Sloka & Translation

[Rama enquires Lakshmana the reason for leaving Sita alone-- Lakshmana tells him about Sita goading him to leave immediately.]

अथाश्रमादुपावृत्तमन्तरा रघुनन्दनः।

परिपप्रच्छ सौमित्रिं रामो दुःखार्दितं पुनः।।3.59.1।।

अथ and then, रघुनन्दनः delight of the Raghus, रामः Rama, दुःखार्दितम् afflicted, आश्रमात् from the hermitage, उपावृत्तम् returned, सौमित्रिम् Lakshmana, अन्तरा in the midst, पुनः again, परिपप्रच्छ questioned.

Rama, the delight of the Raghus, once again questioned Lakshmana who had come out of the hermitage, deeply hurt:
तमुवाच किमर्थं त्वमागतोऽपास्य मैथिलीम्।

यदा सा तव विश्वासाद्वने विरहिता मया।।3.59.2।।

तम् him, उवाच had said, तव your, विश्वासात् with the confidence, मया myself, सा she, वने in the forest, यदा as such, विरहिता left, मैथिलीम् Maithili, किमर्थम् for what reason, उपास्य having left her, त्वम् you, आगतः came.

Why did you come, leaving the princess from Mithila alone in the forest when I had left her under your trust ?
दृष्ट्वैवाभ्यागतं त्वां मे मैथिलीं त्यज्य लक्ष्मण।

शङ्कमानं महत्पापं यत्सत्यं व्यथितं मनः।।3.59.3।।

लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, मैथिलीम् Maithili, त्यज्य left, अभ्यागतम् your coming, त्वाम् your, दृष्ट्वैव on seeing, मनः in my mind, महत् great, पापम् evil, शङ्कमानम् doubted, व्यथितम् (इति) यत् I was pained, सत्यम् it was true.

When I saw you, O Lakshmana, coming without Sita, my mind was oppressed with evil thought which have come true.
स्फुरते नयनं सव्यं बाहुश्च हृदयं च मे।

दृष्ट्वा लक्ष्मण दूरे त्वां सीताविरहितं पथि।।3.59.4।।

लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, सीताविरहितम् without Sita, त्वाम् you, दूरे at a distance, पथि on the way, दृष्ट्वा seeing, मे mine, सव्यम् left, नयनम् eye, बाहुश्च shoulder, स्फुरते throbbing, मे my, हृदयं च heart too.

O Lakshmana, as I saw you from a distance without Sita, my left eye, my shoulder and my heart throbbed.
एवमुक्तन्तु सौमित्रिर्लक्ष्मणश्शुभलक्षणः।

भूयो दुःखसमाविष्टो दुःखितं राममब्रवीत्।।3.59.5।।

एवम् in that way, उक्तः having been spoken, सौमित्रिः Lakshmana, शुभलक्षणः endowed with good traits, लक्ष्मणः Lakshmana, भूयः again, दुःखसमाविष्टः drowned in greater sorrow, दुःखितम् sorrowful, रामम् to Rama, अब्रवीत् said.

Thus addressed, virtuous Lakshmana, overwhelmed with sorrow replied to the grief stricken Rama:
न स्वयं कामकारेण तां त्यक्त्वाहमिहागतः।

प्रचोदित स्तयैवोग्रैस्त्वत्सकाशमिहागतः।।3.59.6।।

अहम् I, ताम् her, स्वयम् on my own, त्यक्त्वा after leaving, कामकारेण by my own desire, इह here, न आगतः not come, तयैव by herself, उग्रैः with angry words, प्रचोदितः provoked, इह here, त्वत्सकाशम् to you, आगतः I came.

I did not leave her on my own nor have I come here of my own accord. I came to you,
provoked by her angry words.
आर्येणेव पराक्रुष्टं हासीते लक्ष्मणेति च।

परित्राहीति यद्वाक्यं मैथिल्यास्तच्छ्रुतिं गतम्।।3.59.7।।

हा सीते Alas, Sita, हा लक्ष्मण Alas, Lakshmana, इति च these words, परित्राहि इति save me, यत् such, आर्येणेव as if your noble self, पराक्रुष्टम् loudly, तत् then, मैथिल्याः Maithili's, श्रुतिम् to her ears, गतम् reached.

Uttered loudly, 'Alas Sita, Alas, Lakshmana, save me', as if these were the words of your noble self, reached Sita's ears.
सा तमार्तस्वरं श्रुत्वा तव स्नेहेन मैथिली।

गच्छ गच्छेति मामाह रुदन्ती भयविह्वला।।3.59.8।।

सा मैथिली that Maithili, तम् that, आर्तस्वरम् cry of pain, श्रुत्वा hearing, रुदन्ती crying, तव स्नेहेन because of her love for you, भयविह्वला wild with fear, गच्छ गच्छ इति go, go, माम् to me said, आह pleaded.

The princess from Mithila heard this cry of pain and, wild with fear, urged me out of her love for you to go.
प्रचोद्यमानेन मया गच्छेति बहुशस्तया।

प्रत्युक्ता मैथिली वाक्यमिदं त्वत्प्रत्ययान्वितम्।3.59.9।।

गच्छ इति saying go, तया Sita, बहुशः many ways, प्रचोद्यमानेन while being provoked, मया by me, मैथिली Maithili, त्वत्प्रत्ययान्वितम् cofidence in her, इदम् these, वाक्यम् words, प्रत्युक्ता replied.

When I was repeated asked to go, I said this in order to instil confidence in the princess from Mithila :
न तत्पश्याम्यहं रक्षो यदस्य भयमावहेत्।

निर्वृता भव नास्त्येतत्केनाप्येवमुदाहृतम्।।3.59.10।।

अस्य his, यत् Rama, भयम् fear, आवहेत् who can cause, तत् such, रक्षः demon, अहम् I, न पश्यामि I do not see, निर्वृता give up fear, भव your, एतत् this, नास्ति does not exist, केनापि by some one, एवम् in that way, उदाहृतम् is uttered.

'No one can cause fear in Rama. I do not see any demon who can hold a threat to him. Give up fear. Some one might have said it.
विगर्हितं च नीचं च कथमार्योऽभिधास्यति।

त्राहीति वचनं सीते यस्त्रायेत्रिदशानपि।।3.59.11।।

सीते O Sita, यः he, त्रिदशानपि even gods, त्रायेत् he may save, आर्यः capable one, विगर्हितम् demeaning, नीचं च lowly, त्राहि इति saying 'save me', वचनम् words, कथम् how, अभिधास्यति will speak out?

'How can Rama who is capable of saving even gods speak such unworthy, demeaning words, 'Save me, O Sita'
किं निमित्तं तु केनापि भ्रातुरालम्ब्य मे स्वरम्।

राक्षसेनेरितं वाक्यं त्राहि त्राहीति शोभने।।3.59.12।।

शोभने O fair lady, किं निमित्तं तु for some reason, केनापि राक्षसेन by some demon, मे भ्रातुः my brother's, स्वरम् voice, आलम्ब्य adapting, त्राहि त्राहि इति 'save me, save me', वाक्यम् these words, ईरितम् is said.

O fair lady, for some reason some demon has uttered these words 'Save me, save me' adapting my brother's voice.
विस्वरं व्याहृतं वाक्यं लक्ष्मण त्राहि मामिति।

न भवत्या व्यथा कार्या कुनारीजनसेविता।।3.59.13।।

लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, माम् me, त्राहि save me, इति thus, विस्वरम् in an altered voice, वाक्यम् these words, व्याहृतम् uttered, भवत्या yourself, कुनारीजनसेविता like an ordinary lowborn woman, व्यथा pain, न कार्या not to be taken.

'Lakshmana, save me' are the words uttered in an altered tone. Like an ordinary, lowborn woman you are not to feel concerned for this.
अलं वैक्लब्यमालम्ब्य स्वस्था भव निरुत्सुका।

न सोऽस्ति त्रिषु लोकेषु पुमान्वै राघवं रणे।।3.59.14।।

जातो वा जायमानो वा संयुगे यः पराजयेत्।

न जय्यो राघवो युद्धे देवैश्शक्रपुरोगमैः।।3.59.15।।

वैक्लब्यम् bewilderment, आलम्ब्य resorting to, अलम् no need, निरुत्सुका frustrated, स्वस्था भव you should be calm, यः whoever, संयुगेरणे in an encounter, राघवम् Rama, पराजयेत् defeat, सः he, पुमान् a man, त्रिषु लोकेषु in the three worlds, जातो वा is born in the past, जायमानो वा or going to be born, नास्ति is not there, राघवः Rama, शक्रपुरोगमैः by those led by Indra, देवैः by gods, युद्धे in war, न जय्यः cannot be conquered.

'You should not feel agitated or dispirited. Be composed. There is no one either born or going to be born in the three worlds who can defeat Rama in war. He cannot be conquered in a battle even by gods led by indra.'
एवमुक्ता तु वैदेही परिमोहितचेतना।

उवाचाश्रूणि मुञ्चन्ती दारुणं मामिदं वचः।।3.59.16।।

एवम् in that way, उक्ता consoled, वैदेही Vaidehi, परिमोहितचेतना of deluded intellect, अश्रूणि tears, मुञ्चन्ती shedding, माम् me, दारुणं harsh, इदं वचः these words, उवाच said.

Deluded by her senses, Vaidehi said these words, shedding tears when I tried to
console her:
भावो मयि तवात्यर्थं पाप एव निवेशितः।

विनष्टे भ्रातरि प्राप्तुं न च त्वं मामवाप्स्यसि।।3.59.17।।

भ्रातरि brother, विनष्टे is deceased, प्राप्तुम् to get, मयि me, अत्यर्थम् extremely, पापः भाव एव sinful thought only, तव you, निवेशितः is set, त्वम् you, माम् me, न च अवाप्स्यसि will not be able to gain.

'You have an extremely sinful intention of getting me when your brother is dead. But you will not be able to gain me.
सङ्केताद्भरतेन त्वं रामं समनुगच्छसि।

क्रोशन्तं हि यथात्यर्थं नैवमभ्यवपद्यसे।।3.59.18।।

अत्यर्थम् intensely, क्रोशन्तम् shouting for help, यथा as, एवम् in this, नाभ्यवपद्यसे are not going, त्वम् you, भरतेन by Bharata, सङ्केतात् instruction, रामम् Rama,समनुगच्छसि followed.

'Since you are not reaching out to Rama who is helplessly crying for his rescue, you must have followed Rama, instructed by Bharata (to do him harm)'৷৷
रिपुः प्रच्छन्नचारी त्वं मदर्थमनुगच्छसि।

राघवस्यान्तरप्रेप्सुस्तथैनं नाभिपद्यसे।।3.59.19।।

प्रच्छन्नचारी in disguise, रिपुः enemy, त्वम् you, राघवस्य Rama's, अन्तरप्रेप्सुः waiting for an opportunity, मदर्थम् for my sake, अनुगच्छसि are following, तथा like this, एनम् him, नाभिपद्यसे not going now.

'You are an enemy moving in disguise with an interest in me. You are waiting for an opportunity to set aside Rama. That is why you are not rushing to him.'
एवमुक्तो हि वैदेह्या संरब्धो रक्तलोचनः।

क्रोधात्प्रस्फुरमाणोष्ठ आश्रमादभिनिर्गतः।।3.59.20।।

वैदेह्या by Vaidehi, एवम् in that way, उक्तः having spoken, संरब्धः an agitated person, क्रोधात् in anger, रक्तलोचनः with reddened eye, स्फुरमाणोष्ठः quivering lips, आश्रमात् from the hermitage, अभिनिर्गतः came out.

At these words from the princess of Videha, I came out of the hermitage in an agitated mood with my eyes turned red and lips quivering in anger.
एवं ब्रुवाणं सौमित्रिं रामस्सन्तापमोहितः।

अब्रवीद्दुष्कृतं सौम्य तां विना यत्त्वमागतः।।3.59.21।।

एवम् in that way, ब्रुवाणम् as he was telling, सौमित्रिम् Lakshmana, सन्तापमोहितः overtaken by grief, रामः Rama, अब्रवीत् said, सौम्य noble, यत् since, त्वम् you, तां विना without her, आगतः came, दुष्कृतम् a wrong act, कृतम् is done.

To Lakshmana thus reporting, Rama, overcome with grief, said,(Even then) O noble brother your coming here, leaving her behind, is a wrong step taken.
जानन्नपि समर्थं मां रक्षसां विनिवारणे।

अनेन क्रोधवाक्येन मैथिल्या निस्सृतो भवान्।।3.59.22।।

माम् me, रक्षसाम् of demons, विनिवारणे in warding off, समर्थम् capable, जानन्नपि even knowing , भवान् yourself, मैथिल्याः Maithili's, अनेन by this, क्रोधवाक्येन angry words, निस्सृतः came out.

You have come out of the hermitage provoked by Maithili's angry words, even though you are aware that I am capable of warding off the demons.
न हि ते परितुष्यामि त्यक्त्वा यद्यासि मैथिलीम्।

क्रुद्धायाः परुषं श्रुत्वा तां विहाय त्वमागतः।।3.59.23।।

मैथिलीम् Maithili, त्यक्त्वा left, यद्यासि that you came, ते with you, न परितुष्यामि not pleased, त्वम् you, क्रुद्धायाः angry, परुषम् harsh, श्रुत्वा listening, ताम् her, विहाय deserting, इह here, आगतः came.

I am not happy with you as you have come here deserting Sita on the plea that she was angry and spoke harsh words.
सर्वथा त्वविनीतं ते सीतया यत्प्रचोदितः।

क्रोधस्य वशमापन्नो नाकरोश्शासनं मम।।3.59.24।।

सीतया by Sita, प्रचोदितः you are urged, क्रोधस्य by anger's, वशम् grip, आपन्नः came, मम my, शासनम् orders, नाकरोः (इति) यत् not respected, सर्वथा by all means, ते your, अविनीतम् act of disobedience.

Provoked by the words of Sita spoken in anger you came without respecting my orders. It is definitely an act of disobedience.
असौ हि राक्षसश्शेते शरेणाभिहतो मया।

मृगरूपेण येनाहमाश्रमादपवाहितः।।3.59.25।।

मृगरूपेण in the guise of a deer, येन by whom, अहम् I, आश्रमात् from the hermitage, अपवाहितः was taken away, असौ राक्षसः this demon, मया by me, शरेण with an arrow, अभिहतः he is killed, शेते lies.

This demon who misled me in the guise of a deer and took me away from the hermitage, lies dead, killed by my arrow.
विकृष्य चापं परिधाय सायकं सलीलबाणेन च ताडितो मया।

मार्गीं तनुं त्यज्य स विक्लबस्वरो बभूव केयूरधरस्सराक्षसः।।3.59.26।।

मया by me, चापम् bow, विकृष्य bending, सायकम् an arrow, परिधाय after fixing, सलीलबाणेन
arrow released with ease, ताडितः beaten , सः he, मार्गीम् a deer, तनुम् body, त्यज्य having, सविक्लबस्वर: painful voice, केयूरधरः with a bracelet, राक्षसः demon, बभूव lay down.

Bending the bow I fixed the arrow and released it at ease. Hit by that arrow he gave up his guise of the deer and assuming the form of a demon with a bracelet on his arm fell down groaning.
शराहतेनैव तदार्तया गिरा स्वरं समालम्ब्य सुदूरसुश्रवम्।

उदाहृतं तद्वचनं सुदारुणं त्वमागतो येन विहाय मैथिलीम्।।3.59.27।।

तदा then, शराहतेनैव as soon as he was hit by the arrow, आर्तया in distress, गिरा with a voice, सुदूरसुश्रवम् even heard from a distance, स्वरम् voice, समालम्ब्य adapting, सुदारुणम् very dreadful, तत् that, वचनम् words, उदाहृतम् uttered, येन by which, त्वम् you, मैथिलीम् Maithili, विहाय after deserting, इह here, आगतः came.

Hit by the arrow, the demon imitating my voice cried out in desperation which could be clearly audible even from a distance. On hearing the dreadful words you deserted Sita and came here.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे एकोनषष्टितमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fiftyninth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.