Sloka & Translation

[Ravana takes Sita to his palace -- shows her round the mansion, the wealth, attendants etc. to lure her -- persuades her to accept him.]

सन्दिश्य राक्षसान्घोरान् रावणोऽष्टौ महाबलान्।

आत्मानं बुद्धिवैक्लब्यात्कृतकृत्यममन्यत।।3.55.1।।

राणवः Ravana, महाबलान् very powerful, धोरान् fierce, अष्टौ eight, राक्षसान् demons, सन्दिश्य ordered, बुद्धिवैक्लब्यात् out of perversion, आत्मानम् himself, कृतकृत्यम् an accomplished one, अमन्यत felt.

After ordering the eight most fierce and powerful demons, Ravana had a sense of accomplishment within himself because of his perverse intellect.
स चिन्तयानो वैदेहीं कामबाणसमर्पितः।

प्रविवेश गृहं रम्यं सीतां द्रष्टुमभित्वरन्।।3.55.2।।

सः he (Ravana), वैदेहीम् Vaidehi, चिन्तयानः thinking about, कामबाणैः समर्पितः succumbed to the arrows of Cupid (the god of love), सीताम् Sita, द्रष्टुम् to see, अभित्वरन् hastened, रम्यम् beautiful, गृहम् home, प्रविवेश entered again.

Thinking about Vaidehi and hit by the arrows of Cupid (the god of love). Ravana hastened to see Sita and entered the beautiful home.
स प्रविश्य तु तद्वेश्म रावणो राक्षसाधिपः।

अपश्यद्राक्षसीमध्ये सीतां शोकपरायणाम्।।3.55.3।।

राक्षसाधिपः lord of the demons, सः रावणः that Ravana, तत् that, वेश्म residence, प्रविश्य entered, राक्षसीमध्ये in the midst of demonesses, शोकपरायणाम् full of grief, सीताम् Sita, अपश्यत् saw.

Ravana, lord of the demons, entered his residence and saw Sita full of grief in the midst of the demonesses.
अश्रुपूर्णमुखीं दीनां शोकभाराभिपीडिताम्।

वायुवेगैरिवाक्रान्तां मज्जन्तीं नावमर्णवे।।3.55.4।।

मृगयूथपरिभ्रष्टां मृगीं श्वभिरिवावृताम्।

अधोमुखमुखीं सीतामभ्येत्य च निशाचरः।।3.55.5।।

तां तु शोकपरां दीनामवशां राक्षसाधिपः।

स बलाद्दर्शयामास गृहं देवगृहोपमम्।।3.55.6।।

अश्रुपूर्णमुखीम् with face full of tears, दीनाम् piteous , शोकभाराभिपीडिताम् inflicted with the burden of sorrow, वायुवेगैः driven by the wind, (सम्)आक्रान्ताम् overpowered, अर्णवे in the sea, मज्जन्तीम् sinking, नावमिव like a boat, मृगयूथपरिभ्रष्टाम् separated from the herd, श्वभिः by hounds, आवृताम् surrounded by, मृगीमिव like a female deer, अधोमुखमुखीम् with head bent, सीताम् to Sita, निशाचर: demon, अभ्येत्य having gone near, शोकपराम् lady full of grief, दीनाम् pathetic woman, अवशाम् not under her own control, ताम् her, सः राक्षसाधिपः king of the demons(Ravana), बलात् forcibly, देवगृहोपमम् like a heavenly home, गृहम् home, दर्शयामास showed.

The demon Ravana forcibly took Sita, her face full of tears, to show her his heavenlike home. Inflicted with grief she looked wretched. She resembled a female deer hounded out of the herd. With her head bent in grief, she looked pathetic like one not under her control, like a boat sinking under the sea driven by the wind.
हर्म्यप्रासादसम्बाधं स्त्रीसहस्रनिषेवितम्।

नानापक्षिगणैर्जुष्टं नानारत्नसमन्वितम्।।3.55.7।।

दान्तकैस्तापनीयैश्च स्फाटिकै राजतैरपि।

वज्रवैडूर्यचित्रैश्च स्तम्भैर्दृष्टिमनोहरैः।।3.55.8।।

दिव्यदुन्दुभिनिर्ह्रादं तप्तकाञ्चनतोरणम्।

हर्म्यप्रासादसम्बाधम् complex of palaces, स्त्रीसहस्रनिषेवितम् served by thousands of women, नानापक्षिगणैः by different flocks of birds, जुष्टम् attended, नानारत्नसमन्वितम् studded with a variety of gems, दान्तकैः with ivory, तापनीयैः च and golden, स्फाटिकैः crystals, राजतैरपि silver, वज्रवैडूर्यचित्रैः diamonds and vaiduryas, दृष्टिमनोहरैः captivating, स्तम्भैः with pillars, दिव्यदुन्दुभिनिर्ह्रादम् resounding with wonderful drums, तप्तकाञ्चनतोरणम् having glittering golden entrance.

His home was a complex of palaces and mansions served by thousands of women. It was an abode of different flocks of birds. It had captivating pillars studded with gold, crystals, silver, diamonds and vaiduryas. It resounded with wonderful sounds of drums. Its golden entrances were glittering.
सोपानं काञ्चनं चित्रमारुरोह तया सह।।3.55.9।।

दान्तका राजताश्चैव गवाक्षाः प्रियदर्शनाः।

हेमजालावताश्चासन्स्तत्र प्रासादपङ्क्तयः।।3.55.10।।

काञ्चनम् gold, चित्रम् wonderful, सोपानम् staircase, तया सह along with her, आरुरोह he climbed, तत्र there, दान्तकाः ivory, राजताश्च silver, प्रियदर्शनाः beautiful, गवाक्षाः windows, हेमजालावृताः covered by golden trellis, प्रासादपङ्त्कयः rows of mansions, आसन् there were.

He ascended the wonderful golden staircase taking Sita along with him.Beautiful looked the rows of mansions with silver and ivory windows and golden trellis.
सुधामणिविचित्राणि भूमिभागानि सर्वशः।

दशग्रीवस्स्वभवने प्रादर्शयत मैथिलीम्।।3.55.11।।

दशग्रीवः the tenheaded Ravana, स्वभवने in his own mansion, सर्वशः all over, सुधामणिविचित्राणि with wonderful crystals, भूमिभागानि the floors, मैथिलीम् to Sita, the princess from Mithila, प्रादर्शयत showed.

The tenheaded Ravana showed Sita, the princess from Mithila the floors with wonderful crystals.
दीर्घिकाः पुष्करिण्यश्च नानावृक्षसमन्विताः।

रावणो दर्शयामास सीतां शोकपरायणाम्।।3.55.12।।

रावणः Ravana, दीर्घिकाः stepwells, नानावृक्षसमन्विताः full of different kinds of trees, पुष्करिण्यश्च lotus tanks, शोकपरायणाम् in deep sorrow, सीताम् Sita, दर्शयामास showed.

Ravana showed Sita who was overwhelmed with sorrow, stepwells surrrounded by various trees and tanks.
दर्शयित्वा तु वैदेह्याः कृत्स्नं तद्भवनोत्तमम्।

उवाच वाक्यं पापात्मा सीतां लोभितुमिच्छया।।3.55.13।।

पापात्मा sinner, कृत्स्नम् entirely, तत् that, भवनोत्तमम् best of mansions, वैदेह्याः to Vaidehi, दर्शयित्वा on showing, सीताम् Sita, इच्छया desiring to, लोभितुम् to allure, वाक्यम् these words, उवाच said.

The sinful Ravana showed Sita, princess of Videha, the best of all his mansions in order to allure her, saying:
दश राक्षसकोट्यश्च द्वाविंशतिरथापराः।

तेषां प्रभुरहं सीते सर्वेषां भीमकर्मणाम्।।3.55.14।।

वर्जयित्वा जरावृद्धान्बालांश्च रजनीचरान्।

सीते O Sita, जरावृद्धान् the aged, बालांश्च children, रजनीचरान् night rangers, वर्जयित्वा apart from, दश ten, राक्षसकोट्यश्च crores of demons, अथ and, अपराः over that, द्वाविंशतिः twentytwo crore, भीमकर्मणाम् terrorists, तेषाम् them, सर्वेषाम् for all, अहम् I am, प्रभुः the king.

O Sita, leaving aside children and the aged, I am the lord of crores of nightrangers in addition to ten crore demons and twentytwo crore terrorists.
सहस्रमेकमेकस्य मम कार्यपुरस्सरम्।।3.55.15।।

यदिदं राजतन्त्रं मे त्वयि सर्वं प्रतिष्ठितम्।

जीवितं च विशालाक्षि त्वं मे प्राणैर्गरीयसी।।3.55.16।।

एकस्य for me alone, मम for me, एकम् one, सहस्रम् thousand, कार्यपुरस्सरम् attending, यत् since, इदम् this, राज्यतन्त्रम् the administration of the kingdom, सर्वम् all, जीवितं च life also, त्वयि you, प्रतिष्ठितम् is resting, विशालाक्षि O largeeyed lady, त्वम् you, मे my, प्राणैः more than life, गरीयसी dearer.

For me alone there are a thousand attendants.The administration of the kingdom and all my subjects will be under your control. O largeeyed Sita you are dearer to me than my life.
बहूनांस्त्रीसहस्राणां मम योऽसौ परिग्रहः।

तासां त्वमीश्वरा सीते मम भार्या भव प्रिये।।3.55.17।।

सीते Sita, बहूनाम् of many, स्त्री सहस्राणाम् thousands of women, यः such, असौ this, परिग्रहः married to me, तासाम् to all of them, त्वम् you, ईश्वरी chief, भव be, प्रिये O dear, मम my, भार्या wife, भव be.

O Sita dear be my chief queen among the many thousands of women I have married.
साधु किं तेऽन्यया बुद्ध्या रोचयस्व वचो मम।

भजस्वमाभितप्तस्य प्रसादं कर्तुमर्हसि।।3.55.18।।

ते to you, अन्यया by another, बुद्ध्या by thought, किम् what, साधु be good, मम वचः my words, रोचयस्व you may accept, अभितप्तस्य consumed by thoughts of you, मम me, प्रसादम् grace, कर्तुम् to do, अर्हसि should.

Do not think otherwise. Be good and accept my request. I am consumed by thoughts of you. You should be gracious to me.
परिक्षिप्ता समुद्रेण लङ्केयं शतयोजना।

नेयं धर्षयितुं शक्या सेन्द्रैरपि सुरासुरैः।।3.55.19।।

शतयोजना extinding to a hundred yojanas, इयम् this, लङ्का Lanka, समुद्रेण by the sea, परिक्षिप्ता surrounded, सेन्द्रैः by deities including Indra, सुरासुरै रपि even sods and demons, इयम् this, धर्षयितुम् to assault, न शक्या not possible.

This Lanka extending to a hundred yojanas and surrounded by the sea is vulnerable to neither demons nor gods including Indra.
न देवेषु न यक्षेषु न गन्धर्वेषु पक्षिषु।

अहं पश्यामि लोकेषु यो मे वीर्यसमो भवेत्।।3.55.20।।

लोकेषु in the world, यः whoever, मे to me, वीर्यसमः equal in valour, भवेत् may be, अहम् I, देवेषु among gods, न पश्यामि I do not not see, यक्षेषु among yakshas, न not, गन्धर्वेषु in gandharvas, न not, पक्षिषु in birds, न not.

I do not see any one equal to me in valour among gods, or yakshas or gandharvas or birds.
राज्यभ्रष्टेन दीनेन तापसेन गतायुषा।

किं करिष्यसि रामेण मानुषेणाल्पतेजसा।।3.55.21।।

राज्यभ्रष्टेन who lost his kingdom, दीनेन by a dejected person, तापसेन an ascetic, गतायुषा with a short life one, मानुषेण human being, अल्पतेजसा with one who lacks lustre, रामेण Rama, किं करिष्यसि what is the use for you ,

Of what use is Rama who has lost his kingdom, who is depressed and leads an
ascetic life and who is a shortlived, lacklustre human being.
भजस्व सीते मामेव भर्ताहं सदृशस्तव।

यौवनं ह्यध्रुवं भीरु रमस्वेह मया सह।।3.55.22।।

सीते O Sita, मामेव me alone, भजस्व accept, अहम् I am, तव your, सदृशः befitting, भर्ता husband, भीरु timid one, यौवनम् youth, अध्रुवं हि is not permanent, इह here, मया सह with me, रमस्व may enjoy.

O Sita take refuge only in me. I am a befitting husband to you. O timid one youth is impermanent. Enjoy (your life) with me while it lasts.
दर्शने माकृथा बुद्धिं राघवस्य वरानने।

कास्य शक्तिरिहागन्तुमपि सीते मनोरथैः।।3.55.23।।

वरानने O lovely Sita, राघवस्य Rama's, दर्शने in seeing, बुद्धिं thought, मा do not, कृथा: entertain, सीते O Sita, अस्य his, मनोरथैरपि with his mind also, इह here, आगन्तुम् to come, शक्तिः power, का where is it?

O lovely Sita, give up the thought of seeing Rama. Where does he possess the power to reach this place even on the mental plane ?
न शक्यो वायुराकाशे पाशैर्बद्धुं महाजवः।

दीप्यमानस्य वाप्यग्नेर्गृहीतुं विमलां शिखाम्।।3.55.24।।

महाजवः of high speed, वायुः wind, आकाशे in the sky, पाशैः by rope, बध्धुम् to bind, न शक्यः not possible, दीप्यमानस्य of burning flame, आग्नेः fire, विमलाम् brilliant , शिखाम् flame, गृहीतुम् to catch.

It is not possible to bind the wind blowing at high speed in the sky. Similarly it is not possible to catch the brilliant glow of flaming fire.
त्रयाणामपि लोकानां न तं पश्यामि शोभने।

विक्रमेण नयेद्यस्त्वां मद्बाहुपरिपालिताम्।।3.55.25।।

शोभने O beautiful lady, त्रयाणाम् in the three, लोकानामपि worlds too, यः whoever, मद्बाहुपरिपालिताम् protected by my arms, त्वाम् you, विक्रमेण by valour, नयेत् can take away, तम् him, न पश्यामि not see.

O lovely lady, I do not see any one in these three worlds who can, by his valour, take you away from me guarded by my arms.
लङ्कायां सुमहद्राज्यमिदं त्वमनुपालय।

त्वत्प्रेष्या मद्विधाश्चैव देवाश्चापि चराचराः।।3.55.26।।

त्वम् you, लङ्कायां in Lanka's, सुमहत् vast, इदम् this, राज्यम् kingdom, अनुपालय you may rule, मद्विधाः people like me, देवाश्चापि even gods, चराचराः all mobile and immobile beings, त्वत्प्रेष्याः will be at beck and call.

Rule this vast kingdom of Lanka. People like me, even gods and all beings, mobile and immobile, will be at your beck and call.
अभिषेकोदकक्लिन्ना तुष्टा च रमयस्व माम्।

दुष्कृतं यत्परा कर्म वनवासेन तद्गतम्।।3.55.27।।

यश्च ते सुकृतो धर्मस्तस्येह फलमाप्नुहि।

अभिषेकोदकक्लिन्ना drenched with waters of consecration, तुष्टा च and satisfied , माम् me, रमयस्व enjoy, पुरा previous birth, यत् whatever, दुष्कृतम् evil deeds, कर्म तत् that, वनवासेन by dwelling in the forest, गतम् gone, ते your, यः whatever, सुकृतः good deeds, धर्मः righteousness, तस्य of that, फलम् fruit, इह here, आप्नुहि enjoy.

Drenched with the waters of consecration, entertain me. The effect of the bad deeds done in the past are over with your dwelling in the forest. Now enjoy the fruits of your
good and righteous deeds here with me.
इह माल्यानि सर्वाणि दिव्यगन्धानि मैथिलि।।3.55.28।।

भूषणानि च मुख्यानि सेवस्व च मया सह।।

मैथिलि Maithili, इह here, दिव्यगन्धानि of divine fragrance, सर्वाणि all, माल्यानि garlands, मुख्यानि finest, भूषणानि च jewels, मया सह with me, सेवस्व you put on.

O princess from Mithila, put on all garlands of wonderful fragrance and finest of jewels here with me.
पुष्पकं नाम सुश्रोणि भ्रातुर्वैश्रवणस्य मे।।3.55.29।।

विमानं सूर्यसङ्काशं तरसा निर्जितं मया।

सुश्रोणि O charming lady, मे my, भ्रातुः brother, वैश्रवणस्य Vaisravana's (Kubera's), पुष्पकं नाम called Pushpaka, सूर्यसङ्काशम् radiant like the Sun, विमानम् aerial chariot, तरसा with strength, निर्जितम् is won over.

O finehipped lady, I won by my strength from my brother Vaisravana (Kubera) an aerial chariot called Pushpaka shining with the radiance of the Sun.
विशालं रमणीयं च तद्विमानमनुत्तम्।।3.55.30।।

तत्र सीते मया सार्धं विहरस्व यथासुखम्।

सीते O Sita, अनुत्तमम् excellent, तत् that, विमानम् chariot, विशालम् huge, रमणीयं च beautiful, तत्र on that, मया सार्धम् along with me, यथासुखम् happily, विहरस्व can roam with pleasure.

O Sita that excellent chariot is big and beautiful. Where on you can roam happily along with me.
वदनं पद्मसङ्काशममलं चारुदर्शनम्।

शोकार्तंतु वरारोहे न भ्राजति वरानने।।3.55.31।।

वरारोहे O heavyhipped lady, वरानने lady with a comely face , पद्मसङ्काशम् looking like lotus, अमलम् clean, चारुदर्शनम् pleasing to the eye, वदनम् face, शोकार्तम् striken with grief, न भ्राजति is not shining.

O heavyhipped lady your face which is a clean lotus pleasing to the eye has lost its shine, stricken with grief.
एवं वदति तस्मित्सा वस्त्रान्तेन वराङ्गना।

पिधायेन्दुनिभं सीता मुखमश्रूण्यवर्तयत्।।3.55.32।।

तस्मिन् while he, एवम् in that manner, वदति was talking, वराङ्गना the best of beauty, सा सीता that Sita, इन्दुनिभम् Moonlike, मुखम् face, वस्त्रान्तेन by the edge of the garment, पिधाय covering, अश्रूणि tears, अवर्तयत् stood.

As Ravana went on speaking thus, Sita covered her beautiful, moonlike face with the edge of her garment and stood shedding tears.
ध्यायन्तीं तामिवास्वस्थां दीनां चिन्ताहतप्रभाम्।

उवाच वचनं पापो रावणो राक्षसेश्वरः।।3.55.33।।

पापः sinful, राक्षसेश्वरः lord of the demons, रावणः Ravana, ध्यायन्तीमिव as though in a contemplative mood, अस्वस्थाम् who was not well, दीनाम् piteously, चिन्ताहतप्रभाम् her beauty dulled by her anxiety, ताम् her, वचनम् these words, उवाच said.

While Sita was lost in thought, feeling ill at lase, looking wretched with her beauty dulled by her anxiety, the sinful lord of the demons continued :
अलं व्रीडेन वैदेहि धर्मलोपकृतेन च।।3.55.34।।

आर्षोऽयं दैवनिष्यन्दो यस्त्वामभिगमिष्यति।

वैदेहि Sita, धर्मलोपकृतेन thinking it to be a violation of righteous conduct, व्रीडेन feeling shamed, अलम् no need to, यः whatever, त्वाम् अभिगमिष्यति will come your way, अयम् this one, दैवनिष्यन्दः granted by fate, आर्षः acceptable to sages.

O Sita you need not feel shamed that it is a violation of righteous conduct. Take it as godsend which has the approval of sages.
एतौ पादौ मया स्निग्धौ शिरोभिः परिपीडितौ।।3.55.35।।

प्रसादं कुरु मे क्षिप्रं वश्यो दासोऽहमस्मिते।

एतौ these two, स्निग्धौ shining brightly, पादौ feet, मया शिरोभिः by my heads too, परिपीडितौ are touched and pressed, क्षिप्रम् quickly, प्रसादम् favour, कुरु do, अहम् I am, ते to you, वश्यः under your control, दासः slave, अस्मि I am.

I am bowing down, pressing my heads at your shining feet. I am at your mercy. Grant me your favourI will remain your slave and remain ever under your control.
इमाश्शून्य मया वाचश्शुष्यमाणेन भाषिताः।।3.55.36।।

न चापि रावणः काञ्चिन्मूर्ध्ना स्त्रीं प्रणमेत ह।

शुष्यमाणेन with parched throat, मया by myself, इमाः these, शून्याः desolate, वाचः words, भाषिताः spoken, रावणः Ravana, काञ्चित् स्त्रीं any woman, मूर्ध्ना head bowed down, न प्रणमेत हि will not pay obeisance.

My throat has dried up. I have spoken these words in a forlorn state. Ravana has never bowed down to a woman in obeisance.
एवमुक्त्वा दशग्रीवो मैथिलीं जनकात्मजाम्।।3.55.37।।

कृतान्तवशमापन्नो ममेयमिति मन्यते।

दशग्रीवः the tenheaded Ravana, जनकात्मजाम् to the daughter of Janaka, मैथिलीम् Maithili,
एवम् in that manner, उक्त्वा having said, कृतान्तवशम् under the control of Yama, आपन्नः being distressed, इयम् she is, मम mine, इति like this, मन्यते thinks.

Having said this to the daughter of Janaka, the tenheaded Ravana who had fallen under the control of Yama, lord of death, misconceived that she had become his own.
इतयार्ष श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे पञ्चपञ्चाशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fiftyfifth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.