Sloka & Translation

[Rama recalls the events starting from exile-- describes Sita's beauty, virtues and gentleness--drifts back to sorrow--Lakshmana tells Rama to think of a way of finding Sita.]

स राजपुत्रः प्रियया विहीनः शोकेन मोहेन च पीड्यमानः।

विषादयन्भ्रातरमार्तरूपो भूयो विषादं प्रविवेश तीव्रम्।।3.63.1।।

प्रियया by the beloved, विहीनः separated, सः राजपुत्रः prince,Rama, शोकेन out of sorrow, मोहेन च delusion, पीड्यमानः being afflicted, आर्तरूपः in distressed state, भ्रातरम् brother, विषादयन् worrying , भूयः again, तीव्रम् intense, विषादम् grief, प्रविवेश sunk.

Prince Rama, separated from his beloved, lost his senses out of sorrow. Seeing his brother in a distressed state, he sank again into intense grief.
स लक्ष्मणं शोकवशाभिपन्नं शोके निमग्नो विपुले तु रामः।

उवाच वाक्यं व्यसनानुरूपमुष्णं विनिश्श्वस्य रुदंत्सशोकम्।।3.63.2।।

विपुले शोके in intense grief, निमग्नः plunged, सः that, रामः Rama, सशोकम् with sorrow, रुदन् crying, शोकवशाभिपन्नम् who was caught in sorrow, लक्ष्मणम् Lakshmana, उष्णम् hot, विनिश्वस्य sighing, व्यसनानुरूपम् in his grief, वाक्यम् these words, उवाच said.

Plunged in deep grief, Rama heaved hot sighs and said these words to griefstricken Lakshmanaweeping:
न मद्विधो दुष्कृतकर्मकारी मन्ये द्वितीयोऽस्ति वसुन्धरायाम्।

शोकेन शोको हि परम्पराया मा मेति भिन्दन्हृदयं मनश्च।।3.63.3।।

वसुन्धरायाम् on earth, मद्विधः like me, दुष्कृतकर्मकारी who undertakes forbidden acts, द्वितीयः second person, नास्ति not, मन्ये I think, शोकेन grief, शोकः grief, परम्परायाः continuously,
हृदयम् heart, मनश्च mind also, भिन्दन् shattered, माम् my, एति हि is befalling.

I think there is none on earth like me who has performed such forbidden acts. One grief after the other is successively piercing my heart and my mind.
पूर्वं मया नूनमभीप्सितानि पापानि कर्माण्यसकृत्कृतानि।

तत्रायमद्यापतितो विपाको दुःखेन दुःखं यदहं विशामि।।3.63.4।।

मया by me, पूर्वम् in the past, नूनम् certainly, अभीप्सितानि dear to me, पापानि कर्माणि sinful deeds, असकृत् often, कृतानि done, तत्र there, अद्य now, विपाकः consequence of that, आपतितः has descended, यत् since, अहम् I, दुःखेन by sorrow, दुःखम् sorrow, विशामि I am entering.

In the past I had certainly done some sinful deeds I often liked the consequences of which have descended on me now as I am experiencing one sorrow after another.
राज्यप्रणाशस्स्वजनैर्वियोगः पितुर्विनाशो जननीवियोगः।

सर्वाणि मे लक्ष्मण शोकवेगमापूरयन्ति प्रविचिन्तितानि।।3.63.5।।

लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, राज्यप्रणाशः loss of kingdom, स्वजनैः kith and kin, वियोगः separation from, पितुः father, विनाशः death, जननीवियोगः separation from mother, सर्वाणि all, प्रविचिन्तितानि thinking over, मे I, शोकवेगम् fast increase sorrow, आपूरयन्ति greater measure.

O Lakshmana, loss of kingdom, separation from kith and kin, death of father, separation from mother--all these thoughts augment my sorrow faster and in greater measure.
सर्वं तु दुःखं मम लक्ष्मणेदं शान्तं शरीरे वनमेत्य शून्यम्।

सीतावियोगात्पुनरप्युदीर्णं काष्ठैरिवाग्निस्सहसा प्रदीप्तः।।3.63.6।।

लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, इदम् this, सर्वम् all, दुःखम् sorrow, शून्यम् solitary, वनम् woods, एत्य on coming, शरीरे in the body, शान्तम् calmness, सीतावियोगात् with the separation from Sita,
काष्ठैः logs of wood, सहसा along with, प्रदीप्तः blazing flame, अग्निः fire, पुनरपि again rises, उदीर्णम् came up.

O Lakshmana, all this sorrow calmed down when I came to this solitary forest. But with Sita's separation, it was rekindled just as fire blazes forth again with logs of wood.
सा नूनमार्या मम राक्षसेन बलाद्दृता खं समुपेत्य भीरुः।

अपस्वरं सस्वरविप्रलापा भयेन विक्रन्दितवत्यभीक्ष्णम्।।3.63.7।।

मम my, भीरुः timid, सा आर्या that princess, राक्षसेन by the demon, बलात् forcibly, हृता is carried away, खम् into the sky, समुपेत्य taken, सस्वरविप्रलापा cried aloud, भयेन in fear, अभीक्ष्णम् repeatedly, अपस्वरम् in a broken voice, आक्रन्दितवती wept bitterly, नूनम् surely.

The timid princess of mine forcibly carried away into the sky by a demon must have again and again cried aloud out of fear in a broken voice.
तौ लोहितस्य प्रियदर्शनस्य सदोचितावुत्तमचन्दनस्य।

वृत्तौ स्तनौ शोणितपङ्कदिग्धौ नूनं प्रियाया मम नाभिभातः।।3.63.8।।

लोहितस्य of copper complexion, प्रियदर्शनस्य lovely to look at, उत्तमचन्दनस्य with the best of sandal paste, सदा always, उचितौ used, वृत्तौ two circular ones, मम प्रियायाः my beloved, तौ स्तनौ her breasts, नूनम् surely, शोणितपङ्कदिग्धौ drenched in blood and mud, नाभिभातः will not be pleasing.

Her captivating copper coloured skin, smeared with the best of red sandal paste would not be surely pleasing now, drenched in blood and mud.
तच्छलक्ष्णसुव्यक्तमृदुप्रलापं तस्या मुखं कुञ्चितकेशभारम्।

रक्षोवशं नूनमुपागताया न भ्राजते राहुमुखे यथेन्दुः।।3.63.9।।

रक्षोवशम् demons' hold, उपागतायाः coming under, तस्याः her, श्लक्ष्णसुव्यक्त very clear words,
मृदुप्रलापम् sweet and gentle, कुञ्चितकेशभारम् beautiful curly hair, तत् मुखम् her face, राहुमुखे Rahu's mouth, इन्दुः Moon, यथा like that, न भ्राजते not shine, नूनम् certainly.

Her face with her clear, sweet and gentle words and her curly hair falling will no more look bright coming under the grip of demons like the moon eclipsed by Rahu.
तां हारपाशस्य सदोचिताया ग्रीवां प्रियाया मम सुव्रतायाः।

रक्षांसि नूनं परिपीतवन्ति विभिद्य शून्ये रुधिराशनानि।।3.63.10।।

सदा always, हारपाशस्य necklace, उचितायाः accustomed to, सुव्रतायाः of a lady of exemplary conduct, मम प्रियायाः of my beloved, तां ग्रीवाम् that neck, रुधिराशनानि blood thirsty beings, रक्षांसि by demons, शून्ये in desolate , विभिद्य breaking, नूनम् surely, परिपीतवन्ति drunk.

The bloodthirsty demons must have drunk the blood of my faithful beloved in a lonely place breaking her neck that used to wear beautiful necklaces.
मया विहीना विजने वने या रक्षोभिराहृत्य विकृष्यमाणा।

नूनं निनादं कुररीव दीना सा मुक्तवत्यायतकान्तनेत्रा।।3.63.11।।

या that, विजने वने in the desolate forest, मया by me, विहीना separated, सा that, आयतकान्तनेत्रा beautiful largeeyed lady, रक्षोभिः by the demons, आहृत्य after abducting, विकृष्यमाणा dragging, दीना helpless, कुररीव like a female osprey, नूनम् surely, निनादम् sound, मुक्तवती would have released.

The lovely, largeeyed lady separated from me in the desolate forest, abducted and dragged by demons must have cried at that time desperately like a female osprey.
अस्मिन्मयासार्धमुदारशीला शिलातले पूर्वमुपोपविष्टा।

कान्तस्मिता लक्ष्मण जातहासा त्वामाह सीता बहुवाक्यजातम्।।3.63.12।।

लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, उदारशीला good natured, कान्तस्मिता lovely smile, सीता Sita, अस्मिन् on this, शिलातले on this rock, मयासार्धम् along with me, पूर्वम् earlier, उपोपविष्टा sitting here,
जातहासा laughing away, त्वाम् seeing you, बहुवाक्यजातम् many words, आह spoke.

On this rock, O Lakshmana, my goodnatured lady with her lovely smile sat with me in the past and chatted with you.
गोदावरीयं सरितां वरिष्ठा प्रिया प्रियाया मम नित्यकालम्।

अप्यत्र गच्छेदिति चिन्तयामि नैकाकिनी याति हि सा कदाचित्।।3.63.13।।

सरिताम् among rivers, वरिष्ठा foremost, इयं गोदावरी this Godavari, मम प्रियायाः of my beloved, नित्यकालम् at all times, प्रिया dear, अत्र there, गच्छेदपि has she gone, इति thus, चिन्तयामि I think, सा that, एकाकिनी alone, कदाचित् any time, न याति हि will not go there.

Would she have gone to Godavari, the foremost of the rivers so dear at all times to my beloved ? But I think she has not gone there alone at any time.
पद्मानना पद्मविशालनेत्रा पद्मानि वानेतुमभिप्रयाता।

तदप्ययुक्तं न हि सा कदाचिन्मया विना गच्छति पङ्कजानि।।3.63.14।।

पद्मानना a lady with a lotuslike face, पद्मविशालनेत्रा lotus petal eyed, पद्मानि वा आनेतुम् or to fetch lotuses, अभिप्रयाता वा she would have gone, तदपि that also, अयुक्तम् not possible, सा she, कदाचित् at any time, मया विना without me, पङ्कजानि lotuses, न गच्छति हि will not go there.

The lady whose face was like the lotus, whose large eyes were like lotus petals could have gone to fetch lotuses (but) that also is not possible as she has never gone there without me.
कामं त्विदं पुष्पितवृक्षषण्डं नानाविधैः पक्षिगणैरुपेतम्।

वनं प्रयाता नु तदप्ययुक्त मेकाकिनी सातिबिभेति भीरुः।।3.63.15।।

कामम् surely, पुष्पितवृक्षषण्डम् this thicket of trees in bloom, नानाविधैः by many kinds, पक्षिगणैः flocks of birds, उपेतम् inhabited, इदम् this, वनम् forest, प्रयाता नु could she have gone?,
तदपि that too, अयुक्तम् not possible, भीरुः she is timid, सा that Sita, एकाकिनी alone, अतिबिभेति is scared a lot.

Could she have gone to the forest where there are many kinds of trees in full bloom inhabited by a variety of birds? That is also not possible as she is timid and too scared to go there alone.
आदित्य भो लोककृताकृतज्ञ लोकस्य सत्यानृतकर्मसाक्षिन्।

मम प्रिया सा क्व गता हृता वा शंसस्व मे शोकवशस्य नित्यम्।।3.63.16।।

लोककृताकृतज्ञ knower of what is going on and not going on, लोकस्य in the world, सत्यानृतकर्मसाक्षिन् a witness to all true and false deeds of the people, आदित्यः Sun, मम my, प्रिया dear, सा Sita, क्व where, गता gone, हृता वा or taken away, नित्यम् always, शोकवशस्य a griefstricken, मे to me, शंसस्व tell.

O Sungod, you know all the happenings of the world. You are witness to all the deeds of the people, true and false. Tell me where my beloved Sita has gone or has been carried off. My grief never ceases.
लोकेषु सर्वेषु च नास्ति किञ्चिद्यत्ते न नित्यं विदितं भवेत्तत्।

शंसस्व वायो कुलशालिनीं तां हृता मृता वा पथि वर्तते वा।।3.63.17।।

वायो O wind, सर्वेषु all over, लोकेषु in all worlds, यत् since, नित्यम् always, ते to you, विदितम् known, न भवेत् not be, तत् that, किञ्चित् a little, नास्ति is not, कुलशालिनीम् woman of the high birth, ताम् her, शंसस्व you may tell me, हृता taken away, मृता वा or dead, पथि on the way, वर्तते वा or where she is moving.

O Windgod, there is nothing that you know not in all the worlds. Do tell me if that lady of a noble race has been abducted or dead or is on the way.
इतीव तं शोकविधेयदेहं रामं विसंज्ञं विलपन्तमेवम्।

उवाच सौमित्रिरदीनसत्त्वो न्याये स्थितः कालयुतं च वाक्यम्।।3.63.18।।

इतीव like this, शोकविधेयदेहम् one whose body was gripped by grief, विसंज्ञम् in a state of swoon, एवम् in that way, विलपन्तम् weeping, तं रामम् that Rama, अदीनसत्त्वः a man of fortitude, न्याये स्थितः rational, सौमित्रिः Lakshmana, कालयुतम् appropriate to time, वाक्यम् these words, उवाच spoke.

While Rama was thus in tears, in a state of sorrow and swoon, Lakshmana who was rational and courageous spoke to him words appropriate to the time :
शोकं विमुञ्चार्य धृतिं भजस्व सोत्साहता चास्तु विमार्गणेऽस्याः।

उत्साहवन्तो हि नरा न लोके सीदन्ति कर्मस्वतिदुष्करेषु।।3.63.19।।

आर्याः O noble one, शोकम् grief, विमुञ्च give up, धृतिम् take courage, भजस्व you may adopt, अस्याः of Sita, विमार्गणे in searching, सोत्साहता enthusiasm, अस्तु be cultivated, लोके in the world, उत्साहवन्तः enthusiastic people, नराः men, अतिदुष्करेषु in most difficult, कर्मसु in tasks also, न सीदन्ति हि not get despondent.

O noble prince, give up grief. Take courage. Show enthusiasm to search and find Sita. Enthusiastic people will not get despondent in carrying out the most difficult tasks.
इतीव सौमित्रिमुदग्रपौरुषं ब्रुवन्तमार्तो रघुवंशवर्धनः।

न चिन्तयामास धृतिं विमुक्तवान्पुनश्च दुःखं महदभ्युपागमत्।।3.63.20।।

आर्तः dejected , रघुवंशवर्धनः one who carries on the progeny of Raghu dynasty, इतीव in this manner, ब्रुवन्तम् saying, उदग्रपौरुषम् man of great prowess, सौमित्रिम् to Lakshmana, न चिन्तयामास not count, धृतिम् courage, विमुक्तवान् he gave up, पुनश्च again, महत् deep, दुःखम् sorrow, अभ्युपागमत् was overtaken.

Rama who carries on the (glorious) progeny of the Raghu dynasty, did not (however) consider seriously the words of Lakshmana, a man of great prowess. Forsaking his courage he was once again overtaken by deep sorrow.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे त्रिषष्टितमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the sixtythird sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.