Sloka & Translation

[Sita ridicules Ravana-- not willing to reply directly speaks to a blade of grass about Rama's might and Ravana's destruction-- Ravana sends Sita to Asoka garden.]

सा तथोक्ता तु वैदेही निर्भया शोककर्शिता।

तृणमन्तरतः कृत्वा रावणं प्रत्यभाषत।।3.56.1।।

तथा thus, उक्ता having addressed, शोककर्शिता sunk in deep sorrow, सा वैदेही that Sita, princess from Videha, निर्भया unafraid , तृणम् blade of grass, अन्तरतः between him and her, कृत्वा placed, रावणम् Ravana, प्रत्यभाषत replied.

Thus addressed by Ravana, Sita, immersed in deep sorrow and unafraid of him, placed a blade of grass between her and him (intending not to speak to him straight) and replied:
राजा दशरथो नाम धर्मसेतुरिवाचलः।

सत्यसन्धः परिज्ञातो यस्य पुत्रस्सराघवः।।3.56.2।।

दशरथो नाम named Dasaratha, राजा king, अचलः steadfast, धर्मसेतुरिव as an embankment (protector) of righteousness, सत्यसन्धः true to his promise, परिज्ञातः renowned, सः राघवः that Rama, यस्य whose, पुत्रः son.

Rama is a son of the renowned king Dasaratha, who was a firm ambankment (protector) of righteousness and was true to his promise.
रामो नाम स धर्मात्मा त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुतः।

दीर्घबाहुर्विशालाक्षो दैवतं हि पतिर्मम।।3.56.3।।

त्रिषु in the three, लोकेषु in the worlds, विश्रुतः highly renowned, दीर्घबाहुः longarmed, विशालाक्षः largeeyed, रामो नाम named Rama, सः he, धर्मात्मा righteous soul, मम my, पतिः
husband, दैवतम् god to all.

The longarmed, largeeyed Rama is famous in all the three worlds. He is my husband, a righteous soul and a god to all.
इक्ष्वाकूणां कुले जातस्सिंहस्कन्धो महाद्युतिः।

लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा यस्ते प्राणान्हरिष्यति।।3.56.4।।

इक्ष्वाकूणाम् of Ikshvakus, कुले in the dynasty, जातः born, सिंहस्कन्धः shoulders of a lion, महाद्युतिः effulgent, भ्रात्रा with his brother, लक्ष्मणेन सह along with Lakshmana, यः who, ते your, प्राणान् life, हरिष्यति will take away.

The brilliant Rama of the Ikshvaku dynasty with the lion's shoulders will come with his brother Lakshmana and take away your life.
प्रत्यक्षं यद्यहं तस्य त्वया स्यां धर्षिता बलात्।

शयिता त्वं हतस्संख्ये जनस्थाने यथा खरः।।3.56.5।।

अहम् I, त्वया by your, तस्य his, प्रत्यक्षम् (in his) presence, बलात् with force, धर्षिता attacked, स्यां यदि if you were to be, त्वम् you, जनस्थाने in Janasthana, खरः Khara, यथा just as, हतः killed, शयिता lying down.

Had you abducted me forcibly in his presence, you would have been lying down dead just as Khara in Janasthana.
य एते राक्षसाः प्रोक्ता घोररूपा महाबलाः।

राघवे निर्विषास्सर्वे सुपर्णे पन्नगा यथा।।3.56.6।।

घोररूपाः of dreadful forms, महाबलाः very strong , ये those, एते such of, राक्षसाः demons, प्रोक्ताः has been said, सर्वे all, सुपर्णे Suparna, पन्नगाः serpents, यथा like, राघवे with regard to Rama, निर्विषाः are devoid of poison.

Those dreadful, mighty demons you have described are ineffective in his presence just like the serpents who with their venom are ineffective in the presence of Suparna (Garuda).
तस्य ज्याविप्रमुक्तास्ते शराः काञ्चनभूषणाः।

शरीरं विधमिष्यन्ति गङ्गाकूलमिवोर्मयः।।3.56.7।।

तस्य his, ज्याविप्रमुक्ताः released from the string of the bow, काञ्चनभूषणाः goldtipped, शराः arrows, ऊर्मयः waves, गङ्गाकूलमिव like the bank of the Ganges, ते शरीरम् your body, विधमिष्यन्ति will shatter.

The goldtipped arrows released from his bowstring will shatter your body like the waves erode the banks of river Ganga.
असुरैर्वा सुरैर्वा त्वं यद्यवध्योऽसि रावण।

उत्पाद्य सुमहद्वैरं जीवंस्तस्य न मोक्ष्यसे।।3.56.8।।

रावण O Ravana, त्वम् you, असुरैर्वा by demons, सुरैर्वा or by gods, अवध्यः are not to be killed, असि यदि even if, सुमहत् great, वैरम् enmity, उत्पाद्य after creating, जीवन् with life, तस्य his, न मोक्ष्यसे you will not be released.

O Ravana, even if you stand invulnerable to gods and demons, you will not come out alive in the combat with Rama with whom you have earned great enmity.
स ते जीवितशेषस्य राघवोऽन्तकरो बली।

पशोर्यूपगतस्येव जीवितं तव दुर्लभम्।।3.56.9।।

बली powerful, सः राघवः Rama, ते your, जीवितशेषस्य of the little life left, अन्तकरः destroyer of life, यूपगतस्य tied to the sacrificial post, पशोरिव like a beast ready for sacrifice, तव your, जीवितम् life, दुर्लभम् difficult to survive.

Powerful Rama will put an end to whatever little life you are left with. Just as a beast
tied to a sacrificial post, you will not survive.
यदि पश्येत्स रामस्त्वां रोषदीप्तेन चक्षुषा।

रक्षस्त्वमद्य निर्धग्धो गच्छेस्सद्यः पराभवम्।।3.56.10।।

रक्षः O demon, सः रामः that Rama, रोषदीप्तेन burning with anger, चक्षुषा with eyes, त्वाम् you, पश्येत् if he sees, अद्य now, सद्यः instantly, त्वम् you, निर्धग्धः totally burnt, पराभवम् गच्छेः you will be destroyed.

O demon, you will be completely consumed if Rama looks at you with eyes burning in anger.
यश्चन्द्रं नभसो भूमौ पातयेन्नाशयेत वा।

सागरं शोषयेद्वापि स सीतां मोचयेदिह।।3.56.11।।

यः he who, चन्द्रम् Moon, नभसः from the sky, भूमौ on the earth, पातयेत् can bring down, वा or even, नाशयेत destroy, सागरम् sea, शोषयेद्वापि will make it dry, सः he, इह here, सीताम् Sita, मोचयेत् will liberate

He who can bring down the Moon to the earth from the sky or even dash it down, he who can drain the sea dry will definitely release me from here.
गतायुस्त्वं गतश्रीको गतसत्त्व गतेन्द्रियः।

लङ्का वैधव्यसंयुक्ता त्वत्कृतेन भविष्यति।।3.56.12।।

त्वम् you, गतायुः life is gone, गतश्रीकः deprived of your fortune, गतसत्त्व your strength sapped, गतेन्द्रियः your senses dissipated, त्वत्कृतेन by your action, लङ्का Lanka, वैधव्यसंयुक्ता भविष्यति attain widowhood.

Your life is coming to an end. Your fortunes will wane, your strength will be sapped. Your senses will be dissipated. By your deeds Lanka will attain widowhood.
न ते पापमिदं कर्म शुखोदर्कं भविष्यति।

याऽहं नीता विनाभावं पतिपार्श्वात्त्वया वने।।3.56.13।।

ते you, इदम् this, कर्म deed, शुखोदर्कम् will result in happiness, न भविष्यति will not be, या which, अहम् I, त्वया by you, वने in the forest, पतिपार्श्वात् from my husband, विनाभावम् without any feeling, नीता I am brought.

This evil deed(of abduction) will not yield happy results.You have brought me from my husband from the forest without any forethought.
स हि दैवतसंयुक्तो मम भर्ता महाद्युतिः।

निर्भयो वीर्यमाश्रित्य शून्ये वसति दण्डके।।3.56.14।।

महाद्युतिः effulgent, मम my, भर्ता husband, सः he, वीर्यम् valour, आश्रित्य resorting to, निर्भयः a fearless, दैवतसंयुक्तः supported by divine power, शून्ये in a desolate, दण्डके in Dandaka, वसति is dwelling.

My effulgent, valiant husband armed with divine power resides fearlessly in the desolate Dandaka.
स ते दर्पं बलं वीर्यमुत्सेकं च तथाविधम्।

अपनेष्यति गात्रेभ्यश्शरवर्षेण संयुगे।।3.56.15।।

सः he, संयुगे in combat, शरवर्षेण with showers of arrows, ते your, गात्रेभ्यः from limbs, दर्पम् pride, बलम् power, वीर्यम् heroism, तथाविधम् as such, उत्सेकं च haughtiness, अपनेष्यति will remove.

He will remove your pride, your power, your valour and haughtiness from your limbs with a shower of arrows in the fight.
यदा विनाशो भूतानां दृश्यते कालचोदितः।

तदा कार्ये प्रमाद्यन्ति नराः कालवशं गताः।।3.56.16।।

भूतानाम् for the living beings, यदा whenever, कालचोदितः prompted by time (death), विनाशः destruction, दृश्यते is seen, तदा then, नराः men, कालवशम् overcome by time, गताः become, कार्ये deeds, प्रमाद्यन्ति commit blunders.

When destruction draws near, people being prompted by time start commiting blunders in their deeds.
मां प्रधृष्य स ते कालः प्राप्तोऽयं राक्षसाधम।

आत्मनो राक्षसानां च वधायान्तःपुरस्य च।।3.56.17।।

राक्षसाधम O vilest of demons, माम् me, प्रधृष्य having assaulted, आत्मनः your, राक्षसानां च of all demons, अन्तःपुरस्य च and of women of the harem, वधाय for destruction, सः कालः that time, ते to you, प्राप्तः has come near.

You vilest of demons, since you have assaulted me, the time of your death and destruction of all demons and of all women in the harem has drawn near.
न शक्या यज्ञमध्यस्था वेदी सृग्भाण्डमण्डिता।

द्विजातिमन्त्रपूता च चण्डालेनावमर्दितुम्।।3.56.18।।

यज्ञमध्यस्था in the midst of the sacrificial ceremony, सुग्भाण्डमण्डिता decorated with ladles and other vessels, द्विजातिमन्त्रपूता च sanctified by brahmins uttering sacred Vedic hymns, वेदी altar, चण्डालेन by a man of low caste, अवमर्दितुम् to violate, न शक्या is not possible.

The sacrificial altar adorned with ladles and vessels and sanctified by the sacred mantras recited by brahmins cannot be defiled by a chandala (man of lowest caste).
तथाऽहं धर्मनित्यस्य धर्मपत्नी पतिव्रता।

त्वया स्पृष्टुं न शक्यास्मि राक्षसाधम पापिना।।3.56.19।।

राक्षसाधम lowly demon, तथा similarly, धर्मनित्यस्य of the ever righteous, धर्मपत्नी rigteous wife, पतिव्रता chaste woman, अहम् I am, पापिना sinner, त्वया you, स्पृष्टुम् to touch, शक्या possible, नास्मि not.

O lowly demon similarly I am a chaste woman and wife of the ever righteous Rama who cannot be defiled by a sinner like you.
क्रीडन्ती राजहंसेन पद्मषण्डेषु नित्यदा।

हंसी सा तृणषण्डस्थं कथं पश्येत मद्गुकम्।।3.56.20।।

पद्मषण्डेषु lotus ponds, नित्यदा always, राजहंसेन with royal swan, क्रीडन्ती sporting, सा हंसी for that female swan, तृणषण्डस्थम् resting on grass land, मद्गुकम् watercrow, कथम् how can, पश्येत will see.

How can a female swan ever sporting in lotusponds in the company of a royal swan look at the watercrow resting on a grassy land?
इदं शरीरं निस्संज्ञं बन्ध वा खातयस्व वा।

नेदं शरीरं रक्षयं मे जीवितं वापि राक्षस।।3.56.21।।

न तु शक्ष्याम्युपक्रोशं पृथिव्यां दातुमात्मनः।

राक्षस demon, निस्संज्ञम् unconscious, इदम् this, शरीरम् body, बन्ध वा bind it on, वा खातयस्व or bury, मे to me, इदम् this, शरीरम् body, जीवितं वा even life, रक्षयम् to protect, न not, तु but, पृथिव्याम् on earth, आत्मन: of myself, उपक्रोशम् ignominy, दातुम् to give, न शक्ष्यामि not possible.

O demon this body has (now) no consciousness. You may bind it or bury it. I do not think that this body or even this life need to be protected. But at no cost can I make this an object of censure on earth (must not be branded an unchaste woman).
एवमुक्त्वा तु वैदेही क्रोधात्सुपरुषं वचः।।3.56.22।।

रावणं मैथिली तत्र पुनर्नोवाच किञ्चन।

वैदेही Sita (Vaidehi), मैथिली princess from Mithila, क्रोधात् in anger, रावणम् Ravana, एवम् in that way, सुपरुषम् very harsh, वचः words, उक्त्वा having uttered, तत्र there, पुनः again, किञ्चन not, नोवाच speak.

Having uttered these very harsh words out of anger, the daughter of Videha, the princess from Mithila spoke no more.
सीताया वचनं श्रुत्वा परुषं रोमहर्षणम्।।3.56.23।।

प्रत्युवाच ततस्सीतां भयसन्दर्शनं वचः।

सीतायाः Sita's such, परुषम् harsh, रोमहर्षणम् horripilating, वचनम् words, श्रुत्वा having heard, ततः then, सीताम् Sita, भयसन्दर्शनम् creating fear, वचः words, प्रत्युवाच replied.

Having heard such harsh, horripilating words from Sita, Ravana replied in a way designed to create fear in her:
शृणु मैथिलि मद्वाक्यं मासान्द्वादश भामिनि।।3.56.24।।

कालेनानेन नाभ्येषि यदि मां चारुहासिनि।

ततस्त्वां प्रातराशार्थं सूदाश्छेत्स्यन्ति लेशशः।।3.56.25।।

मैथिलि Princess from Mithila, भामिनि lovely one, मद्वाक्यम् my statement, शृणु listen, द्वादश twelve, मासान् months, चारुहासिनि a lady with sweet smile, अनेन otherwise, कालेन in course of time, माम् me, नाभ्येषि यदि if you do not accept my hand, ततः thereupon, सूदाः cooks, त्वाम् you, प्रातराशार्थे for breakfast, लेशशः in small bits, छेत्स्यन्ति will cut you.

O comely princess from Mithila, O lady with a sweet smile listen to my words. If you do not accept my hand in the course of twelve months, the cooks will cut you off into small bits for the (my) breakfast.
इत्युक्त्वा परुषं वाक्यं रावणश्शत्रुरावणः।

राक्षसीश्च ततः क्रुद्ध इदं वचनमब्रवीत्।।3.56.26।।

शत्रुरावणः who makes enemies wail, रावणः Ravana, इति these, परुषम् harsh, वाक्यम् words, उक्त्वा having said, ततः then, क्रुद्धः enraged, राक्षसीः demoness, इदम् these, वचनम् words, अब्रवीत् said.

Enraged Ravana, who used to make enemies wail, turned to the demonesses and said these words.
शीघ्रमेव हि राक्षस्यो विकृता घोरदर्शनाः।

दर्पमस्या विनेष्यध्वं मांसशोणितभोजनाः।।3.56.27।।

विकृताः loathsome, घोरदर्शनाः fearful, मांसशोणितभोजनाः flesheaters and bloodsulkers, राक्षस्यः demonesses, शीघ्रमेव at once, अस्याः her, दर्पम् pride, विनेष्यध्वम् humble.

Addressing the flesheating, blooddrinking, loathsome and fearful demonesses Ravana said, Humble her pride at once.
वचनादेव तास्तस्य सुघोरा राक्षसीगणाः।

कृतप्राञ्जलयो भूत्वा मैथिलीं पर्यवारयन्।।3.56.28।।

सुघोराः very dreadful one, ताः they, राक्षसीगणाः demonesses, तस्य his, वचनादेव soon after he said, कृत प्राञ्जलयः (offered obeisance) with folded hands, भूत्वा being, मैथिलीम् पर्यवारयन् surrounded Sita.

No sooner had Ravana said it than the dreadful demonesses offered obeisance to him with folded hands and surrounded Sita.
स ताः प्रोवाच राजा तु रावणो घोरदर्शनः।

प्रचाल्य चरणोत्कर्षैर्दारयन्निव मेदिनीम्।।3.56.29।।

घोरदर्शनः of terrific form, राजा king, सः रावणः that Ravana, चरणोत्कर्षैः stamping his feet, मेदिनीम् on the ground, प्रचाल्य after shaking, दारयन्निव as if tearing the ground, ताः to them, प्रोवाच said.

Stamping his feet and shaking the ground as if tearing the earth, Ravana said to those fiercelooking demonesses:
अशोकवनिकामध्ये मैथिली नीयतामियम्।

तत्रेयं रक्ष्यतां गूढं युष्माभिः परिवारिता।।3.56.30।।

इयं मैथिली this Maithili (sita), अशोकवनिकामध्ये in the middle of Asoka grove, नीयताम् take, तत्र there, इयम् she, युष्माभिः by you, परिवारिता surrounded by, गूढम् secretly, रक्ष्यताम् protect.

Let this Sita be led into the Asoka grove. There sit round her and protect her in secret (her presence there should not be made public).
तत्रैनां तर्जनैर्घोरैः पुनस्सान्त्वैश्च मैथिलीम्।

आनयध्वं वशं सर्वा वन्यां गजवधूमिव।।3.56.31।।

तत्र there, सर्वाः all, एनां मैथिलीम् this Sita, घोरैः terrrific, तर्जनैः threatening, पुनः again, सान्त्वश्च by gently coaxing, वन्याम् wild, गजवधूमिव like a female elephant, वशम् under control, आनयध्वम् being her.

There you all bring her under control through forcing and cajoling as one would do to tame a wild sheelephant.
इति प्रतिसमादिष्टा राक्षस्यो रावणेन ताः।

अशोकवनिकां जग्मुर्मैथिलीं परिगृह्य तु।।3.56.32।।


सर्वकालमदैश्चापि द्विजैस्समुपसेविताम्।।3.56.33।।

रावणेन Ravana, इति like that, प्रतिसमादिष्टाः instructed, ताः those, राक्षस्यः demonesses, मैथिलीम् to Sita, परिगृह्य took, सर्वकालफलैः with fruits of all seasons, नानापुष्पफलैः with different kinds of flowers and fruits, वृक्षैः with trees, वृताम् surrounded, सर्वकालमदैः cheerful in all seaons, द्विजैः birds, समुपसेविताम् served by, अशोकवनिकाम् to the Asoka grove, जग्मुः went.

Thus instructed by Ravana, the demonesses took Sita into the Asoka grove, which was full of perenmal fruits and flowers of different kinds, where trees yielded fruits of all seasons and birds were always cheerful.
सा तु शोकपरीताङ्गी मैथिली जनकात्मजा।

राक्षसीवशमापन्ना व्याघ्रीणां हरिणी यथा।।3.56.34।।

शोकपरीताङ्गी engulfed in grief, जनकात्मजा daughter of Janaka, सा मैथिली that Sita, हरिणी doe, व्याघ्रीणां यथा as among tigresses, राक्षसीवशम् under the control of the demonesses, आपन्ना was placed.

Sita, daughter of Janaka, engulfed in grief found herself like a doe under the control of tigresses.
शोकेन महता ग्रस्ता मैथिली जनकात्मजा।

न शर्म लभते भीरुः पाशबद्धा मृगी यथा।।3.56.35।।

महता by great, शोकेन by grief, ग्रस्ता immersed, भीरुः helpless lady, जनकात्मजा daughter of Janaka, मैथिली Sita, पाशबद्धा ensnared, मृगी यथा like a female, शर्म peace, न लभते not had.

Sita, daughter of Janaka, immersed in deep grief knew no peace just like a doe caught in a snare.
न विन्दते तत्र तु शर्म मैथिली विरूपनेत्राभिरतीव तर्जिता।

पतिं स्मरन्ती दयितं च देवतं विचेतनाऽभूद्भयशोकपीडिता।।3.56.36।।

विरूपनेत्राभिः by women of deformed eyes, अतीव excessively, तर्जिता threatened, मैथिली Sita, तत्र there, शर्म peace, न विन्दते not had, दयितम् beloved, पतिम् husband, देवतं च desired deity, स्मरन्ती while remembering, भयशोकपीडिता tortured by fear and grief, विचेतना lost conciousness, अभूत् became.

Sita had no peace as she was threatened excessively by those women of deformed looks. Remembering her beloved husband who was also her god, and overtaken by fear and grief , she fell unconscious.
इतयार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे षटपञ्चाशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fiftysixth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.