकपञ्चाशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fiftyfirst sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.